Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Debbie Wasserman Schultz - She's No Sarah Palin


Obama's Democrat Mouthpiece Toes the Obama Line

If you are not a professional politician or member of the Lame Street Media then by now you must be missing the over-shadowing presence of one Sarah Palin from the daily campaign scene.  No one politician has ever rattled the cages of the establishment and liberal media like Palin and it did not matter if she did or said anything.  As long as she was a viable spokesperson for the Tea Party, the Momma Grizzlies or any other group of anti-establishment people, she riled the liberal media and Democrats like no one could.

By the end of the 2008 campaign the GOP lost the election but by only 7% of the vote.  With Obama running against the most unpopular president in history, the economy in a shambles, America in decline, two endless wars killing our youth, millions losing jobs and millions more losing their homes, it is hard to believe Obama could not win by a landslide.

Palin was most responsible for keeping the GOP ticket in the race, a fact that will never be agreed to by the media and Democrats whose faces still turn red with hatred or envy when they think of this shotgun toting Alaska firecracker.

Well Obama must have wanted his own Sarah Palin knowing that she was the only thorn in his side during the campaign so he named his answer to Sarah, a Congressional Democrat named Debbie Wasserman Schultz from Florida.

In some ways she has seemed to parrot Sarah Palin because she has demonstrated an ability to polarize the public, to annoy the Republicans with her half baked arguments against anything relating to the GOP, and with her total disregard for Republicans, Independents and reality.

However, she is just an Obama spokesperson and no Obama spokesperson is allowed to have a mind of their own or a concern for anything non-Obama.  If one were to fact check her stream of consciousness blurted out in sound bites over the liberal media every day it would take a virtual encyclopedia to correct the record.  Then again, she uses the traditional political party spokesperson model of throwing truth to the wind when talking to the people.  Forget the facts, just stick with the party line.

Wasserman Shultz is no Sarah Palin and her attempts to emulate the success and power of the conservative media star of the Tea Party have about as much chance of succeeding as the Obama economic recovery program.

Many a politician tried to control Palin and failed.  Even the McCain campaign could not silence her and her ideas on what was wrong with America.  Long after she lost the election her bitter enemies continued to try and destroy her reputation and her life but she survived attack after attack and made herself into something of a folk hero for standing up to the ruthless establishment in Washington, D.C.

Slowly the Obama party line voiced by Debbie Wasserman Schultz may just draw the real Sarah Palin back in to the presidential campaign as a counter point to the deluge of babble and we most surely could use the common sense and lightning impact of Sarah in offsetting the billion dollar re-election campaign promised by the president.

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Civility in Politics is not Enough When Lies in Politics Run Rampant


The Tucson tragedy brought a lot of discussion by our politicians of the need to lower the temperature and bring civility back into politics. Even President Obama won high praise by everyone including me for his handling of the tragedy and his plea for more civility.

The general public could only hope this was the beginning of a new era in politics but civility by itself can never heal the wounds when those exposing it continue using lies and distortion which fed the political turmoil in the first place. Civility without truth is like, well it is like lying to your constituents. Nothing could be more hypocritical.

For example, Congressman Deborah Wasserman Schultz , a Democrat from Florida, was on MSNBC this week where you can almost always find her slamming conservatives and Republicans and in particular slamming Sarah Palin. Now Schultz claims to be a friend of Congresswoman Giffords and after leading the instant condemnation of Palin and others for inciting tragedies like Tucson, only to stop when she found out the Giffords shooter hated Giffords long before Palin was a national political figure.

In fact the dreaded crosshairs Palin used on map that Wasserman condemned had been used by Democrats and liberal groups long before Palin was a national figure as the series of photos in this article show. In debate on the health care bill this week Wasserman condemned the Republican party for attempting to destroy health care benefits like prescription drugs for elderly, for trying to take away extended benefits for dependents, for trying to allow insurance companies to cancel policies when people get sick and for other similar actions by the GOP to destroy the health care system and let out citizens die.

Of course they are all blatant lies. No Republican or party platform called for any such nonsense and she knows it. Still her lies fill the airways. Now how does one proclaiming it is a time for civility justify lies intended to deceive the public and cause widespread panic? Oh yes it is time for civility in politics and it is also time to stop the lies feeding the social unrest intended to generate fear.

Reckless rhetoric did not start with Palin nor end with her or Wasserman-Schultz. All those politicians and journalists who claim to be looking out for our interest need to stop the rhetoric and stop the lies. No one wants to deny the right of free speech to those we do or do not agree with. How could we, they supply a constant source of material for comedians and late night hosts?

