Showing posts with label capitalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label capitalism. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

GMO Part 5 - The End Game - Now What?


After four comprehensive stories of attempting to find remnants of the truth in the avalanche of information, misinformation and, well, downright lies by many special interests involved in the GMO puzzle, I have a headache.
Once again we all must face up to the ultimate question and challenge, who can we trust?  Thus we embark on a mission of improving our self-awareness of the "real" world by using our eyes and our brain.  We look at the Internet, see the television news (cable or network), or most probably if we even care about the news, we read the latest Tweets from the Tweeters.
That means we have limited our consumption of news stories to no more than 140 characters.  Only humans would have the audacity to say limit all news to two sentences.  Unless, of course, there was some kind of secret coding and the Tweet contained a lot more information we could not see, without special insight.
In times like this I rely on my mentor, shaman, guru and oracle, all rolled up into one person, Mark Twain.  Never mind the fact he died 103 years ago.  I have my reasons for trusting Mark, do you have reasons for trusting your instinct?
So Mark said it right when he observed:
“You cannot trust your eyes, if your imagination is out of focus.”
If all information for human consumption is limited to 140 characters then Moses, when he got the Ten Commandments from God, would have only gotten 1½ Commandments, we would be missing the remaining 20½.
Ah, you think you caught me, but the Ten Commandments in Christianese are 22 Commandments in Hebrewese.  In other words, the Christian version is 10 Commandments equaling 93 words and 390 characters, while the Hebrew version is 22 Commandments equaling 595 words and 2451 characters.
[That probably explains why any image of the original Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston had to be in Tweets from God because there is no way all 595 Hebrew words could have been engraved on tablets that small.]

Either way we would have lost a whole lot of the original Ten in the Tweet.

As Mark said, "if your eyes are out of focus."  You can't trust anything you see if your eyes are not focused and that includes the Internet, the government, advocacy groups and morons.

Native Americans call it "seeing through the maya, which the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines as; "In
Hinduism, a powerful force that creates the cosmic illusion that the phenomenal world is real. The word maya originally referred to the wizardry with which a god can make human beings believe in what turns out to be an illusion, and its philosophical sense is an extension of this meaning."

