Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - The Art of Mediation - Melchizedek Style

Melchizedek Style

Find a space offering a safe haven, harmony, Oneness and peace with minimal electronic devices, minimal noise, and minimal distractions (no cell phone).

Create a unique environment within your safe haven with books, quotes, objects, sacred stones or artifacts, photos or other items that trigger your joy, peace and tranquility.

Begin transitional breathing exercises to reduce your anxieties, fears, blood pressure and pace of breathing.

One exercise I was taught requires you to inhale deeply through your nose four (4) counts (seconds), hold your breath for twelve (12) counts, and exhale deeply through your mouth for eight (8) counts.

The point is to rapidly expand your lungs to full capacity by intensely breathing through your nose, then empty your lungs by intensely exhaling.

Repeat this cycle rapidly ten times without stopping.  Then rest and try to feel the heartbeat of Mother Earth that binds you to her.  Obviously, it works best when undertaken in nature but it can be felt inside as well with practice.

Should you feel as if your mind is distracted, or you are not at ease, repeat the breathing exercise after allowing a few minutes between cycles.  If you ever feel overcome by fear, anxiety or foreboding, this breathing sequence can have a great calming effect on you.

[If you are in nature you should be sitting and barefoot to magnify your experience.]

Allow yourself to relax, deeper and deeper, and imagine becoming one with the life force and soul of nature, and see all of the intrinsic parts, from earth to water, land to sky, and everything occupying them.

Then recognize, witness or imagine the infinite multitude of miracles it took to create you, and to create all of Creation.

Marvel at the explosion of creative thought it took to create you and your beautiful world through these miracles.  Acknowledge the Perfect Love of the Creator when generating the explosion of thought resulting in you, and in all of creation, by returning your deepest expression of Love to our Creator.

With your acknowledgement of the Creator’s love, and your thanks by returning your love, you seek to unlock doors to open yourself to the higher frequencies of the Earth’s plane of existence.

Then talk to God, pray through words, thoughts, images, or conversation.  Ask the Father and Holy Spirit to help you find the path to Jesus who waits to show us the way to achieve Oneness with Father Creator.  Jesus lights the path, the Holy Spirit illuminates the soul, and Father Creator waits for our return.

You should try to meditate every day, just as you should use conversational prayer every day.  If you combine this discipline with the Melchizedek method to maximize your body balance while eating, it will ease your digestive system, and strengthen your immune system, allowing you to make far more effective use of the natural tools God gave us to survive.

Food - Fast - and Prayer

To achieve maximum value in your food consumption Melchizedek says you must combine Food, Fast and Prayer.  Many of us were taught to thank God for the food we eat every meal, which most of us stopped doing long ago.

In truth, you have the power to transmute food from the state it is served to the state your body requires for nourishment, for body the body and the soul.  We achieve this through food, fat and prayer.

Before you begin, you should bless the food in the name of God and Jesus, thank God for providing it, and pray it be transposed from whatever it is to whatever your body needs to heal.

For those worried about making a spectacle in front of those around you, do it quietly if you must.  However, Melchizedek cannot imagine how you could be making a spectacle when you are praying to God.  That sounds much more like a human vanity issue.

After blessing and transmuting the food, there are two other issues you must deal with to be successful.  Your body is the temple God gave you while on earth.  If you do not consider it such, and you ignore or refuse to make an effort to keep it as a temple to God, it is an affront to the Creator.

Every week you must work to purify your body.  Melchizedek says we must fast one day every week in which you should be on a liquid diet for the day.  It is a natural way to help detox your body.  You can never detox enough in this age of toxins and electromagnetic waves bombarding you.  

Ask and you will be heard.
Seek and you will find.
Follow and you will be One again.


Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Art of Mediation - Melchizedek Style

Melchizedek Style

Find a space offering a safe haven, harmony, Oneness and peace with minimal electronic devices, minimal noise, and minimal distractions (no cell phone).

Create a unique environment within your safe haven with books, quotes, objects, sacred stones or artifacts, photos or other items that trigger your joy, peace and tranquility.

Begin transitional breathing exercises to reduce your anxieties, fears, blood pressure and pace of breathing.

One exercise I was taught requires you to inhale deeply through your nose four (4) counts (seconds), hold your breath for twelve (12) counts, and exhale deeply through your mouth for eight (8) counts.

The point is to rapidly expand your lungs to full capacity by intensely breathing through your nose, then empty your lungs by intensely exhaling.

Repeat this cycle rapidly ten times without stopping.  Then rest and try to feel the heartbeat of Mother Earth that binds you to her.  Obviously, it works best when undertaken in nature but it can be felt inside as well with practice.

[If you are in nature you should be sitting and barefoot to magnify your experience.]

