Friday, December 21, 2018

The Melchizedek Chronicles – What would Jesus say about Christmas, Saudi Arabia and the Middle East?

Well, where do I start?  With a single word about what is missing in our lives, Truth.  Sadly, it seems many people are unable to seek the Truth themselves and have delegated the search to abnormal, unreliable or anonymous sources of information, disinformation and outright fake news as a matter of convenience and to remove themselves from their own responsibility for discovering the Truth.

People are blindly being spoon-fed false Truths through with virtual world of the Internet based forums like social media, news aggregators, special interest groups, data miners, deceptive practices and algorithm manipulators.

Artificial intelligence and the attending algorithms have no moral or ethical foundation, no emotional perspective, no pledge of allegiance to anything but profits, and no loyalty to anything but self-preservation and self-interests.  No measure of serving the greater good applies to anything in the virtual world.

Add to that the raging bias of causes and judgement against anyone who dares speak for themselves and you have the ingredients for fostering hatred and denying respect for others who disagree with them.

Here is a perfect example.  The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the heir to the Saudi kingdom, has been condemned by everyone, Democrats, Republicans and news media, for the death of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul, Turkey.

Yet even the best intelligence agencies in the word did not say that, but said according to the CIA’s assessment, “officials have said they have high confidence” in his involvement.  High confidence does not constitute a statement of fact or definitive condemnation as implied in the press.

At the same time the Crown Prince is being savaged by attacks from the media and politicians, the same news media gives no attention to what experts say is the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, the terrible war in Yemen between the Yemen government backed by Saudi Arabia and the revolutionaries opposed to them, the Houthi militia, who are backed by our enemy Iran.

Millions of civilian refugees from the fighting are in danger of death from starvation, disease and bombing attacks and help cannot reach them, but virtually no reporting by the news media is taking place about the situation.

Then suddenly and quite unexpectedly, a ceasefire is put in place to stop the fighting and allow refugees to get life-saving assistance.  This was an action taken by the Crown Prince and gives life and hope to millions of desperate people, men, women and children.  At the same time there will be an exchange of 16,000 political prisoners.

The same Crown Prince holds the key to controlling our enemy Iran, and influencing all the other Muslim states in the region to resist efforts of Russia to control Syria, to bring a long-sought peace to the Middle East, and to broker peace between Israel and the Arab nations.

Millions upon millions of lives can be saved by these actions as well as treasured and truly sacred historical and religious sites in the Holy Land for multiple religions.  Again, the Crown Prince holds the key to ending thousands of years of sectarian and religious wars and persecution and bring peace to the cradle of civilization.

In 2018 I believe there have been thirty-five journalists killed throughout the world but the news media has been dominated by only one death.  Allies and enemies of the United States have killed tens of thousands of people but no political leader of another country has been driven from office as some have demanded of the Crown Prince.

Nearly 6,800 people have been murdered in America this year yet only a handful of wrongful deaths ever get into the news, and when they do it is fleeting coverage.
Most of the rest of the world do not live by American values, laws, rules, morality, our Constitutional rights and freedoms, and our obsession with self-introspection.  They never will.

America must set an example for the world just as Jesus set an example for the world.  We must demonstrate the Truth in our Constitution but we cannot impose our truth on anyone outside our nation.

No longer can we have allies like the former Soviet Union whose leaders killed millions of their own people while being armed and protected by America.

Where there is doubt about the responsibility for any actions by other nations, or officials from those nations, if we are truly “One nation under God,” we must have faith that only God can make the final judgement.

In doing so, remember the teaching of Jesus, all souls can achieve salvation through redemption, as Paul did from the time of Jesus.  Even the least can become the best, the worst the most righteous, with forgiveness from the Father.

Maybe it is time we trust the Lord to show us the way, to the path Jesus demonstrated, a path of forgiveness and a life full of joy.

Maybe it is time we restore the Faith and Hope in humanity rather than obsess with the faults of humanity.

Maybe it is time to remember we are all God’s children, all in the image and likeness of our Creator. 

By the way, who were among the first visitors to see the Baby Jesus, the Magi from the East.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Merlin Welcomes You to the 2018 Winter Solstice where Magic once again rules!

December 21, 2018

Melchizedek’s Christmas Message to You!

Earlier this week I was speaking with Melchizedek about some quite unpleasant actions by people I know, actions which would be of benefit to the Dark Side.  Not what I like to see.

Being human, I was not pleased because I thought they were going to help us with God’s Plan, and in the end, they succumbed to the tantalizing deceptions and illusions of Satan – greed, power, control, and ego.

They were told the truth by several sources, then tried to get the truth changed to suit their needs.  It was all a lie, and as Melchizedek said, they might as well have sold their souls to the Devil.

Then he said something quite interesting.