So if you are truly focused and see beyond the Maya that has surrounded you since you were born then we can draw some sobering conclusions and some needed steps in order to comprehend the GMO puzzle in terms of the value to mankind.
My first observation regarding the dangers of GMO consumption is why is the most talked about expose on dangers of GMO based on a study that took place in Italy?
It seems to me that Americans would be first to show health problems since we invented the whole GMO field and up to 80% of our food supply now has it since GMOs have been used in America since 1995.  Surely we should be sicker than anyone else on earth as a result.
No doubt the American government, specifically the Agriculture Department, should know more about GMOs than anyone with their extensive regulation of the drug industry through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over the past 18 years.
Either we know the health effects but are not talking about them, we don't know because we have failed to do due diligence to protect our citizens, or we have delegated the responsibility for regulation to the very industry seeking approval before the government.
In our nation's capitol the only thing that talks louder than politicians is money, the other form of capital.  Some time ago our government was hijacked by those who recognized free market capitalism and democracy were not compatible.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the most powerful family dynasty on earth, is credited with a number of quotes along the line that if you control the money, or the issuing of money, you control the government.
From his start in banking in 1757 through an international banking network he built with his sons, the private family fortune has amassed a value today some believe is as high as $24 trillion.
His son Nathan Rothschild, one of five children dispersed throughout the banking world early in the 1800's said, "Own nothing, control everything."
It seems such an attitude as the Rothschilds has finally permeated the last holdout from family control in western civilization, the United States.  Did you know the Rothschilds and all the parasites who worship them have relentlessly pursued a way to get control of the money in the United States since the birth of our nation?
Amschel Rothschild is consistently voted into the top ten most influential business people of all time by Forbes Magazine and for good reason.
In America our free market system was protected by the Constitution and was based on competing fairly without harming the general public.  Charity was a large part of our society with most aid for those in need coming from people, churches and charities the rich established.
So somewhere along the line that government of the people, by the people and for the people forgot about the path of service and giving, compassion and caring, and adopted the French attitude of Laissez-faire toward the economy.  In other words just leave the capitalists alone.
As modern times have demonstrated, when the greedy are left alone the public has suffered.  Fraud, conflicts, ethics violations and downright criminal acts became paths to feed the greed.
In the last 10 years scandals have rocked the energy, banking, home mortgage, stock market, commodities markets, health care, pharmaceutical, medical, insurance, environmental, and even sports industries.  Ironically, hardly any of the guilty parties have even been prosecuted and when corporations did pay fines it was with no admission of guilt and the fine being tax deductible as a business expense.
Billions of dollars in fines have been paid the past decade.  Nice tax deduction for a company who broke the law.  Of course the same companies funnel tens of millions of dollars into the political campaigns of our government leaders.
The real Green Machine in America is the flow of money from the public to the private sector to the pockets of the politicians and it does not matter whether they are Democrat, Republican, Independent, Environmental, or even Socialist.  Green is gold when it comes to greed.
So the current state of affairs does not look good for the public as you could see when President Obama earlier this year signed an appropriations bill approved by Congress that contained an innocuous amendment also approved by the House and the Senate stating the chemical companies involved in genetic engineering of our food supply could not be sued by the public or governments for any problems resulting from the use of GMOs.
If GMOs are so good for the world why did the industry pursue this guarantee from the government they can't be sued?
Money clearly rules in America as the GMO government protection is now at the same level as all the other industries who nearly destroyed the economy of America and the world in pursuit of their greed.
That "waiver of liability" for GMOs must be repealed.
Second there must be mandatory product labeling of GMO products.
Next government must independently test GMOs for long term health effects and long term environmental effects on humans, insects, animals and the earth.
Congress must also investigate and expose any deceptions in the pursuit of a GMO world such as:
GMOs were supposed to increase the supply of food in the world.  Why hasn't it happened in 15 years?
Were GMOs pursued by the chemical companies as a vehicle to assure the continued use of antibiotics and pesticides by transferring the poison to our food supply?
I mean, if a GMO seed is resistant to a pesticide then more pesticide can be put on the plant without harm to the seed.
In my stories I showed how 1.6 billion people still rely on local farms or their own for food in the world, mostly in the third world countries.  This is the new target for GMO sales by the chemical companies throughout the world.  Their reckless expansion should be stopped until we get the definitive results of the independent testing.
The truth is the government is the only group capable of independent testing since the entire private sector is beholden to money one way or the other.  A government lab like those of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) should be established to keep the private sector honest.
Remember, the antibiotic and pesticide market is $110 billion a year.  The GMO field is totally dominated by the owners of the antibiotic and pesticide products.
If biological research can benefit mankind it should be pursued but it must benefit far more than just corporate profits and stockholders equity.
Abraham Lincoln never let the world forget that the Civil War involved an even larger issue. This he stated most movingly in dedicating the military cemetery at Gettysburg: "that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
We, the people, must restore this principle to our government by scrutiny, oversight and action at the polls and in the courts if necessary.
GMO could very well be a lifeline to saving the 870 millions that are chronically undernourished every year or it could be a profit-ploy to line the pockets of the greedy and their politicians.
One final note for the critics of GMO activity, the United States is a leader in the sale of GMO seeds in the world but only four of the top ten chemical companies involved in GMOs are from America.  All should be put under the microscope in our search for the truth.
Often times what we don't know is far more important than what we know.  Such is the current case with GMOs.  When there is doubt or confusion about something so important that it impacts on every living human being, the insect and plant world and the earth as a whole, then we need answers before we make fatal mistakes.

