Showing posts with label energy independence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label energy independence. Show all posts

Friday, April 09, 2010

South Side Chicago Obama at Sarah Palin's Tea Party - He Just Keeps Her in the Spotlight


Sounding more like a South Side Chicago bully who has been put down by a girl, President Obama once again lost his presidential cool and blasted Sarah Palin for questioning what he considers to be good for the nation.

Before the ink was even dry on his nuclear agreement with Russia and before he had a chance to leave Prague and return to America the President was on the defensive from across the world blasting Palin for questioning his nuclear energy and offshore drilling policies announced just days earlier.

Unfortunately for Obama, this lady just won't go away and each time she speaks up there are thousands of people cheering her on and a national television audience fueled by both sides of the media, the liberal haters and conservative lovers. Sarah invited Obama to a tea party and he should have stayed away.

After Obama made overtures toward the Republicans by endorsing nuclear energy and seeming to endorse the Palin "drill baby drill" oil and gas policy, Palin brought a little bit of reality to his moves by dissecting the real meaning of his "new initiatives".

She said the Obama nuclear policy would take decades to implement because it takes nearly ten years just to approve one nuclear reactor. As a tool to help American energy independence, she called it everything but a fraud. The overwhelming cost and environmental regulations facing any new reactor will insure it is far into the future, much too far to help with American energy independence now.

As for his adoption of the patented Palin "drill baby drill" policy, she pointed out that he removed more known oil fields from production than added new areas for drilling. Then she noted he was going to delay the drilling licenses until 2012, giving the radical conservation groups an extended amount of time to launch legal challenges to slow down the licensing and increase the costs to Americans.

"I really have no response," Obama told ABC News. "Because last I checked, Sarah Palin's not much of an expert on nuclear issues."

The interview occurred Thursday in Prague, where Obama signed a treaty with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that orders both nations to shrink their nuclear arsenals. That deal that must still be ratified by the Russian parliament and the U.S. Senate.

Palin was referring to another development on the nuclear front this week, a rewriting of American nuclear strategy.

Among many other elements of that new plan, the U.S. makes plain that if a non-nuclear nation is in compliance with an international nonproliferation treaty, the United States will not threaten or use nuclear weapons against it.

If such a state were to use chemical or biological weapons against the U.S. or its allies, it would face a potentially devastating conventional military strike by the U.S., but not a nuclear one.

North Korea and Iran were not included in that pledge because they do not cooperate with other countries on nonproliferation standards.

"It's unbelievable. Unbelievable," Palin told Fox News on Wednesday. "No administration in America's history would, I think, ever have considered such a step that we just found out President Obama is supporting today."

Asked about that criticism from Palin and other Republicans, Obama said: "If the secretary of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are comfortable with it, I'm probably going to take my advice from them and not from Sarah Palin."

Unlike the Democrats in Congress who cowed to the power of the president, Sarah Palin is not going to just sit back and take it from the White House. After his remarks got wide play in the liberal media Palin was in New Orleans today at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference and cut loose with both barrels to resounding applause and ovations from the several thousand attending the event.

Palin shot back in her comments Friday, mocking the president for "the vast nuclear experience that he acquired as a community organizer." She said that his alleged experience had not helped him make progress in the issue with Iran and North Korea.

Palin was greeted with overwhelming enthusiasm by the delegates here, who entered the hall to find Alaskan caribou jerky waiting on their seats. Hundreds of flashbulbs went off when Palin came onstage, and standing ovations and chants of "Sarah, Sarah, Sarah" broke out throughout her remarks.

Palin, a potential 2012 GOP presidential candidate, said the Obama doctrine involved "coddling enemies and alienating allies," attacking the administration for its handling of Israel, Iran and North Korea. She criticized the administration for its "yes we can spread the wealth around" attitude and said its programs, which she said took money from future generations, involved what "a lot of us" consider "stealing."

She suggested alternatives to the Obama administration's "Yes we can" slogan, among them "repeal and replace," in reference to the health care bill, and "don't retreat, reload," which prompted a standing ovation.

