Showing posts with label global warming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global warming. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – “Father forgive them, they know not what they do!”

The environmental management of Earth is driven by Divine Law and Natural law, not Man’s law!

Like it or not, public policy in America is a hostage to politics.  When you acknowledge that political partisanship has effectively stymied any hope for bi-partisanship, for consensus building, or compromise, it is no wonder the American political system is broken as are all initiatives and institutions, good or bad, who are dependent on our political system.

The protection of the planet Earth, and the quality of life for the inhabitants of the Earth, must be free of the political bickering and free of the political turmoil of polarization that dominates the cultural, health care and economic security issues battled out in Congress.

For example, responsible environmental management must be approached as an essential priority to our survival and not get caught up in partisan politics of the moment.  Today, the cause of climate change and management is caught up in the partisan polarization of politics.  That is wrong and it will fail.

Melchizedek says climate change is a mechanism of Earth management.  When it is dominated by man, it is more appropriately a mechanism of mismanagement.  In truth, climate change is a divinely inspired natural process of the evolution of the Earth and purification of the planet.

Consider that scientists have recorded five significant Ice Ages throughout the Earth’s history: the Huronian (2.4 - 2.1 billion years ago), Cryogenian (850 - 635 million years ago), Andean-Saharan (460 - 430 million years ago), Karoo (360 - 260 million years ago) and Quaternary (2.6 million years ago - present).

Each Ice Age was preceded by global warming in response to natural issues faced by our Earth.  There is no evidence mankind was even on the Earth when they happened, and surely not in a way that could influence the survival of earth. So, there is scientific proof of five previous Ice Age cycles of global warming or climate change and no mankind to blame it on.

The Hopi native Americans call these the cycles of civilization and each time the Earth had to go through a process of purification in order to continue its mission in God’s plan.  Melchizedek calls it the Human Life Cycles on Earth, times in our long forgotten past when humans used their free will in a way that ignored the Creator’s will, thus violating our purpose for being.

Melchizedek says six times we violated our mission and we are now well into the seventh and final Human Life Cycle in the Creator’s Plan.  In each previous Human Life Cycle, we failed to embrace our true relationship with the Creator and allowed the abuse of Mother Earth.

In order to protect the Earth, the purification cycle was instituted consisting of the combination of divine and natural laws resulting in reducing the number of souls occupying the earth to the point they could no longer influence the natural function of the Earth.  This was achieved through meteor strikes, droughts, floods, polar warming, comets, perhaps even radiation accidents in past lifetimes.

The impact on humans, it was just like starting over.

Make no mistake, without a healthy and vibrant Earth we would not exist.  It is our home.  We are the custodians of the Earth.  Yet the protection of Mother Earth cannot be left to just humans.  Earth is essential to all of Creation as well thus falling under the protection of Natural and Divine Law as well.

Melchizedek says everything in Creation plays an essential role, and everything in Creation is inter-connected to everything else in Creation.  If we do not recognize and honor this integrated co-existence and accept our responsibility as co-creators, we disrupt the balance and threaten the very existence of all of Creation.

With or without humans Earth must go through the purification cycles of heating, then cooling, in order to preserve the integrity of our planet.  Of course, humans can contribute to the problem of global warming by our technology, policies and bad habits.  This can intensify the speed of climate change but the purification function will take place, with or without the cooperation of humans.

Our Earth is protected by the purification process which consists of natural and divine law combining to preserve the integrity of the planet and the ability of the Earth, just one of the many tremendous miracles in our lives, to continue to regenerate, purify and renew our home.

The real question we should ask is what is our contribution to making the environmental management of the Earth more difficult.  Here we again fall short.  We blame it on the opposing political party, the carbon emissions from cars and trucks, toxic fumes from fossil fuel generating plants, but we never take responsibility for the greatest sins against Earth by man, the poisoning of the Earth with over 2,000 nuclear bombs that were tested, 1,500 below ground and 500 in the air in just the past 75 years.

In spite of our ignorance, stupidity, lack of respect for God’s plan and refusal to take responsibility for the massive radiation poisoning of Mother Earth, God still loves us and will never give up on us.  That is why Melchizedek says fear not, the Earth will take care of itself, with or without ourselves, and it is a very good thing she can.  Our record as custodian of the Earth is rather dismal.