 For more stories on the Rothschilds check the following links:

The Coltons Point Times

Birthplace of Religious Freedom ----------"Veritas vos liberabit"
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Trillionaires Delight - The 21st Century of Rothschild, Morgan and Rockefeller
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Obama, Rothschild's "Chosen One" Closer to being President of New World Order
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Capitalism Rothschild Goldman Style - An Idea Whose Time is Done


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Capitalism Rothschild Goldman Style - An Idea Whose Time is Done


Once upon a time there was a new nation formed from a repressive past and a fierce desire to achieve individual freedom. A gathering of Americans convened in Philadelphia that summer of 1787 to draft a new constitution for the new nation resulting from the stunning defeat of Great Britain in the American Revolution. Some say it was the greatest gathering of minds in the history of the world.

What emerged was a Constitution and Bill of Rights unlike anything before or since and to this day it has reigned as the predominant constitution in the world. But it was not without pain and debate, much of which centered around the distribution of powers between a strong federal government and state's rights.

By June of 1788 the required nine states had approved the constitution and in January 1789 the new Congress met for the first time. George Washington was elected President of the United States and John Adams Vice President and America was a viable entity.

The battle between advocates of a strong national government (federal) and state's rights would continue until this day but major changes took place under the George Washington administration through the efforts of Alexander Hamilton, Washington confidant and first Secretary of the Treasury. This was a time when the Rothschild's international banking family made it's first inroads into the fledgling and lucrative America money machine.

Now most people who slept through American history and economics classes in high school and college think capitalism was a creation of the Revolution along with the American style of Democracy. Wrong. In fact it is one of four major wrongs attributed to our revolution and founding fathers by modern day politicians and a liberal media overwhelmed by Alzheimer's forgetfulness.

Wrong number one, we did not invent democracy, we approved a Republic. Number two wrong, capitalism is not an American creation but European strategy to control countries. Wrong number three, slavery was not an American original but again European strategy to exploit America. Wrong number four, in America the separation of church and state did not separate God from America but the godless from America.

As for our favorite trillionaire family, the Rothschilds, they were there way back then as much as today. Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the patriarch of the House of Rothschild, was from Frankfurt, Germany where his grandfather and father had built a business. In 1755 and 1756 when he was 12 years old his parents died and he was sent to complete an apprenticeship in Hanover working for Wolf Jakob Oppenheimer whose family first exposed him to the benefits of working with royalty.

The Oppenheimer's were court agent to the Austrian Emperor and agent to the Bishop of Cologne. Upon completion of his apprenticeship in 1764 Mayer Amschel returned to his family in Frankfurt and established the House of Rothschild. It was the beginning of the most powerful banking family in history.

The French Revolution and English Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century gave Rothschild the chance to expand his enterprise from Germany to France and England and the House of Rothschild became the first international banking network managing the finances of nations. Of course the golden goose for international bankers was America just emerging from the Revolution and trying to become a nation.

Capitalism, as we know it today, dates back to the middle ages but most historians consider the Netherlands the world's first capitalist nation with the wealthiest trading city, Amsterdam, and the first full time stock exchange which led to insurance and retirement funds, asset and inflation cycles and manipulation of commodity markets in the early 1600's.

The British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company launched a new expansion of capitalism in the early 1600's as state chartered trading companies. Chartered as joint-stock companies they were monopolies with powers ranging from lawmaking to military and treaty-making privileges. This was the first attempt by nations to compete with individual business to acquire and control resources from agriculture to gold, oil to clothing. Individual investors bought into these creations to reduce debt exposure and greatly enhance profit potential.

Money to support the multiple wars and trading companies along with the industrial development and geographic expansion came from the network of international banks led by the Rothschild banks throughout Europe.

In 1791 Alexander Hamilton, one of the leading patriots of the American Revolution and aide-de-camp to General George Washington was serving the first president as Secretary of the Treasury when he got the first Congress to approve a 20 year charter for the First National Bank of America to be run by agents of the House of Rothschild. Considerable suspicion of the dependence on private banks to finance the government surfaced on the part of George Washington, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson and the role of the international bankers made it a highly controversial action.

