Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2013

Our Boss is Tougher than Your Boss!


What greater weapons of mass deception are there in the world than the leaders of the United States of America and Russia, Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin..  Imagine what it would be like if these two controversial and complicated political foes and leaders were to square off in the first ever people's choice contest for the toughest leader in the world.

Looks like Putin may have the best transportation for the Iron Man competition. 

No offense Mr. Obama but Putin may take this event as well.

We thought you might agree.

Wow - he can be quite charming to the right crowd. 

Maybe Obama is at least the more expressive.

They don't seem to be in to the competition.

Which one is the hyena?

Both are masters of mind control.

Perhaps they should keep their day jobs.

Forget Snowden, listen to this masterpiece.

So much for silly competition.

What else is there to do here in Russia?

Boy I miss the days when George and I got crazy.

Told you the kid never had a chance.


Friday, July 12, 2013

No Chance for Hillary in 2016 - Yale & Harvard Streak will End


Now average Americans are going to have a hard time accepting this because average Americans consider the Ivy League to be something found in a the history books, or maybe in prose or fiction books.  The Great Gatsby comes to mind.
When it comes to power, the Ivy League is IT but normally in terms of the dominant Ivy influence over Wall Street, the international banking community and the engines of commerce.
Where did the following Latin phrases come from?
In Deo Speramus - (In God We Hope)
In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen - (In Thy light shall we see the light)
Quisquam qui ars  - (Any person -Any study)
Vox clamantis in deserto - (The voice of one crying in the wilderness)
Veritas -(Truth)
Dei sub numine viget - (Under God's power she flourishes)
Leges sine moribus vanae - (Laws without morals are useless)
Lux et veritas - (Light and truth)
Those are the mottos of the eight venerated Ivy League schools.

It seems we understand the power and influence of the Ivy League in terms of commerce but we really don't when it comes to national politics.  In fact the attitude of the general public in terms of the Ivy League in politics is rather bleak.

According to the most recent Rasmussen polls only five percent (5%) of American Adults think it is better for America to have presidents only from Ivy League schools.  A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 85% believe it’s better for the country to have presidents who come from a variety of schools.

Try this!

There have been 43 men who served as US President as of 2008. It is often said that President Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States of America. However, President Obama is only the 43rd different person to serve as President of the United States. This is due to the fact that President Grover Cleveland served non-consecutive terms and so is usually counted as both the 22nd and the 24th President.

Of our 43 presidents, 14 attended Ivy League schools.  Forbes magazine identified these additional political facts about the Ivy League.

All considered, more than a third of all U.S. presidents, Supreme Court justices and currently serving U.S. senators have attended an Ivy League school for undergraduate or graduate study.

It gets better.  When Obama completes his 2nd term in 2016 we will have had 28 straight years of presidents from Yale and Harvard alone under Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama.  In fact in the 224 years we have elected presidents, don't forget George Washington first took office in 1789, the Ivy League has held the presidency 82 of those years, or 37% of our history.

Hillary would be the 15th president from the Ivy League and that may be a bit too much for a nation in the which Ivy League represents just 8 out of 4,140 institutions of higher education.  For those of you into decimals the Ivy League makes up under 2 tenths of one percent (.001932) of our institutions yet controlled the presidency 37% of the time.

Public 4-year institutions     629
Private 4-year institutions 1,845
Total 4 year                           2,474

Public 2-year institutions   1,070
Private 2-year institutions    596
Total 2 year                           1,666

Total 4 & 2 year                    4,140

So money talks and legacy institutions prosper but you may be surprised when it comes to the costliest universities in America, long thought to be dominated by the Ivy League.

A recently compiled list of the 20 Most Expensive Colleges in the country shows prices, which include Tuition and Fees and Room and Board, range from $59,400 to just under $62,000 per year.

