Showing posts with label Black American. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black American. Show all posts

Friday, October 29, 2010

Obamaville - Obama Preaches to Black Choir as Clinton Attempts to stop Black Candidate


As President Obama continues his Don Quixote type wanderings searching for a place where he is welcome to campaign, his henchmen like former President Bill Clinton are out trying to play Godfather on his behalf and get the Black candidate for Senate in Florida to withdraw so the White Independent candidate can win.

Obama may be trying to shore up his base and get the Black community to once again blindly follow his lead to the polls and vote Democratic but his behind the scene efforts to cherry pick those Democrats he wants to win continues through surrogates like Clinton. It is a pattern we have seen before as Clinton also tried to get the Democrat who won the Pennsylvania Senate primary to withdraw because he ran against Obama's handpicked choice.

In Florida Black Democrat Kendrick Meek condemned the tactics of Obama, Clinton and Charlie Christ, the Obama favorite, for attempting to dictate what choice the voters had in the election. In Pennsylvania the people voted against the President.

But come Tuesday the Black voters may think twice about the president they elected and how he has spent much of his first two years ignoring the Black politicians while assuming the Black voters will continue to blindly do as they are told.

The same political strategy was used by Obama on the Hispanic community in which he promised them an immigration reform bill then failed to even introduce the bill. Yet he still expects them to blindly support him, his candidates and his agenda whatever that might be.

To what degree the Blacks and Hispanics will allow themselves to be taken for granted remains to be seen but voter enthusiasm from these key Democratic constituencies is way down and for good reason, they are tired of being used. So far only Obama's Wall Street financiers have benefitted from the Obama agenda.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Barack Obama has secured the Democratic nomination and now begins his magical quest to become the first Black president in the history of the United States. On March 6 The Coltons Point Times declared Obama would be the Democratic candidate and would become the 44th President of the United States. As we said in the earlier story:


The Lincoln Connection

In his Second Inaugural Address March 4, 1865 President Abraham Lincoln said the following:

“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

Such words of Abraham Lincoln seem as valid today as they did 143 years ago so perhaps the hand of destiny may play a part in this election. Whoever wins will become president in time to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Lincoln’s birth on February 12, 1809. The fact Lincoln lived in Illinois throughout his career is another interesting parallel with Barack Obama.

The artwork preceding this article depict Lincoln and Obama in Springfield, Illinois and in time may depict them in our nation's capitol. His success in the general election and as president will be dependent on whether he grows into the role of leader of the strongest nation in the world. Many such as Lincoln and John Kennedy have done so and there is no reason to expect otherwise.

Obama has already done what no Bush has ever accomplished, defeated the powerful Clinton machine and he started as an unknown while the senior Bush was the incumbent president. So do not underestimate the maturity of our young presidential candidate. He understands the need to break from the past and the need to embrace the future.

His first test will be selecting a vice president and Hillary supporters aside, as she more than anyone represents the link to the past, he needs to make a mature, reasoned selection that will complement his portfolio and strengthen his administration. We believe the best choice for Obama will be former Senator Sam Nunn of Georgia.

Not only was Sam Nunn one of the most respected members of the US Senate but he has fought his entire political career for the elimination of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons throughout the world and is responsible for eliminating over 5,600 nuclear warheads from the American war machine. His age, 70, and experience make him most complimentary to the Obama ticket and his early retirement from the Senate because he felt he was not accomplishing anything demonstrated his commitment to his beliefs.

Stay tuned as history is made in America.