Palin said "don't retreat, reload," was "not a call for violence," despite what Democrats and members of the media have suggested. She said the media is "so desperate to discredit the people's movement, the tea party movement" that they make up such claims.

Later, after saying the word "shoot," she quipped, "I said shoot, I'm sorry," prompting laughter from the crowd.

Palin said that too many in Washington see money as free, referencing the stimulus package passed by the Obama administration. She quoted Bill Clinton's comment about then-candidate Obama during the presidential campaign, stating in a deep voice, "If this ain't the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen."

On energy policy, she said "the left has waged a multi-front war on conventional resources." Palin dismissed the president's decision to open up some offshore areas for drilling, saying, "they banned more offshore drilling than they allowed." She said the administration had purposely built a delay into opening the areas "to give environmentalists more time to sue."

"Let's drill, baby, drill, not stall, baby, stall," said Palin.

And the debate between the president and citizen Sarah goes on.


Al Gore, King of Global Warming - Where are Obama's Friends When He Needs Them?


Al Gore is the latest Obama supporter to turn on him because he is not moving fast enough to line Al's pockets with millions of dollars.

Last spring at the urging of Gore and his Global Warming gang Obama asked Congress for the Cap and Trade legislation to regulate the nation's carbon emissions. It sounded like an interesting environmental move except for the fine print which can be found all too often in the Obama legislative agenda.

Nancy Pelosi immediately got the House to approve the bill but the Senate has taken a much deeper look at the proposal and what has come out may not be the pro-environment bill as advertised. It seems the bill creates yet another new stock exchange, this one for carbon emissions, and makes it profitable for polluting companies to get emission credits from companies that pollute less.

This interesting concept makes it possible to keep polluting as long as the entire industry stays below the total carbon allowed. This also makes a fortune for those who control stock and who run the exchanges and surprise, surprise, Al Gore and Goldman Sachs are at the top of the heap of greed mongers who will financially benefit from the exchange as well as the Obama promotion of environmental causes.

Now Gore has already made over $100 million being the Pied Piper of Global Warming and he is still reeling from all the debate over the falsification of records by global warming scientists to justify the worldwide crisis Gore says we face.

So now he blasts the Obama move toward energy independence and Obama's adoption of the Sarah Palin "drill baby drill" energy plan. It is just another sign that when Obama's supporters don't get what they expect from him they turn on him.

Gore backed an article written by Maggie Fox, CEO of his own environmental group, Alliance for Climate Protection.

Fox wrote that President Obama "must now deliver a comprehensive plan for curbing carbon pollution so we can invest in the clean energy technologies we will need in the 21st century. The longer we spend time discussing whether and where to drill for oil, the longer we delay a more comprehensive solution. What we need now is presidential leadership on comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation, which can end our reliance on foreign oil, create jobs and make our country more secure."

Of course Fox didn't say that is if we start drilling for oil and natural gas right now we will move much faster toward energy independence. Nor did she say how much her boss, Al, will make if we invest like she wants. Nor did she mention that Al Gore and his partner from Goldman Sachs already control the stock of most alternative energy companies or that Goldman already has the exchange ready to pump money into someone's pockets.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Our Nation at a Glance - Obama's Words versus Actions


Well, we have had about three years of non-stop campaigning from the Washington establishment, ever since Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats took over the House in 2006, two years before Obama was even elected president.

In 2008 the Democrats completed their sweep into control of the White House, House and Senate in Washington and a huge margin of victory was achieved including a super majority in the Senate. We were told to believe that a super majority in the Senate means the minority party cannot stop the majority, yet we have heard nothing but whining from the president and Congress on how the Republicans are blocking progress.

I guess that makes me wonder why Obama, Pelosi and Reid along with all the Democratic campaign committees keep blaming the Republicans when nothing happens. According to the political pundits the Democrats had enough votes to silence the Republicans yet they let that power slip away. What really happened is the Democrats found themselves just as hard to get along with as the Republicans. This intra-party bickering has led to stagnation in Congress.