When opposition to renewing the charter in 1811 peaked the banking family threatened the nation with a crippling war if the charter was not renewed. The charter was not renewed and in 1812 England, the base for the Rothschild banking empire, declared war against America. By 1816 a financially devastated USA chartered the Second National Bank of America to the Rothschild agents.

When Andrew Jackson was president from 1829 to 1837 he was opposed to the National Bank and removed federal money from it. There was an assassination attempt on him in 1835 which the assailant claimed was financed by European bankers. From 1836 until 1913 there was no National Bank but the government was dependent on the New York banks, many of which were controlled by the Rothschild network.

During the Civil War Lincoln went to the New York banks for money for the war effort and was offered funds with interest up to 36%. Furious he refused and began the first printing of money by the federal government issuing $450 million in bonds. Both the United States and Russia under the Czars resisted efforts to establish national banks to finance governments. Ironically both Lincoln and Czar Alexander II were assassinated.

From the founding of our nation our leaders were deeply suspicious of the international bankers and their motives for establishing national banks. The lack of loyalty to the nations, unrestricted usury (interest) fees and lack of assets to back the paper bonds were among the many issues raised against the banks.

"If ever again our nation stumbles upon unfunded paper, it shall surely be like death to our body politic. This country will crash."
George Washington

"I sincerely believe ... that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale."

"The Central Bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and form of our Constitution."
Thomas Jefferson

"I have two great enemies: the Southern Army in front of me, and the financial institutions to my rear. Of the two, the one in my rear is my greatest foe."
Abraham Lincoln

"No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marquee and reprisal; coin money; emit letters of credit; make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility." (Article I, Section 10)
The Constitution of The United States of America

A definition of capitalism might read an economic system characterized by private property ownership; where individuals and companies are allowed to compete for their own economic gain; and free market forces determine the prices of goods and services. Some claim that the protection of individual and property rights is an essential element of capitalism since individuals must be able to keep what they earn through a capitalistic system.

However, since capitalism has been the breeding ground for slavery, excessive usury, manipulation of prices and many other anti-individual matters it seems rather hypocritical to define it with such a noble purpose as individual rights.

In truth capitalism has no moral or ethical requirements, is more comfortable with atheism than Christianity, and has minimal loyalty to nations. First and foremost capitalism is expected to produce maximum profit for the private stockholders and bond holders.

The most recent performance of Wall Street in the sub-prime mortgage market, the oil price speculation, the unwillingness of banks to provide loans, the excessive charges and fees by our banking community and the bonuses, bailouts, stimulus spending and many other economic tricks exercised in Washington would suggest morality is the farthest thing from the minds of the money manipulators.

Our democracy requires a degree of morality and ethics not found in the capitalist system of the House of Rothschild or any other capitalist advocates. Yet our democracy, which is founded on individual rights, freedom and the grace of God requires a degree of morality and ethics not found in the socialist system either which is the opposite of capitalism and has bred the fascist and communist movements of the past century.

The Obama administration seems to think it can combine two wrongs to make a right by giving us extreme doses of both capitalism and socialism at their worst. Bank bailouts, bonuses and market manipulation seem okay to Obama along with a socialized work force, a public medical system and a redistribution of wealth. How silly.

What is needed is a new Constitutional Convention devoted to developing a new system of economics that will support the principles of our American Constitution without abusing the rights of man and woman and our relationship to God.

We have demonstrated greed in government cannot be regulated by those with greed and that Wall Street cannot be regulated by those with profit and the pursuit of materialism as a primary objective. Our Christian foundation may not be present in our religions but it is present in our relationship to God. The only way we can protect and defend the spiritual laws of God, the natural laws of nature and our inalienable rights as man is to eliminate the opportunity for greed from our system.

Do we have the strength to again defend our nation from the clutches of greed, the motives of capitalism and the exploitation of socialism? We shall see. Do we have the will to demand our principles of morality, our exercise of ethics and our relationship to God be protected first and foremost above materialism and greed? We shall see.

