Showing posts with label broken health care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label broken health care. Show all posts

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Our Broken Health Care System - Whom can you trust and whom can you believe?


What a sad commentary to hear the news media talk about how our presidential candidates from Clinton to Christy, Bush to Fiorina, have suddenly begun talking about the dangers of prescription drugs and how addiction to prescriptions is causing a heroin epidemic in America.

Hillary should think about such things when her presidential campaign accepts all that money from Big Pharma and the Clinton Foundation accepts millions of more dollars from the same scoundrels.  One day the FBI will recover the missing emails and we will finally know the truth.

Until then, I have been writing articles for over a decade about the abuses in medicine and health care including the prescription drug explosion.  Demand our candidates tell us what they are going to do about it!  You will hear nothing.

This is the same road Barack Obama got away with when he took millions of dollars for his campaign from Big Pharma, then attacked them over health care.  Then he took $50 million from them to promote Obamacare when it was being debated and lo and behold, after it was approved the drug companies got everything they wanted and more.

I am reprinting the key articles I wrote exposing the dangerous condition of our health care system, all because it is grounded on profitability and not healing.  Obamacare is Eutopia for anyone desiring to keep people sick to maximize insurance payments and make no mistake my friends, they will do anything and everything necessary to make money by keeping you sick.

So your favorite family doctor gets a bonus when he prescribes certain prescriptions.  Where I come from they call that bribery, and millions and millions of dollars are involved.  Congress and the president make sure the doctors are exempt from liability if they prescribe these drugs, even if they lead to suicide or accidental overdoses.

Big Pharma pays off doctors to prescribe their drug and their drug leads to the death of the 
 user whether through adverse side effects or suicide from addiction to the prescribed drug.  So far you have committed bribery, used unfair business practices, had excessive prescriptions written, and killed your client, and you cannot even be held responsible.

Those lovable drug companies we see on television bring you relief from pain and drugs to help you sleep.  Sounds like a Columbian drug cartel to me.  As for the trusted doctors, they are the drug distributors, the ones condemning you to death, and there is no recourse for what either has done.

Well, we have a government allowing this insanity to take place, we have a health care system called Obamacare thriving on the carnage resulting from over-prescription, and we have health insurance companies paying the tab as long as the people paid their highly inflated premiums.

All of the assorted characters are responsible for the tens of thousands of suicides taking place and the hundreds of thousands of drug over-doses resulting in accidental or suicidal death.

"The Blood of American Victims is on the Hands of the People we Trusted most."

The following series of "broken health care system" articles explains how we, the people, are victimized, by a system with no morals, no ethics, and no justice, just profit and greed.

CPT Master Subject Index - Health Care Issues

The Broken American Health Care System Article Index

October 14, 2013
Health Care in America - "Corruption at the Core of the Collapse"

June 14, 2013
Obamaville - June 14, 2013 - The Midterm Check Up

March 07, 2012
Health Care in America - Illegal "Off-Label" Conspirators
March 06, 2012
Health Care in America - Increasing Criminal and Civil Monetary Penalties Against the Pharmaceutical Industry
March 06, 2012
Health Care in America - Big Pharma Convictions in Civil and Criminal Courts
March 06, 2012
Health Care in America - Big Pharma Fraud, Cover Ups & Corruption
February 29, 2012
Health Care in America - The Sword of Damocles - Antibiotics

February 21, 2012
Health News You Can Use - Stay Informed & Stay Alive

February 15, 2012
Did You Hear About This in the News?
America's Legal Drug Addiction

February 06, 2012
Health Care in America - "Corruption at the Core of the Collapse

February 03, 2012
Health Care in America - "Possible Side Effects" Warnings

January 31, 2012
Health Care in America - Where Politicians Fear to Tread

May 14, 2010
Now that we have a health care bailout - how about an American Health Care Reform?

May 13, 2009
The Health Industry Capitulation - This Sure Ain't No Pythagorean Theorem


Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Obamaville October 1 - When do the lies stop?


Today the CDC became the newest government agency to lie to the public in a long list of institutional lying the past two years alone.  When they announced the first Ebola case in the United States they said there was no chance of anyone else being exposed.  Then 12 hours later they said the patient was refused Ebola treatment the first time he went to the hospital because they didn't test for Ebola even though he told them he came from Liberia.  He was given the great American cure all, antibodies, which have no effect on Ebola, then sent home.  For the next two days everyone he encountered in Dallas, Texas was exposed to Ebola.

What does it mean to citizens of the USA?  More important, who can you believe?  Did I mention there is no cure currently available?

Of course we are also facing a nationwide epidemic of the D68 virus in children and numerous cases have mutated from a very dangerous virus to paralyzing the victims and no cure is in sight for this either. 

Then there is the MERS coronavirus virus that has spread to the USA from the Middle East and again there is no cure.  If the victim has a strong immune system they may live.  Here in the land of addictive prescription drugs, dozens of required vaccinations, and the explosion of antibiotics prescribed, to both the humans for every little cause and in the food supply through massive doses in the animal feed, we have destroyed much of our immune system thanks to our government regulation.

The biggest lie of all is that we have a good health care system.  Right now the only thing healthy about American health care is the massive wealth being accumulated by the doctors, pharmaceutical corporations, health care providers, insurance companies, health equipment manufacturers, stock holders in health care companies, and banks financing the maze of activity designed to keep you sick, not make you healthy.

To this day our government does not allow medical practices that have been in use around the world for thousands of years that prevent people from getting sick.  Why are proven Chinese health practices such as herbal treatment and acupuncture not approved for health insurance and Medicare?

Did I mention the agency scandal of the week, this time the Secret Service, forced to admit the president has been in danger more than once and if the most recent fence jumping person who made it over the fence, across the lawn, and inside the White House to the private quarters of the first family had been carrying plastic explosives instead of a knife, there might not be a White House.  Thank God an off duty officer finally tackled the intruder.

This comes on the heels of two more disclosures of failures to protect the president, which was preceded by a prostitution ring that was serving the Secret Service agents some kind of security.  Today the Secret Service director was fired or resigned depending on whose lie you care to believe.

Not to prolong the discussion, but we are also still trying to find out what really happened in the IRS scandal that also cost a director her job.

Bringing up the rear in our cavalcade of institutional lies is the National Security Agency tale of woes thanks to whistle blower Edward Snowden.  Now these lies have echoed throughout the world and seriously damaged our credibility.

And that, my friends, is all the ink I will devote to the avalanche of lies we are being spoon fed.