Sunday, May 15, 2016

Polls and the News Media - the Nastiest Poll of All - SIX Percent


As we sit back and tune in to another polarizing cable news show about the presidential race, we prepare ourselves for a barrage of insults, half-truths, rumors, innuendo, lies, distortions, agitations, and frustrations, and that is just what is coming from the news reporters and commentators, not the candidates.

They say deaths from opiate over-doses in America have tripled in the past four years.  One wonders if the polarizing hatred seen on cable television 24/7 might be a factor.  What bigger source of pain can there be than politicians, especially ones who will say anything to win and make up all kinds of lies about the others.

Right next to the beer and remote control are the bottles.

In the bottles, you will find the legal pain relief opioid drugs including:

Now you are ready to face the pain of what you are about to hear.

I am pretty certain lying and political campaigns are synonymous, inter-related, Ying and Yang.  Even fact checkers have to be fact checked to see whose side they are protecting.  Instead of saying "Veritas vos liberabit", "The truth is out there," perhaps one should say "Est ex veritate non est," "No truth is out there."

With that in mind we come to a poll that should be the most dreaded news ever reported by the media.  Of course they do not report it.  What they do report is how Trump has the highest unfavorable rating in modern history.

It is the truth they refuse to report that weighs down on them.  Here is the headline they should be reporting.
New Polls force Democrats to push Panic Button as Main Street Media attack Trump

Since we know polls in America show journalists covering the presidential campaign are liberal by a 12-1 margin, it should be no surprise that the liberal media is taking up the attack to stop Trump in the general election.

Trump still has not secured the Republican nomination and Clinton continues to battle Bernie Sanders for media coverage, but the media is acting as if Trump is a real threat to beat the media favorite Clinton.

Quite a contrast to earlier in the campaign when the media dismissed Trump yet wanted him to win the GOP nomination since polls showed Hillary winning by a landslide if Trump were the opponent.

A funny thing happened on the way to the conventions and polls confirmed it after Trump's landslide wins in the Northeast and Indiana primaries blew his last two opponents, Cruz and Kasich, out of it.

Trump and Clinton are now in a near dead heat in nationwide polls and the general election has not even begun.  This week when Trump suddenly started winning the support of major GOP party officials and it looks like the Republicans are going to be united more tremors were felt in the Clinton campaign.

The press says very little about the crosstabs in the polls, and for good reason.  You hear Trump has the highest unfavorable score ever recorded at 65%, yet no one says Hillary has the second highest unfavorable ever recorded at 57%.

So the media has mounted a massive campaign to discredit Trump and drag out anything he ever did in his life, say 30 to 50 years ago, as if it will have a direct effect on whether he pushes the nuclear button.  That is about as yellow as journalism can be.

However, I am not defending Trump.  I say, what he says and does today, is far more relevant than what he did three or four decades ago.  I mean people do change over the course of a lifetime. Besides, every time he opens his mouth he is capable of stumbling over his tongue.

To me fair reporting is an issue of credibility.  Now to get to the most dreaded poll results not reported.

The American Press Institute published a survey April 18, 2016, and the real headline was:

"Only 6% of Americans trust the media"

Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media, putting the news industry about equal to Congress and well below the public’s view of other institutions. In this presidential campaign year, Democrats were more likely to trust the news media than Republicans or independents.

The bottom line is this.  Why is the media trashing Trump as a strategy to defeat him, pointing to his negative ratings in public polls, when 94% of the same public does not trust the media?

To me the 35% of the public trusting Trump today is six times better than the public trusts the media, 6%.  That is truth in reporting.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Newest Member of Bridge Builders to the Future - Dr. Jon Robison


An American National Treasure
in the field of health and fitness
Dr. Jonathan Robison

For those of you who follow the Coltons Point Times you noticed I spend a great deal of effort reviewing health care in America.  Several series of articles are posted covering issues like, The Broken American Health Care System, Lyme Disease - The Secret Pandemic Sweeping America, The GMO Debate, and many others.

