Thursday, April 15, 2010

Prophets, Psychics, Seers and Saints - Who Really Tells the Future - The Holy Mother Mary?


"Those that fear prophecy lack faith."

Throughout history mankind has always been fascinated or fearful of those who practiced the act of prophecy, foretelling the future. From the ancient Druids to Native Americans, Old Testament to New Testament, prophecy was practiced by seers, mystics, oracles, psychics, shamans, crystal readers, wizards, and even saints. It was prophecy that foretold Moses and his long journey to the Promised Land just as prophecy foretold of Jesus the Messiah and his death on a cross.

In more modern times there have been giants of prophets with the most notable being Nostradamus of the 16th century and Edgar Cayce of the 20th century. Kings and presidents consulted prophets, fortune tellers, seers and psychics, and the Druids of old, often in secret. Didn't we all harbor a certain curiosity about having our fortune told through a crystal ball by some Gypsy? Or our palm read?

I mentioned two of the giants of history, Nostradamus and Cayce, but there is a third proven far more accurate. First let me give you a brief refresher on the two most notable.

Incantation of the Law Against Inept Critics

Let those who read this verse consider it profoundly,
Let the profane and the ignorant herd keep away:
And far away all Astrologers, Idiots and Barbarians,
May he who does otherwise be subject to the sacred rite!
Michel Nostradamus

Prophets are foretellers of the future, receiving visions of events that would come to pass if certain conditions are or are not met. In their own way they revealed God’s will in the events of history, particularly regarding the judgment of evil and the deliverance from the judgment.

The two most famous understood the spiritual significance of the times. Many rely on the known works of Michel Nostradamus 1503-1566; and Edgar Cayce 1877-1945.

They used the style of prophecy called apocalyptic literature for their vision of the future as they were composed during politically difficult times, they were futuristic, visions were used to communicate truth, they drew a sharp contrast between good and evil, and they focused more on nations than individuals.

Each employed different techniques as Nostradamus used a brass reflecting bowl and scything mirror, while Cayce was in a self-hypnotic trance.

More mystery surrounds Nostradamus than Cayce as Cayce was from the 20th century while Nostradamus was 400 years earlier. Complicating matters was the fact that Nostradamus had to disguise and conceal many of his predictions or face death at the hands of the Inquisition. The fact he saw his visions 400 years earlier also meant many of the futuristic scenes appearing to him were of machines and buildings not in existence in the 1500's thus requiring much more difficult interpretation on his part.

Both were Christian, with Nostradamus a baptized Catholic, although Nostradamus’s family converted from Judaism to avoid persecution. Cayce took a lifelong interest in studying the Bible. Nostradamus was from Southern France during the plague while Cayce was from Kentucky.

But they are not the best of all modern prophets as I see it and you may be somewhat surprised by my top pick. I believe the Holy Mother Mary, Mother of Jesus, has been the most prolific and accurate prophet in all time because of what she has done the last 200 years. I call her apparitions and words The Marian Prophecies.

Marian Apparitions & Prophecies

La Salette, France 1846
Lourdes, France 1858
Fatima, Portugal 1917
The Fatima Secret
A Great Sign by God
Failure to Consecrate Russia
The Third Part of the Secret
Second Vatican Council 1962

Mary, the Holy Mother of Jesus, is not often viewed as a prophet like Nostradamus or Cayce. For purposes of this story however, her prophecies at La Salette, Lourdes, and during the six apparitions at Fatima, Portugal in 1917 rank among the most accurate and dramatic concerning the 20th century.

Mary, like Nostradamus and Cayce, used the style of prophecy called apocalyptic literature for her vision of the future which meant it was composed during politically difficult times, it was futuristic, visions were used to communicate truth, they drew a sharp contrast between good and evil, and they focused more on nations than individuals.

La Salette, France 1846

The Lady appeared 19 September 1846 to two peasant children, Melanie Calvat and Maxime Giraud, ages 14 and 11, at La Salette, France and delivered a prophetic warning of a terrible future.

Excerpts from Her message include:

“France, Italy, Spain and England will be at war. Blood will flow on the streets. Frenchmen will fight Frenchmen and Italian against Italian and in the end will come a war that will be terrible.”

“Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist. The demons allied to the Antichrist will operate on Earth and in the sky and Humanity will become worse.”

“Fight, Sons of Light, you small number who see, because the time of times, the final end, is near.”

“The time is at hand. The abyss is opening: the king of darkness is watching, the beast is watching with his subjects, who will proclaim him ‘savior of the world,’”

“Melanie, what I am about to tell you know will not always be a secret. You may make it public in 1858. The priests, ministers of my son, the priests by their wicked lives, by their irreverence and their impiety in the celebration of the holy mysteries, by their love of money, their love of honors and pleasures, the priests have become cesspools of impurity.”

Lourdes, France 1858

Ironically, in the year 1858 at Lourdes, France the Lady made an appearance to Bernadette Soubrious, her sister Marie, and a friend Pancho. She would appear to Bernadette eighteen times over the next six months and offered a set of five prophecies during the course of the apparitions.

Bernadette was on her deathbed in 1879, the first year of the Age of Michael, and was asked to write a letter to the Pope reviewing the five prophecies earlier disclosed. Of the five, the third one stated that in the 1930’s a terrible evil would awaken in Germany, and the Lady painted a horrifying picture of a war that would envelop most of the nations of the world.

Fatima, Portugal 1917

The record of Fatima is far more complete. World events at the time of the apparitions were in turmoil. Most of the world was still caught up in World War I that had raged for three years. In Russia a revolution had just brought down the 1,000 years reign of the Tsars. The once mighty German Empire was on the brink of a devastating defeat. Socialism and Communism were behind riots and revolutions engulfing Europe and the world.

As for Fatima, there is a great deal of misunderstanding concerning the apparitions. This time three children, Lucia dos Santos, Jacinta Marto, and her brother Francisco witnessed six apparitions of the Lady, after they were visited three times by an angel to prepare them.

By the time of the sixth appearance, news of the apparitions was so widespread over 70,000 flocked to the location to witness a miracle promised by the Lady. Believers and unbelievers alike were stunned when rains that had fallen all the previous night stopped as Lucia pointed to the sky.

The sun appeared, and for the next 10-15 minutes the sun danced, zigzagged and even fell toward the earth convincing all present it was the end of the world. When the sun returned to its normal position the shocked crowd noticed that their drenched clothes and the ground were now dry.

Like Bernadette of Lourdes, Lucia gave an account of the prophecies at the time they were made in 1917 and later made a written record of the revelations when she was gravely ill. Lucia, however, recovered fully.

During the apparition on July 13, 1917, the Lady gave a secret prophecy in three parts to the children of Fatima. Lucia, the oldest of the children, said something about the secrets to church authorities at the time. However, the details of the secrets were to be given later to all the faithful by Lucia and Church authorities.

As told to them by the Lady during the first apparitions, the two younger children would be taken to heaven at an early age. Within three years both children were dead. However, Lucia, the older peasant girl receiving the prophecies, remained alive throughout the 20th Century to continue her efforts to get people to listen to the message of the Lady.

On her deathbed in 1920 Jacinta told Mother Godinho: “There is a secret of Heaven and one of earth, and the latter is terrifying. It will seem as though it were already the end of the world. And in this cataclysm everything will be separated from the sky, which will turn white as snow.”
Because of the intense international awareness of the Fatima events Lucia became a Carmelite nun and remained secured from the public eye for the rest of her career.

