Showing posts with label radicals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label radicals. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles --- Do You, as Sons and Daughters of God the Creator, violate the Divine Law of God? --- No, No, No, No not me!

Today, Christmas Day, God gave us his Son whose life would be sacrificed for our salvation.  Hopefully we do not lose sight of such a significant commitment to our survival and salvation.  Yet, there seems to be an unsettling hypocrisy when you consider that we, like Jesus, are also the sons and daughter of God.   

If God is our Creator, provider, progenitor and protector, and we are God’s creations, then why do we foolishly keep doing things to abrogate, denigrate, deprecate, expostulate, abominate, emasculate, and violate the Divine Law of God?

I mean our Declaration of Independence, founding document, says we are “under God.”  Then it is reinforced by stamping “In God We Trust” on our currency.  As if that is not clear, we stated, “One nation, under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all” in our Pledge of Allegiance.

Could there be any doubt as to the intent of our Founding Fathers?  We were guaranteed “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” as long as it is consistent with our human laws, and as long as they are consistent with God’s Divine Law.

No group of people, creations of the Creator, whether identified by religious, cultural, race, gender, or wealth, can claim to speak for God, but the Creator is inclusive of all of them.

One reckons if we were really living by God’s law, we would intuitively know it, no matter how much people tried to manipulate it.  Of course, there will always be those who try to manipulate it for their own selfish reasons.

Ironically, God’s Law also says we are not the judge and jury for the violators of God’s Law.  That is God’s role.  We should accommodate people, tolerate people, communicate with people, honor their right to think like they do, and if any of that gets too difficult for you to tolerate, stay away from those people.

So, if you are one of the many of political fanatics of the radical right or more radical left, and you are scouring the internet and social media every day to find anyone who dares to oppose you and your opinions, or those opinions you were told to say because you lost the art of forming your own words and opinions, then you are a stalker in search of your next victim.

There is nothing greater in the life of a political stalker than to crush someone who disagrees.  So consumed are they with their armchair philosophy and beloved knack for intellectual constipation that nothing on earth matters more.  What a shame.

People blinded by rage and hate are morally suicidal, egotistically consumed, spiritually bankrupt and pretty miserable to hang around.  Thank goodness most radical political assaults occur in cyberspace so only your pride, ego and mind are beaten up leaving your body largely intact.

However, the very fact you are a victim means you were one of the radical lost souls looking for someone to tongue-lash in the first place.  You probably never expected to encounter the bionic tongue of blasphemy on line using vicious words and illogical arguments to crush you.

Here’s a news flash – you both are on the wrong side of Divine Law, there will be no winners at this game.  Your addiction to the virtual world where you can escape from all reality and even recreate yourself with false names and information is enough to cause you serious problems, long after you depart this life.

When you use your virtual platform to attack others, that is double-jeopardy.  You are addicted to the virtual world, and addicted to hate.  Now the only way you could possibly be willing to give up God for social media and risk your happiness for all of eternity by  attacking people (or simply hating them), is to embrace the dark side.

Risking eternity for the self-serving task of humiliating someone who does not agree with you seems like a rather reckless undertaking.

Mind you, when you pursue such a path, not only do you drag yourself into the abyss but you are also touching everyone around you with the kiss of spiritual death by dumping your negativity on them.

No matter how you cut it, you are far removed from the very enlightenment you claim to pursue.  A hypocrite is too kind a label, because they spend most of their time just hurting themselves. You, on the other hand, as a self-declared pious preacher of good, use your forum to do the work of the dark side.

No one should be opposed to people having different opinions.  However, no differing opinions should be accentuated with an underlying message of hate.  Disagreeing is not a license to destroy, and destroying is quite a deviation from Divine Law.

There is plenty of room in Dante’s nine circles of Hell to accommodate all those seeking asylum in the asylum of Hell if that is your intent.  In fact, the sooner you get there the better for the rest of us.  But are you really in control of yourself and speaking for yourself when you spout hate and attack differing views?

