Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day - Time to Fight for the Defenders of the Flag


Obama is no Kennedy and we didn't get Camelot, but Chicago.

With petty politics dominating our national debate, confusion over our war policy, spiraling unemployment facing those returning from the war zone and price gouging from our banks and credit card companies it seems we are doing little as a nation to honor our veterans upon whose back we have built this temple to the Gods of greed and malicious behavior. Don't you think we could do a little better?

As hot air and no substance rules in our nation's capitol it seems the least we could do is take a few moments to pause and ask what have we done for our defenders. If we were truly in to soul searching as opposed to partisan babble the answer would be clear. Our failure to address the cost of government, rising debt and deficit spending, greed mongering by the very banks we bailed out with tax payers money and the entire specter of empty promises and political lies is a sorry testament to leadership, concern, compassion and honesty.

Nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus has accomplished nothing more than to give Joe Biden a reason to talk about all the jobs we have saved, jobs that simply cannot be found on the horizon. Come on Joe, if you did save any jobs it was by subsidizing inefficient and incompetent government and the minute the money train from Uncle Sugar runs out the public jobs will be eliminated because no local government can afford the jobs.

The Obama stimulus was a trillion dollar campaign fund for congress and the special interests that got all the people's money. We might as well have given the trillion to Goldman Sachs, the SEIU union and Acorn as a return on their multi-million dollar investment in Obama. They could consider it a down payment on the march to socialism they seem to advocate.

Bank bailouts failed. Low interest money to commercial banks proved to be a multi-billion dollar bonus program for Wall Street. Even Goldman Sachs, who has benefited more from the government loans, bailouts and low interest money, has no interest in doing anything different with one exception. Now they are using government funny money to take market risks instead of the money from their clients and own coffers.

Obama and Congress have demonstrated nothing to give people confidence, certainly nothing to indicate it is any different than business as usual, and even less to demonstrate they have a clear policy and the ability to implement the strategy. Our veterans and the people deserved much better. We opened the door to change and got nothing in return. The Obama gang built the old system so we really should have known they would have no new system of governing.

Our highly likeable president continues to dazzle in speeches and fall flat on his face in execution and that is to be expected when a rookie is surrounded by hardened political politicians who say all the right things we want to hear but they know they have no ability to deliver on the promises.

This sure ain't no Kennedy Administration and instead of Camelot we got Chicago. Now Chicago might be good at helping people like Kennedy and Obama get elected with their incredible ability to deliver votes that don't exist, but to rely on Chicago politicians and recycled Clinton people to bring about political change and reform is, well, a sure sign of the very inexperience we were told only Palin had.

At this point the Palin inexperience sure looks good. You could look her in the eye and get a straight answer. And if she didn't have the answer you knew she would get it and not from the old politicians who got us in this mess in the first place, the same ones Obama put back in office.

Obama needs to be the president of all Americans. He needs to learn from JFK , Ronald Reagan and even Bill Clinton that when you are elected president you are president of all the people, not just the Harvard elite. Kennedy was from Harvard and he knew that. We don't anoint presidents we elect them and once elected we are their boss.

If you want to honor the veterans, truly honor the veterans, then stop playing politics with war and foreign relations and make decisions, act bold and demonstrate leadership. We did not pick you to hand off the ball to the nearest person but to slam dunk the damn ball yourself. Stop performing for the Europeans and Middle Eastern countries and even the enemies of America like North Korea and Iran because your popularity ratings in those countries has nothing to do with your leadership here at home.

You are our president, not theirs. We pay your salary. Every time you cow tow to special interests it is our back that takes the dagger and pays the cost. Where is the leader we expected, we were promised, and we elected? Where is the change? It is time you get out of the frat house and into the real world. Listen, don't pontificate. We have had enough of that crap.

Every day you should wake up and remember that it is our Constitution you pledged to defend, the people's Constitution. Your accountability is not to your Chicago cronies or Harvard elitists, not to the weak kneed politicians or corporate thieves, not to the arm chair socialists or societal losers but to the American people.