The Fatima Secret

The prophetic secrets revealed in July 1917 by Our Lady to Lucia at Fatima included three parts, the vision of hell, the consecration of Russia, and the corruption of the church. All were told to church officials after the apparitions in 1917.

The second part of the prophecy was a request to consecrate Russia, while the third part was a warning of the tragic consequences if the request was not fulfilled. The request was Russia be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Pope, together with all the Catholic bishops of the world.
Such ceremonies of consecration were a well-established Church tradition and the sanctifying effect would be beneficial to Russia, on the verge of falling to Communism in 1917, the year of the Russian revolution. In 1917 World War I was also underway.

Did the Church recognize the threat from Communism when the Lady gave her warning? There is no question that Church officials understood the danger from the moment the Communist movement became a viable force in 1848, long before Communism actually took control of any nation.

About the same time Marx and Engels were issuing the Communist Manifesto and the worldwide call for revolution and atheism in 1848 the Holy Mother Mary began a series of miraculous apparitions revealing that Communism was linked to Satan and evil was beginning its reign of darkness on earth.

We can better understand the depth of the concern of the Vatican when we consider the following series of comments on the matter from Popes over the years.

Pope Pius IX (1846-1878) issues Qui Pluribus about the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx.

“that infamous doctrine of Communism utterly opposed to the natural law itself, the adoption of which would completely destroy all men’s rights, their property and fortune, and even human society itself.”

Pope Pius X (1903-1914) issues E Supremi, commenting on Communism.

“We felt a sort of terror considering the disastrous conditions of humanity at the present hour. Can we ignore such a profound and grave evil, which is at this moment much more than in the past is working away at its very marrow and leading it to ruin?…Truly whoever ponders these things must necessarily and firmly fear whether such a perversion of minds is not the sign of announcing, and the beginning of the last times.”

Pope Pius XI (1922-1939) commenting on Communism in Quas Primas, 1925.

“With God and Jesus Christ excluded from political life, with authority derived not from God but from man,…the chief reason of the distinction between ruler and subject has been eliminated. The result is that society is tottering to its ruin because it no longer has a secure and solid foundation.”

Msgr. Eugenio Pacellu, Secretary of State of the Vatican under Pius XI, soon would become Pope Pius XII.

“I am worried by the Blessed Virgin’s messages to Lucia of Fatima. This persistence of Mary about the dangers which menace the Church is a divine warning against the suicide of altering the Faith, in Her liturgy, Her theology and Her Soul… I hear all around me innovators who wish to dismantle the Sacred Chapel, destroy the universal flame of the Church, reject her ornaments and make Her feel remorse for Her historical past.

“A day will come when the civilized world will deny its God, when the Church will doubt as Peter doubted. She will be tempted to believe that man has become God. In our churches, Christians will search in vain for the red lamp where God awaits them. Like Mary Magdalene, weeping before the empty tomb, they will ask, “Where have they taken Him?”

Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) after the end of World War II made the following observations in letters.
“We are overwhelmed with sadness and anguish, seeing that the wickedness of perverse men has reached a degree of impiety that is unbelievable and absolutely unknown in other times.” (Letter of February 11, 1949)

“Venerable brethren, you are well aware that almost the whole human race is today allowing itself to be drawn into two opposing camps, for Christ or against Christ. The human race is involved today in a supreme crisis, which will issue in its salvation by Christ, or in its destruction.”

(Evangeli Praecones, 1951)

If the consecration was performed as requested, the Lady promised, “a period of peace will be granted to the world.” But if it is not done, warns the message, among other things, “a worse one will break out during the Pontificate of Pius XI.”

The Lady went on to explain “if not, she (Russia) will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

During the revelations Our Lady said she would return to Lucia later and tell her when the Lord wanted the consecration of Russia to take place, and she did return in 1929 with the request. At that time a message was sent to church officials with her request and warning if it was not acted upon.

Further delays by the Vatican in taking action on the consecration of Russia seemed to upset the supernatural forces. On 19 August 1931 Our Lord Himself appeared to Sister Lucia and expressed His displeasure at the delays saying, “make it known to My ministers that, given they follow the example of the King of France in delaying My command, they will follow him also into misfortune.”

This grave warning from the Lord makes reference to the King of France. In that case a warning was given to the King by St. Margaret Mary Alocque, telling him to consecrate his nation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The king chose to ignore the warning and thus condemned his dynasty and throne to the horrors of revolution, chaos and the guillotine.

Also in 1939 the Lady again appeared to Lucia and told her all the bishops of Portugal should consecrate that nation to her. If they did, Portugal would be protected from being swept up into the Communist revolutions raging across Europe and the Spanish Civil War next door. She said a Catholic would come forward to lead a counter-revolution in Portugal and the conversion of the country, and this would protect it in World War II.

Unlike Rome, the Portugal bishops acted immediately to consecrate Portugal to the Holy Mother and a new president was elected, Antonio Salazar, committed to establishing the Catholic faith. Soon over 90 percent of the citizens of the nation were Catholic and Portugal miraculously avoided the Communist and Spanish warfare surrounding it.

On 6 February 1939 Sister Lucia wrote to the Bishop of Portugal saying the Lady told her war was imminent but that Portugal would be spared because of the consecration. Seven months later World War II erupted. Lucia also wrote to Pope Pius XII on 2 December 1940 saying Portugal was protected from World War II because it was consecrated to the Lady.

Sister Lucia was then instructed by the church to write down the message for the Pope, and she delivered her explanation of parts one and two in 1941, and part three in 1944. Regarding the third part, she said it was not to be revealed to the world before 1960.

Sister Lucia was the sole surviving witness to the visitations and she continued to have visitations throughout her life. The official transcript of her account of the three parts of the secret was written to the Holy Father in response to questions submitted to her by representatives of the Vatican.

This English translation of her response detailing the first two parts of the secret given to the children in 1917 was written 31 August 1941. The Bishop of Leiria (Fatima) kept this until 1943, when Pope Pius XII revealed them through the agency of Cardinal Schister. The letter from Lucia read:

“This will entail my speaking about the secret, and thus answering the first question.

“What is the secret? It seems to me that I can reveal it, since I already have permission from Heaven to do so. God’s representatives on earth have authorized me to do this several times and in various letters, one of which, I believe, is in your keeping. The letter is from Father Jose Bernardo Goncalves, and in it he advises me to write to the Holy Father, suggesting, among other things, that I should reveal the secret. I did say something about it. But in order not to make my letter too long, since I was told to keep it short, I confined myself to the essentials, leaving it to God to provide another more favorable opportunity.

“In my second account I have already described in detail the doubt which tormented me from 13 June to 13 July, and how it disappeared completely during the Apparition on that day.

“Well, the secret is made up of three distinct parts, two of which I am now going to reveal.

“The first part is the vision of hell.

“Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire which seemed to be under the earth. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in the conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke, now falling back on every side like sparks in a huge fire, without weight or equilibrium, and amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear. The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repulsive likeness to frightful and unknown animals, all black and transparent. This vision lasted but an instant. How can we ever be grateful enough to our kind heavenly Mother, who had already prepared us by promising, in the first Apparition, to take us to heaven? Otherwise, I think we would have died of fear and terror.

“We then looked up at Our Lady, who said to us so kindly and so sadly:

“You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end (World War I): but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the Pontificate of Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that he is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father. To prevent this I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.”

