Showing posts with label FDA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FDA. Show all posts

Thursday, April 09, 2015

Why Pharmaceutical Companies are Protected from Liability - Why Obama and Congress Refuse to Fix the Law - Why You Stand Alone


Have you ever heard the phrase "stand alone"?  Well when it comes to the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical field, everyone in America is standing alone, abandoned by your representatives in Congress and the Administration of President Obama.

If you should happen to have serious injury from taking FDA approved drugs, or even death, the Obama Administration, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the FDA, are your enemy.  They ignore the need to fix liability on behalf of the consumers, and have built a shield of protection around the billions of dollars taken from consumers by industry giants.

In case there is any confusion, pharmaceutical company revenues reached about $750 billion in 2014, and will exceed $1 trillion in just five years according to the FiercePharma web site.  Here are some revenue and lobbying charts showing the extent of political influence in politics in America.  Note how over the years both parties receive about the same amount of money.

Here is a good description of how the pharmaceutical companies got this multi-billion dollar shield of protection by the US government.  Obama and Congress can fix this regulatory quirk at any time but are they rushing to help the consumer by holding drug companies liable, of course not, and that means Democrats and Republicans alike.

Filing Dangerous Drug Lawsuits for Harmful Side Effects

If you've suffered a serious illness or injury from taking a dangerous drug, whether prescription or over-the-counter, you may be wondering what legal rights you have. Who do you file a drug lawsuit against? Common questions include:
  • Can I sue the pharmaceutical company who made the drug?
  • How about the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for approving it?
  • Is my doctor liable for prescribing the drug?
  • Does the pharmacy share any responsibility?
Let's discuss the options...

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is "responsible for protecting the public health by regulating human and animal drugs, biologics (e.g. vaccines and cellular and gene therapies), medical devices, food and animal feed, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation."

Most people think the FDA approves all drugs on the market today, but that's not true. Some drugs are not subject to FDA approval (ex. "compounded" drugs), and others are only reviewed after they're put on the market. Read more about the FDA approval process here.

Since the FDA was created, thousands of dangerous drugs have entered the market and caused harmful side effects, including serious illnesses and wrongful deaths. While the FDA has become better at finding potentially dangerous drugs, many have slipped through their fingers and made it to market.

You might think that if the FDA approved a dangerous drug which caused you harm, you'd be able to sue the FDA for their negligence. Unfortunately, the FDA is a government agency, therefore it has sovereign immunity. Sovereign immunity is a legal privilege stating government agencies can't be sued (unless they allow it, which rarely occurs).

Pharmaceutical Drug Companies

Before 2013, drug companies could be sued if their drug caused serious adverse side effects, injury, illness, or death. They paid out hundreds of millions of dollars in drug lawsuit settlements and jury verdicts.

In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court made a historical decision. In the case of Karen Bartlett vs. U.S. Merck and Co. and Mutual Pharmaceutical Company, the Supreme Court ruled that once the FDA approves a drug, individuals are prohibited from suing the drug's manufacturer, even if it's proven that the drug caused harm!

In the Bartlett case, the plaintiff took the drug Sulindac, which allegedly caused her to suffer gangrene in her right arm as a result of "toxic epidermal necrolysis." The Supreme Court ruled that, because the FDA approved the drug Sulindac, the manufacturer has immunity from private and class action lawsuits.

Basically, the ruling stated drug manufacturers have a right to rely on the FDA approval system, and once a drug is FDA approved, pharmaceutical companies can't be sued. Otherwise, the court said, why does the FDA exist at all?

What this means to you is, if you've suffered a serious side effect or illness from an FDA approved medication, you are barred from filing a lawsuit against the manufacturer. (Supreme Court rulings are rarely overturned, but in the future it may happen.)

Doctors and Pharmacists

While you may not be able to file a lawsuit against the FDA or a drug manufacturer, you can sue your doctor or pharmacy if they prescribed a dangerous drug which caused you harm.

Physician Liability
There's a difference between drug lawsuits and medical malpractice lawsuits. A lawsuit based on illness or injury caused by a doctor's negligence in prescribing medication, falls under the category of medical malpractice.

By law, doctors are held to a very high standard of care in the medical community. When a doctor deviates from the medical standard, and as result a patient is injured, the doctor is considered negligent, and therefore liable for any resulting injuries.

