Showing posts with label father. Show all posts
Showing posts with label father. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – So what can little old you do to Save your Soul?

Often times I run into people who want to talk, talk about life, world affairs, politics, fears, or even the hereafter since I seem to write about it.  There are a lot of potential seekers of Truth out there who want to do the right thing.  Instinctively they know the life they are living cannot be what God expects of them.

Yet they feel inadequate, insignificant even, when I tell them to talk to God or Jesus.  They respond that God or Jesus are Divine beings, with billions of people to worry about not to mention the politicians, nations, cultures and bad people walking the earth.  What could I possibly say to God without sounding like a fool and why would God or Jesus even want to talk to me?

I truly understand their dilemma.

When you are one Soul in a world of 7.7 billion Souls, what chance do you have of ever being heard?

No doubt, it is hard to identify your importance to the Creator and his Son, particularly when you think like a human which we are prone to do.  Here we are, surrounded by billions of people who seem to have no interest in God, the cosmos, and beyond.  Few in that mass of humanity indicate any foundation of divine inspiration to fall back on.

People are almost afraid to encourage others to pursue a path of hope, joy, and compassion for others because there is so much fear and anxiety engulfing them from the negativity projected by those around you.

Collective consciousness is a powerful force for good or evil as it has no moral compass itself but is dependent on the free will of the people feeding it.  When the collective consciousness is devoid of divine inspiration, it is quick to embrace the malaise of the masses we encounter daily.

Most days, if we were to assess the spiritual evolution of humanity, your conclusion would lead you to think humanity is stuck in a quagmire of epic proportions running counter to the teachings of Jesus.

Most days your conclusion would be right.

Now, as long as you are dwelling on observing people, try dwelling on the example Jesus gave us when he walked the earth like you, without the designer clothes and smartphones of course.

When you think about it, Jesus faced a much more hostile and dangerous challenge back then.  In his day the collective consciousness was every bit as negative as today, and the accumulated fear and outright hatred was directed at the bullseye on his back.

The Son of God came here on a mission, to bring about a paradigm shift in humankind without the aid of modern technology like smartphones, WIFI, the Internet, social media, television, news distribution, transportation or any of the marvelous advances in science and technology that spoil us today.

There were no live podcasts of his beautiful message, no videos of his talks, no interaction of Jesus and people on YouTube, no news media coverage of him, no documentaries, books, CDs and certainly no reporting of his inspirational message.

Social media in his day was word of mouth.  If you did not see him in action, or know someone who did, you knew very little about the Son of God.  Jesus was only able to spread his message as far as he could walk, to the next village.

If you were fortunate enough to be a witness in the crowd, you saw a handsome young man, calm, smiling, filled with hope and joy, brimming over with love, compassion and empathy for everyone, most certainly a man of destiny.

He spoke Truth, often using parables rather than direct attacks on the listener to make a point.  The real attention grabber, however, was his strange way of working miracles that defied the human belief system, yet reinforced his message of love to the masses.

Yet Jesus was born into life on earth knowing full well of his impending death at an early age, 33 years old, at the hands of those very people he loved, tried hardest to heal, and sought to awaken to the light.

There was no hint of ego in this kind soul from Nazareth and no hint of bias in his attitude toward people.  He embraced and often healed young and old, rich and poor, Jewish Sanhedrin and lepers, Roman rulers and the blind, and now and then an occasional dead person.

Jesus was not an orator who spewed fire and brimstone to get attention or make a point like his cousin John the Baptist, the Zealot.  In spite of the fact Jesus knew his tragic fate he never projected fear but hope and understanding, love and finding your way into the light.

Oh, he knew his destiny, and even when all his apostles abandoned him at the end, leaving only his Mother and the Magdalen at his side, yet he still accepted the most horrific torture and death imaginable.

Still, when the moment came, even in a world devoid of any and all technology and communications, millions of people around the world experienced it with him.  At the moment of death, the evening sky turned pitch black, giant fingers of lightning exploded throughout the horizon, where it was light it turned dark and where it was dark it turned light all around the globe.  All the continents of the earth started shaking violently as earthquakes ravaged the lands.

For three long days and nights people hid indoors, terrified of the storms and the weather anomalies everywhere.  What was really going on outside?  If people went out during those fateful days, they might have witnessed a glimpse of Heaven protruding from the Heavens.

The sky was filled with millions and millions of Angels in formation behind their leader Michael the Archangel as the legions soared, swooped, and blazed across the horizon in joyous celebration of the death of Jesus and the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy about the Messiah.  For there could be no miraculous Resurrection of Jesus until he first died.