As noted in the text of the second secret, Our Lady said she would come to Lucia later to ask for the Consecration of Russia. True to her word, Our Lady appeared to Lucia on 13 June 1929 at Tuy, Spain when in a great and sublime vision representing the Holy Trinity, she announced that ”the moment has come for God to ask the Holy Father to make, in union with all the bishops of the world, the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart. By this means, He promises to save Russia.”

In the second part of the secret she said a worse war would break out during the reign of Pope Pius XI. When the prophecy was delivered in 1917 World War I was underway. It was not until 1922 that Pius XI became Pope and he reigned until 1939, the year Hitler invaded Poland and World War II was declared.
By year-end Europe erupted in war in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Bohemia, and Moravia, while Hitler renounced a pact with England and England declared war on Germany. It was also the fateful year a non-aggression pact was concluded between Hitler and Stalin.

A Great Sign by God

Also in the second part of the secret the Lady made reference to “a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that he is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war,”

The following is an extract from Albert Speer’s book, Inside the Third Reich. Speer was personal architect and confidant to Adolf Hitler. It was an account of the day Hitler and Stalin agreed to a secret non-aggression pact, and the subsequent announcement that stunned the world

"In the course of the night we stood on the terrace of the Berghof with Hitler and marveled at the rare natural spectacle. Northern lights of unusual intensity threw red light on the legend-haunted Untersberg across the valley, while the sky above shimmered in all the colors of the rainbow. The last act of Gotterdammerung could not have been more effectively staged. The same red light bathed our face and our hands. The display produced a curiously pensive mood among us. Abruptly turning to one of his military adjutants, Hitler said: “Looks like a great deal of blood. This time we won’t bring it off without violence.”

According to a report published at the time by the German Volkischer Beobachter of August 23, “Tuesday morning [August 22], starting about 2:45 A.M., a very impressive display of northern lights could be seen in the northwestern and northern sky from Sternberg Observatory.” It was the very day a deal had been struck between the twin pillars of evil, Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin.

Failure to Consecrate Russia

The third and final part of the secret was written in a separate letter to the Holy Father dated 3 January 1944. Lucia said the Lady requested that the letter not be shared with the world until 1960. All three messages were told to the Vatican, and the letters were sent to the Vatican as noted.
Once Sister Lucia asked the Lord why He would not convert Russia without the Holy Father consecrating the nation to His Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Our Lord relied “Because I want My whole Church to acknowledge that consecration as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that it may extend its cult later and put devotion of the Immaculate Heart beside the devotion to My Sacred Heart.”

As the years moved on there was still no action by Rome as the prophecies concerning Russia and the terrible world war came true. The request by the Lady for the consecration of Russia continued to be one of the most controversial aspects of the Fatima messages. The explicit instruction that the Holy Father must be joined by all of the bishops of the world on the same day and at the same time in their respective dioceses was quite encompassing.

The ongoing visitations to Sister Lucia made it clear that the consecration must follow the precise instructions and that any consecration by the Pope must be for Russia and Russia alone, as the sole object of this public act of obedience and prayer.

Pope Pius XII held a consecration of the world in 1942, in the midst of World War II, which included substantial involvement of the bishops. It was imperfect in terms of being dedicated solely to Russia and not involving all bishops of the world, Sister Lucia was told by the Lady, but the imperfect act of obedience did hasten the end of World War II and spare the lives of millions of souls. Unfortunately, 60 million deaths were incurred in the war as a result of the inaction and imperfect response.

Writing to Father Goncalves on 4 May 1943 Sister Lucia told him of another visit from Our Lord. She said, “because of the act of consecration by His Holiness, He promises that the war will end shortly. But since it was incomplete, the conversion of Russia will be postponed.”

Pope Pius XII again attempted to satisfy the consecration requirement when he issued an Apostolic letter Sacro Vergente Anno that specifically consecrated the peoples of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. But this time there was no worldwide involvement of the bishops, yet another incomplete act.

The Lady appeared to Lucia again in 1952 with the following message for the Pope. “Make it known to the Holy Father that I am always awaiting the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart. Without the Consecration, Russia will not be able to convert, nor will the world have peace.”

At the further urging of the Lady Sister Lucia wrote again on 22 May 1958 to Church authorities and the warning grew more serious. This letter was sent to Father Agostino Fuentes to be given to the Holy Father.

“Father, Our Lady is displeased because nobody took heed of Her Message of 1917. Neither the good nor the wicked took heed. The good follow their ways without worrying, and do not follow the Celestial Norms; the wicked in the wide way of perdition, do not consider at all the threatened punishments.

“Believe it, Father, God will punish the world very soon. The punishment will be material, and imagine, Father, how many souls will fall in hell, if we do not pray and do no penance. This is the cause of Our Lady’s Sadness.

“Father, tell everyone that many times Our Lady has told me: “That many nations will disappear from the face of the earth. Nations without God will be the scourge chosen by Him to punish mankind, if we will not obtain the grace of conversion through prayer and the SS Sacraments.”

“Say, Father, that the devil is starting the decisive battle against Our Lady because what afflicts the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Jesus is the fall of Religious and Priestly souls. The devil knows that the Religious ones and the Priests, neglecting their sublime Vocation, drag several souls to hell. We are just in time to keep back the punishment from the Sky. We have at our disposal two very effective means: Prayer and Sacrifice. The devil does the utmost to distract us and take away the taste of Prayer. We will either save ourselves or be damned.

“However, Father, it is necessary to tell the people: that they cannot stay on hoping in a call to Prayer and to Penance from the Supreme Pontiff, or the Bishops, or the Priests, or from the Superior Generals. It is already time that everyone, of their own initiative, do Virtuous Deeds, and reform their lives according to the calls of our SS. Lady. The devil wants to take possession of the Consecrated Souls; it works to corrupt them, to induce others to the final impenitence; he uses all subtleties, even suggesting to postpone the religious life! Thereby sterility arises in the inner life and coldness in the laity concerning the renunciation of pleasures and the entire immolation to God.

“Remember, Father, that tho events contributed in sanctifying Jacinta and Francesco: the affliction of Our Lady and the vision of hell. Our Lady is situated between two swords; on one hand she sees mankind stubborn and indifferent to the threatened punishments; on the other, she sees us as we tread over the Blessed Sacraments and despise the punishment that approaches, remaining unbelieving, sensuals, and materialists.

“Our Lady has explicitly said: “We approach the last days”, and repeated it to me three times. First she affirmed that the devil has given the decisive battle from which one of the two will come out victorious or defeated: We are either with God or we are with the devil. The second time she repeated to me that the last remedies given to the world are: The Blessed Rosary and the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

“The third time, she told me: “that, exhausted the other means despised by men, she offers us tremulously the last sheet-anchor: the SS. Virgin in person, Her numerous apparitions, Her Tears, Messages of clairvoyants scattered in all the parts of the world”, and Our Lady still said: “that, if we do not listen to Her and continue in the wrong, we will never be forgiven.”

“It is urgent, Father, that we realize this bad reality. We do not want to fill the souls with fear, but it is only an urgent call, because since the SS. Virgin has given great effectiveness to the Holy Rosary, there is no problem whether material or spiritual, national or international, that cannot be resolved with the Blessed Rosary and with our sacrifices. Said with love and devotion, it will comfort Mary, wiping many tears from her Blessed Heart.”

Clearly the revelations implied that if the church did not take actions on earth, then supernatural actions would result in order to stop the earth from being engulfed with evil under the rule of Satan. After the imperfect attempt in 1942 to meet the request, the 1944 letter from Lucia was placed in the Secret Archives of the Holy Office in Rome in 1957.

