Showing posts with label Yale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yale. Show all posts

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Obama should appoint Sarah Palin Secretary of State - The Ivy League has done enough & Putin would like her!


By now it should be getting obvious that President Putin of Russia has no love for the Ivy League Secretaries of State Obama has appointed to keep him under control.  I mean did Obama really think Hillary Clinton or John Kerry could intimidate the Russian Bear?

So Yale has now had their chance at Secretary of State with both Hillary and Kerry graduates just like Harvard and Yale will have had their run on the presidency for 28 straight years when Obama finally leaves office.

As much as I like the Ivy League perhaps someone else should have a chance to run things both as secretary of state and as president.  At least for a few years everything that goes wrong could not be rightfully blamed on the Ivy League.

Sarah, now she might just be the only American capable of standing up to the macho man from Russia.  At best Kerry was good at sailing and Putin would consider that a sissy sport.  Hillary does not seem like the athletic type with a cheeseburger for a hubby so she could never get respect.

But Sarah, she just sits up there in Alaska watching Putin across the water and few are tougher than our own Momma Grizzly.  She hunts with real guns, catches fish in the ocean, has weathered blizzards on dog sleds, flies planes into the Alaska mountains and picks her teeth with liberals.

She could hold her own arm wrestling and when it comes to heavy artillery, look out Comrade.  Palin thinks a recreational vehicle is an army tank.  Back in high school and college she was a super star jock.

I think it might just be the future of international relations and negotiations, where the winner is whoever can down the most shots of vodka or tequila depending on who wins the coin toss.

Putin also knows Palin was the only politician in 2008 to demand we "drill baby drill" so we could become energy independent, something Putin really knows as well.


My money is on Sarah because "there's something about Sarah" that could tip the balance in foreign relations in our favor for the first time in many, many years.


Friday, July 12, 2013

No Chance for Hillary in 2016 - Yale & Harvard Streak will End


Now average Americans are going to have a hard time accepting this because average Americans consider the Ivy League to be something found in a the history books, or maybe in prose or fiction books.  The Great Gatsby comes to mind.
When it comes to power, the Ivy League is IT but normally in terms of the dominant Ivy influence over Wall Street, the international banking community and the engines of commerce.
Where did the following Latin phrases come from?
In Deo Speramus - (In God We Hope)
In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen - (In Thy light shall we see the light)
Quisquam qui ars  - (Any person -Any study)
Vox clamantis in deserto - (The voice of one crying in the wilderness)
Veritas -(Truth)
Dei sub numine viget - (Under God's power she flourishes)
Leges sine moribus vanae - (Laws without morals are useless)
Lux et veritas - (Light and truth)
Those are the mottos of the eight venerated Ivy League schools.

It seems we understand the power and influence of the Ivy League in terms of commerce but we really don't when it comes to national politics.  In fact the attitude of the general public in terms of the Ivy League in politics is rather bleak.

According to the most recent Rasmussen polls only five percent (5%) of American Adults think it is better for America to have presidents only from Ivy League schools.  A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 85% believe it’s better for the country to have presidents who come from a variety of schools.

Try this!

There have been 43 men who served as US President as of 2008. It is often said that President Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States of America. However, President Obama is only the 43rd different person to serve as President of the United States. This is due to the fact that President Grover Cleveland served non-consecutive terms and so is usually counted as both the 22nd and the 24th President.

Of our 43 presidents, 14 attended Ivy League schools.  Forbes magazine identified these additional political facts about the Ivy League.

All considered, more than a third of all U.S. presidents, Supreme Court justices and currently serving U.S. senators have attended an Ivy League school for undergraduate or graduate study.

It gets better.  When Obama completes his 2nd term in 2016 we will have had 28 straight years of presidents from Yale and Harvard alone under Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama.  In fact in the 224 years we have elected presidents, don't forget George Washington first took office in 1789, the Ivy League has held the presidency 82 of those years, or 37% of our history.