When a patient can prove a doctor's negligence was the direct cause of his injuries, the patient may be entitled to compensation for his or her damages. In extreme cases of negligence, an injured or deceased patient's family may be entitled to punitive damages.

Pharmacy Liability
Pharmacists have a legal duty of care when prescribing medications. They receive extensive training in pharmacology and must be familiar with every drug they dispense. This includes knowing about potentially harmful interactions between drugs when taken together.

It's up to the pharmacist and doctor to work together to make sure a prescribed drug will not injure the patient. In today's day and age however, communication between a doctor and pharmacist is often limited. The one who suffers most is the patient.

As a patient and customer, you have a right to rely on the expertise of your doctor, and the pharmacist who filled your prescription. When they fail to protect you from harm and you suffer injuries, you have a right to seek compensation.

Example: Doctor and Pharmacist Negligence
Vic was previously diagnosed with celiac disease, which means his body can't metabolize gluten. When gluten is introduced to someone with celiac disease, they can suffer nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even life-threatening intestinal damage.

Vic went to see Dr. Neglushent complaining of weakness and lethargy. Vic was very careful and lived a gluten-free lifestyle, and the doctor knew Vic suffered from celiac disease.

Dr. Neglushent prescribed the drug Palagluden. Vic asked Dr. Neglushent if Palagluden contained gluten, and was told it did not. When Vic went to pick up his prescription, he asked the pharmacist if Palagluden contained gluten, and was told no. There was also no indication on the pill bottle that the drug contained gluten.

After taking Palagluden for 3 months, Vic collapsed and was hospitalized due to a ruptured large intestine. It turned out the drug Palagluden in fact did contain large amounts of gluten, used as a binding agent.

Vic successfully sued Dr. Neglushent for medical malpractice and the pharmacy for negligence. In the lawsuit, the pharmacy blamed the doctor, and the doctor blamed the pharmacy. The court said both defendants knew, or should have known the drug Palagluden contained gluten, and ruled in Vic's favor.

The Role of Attorneys

Any kind of drug lawsuit requires professional legal representation. Doctors and pharmacies rarely admit to fault, and are often defended by large insurance companies with deep pockets. Only an experienced personal injury attorney has the skills to handle a case like this. An attorney can take depositions, subpoena records, hire expert witnesses, and more.

If you've suffered a serious side effect or illness due to a drug, seek the counsel of an attorney in your area as soon as possible. Save the pill bottle, your receipts, and your medical records (to verify the treatment you required as a result of the drug). Bring all your evidence with you when meeting with attorneys.

Case Study:

Dangerous Medication Interaction
Here we look at a case where the victim suffered harmful side effects from taking two drugs together. Although a doctor prescribed the medications, liability falls on the manufacturer because of inadequate warnings.

Media On Right And Left Ignore The Truth About Vaccines

Cliff Kincaid, February 5, 2015

They bash each other over vaccines, but ignore what's really at stake.

NBC accuses Republicans of accepting bad “science” on vaccines, while Fox News fires back, accusing liberals of spreading bad “science” on vaccines. Each side is trying to score partisan political points. The message from both sides is that vaccines are completely safe. But that message is absolutely and demonstrably false.

As I noted in a recent column, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program exists to compensate victims of vaccines. The latest Statistics Report shows nearly 4,000 claims were awarded financial damages.

Why do both sides of this “debate” pretend that vaccine-related injuries do not occur? Why not just report the facts? It doesn’t take a lot of work to dig them out.

Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) tells me that she has given more than 100 interviews in the last two weeks on the subject of the measles outbreak, but that the media simply will NOT report on the existence of this federal program and the implications for the subject of vaccine safety.

“Vaccines are the only pharmaceutical products that government mandates and completely indemnifies,” she notes. She is referring to federal legislation that takes legal responsibility for their actions away from the companies making the vaccines.

“I’ve been talking about it in every interview I do and I have been bringing it up. But whenever I talk about liability protection for the companies—that this is the only pharmaceutical product that is mandated by government and indemnified by government—they [the media] don’t want to talk about it,” she said.

Observers believe the glaring omission reflects the power of pharmaceutical companies or their advertising agencies in the major media. It is in the interest of these companies to make pariahs out of those favoring vaccine choice by playing down—or even suppressing—questions about vaccine safety.

Simply put, the evidence and history show that the vaccine makers have been given total liability protection for injuries and deaths caused by government-mandated vaccines. Vaccine safety is not “settled science,” as we have been hearing repeatedly in the media. To the contrary, for purposes of the law, vaccines are considered sometimes unsafe, even deadly.