Pope John XXIII was shown the letter 17 August 1959, and after some hesitation, concluded: “We will wait. I shall pray. I shall let you know what I decide.” In fact he decided not to reveal the secret and returned it to the archives. Pope Paul VI read the letter 27 March 1965 and again returned it to the archives deciding not to publish it.

The Third Part of the Secret

Finally, 1960 came and the letter containing the third part of the secret was opened by Pope John XXIII and several Cardinals, as instructed by the Lady, but it was not revealed to the public. Though not publicly released, Pope John XXIII leaked the third part of the Fatima secret to certain Roman Catholic officials and world leaders of the USA, USSR, and Britain.

On 15 October 1963 the German Journal News Europe published the alleged text of that part of the secret which was not verified but was widely accepted as being genuine. According to the German Journal the third part of the 1917 prophecy read:

“Have no fear, little one, I am the Mother of God who speaks to you and asks you to publish the message I am going to give you to the whole world. You will find strong resistance while you do so. Listen well and pay attention to what I tell you.

“Men must be set on the right road once more. With supplicant humility, men must seek forgiveness for sins committed already and for sins, which will be committed. You wish me to give you a sign, so that everyone will accept My Words, which I am saying through you, to the human race. I have seen the Prodigy of the Sun and all believers, unbelievers, peasants, countrymen, wise men, journalists, laics and priests, all have seen it. And now I proclaim in my name: A great punishment shall fall on the entire human race, not today and not tomorrow, but in the second half of the 20th century! I have already revealed to the children Melanie and Maximine at La Salette {1846], and today I repeat it to you for the human race has sinned and has trampled down the Gift which I have made. In no part of the world is life in order, Satan rules in the highest position, laying down how things should be done. He will effectually succeed in bringing his influence right up to the top of the Church; succeed in seducing the spirits of the great scientists who invent the arms. And if humanity opposes me I shall be obliged to free the arm of My Son. Now I see that God will punish man with a severity that has not been used since the Flood.

“The time of times will come and everything will come to an end if humanity is not converted, and if things remain as they are now or get worse, the great and powerful men will perish just as will the small and weak.

“For the Church, too, the time of its greatest trial will come. Cardinals will oppose cardinals and bishops against bishops. Satan will march in there midst and there will be great changes at Rome. What is rotten will fall, never to rise again. The Church will be darkened and the world will shake with terror. The time will come when no king, emperor, cardinal or bishop will await Him who will, however, come, but in order to punish according to the designs of my Father.

“A Great War will break out in the second half of the 20th century. Fire and smoke will fall from heaven, and waters of the oceans will become vapors, the scum will arise in a confused manner, and everything will sink down. Millions and millions of men will perish while this is going on and those who survive will envy the dead. The unexpected will follow in every part of the world, anxiety, pain and misery in every country. Have I seen it? The time is getting ever nearer and the abyss is getting wider without hope. The good will perish with the bad, the great with the small, the Heads of the Church and their faithful, and the rulers with their people. There will be death everywhere as a result of the mistakes of the unfeeling and the partisans of Satan, but when those who survive all these happenings are still alive, they will proclaim God once again and His Glory, and will serve Him as in the time when the world was not so perverted.

“Go my little one and proclaim it. For that purpose I shall always be at your side to help you.”

On 12 May 1982 Sister Lucia sent the Holy Father another letter interpreting the third part of the secret of Fatima:

“The third part of the secret refers to Our Lady’s words: “If not (Russia) will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated.

“The third part of the secret is a symbolic revelation, referring to this part of the Message, conditioned by whether we accept or not what the Message itself asks of us: “If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, etc.

“Since we did not heed this appeal of the Message, we see that it has been fulfilled, Russia has invaded the world with her errors. And if we have not yet seen the complete fulfillment of the final part of this prophecy, we are going towards it little by little with great strides. If we do not reject the path of sin, hatred, revenge, injustice, violations of the rights of the human person, immorality and violence, etc.

“And let us not say that it is God who is punishing us in this way; on the contrary it is people themselves who are preparing their own punishment. In his kindness God warns us and calls us to the right path, while respecting the freedom he has given us; hence people are responsible.”

Various European newspapers and magazines published another version of the prophecy in 1985 saying the following:

“A great plague will befall mankind in the year 2000. Nowhere in the world will there be order, and Satan will rule the highest places, determining the way of things. Satan will even succeed in asserting himself at the top of the Church.

“He will succeed in seducing the spirits of the great scientists who invent arms, with which it will be possible to destroy a large part of mankind in a few minutes. Satan will have in his power the leaders who command the people and who will incite them to produce enormous quantities of arms.

“God will punish man more thoroughly than with the Flood. There will come the time of all times and the end of all ends. The great and the powerful will perish together with the small and weak.

“Even for the Church, it will be the time of its greatest trial. Cardinals will oppose cardinals, bishops will oppose bishops. Satan will walk in there midst and in Rome there will be great changes. The Church will be darkened and the world will be shaking with terror.

“A huge war will erupt: fire and smoke will fall from the sky. The waters of the ocean will become mist, and the foam will rise to tremendous heights and everyone will drown.

“Millions and millions of men will die from hour to hour. Whoever remains alive will envy the dead. Everywhere one turns one’s glance there will be anguish and misery, ruins in every country.

“The time draws nearer, the abyss widens without hope. The good will perish with the bad, the great with the small, the princes of the church with the faithful, the rulers with their people.

“There will be death everywhere because of the errors committed by the crazed and the followers of Satan, who will then and only then rule the world.

“At the last, those who survive will at every chance newly proclaim God and His Glory and they will serve Him as when the world was no so perverted.”

Lucia had noted in correspondence to the church that the tragic events in the third part of the secret would take place if the church failed to meet the request of the second part, the consecration. In fact, she said if the consecration had taken place when called for in 1917 World War II would not have happened either.

In 1981 during a visit to Fulda, Germany Pope John Paul II was asked about the secret message from Fatima. He answered: “Due to the seriousness of the contents of the Fatima secret, my predecessors in the Throne of Peter have preferred to postpone the publication. Furthermore, it may be enough to the Christian people to know that, if there is a message saying that the oceans will flood whole parts of the globe, and millions of people will die, from a minute to another, it is not really the case to will the publication of this secret message.”

An assassination attempt on the life of Pope John Paul II took place 13 May 1981, sixty-four years to the day from the first Fatima apparition. The gun was aimed at the Pope’s head but the Pope turned to a young girl who was wearing a picture of Our Lady of Fatima and the bullet struck him in the chest, lodging against the heart leaving the Pope on the threshold of death. It was as if the bullet was guided by the Lady saving him from certain death.

The assassination was attempted by a Bulgarian agent named Agca, with close ties to the secret police of the Soviet Communist regime. Ironically, American intelligence authorities had been warned of the assassination attempt months before it took place by former Soviet agents, a warning that was not passed on to the Vatican.

The Pope then requested the Fatima letter and immediately thought of consecrating the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He composed a prayer for this Act of Entrustment to be celebrated 7 June 1981 in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, the Solemnity of Pentecost. It was the day chosen to commemorate the 1600th anniversary of the First Council of Constantinople and the 1550th anniversary of the Council of Ephesus.