Today, two-thousand years after his Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension, billions upon billions of people know the story of his life.  They know the sacrifice of Jesus so that we may find the Truth in his message of redemption and salvation for all the children of God like us.

Next time you think of how insignificant one little soul like you may be in a sea of billions, think of what Jesus taught.  He said we are no different than he, we are all the same children of God, and we all have the same ability to heal the sick, raise the dead, even move mountains.

One little star in the vastness of a black sky is like a beacon of hope in a world desperate for truth.  Its brilliance pierces the black void drawing our attention away from the depths of darkness and into the ray of light from the heavens.

If you really stop and think of all the miracles of creation it took to create a single, functioning human, you might realize the significance of your being.

If you open yourself up to the possibility that even you are the beneficiary of the Creator’s miracles, you might start to understand the love it took to create you in the first place.

Now, if you were the Creator and created a human from nothing, whose functions and potential remain largely unknown even to this day, would you walk away from your masterpiece?  Of course not!

You want it to succeed, to reach its potential, to radiate the goodness, joy and happiness inherent in it.  The Creator gave you an unlimited imagination to inspire you, a free spirit to motivate you, a Son to show you the path home, and a Holy Spirit to awaken you to the love of God, and the desire within you to help others find their way home.

Seek the Truth and it will find you.  You are never alone and never forgotten.  God will never give up on you.  For you are one of God’s precious children.  Now, talk to your Father will you!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Today we solve one of the Greatest Mysteries of our Lives – What do the One God, the Father Creator, and the Mystifying Sophia all share – perhaps the Holiest of Holy Trinities!

From our perspective as creations of the Creator, it would seem impossible to solve.  So, what about looking at it from the perspective of the Divine Beings or spirits, who are also creations like us but without our body and mind.  Divine Beings beyond the reaches of our physical existence.

Melchizedek seems to be a special Divine entity, because so little is known about him yet so much power is attributed to him in Heaven and on Earth.  When he talks about God, he never refers to him by that name.  He calls God the “Unknowable One” because all that exists is God, and only the Supreme Being, the “Unknowable One,” knows all.  As God’s creations we only know what the “Unknowable One” created us to know.

However, Melchizedek says the “Unknowable One” anticipated that humankind would try to attach a gender to the “Unknowable One” since we need to humanize our God to attempt comprehend him.

With our tendency to see things simply, in our limited world of definitions, and in recognition of the fact we would evolve first into a patriarchal society, we would be inclined to identify the “Unknowable One” our God, as a male.  Yet the “Unknowable One” is not just a male, but everything, to a degree we cannot even imagine.  Thus, we view it as God or the Father.

Haga Sophia Church, Istanbul, Turkey

In time, and when humans reached a point where they might spiritually evolve to a higher understanding, the truth would be made known to us.  That time is now.

All of Creation consists of polarity from the sub-atomic structure to the human mind to the choices of free will to morality.  Chief among these is the miracle of procreation, between woman and man, where their Oneness results in a new creation, a baby child.

There is a counterpart to God the Father, sort of a mirror reflection according to Melchizedek, the Goddess Sophia.

Sophia, yet another entity of the Divine World who is the mystery of all mysteries, along with the Father, are not creations of the “Unknowable One” but are both the Godhead so to speak.  It is as if they are mirror images of the “Unknowable One,” equal yet offering different aspects of the Creator.

Sophia is identified through sacred scripture, inspired thought, and cultural evolution in many, many ways.  She has been called the Goddess of Wisdom, Goddess of Heaven, Mother of the Stars, an aeon, Angel of Manifested Thought who created all things, Spirit of God, His mother, bride of Christ and much more.

In truth, she is all of those things and everything else because she, along with the Father, are the “Unknowable One!”  The “Unknowable One,” Sophia, and the Father are all One and the same, the holiest of all Trinities!

Melchizedek says Sophia is immortal as a Divine entity, beyond incarnating on Earth as a human, just as God and the Father.  However, she can connect to Earth through others when her presence is needed to bring about change.

This was achieved through the Magdalen (Mary Magdalen), also a Divine entity but allowed to be born to Earth just like Jesus.  A thousand years later it was also allowed through Hildegard von Bingen, the incredible mystic, nun, artist, teacher, doctor, theologian, composer, saint, etc., etc. of the twelfth century again as a wake-up call for humankind.

Sophia has returned again in spirit in this lifetime to bring back into balance the polarity between male and female, to show neither must be allowed to dominate but they must work in harmony, compassion, and love to help awaken all humans to the Oneness of the “Unknowable One.”