Chernobyl disaster
Our science tries to disengage the connection between God and the protection of Earth.  It cannot be done.  Our politicians and news media view it as a political hot button issue, and that throws it to the politicians whose own survival comes before the survival of Mother Earth.  That is wrong.

Fukushima disaster
Yet it is understandable, according to Melchizedek, because “we the people,” after all these billions of years on Earth, have forgotten and lost our connection to the Creator.  In fact, there are those walking among us so inspired by the dark forces they are obsessed with pushing all things God farther and farther out of our everyday life and consciousness.
Yet we cannot blame them, or judge them, or we become them.

Nor can we ignore our spiritual compass gnawing at our conscious whispering in our ears the words, what did Jesus say in his hour of greatest physical pain and suffering, while he was dying on the cross?

“Father forgive them, they know not what they do!”

Forgive them? Just as he was about to take His last breath because of them?  Really?  No finger pointing, accusations, condemnations or anger toward his murderers!

Jesus knew in order for Him to fulfill his Sacred Covenant with his Father Creator, to demonstrate the power of the love of the Father in creating all of us, then Jesus must die.  Ancient and sacred prophecy demanded it as the price for salvation for all of humanity.

Through his own free will he accepted his destiny.  You know what, that act by Jesus was the mirror image of the Father’s will.  For you, for all of us the only way we can become one again with the Creator, which is our true destiny, is when our free will of expression reflects the Creator’s will.  By achieving this Jesus was able to resurrect from the dead and ascend to the right hand of the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven, thus showing us the path to eternal salvation.

So, as we stand here today, with fear, hatred and animosity swirling all around us, we surely must know this is not how God wants us to be.  The Luciferic force of evil had an advantage over us because they were thrown to the Earth by Michael in the spiritual war of the heavens long before humans were sent to the Earth.  Those dark forces expect to be standing last as well.

We would do well not to underestimate evil, nor the power of evil to compromise our minds and possess our souls.  When that happens, our free will is gone.  Without free will we can never be in harmony with the will of the Father.

Just as Jesus resurrected from the dead and was ascended into Heaven so must we.  It is God’s final gift to us, through his Son Jesus, to provide a pathway to Oneness in the eternal love of the Creator.

Jesus showed us the path to grace in life and the gateway to salvation in Heaven as we transcend from our physical to spiritual home.  We all have a role to play.  Deep down inside you must know our world is in need of purification.  There is much we can do to help bring it about.  Many are called but few are chosen, unless we change destiny so all are called.  In time, we must.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Al Gore, King of Global Warming - Where are Obama's Friends When He Needs Them?


Al Gore is the latest Obama supporter to turn on him because he is not moving fast enough to line Al's pockets with millions of dollars.

Last spring at the urging of Gore and his Global Warming gang Obama asked Congress for the Cap and Trade legislation to regulate the nation's carbon emissions. It sounded like an interesting environmental move except for the fine print which can be found all too often in the Obama legislative agenda.

Nancy Pelosi immediately got the House to approve the bill but the Senate has taken a much deeper look at the proposal and what has come out may not be the pro-environment bill as advertised. It seems the bill creates yet another new stock exchange, this one for carbon emissions, and makes it profitable for polluting companies to get emission credits from companies that pollute less.

This interesting concept makes it possible to keep polluting as long as the entire industry stays below the total carbon allowed. This also makes a fortune for those who control stock and who run the exchanges and surprise, surprise, Al Gore and Goldman Sachs are at the top of the heap of greed mongers who will financially benefit from the exchange as well as the Obama promotion of environmental causes.

Now Gore has already made over $100 million being the Pied Piper of Global Warming and he is still reeling from all the debate over the falsification of records by global warming scientists to justify the worldwide crisis Gore says we face.

So now he blasts the Obama move toward energy independence and Obama's adoption of the Sarah Palin "drill baby drill" energy plan. It is just another sign that when Obama's supporters don't get what they expect from him they turn on him.

Gore backed an article written by Maggie Fox, CEO of his own environmental group, Alliance for Climate Protection.

Fox wrote that President Obama "must now deliver a comprehensive plan for curbing carbon pollution so we can invest in the clean energy technologies we will need in the 21st century. The longer we spend time discussing whether and where to drill for oil, the longer we delay a more comprehensive solution. What we need now is presidential leadership on comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation, which can end our reliance on foreign oil, create jobs and make our country more secure."