They just need to respect the opinions of others rather than condemn them. That used to be the American way.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

There's Something about Sarah - Palin that is - that drives Politicians Crazy


What is it about Sarah Palin, our favorite backwoods voice in the wilderness fighting the battles for the forgotten multitudes? How could a basketball playing, rifle toting, mom from the north country be a threat to the professional politicians and Lame Street media who control our once proud nation?

I could understand if it was just Obama and the liberal elitist Democrats, but Sarah has seen the very beneficiaries of the Republican Party she resuscitated from life support two short years ago and led them to the brink of a historic victory today turn on her as well.

Well I have a theory. Palin, while coming from the Republican Party, realized that it was getting harder and harder to tell the professional Democrats from the professional Republicans. Though both parties claimed their own platform and agenda, once elected it was nearly impossible to tell the difference.

Our government is corrupted pure and simple. Money, in the form of campaign contributions, has corrupted our political process and our politicians to the point that preservation of the institution of the corrupt campaign laws dominates all other concerns of congress and the president.

The people be damned! The life blood of politicians is having their veins filled with precious campaign cash. The economy, energy independence, environment, health care cost, homes and mortgages, all are secondary to the flow of cash into campaign accounts.

The same corrupt dollars trickle through the politicians into the bank accounts of the money hungry media who suck up billions of dollars per election in campaign advertising. The very reporters who write about the politicians are dependent on the "corrupt" campaign dollars that feed the politicians to also keep them employed.

Is it any wonder that neither the politicians nor the news media ever talk about the need for campaign finance reform to cutoff the flow of dollars to the politicians and news media? No matter how much lip service politicians give to budget cuts, reducing the influence of special interests, or lowering the deficit, campaign finance reform is essential to making Washington work.

Sarah Palin has been in the vortex of campaign politics and been in the farthest outposts from the reaches of campaign money from special interests as she has crisscrossed in country in support of the more than 32 grassroots candidates she endorsed. Yet she has remained a political outsider, a grassroots advocate and a defender of principles.

After surviving the wrath of the liberal east from the political pundits to the liberal Democrats who made it a top priority to silence the voice from the wilderness, she now faces the money brokers from the other side of the political spectrum, the conservative king makers, and her threat to them is just as real as her threat to Obama and his liberal media.

Not surprisingly, they have moved to complete her destruction finishing the job started by Obama's Chicago gang and the liberal elitist media two years ago. Make no mistake, a true populist politician like Palin threatens all forms of professional corruption in our nation's capitol whether the good old boys are Democrats or Republicans.

Thus the money brokers who rode on the back of Palin to take back America from the disingenuous Obama agenda as seen from the Tea Party movement that is sweeping through local, state and federal elections today, have already initiated a strategy to discredit her role and minimize her impact on politics in America.

They must stop her before she can rally the public to support the one goal she has fought for her entire political career, shutting down the close alliance between special interests and politicians though unlimited campaign cash with meaningful campaign finance reform.

Just as Obama, the Democratic leadership and the liberal media totally underestimated her survival instinct and her connection to the people on Main Street, so do the GOP power brokers who never understood that it is the people, not the special interest brokers, who know what is best for America.

Palin began a long and lonely journey in Alaska to fight corruption and ethics violations in government. Due to circumstances beyond her control she was thrown into the national spotlight and never blinked. But her mission is far from over, and her commitment to the people is unbending.

The old political establishment from both Democrats and Republicans, both conservatives and liberals have only agreed on one thing these past two years and that is stopping Sarah Palin. She stands alone among all public figures in focusing the public spotlight on what is wrong with our system of politics and focusing pubic attention on the need for meaningful campaign finance reform if we are ever to take back America.

If the political parties don't come together and clean up the mess they have created, I suspect Sarah Palin will do what is best for the people and help start a third political party to bring about the end of special interests. Both parties need to remember the people like Palin are first patriotic Americans, then members of a political party. Think carefully before you push her out the door, for the people may already be on the other side.

If I were betting I would say Sarah Palin is a lot more concerned about helping guide the national agenda to change the political system than getting elected president.  Maybe our politicians should consider working with her on the same goals rather than working to stop her.


Monday, October 25, 2010

MSNBC Morning Joe in Alabama - Political Correctness Run Amok


Last Friday Morning Joe broadcast live from Tuscaloosa, Alabama as Joe Scarborough was receiving an award from the University.  The broadcast was from the Rama Bama Cafe and for the most liberal network on TV it is a little odd and hypocritical that as you watched the show I could find no Blacks in the crowd of Cafe patrons but mostly Blacks in the kitchen preparing food.

How can that be politically correct for MSNBC?  Just another example of the dual standards for the liberal media versus the Tea Party, Sarah Palin or anyone else on their hit list.  They would have been condemned for not showing Black patrons.  Let Mika show you the crowd for the record in the video until MSNBC jams the broadcast.