Do we have the fortitude to declare our Christian values of charity, compassion and empathy more important than the accumulation of wealth and property? Do we have faith in God and our ability as God's creations to protect individual rights and freedoms for all people from the forces of evil? Do we really believe in anything anymore?

We shall see...


Friday, May 08, 2009

The Obama Goldman Rothschild Update - The Trillionaire Puppet Masters at Work

The deeper we dig into the world economic chaos the clearer the picture becomes that what has happened the past two years in the international economic meltdown could be a strategic move to solidify control of the US and world economies. For three years this paper has projected market manipulations underway that resulted in the near collapse of world economies. From the sub-prime mortgages to oil and commodity price manipulations, swaps and derivatives to a credit crash, a cascading series of unlikely events sent the world to the brink of economic disaster.

In the process regulatory agencies were proven to be toothless when it came to enforcement, Congress was inept in identifying problems or solutions, hundreds of millions of dollars were poured into political campaigns from Obama to our congressional leaders while behind the scenes the puppet masters were busy carrying out the script. This week the long awaited bank stress test results were released and surprise, surprise, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs continue to separate themselves from the rest of the world.

The world economy may have been on the precipice of disaster but these two companies benefited in ways it will take years to assess and one has to wonder why? If you followed the series of articles in the Coltons Point Times you would have known. You can see the index of the Economic articles in the recent past at the Coltons Point Times .
House of Rothschild Family Crest

Let's examine where we are today. First, the Rothschilds control JP Morgan as they have for most of the past century along with an astounding number of major banks, brokers and corporations around the world. Then it is no surprise that in terms of the Market Cap on investment banking institutions in America JP Morgan stands alone with over $130 billion. They along with Goldman also had the highest ratings in the bank stress test and do not need any additional capital.

Behind Morgan comes Wells Fargo $99.16 billion (Warren Buffett is a substantial investor), Bank of America $69.39 billion but dropping, and Goldman Sachs at $64.37 billion (Warren Buffett is also a savior of that bank). Bank of America was the worst of all banks but not bad all the same and Wells does need to raise some capital.

How about the stock prices the past year. JP Morgan lost 27.8% of value, Goldman Sachs lost 31.6% of value and Wells Fargo lost 22.5% of value. All outperformed the markets which are still down about 40-42%. In the banking sector Bank of America lost 73.6% of value and Citigroup lost 87.3% of value. Most important, since Obama got elected our golden boys JP Morgan and Goldman both more than doubled in value to lead the economic rebound.

During the past year virtually all the competition to the golden buys disappeared, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers were wiped out, companies that were founded in 1923, 1914 and 1850. All other major competitors were left broken like Bank of America and Citigroup.

Goldman probably owes it's survival to the fact it has long served as a front or partner with JP Morgan, meaning the Rothschild empire, just as the JP Morgan company survived by being a front for the Rothschild family. While Morgan has a market cap of over $130 billion, the Rothschild fortune is estimated to be as high as $200 trillion, not billion. That is more than the annual budgets of every nation on earth, actually more than every nation's budget on earth combined. The largest budget by far is the USA at $3.44 trillion with $11.2 trillion in debt, pocket change to the Rothschild family.

If the Rothschilds are the puppet masters of the world Goldman is their star puppet being in the forefront of every major financial catastrophe in recent history and benefiting each time. They secretly backed Obama well before he was a candidate for President and have been getting dividends on their investment ever since.

Both Morgan and Goldman got billions in bank bail out money from the last Administration, approved by Congress and approved by Senator Obama. Neither needed or ever used it. Since becoming President Obama gave billions to bail out AIG and AIG turned around and paid off billions in debt owed to Morgan and Goldman. How do these things happen under the very nose of Congress and federal regulators?

Look at the record of where former Goldman executives have settled. Here is just a partial list and it makes you wonder if Goldman Sachs is controlling Wall Street and Washington?