As I report on developments in America, I am constantly in search of those dedicated practioners in the field whose pioneering work today will open the door to breakthroughs in the future.  The list is woefully short for the massive dimension of the problems we face.

There are a few criteria for people to make my exclusive list of bridge builders.

First, and foremost, their underlying motivation must not be financial gain but a commitment to serve people.

Second, they must recognize we have not found the keys to proper health care for the future. 
Third, they must recognize that health care must address all the societal and cultural issues that affect the mental and physical health of the individual.

Fourth, they must strive to communicate the work they pioneer to others in order to multiply the impact on the people.

Fifth, they must be darn good at what they do.

I am pleased to introduce the newest member of this exclusive club, Dr. Jonathan Robison, a teacher and many other things from the State of Michigan.

You would do well to follow the good doctor as he pioneers his new way of treating some of our most dangerous old health issues.  Dr. Jon Robison is a charter member of those building the bridge, to the future.

Here is a little about Dr. Jon.

Jonathan Robison holds a doctorate in health education/exercise physiology and a master of science in human nutrition from Michigan State University where he has been teaching for 20 years in the Nutrition and Physiology Departments. Dr. Robison is also adjunct Associate Professor at Western Michigan University where he teaches in the Holistic Health Care Program. He has authored numerous articles and book chapters on a variety of health-related topics and is a frequent presenter at conferences throughout North America. 

Dr. Robison specializes in health promotion and human behavior, with a particular interest in why people do what they do and don’t do what they don’t do. His presentations and workshops promote shifting health promotion away from its traditional, biomedical, control-oriented focus. His first book: 

The Spirit and Science of Holistic Health
More than broccoli, jogging and bottled water
…More than yoga, herbs and meditation

presents a radically new direction for health education and promotion. It is meant as a textbook for students and a guidebook for practitioners who wish to incorporate holistic principles and approaches into their work. 

Dr. Robison’s work served as the foundation for the award-winning KAILO - one of the first truly holistic employee-wellness programs in North America 

His new book: 

How To Build a Thriving Culture at Work: Featuring The 7 Points of Transformation 
with co-author Dr. Rosie Ward - delivers a blueprint for building thriving organizational cultures that free, fuel and inspire people to bring their best selves to work.

Dr. Robison has served as co-editor of the journal Health At Every SizeTM - and has been helping people with weight and eating-related concerns for more than 20 years. He is one of the featured health professionals in the powerful Documentary - America the Beautiful II - The Thin Commandments.

He is also a Certified Intrinsic Coach.

The following is one of the many articles he has published on the health issues of today.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: The Real Causes of Poor Health: Addendum

Dr. Jon Robison at

In a recent post I examined the difficulties we seem to have focusing on and addressing the emotional, social and economic issues that are the real underlying causes of poor health in this country. I was gratified to see that the post seemed to strike a nerve with so many of the respondents. As I was considering the next piece I might write, I came across some headlines that grabbed my attention. Apparently, for the first time in decades, American’s life expectancy is stagnating.

The Rhetoric
This is not the first time that we have been warned about the possibility that this might happen. In an article in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2005 obesity researchers claimed that:

“The steady rise in life expectancy during the past two centuries may soon come to an end…obesity may shave up to 5 years off the average life spans in the coming years.”
Fortunately for all of us with children, this gloomy forecast turned out to be inaccurate. In fact, when the authors were pressed to provide research to support their claim in an expose in Scientific American entitled “Obesity: An Overblown Epidemic?” they responded by saying:

“These are just back-of-the-envelope, plausible scenarios. We never meant for them to be portrayed as precise.”

That was more than 15 years ago. But in spite of the admission from the authors that they had basically fabricated this scary conclusion, the fear mongering around obesity and life expectancy for our children has continued unabated – being brought up ad nauseum at Conferences and in the media as if it were, or had ever been, an actual fact.
The Reality
So, I was a bit skeptical, but certainly curious when I saw the headlines in all the major news outlets saying:
"Increase in US life expectancy has stalled, CDC report confirms.”