Now, in terms of getting things done Obama had a good run of luck at first getting the Bank Bailout, the Housing Bailout, the Auto (GM, Chrysler and Auto Workers) Industry Bailout, the AIG Insurance Bailout and of course his nearly trillion dollar economic stimulus all were approved. Have they worked?

Banks still aren't giving credit. The number of foreclosed homes have not been reduced. Lower interest loans for housing are still not available. GM remains marginal, Chrysler is still in trouble and the Auto Workers, well they lost their jobs but now own GM and will get their executive health care benefits. The AIG affair made Goldman Sachs about $13 billion and funneled about $64 billion into banks, some already receiving bailout money and others foreign owned. No one really knows what the Stimulus has done or even how much has been spent.

So in summary, he got a lot done right away but has it helped us or the bank executives? Has it saved small business or Wall Street? Are people able to keep their homes or still losing them? Are jobs being created as a result of the trillions of dollars already spent on bailouts and stimulus? Have new markets been created for green goods? Across the board the answer is no and that is the dichotomy of Obama's legislative record.

While claiming to do all these things to help Main Street Obama has almost exclusively helped Wall Street and labor unions and no one else. At the same time he has railed against lobbyists and special interests while hiring an army of lobbyists and coddling the special interests for campaign money.

The result is clear, Obama and the Democrats have become the favorite of Wall Street and the special interests as millions of dollars are pouring into the Democrats campaign funds. Whatever Obama and the Congress are doing, it sure has the backing of the big bucks on Wall Street, the recipients of the million dollar bonuses, and the free wheeling gamblers on Wall Street who consider your money their play money.

Okay, forget the things that got approved. Obama may no longer want to take credit for the series of big business bailouts, for saving executive bonuses, for keeping the credit market clogged up and for failing to get regulatory Reform through Congress. The unions did get a few bones tossed their way but when they compare it to the sharks on Wall Street they got little for their multi-million dollar investment in the Obama campaign.

Turn to pending legislation for a moment. Democrats got Card Check through the House and through a first round Senate vote, but it stalled. They waiting until Obama was elected and promised to champion the bill and the Senate had super majority that was achieved in the last election. In spite of these developments, the union bosses may want to get rid of secret union ballots in the workplace but the Senate still does not agree. I mean how could they, they are all elected by secret ballot. The bill remains stalled in the Democratic controlled Senate.

Obama's Cap and Trade bill to save us from energy dependence also passed the House, that Nancy has been busy fighting in the trenches for Obama, but it did not survive the scrutiny of reality and remains stalled, hopefully permanently. This was to be a dream come true for Al Gore, Goldman Sachs and all those who have figured out how to make a buck on the back of environmentalists. I mean how did Gore make over $100 million personally as the mouthpiece for the greening of America?

Let us see. Gore has a partner from Goldman Sachs handling his investment business to control which environmentally friendly companies will receive funding from the Greening of America, and of course Goldman stands ready to assist the Green economy by managing the carbon emission futures market which they already established. Does that mean Goldman will now control our oil futures and alternative futures markets? Not if the bill is dead on arrival which it seems to be once Congress discovered how they were being manipulated by the supposedly environmentalists on Wall Street, or is that really being controlled by Wall Street.

Wall Street regulatory reform has been stalled for over a year meaning the same things investment houses did to bend the rules and cheat the street on Wall Street remain available to them. If you don't believe Wall Street was the beneficiary of this inaction by Congress look what Goldman did to manipulate the near bankruptcy of Greece and other European nations for their own financial gain. Such predatory practices by those investing other people's money is criminal.

Obama also ran on a campaign calling for energy independence and promotion of alternative energy. That sounds good. But nothing has been done to achieve either promise. The Cap and Trade was flawed beyond repair and Obama has stubbornly refused to demand new production of our expansive oil, natural gas and coal reserves, reserves which could substantially lower our foreign energy demand. Drill baby drill Mr. President if you really want to be true to your word. If you don't drill, you are still protecting Goldman Sachs and their manipulation of the world oil futures.

Finally, health care reform, that giant puzzle that no one has seen, no one has evaluated, no one has been able to analyze and no one can guarantee that it will deliver any of the promises made. When we are considering a bill that impacts on 16% of our gross national product, we better know what the impact may be.