The Pope’s Entrustment included the following words; “Mother of all individuals and peoples, you know all their sufferings and hopes. In your motherly heart you feel all the struggles between good and evil, between light and darkness, that convulse the world: accept the plea which we make in the Holy Spirit directly to your heart, and embrace with the love of the Mother and Handmaid of the Lord those who most await this embrace, and also those whose act of entrustment you too await in a particular way. Take under your motherly protection of the whole human family, which with affectionate love we entrust to you, O Mother. May there dawn for everyone the time of peace and freedom, the time of truth, of justice and of hope.”

While this Act of Entrustment was repeated at Fatima and other locations in 1981 and 1982, it did not include all the Bishops of the world as requested. The Pope decided to more fully address the concerns of the Lady and 25 March 1984 at Saint Peter’s Square in Rome the new message was presented. This time the Pope “convoked” beforehand all the Bishops of the world to join in spiritual union with the Holy Father in delivering this message, entrusting all men and women and all peoples to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He delivered the following message:

“O Mother of all men and women, and of all peoples, you who know all their sufferings and their hopes, you have a mother’s awareness of all the struggles between good and evil, between light and darkness, which afflict the modern world, accept the cry which we, moved by the Holy Spirit, address directly to your Heart. Embrace with the love of the Mother and Handmaid of the Lord, this human world of ours, which we entrust and consecrate to you, for we are full of concern for the earthly and eternal destiny of individuals and peoples.

“In a special way we entrust and consecrate to you those individuals and nations which particularly need to be thus entrusted and consecrated. We have recourse to your protection, holy Mother of God! Despise not our petitions in our necessities.”

[The Pope then continued more forcibly with more specific references, as if addressing the Message of Fatima and its sorrowful fulfillment.]

“Behold, as we stand before you, Mother of Christ, before your Immaculate Heart, we desire, together with the whole Church, to unite ourselves with the consecration which, for love of us, your Son made of himself to the Father: ‘For their sake’, he said, ‘I consecrate myself that they also may be consecrated in the truth’ (John 17:19). We wish to unite ourselves with our Redeemer in this his consecration for the world and for the human race, which, in his divine Heart, has the power to obtain pardon and to secure reparation.

“The power of this consecration lasts for all time and embraces all individuals, peoples and nations. It overcomes every evil that the spirit of darkness is able to awaken, and has in fact awakened in our times, in the heart of man and in his history.

“How deeply we feel the need for the consecration of humanity and the world – our modern world – in union with Christ himself! For the redeeming work of Christ must be shared in by the world through the Church. The present Year of the Redemption shows this: the special Jubilee of the whole Church.

“Above all creatures, may you be blessed, you, the Handmaid of the Lord, who in the fullest way obeyed the divine call! Hail to you, who are wholly united to the redeeming consecration of your Son! Mother of the Church! Enlighten the People of God along the paths of faith, hope, and love! Enlighten especially the people whose consecration and entrustment by us you are awaiting. Help us to live in the truth of the consecration of Christ for the entire human family of the modern world.

“In entrusting to you, O Mother, the world, all individuals and peoples, we also entrust to you this very consecration of the world, placing it in your motherly Heart. Immaculate Heart! Help us to conquer the menace of evil, which so easily takes root in the hearts of the people of today, and whose immeasurable effects already weigh down upon our modern world and seem to block the paths towards the future!

“From famine and war, deliver us. From nuclear war, from incalculable self-destruction, from every kind of war, deliver us. From sins against the life of man from its very beginning, deliver us. From hatred and from the demeaning of the dignity of the children of God, deliver us. From every kind of injustice in the life of society, both national and international, deliver us. From readiness to trample on the commandments of God, deliver us. From attempts to stifle in human hearts the very truth of God, deliver us. From the loss of awareness of good and evil, deliver us. From sins against the Holy Spirit, deliver us, deliver us.

“Accept, O Mother of Christ, this cry laden with the sufferings of all individual human beings, laden with the sufferings of whole societies. Help us with the power of the Holy Spirit to conquer all sin: individual sin and the ‘sin of the world’, sin in all its manifestations. Let there be revealed, once more, in the history of the world the infinite saving power of the Redemption: the power of merciful Love! May it put a stop to evil! May it transform consciences! May your Immaculate Heart reveal for all the light of Hope!"

In 1985 Mikhail S. Gorbachev was chosen the new head of the Communist party of the Soviet Union, and later that year President Ronald Reagan and Gorbachev held their first summit to bring an end to 50 years of cold war. The Chernobyl nuclear meltdown struck the Soviet Union in April of 1986 further weakening the Communist control and alarming the world.

Gorbachev was elected Soviet President 25 May 1986, the first elected leader of Russia since 1917, and he began dismantling the Communist regime. The Soviet parliament approved a political restructuring and new national legislature in 1988.

Destruction of the Communist party accelerated in 1989. On June 4 thousands of Chinese were killed while rioting against their Communist regime, resulting in the resignation of the Chinese leader November 9. The Berlin Wall was reopened November 11, the Czech Parliament voted to end the Communist regime November 30, and a Romanian uprising overthrew their Communist regime December 15.

As 1990 commenced the Yugoslav Communist rule was brought to an end January 3, and finally, the Soviet government ended the Communist rule February 7. The self-destruction of the Communist system rapidly spread throughout the entire Soviet Union and Soviet satellite countries.

On several occasions after the 1982 and 1984 consecrations Sister Lucia was asked if they satisfied the Lady, and each time she said they were still incomplete as Russia was not mentioned by name. This was consistent with every previous statement on the consecrations.

On 13 May 2000 the long-awaited Beautification of Francisco and Jacinta, the Catholic Ceremony of Sainthood, was presided over by the Holy Father at Fatima. The Holy Father delivered a short message including the following

“According to the divine plan, ‘a woman clothed with the sun’ (Apocalypse 12:1) came down from Heaven to the earth to visit the privileged children of the Father.

"Another portent appeared in Heaven, behold, a great red dragon (Apocalypse 12:3). These words from the first reading of the Mass make us think of the great struggle between good and evil, showing how, when man puts God aside, he cannot achieve happiness, but ends up destroying himself.

“The message of Fatima is a call to conversion, alerting humanity to have nothing to do with the ‘dragon’ whose tail swept down a third of the stars of Heaven, and cast them to the earth (Apocalypse 12:4).”

The first part of his message concerning the “woman clothed in the sun” referred to the appearance of the Lady to the children of Fatima. This was how they described her appearance as well as the fact she performed the Miracle of the Sun to 70,000 observers.

The classical interpretation in Catholic commentaries of the red dragon sweeping one third of the stars from the heavens means one third of the clergy, Cardinals, bishops, and priests fall from their consecrated state and are actually working for the devil.

At the end of the celebratory Mass Cardinal Angelo Sodano read a message on behalf of the Holy Father. This message concerned the third secret of Fatima.

“Brothers and Sisters in the Lord!

“At the conclusion of this solemn celebration, I feel bound to offer our beloved Holy Father Pope John Paul II, on behalf of all present, heartfelt good wishes for his approaching 80th birthday and to thank him for his vital pastoral ministry for the good of all God’s Holy Church; we present the heartfelt wishes of the whole Church.

“On this solemn occasion of his visit to Fatima, His Holiness has directed me to make an announcement to you. As you know, the purpose of his visit to Fatima has been to beatify the two “little shepherds”. Nevertheless he also wishes his pilgrimage to be a renewed gesture of gratitude to Our Lady for her protection during these years of his papacy. This protection seems also to be linked to the so-called third part of the secret of Fatima.

“That text contains a prophetic vision similar to those found in Sacred Scripture, which do not describe photographically the details of future events, but synthesize and compress against a single background facts which extend through time in an unspecified succession and duration. As a result, the text must be interpreted in a symbolic key.