#1 New York University $61,977
#2 Harvey Mudd College $61,760
#3 Bard College $61,446
#4 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute $60,779
#5 Sarah Lawrence College $60,656
#6 Wesleyan University $60,214
# 7 Dartmouth College $60,201
#8 University of Chicago $60,039
#9 Bard College at Simon's Rock $60,003
#10 Trinity College $59,860
#11 John Hopkins University $59,802
#12 Fordham College $59,802
#13 Carnegie Mellon University $59,632
#14 University of Southern California $59,615
#15 Occidental College $59,592
#16 Scripps College $59,570
#17 Oberlin College $59,474
#18 Haverford College $59,416
# 19 Pitzer College $59,416
# 20 Northwestern University $59,389

Sources: Business Insider and U.S. Department of Education

To my amazement only one Ivy League school, Dartmouth, made the list.

What does this all mean?  It seems the more other schools catch up with the Ivy League in terms of the number of schools and the cost of education, the stronger those dastardly Ivy League schools get control of our presidency and political processes.

Harvard was the first university in America founded in 1636.  By 1800 six of the first 16 universities in America were Ivy League, 37%.  Now the Ivy League represents less than 1 percent of institutions of higher education.  In spite of that we are completing 28 straight years of presidents from just Yale and Harvard and along comes Hillary seeking to extend that Ivy stranglehold on the presidency to 36 straight years.

Isn't it about time we give someone else a chance like MIT or Stanford or Slippery Rock or even The Pennsylvania State University New Kensington Campus of the Commonwealth College, (the longest college name in the USA)?

To be perfectly honest, I set out in life intending to go to Yale for undergraduate work and Harvard for law school.  Even back in the 1960's it took two years to get through the process of screening.  When I visited Yale in the spring of 1964 I found out they had no athletic scholarships thus ending my Ivy League career.  I would have been classmates with Bush, Jr. and Bill Clinton, along with Hillary.

But in spite of my Ivy loyalty even I think enough is enough, give someone else a chance to lead us.  Besides, since she is now making $200,000 per speech, more than her annual salary as Secretary of State, she will be seduced by the money.

How is this for a dilemma?  Do I become president at $400,000 a year and spend 24/7 365 days a year tearing out my hair and getting fat at political dinners, or do I work two days and make the same amount without all the BS.

Ivy League Fashions

Besides, Bill Clinton showed us the way with his $100 million in earnings the few years after he was president.  Same with Gore and a host of other politicians.  Why would Hillary want any less?

The only glass ceiling she needs to shatter is the one holding the millions of dollars she will be making.

When Secretary Of State, Hillary Clinton's annual salary was $186,600 making her the fourth highest paid government official in the United States behind the President ($400,000), the Vice President ($225,551) and Secretary of Treasury ($191,300).

Monday, October 11, 2010

Obamaville October 11 - Is the President an Ivy League Spoiled Brat?


Never thought I would write such a headline and especially when I was one of the millions of Americans who hoped our first African American president would be successful. Like most Americans, I knew our political system was broken two years ago.

When Obama got elected I waited patiently while he learned firsthand the difficulty of being president and commander in chief. More than anything else I wanted him to start the healing process of the nation like he promised, and focus on the immediate national problems we faced like jobs, the economy, the deficit and unemployment.

I'm still waiting. Obama has proven to be more like an old style politician than any shining light for the future. Along the way he has not only forsaken healing the country but has actually increased the political polarization and class warfare undermining our political system.

On the campaign trail this fall he acts like an embittered candidate for office rather than the incumbent. His strategy of blaming Bush and Republicans for all his woes defies logic and reflects ignorance of the facts. At times he acts like a spoiled Ivy League kid whose integrity has been questioned.

In response he attacks with less logic and more bitterness making idiotic claims with no substantiation designed to divert attention from his dismal performance and lack of leadership. At what point, I wonder, did Obama lose sight of the fact he is the president of all the people. Since when were our presidents above criticism, especially when there are so many things to criticize.

The lies and attacks he and his gang spout on the campaign trail are unbecoming the leader of the western world and are making a mockery of the prestige of the office of president. Even he liberal media are tiring of his whining as the New York Times said there is no proof or evidence that foreign money is being funneled into the midterm campaigns of the dastardly Republicans as Obama and Axelrod, his resident hit man, have claimed.