Or are you simply another weak victim of the dark side hiding your fears behind the bravado of your mouth as you sink deeper and deeper into the void from which there can be no salvation and no return, but total obliteration as if you never even existed in the first place.

It is never to late to ask Jesus or God for help, but you cannot continue to drift down without passing the point of no return and condemning yourself to nothingness.

In summary, when you feel the need to shoot off your mouth, pen or post, be careful what message you transmit and the intent you attach to it.  Your words and actions will seal your fate for all time.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles --- Do You violate the Divine Law of God? --- No, No, No, No not me!

If God is our Creator, provider, progenitor and protector, and we are God’s creations, then why do we foolishly keep doing things to abrogate, denigrate, deprecate, expostulate, abominate, emasculate, and violate the Divine Law of God?

I mean our Declaration of Independence, founding document, says we are “under God.”  Then it is reinforced by stamping “In God We Trust” on our currency.  As if that is not clear, we stated, “One nation, under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all” in our Pledge of Allegiance.

Could there be any doubt as to the intent of our Founding Fathers?  We were guaranteed “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” as long as it is consistent with our human laws, and as long as they are consistent with God’s Divine Law.

No group of people, creations of the Creator, whether identified by religious, cultural, race, gender, or wealth, can claim to speak for God, but the Creator is inclusive of all of them.

One reckons if we were really living by God’s law, we would intuitively know it, no matter how much people tried to manipulate it.  Of course, there will always be those who try to manipulate it for their own selfish reasons.

Ironically, God’s Law also says we are not the judge and jury for the violators of God’s Law.  That is God’s role.  We should accommodate people, tolerate people, communicate with people, honor their right to think like they do, and if any of that gets too difficult for you to tolerate, stay away from those people.

So, if you are one of the many of political fanatics of the radical right or more radical left, and you are scouring the internet and social media every day to find anyone who dares to oppose you and your opinions, or those opinions you were told to say because you lost the art of forming your own words and opinions, then you are a stalker in search of your next victim.

There is nothing greater in the life of a political stalker than to crush someone who disagrees.  So consumed are they with their armchair philosophy and beloved knack for intellectual constipation that nothing on earth matters more.  What a shame.

People blinded by rage and hate are morally suicidal, egotistically consumed, spiritually bankrupt and pretty miserable to hang around.  Thank goodness most radical political assaults occur in cyberspace so only your pride, ego and mind are beaten up leaving your body largely intact.

However, the very fact you are a victim means you were one of the radical lost souls looking for someone to tongue-lash in the first place.  You probably never expected to encounter the bionic tongue of blasphemy on line using vicious words and illogical arguments to crush you.

Here’s a news flash – you both are on the wrong side of Divine Law, there will be no winners at this game.  Your addiction to the virtual world where you can escape from all reality and even recreate yourself with false names and information is enough to cause you serious problems, long after you depart this life.

When you use your virtual platform to attack others, that is double-jeopardy.  You are addicted to the virtual world, and addicted to hate.  Now the only way you could possibly be willing to give up God for social media and risk your happiness for all of eternity by  attacking people (or simply hating them), is to embrace the dark side.

Risking eternity for the self-serving task of humiliating someone who does not agree with you seems like a rather reckless undertaking.

Mind you, when you pursue such a path, not only do you drag yourself into the abyss but you are also touching everyone around you with the kiss of spiritual death by dumping your negativity on them.

No matter how you cut it, you are far removed from the very enlightenment you claim to pursue.  A hypocrite is too kind a label, because they spend most of their time just hurting themselves. You, on the other hand, as a self-declared pious preacher of good, use your forum to do the work of the dark side.

No one should be opposed to people having different opinions.  However, no differing opinions should be accentuated with an underlying message of hate.  Disagreeing is not a license to destroy, and destroying is quite a deviation from Divine Law.

