Showing posts with label manger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label manger. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2019

How do we deal with people we know who are clearly working against the will of God? Especially during the sacred Christmas season? The Creator never gives up on Creations!

Melchizedek offers his advice on how to keep the focus on the Truth.

Earlier this week I was speaking with Melchizedek about some quite unpleasant actions by people I know, actions which would be of benefit to the Dark Side.  Not what I like to see.

Being human, I was not pleased because I thought they were going to help us with God’s Plan, and in the end, they succumbed to the tantalizing deceptions and illusions of Satan – greed, power, control, and ego.

They were told the truth by several sources, then tried to get the truth changed to suit their needs.  It was all a lie, and as Melchizedek said, they might as well have sold their souls to the Devil.

Then he said something quite interesting.

To me, he said, “You must tell that person what he did wrong, how he ignored the truth and failed to make the changes required.  By ignoring the truth from the light, he embraced the dark side with sins of betrayal and pride.”

“It might have seemed clever and cunning to them, he continued, “but they will fail in their efforts.  How arrogant they must be to attempt to deceive the Guardians of the Truth of God.”

“It will be a long and painful fall from Grace and in the end, he will lose all he sought and expected, be disgraced, become excessively paranoid, and wind up a fearful recluse.”

I said why would I tell him that, I do not have the gift of prophecy.  Very emphatically Melchizedek stated, “Because you speak for me, Melchizedek!  I will be speaking through you.”

He then said after his fall when he is wallowing in depression, doubt and paranoia, he will be given a last chance to rejoin the Path of Jesus and help fulfill the Plan of Father Creator.  Even when one sells their soul to Satan, our Father, True Father, will not give up on His creations.  Forgiveness, that elusive first step in our own salvation.

While we are responsible for only our own Plan with God, we still should help others who have been awaken and are Seekers of Truth.  Those who have sold their souls to the Devil should be avoided and will be exposed, but only God the Father can judge if they will be saved.

In the eyes of the Father, Melchizedek, and Jesus we are not just a planet with billions of people waiting to go through the human cycle of birth, life and death.

From their perspective as the Creator of all that is, as the Son of God whose sole purpose is to lead us to the path of redemption and salvation as created by the Father, and from Melchizedek’s perspective as overseer of the completion of God’s Plan for Creation, we are the miraculous result of the moment of God’s creation billions of years ago.

Our time on Earth refers only to our physical limitations of the body.  We do not just exist in the time-space continuum of Earth’s cosmos.  Our Soul and Spirit come from God, in the Kingdom, existing before Creation and will exist long after.  Without the Soul and Spirit fusing with a fetus to create a newborn child, there would be no time on Earth.

The Soul and Spirit are like golden tentacles reaching out through dimensions to the Earth.  When your life ends on Earth your Soul and Spirit return to the Kingdom to await your next return.

In the eyes of the Father, Jesus and Melchizedek, in truth our life truly begins when the physical body on Earth dies and releases the Soul and Spirit to the Heavens.  Our spiritual evolution ends when the Soul and Spirit become one again with the Creator.

Jesus came to Earth to show us the Path back home.  That is why Christmas, his birth, is a key turning point in world history and spiritual evolution.  It is why not three, but hundreds of Magi throughout the world were guided to the manger with the new Messiah by the brilliant Christmas star, the eight-sided Star of Melchizedek.  They came from many countries and remember, Christianity did not even exist at the time.

Jesus, in human form, came to demonstrate the five steps to eternal redemption and salvation.  As a human, he also showed us the incredible potential we could achieve in spite of the physical body, because we are born in the image and likeness of God.

The Five Steps of Jesus we must achieve.






All were achieved by Jesus while in human form.  All were witnessed by many.  We should study, meditate and pray for insight into achieving these remarkable steps.  Without the birth of Jesus, and seeing his transformation through the Five Steps, we might never know eternal salvation.

Jesus was not just another Messiah, he is the light, the path, and the hope for the salvation of the souls of all mankind, men and women alike.

Christmas is indeed a time of joy.  It is a time to fulfill the two commandments as told by Jesus.  Love the Father for his perfect Love that created us.  Love thy neighbor as all are creations of the Father.

Thank you, Melchizedek for sharing your wisdom, and for lighting the path to the Truth on the Road to Kingdom Come.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Melchizedek’s Christmas Message to You!

Earlier this week I was speaking with Melchizedek about some quite unpleasant actions by people I know, actions which would be of benefit to the Dark Side.  Not what I like to see.

Being human, I was not pleased because I thought they were going to help us with God’s Plan, and in the end, they succumbed to the tantalizing deceptions and illusions of Satan – greed, power, control, and ego.

They were told the truth by several sources, then tried to get the truth changed to suit their needs.  It was all a lie, and as Melchizedek said, they might as well have sold their souls to the Devil.

Then he said something quite interesting.

To me, he said, “You must tell that person what he did wrong, how he ignored the truth and failed to make the changes required.  By ignoring the truth from the light, he embraced the dark side with sins of betrayal and pride.”

“It might have seemed clever and cunning to them, he continued, “but they will fail in their efforts.  How arrogant they must be to attempt to deceive the Guardians of the Truth of God.”