Hillary would be the 15th president from the Ivy League and that may be a bit too much for a nation in the which Ivy League represents just 8 out of 4,140 institutions of higher education.  For those of you into decimals the Ivy League makes up under 2 tenths of one percent (.001932) of our institutions yet controlled the presidency 37% of the time.

Public 4-year institutions     629
Private 4-year institutions 1,845
Total 4 year                           2,474

Public 2-year institutions   1,070
Private 2-year institutions    596
Total 2 year                           1,666

Total 4 & 2 year                    4,140

So money talks and legacy institutions prosper but you may be surprised when it comes to the costliest universities in America, long thought to be dominated by the Ivy League.

A recently compiled list of the 20 Most Expensive Colleges in the country shows prices, which include Tuition and Fees and Room and Board, range from $59,400 to just under $62,000 per year.

#1 New York University $61,977
#2 Harvey Mudd College $61,760
#3 Bard College $61,446
#4 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute $60,779
#5 Sarah Lawrence College $60,656
#6 Wesleyan University $60,214
# 7 Dartmouth College $60,201
#8 University of Chicago $60,039
#9 Bard College at Simon's Rock $60,003
#10 Trinity College $59,860
#11 John Hopkins University $59,802
#12 Fordham College $59,802
#13 Carnegie Mellon University $59,632
#14 University of Southern California $59,615
#15 Occidental College $59,592
#16 Scripps College $59,570
#17 Oberlin College $59,474
#18 Haverford College $59,416
# 19 Pitzer College $59,416
# 20 Northwestern University $59,389

Sources: Business Insider and U.S. Department of Education

To my amazement only one Ivy League school, Dartmouth, made the list.

What does this all mean?  It seems the more other schools catch up with the Ivy League in terms of the number of schools and the cost of education, the stronger those dastardly Ivy League schools get control of our presidency and political processes.

Harvard was the first university in America founded in 1636.  By 1800 six of the first 16 universities in America were Ivy League, 37%.  Now the Ivy League represents less than 1 percent of institutions of higher education.  In spite of that we are completing 28 straight years of presidents from just Yale and Harvard and along comes Hillary seeking to extend that Ivy stranglehold on the presidency to 36 straight years.

Isn't it about time we give someone else a chance like MIT or Stanford or Slippery Rock or even The Pennsylvania State University New Kensington Campus of the Commonwealth College, (the longest college name in the USA)?

To be perfectly honest, I set out in life intending to go to Yale for undergraduate work and Harvard for law school.  Even back in the 1960's it took two years to get through the process of screening.  When I visited Yale in the spring of 1964 I found out they had no athletic scholarships thus ending my Ivy League career.  I would have been classmates with Bush, Jr. and Bill Clinton, along with Hillary.

But in spite of my Ivy loyalty even I think enough is enough, give someone else a chance to lead us.  Besides, since she is now making $200,000 per speech, more than her annual salary as Secretary of State, she will be seduced by the money.

How is this for a dilemma?  Do I become president at $400,000 a year and spend 24/7 365 days a year tearing out my hair and getting fat at political dinners, or do I work two days and make the same amount without all the BS.

Ivy League Fashions

Besides, Bill Clinton showed us the way with his $100 million in earnings the few years after he was president.  Same with Gore and a host of other politicians.  Why would Hillary want any less?

The only glass ceiling she needs to shatter is the one holding the millions of dollars she will be making.

When Secretary Of State, Hillary Clinton's annual salary was $186,600 making her the fourth highest paid government official in the United States behind the President ($400,000), the Vice President ($225,551) and Secretary of Treasury ($191,300).

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Obamaville, February 21 - Obama's Higher Education Dilemma


Life as an Ivy League Elitist from Harvard not Yale

The world is a strange place indeed.  A little over three years ago Barack Obama was sworn in as the eighth U.S. president to have graduated from Harvard University.  Thus he is faced with the suspicion of being an Ivy League elitist, aristocrat, privileged or whatever you may think of Harvard, this bastion of liberalism.