Of course Fox didn't say that is if we start drilling for oil and natural gas right now we will move much faster toward energy independence. Nor did she say how much her boss, Al, will make if we invest like she wants. Nor did she mention that Al Gore and his partner from Goldman Sachs already control the stock of most alternative energy companies or that Goldman already has the exchange ready to pump money into someone's pockets.


Friday, January 29, 2010

Al Gore Finally Gets Unlikely Ally for Global Warming Crusade - Osama Bin Laden


After jet setting around the world for eight years in his private jet, former vice presidential candidate Al Gore finally found a sympathetic voice for his lonely cause to awaken the people to the end of the world. The world's most famous terrorist and architect of 9-11, the legendary and somewhat mythical Osama Bin Laden, joined Gore today in saying America is responsible for global warming.

Certainly Osama has done more than anyone to stop the American economy, the machine behind global warming according to Bin Laden and Gore, than any other person as his attack on New York sent the world into a decade long economic collapse. While Gore was making a hundred million dollars for himself Obama was spending a hundred million to stop America and global warming.

Other than the hundred million there is not much similarity between these odd allies. Bin Laden has been on a survival diet while Gore seems to have been on a Big Mac diet. Gore lives in million dollar mansions and flies in private jets. Bin Laden lives in caves and travels by horseback. Gore has partners on Wall Street like Goldman Sachs while Bin Laden tries to destroy Gore's partners on Wall Street like Goldman Sachs. Gore sells alarmist books while Bin Laden sends out underwear bombers.

Still there are a few similarities. While Gore warns of the end of the world Osama does his best to bring it about. Gore wants global warming to be a war while Osama already made it a war. Both used to be on the government payroll, Gore in Congress and the White House and Osama for the CIA. I suppose that makes them both eligible for Obama's health care and government pensions.

Most important both figured out a way to use the sinister action by Clinton officials at the end of his term, action that led to the housing, oil and economic crisis that nearly destroyed the world, to advance their causes. Gore rode the ushering in of a decade of greed to a personal gain of $100 million and billions more in potential income from Obama's cap and trade while Osama rode the decade of greed into undermining the world economy.

If it all sounds like a surreal movie then reality follows fiction more than we might think. Maybe the Nobel Peace prize committee in Oslo will decide that Osama has just as much potential to bring about world peace as Barack Obama, and Al Gore, two former winners of the world's strangest awards show, and give it to Osama to encourage him like they did our president.

In the meantime the newest winner of the Nobel Peace prize, President Barack Obama, will continue his massive military build up in Afghanistan with 100,000 US soldiers now committed to killing Osama Bin Laden. Somehow it would only be appropriate to give it to Bin Laden. I mean look at all Gore and Obama have done to advance the cause of peace.

It is times like this when I think we really do live in an alternate universe, like Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, where nothing is as it seems.


Monday, January 04, 2010

Obama - The Harvard President - Are We Better Off Today than a Year Ago?


Congress and the White House lost a golden opportunity to make America energy independent this year when they forgot to capture all the hot air this year in our nation's capitol. The green energy movement would have been stopped in it's tracks if they had paid attention.

It was a mean and nasty year for debating between the politicians from both parties and it was most certainly inspired by the attitude of being neighborhood bullies evoked from the White House and Little Napoleon Rohm Emanuel. Then again, what could we expect with all that "experience" in the new White House.

As for the president, he wowed the international community before giving them ulcers with his promises and then waffling on a whole host of foreign issues and in the process upset some of our best allies like Russia and China. Most of the world remains at the end of the first year as it was before the Obama cornation. In fact, most things in America are very much the same as they were at the beginning of last year.

Health care reform got unreformed on the way through the Senate but in the high and lofty words of our Ivy League president any health care bill is better than none so we at least might end the year a step better than none. There is still time for Congress to not double cross the public and reject the debacle but the president will try to force through a mangled bill. Tell Congress to "just say no" to the fraud.