You would think after all the finishing schools he completed he would have learned how to take criticism, how to take responsibility for his actions, and how to act like a man and president rather than a spoiled brat. Mr. President, stop campaigning. It is becoming an embarrassment to you and the nation. Our leaders have always risen above partisan politics, isn't it about time you start acting like a leader and lead instead of tearing us apart. Give us a president we can be proud to call our own.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

President Obama - What Experience? Whose agenda? Where is the Leadership?


The President just can't get break. Everyone in the media has been focused on his detached style of being president and it only seems that even when he tries to act attached he can't get it right. The most recent example was yesterday when he again made a strategic error by being too busy to attend the Memorial Day services at Arlington National Cemetery, sending VP Biden in his place.

He was too busy because he was vacationing in Chicago where reports wee he did almost nothing over Memorial Day weekend except he was going to talk at the Chicago Memorial Day observance. Just when he was preparing to speak the lightning and rain struck with a fury forcing the attendees to race to their buses as the president announced the service was being canceled because of lightning.

His detachment from events Americans hold dear has been obvious since he took office. Perhaps the ultimate insult was when he sent his wife and Joe Biden's wife to throw out the ball at the World Series last year, an honor previously reserved for presidents and most have faithfully attended. The fact it was at Yankees Stadium in the greatest media market of the world made his absence more pronounced.

His fly bys to New Orleans since he took office, allowing 1-2 hours to get caught up with everything going on with Katrina first, more recently the BP oil spill which directly affects four or more states, national tourism and a large chunk of our sea food supply has been repeated three times.

A staged press op is hardly a sign of presidential interest, compassion or empathy for one of the greatest environmental disasters of all time. He was too busy each time to spend more than a couple of hours in the Gulf coast yet twice he jumped back on the plane for multi-million dollar political fund raisers in California. He had a whole bunch of hours available in his busy schedule for those affairs.

It seems the same odd luck undermines the president every time he attempts to take control of the peace process in the Middle East. This weekend, on the eve of the Prime Minister of Israel visiting Obama to once again start the peace process, the Israeli's attacked a convoy of humanitarian aid ships and killed 10 humanitarian workers.

The UN and world were outraged by the action and the trip was canceled. Last time Biden was in Israel and the government announced they were going ahead with building in the contested Arab settlement lands it undermined those efforts to start the peace process.

The frequency with which Israel takes an action contrary to the peace initiatives makes one wonder if they are convinced Obama has no choice but to support whatever Israel does, or they have so little regard for America, the greatest and most consistent defender of Israel in the world, that they think nothing of spitting in the president's eye.

Ironically it seems each of the Israeli blunders came after a visit or phone calls from Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff and former member of the Israeli army, supposedly to encourage Israel to stop destroying the Obama attempts to get the peace talks back on track.

This reoccurring bout with detachment by our professor president will in the end cause him to lose favor with the American people. We didn't hire him to preach to us or apologize to the world but to stand up for America and fight to overcome our problems. As we continue to wait for it to happen Obama continues to slip slide into oblivion in the polls and will drag the entire Democratic leadership and political establishment with him if he can't change.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It is Time for Responsible Republicans to Be Heard


While Obama and Pelosi have captured center stage in the media with the health care reform and they have already declared a host of other social issues will be pursued next, I wonder what the Republican alternative to the Obama agenda might be?

The Democrat White House and Congress are clear in their intentions to overthrow, I mean overhaul the federal agenda and continue building their single payer, single employer and single owner social empire, meaning a very fat federal government.

Now we know that the Republicans by nature are opposed to Uncle Sugar and having the government hire and own everything. We also know that up until the beginning of the 21st century the Republicans were also the protectors of our economy and opposed to increasing the national debt. During the first decade of this century they seemed to have gone brain dead regarding the debt but there was hope they would come to their senses eventually.