To me, he said, “You must tell that person what he did wrong, how he ignored the truth and failed to make the changes required.  By ignoring the truth from the light, he embraced the dark side with sins of betrayal and pride.”

“It might have seemed clever and cunning to them, he continued, “but they will fail in their efforts.  How arrogant they must be to attempt to deceive the Guardians of the Truth of God.”

“It will be a long and painful fall from Grace and in the end, he will lose all he sought and expected, be disgraced, become excessively paranoid, and wind up a fearful recluse.”

I said why would I tell him that, I do not have the gift of prophecy.  Very emphatically Melchizedek stated, “Because you speak for me, Melchizedek!  I will be speaking through you.”

He then said after his fall when he is wallowing in depression, doubt and paranoia, he will be given a last chance to rejoin the Path of Jesus and help fulfill the Plan of Father Creator.  Even when one sells their soul to Satan, our Father, True Father, will not give up on His creations.  Forgiveness, that elusive first step in our own salvation.

While we are responsible for only our own Plan with God, we still should help others who have been awaken and are Seekers of Truth.  Those who have sold their souls to the Devil should be avoided and will be exposed, but only God the Father can judge if they will be saved.

In the eyes of the Father, Melchizedek, and Jesus we are not just a planet with billions of people waiting to go through the human cycle of birth, life and death.

From their perspective as the Creator of all that is, as the Son of God whose sole purpose is to lead us to the path of redemption and salvation as created by the Father, and from Melchizedek’s perspective as overseer of the completion of God’s Plan for Creation, we are the miraculous result of the moment of God’s creation billions of years ago.

Our time on Earth refers only to our physical limitations of the body.  We do not just exist in the time-space continuum of Earth’s cosmos.  Our Soul and Spirit come from God, in the Kingdom, existing before Creation and will exist long after.  Without the Soul and Spirit fusing with a fetus to create a newborn child, there would be no time on Earth.

The Soul and Spirit are like golden tentacles reaching out through dimensions to the Earth.  When your life ends on Earth your Soul and Spirit return to the Kingdom to await your next return.

In the eyes of the Father, Jesus and Melchizedek, in truth our life truly begins when the physical body on Earth dies and releases the Soul and Spirit to the Heavens.  Our spiritual evolution ends when the Soul and Spirit become one again with the Creator.

Jesus came to Earth to show us the Path back home.  That is why Christmas, his birth, is a key turning point in world history and spiritual evolution.  It is why not three, but hundreds of Magi throughout the world were guided to the manger with the new Messiah by the brilliant Christmas star, the eight-sided Star of Melchizedek.  They came from many countries and remember, Christianity did not even exist at the time.

Jesus, in human form, came to demonstrate the five steps to eternal redemption and salvation.  As a human, he also showed us the incredible potential we could achieve in spite of the physical body, because we are born in the image and likeness of God.

The Five Steps of Jesus we must achieve.






All were achieved by Jesus while in human form.  All were witnessed by many.  We should study, meditate and pray for insight into achieving these remarkable steps.  Without the birth of Jesus, and seeing his transformation through the Five Steps, we might never know eternal salvation.

Jesus was not just another Messiah, he is the light, the path, and the hope for the salvation of the souls of all mankind, men and women alike.

Christmas is indeed a time of joy.  It is a time to fulfill the two commandments as told by Jesus.  Love the Father for his perfect Love that created us.  Love thy neighbor as all are creations of the Father.

Thank you, Melchizedek for sharing your wisdom, and for lighting the path to the Truth on the Road to Kingdom Come.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

December 21 - Happy Solstice and Druid Day of Celebration

There is magic in the air on the 21st as once again we recall the days of the ancient Celts, of honoring the Earth and all God's creations, a time of meditation, and a time of celebration. Today is the first day of Winter, the sacred Solstice.

From a time long ago when Druids and Wizards ruled the Earth, King Arthur united the English under one king, and Merlin the Wizard protected the first king to bridge the Pagan and Christian cultures.  Now that would take a mighty powerful Wizard.

I journeyed to England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland in search of the ancient Celts and found them at Stonehenge, Glastonbury, Edinburgh, the Giant's Causeway and Newgrange, the ancient Irish tomb where the sun hit the center on the equinox.  I stood in the center of that tomb.

So today I honor and celebrate magic, good magic that is, and the Celtic days of the Druids when all that was needed was provided without electricity, cell phones, television and computers.  How did we ever survive?

And today I honor you - all God's creations.

What Does the Winter Solstice Mean Spiritually? It’s Celebrated in Tons of Religions and Cultures

Dec 18 2017

For many of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the winter solstice means one thing: a few long, cold, dark months are ahead of us, with seemingly no end in site. While the winter solstice might not be something worth celebrating to you, to others, it's an extremely spiritual day full of sacred rituals. In fact, to some, all of that extra darkness isn't a bad thing at all — it actually adds to the spiritual significance of the day. The winter solstice has so many spiritual meanings that make it so much more than just the shortest day of the year.