Stop the partisanship. Stop the bickering over ideological nonsense. Stop taking care of special interests and protecting people who should be prosecuted. Listen to the pulse of the country, listen to the heartbeat of America and you will see how far you have strayed from our expectations. Then act like a president and fix the problems you have so you can fix the problems we have.

When you reach that point you will have honored our veterans by honoring their families and friends, the very people they are willing to die for. Be American and be president and take responsibility and fix this mess and you will have all the support you need. Continue the path you are on and you will be nothing more than another interesting footnote in our presidential history.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Eugenics" America's Darkest Secret - African American Abortions Equal Nearly 50% of Black Population


As Congress and the White House continue their bickering over provisions of the health care bill the latest snag was approval of the Anti-abortion amendment to the Pelosi House bill, an action that began as a clever way to compromise and get enough Democrats to support the effort.

What resulted was a glimpse into the soul of America as 240 House members supported the so called Stupak-Pitts Amendment restricting abortions, including an astonishing 64 Democrats, while just 192 opposed it. In the House 218 votes are necessary to approve a bill or amendment. There are 258 Democrats and 178 Republicans in the House right now. The 64 Democrats supporting Pro-life means Pelosi has only 192 votes at most supporting Pro-abortion.

That means for the first time in years there is more Pro-life support than Pro-abortion support in the House, a turn of events that caught the pro-abortion forces by total surprise. Immediately the liberal leftists moved to get House and Senate members and President Obama to say they would have to modify the amendment because it went too far in preventing abortions.

Abortions were first promoted by Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood and one of the first to endorse eugenics at the turn of the 20th century. Present Pro-abortion people want to forget the sad chapter in America's abortion movement when eugenics was the motivation behind "choice" for women and it is a secret they wish would remain forever buried.

You see, abortion was never meant to be a "freedom of choice" for women in America but a sinister way to keep the nation from being populated by undesirables which included the handicapped, institutionalized, the insane, criminals and the poor lower classes including the African Americans. In short, it was the vehicle for creating America's own super race long before Hitler adopted the Aryan Master race program. Margaret Sanger's own foundation was strongly supported by the Ku Klux Klan and helped train the German Nazi's in the science of eugenics lest there be any doubt as to their intent.

In the late 1800's, after the Civil War and the difficult adjustment to the freedom of the slaves in 1865, eugenics started to take a heretofore unknown twist. Up until that time eugenics was a science defined as; "The quality of breeding well of freely; the production of young by the union of individuals of different species or stocks." By the middle of the 20 century the definition had changed to; "The science which deals with the improvement and culture of race, especially the human race, through improved conditions in the relation of the sexes." It pertained to genes, race and family, and the nobleness of birth.

Margaret Sanger advanced the cause of science even farther by promoting a way to dispose of undesirables while purifying the race through abortion and targeted birth control of the lower classes. Here in America the advocates of eugenics using abortion and birth control were every bit as sinister as the Nazi advocates of the Master race as both served the same purpose, human intervention to purify mankind of undesirables.

Make no mistake, among other targets the African American population was a primary target of the eugenics movement. The battle for eugenics raged during the 20th century with the pro-abortionists fighting the Christian churches and in the end came Roe versus Wade in 1973, a landmark bill that did not approve abortion as pro-abortionists claimed but did state that life began in a fetus at the age of 27 weeks, and as early as 24 weeks. Thus it legalized abortions up to that stage.

Now in the 36 years since Roe versus Wade a lot has happened. In America there have now been 50 million legal abortions. Worldwide there have been one billion legal abortions. Medical advances have made it possible to save a fetus before the age of 24 weeks. And there has now been a lot of statistics gathered on abortions.

So what have we learned? Of the 1.2 million annual abortions in America less than 5% involve the popular cries of the pro-abortion forces who demand abortions in the case of rape, incest, a threat to the life of the mother and a threat to the life of the fetus. It was thought for many years that these cases would dominate the abortions and would justify the humanity of the practice.