Concerned that that this might be another diatribe about the perils of obesity and the need for people to join weight-loss programs, I perused the internet for related stories and found many:
·                                 “White Americans Are Dying Younger as Drug and Alcohol Abuse Rises. (NY Times)
·                                 “Rising suicide among adults aged 40-64 years: the role of job and financial circumstances.” (Am J Prev Med)
·                                 “White Women Suffered Biggest Drop in Life Expectancy In The U.S."(Huffington Post)
·                                 “U.S. Suicide Rate Surges to a 30 Year High” (NY Times)

It turns out, rather frighteningly, that significant decreases in life expectancy particularly for poor, white American women are causing life expectancy for all Americans to remain flat. And what is precipitating these excess premature deaths? According to the Wall Street Journal, the stagnation in life expectancy is largely attributable to “increases in death rates from suicides, drug overdoses and related causes.” In fact, the author of the CDC report stated that, in 2014:

“Increases in the number of deaths from suicide, alcohol or drug overdoses offset declines in deaths for both white men and women from cancer, heart disease and other major chronic killers.”

And what about obesity? Again, According to the report:
“While some researchers have pointed to the sharp rise in obesity as a mortality factor, the CDC said there was no data for now to support that view.”

Seems like we have heard that one before!
You can peruse the finer details (particularly related to ethnicity and gender) about exactly what is going on in the CDC report. But the bottom line is that once again we may need to acknowledge that our myopic focus on individual health behaviors and the resultant coercive, bio-metric screenings and exercise and weight loss programs that are so ubiquitous at the workplace are very likely missing the mark, at best.

In my previous post I used an iceberg graphic to depict the fact that dealing with what is primarily above water in or out of the workplace is likely to produce minimal, sustained, positive outcomes. I want to end this post with another version of the pyramid.

The Food for Thought Pyramid

My friend and colleague Laura McKibbin, LICSW, has developed an amazingly creative graphic to display what a comprehensive and holistic description of health might look like. The Food For Thought Pyramid is structured like the now defunct food pyramid used to be, with the most important foundations of health at the base of the pyramid.

As you can see, the base of the pyramid has little to do with personal strivings for bio-metric or behavioral perfection and everything to do with the context of our existence and the circumstances we have been dealt. Without the life-sustaining foundation represented by the base of the pyramid, fruits and vegetables, exercise, and low cholesterol will likely have minimal impact on personal health. 

Genetics, luck and a range of social and cultural factors provide the critical platform on which a healthful existence is built and remind us about the complexities and importance of context to understanding the true meaning of human health. And while there is certainly a place for individual behaviors like nutrition and exercise (whether in the workplace or in the culture at large) they are always considered and addressed most effectively in the context of the social environment in which they exist, as this most recent disturbing data from the CDC clearly demonstrates. 

For people who are interested, Laura sells the pyramid on her site. Please note that although I helped Laura finalize the pyramid and Dr.Rosie Ward and I used it in our book, we get no reimbursement of any kind from its sale. And, true to Laura’s beliefs and work, part of the proceeds of each pyramid go to charity either of her choosing or the buyers. All in all, a great way to help move the understanding of the true causes of poor health into the 21st century.

Speaker Profile:
Jon Robison

Dr. Jon Robison is an accomplished speaker, teacher, writer
and consultant. He has spent his career working to shift
health promotion away from its traditional, biomedical,
control-oriented focus, with a particular interest in why
people do what they do and don’t do what they don’t do.

Jon has authored numerous articles and book chapters on a
variety of health-related topics and is a frequent presenter at
conferences throughout North America. He is also co-author of
the book, “The Spirit and Science of Holistic Health — More than
Broccoli, Jogging and Bottled Water, More than Yoga, Herbs and
Meditation,” a college textbook and a guidebook for practitioners
who wish to incorporate holistic principles and practices into their

This book provided the foundation for Kailo, one of the first
truly holistic employee wellness programs in the United States.
Kailo won prestigious awards in both Canada and The United
States, and the creators lovingly claim Jon as its father.