The “Vaccine injury table” associated with the legislation includes a list of the injuries, disabilities, illnesses, conditions, and deaths resulting from the administration of such vaccines.
But why is it so difficult for the media to report on the existence of these health problems?

The vaccines that are covered include:
  • diptheria and tetanus vaccines
  • pertussis vaccines
  • measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines
  • polio vaccines
  • hepatitis A vaccines
  • hepatitis B vaccines
  • Haemophilus influenza type b polysaccharide conjugate vaccines
  • varicella vaccines
  • rotavirus vaccines
  • pneumococcal conjugate vaccines
  • seasonal influenza vaccines
  • human papillomavirus vaccines
  • meningococcal vaccines
As I reported in my column, the one exception to this drumbeat of misleading and inaccurate coverage about “vaccine safety” is on the local level, where correspondent Michael Chen of ABC 10 News in San Diego, Calif., noted a case of a boy who suffered serious injuries, including fever, seizures, nervous tics, and autism, as a result of two vaccines. The mother, almost in tears as she described what happened to her son, was paid $55,000 in damages through the federal program. But the damage award didn’t cover the autism diagnosis. She said she wished she had more thoroughly researched the safety of vaccines.

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program grew out of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Fisher explains what happened: “The companies threatened Congress that they were going to leave the people without any childhood vaccines if they did not get liability protection. The companies wanted this liability protection and it was mainly for losses at that time for DPT and oral polio vaccine. MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine at that point was a relatively new combination vaccine.”

The DPT vaccine had been associated with brain inflammation and brain damage, while polio paralysis can be caused by the vaccine.

Fisher explains what the federal protection means for the companies: “Nobody who makes or profits from the sale of the vaccine, nobody who regulates the vaccine, who promotes the vaccine, who votes to mandate the vaccine—nobody is accountable or liable in a civil court of law in front of a jury of our peers when we get hurt because we’ve been told we have to take it, or when the vaccine fails to work.”

The compensation program, with total liability protection for injuries and deaths caused by government-mandated vaccines, was upheld by the Supreme Court in a 2011 case in which vaccines were acknowledged to be “unavoidably unsafe.”

My column actually underestimated the total financial damages paid through the program. The figure is actually $2.8 billion to the victims or the families of victims themselves.

Liberal and conservative media are trying to make political points over who’s right and wrong about vaccine safety. But Fisher says people who support her group and vaccine choice come from across the political spectrum and include Democrats, Republicans, libertarians, and independents. In the media, however, each side is trying to smear the other side, as if there is a partisan divide.

The coverage has led to cases of strange bedfellows, such as the George Soros-funded blog Think Progress running a story praising Megyn Kelly of Fox News under the headline, “Megyn Kelly Speaks Up For Mandatory Vaccination On Fox: ‘Some Things Do Require Big Brother.’”
Indeed, Kelly defended mandatory vaccines, saying, “…some things do require some involvement of Big Brother.”

What she and many others in the media have consistently ignored is the role of Big Brother in shielding the companies making the vaccines from the side effects of their products.

As I asked in my column: If there are no problems associated with vaccines, then why did Congress pass the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which created a national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?

The media on the left and right have no answer to this question. So they pretend there is no debate or dispute over the safety of vaccines. They simply point fingers about one side or the other being guilty of ignoring what they pretend is settled science.

The only thing “settled” about the science is that while vaccines work for a large majority of people, they can also cause serious health problems, even death, for some.

The commentators who ignore the truth are either lying or so utterly ignorant that they should not be in a position of offering “news” on a national basis. Whatever the case, the public is being denied the facts about decisions affecting the lives of their children. Fortunately, the public can go to sites like and the National Vaccine Information Center for information that is being denied to them.

A troubling aspect of the current debate is how people in the media act like experts on subjects that they know so little about. They seem to think that by huffing and puffing and sounding authoritative, they will be taken seriously. They have large staffs which seem incapable of making phone calls or doing elementary research.

If news organizations on the left and right can’t even dig out the facts in life-and-death matters involving children, then what can they be trusted to report accurately on?


Tuesday, August 06, 2013

GMO Part 5 - The End Game - Now What?