But the truth is a far different story. The comprehensive analysis shows that 95% of abortions are not for the humanitarian reasons as anticipated but are out of convenience to the pregnant mother. What do the numbers really tell us? For one, they prove beyond doubt that the Sanger inspired eugenics is alive, well and prospering as abortions have now killed 18.5 million African American children, a number equal to nearly 50% of all African Americans alive today.

Whites constitute 221 million Americans, 79.8%, and there are 11 abortions for every 1000 White births. Hispanics total 47 million in America including illegal immigrants, 15.4% of the population, and there are 28 abortions per 1000 births. Blacks total 39 million, 12.8% of the population, and there are 50 abortions per 1000 births.

The Black abortion rate is 5 times higher than the White rate while the Hispanic is 2 times higher than the White rate. That means 18.5 million Black babies have been aborted since 1973, and who knows how many were aborted during the prior years when it was illegal but practiced at the encouragement of the eugenic movement. As stated, total Black abortions now equal nearly 50% of the current Black population in America.

Eugenics is very much alive and well in America. If Blacks had not been the victims of eugenics about 18% of the US population would be Black today, a number approaching the highest point in our history back in 1790 when 19.2% of our population was African American. The continued accelerated use of abortions by Blacks will ensure a continued loss of population as the Hispanic, Asian and White populations in America all have much greater birth rates.

Yes, the current health care debate opened Pandora's box and now that we are allowed a glimpse into our abortion history and the results, will prominent African Americans and others finally realize what abortion is doing and bring it to an end? Will they realize their political party and their social pro-abortion rallying cry that Blacks blindly support and follow is leading them into extinction?

Will they tell their leaders to end this heinous practice at once rather than support the destruction of the African American race? And finally, will they also tear back the lid to hell and expose the truths about the international abortions, now totaling over 1 billion and progressing at a rate of 50 million every year, and take a careful look at what races and cultures are being wiped off the face of the Earth by their so called friends?

The right to choice often gives us a difficult decision to make. Is claiming our freedom of choice the right choice when it means contributing to the extinction of races and cultures? Beware of what choice you embrace. One person's freedom can be another's slavery or extermination.


Thursday, November 05, 2009

Yankees World Champions Again


The New York Yankees, the most fabled franchise in sports history, won their 27th World Championship and their 40th American League Championship in this, their 108th year in existence. The value of this team is now measured in the billions of dollars, a striking return on the $8.7 million paid for the team at the last sale in 1973.

I was born a Yankees fan in Iowa, probably the only one in existence, a result of the mix up with the stork who was supposed to deliver me to the Rockefeller's of NYC instead of the Iowa farmers. To this day there is no better sports team in my own opinion.

Of course I have had my close up and personal moments with the Yankees thanks to my limited career in sports and the help of sports writers to get me in the Yankee dughouse with legendary teams of the 1960's and the old timer teams dating well back.

My own pictures taken from the dugout in the original Yankees Stadium include Mantle, Maris, Casey Stengel, Yogi Berra, Whitey Ford, Joe DiMaggio, and many other Hall of Famers from Yankee history.

When I worked for the Governor of New Jersey I got to know Yogi much better.

The Yankees franchise was founded in 1901, 108 years ago. The 40 American League championships and 27 World championships are unmatched in all of professional sports in America. In baseball the closest team is the St. Louis Cardinals with 11 World titles.

The Yankees were called the Baltimore Orioles until they moved to NYC in 1903 and the name was changed to New York Hilanders. In 1913 they were first called the Yankees and in 1923 Yankee Stadium was built seating an astounding 58,000 people, the largest sports stadium in America. It was indeed the house that Ruth built.

This year, 2009, the new Yankee Stadium was opened and in keeping with legendary tradition, the Yankees won the World Series the first year of the new stadium like they did the first year of the old Yankee Stadium back in 1923.

The Bronx Bombers will celebrate with the people of NYC with the traditional ticker tape parade in lower Manhattan down the Canyon of Heroes, a spectacle in itself. The parade will be Friday.