Jon has also been a national leader in the Health At Every
Size Movement for almost two decades. He has been responsible
for implementing Health for Every Body® — a unique alternative
to weight loss programs at the worksite in over 15 cities across
the United States in the past 2 years. He is also one of the
featured health professionals in the powerful documentary
America The Beautiful II: The Thin Commandments and has been
helping people struggling with weight- and eating-related
concerns for 25 years.

Contact Jon for:
Keynote Speaking Onsite Workshops
Pre-Conference Workshops
Conference Breakout Sessions
Workplace presentations

A few of Jon’s presentation topics:
Re-Thinking Health: Getting Ourselves Unstuck
from an Outdated Paradigm
Healthy Employees and Health Organizations:
Ushering Worksite Wellness into the 21st Century
Weight Loss at The Workplace: A Smart
Investment in Tough Economic Times...
or Money Down the Toilet?
Punished By Rewards: Rethinking the Use of
Incentives at the Workplace
Surviving “Risk Factor Frenzy”: The Research on
Health & Disease - What Does It Really Mean?
Health for Every Body: A Unique Worksite
Approach for Helping People Come To Peace with
Their Bodies and Their Food
Participation, Engagement and Behavior Change:
What Works and What’s Missing in Employee and Organizational Health?

Contact Jon at: 


Friday, May 13, 2016

Harvard versus Yale - The Ivy League versus the World - The New World Order - The Presidency


Is There No Chance for Hillary in 2016 - Meaning the Yale and Harvard Streak will End?

Now average Americans are going to have a hard time accepting this because average Americans consider the Ivy League to be something found in the history books, or maybe in prose or fiction books.  The Great Gatsby comes to mind.

When it comes to power, the Ivy League is IT but normally in terms of the dominant Ivy influence over Wall Street, the international banking community, and the engines of commerce.

Where did the following Latin phrases come from?

In Deo Speramus - (In God We Hope)

In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen - (In Thy light shall we see the light)

Quisquam qui ars  - (Any person -Any study)

Vox clamantis in deserto - (The voice of one crying in the wilderness)

Veritas -(Truth)

Dei sub numine viget - (Under God's power she flourishes)

Leges sine moribus vanae - (Laws without morals are useless)

Lux et veritas - (Light and truth)

Those are the mottos of the eight venerated Ivy League schools.


It seems we understand the power and influence of the Ivy League in terms of commerce but we really don't when it comes to national politics.  In fact the attitude of the general public in terms of the Ivy League in politics is rather bleak.

According to recent Rasmussen polls only five percent (5%) of American Adults think it is better for America to have presidents only from Ivy League schools.  A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 85% believe it’s better for the country to have presidents who come from a variety of schools.

Try this!

There have been 43 men who served as US President as of 2008. It is often said that President Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States of America. However, President Obama is only the 43rd different person to serve as President of the United States. This is due to the fact that President Grover Cleveland served non-consecutive terms and so is usually counted as both the 22nd and the 24th President.

Of our 43 presidents, 14 attended Ivy League schools.  Forbes magazine identified these additional political facts about the Ivy League.

All considered, more than a third of all U.S. presidents, Supreme Court justices and currently serving U.S. senators have attended an Ivy League school for undergraduate or graduate study.

It gets better.  When Obama completes his 2nd term this year we will have had 28 straight years of presidents from Yale and Harvard alone consisting of Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama.  In fact in the 227 years we have elected presidents, don't forget George Washington first took office in 1789, the Ivy League has held the presidency 85 of those years, or 37% of our history.

Hillary would be the 15th president from the Ivy League and that may be a bit too much for a nation in the which Ivy League represents just 8 out of 4,140 institutions of higher education.  For those of you into decimals the Ivy League makes up under 2 tenths of one percent (.001932) of our institutions yet controlled the presidency 37% of the time.