After four comprehensive stories of attempting to find remnants of the truth in the avalanche of information, misinformation and, well, downright lies by many special interests involved in the GMO puzzle, I have a headache.
Once again we all must face up to the ultimate question and challenge, who can we trust?  Thus we embark on a mission of improving our self-awareness of the "real" world by using our eyes and our brain.  We look at the Internet, see the television news (cable or network), or most probably if we even care about the news, we read the latest Tweets from the Tweeters.
That means we have limited our consumption of news stories to no more than 140 characters.  Only humans would have the audacity to say limit all news to two sentences.  Unless, of course, there was some kind of secret coding and the Tweet contained a lot more information we could not see, without special insight.
In times like this I rely on my mentor, shaman, guru and oracle, all rolled up into one person, Mark Twain.  Never mind the fact he died 103 years ago.  I have my reasons for trusting Mark, do you have reasons for trusting your instinct?
So Mark said it right when he observed:
“You cannot trust your eyes, if your imagination is out of focus.”
If all information for human consumption is limited to 140 characters then Moses, when he got the Ten Commandments from God, would have only gotten 1½ Commandments, we would be missing the remaining 20½.
Ah, you think you caught me, but the Ten Commandments in Christianese are 22 Commandments in Hebrewese.  In other words, the Christian version is 10 Commandments equaling 93 words and 390 characters, while the Hebrew version is 22 Commandments equaling 595 words and 2451 characters.
[That probably explains why any image of the original Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston had to be in Tweets from God because there is no way all 595 Hebrew words could have been engraved on tablets that small.]

Either way we would have lost a whole lot of the original Ten in the Tweet.

As Mark said, "if your eyes are out of focus."  You can't trust anything you see if your eyes are not focused and that includes the Internet, the government, advocacy groups and morons.

Native Americans call it "seeing through the maya, which the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines as; "In
Hinduism, a powerful force that creates the cosmic illusion that the phenomenal world is real. The word maya originally referred to the wizardry with which a god can make human beings believe in what turns out to be an illusion, and its philosophical sense is an extension of this meaning."