“The vision of Fatima concerns above all the war waged by atheistic systems against the Church and Christians, and it describes the immense suffering endured by the witnesses of the faith in the last century of the second millennium. It is an interminable Way of the Cross led by the Popes of the twentieth century.

“According to the interpretation of the “little shepherds”, which was also confirmed recently by Sister Lucia, “the Bishop clothed in white” who prays for all the faithful is the Pope. As he makes his way with great difficulty towards the Cross amid the corpses of those who were martyred (Bishops, priests, men and women Religious and many lay people), he too falls to the ground, apparently dead, under a hail of gunfire.

“After the assassination attempt of 13 May 1981, it appeared evident that it was a “mother’s hand that guided the bullet’s path”, enabling “the Pope in his throes” to halt “at the threshold of death”. On the occasion of a visit to Rome by the then Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, the Pope decided to give him the bullet which had remained in the jeep after the assassination attempt, so that it might be kept in the shrine. By the Bishop’s decision, the bullet was later set in the crown of the statute of Our Lady of Fatima.

“The successive events of 1989 led, both in the Soviet Union and in a number of countries of Eastern Europe, to the fall of the Communist regimes which promoted atheism. For this too His Holiness offers heartfelt thanks to the Most Holy Virgin. In other parts of the world, however, attacks against the Church and against Christians, with the burden of suffering they bring, tragically continue. Even if the events to which the third part of the secret of Fatima refers now seem part of the past, Our Lady’s call to conversion and penance, issued at the start of the twentieth century, remains timely and urgent today. The Lady of the message seems to read the signs of the times – the signs of our time – with special insight. The insistent invitation of Mary Most Holy to penance is nothing but the manifestation of her maternal concern for the fate of the human family, in need of conversion and forgiveness.”

“In order that the faithful may better receive the message of Our Lady of Fatima, the Pope has charged the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith with making public the third part of the secret, after the preparation of an appropriate commentary.

“Brothers and sisters, let us thank Our Lady of Fatima for her protection. To her maternal intercession let us entrust the Church of the Third Millennium. Sub tuum praesidium confugimus, Santa Dei Genetrix! Intercede pro Ecclesia. Intercede pro Papa nostro Ionne Paulo II. Amen.”

After the ceremony of Beautification the following text was the official Vatican version of the third secret of Fatima as revealed to the three children in 1917 and contained in the letter from Sister Lucia of 3 January 1944.

“The third part of the secret revealed at the Cova da Iria-Fatima, on 13 July 1917.

“I write in obedience to you, my God, who commanded me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine.

“After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance, Penance, Penance!’ And we saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it’ a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that is was the Holy Father’. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.”

For seventy-two years since the apparitions of Fatima Sister Lucia had worked on behalf of the Lady to awaken the world. Her mission was nearly complete. So why did the Church not mention Russia by name?

No explanation has been given by the Vatican of the discrepancies between the 1963 and 1985 versions of the third secret, and how they compare to the official versions of the 1944 letter. Nor has any explanation been offered for the discrepancies regarding the actual text of the third secret.

Sister Lucia remained silent about these issues, forbidden by the Vatican from giving interviews or being in contact even with old friends, until her death in 2005. Less than two months later the Venerable Pope John Paul II, whose life and near death were so closely tied to Fatima and Lucia, also died.

Why no consecration of Russia?

Perhaps there are other explanations for this refusal by the Church to allow the consecration to Russia. From the middle of the 19th century the Roman Catholic Church was outspoken in their opposition to movements such as Communism. Freemasons were of equal concern.

As early as 25 February 1861 Cardinal Cretineau Joly issued a paper for Pope Gregory XVI called The Roman Church and Revolution disclosing plotting by Freemasons and Communists against the Church.
Over the subsequent years there were more warnings and condemnations issued by the Vatican against these movements than any other single subject in Church history.

Of course this was not done without reason as the Principles of Freemasonry of 1789 which inspired the French Revolution and the Communist Manifesto of 1848 both called for worldwide revolution.
Pope Leo XIII in 1884 issued his Humanum Genus that said Communists, socialists and Freemasons were working in common and one of their primary institutional targets was the Roman Catholic Church.

After the Bolsheviks successfully took control of the Soviet Union in 1920 Lenin announced a new Communist goal of infiltrating the Catholic Church and the Vatican. Congressional testimony before the US Congress by members of the American Communist Party confirmed that by 1930 there were 1,100 Communist priests in the Catholic Church.

Pope Pius XI warned again of the danger in his Divine Redemptions.

“This all too imminent danger, venerable brethren, as you have already surmised, is Bolshevistic and atheistic Communism which aims at upsetting the social order and undermining the very foundations of Christian civilization. In the face of such a threat the Catholic Church could not and does not remain silent. The Apostolic See above all has not refrained from raising its voice for it knows that its proper and special mission is to define truth, justice, and all those eternal values which Communism ignores or attacks.”

Yet in spite of the Church policy and the outspoken efforts of Popes earlier in the 19th and 20th centuries warning of the dangers of Communism, the Vatican was never able to perform the simple act of consecration of Russia as requested by The Holy Mother Mary.

Second Vatican Council 1962

“There will be an Ecumenical Council in the next century, after which there will be chaos in the Church.”
St. John Bosco 1862

Back in 1962, before the controversial Second Vatican Council, which was to revolutionize the Catholic Church, Cardinal Eugene Tisserant, negotiated the Metz Pact with Metropolitan Nikodim of the Russian Orthodox Church. The pact agreed two Orthodox observers would attend the Council and the Roman Catholic Church would refrain from any condemnation of Soviet Communism or Soviet Russia.

In the efforts to modernize the Church an agreement was reached in which the Pope could not mention Russia by name for fear it would be interpreted as condemning the Soviet system.

When the long delayed Second Vatican Council took place starting 11 October 1962 under Pope John XXIII, a Council many felt undermined the Catholic Church, there were a number of factors that impacted on the consecration of Russia.

It was now thirty years since the 1,100 Communist priests had infiltrated the Catholic Church and by now they had worked their way into the Church hierarchy.

The message of Fatima to be opened in 1960 remained sealed from the public and the Vatican had announced it was unlikely to ever be opened. No explanation for this refusal to open the third secret was given.

Cardinal Tisserant had negotiated the Metz Pact with Metropolitan Nikodim of the Russian Orthodox Church (Nikodim was later identified as a KGB operative) in which the Church would refrain from any condemnation or implied condemnation of Soviet Communism or Soviet Russia.

There are many who say the same revolutionary success Communism achieved in Russia and the world also resulted in the Church through Vatican II as progressive modernism theology that was condemned before 1902 was rehabilitated and swept into place in the new era of Christ.

Former enemies of the Church including leaders of the Freemason and Communist parties rejoiced in the radical changes in the Church that were adopted or set in motion by Vatican II.

To this day the Church has refused to consecrate Russia to the Holy Mother Mary. It has now been over a decade since the fall of Communism, an action promised by the Holy Mother even if man failed to act on the consecration, but she also said without the consecration of Russia the people of Russia could not be converted. Now into the new millennium there is still no consecration of Russia or conversion of Russia to Christianity.

Do You Do What You Do Do Well? Is it What You Dreamed of Doing?


Did you ever wonder if you just spent your entire life living your back up plan? Here you are, however old you might be or however young you might think you are at a good time in life to think about serendipitous and sentimental stuff.