Henry H. Fowler - 58th United States Treasury Secretary (1965-1969)
Robert Rubin - Former United States Treasury Secretary, ex-Chairman of Citigroup.
Henry Paulson - Former United States Treasury Secretary.
Edward Lampert- Hedge Fund Manager of ESL Investments. Brought K-Mart out of Bankruptcy in 2003
Joshua Bolten - former White House Chief of Staff
Erin Burnett - CNBC Host
Jon Corzine - Governor of the State of New Jersey.
Michael Cohrs - Head of Global Banking at Deutsche Bank
Emanuel Derman - Author of My Life as a Quant and co-developer of the Black-Derman-Toy
Jim Cramer - founder of, best selling author, and host of Mad Money on CNBC
Ashwin Navin - President and co-founder of BitTorrent, Inc.
Abby Joseph Cohen - Perma-bull market forecaster formerly of Drexel Burnham Lambert
George Herbert Walker IV - member of the Bush family and current managing director at Neuberger Berman
Robert Zoellick - Uniteed States Trade Representative (2001-2005), Deputy Secretary of State (2005-2006), World Bank President.
Mark Carney - Current Governor of the Bank of Canada
Michael D. Fascitelli - President & Trustee of Vornado Realty Trust
Neel Kashkari - Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability
Charlie Haas - Wrestler, who is working for World Wreestling Entertainment
Malcolm Turnbull - Australian politician, currently the federal leader of the Liberal Party of Australia
John Thain - former Chairman and CEO, Merrill Lynch, and former chairman of the NYSE.
Thain was replaced at the NYSE by Goldman veteran Duncan Niederauer.
Robert Steel - Chairman and President, Wachovia Bank.
Reuben Jeffery III, Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs (2007-)
Romano Prodi, Prime Minister of Italy twice (1996-1998 and 2006-2008) and President of the European Commission (1999-2004)
Mario Draghi, governor of the Bank of Italy (2006- )
Massimo Tononi, Italian deputy treasury chief (2006-2008)

Goldman just hired former Barney Frank staffer Michael Paese to be top Washington lobbyist.
This position was formerly held by Mark Patterson, the current chief of staff at the Treasury.
Tim Geithner, Obama Secretary of Treasury was mentored by Gerald Corrigan, a former New York Fed president and current partner and managing director of the Office of the Chairman of Goldman Sachs. Geithner’s replacement as president of the New York Fed, William C. Dudley, is also a former Goldman executive

Ed Liddy, who the government appointed as CEO of AIG was Goldman’s vice chairman

Akshaya Prasad has left Goldman's and joined investment company Greater Pacific Capital as co-head of their Indian business.

Of course these high-level appointments are probably just coincidental. Just as it was probably coincidental that on September 15, 2008, then New York Fed president Tim Geithner pressed for AIG’s biggest counterparty, Goldman Sachs, to help the insurer raise capital after it became clear that AIG was at risk of going bankrupt. And that on the same day Goldman’s current CEO, Lloyd Blankfein, was at the New York Fed. And that Goldman ended up in receipt of about $12 billion in tax dollars thanks to AIG’s wholesale credit-default swap and after the government bail out.

Just today we learned that the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Stephen J. Friedman, abruptly resigned on Thursday, days after the Wall Street Journal raised questions about his ties to his former employer, Goldman Sachs.
Mr. Friedman, who led or co-led Goldman from 1990 until 1994 and remains a director, was chairman of the New York Fed at the same time. He also held a substantial stake in the firm as the Federal Reserve drew up plans to keep Wall Street’s banks afloat.

Because the New York Fed approved a request by Goldman to become a bank holding company, the chairman’s involvement in Goldman was a violation of Fed policy, The Wall Street Journal reported. The New York Fed had asked for a waiver, which, after about two and a half months, the Fed granted, the newspaper said. During that time, Mr. Friedman bought 37,300 more Goldman shares, which have since risen $1.7 million in value.

In fact the control of the Rothschilds and Goldman are so complex the following is a chart tracking some of the Goldman connections.