There is something soothing about a Yankees World Series win, as if maybe the world and all it's chaos can return to normal where heroes are recognized, people are compassionate, money is used to do good instead of fueling greed and God and country can again be honored.

Pelosi a heartbeat from Presidency - but miles from Reality


"We won last night," said Pelosi. Only the representative from the legendary land of Oz and home of Timothy Leary could sum up the defeat of the Democrats in New Jersey and Virginia in such a bizarre manner. It is as if she has no concern for the states or the people in them or the fact that Obama won them in an avalanche last year only to lose them less than a year later.

In the wonderful world of Pelosi just how far can the truth be stretched before the mask comes off?

If I were a Democrat and this was the Speaker of the House in my party I might be looking for a new place to live. Now we know her San Francisco Bay area is so liberal that being a socialist is never far enough to the left. Still, she is third in line for the presidency and that is a very scary thought.

Pelosi has been known to act more like a valley girl or bobble head doll on occasion so we are not too shocked by her relative ignorance of current events taking place in Virginia and New Jersey but other Democrats noticed, why not her?

“Every Dem who is up in either 2010 or 2012 knows that last night was big — if the right wing hadn’t meddled in New York’s 23rd, that would have gone GOP, too,” said former Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey, adding that he fears Democrats may be heading for a repeat of some 1990s history. “The electorate appears restless and angry. If they begin to ‘vote the bums out’ as they did in 1994, Democrats know that the next election is going to be extremely difficult.”

Even the darling of the new Democrats Senator Mark Warner from Virginia could see the national implications of the wipeout and the need for honesty by the leadership when he said: "We got walloped!" What a shame the real leaders can't lead as well.

When it comes to the health care or energy bailout and bribery bills considered by the unholy alliance, Pelosi, Reid and Obama, both Pelosi and Senate counterpart Harry Reid, leader of the Senate Democrats, have personally let it be known they will decide what bill the Congress will vote on, what amendments will be offered, how debate will be eliminated, how to get by with no Republican input or involvement 1n the legislative process, and how to justify ignoring the increasing virulent cries of the disenfranchised American voter.

What kind of constitutional process is that? Since our president, trained in constitutional law by the revered institution Harvard Law School, has already been brainwashed in the international code of conduct and usurpation of the rights of nations and people's, I guess the three make a good match. They seem to be genuinely enjoying their private jets (the little one is the government plane for Pelosi) and VIP treatment.

Obama ivy league aloofness, detachment and arrogance will serve him well as he ignores the many campaign promises he made and continue on his doomed path toward a socialist trainwreck in America, thus justifying the long sought elitist goal of the New World Order. Sound fictional? We shall see.


Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Election 2009 - Winners and Losers - Obama family not really interested?


There was a little bit for everyone but an ominous warning for the establishment in the election results Tuesday as voters went to the polls and tossed out big spenders, turned on negative campaigns, and sent a clear and concise message to the rest of the elected officials that accountability will be demanded of their votes to increase the deficit, increase spending and ignore the people's priorities.

Those priorities? The economy, deficit spending and jobs according to 90% of the people voting in New Jersey and 85% of the voters in Virginia.

Now according to the White House Obama continues to display an amazing disregard for the public and for common sense as they said he was too busy to watch election results but not too busy to watch the Chicago Bulls basketball team on TV. His wife Michelle demonstrated her interest in the election results by taking the kids to a Miley Cyrus concert. The Obama family detachment from people seems to be getting worse.

Just last week our sportsman president was too busy campaigning for the eventual losers to take part in one of the most revered events in America, the World Series, where he could have thrown out the first pitch. A series between two of the most storied cities and baseball franchises with record ratings would have appealed to any sports buff but not our president. No, he sent his wife and the wife of the vice-president to the opening game of the series in NYC in the first World Series game played in the new Yankee stadium. A very dumb move by the White House staff.

The election winners: Chris Christie won the governor's race in New Jersey overcoming a spending avalanche by his Goldman Sachs opponent, millions of dollars in negative advertising by Corzine, five campaign appearances by the president in a state where his popularity remains very high, an opponents campaign taken over by the Obama White House to make sure the locals didn't screw it up, and the presence of an Independent on the ballot splitting the anti-Corzine vote.