The green revolution we were promised remains a distant dream. Cap and Trade was put under the microscope and failed the test of merit. It still languishes in Congress along with all the other promises. We have the ability to become energy independent by improving efficiency with current fuels available and abundant to America, oil and natural gas, if we can stop the Wall Street (Gore) and socialist interests who have hijacked the environmental movement. Once again just tell Congress to say No!

Obama did get Guantanamo on it's way to being closed but only because he is moving most of the inmates to Illinois and creating a few hundred jobs. However, with this administration, Biden assures us jobs are jobs. The same Biden who is saving the American economy one job at a time in spite of the cost of over $500,000 for every job Obama has saved or created with Stimulus money.

Watch for the price tag for the new Gitmo on the Mississippi to rocket past $100 million pushing the new cost per job under the Obama-Biden jobs program over $1 million per job the first year. Wouldn't it be cheaper to pay people $50,000 a year to not work? Then again, maybe the administration is making a mockery of the stimulus jobs cost to force us into an expanded welfare and income redistribution program.

Thanks to our progressive president we are also going to be spending more than $77 million on security for terrorist trials that didn't need to be in NYC, on top of the $100 million or so for moving the hundred prisoners from Cuba to Illinois. The Obama-Biden-Pelosi stimulus bill job costs seem to be out of control. Wish I understood the Ivy League economic principles.

Speaking of the Ivy League and our president with the detached demeanor of a tenured Ivy League professor funded by a wealthy endowment fund, now is the time to ask if are you better off under a president from Harvard rather than the previous three presidents from Yale? After 20 years of Yale rule under Bush 1, Clinton and Bush 2, the first year under Harvard Obama rule didn't do a lot for me. However, Wall Street fat cats seem to be pleased by the direction the country is moving.

As for the Obama campaign promises, they were never meant to be taken seriously, that is the currnt state of politics in America. It is also why politicians rank at the bottom of the barrel in terms of the eyes of the public, just below the news media. "Throw them all out" sounds better every day.

Speaking of our jet setter president, Obama broke all kinds of records for presidential travel expenses this year with very expensive trips to Copenhagen twice while returning empty handed (the Olympics and Global Warming) , trips to China and Russia and who knows where else also returning empty handed. It seems the only trip that resulted in something was his fly-over of New Orleans on his way to San Francisco to pick up a few million campaign bucks.

Obama's most successful stimulus program was when he packed his family and a couple of hundred security and staff to go to Cape Cod on vacation and then to NYC and Broadway for a play. Based on what happened in Washington this past year, it was probably a good thing Obama spent so much time globe trotting as think of the mess if he had remained in Washington at the office.

Washington spin this year reached new lows as the president and both parties seemed to think the public would never check the facts on what they promised and how they viewed the world. The only truth we could find is that we set record spending deficits, added to a record national debt, and still had time to promise global warming people $100 billion a year and maybe pass a health care bill that might cost another trillion or two.

Iran has made more progress on nuclear arms since Obama started making advances to them. Israel still does whatever it wants with American money despite the threats from the Obama people. North Korea even got Bill Clinton to come over and pick up a couple of Al Gore's girls captured in North Korea and still North Korea ignores Obama pleas to negotiate.

Wall Street got away with the biggest raid of the American Treasury in history and didn't even get their wrists slapped by Obama and Congress. Most reforms haven't reformed anything to date. Michelle Obama did touch the Queen of England, a major diplomatic breakthrough. The pres bowed to the Saudi's and Chinese setting off an international debate on protocol and etiquette.

According to Glenn Beck there were more terrorists on the White House staff than in Afghanistan or Pakistan. According to national polls, Sarah Palin has now become more popular than Barack Obama. According to inside reports, no less than a dozen top progressive elitists have threatened suicide if the Palin polls are correct.

Katie Couric blames Sarah Palin for her consistently poor Nielsen ratings. Oprah, on the other hand, got a huge increase in ratings when Palin dropped by her show. In fact Palin is the most sought after hated celebrity by the Hollywood television shows in history. She is also the most respected non-politician in America for her values and principles.

Oh yes, and Palin just topped Al Gore nearly doubling his favorable numbers in a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC poll. Of course NBC has not mentioned the poll on the air and Palin's numbers are certain to be even better now after the Gore Obama fiasco at the Copenhagen Global Warming Conference. And speaking of Copenhagen, Obama might want to cross that off his list of places to keep visiting after his Chicago Olympics and Global Warming disasters.