If you did get stuck doing what was expected of you, or sacrificed your dreams to help other people with theirs', then you know what I am talking about.

Somewhere in the attic of your upstairs playground your dreams patiently wait. Way back in the cobwebs of your mind can be found the innocence of youth, your first dreams of what you wanted to do with your life. Then you had to go out and face life.

Over the years I have explored those attics in a whole lot of people's minds and most people seem to be living the back up plan - not their own true dreams.

That's okay. It was what you thought was the best decision for you at the time. As time went by you found yourself giving up more and more of your first dreams for others.

To me the result is you eventually are spending most of your time living the back up plan. Now in spite of this rather negative perspective on my part I am a card carrying member of the eternal optimists "hall of fame".

I figure if we are as young as I think I am, there is still time to get those first dreams out of the attic and live them. If we do we can feel a sense of fulfillment that might otherwise have never been felt in your life.

Most likely the biggest dreams you gave up were being a star or hero. Instead you chose to lead a life of ambiguity and obscurity.

Come on, admit it, there was a time you wanted to be recognized, for doing something really heroic.

I wanted to do a lot of heroic things. First I was going to be a famous writer influencing people like Mark Twain who actually grew up about 80 miles from where I lived. Close enough for me to immerse myself during numerous visits to his home, cave and Mighty Mississippi River in Hannibal, Missouri.

Then I was going to be the next Sherlock Holmes dazzling Scotland Yard with my deductive reasoning while solving the most dastardly of cases.

Next I was going to be a star of the New York Yankees with my statue in Yankees Monument Park next to Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris, Yogi Berra and the gang.

After winning a few state baseball championships that was replaced by being the next Buddy Holly, a new icon in rock 'n roll music, and sharing my stories with people through music. Maybe one like Aristotle or Plato, whose influence is still being felt this day, 2,500 years since they taught in Greece.

There was a point when I changed course completely and decided on life as a dedicated Monk, a teacher and scholar who discovers amazing new insights from Divine Providence.

Then came my materialism era when I thought I was a prodigy of the powerful House of Rothschild in England and just about every where else. I dismissed the fact I was living in a small town in Iowa and figured there was a mistake at birth, I was sent to the wrong place and the wrong parents.

This influenced my next dream or obsession of attending Yale in the Ivy League, a place I just knew I belonged, but after visiting Yale and meeting the kids and feeling the pressure they lived under I opted for the University of Arizona in Tucson.

There were a lot of other dreams as well but you get the idea. In time, I came to the conclusion that I just wanted to do a lot of things, experience a lot of life, and help people along the way.

Years later I realized I blew it. Once upon a time in high school I did have a really good rock 'n roll band that had a lot of future promise. But I gave up my Buddy Holly dream for another dream at the time.

Now that I am older and wiser, take that with a grain of salt, I intend to finish what I started so long ago. I've written many songs, recorded rough cuts of them, went to Nashville and recorded really good versions of some, and realized I could have been doing that all my life.

Back in high school one of the reasons I gave up the Buddy Holly dream was I did not want to play cover songs, songs other artists released, but wanted to do my own stuff. My own stories were just as poignant as anything other people were recording. Then I took stock in my life and decided I must be crazy, I haven't lived long enough to have many interesting stories to tell. I decided to collect the material for the songs before I worried about the career in music. Been doing that ever since.

My point is this. It is never too late to go back and pursue your first dreams. The biggest regret people have shared with me was never being able to do what they really wanted to do in life. They feared going to their grave wondering what might have been.

So don't, especially if your dreams might have helped people. Do the things you always wanted to do with no guilt about giving it a try. You may very well find that you were given gifts that you never shared but by now sharing you can help other people with their lives.

There is no higher purpose than helping others. But sometimes you must help yourself before you can help others. Take a chance. Have a little faith and self-confidence and the world may still be waiting for you. You really can get through life without wondering might have been.

If you do, I hope you will write and share the experiences with me so I can share them with others. Never forget that we are all in this together.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Histories Mysteries - The Landing at St. Clement's Island in 1634


In the past five years I have heard and seen many different versions of what happened when the colonists to Maryland arrived in 1634 and it is time that historical societies and historians finally get the record straight. With the arrival of Lord Baltimore's colonists in the new world and the unique grant that gave him unprecedented powers to colonize America including the power to establish religious freedom, it was one of the most significant colonies in our history.

First of all, in 1628 George Calvert, the 1st Lord Baltimore, traveled the Potomac River on a trip to Virginia to scout locations for his Mary Land settlement as soon as King Charles approved his grant. The grant was approved by the King shortly after George died in 1632 and his son, the 2nd Lord Baltimore was determined to complete his father's dream of a colony grounded in religious freedom.

The expedition left England in late 1633 and arrived at St. Clement's Island in the Potomac River just a few miles from the Chesapeake Bay about March 3-5, 1634. The approximately 315 passengers and crew used a barge or skiff they brought with them to move supplies to the island and immediately began building a fort. It was to serve as a fortress to prohibit foreigners from illegal trade on the river for it was the narrowest point for crossing the Potomac River.

On March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation, a ceremony with all members of the expedition was held on the Island to read the official grant, celebrate the first Roman Catholic Mass in English speaking America, and conduct the first Eucharist ceremony in the colonies. A huge cross was made from downed trees and carried by the Catholics to the site of the Mass where it was erected. The Stations of the Cross were also part of the ceremony. Also the new colony was first dedicated to the Holy Mother Mary.

A couple of days later the Ark and Dove took many of the colonists to the future site of St. Mary's City. St. Clement's Island and the Manor that evolved under the guidance of the Gerard family remained a settlement and to this day remains the oldest continuously occupied chartered settlement in America.

By the end of March some of the colonists moved to the present site of St. Mary's City to establish permanent quarters while others remained at St. Clements and White Neck Creek. Soon additional settlements were at Inigoes downriver from St. Mary's City, and at a site along the Patuxent River. By 1637 another settlement was underway across St. Clements Bay in Newtown.

Also in 1637 the population of the Maryland colony was recorded as about 350 in Maryland with 90 in St. Mary's City, 60 in St. Clements Manor, and the balance throughout other Maryland plantations. The Manor grant to the Gerard family was promised before the expedition left England and was formally made in 1638 with the survey completed in 1639.

In terms of historical accuracy, the following should be used.

While the 1st Lord Baltimore died before the first expedition, he did visit Maryland in 1628 and traveled the Potomac River following the Captain John Smith explorations documented earlier by the Governor of Virginia.

The Ark and the Dove carried about 322 passengers and crew on the voyage including the loyalists who left from Gravesend, England and the Catholics who boarded at the Isle of Wight. Twelve people died crossing the ocean.

The expedition first landed at St. Clement's Island about March 5, 1634, not at St. Mary's City as often mentioned in speeches.

While Governor Leonard Calvert traveled the Potomac to meet with Indian leaders the remaining colonists built a fort on St. Clement's Island and on March 25 a ceremony on the Island, now celebrated as Maryland Day, was held.

During the ceremony the charter to the Calvert family was read and made Maryland the first colony in the world to guarantee religious freedom to all residents.

Around March 27, 1634 some of the colonists remained at St. Clements while others went to establish St. Mary's City.

While St. Clement's Manor was chartered in 1638 and the Manor House finished the same year St. Mary's City was not chartered until 1668 and ceased to exist in 1699. Both English settlements in Jamestown, VA and Plymouth, MA ceased to exist in the 1690's as well.