For many cultures around the world, the winter solstice (which falls on Dec. 21 this year) marks an important milestone. It's the shortest day of the year and the longest night of the year, and signals a powerful transition point between seasons that is impossible to ignore. Because of this, it has been celebrated and revered in ancient civilizations, indigenous cultures, and various religions, all of which have their own rituals for taking advantage of the unique energy.

According to Forever Conscious, "The winter solstice celebrates the longest hours of darkness or the rebirth of the sun and is believed to hold a powerful energy for regeneration, renewal and self-reflection. In Pagan times the winter solstice was referred to as Yule and was a celebration of the Goddess (Moon) energy. It was believed that on this day, the moon would give birth to the sun." That certainly puts a slightly more magical spin on things!

Each year, the winter solstice falls a few days before Christmas and New Year's Eve. This isn't just a fun coincidence; in fact, there's a much deeper meaning there. According to, "The spiritual and energetic significance of the winter solstice is multi-layered, but the most direct relevance is that it symbolizes the birth of the sun." The birth of the sign is representative of the birth of Jesus. says, "The birth of these higher beings at this time of the solstice was symbolic of the birth of the spiritual sun within, that we are not separate from the creator, as we have been conditioned to believe to feel that we are less than divine beings." That's where the religious aspect comes in.

If you aren't particularly religious or spiritual, you might feel like this has nothing to do with you. Actually, it does! The winter solstice is a time of quiet energy, where you get the opportunity to look within yourself and focus on what you want and need. It's a time to set goals and intentions for the coming year, to examine and let go of our past, and to make changes within ourselves. The solstice is essentially tied to a personal awakening.

Feeling inspired to embrace a more spiritual take on the solstice this year? One way to celebrate is to take part in Christmas traditions, if you celebrate the holiday. The holiday is actually strongly based on Pagan beliefs, which are also strongly tied to the winter solstice. If you aren't a religious person at all, though, you can still take part in the spirituality of the day. There are so many rituals that are linked with the solstice, and honestly, they might bring a whole new meaning to new year's resolutions. It might feel overwhelming to pick just one, but there are a few options out there anyone can take part in.

Take Advantage of the Natural Light

In the Northern Hemisphere, the winter solstice marks the shortest day of the year. It will probably be black outside by 4 p.m., which, let's admit, can feel a little bit depressing. So it's no surprise that, for many cultures, taking advantage of the light they're given is so important on this day. Try to get outside while it's light out to connect with nature. Take a walk, go for a hike, bundle up and enjoy your coffee while sitting outside for a little bit. You won't have much time, so take advantage of it while you can!

Light Your Way Through the Darkness

A lot of common solstice rituals include candlelight to get through the extra darkness of the day. Mystic Mamma suggests making glass mason jar lanterns with candles to light all day. Mystic Mamma also suggests that once the sun goes down, turn off all the lights and spend a moment or two in darkness. Once you've honored the sun's light in your mind, you can light some candles on your own, or with loved ones.

Set Up a Fire Releasing Ceremony

The winter solstice can be about looking inwards and getting rid of the past you don't need to hold onto. Mystic Mamma suggests making a fire (outside or in a fire place!), and gathering with loved ones (you can obviously do this alone too). Grab a piece of paper, write down the things you want to let go of, then toss the paper into the fire as a symbol of release.

Celebrate with Friends and Family

An important part of celebrating the solstice has always been showing your love to the people closest to you, like friends and family members. Circle Sanctuary says, "At the heart of Saturnalia was the custom of family and friends feasting together and exchanging presents. Continue this custom by visiting, entertaining, giving gifts, and sending greetings." Make the solstice feel a lot more cozy by having people over for a small, casual party.

Disconnect and Focus on Yourself

Probably the most important spiritual meaning of the winter solstice is that this is a time meant to reflect and recreate yourself. You should spend at least an hour doing that on Dec. 21. Light a candle, keep the lights off, and embrace the darkness. Turn your phone off, and don't even think about using a laptop or your TV — not even your smart watch! Take some time to think deeply about yourself, your past, and what you want for your future. This is a time where you aren't harsh about your decisions, and you really let things go. Could there be a more perfect way to enter the new year?

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Mr. Henry's musings on life - Happy Holidays from Mr. Henry

My human companion wanted me to be more like the humans for Christmas.

Why do I bother to listen to him?

So here is my wish for all of you.
  May you always find
joy, peace, love and honor
in all you do in life.  

Acknowledge the Perfect Love of our Creator in creating us,
and follow the path of his Son Jesus back to the garden.

Amen and Happy Holidays...