Allow yourself to relax, deeper and deeper, and imagine becoming one with the life force and soul of nature, and see all of the intrinsic parts, from earth to water, land to sky, and everything occupying them.

Then recognize, witness or imagine the infinite multitude of miracles it took to create you, and to create all of Creation.

Marvel at the explosion of creative thought it took to create you and your beautiful world through these miracles.  Acknowledge the Perfect Love of the Creator when generating the explosion of thought resulting in you, and in all of creation, by returning your deepest expression of Love to our Creator.

With your acknowledgement of the Creator’s love, and your thanks by returning your love, you seek to unlock doors to open yourself to the higher frequencies of the Earth’s plane of existence.

Then talk to God, pray through words, thoughts, images, or conversation.  Ask the Father and Holy Spirit to help you find the path to Jesus who waits to show us the way to achieve Oneness with Father Creator.  Jesus lights the path, the Holy Spirit illuminates the soul, and Father Creator waits for our return.

Ask and you will be heard.
Seek and you will find.
Follow and you will be One again.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Obamaville - April 15 - Foreign Policy Initiatives - What is to lose? Is it time to trust the people - not politicians!


Not many people think much of the Obama foreign policy morass and for good reason if you look at what happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Russia, Ukraine, and all the others I forgot.

However, my philosophy has always been trust the people, not the politicians.  Thus, Obama and congress continued to fight over everything not important while the world awaits important decisions that are important.

Well by now, we should have learned a few lessons in foreign diplomacy.  No one really tells the truth when negotiating.  No matter what we do, we will figure out how to waste billions of dollars in defense and foreign aid spending, our intervention will result in millions of refugees, sanctions really do not work, and no one seems to be hearing the people impacted by the policy decisions.

What to do?

How about we actually try to reduce tensions, stabilize economies, protect homes and property of the people of the world, make sure no more crises result from refugees, give kids a permanent home and education, and make sure war is not part of so many people's lives around the world.     

Start by defusing what should not be a crisis.

1.  Lift the sanctions on Cuba - the people of Cuba have been through enough.  The incorporation of the people of Cuba into the American influence that can result from open borders and no sanctions is far more likely to bring our people together, than actions by the governments.  The people of Cuba are a wonderful people as witnessed by the Cubans already living in America.

2.  Adopt the Iran nuclear agreement and drop the sanctions.  Once again the people of Iran have always been wonderful friends and contributors to the American way of life and the only way the shackles of outrageous practices under the guise of religion can be broken is to immerse the people in exposure to alternatives in lifestyle.

3.  Stop treating Russia as the bad boy and acknowledge that our governments do not have to agree on everything.  For one, Crimea and a border strip of land to Crimea from Russia has always connected Russia to Crimea.  Even the Ukraine people know the pro-Russian influence of eastern parts of RussiaGive Russia land access to Crimea.

Also, agree to let the Ukraine be an independent nation without dictating government affiliations with the East or West.  In this day of government over-reach in monitoring everything from your phones to bedrooms, how could anything bad go unnoticed in this viral age.  We have the ability to monitor everything, legally and illegally I might add, so use it for a meaningful purpose like peace rather than just for national security and war.

While we are at it, get rid of the economic sanctions we imposed on Russia.  The people of Russia hurt the most from these financial sanctions, not the government, or the bankers.  These people being hurt are the same ones victimized after the fall of the Soviet Union when we went in and tried to establish democracy in Russia.

There was no way a democracy could work in a country ruled by czars for 1,000 years and Communism for 75 years without years of slow development, but we shoved it down their throats and then were shocked when it not only failed miserably, but nearly bankrupted this new nation once freedom was established.

We may not like Putin but the Russian people do and we should listen to them and deal with Putin as he holds the key to long-range action in Iran, Syria, North Korea, and other world hot spots.  Obama claims to be the great negotiator yet fails to negotiate with someone very important to the Middle East, Asia, and even Europe.

4.  Double and triple our efforts to work with China.  They hold more American debt than any other nation, bank, or family.  We share some ideals with the emerging Chinese superpower like working for a better standard of living for our people, improved environmental initiatives to clean the air, water, and land, and the management of natural resources in responsible ways.

Does anyone think China does not want to clean up pollution?  It will cost billions of dollars and millions of Chinese people need other help, yet the huge clean up effort started and will continue.  In the meantime, China is becoming one of the best trading partners of America.

Like America, China faces a long legacy of corruption, corruption that must stop, involving the politicians, government employees, contractors, the rich, the financial institutions, and foreign governments.  There is amazing progress by President Xi Jinping in attacking this problem, yet we have been quiet in supporting his efforts.

Instead, our government warms of the emerging power of China, frets over defensive moves by the rising nation, and blames China for every cyber attack that takes place until investigations show they did not do it.