The St. Clement's Manor House under Lord Thomas Gerard was completed in 1638 on the mainland overlooking St. Clement's Island (currently Coltons Point).

If we just correct these errors in historical records we can begin the process of accurately documenting all the historical records of this most sacred and significant time in American history.

Other articles about the history of Maryland can be found at the following links.

Histories Mysteries - Next King of England (Prince William) Shares St. Clements Manor, Maryland bloodline

Histories Mysteries - The Voyage of the Ark and the Dove

St. Clements Pre-history Part 2

St. Clements Pre-history Part 1

St. Clements Island and Manor - Four Centuries of Interrupted History

Summer Comes To Coltons Point

Scenes from Coltons Point

The Miracle of St. Clements Island

The Pilgrim's Progress


Today in History - Abraham Lincoln Shot in Ford's Theater!


"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts."

It was 145 years ago today, just five days after Generals Grant and Lee signed the documents at the old Appomattox Court House ending the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at Ford's Theater by John Wilkes Booth.

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

The most beloved president in our history, Lincoln's was a difficult and painful presidency that began in 1861 when several states had already withdrawn from the Union. For the next 4 years he led the nation through some of the most trying times ever as he fought to preserve the Republic while freeing the slaves and ending the European influence on America's domestic affairs.

"I do the very best I know how - the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end."

There were times the nation was on the brink of self-destruction like just before the Battle of Gettysburg when the Southern Armies were routing the Union pushing them farther and farther north. At Gettysburg July 1-3, 1863, the Union generals did what Lincoln wanted and in one of the bloodiest conflicts in the history of American wars, when there were over 50,000 causalities and nearly 5000 killed, the Union army prevailed.

"Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties."

Lincoln also secretly secured the help of Tsar Alexander II of Russia, who sailed Russian fleets into the harbors of New York and San Francisco when the Union was at it's weakest, and send messages to England and France that if they sent troops into the American Civil War to help the Confederates that the Russian Empire would consider it an act of war on Russia and attack.

"If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it."

At the time England had troops posted in Canada while France had troops posted in Mexico ready to come to the aid of the Southern states in a last desperate attempt to preserve the European trade with the South. The action by the Tsar stopped England and France from attacking.

"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew."

While Lincoln was considered the great Liberator in America for freeing the slaves Alexander was considered the great Liberator in Russia for ending the feudal system. The Tsar, like his friend Lincoln, was assassinated in 1881 by those opposed to his efforts in human rights making Lincoln and Alexander both human rights martyrs.

"Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail. Without it, nothing can succeed."

Lincoln had premonitions of his death. His speeches and correspondence rank among the greatest writing of all time and his love of God and country were such as to help him finish what he started, saving the Union, before his untimely death.

Everyone should study the works and words of Lincoln as masterpieces in politics and human relations and a model of what a president should be in America.

On March 4, 1865, Lincoln delivered his second inaugural address, his favorite of all his speeches. At this time, a victory over the rebels was at hand, slavery was dead, and Lincoln was looking to the future.

"Fondly do we hope — fervently do we pray — that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-man's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether." With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan — to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

No Inflation? Do You Really Believe the Government or FED?


I hope not. Thanks to the politicians heading our government the spin doctors have gotten so good at twisting information and stretching the story, that it is almost impossible to tell the truth from the lies. Then there is the ideology influence meaning both sides of an issue give absolutely opposite analysis and supposed truth about every issue.

For every subject there are both sides. Democrats and Republicans, the House versus the Senate, liberals versus conservatives. president versus congress, working class versus the elite, intellectuals versus Tea Party members, well you see what I'm saying.

But that is not the end of the confusion. For on top of all that, there are so many special interests, again on both sides, that we are also bombarded by them. All this is a rather long segue into the story I am writing which concerns government credibility.

Take inflation. For the last several years we have been repeatedly told by the government and the media, surrogate mouthpiece for the government, that our inflation rate is practically non-existent. But these past few years of extremely low interest rates resulting from very low inflation rates don't seem to have reduced credit card interest, bank fees, the price of gasoline or even the cost of everything else.

Maybe I just don't understand. I mean how could inflation be insignificant if health care costs are rising by anywhere from 16-33% a year depending on who you listened to. Even Obama says the cost of health insurance premiums were up by 40% this year? Those claims were why we now have health care reform.

Actually Obama and the Democrats in Congress said there would be no increase in insurance premiums, no increase in medical costs, no increase in taxes yet they said it would cost about a trillion dollars to implement. If we are saving a trillion dollars by cutting Medicare and Medicaid and eliminating all that fraud, then why does it still cost a trillion dollars? Shouldn't the cost be paid from the savings? Of course the increases in fees and taxes start right away, while major changes don't take effect until 2013, the first year after Obama is re-elected if he is re-elected.

Another thing about our lack of inflation. Why is it the same banks charging us 20% interest on credit cards get the money for free from our Federal Reserve? Right now banks can borrow from the Fed at 0% to one-quarter of one percent. We pay 20%, they pay nothing and they get their money from us?

As near as I can figure, a bank can borrow money at no interest from our government, then charge the people who pay for the government, namely us, 20% on the money we spend, meaning the bank can make a 20% gross profit on money they borrow from the government if they do nothing but process credit card transactions. No wonder no one's making loans, that car and home sales are miserable.

But that is still not my only beef with inflation reported by the government. Gasoline is way up the past few years yet consumption is down and per capita use is way down. Still makes no sense unless it is a scam to keep the big banks in business.

I do a lot of shopping, and prices keep going up. The alternative to prices going up is to shrink the size of packaging which everyone seems to have done. Keep the price the same, reduce the amount of food they get. Now that sure sounds inflationary to me but not to the government bean counters.

Finally there is the Wal-Mart approach to being successful when the economy sucks. Just force a reduction in the cost of goods, this is a big advantage for Wal-Mart with the buying power of about 8,400 stores. Wal-Mart demands such low prices from suppliers because they sell more stuff than anyone else. Of course this sends the jobs overseas because American companies cannot cut prices anymore. And it reduces the quality of products because "Made in America" labeling is no longer true.

The quality of the products gets reduced in order for even foreign suppliers to get a Wal-Mart contract. I noticed how cheap materials have become commonplace, or how thin packaging is getting. What I buy breaks down faster, like scouring pads that are shot after one or two good pot scrubs. Ten or twenty years ago they cleaned many pots and pans. My laundry detergent says it does x2 or x3 the loads yet I get half the loads from what I got ten years ago.

So Wal-Mart can save me money but only if I give up American jobs and American quality control and accept inferior materials and much shorter product life. Now selling that should have required a great spin job but it didn't. Americans flock to Wal-Mart, jobs flock overseas and quality sinks even lower. This is the bill of goods we are being sold by the spin doctors.

I think inflation is going up a lot faster than reported by the government and media. As I just explained, there are a lot of ways to hide the cost of inflation and none of them do much to help the consumer. What pennies the Wal-Mart way saves us in groceries and goods, we pay in increased interest and fees on our bank and credit cards.

So why write this article? Because if the economy is still being built on a house of cards then more of the house of cards may still collapse. Oh yes, and about that Wall Street manipulation that nearly destroyed the world economy two years ago, the one Obama promised to fix, not even the new and highly spun Financial Reform program Obama wants will fix those problems.

The crucial rules will remain the same and the same crooks are handling the money. Maybe one day our president and congress will take care of us instead of all their more special interests. That is as good as I can spin this story right now.