In all fairness, I spent several years going through the tests, stress, interviews, etc., while trying to get into Yale, another one of those Ivy League elitist schools, before finances stopped my dream and I went to the University of Arizona to play basketball.

But the Ivy League certainly has a right to seem conceited or arrogant, I mean every list of the top universities in the world shows about the same thing.  Here are the top five universities in the world.

1.  University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
2.  Harvard, University, United States
3.  Yale University, United States
4.  University College of London, United Kingdom
5.  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

The third Ivy League school in this story is Princeton from New Jersey and it ranks number ten in the world.  So these three schools are all in the top ten, and two of the top three universities in the world.  It is pretty impressive.

President Obama is a 1991 graduate of Harvard Law School. He joins former President George W. Bush (M.B.A. ’75) and Presidents John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy as Harvard graduates chosen to serve as the nation’s chief executive.

You don't hear a lot of talk from the eastern establishment about Bush being a Harvard graduate and he does seem a rather odd fit with the likes of John Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt, not to mention the Adams family.

However, Obama also ended 20 straight years of Yale presidents from Bush senior to Bush junior.  The three straight presidents, Bush, Clinton and Bush, gave Yale three of their four presidents in our history.

Now some of you may wonder how Bush, Jr. could be the last Yale president and still count as a Harvard president.  That is a  real dilemma, explaining how George Bush, Jr. is the only president in our history who graduated from Harvard and Yale.  So he counts as both.  Once again you seldom hear eastern elitists talk about this fact.

Two Ivy League institutions with twelve presidents between them, not bad.  For purposes of discussion and as a matter of loyalty to New Jersey where I lived longer than any other place during my life, I must add Princeton University, the third major Ivy League school that has produced two more presidents.

So Harvard 8 (counting Bush), Yale 3 (not counting Bush) and Princeton 2 have produced a total of 13 of our 44 total US presidents.  It gets better.  Of the 44 presidents, ten never graduated from college, or as we say out east, from an institution of higher learning.

Ironically, leading the pack are the two most popular and beloved of all presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  Neither attended any institution of higher learning and in Lincoln's case he only had one year of formal education at an institution of lower learning.

For education purposes, the rest of the presidents not graduating are Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Grover Cleveland and Harry S. Truman.

So for purposes of comparison, 10 of our 44 presidents did not graduate from college.  Of the remaining 34 graduates, 13 came from three Ivy League schools, Harvard, Yale and Princeton, meaning the remaining 21 presidents came from the 5,755 other institutions of higher learning in America.

Statistically speaking that means almost 40% of all our graduating presidents (34) came from the elite three Ivy League schools, Harvard, Yale and Princeton.  Nearly four out of every ten graduating presidents are from these three.

The second half of the 20th century has been even more dominated by the elite Ivy League schools.  Since Franklin Roosevelt and World War II there have been 13 presidents.  One did not graduate, Truman.  Seven of the remaining 12 were from Harvard or Yale with little old George Bush, Jr. again representing both.  That means 58% of our graduating presidents since WWII  came from Harvard or Yale.

I say when two schools can dominate the leadership of our nation about 60% of the time, then they must be the cause of our problems brought about by their presidents.  If you do such a good job of molding the minds of our youth, then accept responsibility for the consequences of those minds you so successfully molded.

Just kidding.  But it does raise a few questions.  Still, I would never hold the Ivy League responsible for the minds it molded.  Certainly not any more than I would hold the Nobel Peace Prize committee responsible for giving Harvard's Obama the Nobel Peace Prize and watch him triple the troops fighting in Afghanistan.

Then there is Mount Rushmore National Park.

In 1927 Congress authorized this epic sculpture featuring the faces of four exalted American presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.  Two were dropouts (Washington and Lincoln), one from Harvard (Roosevelt) and one from William and Mary  (Jefferson).

