Showing posts with label 2010 elections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2010 elections. Show all posts

Friday, May 14, 2010

Now that we have a health care bailout - how about an American Health Care Reform?


Obama and the Democrats have now delivered on their promise of massive health care bailout to protect the health care industry. If you have noted, the stock in pharmaceutical companies, health care providers, hospitals and insurance companies have all increased while the bureaucratic jobs in health care have increased.

Of course the only change we the people have noticed is that our taxes are going to increase to pay for the health industry bailout, the cost of our health care treatment is up to pay for the millions of dollars the health care companies are pouring into the campaigns of Congress and the president, drug prices are up, insurance premiums are up, hospital and emergency costs are up, and we are being told to be patient, we will see the benefits in a couple of years.

So we understand the health industry bailout has happened and we are supposed to all feel better about it. Well we are patient, but we are sick and tired of being patients. Now maybe the president and congress will turn attention to health care reform for the people who pay for health care, the American people.

Health care reform should never have been about protecting the industry. That is called political payback for all the bribes the industry made to congress and the president through campaign contributions. Now it is time for true and meaningful health care reform.

Wake up Washington! We want cost containment! We want incentives to get well! We want incentives for doctors to get us well! We want access to treatments to cure us, not make diseases more tolerable! We want to be rewarded for being healthy, not being sick! We want you to stop making us sick! We want you to stop letting other people make us sick!

Here is how we expect you to do it.

Stop campaign contributions from companies and non-profits who benefit from us being sick. That means no pharmaceutical, hospital, doctor, malpractice lawyer, health service provider and any related campaign bribes to our elected officials.

Stop senseless examinations using MRIs, CAT scans and other high tech, high profit means of destroying our immune system with electromagnetic and radiation waves.

Stop malpractice lawyers from stealing often over 50% of the settlements from class action and malpractice suits supposedly on behalf of the patients. Give them reasonable expenses and a cap at 15% of the settlement so the victims can truly benefit. At the same time limits damages to actual costs, not some hypothetical fee inspired sum with no basis in reality.

If people have health insurance and stay healthy give them a rebate for being healthy, stop penalizing them because other people are sick.

If companies provide food or products that destroy our immune system, thus making us susceptible to a host of diseases, then make the companies liable for the destruction of health. Food or products that are proven to kill should be destroyed themselves.

Make pharmaceutical companies liable for the damages to the immune system for any vaccines, over the counter or prescription drugs, and other products sold for the purpose of healing us.

Allow alternative health care providers a fast track approval process for techniques using natural means and products that heal and require health insurance compensation for the techniques.

Prohibit television advertising for any drugs administered by a third party, meaning a supposedly independent doctor, hospital or clinic.

Declare illegal any endorsements by practicing doctors of a drug or treatment in which they financially benefit.

Establish massive fines as a disincentive for companies that claim health benefits when a product may actually harm the health of the recipient.

Stop allowing drug companies to directly fund the Food and Drug Administration drug approval process which creates a conflict of interest. This is no different than allowing Wall Street to fund the credit rating agencies for approving their credit and we know how that worked out.

Reward doctors for healing patients rather than simply treating the patients.

Make sure that the politicians you support in the fall elections believe in the real American Health Care Reform actions which I outlined. If not, make sure they are no longer in a position to help destroy you through actions like the Obama Health Care Bailout bill. Throw them out of office before it is too late.


Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Obama's Perfect Storm - Will it Sweep Democrats Out of Office?


As more and more attention turns to the midterm elections next November it is beginning to look like President Obama just might have created the Perfect Storm, a rare once every 100 years opportunity, for the Republicans to sweep the Democrats out of the leadership and majority in the House and Senate.

Perhaps confusing his narrow election win and high favorable ratings early in his term for a real mandate from the people, did Obama and his gang totally miscalculate the mood of the public for sweeping liberal reforms? Every day the prospect looks more likely.

First of all Obama never had a mandate, he just had a chance to show what he could do. When he got elected people were fed up with government, the direction of the country and the bleak economic future. The wave of frustration he rode was not a wave of support for his liberal agenda for change. Misreading the political tea leaves was the biggest mistake of his early presidency.

The Democrat majority in the House under Pelosi and Senate under Reid got caught up in the same false sense of euphoria and they promptly introduced Obama's legislative program which sent the conservative conscious public into toxic shock.

Too many promises were made by the inexperienced Obama before he got elected. Too many old time politicians surrounded him after he got elected. In their delusional euphoria and at the intense urging of their many special interests an avalanche of new legislation was proposed and the public watched the future of the Republic sinking into a bottomless liberal spending pit.

To his credit, Obama seemed to regroup and started backing off from his many promises and interest groups, what with him being the pragmatic professor and consensus builder he sees in the mirror. Although his ardent partisanship did not stop as he drifted toward the middle of the political spectrum, the public thought there might still be hope for this young upstart.

After bailouts to Wall Street, banks, AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the auto industry at a cost of trillions of dollars that we did not have, the people had enough. Though they still did not blame Obama entirely for the debacle, as Pelosi and Reid had taken center stage when Obama decided to remain on the sidelines of the legislative battles, all the proposed bills became the subject of increased public attention.