I say the only good Cap and Trade program is if we cap Gore's mouth and trade him to Copenhagen for a couple of their famous red sausage. Barney Frank should be made the new Housing Secretary since he already pushed through the progressive reforms that destroyed the housing market in America. The White House economic team, Emanuel and a host of Obama Treasury officials have done all the damage possible to the American economy so maybe they can move on.

Obama should set up shop in Hollywood since the only accomplishment that might do the country good would be for him to spend the next three years writing his life story and filming the movie of how he saved America from those fools on Main Street.

In short, it was a weird and wild first year for our young savior turned socialist and the guest list at the White House read like a casting call for a new epic on how the radical rebels of the 1960's waited nearly 50 years before finally taking control of the very institution they were sworn to destroy. Maybe Obama should spend more time on his basketball court in the White House and less in the oval office or on television.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Scientists Attach Hope to Wrong Rising Star - Blow Credibility & Get Gored


The Washington Post reported today that Americans have lost faith in scientists. Surprised? Well the liberal media seems shocked and the progressive socialist movement cannot stand it but the public, well, maybe they know exactly what they are doing.

Maybe scientists of the world involved in the culture of climate change blew it when they ordained Al Gore as the spokesperson for their movement and gave him the Nobel Peace Prize to prove his worth. Seems the scientists should have been checking his net worth as well and his associations outside the socialist movement.

After promising Congress in hearings over the years that his foundation was donating all money to furthering the global warming movement we discover the Gore view of the global warming movement is the very same as the Wall Street kingpins responsible for the housing, oil, and bank crisis in America.

While pursuing his altruistic crusade to save the planet Gore was padding his own pockets to the tune of $100 million and that was just the down payment from Goldman Sachs and Wall Street to good old Gore for hijacking the global warming movement.

You see, they gave Gore a partner from Goldman Sachs to help him save the world and fuel the coffers of the banking community by helping him set up investment funds that will control what green industries will get capital, (those that kick back the most to the Jolly Green Giant and Godfather), and he created the new stock exchange (Cap and Trade) to control the sale of carbon credits worldwide, which will be managed by Goldman Sachs.

The only green Mr. Gore was really pursuing seems to be the money flowing into his bank account, probably managed by Goldman as well. Did they really expect to become billionaires without the public getting wise to the lies and deceit?

So the scientists back Gore, make him the Obama of the Global Warming community (yet another strategic investment by Goldman and Wall Street), they get their progressive sounding socialist leaning candidate for president elected, and as the prize was just within their reach the numbers did not add up to justify their raid on the world treasury.

Suddenly Obama and the Chicago/Wall Street gang were losing their ability to fool the people and raid the treasury. Cap and Trade legislation unveiled the Wall Street, Gore and Goldman interest in raiding the treasury for $100 billion a year to other nations for their global warming efforts. In spite of the best efforts by the progressives to bury the linkage between Wall Street and the Jolly Green Giant word leaked out.

Hackers uncovered the pressure on scientists to alter the facts to make sure the greenbacks would flow like the great flood and suddenly part of the puzzle unraveled. Scientific reports were being manipulated to guarantee Gore and Wall Street would make their billions. This was not about protecting the environment or saving a crippled planet, it was about cash flow.

As the American public began to dig deeper and deeper into the true intent of the Obama gang, and the avalanche of legislation demanded by the White House was dissected, the scientists became pawns, the bad guys, while the inner sanctum desperately tried to generate enough fear to get the bills passed. The retirement accounts for a lot of public officials must have been riding on the outcome. But the inner sanctum operates on the premise the public can be fooled all the time and they under estimated what would happen if they were wrong.

Wake up Washington, the folks on Main Street are not the fools you thought you could lead like lambs to the slaughter. Main Street is disgusted with all politicians, along with the kings of Wall Street, and now the group of scientists who tried to manufacture evidence of mankind's sins for the benefit of a few and the liberal media trying to cover up all the sins.

Oh yes, the end is near, but not of the planet. No, the end you have to worry about is the end of corruption, manipulation, greed, lies and fear. Pack your bags because your days in our nation's capitol are numbered. Main Street is about to take back America. When it does Main Street will have a score to settle with those who abused their powers and trust. Are you one of them?