Public 4-year institutions        629
Private 4-year institutions   1,845
Total 4 year                                2,474

Public 2-year institutions    1,070
Private 2-year institutions      596
Total 2 year                                1,666

Total 4 and 2 year                  4,140

So money talks and legacy institutions prosper but you may be surprised when it comes to the costliest universities in America, long thought to be dominated by the Ivy League.

A recently compiled list of the 20 Most Expensive Colleges in the country shows prices, which include Tuition, Fees, Room and Board, range from $63,750 to just under $67,225 per year.

   #1  Harvey Mudd College $67,255
   #2  Columbia University $66,383
   #3  New York University $65,860 
   #4  Sarah Lawrence College $65,630
   #5  University of Chicago $64,965
   #6  Bard College at Simon's Rock  $64,519
   #7  University of Southern California $64,482
   #8  Claremont McKenna College  $64,325
   #9  Oberlin College $64,266
 #10  Scripps College $64,260   
 #11  Bard College $64,254
 #12  Haverford College $64,216    
 #13  Duke University  $64,188      
 #14  Dartmouth College  $64,134  
  #15  Northwestern University $63,983
 #16  Trinity College $63,970  
 #17  Pitzer College $63,880
 #18  Southern Methodist University  $63,840  
 #19  Amherst College  $63,772
#20  John Hopkins University $63,750

Source: Business Insider and U.S. Department of Education

To my amazement only two Ivy League schools, Columbia and Dartmouth, made the list.

Now compare that to a list of the best colleges and universities in the world for 2016.

Source: The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2015-2016

Sorry rest of the world, but fourteen of the top twenty are from the United States, including six of the top ten.  Harvard is the highest ranking Ivy League school but six of the eight Ivy League schools are in the top twenty in the world.  

What does this all mean?  Here in the colonies it seems the more other schools catch up with the Ivy League in terms of the number of schools and the cost of education, the stronger those dastardly Ivy League schools get control of our presidency and political processes.

Harvard was the first university in America founded in 1636.  By 1800 six of the first 16 universities in America were Ivy League, 37%.  Now the Ivy League represents less than one percent of institutions of higher education.  In spite of that we are completing 28 straight years of presidents from just two Ivy League schools, Harvard and Yale, and along comes Hillary seeking to extend that Ivy stranglehold on the presidency to 36 straight years.

Isn't it about time we give someone else a chance like The California Institute of Technology, Stanford, MIT, Slippery Rock, or even The Pennsylvania State University New Kensington Campus of the Commonwealth College, (the longest college name in the USA)?

I was going to attend Yale for undergraduate and Harvard Law for graduate school but fate had other plans for me and I wound up at the University of Arizona in Tucson, which I loved. But in spite of my Ivy loyalty even I think enough is enough, give someone else a chance to lead us.

Besides, with Hillary now making $225,000 per speech, more than her annual salary as Secretary of State, she really does not need the experience any more of the brutality of public service.

How is this for a dilemma?  Do you become president at $400,000 a year and spend 24/7 365 days a year tearing out your rapidly thinning hair and getting fat at state dinners, or do you work about an hour a day for two days and make the same amount without all the BS.

Ivy League Fashions

Besides, Bill Clinton showed us the way with his $100 million in earnings the few years after he was broke as president.  Same with his VP Gore, also a Harvard grad, and a host of other politicians.  Why would Hillary want any less?

The only glass ceiling she needs to shatter is the one holding the millions of dollars she will be making.

When Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton's annual salary was $186,600 making her the fourth highest paid government official in the United States behind the President ($400,000), the Vice President ($225,551) and Secretary of Treasury ($191,300).

Now she makes more giving a one hour speech.  Hillary, you and the Clinton family (Yale) have done enough for America, as have the Bush family (Yale and Harvard).  Of course if she loses, in steps Donald Trump giving The University of Pennsylvania Wharton School their first president, yet another of those pesky Ivy League schools.  