Showing posts with label Messiah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Messiah. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - All of the Heavens come to honor the birth of the Messiah!

Angels welcome the Baby Jesus - Do you?

The Melchizedek Chronicles - When are the 12 days of Christmas, what does each day of Twelvetide mean?

When are the 12 days of Christmas, what does each day of Twelvetide mean and when does it start?

The 12 days of Christmas, also known as Twelvetide, is a Christian festival that celebrates the Nativity of Jesus Christ

14 Nov 2018, 14:45
Updated: 14 Nov 2018, 16:10

WE all know the famous 12 days of Christmas song, even if we regularly mix up what happens on the tenth and fourth days.
But when are the actual 12 days of Christmas? Here's when they start and end, and the meaning behind them.
 Twelvetide starts on Christmas Day on December 25 and finishes on January 5.

When are the 12 days of Christmas and when does it start and end?

The 12 days of Christmas, also known as Twelvetide, is a Christian celebration of the Nativity of Jesus Christ.
Twelvetide officially starts on Christmas Day on December 25 and finishes on January 5, inclusively.
During these twelve days, there are both religious and secular celebrations.
It is also known by some as Christmastide.
The first day celebrates the birth of Jesus.

What does each day of Twelvetide mean?

Each day of Twelvetide has a different meaning:
·       The first day of Twelvetide, is Christmas Day and is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.
·       The second day of Christmas is Boxing Day and is also known as St Stephen’s Day in countries outside of the UK – it is the day of the Christian martyr St Stephen.
·       The third day of Christmas celebrates St John the Apostle, who wrote the Book of Revelation.
·       The fourth day of Christmas is the Feast Of The Holy Innocents - the day when people remember all of the baby boys who were killed by King Herod in his search to kill the Baby Jesus.
·       The fifth day of Christmas is remembering St Thomas Becket - he was the Archbishop of Canterbury in the 12th Century and was killed on December 29, 1170, for challenging the King’s authority over the church.
·       The sixth day of Christmas remembers St Egwin of Worcester, who died on December 30, 717, he was known as the protector of orphans and the widowed.
·       The seventh day of Christmas (New Year’s Eve) celebrates Pope Sylvester I. In some eastern European countries New Year’s Eve is still known as Silvester.
·       The eighth day of Christmas (New Year’s Day) celebrates Mary the Mother of Jesus.
·       The ninth day of Christmas honours St Basil the Great and St Gregory Nazianzen - two important fourth century Christians.
·       The tenth day of Christmas is the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus – this marks the day Jesus was named in the Jewish Temple.
·       The eleventh day of Christmas celebrates the Feast of Saint Simeon Stylites who spent 37 years living on a small platform on top of a pillar in Aleppo.
·       The twelfth day of Christmas, January 5, is also known as Epiphany Eve – it’s the day before January 6 which is known as the Epiphany.

Monday, December 16, 2019

How do we deal with people we know who are clearly working against the will of God? Especially during the sacred Christmas season? The Creator never gives up on Creations!

Melchizedek offers his advice on how to keep the focus on the Truth.

Earlier this week I was speaking with Melchizedek about some quite unpleasant actions by people I know, actions which would be of benefit to the Dark Side.  Not what I like to see.

Being human, I was not pleased because I thought they were going to help us with God’s Plan, and in the end, they succumbed to the tantalizing deceptions and illusions of Satan – greed, power, control, and ego.

They were told the truth by several sources, then tried to get the truth changed to suit their needs.  It was all a lie, and as Melchizedek said, they might as well have sold their souls to the Devil.

Then he said something quite interesting.

To me, he said, “You must tell that person what he did wrong, how he ignored the truth and failed to make the changes required.  By ignoring the truth from the light, he embraced the dark side with sins of betrayal and pride.”

“It might have seemed clever and cunning to them, he continued, “but they will fail in their efforts.  How arrogant they must be to attempt to deceive the Guardians of the Truth of God.”

“It will be a long and painful fall from Grace and in the end, he will lose all he sought and expected, be disgraced, become excessively paranoid, and wind up a fearful recluse.”

I said why would I tell him that, I do not have the gift of prophecy.  Very emphatically Melchizedek stated, “Because you speak for me, Melchizedek!  I will be speaking through you.”

He then said after his fall when he is wallowing in depression, doubt and paranoia, he will be given a last chance to rejoin the Path of Jesus and help fulfill the Plan of Father Creator.  Even when one sells their soul to Satan, our Father, True Father, will not give up on His creations.  Forgiveness, that elusive first step in our own salvation.

While we are responsible for only our own Plan with God, we still should help others who have been awaken and are Seekers of Truth.  Those who have sold their souls to the Devil should be avoided and will be exposed, but only God the Father can judge if they will be saved.

In the eyes of the Father, Melchizedek, and Jesus we are not just a planet with billions of people waiting to go through the human cycle of birth, life and death.

From their perspective as the Creator of all that is, as the Son of God whose sole purpose is to lead us to the path of redemption and salvation as created by the Father, and from Melchizedek’s perspective as overseer of the completion of God’s Plan for Creation, we are the miraculous result of the moment of God’s creation billions of years ago.

Our time on Earth refers only to our physical limitations of the body.  We do not just exist in the time-space continuum of Earth’s cosmos.  Our Soul and Spirit come from God, in the Kingdom, existing before Creation and will exist long after.  Without the Soul and Spirit fusing with a fetus to create a newborn child, there would be no time on Earth.

The Soul and Spirit are like golden tentacles reaching out through dimensions to the Earth.  When your life ends on Earth your Soul and Spirit return to the Kingdom to await your next return.