The Wisdom, Compassion, Love, Imagination and Truth of the “Unknowable One” can only be experienced when man and woman think, act, pray and govern as One.  There can be only One dominant force in creation, the Oneness of the “Unknowable One.”

As we embrace the Lent season and the miracles of God’s son Jesus, we should pray to Sophia, the Father, Jesus, the Mother Mary, and the Magdalen to enlighten us to the Divine Will of the “Unknowable One,” our Creator.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - How to find Hope – How to find Faith – in a World shrouded by Darkness

There is only one way everybody in this world is actually the same.  Hard to believe if you are a card-carrying member of the avalanche of special interests who love their cause and hate anyone who does not.

Yet bias and prejudice also includes all the typical forms of polarization like religion, ethnic, wealth, cultural, political philosophy, gender, and others.  We have evolved to the point that you are not human if you do not hate someone or something.

Well, I do not think we will find much love, hope, faith or joy in that scenario, yet here we wallow in a much bigger and nastier swamp than the one Trump hates in Washington, DC., and quite a few hate him as well.

Still, through the fog, malaise and the deep-reaching fear and depression, we still share something in common.  We are all humans created by the Creator, no matter what you choose to call your Supreme Being.  That Supreme Being gave us a common enemy to share, to unite in opposition against, Satan.

So, what do we do?  We go after each other.

Boy does free will have its consequences!

We were given a free will, and we were given a mind to decide how to use that free will.  I think we might have made a few missteps along the way, maybe quite a few.

The Pathway to Hope

No benevolent Creator is going to create us, then drop us into a cesspool of discontent without giving us a pathway back to the road to Kingdom Come.  That is called Hope, a commodity in short supply at the moment.

We have a choice between seeking the Light or embracing the Dark.  Too many have fallen victim to the Dark.  They include those who reject God, those who succumb to the tantalizing, seductive voices of the shadow dwellers, or those who have genuinely never heard of God or Jesus.

You need to hear the message Jesus speaks about his love for the Father, our Father as well.  Jesus loves the Father because he knows the power of the Perfect Love it took the Father to create us in the first place, and all the rest of creation along with us.  No one else could do such a miraculous thing.

He knows the Father loves all of creation.  He knows the Father will never give up on saving every last soul in creation.  That means you too.

The Foundation for Faith

Jesus gave us a simple formula to find your way back to the Kingdom, no matter how deeply you have been dragged into that abyss of darkness.  There will always be a beacon of Light piercing the darkness that will guide you back home, to your salvation and eventual triumph which are the Hope for you in the first place.

Seek your path back to the Light through the two commandments he offered you.

First, acknowledge the Father’s Love that created you, no matter what circumstances you may find yourself in.  Then acknowledge your Love in return to the Creator for breathing life into you.

Second, Love all of creation God gave us including the toughest test of all, your fellow humans, all of them, whether good or bad in your mind.  You must do this, for your Hope can only be fulfilled when you are living and sharing that Hope for others.
Now that is a very tall task.

The Secret

Take the first steps, however, and you will discover there is a secret way to protect yourself from the onslaught of the forces of Satan who surround you, both the dark spirits and the many humans they possess.

When you follow the path of Jesus into the Light you will feel the weight of evil and foreboding start to lift.  Your mind will find your way to that beacon of Hope as you follow it.  When you begin embracing the Light you feel lighter, as in a higher energy frequency.

Darkness is dense, it pulls you down into the abyss, but lightness raises you up to the Heavens, where you belong.

The Invisible Shield – Finding Grace

As you become stronger and stronger in what I would call moving into a state of grace, following the path of Jesus to the Father, the Light you embrace will create an Invisible Shield around you.

You are not invisible in a physical sense, but in Spirit.  Remember, your only true enemy is in Spirit as well, Satan, possessing the soul and poisoning the mind of those you might encounter.

Jesus faced Satan as well
Father Creator has given you the ability to make your Spirit invisible to the army of Satan currently plundering the Earth for weak souls to drag down into the abyss.  With the Father’s gift, you have the power to resist.

Find Your Way back to the Garden

Seek the true path of Jesus our Savior, find your way to the Light.  Then talk to the Father, share your emotions.  If you cannot talk to God then pray.  Talk or pray to Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Melchizedek, the Holy Mother Mary, Magdalen or St. Michael, the trusted family of God the Father.  All are prepared to answer your call for help and lead you to protection from the dark ones.  Such is the Love of Father, and fulfillment of the first Commandment of Jesus.