So don't tell me you are going to guarantee no one will lose insurance for pre-existing conditions, that 30-40 million more people are going to be insured, that there will be competition for insurance, that the cost of doctors and medicine will go down, that everyone with an existing plan will get to keep the benefits and pick their doctors, that no one's insurance premiums will increase, and that there will be no taxes on middle class America to pay for it when you can't deliver the goods.

You ask us to bet our futures as well as those of our children and grand children on your promises yet your own economic forecasters, your experts, have been wrong time after time on projections. If we believed your people America would still have 8% unemployment and millions of us would not be out of work. I'm afraid your inexperience at economics has already cost us too much. Let us just fix the things that can be fixed and then decide how we can expand health care, if it works on lowering insurance and health costs, to everyone.

So the pending stuff just doesn't look all that good. After our experience with what you got through, maybe that is a good thing. Maybe that is why the Senate has different rules, to protect us from empty promises. Maybe that is why you should listen to the people for a change and not suffer more losses like New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts. They could just be the tip of the iceberg.

So you just keep on promising bi-partisanship while stirring the fires of discontent. Keep on making exaggerated claims for the value of more promises on how we are going to get Wall Street and those nasty executives while acquiring an avalanche of campaign funds for the Democrats from those same bad guys and helping them get their million dollar bonuses. Keep on hiring those lobbyists you promised not to hire so special interests can control the national agenda.

Tomorrow we shall review the last two elements of Obama's first year in office, his foreign policy agenda and the forgotten agenda to help Main Street. I'm afraid the news isn't much better but at least we get to see the big picture of what we have realized in the post-election aftermath of the victory of the Chosen One and his impact on us Americans.


Monday, January 04, 2010

Obama - The Harvard President - Are We Better Off Today than a Year Ago?


Congress and the White House lost a golden opportunity to make America energy independent this year when they forgot to capture all the hot air this year in our nation's capitol. The green energy movement would have been stopped in it's tracks if they had paid attention.

It was a mean and nasty year for debating between the politicians from both parties and it was most certainly inspired by the attitude of being neighborhood bullies evoked from the White House and Little Napoleon Rohm Emanuel. Then again, what could we expect with all that "experience" in the new White House.

As for the president, he wowed the international community before giving them ulcers with his promises and then waffling on a whole host of foreign issues and in the process upset some of our best allies like Russia and China. Most of the world remains at the end of the first year as it was before the Obama cornation. In fact, most things in America are very much the same as they were at the beginning of last year.

Health care reform got unreformed on the way through the Senate but in the high and lofty words of our Ivy League president any health care bill is better than none so we at least might end the year a step better than none. There is still time for Congress to not double cross the public and reject the debacle but the president will try to force through a mangled bill. Tell Congress to "just say no" to the fraud.

The green revolution we were promised remains a distant dream. Cap and Trade was put under the microscope and failed the test of merit. It still languishes in Congress along with all the other promises. We have the ability to become energy independent by improving efficiency with current fuels available and abundant to America, oil and natural gas, if we can stop the Wall Street (Gore) and socialist interests who have hijacked the environmental movement. Once again just tell Congress to say No!

Obama did get Guantanamo on it's way to being closed but only because he is moving most of the inmates to Illinois and creating a few hundred jobs. However, with this administration, Biden assures us jobs are jobs. The same Biden who is saving the American economy one job at a time in spite of the cost of over $500,000 for every job Obama has saved or created with Stimulus money.

Watch for the price tag for the new Gitmo on the Mississippi to rocket past $100 million pushing the new cost per job under the Obama-Biden jobs program over $1 million per job the first year. Wouldn't it be cheaper to pay people $50,000 a year to not work? Then again, maybe the administration is making a mockery of the stimulus jobs cost to force us into an expanded welfare and income redistribution program.

Thanks to our progressive president we are also going to be spending more than $77 million on security for terrorist trials that didn't need to be in NYC, on top of the $100 million or so for moving the hundred prisoners from Cuba to Illinois. The Obama-Biden-Pelosi stimulus bill job costs seem to be out of control. Wish I understood the Ivy League economic principles.