There is plenty of room in Dante’s nine circles of Hell to accommodate all those seeking asylum in the asylum of Hell if that is your intent.  In fact, the sooner you get there the better for the rest of us.  But are you really in control of yourself and speaking for yourself when you spout hate and attack differing views?

Or are you simply another weak victim of the dark side hiding your fears behind the bravado of your mouth as you sink deeper and deeper into the void from which there can be no salvation and no return, but total obliteration as if you never even existed in the first place.

It is never to late to ask Jesus or God for help, but you cannot continue to drift down without passing the point of no return and condemning yourself to nothingness.

In summary, when you feel the need to shoot off your mouth, pen or post, be careful what message you transmit and the intent you attach to it.  Your words and actions will seal your fate for all time.

Thursday, February 01, 2018

Breaking News - Major Breakthrough in Polarization as Liberals and Conservatives negotiate Peaceful Solution to an Awful Mess

Welcome to the Nation of California 

Leading mouthpieces for the radical left and radical right, along with hostage negotiators from the news media, have struck a tentative but comprehensive deal to tame the shrews and calm the blowhards in order to free the citizens of America being held hostage by the attitude of disdain and polarization that has descended upon the country.

Leaks from insiders involved in the terse and tense negotiations indicate a general consensus has been achieved that will enable law abiding Americans to continue life without provocation and will enable the news media to return to covering meaningful news rather than staged events and choreographed demonstrations.

"a sovereign nation"

The centerpiece of the massive deal, named the Save America First Treaty, is declaring California a sovereign nation, the designation of California as the first sanctuary nation in the world, and designating California as the first refugee safe zone in the world.

In one swift move, the delegates to the negotiations have achieved a single entity willing and able to provide a safe haven for illegal's and refugees, while assuring autonomy from USA laws, rules, and regulations, which could lead to a frightening "normal" state of mind.

This new sovereign nation, called the Nation of Cornucopia, will bring new promise to the downtrodden and disparaged and will feature open borders to the west welcoming all people of the world without a home.

"first sanctuary nation in the world"

Everyone knows that even though there are 38 million residents in California, the millions of new immigrants, illegal immigrants, and Syrian refugees can easily be absorbed and the massive availability of desert environment will make many new residents feel right at home.

San Francisco will be the new capitol of Cornucopia and Los Angeles will be the urban jungle as all people of the world will be assimilated into the Cornucopia culture while preserving all aspects of their current culture with a few exceptions.

Those residing in Cornucopia must disavow religious, political, dietary, environmental, sexual, racial, and other codes of conduct violating the principle of a free and open society where everything that is yours is mine and everything that is mine I keep.

"first refugee safe zone in the world"

Compensation to the remaining United States for the loss of the territory of Cornucopia will consist of the building of a wall around the new nation to protect the openness.

All leftist radicals and elitists in the remaining 49 states will receive a temporary visa in order to arrange to move to the new Shangri-La while right-leaning radicals currently in California will also receive a temporary visa to flee east.

In addition to California, the states of Oregon and Washington will hold a referendum to vote on joining the nation of Cornucopia.  Essential to the success of the new nation is completion of a bi-lateral treaty with Canada, a nation of massive geographic territory yet less population than the current state of California, to absorb any overflow of the illegals, and refugees.

The flag of the new nation of Cornucopia will consist of kisses, lips, rainbows, and moon shots featuring the diversity of the people and the love of radicalism.

Any language is acceptable if spoken by the residents.  There can be no police brutality if there are no police, no senseless killings by guns if there are no guns, no gender bias in bathrooms if uni-water closets are required, and no discrimination against races with the banning of all 5K, 10K, and marathons.

The recognized Founding Father of Cornucopia is George Soros whose investment in the liberal left is legendary.  His generous offer of paying for earthquake protection for the entire nation is just another example of his commitment to Oneness and hedging his bets.

Check your latest texts and social sites on the internet for the latest news of Cornucopia.