If you sense you are caught up in the spider web of illusion and darkness, call for help.  What have you got to lose?  It costs no money and it may just head you in the right direction for redemption, forgiveness and eternal salvation.

Pass this knowledge on to other Seekers of Hope and salvation so they can find the strength of Faith as well, fulfillment of the second Commandment of Jesus.

Believe in yourself by believing in your mission and purpose in life - redemption, forgiveness and salvation.  When you do you will open yourself to not only Divine inspiration, but to help from all the other Seekers following the same path back home.

It is your right!  It is your destiny!                             

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Melchizedek’s Christmas Message to You!

Earlier this week I was speaking with Melchizedek about some quite unpleasant actions by people I know, actions which would be of benefit to the Dark Side.  Not what I like to see.

Being human, I was not pleased because I thought they were going to help us with God’s Plan, and in the end, they succumbed to the tantalizing deceptions and illusions of Satan – greed, power, control, and ego.

They were told the truth by several sources, then tried to get the truth changed to suit their needs.  It was all a lie, and as Melchizedek said, they might as well have sold their souls to the Devil.

Then he said something quite interesting.

To me, he said, “You must tell that person what he did wrong, how he ignored the truth and failed to make the changes required.  By ignoring the truth from the light, he embraced the dark side with sins of betrayal and pride.”

“It might have seemed clever and cunning to them, he continued, “but they will fail in their efforts.  How arrogant they must be to attempt to deceive the Guardians of the Truth of God.”

“It will be a long and painful fall from Grace and in the end, he will lose all he sought and expected, be disgraced, become excessively paranoid, and wind up a fearful recluse.”

I said why would I tell him that, I do not have the gift of prophecy.  Very emphatically Melchizedek stated, “Because you speak for me, Melchizedek!  I will be speaking through you.”

He then said after his fall when he is wallowing in depression, doubt and paranoia, he will be given a last chance to rejoin the Path of Jesus and help fulfill the Plan of Father Creator.  Even when one sells their soul to Satan, our Father, True Father, will not give up on His creations.  Forgiveness, that elusive first step in our own salvation.

While we are responsible for only our own Plan with God, we still should help others who have been awaken and are Seekers of Truth.  Those who have sold their souls to the Devil should be avoided and will be exposed, but only God the Father can judge if they will be saved.

In the eyes of the Father, Melchizedek, and Jesus we are not just a planet with billions of people waiting to go through the human cycle of birth, life and death.

From their perspective as the Creator of all that is, as the Son of God whose sole purpose is to lead us to the path of redemption and salvation as created by the Father, and from Melchizedek’s perspective as overseer of the completion of God’s Plan for Creation, we are the miraculous result of the moment of God’s creation billions of years ago.

Our time on Earth refers only to our physical limitations of the body.  We do not just exist in the time-space continuum of Earth’s cosmos.  Our Soul and Spirit come from God, in the Kingdom, existing before Creation and will exist long after.  Without the Soul and Spirit fusing with a fetus to create a newborn child, there would be no time on Earth.

The Soul and Spirit are like golden tentacles reaching out through dimensions to the Earth.  When your life ends on Earth your Soul and Spirit return to the Kingdom to await your next return.

In the eyes of the Father, Jesus and Melchizedek, in truth our life truly begins when the physical body on Earth dies and releases the Soul and Spirit to the Heavens.  Our spiritual evolution ends when the Soul and Spirit become one again with the Creator.

Jesus came to Earth to show us the Path back home.  That is why Christmas, his birth, is a key turning point in world history and spiritual evolution.  It is why not three, but hundreds of Magi throughout the world were guided to the manger with the new Messiah by the brilliant Christmas star, the eight-sided Star of Melchizedek.  They came from many countries and remember, Christianity did not even exist at the time.

Jesus, in human form, came to demonstrate the five steps to eternal redemption and salvation.  As a human, he also showed us the incredible potential we could achieve in spite of the physical body, because we are born in the image and likeness of God.

The Five Steps of Jesus we must achieve.






All were achieved by Jesus while in human form.  All were witnessed by many.  We should study, meditate and pray for insight into achieving these remarkable steps.  Without the birth of Jesus, and seeing his transformation through the Five Steps, we might never know eternal salvation.

Jesus was not just another Messiah, he is the light, the path, and the hope for the salvation of the souls of all mankind, men and women alike.

Christmas is indeed a time of joy.  It is a time to fulfill the two commandments as told by Jesus.  Love the Father for his perfect Love that created us.  Love thy neighbor as all are creations of the Father.

Thank you, Melchizedek for sharing your wisdom, and for lighting the path to the Truth on the Road to Kingdom Come.