Now that they are the minority party, meaning they blew it the last decade, one would think they might be offering an alternative to the Obama social juggernaut and demand the attention of our government be focused on what is being ignored in Washington. I mean there are a few issues still being ignored by everyone like the economy, jobs, unemployment and credit markets. How quickly we forget Main Street.

Then there are the massive number of fixes that are needed within the federal government covering everything from Financial reform to Housing Mortgage reform, Campaign reform to Energy independence, stronger ethics and conflict of interest laws to limits on lobbying and special interests. Fact is we are still waiting for Obama to start prosecuting all those crooks who manipulated federal laws and nearly destroyed the world economy. Those crooks remain in their offices on Wall Street.

So my question is this? If the public seems to dislike Obama's agenda though they like him okay, and if nothing has happened in Congress for over a year except the nasty old health care reform, where are the GOP ideas, initiatives and reforms to lead us out of the quagmire in Washington? Why are they not screaming about the trillion dollar debt the Obama agenda has created and why are they not offering alternatives?

Most days it seems as if the Republicans just trash Obama and the Democrats but offer nothing in terms of new ideas. If either party was really interested in Main Street they would be pushing for investigations and prosecutions of all the people who caused the economic meltdown, paid the outrageous bonuses, and profited from all the market manipulations.

The Democrats complain about the crooks on Wall Street but can't even pass a financial reform bill with enough teeth to prevent corruption, let alone prosecute the corrupters. Don't suppose it has anything to do with the fact these same crooks are filling the campaign coffers of the Democrats?

Yet the Democrats blame the Republicans for being the protector of Wall Street and stalling the financial reform laws. If I were a Republican I would be offering a comprehensive financial reform bill that does stop the corruption and prosecutes the corrupters because neither has any place in a free market economy. Then I would go after the Democrats for protecting the fat cats. Of course that assumes the GOP is not trying to protect the old ways of Wall Street.

I have trouble finding any Republican position on financial reform or anything else for that matter. It seems their agenda is stopping Democrats, not fixing America. If they want to get all worked up over the health care that's okay, but fix the bill, don't destroy the progress that has been made.

No benefit will come to the GOP if they simply oppose everything Obama and Pelosi want and then there is no alternative being offered. If I were a Republican every time I spoke I would preface it with a stand against increasing the national debt further and then offer alternatives to bigger government.

I think the GOP might have a false sense of security about the mood of the public. If they read the polls and think everyone hates the Democrats they better read again. If they think they are the natural alliance for the Tea Party movement they are also mistaken.

The independent movement in America belongs to no one and no party. As the Democrats continue to pursue more and more liberal goals and the Republicans continue to blabber more and more conservative opposition to everything both parties are at risk of being booted into oblivion by a public that is fed up with all politicians.

The social agenda of the president is certain to get the liberal and moderate Democrats in trouble in the fall elections and will increase the Republican resolve to win back seats. But without an agenda, without a plan and without concrete proposals the Republicans will just be blowing the same hot air as the Democrats and may find themselves on the endangered species list along with the Democrats.

We do not need politicians whose purpose in life is to tear down and destroy. We do not need politicians who believe there is a single political philosophy everyone must embrace. This is a big country. There is room for a lot of diverse ideas. Political leadership requires acknowledging the diversity of Americans and the diverse needs that result.

A good conservative can still have a social conscious and a free spending liberal can still show restraint for the good of the people. But they don't. The GOP leadership needs to stand for something. Spouting you are the party of fundamental conservative principles is nice, but will it assure food and housing for the poor? Being fiscally conservative and opposed to big government carries a responsibility to make certain those who benefit from such a system do not abuse it like Wall Street.

I figure anyone who offers real meaningful campaign reform and abolishes legal loopholes preventing prosecution of crooks on Wall Street and in Washington, and anyone who first considers the impact on the national debt before spending more billions we don't have, can't be all bad. Now I find myself still waiting for someone to come through with the ideas we need to fix America.