“It will be a long and painful fall from Grace and in the end, he will lose all he sought and expected, be disgraced, become excessively paranoid, and wind up a fearful recluse.”

I said why would I tell him that, I do not have the gift of prophecy.  Very emphatically Melchizedek stated, “Because you speak for me, Melchizedek!  I will be speaking through you.”

He then said after his fall when he is wallowing in depression, doubt and paranoia, he will be given a last chance to rejoin the Path of Jesus and help fulfill the Plan of Father Creator.  Even when one sells their soul to Satan, our Father, True Father, will not give up on His creations.  Forgiveness, that elusive first step in our own salvation.

While we are responsible for only our own Plan with God, we still should help others who have been awaken and are Seekers of Truth.  Those who have sold their souls to the Devil should be avoided and will be exposed, but only God the Father can judge if they will be saved.

In the eyes of the Father, Melchizedek, and Jesus we are not just a planet with billions of people waiting to go through the human cycle of birth, life and death.

From their perspective as the Creator of all that is, as the Son of God whose sole purpose is to lead us to the path of redemption and salvation as created by the Father, and from Melchizedek’s perspective as overseer of the completion of God’s Plan for Creation, we are the miraculous result of the moment of God’s creation billions of years ago.

Our time on Earth refers only to our physical limitations of the body.  We do not just exist in the time-space continuum of Earth’s cosmos.  Our Soul and Spirit come from God, in the Kingdom, existing before Creation and will exist long after.  Without the Soul and Spirit fusing with a fetus to create a newborn child, there would be no time on Earth.

The Soul and Spirit are like golden tentacles reaching out through dimensions to the Earth.  When your life ends on Earth your Soul and Spirit return to the Kingdom to await your next return.

In the eyes of the Father, Jesus and Melchizedek, in truth our life truly begins when the physical body on Earth dies and releases the Soul and Spirit to the Heavens.  Our spiritual evolution ends when the Soul and Spirit become one again with the Creator.

Jesus came to Earth to show us the Path back home.  That is why Christmas, his birth, is a key turning point in world history and spiritual evolution.  It is why not three, but hundreds of Magi throughout the world were guided to the manger with the new Messiah by the brilliant Christmas star, the eight-sided Star of Melchizedek.  They came from many countries and remember, Christianity did not even exist at the time.

Jesus, in human form, came to demonstrate the five steps to eternal redemption and salvation.  As a human, he also showed us the incredible potential we could achieve in spite of the physical body, because we are born in the image and likeness of God.

The Five Steps of Jesus we must achieve.






All were achieved by Jesus while in human form.  All were witnessed by many.  We should study, meditate and pray for insight into achieving these remarkable steps.  Without the birth of Jesus, and seeing his transformation through the Five Steps, we might never know eternal salvation.

Jesus was not just another Messiah, he is the light, the path, and the hope for the salvation of the souls of all mankind, men and women alike.

Christmas is indeed a time of joy.  It is a time to fulfill the two commandments as told by Jesus.  Love the Father for his perfect Love that created us.  Love thy neighbor as all are creations of the Father.

Thank you, Melchizedek for sharing your wisdom, and for lighting the path to the Truth on the Road to Kingdom Come.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Christmas Holidays and Christmas Cheer - Watch the Games have another Beer. Did you thank Jesus?


 What is so important about the birth of Jesus?

First is the example he set for all of us.  We know we experience two major events in our lives, being born and dying.  Jesus was sent to show us what we have forgotten about the stages in one’s life.

He was Born, like us, although we probably missed out on the part of Mary and Joseph fleeing Bethlehem to avoid the Baby Jesus being killed by Herod.  I doubt too many of us were brought into the world in a manger in a sable.

Then he showed three apostles, Peter (Simon), John and James the Transfiguration, when the full grace of God was brought into him.  The three were blinded by the light emanating from Jesus.

Next, like us, he faced Death, a horrible death unlike anything we have ever seen or experienced.  From the time he was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane through the trial, he was beaten, whipped, clubbed, crowned with thorns, while denied food and water for 24 hours.  Then he was forced to carry the Cross to his own Crucifixion.

In a little over 24 hours Jesus faced the most awful torture and death possible for a human while being ridiculed and blasphemed by those around him.  This was the will of the Father in order to give all people a chance to repent and receive redemption for their sins against the Father’s will.

Unlike us, after his death Jesus Resurrected from the dead, then went on to Ascend back into the Kingdom of Heaven.  In both the Transfiguration and the Ascension, Moses and Elijah showed up in spirit form when Jesus prayed.  All these mysterious and miraculous stages took place as a result of the Baby being born.

Enlightenment, hope, redemption and salvation were now possible for all people because this little Baby was born.  That is his gift to us, what is our gift to him?

Jesus was sent to Earth by his Father and ours to open us to the presence of the Holy Spirit and Father Creator within us.  Jesus is the pathway to discovering the Perfect Love of the Father for us and all his creations.

Once we seek out and discover the Perfect Love of the Father, we will learn to live the will of the Father.  Perfect Love is what you live by and project to all that is – in the Kingdom.  No small task.