In the eyes of the Father, Jesus and Melchizedek, in truth our life truly begins when the physical body on Earth dies and releases the Soul and Spirit to the Heavens.  Our spiritual evolution ends when the Soul and Spirit become one again with the Creator.

Jesus came to Earth to show us the Path back home.  That is why Christmas, his birth, is a key turning point in world history and spiritual evolution.  It is why not three, but hundreds of Magi throughout the world were guided to the manger with the new Messiah by the brilliant Christmas star, the eight-sided Star of Melchizedek.  They came from many countries and remember, Christianity did not even exist at the time.

Jesus, in human form, came to demonstrate the five steps to eternal redemption and salvation.  As a human, he also showed us the incredible potential we could achieve in spite of the physical body, because we are born in the image and likeness of God.

The Five Steps of Jesus we must achieve.






All were achieved by Jesus while in human form.  All were witnessed by many.  We should study, meditate and pray for insight into achieving these remarkable steps.  Without the birth of Jesus, and seeing his transformation through the Five Steps, we might never know eternal salvation.

Jesus was not just another Messiah, he is the light, the path, and the hope for the salvation of the souls of all mankind, men and women alike.

Christmas is indeed a time of joy.  It is a time to fulfill the two commandments as told by Jesus.  Love the Father for his perfect Love that created us.  Love thy neighbor as all are creations of the Father.

Thank you, Melchizedek for sharing your wisdom, and for lighting the path to the Truth on the Road to Kingdom Come.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Melchizedek’s Christmas Message to You!

Earlier this week I was speaking with Melchizedek about some quite unpleasant actions by people I know, actions which would be of benefit to the Dark Side.  Not what I like to see.

Being human, I was not pleased because I thought they were going to help us with God’s Plan, and in the end, they succumbed to the tantalizing deceptions and illusions of Satan – greed, power, control, and ego.

They were told the truth by several sources, then tried to get the truth changed to suit their needs.  It was all a lie, and as Melchizedek said, they might as well have sold their souls to the Devil.

Then he said something quite interesting.

To me, he said, “You must tell that person what he did wrong, how he ignored the truth and failed to make the changes required.  By ignoring the truth from the light, he embraced the dark side with sins of betrayal and pride.”

“It might have seemed clever and cunning to them, he continued, “but they will fail in their efforts.  How arrogant they must be to attempt to deceive the Guardians of the Truth of God.”

“It will be a long and painful fall from Grace and in the end, he will lose all he sought and expected, be disgraced, become excessively paranoid, and wind up a fearful recluse.”

I said why would I tell him that, I do not have the gift of prophecy.  Very emphatically Melchizedek stated, “Because you speak for me, Melchizedek!  I will be speaking through you.”

He then said after his fall when he is wallowing in depression, doubt and paranoia, he will be given a last chance to rejoin the Path of Jesus and help fulfill the Plan of Father Creator.  Even when one sells their soul to Satan, our Father, True Father, will not give up on His creations.  Forgiveness, that elusive first step in our own salvation.

While we are responsible for only our own Plan with God, we still should help others who have been awaken and are Seekers of Truth.  Those who have sold their souls to the Devil should be avoided and will be exposed, but only God the Father can judge if they will be saved.

In the eyes of the Father, Melchizedek, and Jesus we are not just a planet with billions of people waiting to go through the human cycle of birth, life and death.

From their perspective as the Creator of all that is, as the Son of God whose sole purpose is to lead us to the path of redemption and salvation as created by the Father, and from Melchizedek’s perspective as overseer of the completion of God’s Plan for Creation, we are the miraculous result of the moment of God’s creation billions of years ago.

Our time on Earth refers only to our physical limitations of the body.  We do not just exist in the time-space continuum of Earth’s cosmos.  Our Soul and Spirit come from God, in the Kingdom, existing before Creation and will exist long after.  Without the Soul and Spirit fusing with a fetus to create a newborn child, there would be no time on Earth.

The Soul and Spirit are like golden tentacles reaching out through dimensions to the Earth.  When your life ends on Earth your Soul and Spirit return to the Kingdom to await your next return.

In the eyes of the Father, Jesus and Melchizedek, in truth our life truly begins when the physical body on Earth dies and releases the Soul and Spirit to the Heavens.  Our spiritual evolution ends when the Soul and Spirit become one again with the Creator.

Jesus came to Earth to show us the Path back home.  That is why Christmas, his birth, is a key turning point in world history and spiritual evolution.  It is why not three, but hundreds of Magi throughout the world were guided to the manger with the new Messiah by the brilliant Christmas star, the eight-sided Star of Melchizedek.  They came from many countries and remember, Christianity did not even exist at the time.

Jesus, in human form, came to demonstrate the five steps to eternal redemption and salvation.  As a human, he also showed us the incredible potential we could achieve in spite of the physical body, because we are born in the image and likeness of God.

The Five Steps of Jesus we must achieve.






All were achieved by Jesus while in human form.  All were witnessed by many.  We should study, meditate and pray for insight into achieving these remarkable steps.  Without the birth of Jesus, and seeing his transformation through the Five Steps, we might never know eternal salvation.

Jesus was not just another Messiah, he is the light, the path, and the hope for the salvation of the souls of all mankind, men and women alike.

Christmas is indeed a time of joy.  It is a time to fulfill the two commandments as told by Jesus.  Love the Father for his perfect Love that created us.  Love thy neighbor as all are creations of the Father.

Thank you, Melchizedek for sharing your wisdom, and for lighting the path to the Truth on the Road to Kingdom Come.