So if you are truly focused and see beyond the Maya that has surrounded you since you were born then we can draw some sobering conclusions and some needed steps in order to comprehend the GMO puzzle in terms of the value to mankind.
My first observation regarding the dangers of GMO consumption is why is the most talked about expose on dangers of GMO based on a study that took place in Italy?
It seems to me that Americans would be first to show health problems since we invented the whole GMO field and up to 80% of our food supply now has it since GMOs have been used in America since 1995.  Surely we should be sicker than anyone else on earth as a result.
No doubt the American government, specifically the Agriculture Department, should know more about GMOs than anyone with their extensive regulation of the drug industry through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over the past 18 years.
Either we know the health effects but are not talking about them, we don't know because we have failed to do due diligence to protect our citizens, or we have delegated the responsibility for regulation to the very industry seeking approval before the government.
In our nation's capitol the only thing that talks louder than politicians is money, the other form of capital.  Some time ago our government was hijacked by those who recognized free market capitalism and democracy were not compatible.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the most powerful family dynasty on earth, is credited with a number of quotes along the line that if you control the money, or the issuing of money, you control the government.
From his start in banking in 1757 through an international banking network he built with his sons, the private family fortune has amassed a value today some believe is as high as $24 trillion.
His son Nathan Rothschild, one of five children dispersed throughout the banking world early in the 1800's said, "Own nothing, control everything."
It seems such an attitude as the Rothschilds has finally permeated the last holdout from family control in western civilization, the United States.  Did you know the Rothschilds and all the parasites who worship them have relentlessly pursued a way to get control of the money in the United States since the birth of our nation?
Amschel Rothschild is consistently voted into the top ten most influential business people of all time by Forbes Magazine and for good reason.
In America our free market system was protected by the Constitution and was based on competing fairly without harming the general public.  Charity was a large part of our society with most aid for those in need coming from people, churches and charities the rich established.
So somewhere along the line that government of the people, by the people and for the people forgot about the path of service and giving, compassion and caring, and adopted the French attitude of Laissez-faire toward the economy.  In other words just leave the capitalists alone.
As modern times have demonstrated, when the greedy are left alone the public has suffered.  Fraud, conflicts, ethics violations and downright criminal acts became paths to feed the greed.
In the last 10 years scandals have rocked the energy, banking, home mortgage, stock market, commodities markets, health care, pharmaceutical, medical, insurance, environmental, and even sports industries.  Ironically, hardly any of the guilty parties have even been prosecuted and when corporations did pay fines it was with no admission of guilt and the fine being tax deductible as a business expense.
Billions of dollars in fines have been paid the past decade.  Nice tax deduction for a company who broke the law.  Of course the same companies funnel tens of millions of dollars into the political campaigns of our government leaders.
The real Green Machine in America is the flow of money from the public to the private sector to the pockets of the politicians and it does not matter whether they are Democrat, Republican, Independent, Environmental, or even Socialist.  Green is gold when it comes to greed.
So the current state of affairs does not look good for the public as you could see when President Obama earlier this year signed an appropriations bill approved by Congress that contained an innocuous amendment also approved by the House and the Senate stating the chemical companies involved in genetic engineering of our food supply could not be sued by the public or governments for any problems resulting from the use of GMOs.
If GMOs are so good for the world why did the industry pursue this guarantee from the government they can't be sued?
Money clearly rules in America as the GMO government protection is now at the same level as all the other industries who nearly destroyed the economy of America and the world in pursuit of their greed.
That "waiver of liability" for GMOs must be repealed.
Second there must be mandatory product labeling of GMO products.
Next government must independently test GMOs for long term health effects and long term environmental effects on humans, insects, animals and the earth.
Congress must also investigate and expose any deceptions in the pursuit of a GMO world such as:
GMOs were supposed to increase the supply of food in the world.  Why hasn't it happened in 15 years?
Were GMOs pursued by the chemical companies as a vehicle to assure the continued use of antibiotics and pesticides by transferring the poison to our food supply?
I mean, if a GMO seed is resistant to a pesticide then more pesticide can be put on the plant without harm to the seed.
In my stories I showed how 1.6 billion people still rely on local farms or their own for food in the world, mostly in the third world countries.  This is the new target for GMO sales by the chemical companies throughout the world.  Their reckless expansion should be stopped until we get the definitive results of the independent testing.
The truth is the government is the only group capable of independent testing since the entire private sector is beholden to money one way or the other.  A government lab like those of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) should be established to keep the private sector honest.
Remember, the antibiotic and pesticide market is $110 billion a year.  The GMO field is totally dominated by the owners of the antibiotic and pesticide products.
If biological research can benefit mankind it should be pursued but it must benefit far more than just corporate profits and stockholders equity.
Abraham Lincoln never let the world forget that the Civil War involved an even larger issue. This he stated most movingly in dedicating the military cemetery at Gettysburg: "that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
We, the people, must restore this principle to our government by scrutiny, oversight and action at the polls and in the courts if necessary.
GMO could very well be a lifeline to saving the 870 millions that are chronically undernourished every year or it could be a profit-ploy to line the pockets of the greedy and their politicians.
One final note for the critics of GMO activity, the United States is a leader in the sale of GMO seeds in the world but only four of the top ten chemical companies involved in GMOs are from America.  All should be put under the microscope in our search for the truth.
Often times what we don't know is far more important than what we know.  Such is the current case with GMOs.  When there is doubt or confusion about something so important that it impacts on every living human being, the insect and plant world and the earth as a whole, then we need answers before we make fatal mistakes.

 For more stories on the Rothschilds check the following links:

The Coltons Point Times

Birthplace of Religious Freedom ----------"Veritas vos liberabit"
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Trillionaires Delight - The 21st Century of Rothschild, Morgan and Rockefeller
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Obama, Rothschild's "Chosen One" Closer to being President of New World Order
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Capitalism Rothschild Goldman Style - An Idea Whose Time is Done


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lyme Disease - the Secret Pandemic Sweeping America - Part 3.


Attacked by Lyme disease - When you become the Victim!

Before I get into the moment I knew something was terribly wrong, let me give you a brief overview of my background. From the time I was a kid growing up in Iowa I loved the outdoors, farms, ranches, camping out, hiking and playing in the woods. Being outside was the highlight of the day.

Then came Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and even camping out on family vacations. I was at peace outdoors. In high school and college I was a jock and among my passions was golf, so much so that I even worked at golf courses when I wasn't playing, yet more exposure to the outdoors.

Once I made it through early childhood I was a healthy kid suffering only injuries related to sports and being a kid. Only once in my life since I was a kid was I hospitalized, back in 1964 when I had an emergency appendectomy at the University of Arizona.

Since then I was only at an emergency room twice, for observation for exhaustion in the 1970's, and for straining my lower lumbar in the early 1980's when I landscaped my yard with 36 tons of Belgian block. For most of my life I have owned dogs, a carrier of ticks.