You must master forgiveness, obliterate all bias, reject revenge, view the weakest as the strongest, view the least of us as the best of us, well you get the picture.  You will look at all others and see the face of Jesus, then look in the mirror and find him there as well.

It seems there are two prevalent notions about the Son of God, consistent with the concept that all of Creation was meant to be good, then again, what else would he create?  So, if he is all about good, what is the deal with all the sin in the world?  Considering we are the Father’s Creations, there seems to be an awful lot of nasty, even dreadful, dark stuff we generate.  Not good.  It is our contribution to the spiritual evolution of our soul.  How can you know good if you have never experienced bad?  Just another exercise of free will, the ultimate learning experience.

Believe it or not, when the anti-matter physicists of the future finally toss in the towel and admit God did create us, we may finally understand all the instructions he gave us through Jesus, and many others.  Our problem was we just did not get it right.

All of Creation seems to be built on the “Trinity” model, where Protons and Neutrons exist in the atom along with Electrons.  It is a matter of positive and negative energy as expressed in electromagnetic waves, two polarizing influences, and when they collide in an effort to destroy their counterpart, they combine forces in the surviving Electron.

Each polar opposite is trying to dominate, then absorb, the energy of the other.  Only one can be left standing, there can only be one, and that is the Electron.  So, when Protons and Neutrons fight it out, neither wins but the third entity emerges, the Electron.  The Proton did not defeat the Neutron, nor lose to it, they absorbed each other causing a cataclysmic reaction, thus completing the three elements of the creation Trinity.

When things get out of hand here on Earth, like we begin to embrace the Dark forces rather than light, the Creation polarity is out of balance being dominated by the Dark side, and the spiritual evolution of humans ceases, sometime moving into a reverse-enlightenment evolution.

When we embrace the wrong polarity in our lives, meaning the choice between the Seven Cardinal Virtues and Seven Deadly Sins, and we take the dark side, then we contribute to a growing darkness descending upon the Earth.  The more participants the stronger the force of evil grows as our free will makes more and more wrong decisions.

Satan, the Devil, or the Anti-Christ as I see the face of evil, convince people e can be creators ourselves with our power over Technology through Artificial Intelligence, and Biology through Genetic Manipulation.  Feed people’s egos, nurture their fascination with power and wealth, manipulate prescription drug to keep them sick or make them sicker, and now you can create anything.

Problem is, when you dance with the Devil the music never stops.

So, God did not reign down plagues, pestilence, foods, and famines on us as punishment for screwing up.  We, our collective free will, through the manipulation of fear and offerings of decadence, created the wall of darkness shrouding the Earth.

Embrace the light and you will find enlightenment.  Embrace the dark and in time your guilt will expose you, and your actions will betray you.  Your Golden Palace will be made of fool’s gold and disintegrate when you face judgement for your life’s contributions to Father Creator’ will, not your own will.

Self-indulgence has a price, it is called Redemption. Your pursuit of the temptations of the Dark Side might well have caused you to forfeit your right to Redemption.  You forgot to read the fine print in your pact with the Dark Side.  It says “you sold your soul to the Devil.”

God gives you many chances to repent and seek forgiveness.  If you ignore them all and fully embrace the promises of the Anti-Christ to make you God, it is possible you will be banished to the Void, the Black Hole of the Anti-matter, for eternity and beyond.

There is only one experience worse than pain for eventually pain goes away.  The Void of Anti-matter is your Hell, though devoid of human pain.  Rather it is the experience of total isolation devoid of all color, contact with people, pure black.  A Void of such depth of darkness where nothing can be seen, heard, or touched for eternity and beyond.

If you are reading this story or heard about it there is still a chance you can stop your spiral to the Void by repenting, and perhaps you have not forfeited the chance for Redemption.

Jesus showed us what we can do with our lives.   We are BORN, then we TRANSFIGURE when we embrace the enlightenment of the Soul endowed through the intervention of the Holy Spirit.

When called we have a physical DEATH, and are RESURRECTED as an endowed spirit.  Our last step is the ASCENSION, our triumphant return to the Father and the Kingdom.

Choices and consequences, that is what you face if you can ever break the temptations of the Dark Side and slavery to machines, artificial intelligence, or genetic manipulation.

So when that Baby was born over 2,000 years ago it was to a struggling working class family, not to an emperor, monarch, or aristocrat.  Yet this Baby was the only soul born to Earth I our history who demonstrated what we are capable of doing in our life, being Born, Transfigure, Resurrect, and Ascend back home to our Father’s Kingdom.

Think of the contrast with the world you call reality.

Are you happy?

Have you accomplished everything you could do in your life?

Did you ask Jesus and the Holy Spirit to guide you on your path?

Did you live your will or the will of the Father?

Did you transfigure into a state of grace as Jesus?

When you die are you prepared to Resurrect?

When you Resurrect are you prepared to Ascend to the Father’s Kingdom?

Did you get what you wanted for Christmas, Jesus did not?

He died so you might live forever in the Kingdom of his Father.

Celebrate and honor Jesus during the Christmas Holidays for his birth provided you the path to redemption and everlasting salvation. 