As the world economy improves which it must for the golden boys to benefit maybe you should look carefully at our politicians and Wall Street executives and look closely for the puppet strings from the real Master.

Friday, March 20, 2009

What is the Economy Going To Do?

Now that is the biggest question facing the world today as the Obama Administration has been mired in deflection of the economic problems to Bush saying they inherited the mess. Of course the Democratic controlled Congress passed the bail out bill, with Obama's support, then passed the second and all subsequent packages and bailouts. The new budget is also Obama's, not Bush.

If the economic plans fail they will be because of Bush. So if they succeed they should also be because of Bush but of course that is not politics as usual and we have seen how the agent-of-change has taken great comfort in maintaining politics as usual. It matters not, who can believe them anyway? Fact is none of the experts can be believed because all of them collectively, Democrats, Republicans, politicians, Wall Streeters and the financial institutions of the world were responsible for the mess.

The Coltons Point Times has been far more accurate than Wall Street or Washington in predicting the future trends and problems of the economy over the past three years. We are now going to give our newest round of predictions and we tend to take a much more optimistic approach than all those guys trying to "capitalize on the crisis."

Once again we turned to our legion of experts and consulted the shamans, psychics, channels, spirits (both the ethereal and bottled kind), illegal aliens, extra-terrestrial aliens and itinerate preachers for advice. We did not consult Wall Street, economists, stock analysts, bankers, brokers, politicians or media for they lived the lies that got us here in the first place and that they are condemning even now. If they looked in the mirror they could identify the bad guys.

So here are the 2009 economic predictions of the CPT. First the recession will end during the 3rd quarter of this year and a sustained growth will commence in September. By then the Dow Jones should be flirting with 9,000. Real Estate will turn around the second quarter and by the third quarter the value of homes will start increasing again. Congress better watch the lenders to make sure they are not sticking it to us in hidden fees.

While America will be back to business almost as usual next fall it will take six months more before the European markets start to stabilize, like in the spring of 2010. If you can go to Europe and other places while the prices are dirt cheap. The unemployment rate will stabilize by the fourth quarter of this year but will take several years to return to a 6% level. That's okay because if people see the value of their homes and stocks increasing many older workers will not need to return to work making more jobs available for younger people.

Ford and a stripped down General Motors will emerge this fall much more competitive with the Japanese car manufacturers who stole the American market from them. Health costs will increase making health and wellness companies good investments as Obama will struggle with lowering costs. No matter how much money they pour into education it will not improve until they create a whole new educational system. In both health and education it is the system that is flawed. More money and people cannot make incompetent or outdated systems better.

At some point in the next 24 months people are going to suddenly have a divine awakening when they realize that if we spent all the money currently spent on health, insurance and treatment on the simple strategy of rebuilding our immune system, maybe we wouldn't need that massive health care industry. Didn't the Bible even say "heal thyself"?

Remember when you were a kid and ate mud patties, dirty snow, unwashed garden vegetables and even half-cooked burgers if the barbeque chef was half-lit? That stuff didn't kill you. Most times it didn't even make you sick. Our immune system could handle it. Well even since you were a kid you have been busy destroying your immune system with our societal addiction to prescription drugs, atrocious eating habits, and over-the-counter remedies to every problem you didn't even know you had!

For the richest and most advanced society in the world we are pretty sick physically, mentally and spiritually. If you choose to maintain the status quo when it comes to your health and habits including the diagnosing and treatment of our many illnesses and diseases, then you will stay sick. If you want to get well, you change what made you sick in the first place. That is the future of improved health. Many old and even ancient treatments never should have been forgotten. They cured the problems. Today's treatment is intended to prolong the problem and make you more susceptible to more prescriptions.

Physically, health maintenance is the best cure for the physical body. Mental health can be cured when we wake up and realize a greed-driven society breeds the many tentacles of stress which manifest into your sicknesses. Spiritually, well that is a test. You could find or go back to religion or adopt some discipline that helps you find inner peace.

That is all the advice I have to offer on this at the moment.