I continued to play golf, softball and basketball well into the 1980's and golf forever until today. Living in Iowa, Nebraska, California, Virginia, New Jersey, Kentucky and Maryland I always liked the outdoors, spent hours creating a natural landscape where ever I lived, and enjoying the sun. All of which exposed me to more and more ticks.

Medically, I started following the teaching of the traditional Hopi Indians in 1964 when I first visited their reservation in Arizona and spent much time ever since visiting and studying this unique nation of original Americans. By the 1980's I got to know an old Chinese herbalist in NYC's Chinatown and added this discipline to what I learned from the Hopi medicine people and elders.

I stopped taking vaccinations long ago, stopped taking antibiotics and pain killers, because of what I learned about how we are destroying our immune systems. Over the years my diet became rather good and my health was fine and I have not needed the service of a doctor in over 26 years. Fact is I never had a health insurance claim during that time though some jobs provided comprehensive health coverage.

I paid very close attention to my body and how it reacted to food, liquids, and life, meaning mastering stress in my life, and I had some very stressful jobs. To a nutritionist I had bad eating habits because I only ate once a day. To western medicine I had horrible sleeping habits as I never seemed to need more than about 3 hours sleep a night. Once I went to a sleep clinic but they could find no harmful effect from the lack of sleep.

This was how I functioned for 63 years until about four weeks ago.

The first signs of trouble. One morning in late April of this year I woke up and felt like I had twisted my hips during sleep and pinched a nerve. The pain was severe and I took it easy through the day. The next morning I woke up and felt the pinched nerve had caused a second pinched nerve at the base of my neck just between the shoulders. Within 48 hours I could barely move my arms, shoulders, lower back and legs from the severe pain.

In other words, there were none of the early detection signs of Lyme disease but several of the late stage or chronic stage signs of Lyme disease. This spring I had encountered ticks working on the yard and I had removed ticks from my dog almost every day. But there was no redness from any bites and they had never bothered me before.

My previous exposure to friends with Lyme disease and intense study I had made of it caused me to consider the possibility I might have it as I could barely walk within 48 hours. Then both hands went numb, as if frozen, and I lost all sense of touch from my wrists down. It felt like my hands were frozen, and I knew that feeling from winter blizzards on the Great Plains. No pain, just numbness.

By the third day I was still forcing myself, at great pain, to walk my dog for one mile early each morning but I noticed motor problems. When I first awoke I experienced extreme vertigo and when I tried to walk I felt my brain signals to my leg muscles were being interrupted and had a great deal of difficulty walking anything close to normal.

Fact was, probably because I have some background in theater and television production, I reminded myself at times of the Scarecrow character from the Wizard of Oz. My brain could not get my legs to do what I wanted. It was a disconnected feeling like when the Scarecrow tried to walk or dance. Once I started forcing myself to walk I became like the Tin Man and was very stiff and disjointed.

By the third day I felt little pain unless I moved but when I did move I became exhausted easily. The frozen feeling remained in my hands but my temperature remained normal and other people said my hands did not feel cold.

I began to think it might be Lyme disease except I had skipped all the early stage signs from the redness of a tick bite to fever, flu like symptoms, exhaustion, headaches, and other symptoms. If I had it I was exhibiting what I knew to be late stage symptoms which seemed quite strange to me.

Within a few days I was in for testing and though all my body measurements were normal, I had a serious problem because I could barely walk. Lab tests of blood and saliva indicated two markers for Lyme disease and from that moment on I focused on what to do next.

Because of the unexpected appearance of Lyme in my system I focused on the late stage symptoms and knew every thing I was experiencing fit the disease. Of course it also fit some of the many diseases I have discussed earlier as it mimics up to 300 infections. Caution about drawing a conclusion was eliminated when the testing showed the two Lyme markers.

As I said earlier, long ago I gave up antibiotics and pain killers because of the damage they do to our immune system. Other than providing short term relief from the bacteria, I had my doubts about the long term value of treatment with drugs anyway.

I was committed to finding the best treatment using natural products that built up the immune system rather than destroying it like antibodies can do. Because of the seemingly advanced stage of the disease, which I could not explain at the time, and the danger that a failure to address the problems quickly might leave me with permanent damage, I focused on two possible paths of treatment.