Since this was before FDR and JFK, both Harvard grads, watch for a new Mount Rushmore East, maybe along the  Appalachian Mountains.  I prefer a site in the Montes Agricola mountains, an elongated range of mountains near the eastern edge of the central Oceanus Procellarum lunar mare.  It lies just to the northwest of a plateau containing the craters Herodotus and Aristarchus.  On the moon my friends.

Imagine that, a story about Harvard and no mention of Jeremy Lin.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Obama Stops Being President - The Secret Harvard Strategy to Keep Yale from Regaining the Presidency?


Since the Democrats can't hold town hall meetings anymore because they cannot control what the people say and the people are mad as Hell, Obama is leading the way by making excursion after excursion to safe havens around the country in a feeble attempt turn the clock back to 2008 when he was running for president against George Bush.

It is as if the President can wave a magic wand and make us all forget that for the last four years the Democrats have controlled the House of Representatives under Nancy Pelosi, and that Barack Obama has been president for nearly two years.

In the process of trying to polarize the nation and turn citizens against citizens in hopes that a fragmented public will give these Democrats a better chance to win, it is a campaign that must have come out of the bowels of Harvard because it sure hasn't worked in real life politics ever since Yale took control of the presidency 20long years before Obama stopped the Yale control streak and won for Harvard in 2008.

For those who are not into tracking Ivy League control of our political institutions let me remind you that George Bush senior (1988-1992), Bill Clinton (1993-2000) and George Bush junior (2001-2008) were all Yale graduates while Obama is the first Harvard educated president since John Kennedy.

Throughout our history there have been 8 presidents from Harvard and 5 from Yale although the recent string of 4 from Yale closed the gap considerably. Of course only one president graduated from both Harvard and Yale, Bush junior, which might shock a few people out there in America. That means Obama has taken the drastic step of attacking a fellow Harvard grad who was president.

In the last 50 years Harvard has controlled the nation for just 5 years, Yale for 20 years, and the rest of America for 25 years. That, of course, is why Harvard thinks the nation is in deep trouble. But if you look back at the entire history of the nation there have been 44 presidents, 12 from Harvard and Yale since George junior can only be counted once, which means 32 presidents have not been from the most elite of the elitist Ivy League schools.

Thus the law of averages says Harvard and Yale should only have about 1 out of every 3 presidents. Since 1960 Harvard and Yale have had 5 of our 10 presidents. Perhaps our over-dependence on Harvard and Yale the last 50 years, in which 50% of the presidents were super-elitists, while over our 234 year national history only 27% were super elitists, has more to do with the sorry state of affairs and the fact Obama has had to stoop so low as to attack a fellow Harvard grad to save face.

I mean what is the problem here Obama? Don't attack fellow alumnus Bush, he gave us wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which you continued. To both of your credit you two and fellow elitist Bush senior have given us the only wars with no draft, thus making sure all the students in Harvard and Yale did not have to serve in the military.

Bush paved the way for your economic stimulus with the bank bailout, which you also supported. If it weren't for his deficits you wouldn't have been able to bailout the auto unions, AIG, more banks, the crooks in housing, even Wall Street and the health care industry where many of the companies were run by your fellow Harvard and Yale grads.

More important, his deficits enabled you to advance your social or socialist agenda, your transfer of wealth and your massive expansion of big government. So what if the American public does not agree, they are entitled to their silly opinions while you are in control.

Most important, Bush caused such discontent that it allowed you to quietly move ahead with the New World Order agenda to replace all governments of the world while blaming everything on the Republicans and Bush. Amschel Rothschild, founder of the House of Rothschild, would be proud of the progress you have made to carry out his dream.

Now Mr. President, don't you think you owe fellow Yale/Harvard alumni George Bush an apology, okay you can make it in secret, and you should agree in the interest of elitist etiquette to stop jeopardizing donations to the Harvard and Yale endowment funds with your inter-ivy league attacks?