Christie stayed out of the mud slinging and made light of the fat attacks by the Democrats. He stayed focused on the economy and jobs when the opposition message was lost in the flood of red ink being generated in our capitol. And he withstood the withering attacks and money being spent by the Washington special interests including national politicians, unions, Wall Street friends of the Democrats and the multitude of liberal causes hell bent on telling us what is good for us.

Governor-elect Robert McDonnell led a Republican sweep of all the statewide elections in Virginia, as his opponent fell to defeat with a weak campaign, lack of an economic program and undefined relationship with Obama. Though Obama campaigned for the Democrat and $10 million was pumped into the race by Democratic national committees Obama's dismal 48% approval and 51% disapproval in Virginia neutralized any benefit from the presidential efforts.

The winners: Obama won in his popularity rating as New Jersey showed him with a 57% approval rating. However, since the Democratic incumbent got only 45% support it means Obama has no control over his fans as 13% of the Obama supporters voted for the Republican or Independent, not Obama's pick.

In Virginia Obama's favorable rating dropped to 48% with 51% unfavorable, the same as the most recent Rasmussen national numbers. His nationwide numbers have settled at 48% favorable, down from his high of 69% after his election, a 21% collapse in the polls.

The losers: Obama's agenda for change was rejected across the board with no Obama issue gaining more than a low 40% approval and all had higher negative ratings than positive. The economy and taxes dominated the state agendas with health care, energy and others far behind. As confidence in Obama's handling of the economy has been in a freefall it does not bode well for the president.

Virtually all action taken on the economy by Obama and the Democratic congress is contrary to the public mood in as much as it has aided Wall Street but not Main Street, has not helped with consumer credit, credit card fees and interest rates, and has cost $250,000 to create every public sector job under the stimulus, jobs that will disappear as soon as the federal money runs out.

Confusion over the issue of the War in Afghanistan and the floundering policy of Obama, his inability to make a decision that impacts on the safety of our soldiers, his failure to fulfill promises regarding Guantanamo, Iraq and the Middle East have all contributed to a collapse of support for his foreign initiatives. However, foreign affairs had no impact on the election.

The bigger losers: Congress and leaders Pelosi and Reid who have demonstrated they are pursuing exactly the opposite priorities as the public wants. They are out of touch and obsessed with their own agenda regardless of the change wanted by the public. Unbeknownst to them, health care and the energy cap and trade bills, their two bills designed to make the congress and industry advocates wealthy, are the very budget busters the public demands be stopped.

If the congressional leadership continues their course of forcing their priorities down the throats of Americans they will see their own careers and those of many incumbents fade into oblivion, the graveyard for those who claim to protect the public trust while stealing our future blind. The mood of the voter is angry and the target of their anger is the Washington and Wall Street establishments.

Politicians and political parties can be part of the institutional problem or part of the solution but they cannot be both. Right now the national political parties, Democrat and Republican alike, are in the crosshairs of the public anger. If they fail to address the deficit, to stop social spending, and to eliminate the climate of lobbyists, campaign funding and politicians for sale dominating the corrupt Washington scene, they will be history.

The biggest winner was the independence of the Independents and the solidifying of the base of about 20% of the registered vote who now constitute the new independent economic conservatives. With no party ties this block of independent voters is growing stronger with every election. Attempts to control them by social conservatives failed though there is strong conservative support for social issues. The evolving Independent opposes a litmus test for philosophical loyalty and shares a common bond of opposing deficit spending, increasing the national debt and expanding the size of government.

The biggest loser was the news media and their incessant analysis of the election. As the media continues to take sides and push the Democratic or Republican agenda the entire Washington and Wall Street establishments from the White House to Congress, the lobbyists to contributors, special interests to the corrupt continue to treat our nation's government as their own playground. Where are the media watchdogs? Are they too busy sharing in the spoils?