One was a new treatment I learned about in the past year that can be found at based on the research by a Lyme disease victim who exhausted all conventional treatments over a 13 year period with no improvement in wiping out the disease. His research identified a heretofore unknown aspect to Lyme disease, that the bacteria seemed to work with a variety of parasites in your body. If both the bacteria and parasites were not treated together you might never fully recover from the disease.

After all his years of trial and error only one treatment seemed to attack both the bacteria and parasites and that was a combination of pure sea salt and Vitamin C taken in large quantities that attacked both bacteria and parasites by restoring your immune system. The instruction was to work up to 1 gram of salt and 1 gram of Vitamin C for every 10 pounds of body weight up to a maximum of 18 grams of each per day. Since I weighed slightly over 200 pounds I had to consume the 18 gram maximum at full strength.

I turned to my nutritionist and he said the best form of unprocessed salt, without any additives like aluminum, silica or iodine, was Celtic salt because it retained the most natural minerals. I was to take 18 grams per day, slightly more than three tablespoons per day.

For Vitamin C at the high levels required he recommended BIO-C which provides the Vitamin C through a proprietary blend of fruits, herbs, sprouts, and extracts whose diversity would be more amenable to the body at such high levels. I would need to take about 10 capsules a day.

However, because I was at the advanced stage I decided I also wanted to use another natural compound that also had recently achieved remarkable results in treating Lyme. Because the clinical work was done in Equator it was not recognized by the US which raises all sorts of questions about just how bad the CDC and FDA want to attack the problem.

Using Cat's Claw, a vine that grows in the Peru rainforest, there have been stunning results supplementing your damaged immune system. Cats Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) is a South American vine that works its way up the jungle canopy using sharp thorns on its stems. Many varieties of this plant are harvested by the Ashaninka people of central Peru, but there is one variety in particular called Samento that they value above all the rest.

This incredible plant, which has been used medicinally for more than 2,000 years by the indigenous people of the region, is now the subject of intensive investigation by scientists all around the world. Clinical evidence has shown that Samento is of great benefit for inflammatory and auto-immune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and asthma. The plant is also showing great promise as a breakthrough treatment for Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome and other degenerative illnesses. In addition, it is an ideal herb for strengthening the immune system.

I ordered Samento through the Internet and as soon as it arrives I will be using it along with the salt and Vitamin C treatment already underway. So there you have it, the two types of natural treatment I am using and intend to use to attack the advanced stage of the disease. The combination attacks all the flaws I found in current treatment of Lyme disease from the failure to recognize the parasites to the use of antibiotics which destroys the immune system, the very thing that could have protected us from the bacteria in the first place.

After my first week on the salt and Vitamin C the feeling has returned to two fingers on each hand though the freezing cold sensation still remains. I have noticed a slight improvement in the nerves in my lower back as walking has become somewhat easier but I expect the Samento to attack the inflamed nerves much more aggressively when I start it next week.

The nerves at the base of my neck have relaxed a bit as well and the shoulders have loosened up although it is expected there will be some problems when the parasites, which are being driven out of the body by the salt and Vitamin C, start counter-attacking before they will be forced to flee. Right now the muscles in my upper arms are sore for no reason other than a parasite attack.

Much of the feeling of vertigo has gone although when I walk the morning mile by the end my fatigue level is such that I can feel the vertigo start to return. Too much continuous walking or too much continuous sitting seems to have the same impact.

There is no problem with my diet and digestion though I am trying to eat fresh and balanced foods and to eat at least two meals a day. Sleep is normal without pain. Throughout the whole ordeal I have felt no headaches, had no problem keeping my mind functioning normally, and do not feel any fatigue as long as I do not engage in excessive physical activity.

The big problems are the pain in the arm muscles which is constant, difficulty standing initially, and the numb fingers. When I pick things up I cannot feel pressure so I drop them often. Don't use the good china. And when I type the lack of feeling results in hitting a lot of double letters which I try to catch in edits so I apologize for any mistakes in the text. Finally, the lack of feeling is so complete that you can touch hot things and not know it or have the shower way too hot for the rest of your body. You just have to be careful.

The salt saturation in my body has resulted in some interesting changes, almost as if you are spending a lot of time swimming in the salty ocean. Dead skin peels off faster, your complexion clears up, and you have the feeling of salt in your eyes as if swimming.

Copy and paste the other two parts of the series at:

Part 1. Lyme Disease - the Secret Pandemic Sweeping America

Part 2. Lyme Disease - the Secret Pandemic Sweeping America