Obama, with the help of Pelosi and Reid, then slammed through the health care bill with a dubious legislative rule that prevented Congress from direct votes on the merits of the legislation. That was the last straw for the public, as Obama's agenda was increasingly becoming the greatest danger to the financial security of the nation.

In desperation the brakes were put on many jewels of the liberal agenda like cap and trade in energy, card check for the unions, green energy for environmentalists and massive new aid for schools. A second stimulus bill was put on hold.

At the same time the public concern for the now approved Obama health care bill continued to slide downward, in spite of the passage of the bill. In truth the bill never had a chance for broad public support in spite of the rosy outlook offered by the liberal mainstream media. But the bill, reflecting Obama's penchant for putting off controversy until far into the future, like after the 2012 election, had delayed the implementation of to many of the things people wanted in the bill.

While Obama went on the road to build public support for the new legislation people watched as detailed analysis of the new bill, something that did not happen during the debate, now discovered that element after element of the new bill would not be implement for years.

The old political trick used by the Obama gang was exposed. As a result the financial reform bill was stalled until meaningful changes could be made to assure the Obama people were not playing with the fine print. It remains in the Senate being debated much to the frustration of Obama.

Suddenly another Obama promise is forced to center stage and again he is trapped. Arizona passes what Obama describes as a dangerous and flawed immigration bill. Finally the liberal media had another cause to champion and they promptly filled the airways and newspapers with vicious attacks on the state bill. Good old Harry Reid, in danger of being thrown out of his own Senate seat because of his Majority manipulations, then said he was bringing immigration reform to the national forefront.

Once again Obama, the Democrat leaders and the liberal media totally misread the mood of the public. Polls just released today indicate the public, by an overwhelming majority, support the Arizona state immigration bill that Obama and the Democrats condemned.

Here we go again. Thanks to the knee jerk reaction of the Democrats and media in unified opposition to the Arizona bill they are again standing in opposition to the public. Did Obama and the Democrats forget that the primary beneficiaries of their immigration bill are the illegal immigrants? Don't they understand that many of the current illegal immigrants already get better health care, food and may other forms of assistance that not even low income Americans qualify for?

The lack of health care reform activity, the focus on immigration and illegal immigration rights, the staggering national debt and the mountain of unfulfilled campaign promises are weighing ever heavily on the president and his campaign hopes of protecting his massive block of Democrats in Congress. It is a majority that has so far failed to do much of anything important to a public that is getting ready to go back to the polls.

If the president cannot stop the downward spiral of public support then America is going to do what it always does when the leadership is in doubt, they are going to elect a way to check the agenda and make sure that the first priority of Congress is fiscal integrity, something that has not happened under this president. The only viable conclusion is that Obama's Perfect Storm will bring about a Republican landslide in it's aftermath.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Omaha Slaps Bank Tax on Public - To Be Paid by 2018 - Rakes in Millions from Banks in 2010


Come on Mr. President, you demonstrate how hard you will be on the banks by slapping a $90 billion tax over the next 8 years yet squeeze them for hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign funds right now. What kind of math is that? Just how does the public benefit from your campaign coffers and those of all your cronies on capitol hill? And by the way, the real economic crooks were running hedge funds and derivative funds that were sold to those bad banks but you forgot to punish them. Is that fair?

Clearly the Obama gang thinks very little of the common sense of Americans. The same day Obama was raising $90 billion from the banks, assuming congress is stupid enough to pass it, Obama is guaranteeing the labor unions that their extravagant health insurance benefits would not be taxed until 2018 as a bribe to get their support for health care. Seems the union members have Cadillac health care like Congress and the fat cats on Wall Street.

So we go after the banks for a paltry sum compared to the damage they did to the economy, a few trillion dollars lost to the little people in America. And we exempt unions from being taxed for health benefits that we are already paying for through the auto bailout, the transfer of GM stock to the unions, and the stimulus to help car sales. Now aren't these the same health care benefits that broke the auto companies in the first place and plunged them into bankruptcy?

Sometimes I am in awe of the Harvard business school accounting of government expenditures and national debt that seems to emit from the Obama economic team. Their actions would at least seem sincere if they were not shaking down Wall Street and all of corporate America for millions of dollars in campaign contributions from the very special interests Obama was going to run out of Washington.

So far his effort to purge capitol hill of lobbyists has consisted of having them all move to the White House where they will be taken care of if they contribute to the Democratic campaign funds. I really like this election year. The Democrat Speaker of the House, Steny Hoyer, has already raised money from every major bank and pharmaceutical company on Wall Street including Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, CitiGroup, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley and a blue chip list of other Wall Street titans.

I wonder when the tsunami of Wall Street money flooding into Obama and the Democrats in congress becomes a conflict of interest? If Obama was being so hard on Wall Street why are they having record profits in the first place? If Obama was so hard on pharmaceutical lobbyists why are they pouring money into his campaigns? And if Obama was so hard on the health insurance providers why did their stock value skyrocket when the Obama Health Care bill passed the Senate?

The facts seem to contradict the words of our president in spite of his failure to see his own hypocrisy. Maybe he should consider that the people see through his hypocrisy as well. As his poll numbers fall through the floor and he drags Democratic candidate after Democratic candidate with him someone should tell him he is captain of a runaway train heading for a big wreck, not captain of the ship of state.

Slow down Mr. President, the time for a full court press is when you have a chance to win the game, not after it is hopelessly lost.