Just remember you still have to be taken care of when you are no longer president which may be sooner than you think. Proper elitist etiquette could make you as successful in retirement as Bill Clinton and Al Gore, both earning over $100 million since leaving public office.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Obama's Historic Presidency - Harvard Must Clean Up the Yale Mess

On the abs and shoulders of newly elected Barack Obama comes the most daunting task of his historic presidency which is cleaning up the legacy (mess) that 20 straight years of Yale grads as president has bestowed on us. The last Harvard grad to undertake such a challenge was John F. Kennedy 48 years ago.

In 1636 Harvard was founded and in 1701 Yale was founded and ever since these two Ivy League competitors have been at each other's throats whether it was in founding a nation, creating the game of football, distinguishing themselves as the educational elite of America, charging the highest tuition in the nation to attend, or just capturing the presidency.

Almost a year ago I wrote an article called "Presidential Election 2008 - Harvard versus Yale" . The stunning recent success of Yale in capturing the presidency the past 20 years and nearly for an additional 8 with Hillary capped a long and dominant run by the Bulldogs. In every election since 1972 either a Democrat or Republican presidential candidate or both were from Yale and the 20 year domination beat out the old record held by Harvard and Franklin Roosevelt.

Roosevelt was elected four times himself, meaning Harvard had the muscle to change the Constitution and have a president elected more than twice to keep a favorite son in office. He served into his 13th year before dying and had been elected to serve 16 years. Yale controlled the White House the last 20 years with three different presidents, Bush, Clinton and Bush 2.

Now before we all become overly enamored with the power and success of the Ivy elite remember that Harvard, the venerable 372 year oldest university in the nation still has the dumbest mascot ever adopted by a school in America while the Yale Bulldogs must explain away the legacy of the past 20 years. Oh yes, and only once in history has someone been president who graduated from both schools, our very own George W. Bush, leaving both with much to explain.

As for the Harvard mascot, for those of you who don't know and the Harvard Crimson has worked very hard to conceal the fact, the university mascot is a real person, John Harvard, a puritan clergyman from England in the 1600's. A statue of John Harvard, sculpted by Daniel Chester French, sits in Harvard Yard at Harvard University. Despite its name, the statue does not depict the true likeness of John Harvard, as the sculptor had no accurate image to work from.

The statue, known by Harvard tour guides as the statue of three lies, claims that it depicts John Harvard, Founder, 1638, but in reality Harvard was a contributor, not the founder; the institution was founded in 1636; and the statue is actually a likeness of someone else as French used a student as a model. What Harvard did do was leave the first major endowment to Harvard along with his library thus immortalizing the value of endowments over academics. The current mascot is a hideous distortion of the original John Harvard who wasn't John Harvard to begin with but some student.

Obama is the 8th Harvard grad to serve as president from colonial days after John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Rutherford Hayes, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and George Bush. John Adams was vice president under George Washington for two terms before being elected the 2nd president of the USA in 1797.

Yale has given us 5 presidents with the first being William Howard Taft who was not elected until 1908, 111 years after the first Harvard president. Following Taft were Gerald Ford, George Bush, Sr., Bill Clinton and George Bush, Jr. all in the past 35 years.

The current Yale legacy, Iraq, Afghanistan, the credit crisis, Wall Street collapse, auto company collapse, insurance industry collapse, in fact the whole economic collapse, the extreme negative attitudes toward our elected officials, financial leaders and media, the negative attitude of the world toward America, corruption, oil crisis, terrorism and all the other stuff is certain to be the biggest challenge to Harvard since the great depression and World War II inherited by Franklin Roosevelt.

We can only hope and pray that Barack Obama can clean up the Yale mess and maybe even get the Harvard mascot finally changed during his historic presidency, something even the Adams, Roosevelt's and Kennedy failed to accomplish.