Speaking of the Ivy League and our president with the detached demeanor of a tenured Ivy League professor funded by a wealthy endowment fund, now is the time to ask if are you better off under a president from Harvard rather than the previous three presidents from Yale? After 20 years of Yale rule under Bush 1, Clinton and Bush 2, the first year under Harvard Obama rule didn't do a lot for me. However, Wall Street fat cats seem to be pleased by the direction the country is moving.

As for the Obama campaign promises, they were never meant to be taken seriously, that is the currnt state of politics in America. It is also why politicians rank at the bottom of the barrel in terms of the eyes of the public, just below the news media. "Throw them all out" sounds better every day.

Speaking of our jet setter president, Obama broke all kinds of records for presidential travel expenses this year with very expensive trips to Copenhagen twice while returning empty handed (the Olympics and Global Warming) , trips to China and Russia and who knows where else also returning empty handed. It seems the only trip that resulted in something was his fly-over of New Orleans on his way to San Francisco to pick up a few million campaign bucks.

Obama's most successful stimulus program was when he packed his family and a couple of hundred security and staff to go to Cape Cod on vacation and then to NYC and Broadway for a play. Based on what happened in Washington this past year, it was probably a good thing Obama spent so much time globe trotting as think of the mess if he had remained in Washington at the office.

Washington spin this year reached new lows as the president and both parties seemed to think the public would never check the facts on what they promised and how they viewed the world. The only truth we could find is that we set record spending deficits, added to a record national debt, and still had time to promise global warming people $100 billion a year and maybe pass a health care bill that might cost another trillion or two.

Iran has made more progress on nuclear arms since Obama started making advances to them. Israel still does whatever it wants with American money despite the threats from the Obama people. North Korea even got Bill Clinton to come over and pick up a couple of Al Gore's girls captured in North Korea and still North Korea ignores Obama pleas to negotiate.

Wall Street got away with the biggest raid of the American Treasury in history and didn't even get their wrists slapped by Obama and Congress. Most reforms haven't reformed anything to date. Michelle Obama did touch the Queen of England, a major diplomatic breakthrough. The pres bowed to the Saudi's and Chinese setting off an international debate on protocol and etiquette.

According to Glenn Beck there were more terrorists on the White House staff than in Afghanistan or Pakistan. According to national polls, Sarah Palin has now become more popular than Barack Obama. According to inside reports, no less than a dozen top progressive elitists have threatened suicide if the Palin polls are correct.

Katie Couric blames Sarah Palin for her consistently poor Nielsen ratings. Oprah, on the other hand, got a huge increase in ratings when Palin dropped by her show. In fact Palin is the most sought after hated celebrity by the Hollywood television shows in history. She is also the most respected non-politician in America for her values and principles.

Oh yes, and Palin just topped Al Gore nearly doubling his favorable numbers in a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC poll. Of course NBC has not mentioned the poll on the air and Palin's numbers are certain to be even better now after the Gore Obama fiasco at the Copenhagen Global Warming Conference. And speaking of Copenhagen, Obama might want to cross that off his list of places to keep visiting after his Chicago Olympics and Global Warming disasters.

I say the only good Cap and Trade program is if we cap Gore's mouth and trade him to Copenhagen for a couple of their famous red sausage. Barney Frank should be made the new Housing Secretary since he already pushed through the progressive reforms that destroyed the housing market in America. The White House economic team, Emanuel and a host of Obama Treasury officials have done all the damage possible to the American economy so maybe they can move on.

Obama should set up shop in Hollywood since the only accomplishment that might do the country good would be for him to spend the next three years writing his life story and filming the movie of how he saved America from those fools on Main Street.

In short, it was a weird and wild first year for our young savior turned socialist and the guest list at the White House read like a casting call for a new epic on how the radical rebels of the 1960's waited nearly 50 years before finally taking control of the very institution they were sworn to destroy. Maybe Obama should spend more time on his basketball court in the White House and less in the oval office or on television.