NO ONE has trampled over the rights of people to privacy and freedom more than the United States government.  No one has the technology to eavesdrop on every aspect of American life like our Intelligence agencies, and thanks to Edward Snowden, the despicable acts of our government, in spying on their own people, are public information.

We have no business as a nation tossing accusations of cyber snooping on Russia or China when the finger should point at us, the United States, who have routinely monitored every government in the world legally and illegally for decades.

It takes a lot less money to feed the hungry than to spy on our perceived adversaries.  It takes a lot less money to help China clean up their environment, which directly helps the world environment, than to encourage the Asians to increase defense and intelligence spending to find out what we are doing to them.

What ever happened to common sense?

Why not devote a generation to tearing down border restrictions, improving the quality of life for everyone, eliminating hate-inspired sanctions, and helping people preserve their cultural heritage rather than obliterate it.

Our priority should be helping every young person in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe find decent jobs rather than forcing them into terrorism for an occupation.  The investment would be far cheaper than the multi-billion dollar cost of new and unnecessary weapons systems or intelligence capabilities.

Let us work as hard to bring down barriers between people as we did to build them.


Tuesday, June 08, 2010

How BP Gulf Oil Spill should effect Comprehensive Energy Policy in America


Now that we have heard all the chest beating claims of the liberals and conservationists and the crescendo of photo ops and sound bites from our politicians making all kinds of nonsensical claims about the effect this spill Must Have on energy policy, are we ready for a taste of the truth?

The truth is this. America is dependent on oil to grow and survive. We are not the greatest user of energy per capita, that is Canada. The United States ranks number 7 in per capita consumption. Because of our population we use the most energy.

We use about 100 quadrillion BTUs a year, of which 40% is fossil fuel. In the category of fossil fuel petroleum is 23%, 23% natural gas, Nuclear provides 8.4%, and renewable 7.3% which is mainly from hydroelectric dams. Overall per capita consumption in the US has remained stable since the 1970's.

The alternative fuels being pushed by Obama and others are a viable long term solution but to put them ahead of an aggressive program to secure energy independence from foreign sources through expanded use of oil, natural gas and coal, is simple nuts. With the primary renewal sources of energy providing less than 5% of our total energy needs, the most liberal of development projections would not result in US energy independence with renewable fuels until the end of the 21st century if then. Remember we have to allow for economic growth.

The truth is the only short term investment that can lead to energy independence is use of the oil, gas and coal reserves in an environmentally friendly manner. Meaning, we need regulatory enforcement which did not happen in the BP oil spill case, improved regulations in terms of the back up plan for any future off shore oil drilling, and expanded drilling areas.

With the BP experience we can protect our environment while expanding drilling. We have already seen hundreds of wells drilled off shore in deep water with no problems. We can always improve the back up plans and permit process but should not strangle the use of oil, gas or coal as a result of the BP and Interior Department problem. BP drilled the well but Interior approved the plan and permits.

If we do not do this, or if we get caught up in environmental radicalism we will strangle the American economy and never have the growth necessary to support long term alternative energy development. Make no mistake, alternative energy development is going to result in far more expensive energy and the American public cannot support huge increases in gas and electric costs.

Obama has already embraced the liberal clean energy movement to the point of threatening the short term economic growth of our nation. If we go green today we will go broke. It is that simple. Yet we can start the transition process of going green without going broke by a two tiered energy policy, the aggressive development of fossil fuels to seek energy independence thus lower energy costs while we give incentives for a long term transition to a green energy economy.

Right now most money invested in green energy is going into the pockets of investors, Wall Street firms like Goldman Sachs, pseudo environmental groups like Al Gore and his Goldman Partners, and not for the benefit of the industry or to lower energy costs for people.

As for the lesson of the Gulf oil spill, it should serve the same purpose as Three Mile Island. The 1979 TMI nuclear disaster was unexpected, not covered by federal regulations, and brought the nuclear industry in America to a standstill. A cost of billions of dollars were involved in the clean up though no lives or jobs were lost. It is the price you pay for new technology which is exactly what happened in the deep water drilling. We discovered problems never anticipated before.

While nuclear provides just 8.4% of our energy, it supplies up to 70% of the energy in some countries. An unexpected disaster like TMI or the Gulf spill should enable us to learn and make sure it does not happen again. Right now there are far more off shore oil wells, over 2,000, than nuclear plants in the USA, 103 commercial plants, and for the short term oil can be in service in far less time and at far less cost than new nuclear or alternative sources.

Use the BP Gulf experience to learn and grow, not to strangle the future economic growth and independence of America. It is time for the president and congress to do what is right for America, not just what is politically expedient.
