Showing posts with label hatred. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hatred. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - What to do about Trump! What is the right thing to do about Trump!

Like him or not, Trump was elected President of the United States of America and he deserves a fair chance to fulfill his destiny as all presidents have been given.

America is a beacon of light to the world because it has never wavered from the underlying principles upon which it was founded, freedom, equal opportunity, individual liberty and justice for all.

It is a nation of diversity in religion, culture, race and opportunity whose strength is found in a divinely inspired ability to demonstrate to the world that our Republic transcends special interests and seeks out fair compromise.

We are competitive, yet will always accept the will of the people in the end, because standing as one is always stronger and serves the greatest good for all.

Throughout our history there have been many hard fought and derisive presidential elections, but in the end the people of America come together and support the winner in order to honor the will of the people.

Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt are a sampling of those presidents who overcame tremendous opposition, division and disruption in order to help heal our nation and keep it on track during dangerous times in our history.

Divine destiny guides this nation, thrusting the most unlikely of people into roles they never expected to play to preserve the Republic and give hope to the world.

Sadly, our recent presidential election came at a time when darkness was beginning to shroud our principles and empower those whose own interests overshadowed the interests of the people.

Hatred and animosity between political parties, philosophies, the news media and bureaucracy were clouding the actions and judgments of people and assured there would be no healing after the election.

Twenty days before the presidential election, when Trump looked like there was no chance to stop the Clinton machine, I posted an article as a contributor on the most liberal of all media outlets, the Huffington Post, and it described what would happen election night with Trump finally winning in the middle of the night to the shock of the media, the candidates, the political pundits, the nation and the world.  On election day it happened almost exactly as I wrote it would.  Ironically, on the morning of election day the Huffington Post declared to the world Hillary Clinton would win.

Sometimes there is no explanation for destiny.  Sometimes there are divine interventions to keep the world on track.  Sometimes, as Melchizedek says, we have to look for the good in adversity.  President Trump’s election victory may very well be one of those moments.  You do not always have to be the good guy to get good things done, and there is little doubt that America faced a dark future if things did not change.

Polarization was becoming a dark, powerful force on the political horizon before Trump got elected.  The previous Administrations sold out the people to appease special interests, as in financial, banking, defense, pharmaceutical drugs and health care interests.

Our Constitutional government was being undermined by a series of selfish and greedy actions to protect the wealthy at the expense of the people.  Things were not improving, they were getting worse and politicians were in the middle of a firestorm.  Campaign finance laws were thrown out, thus opening the floodgates to unlimited money flowing to the political campaign committees.

As jobs were lost, health care did not improve, but the cost of health care, and prescription drugs spiraled out of control.  Home mortgages were fraudulent, college tuition costs exploded, jobs were moved out of the country, unnecessary wars were being fought, draconian government acts hurt the people, and billions upon billions of dollars flowed into the coffers of a very small group of very wealthy people.

Corruption came to a head when the Bill Clinton administration regulatory reforms, on top of the Clinton NAFTA trade agreement, triggered the ENRON disaster and the subprime mortgage crisis nearly destroying the nation’s economy in 2008.

The Obama administration recovery program and Obamacare signed into law March 23, 2010, his only major legislative accomplishment, opened the door further to protecting financial and auto corporations and the pharmaceutical industry price increases among other consequences.

Of course, throughout the Bush and Obama administrations, war after war further fueled the military industrial complex and drained the economy.

From 1996 (Clinton) to 2008 (Obama) the cost of the presidential campaigns more than doubled and Obama broke the billion-dollar glass ceiling on his way to a job that paid $400,000 a year.  Money, power and prestige now controlled the presidency, shielded corruption, protected special interests, made the rich a lot wealthier, made middle class former presidents multi-millionaires, and seduced the media because of the billions and billions of dollars pouring into political campaigns.

That brings us to the 2016 election and Hillary Clinton, the heir apparent to the political machine built by Bill Clinton and Barack Obama with access to huge wealth thanks to Goldman Sachs and others deeply imbedded in the Clinton and Obama organizations, and the ability to implement special interest regulatory reforms.

All was good for the long-term future of the new political Establishment and to the media it was just a matter of anointing Hillary Clinton queen.  No one could stand up to the Clinton – Obama machine.  Things looked quite rosy for the liberals, progressives, the new Establishment, the media parasites, financial manipulators, endless special interest groups throwing money at the politicians, and the bureaucratic structure responsible for maintaining the cozy relationship and keeping their jobs.

After the Bush years followed by the Obama Hollywood presidency a Clinton ordination was imminent.  Who was left to defend the people and oversee the new Establishment when that Establishment included all the former watchdogs and protectors of the public interest?
To anyone with a clear head it was blatantly obvious the media, once protector of the people, changed sides and was now engaged in destroying anyone who might threaten the Hillary dream machine.

Ask Bernie Sanders if the deck was stacked against him and what it was like to be a threat.  He had no chance of a fair primary against Hillary thanks to the Obama super delegates secretly pledged to Clinton, the fundraising monopoly of the Obama/Clinton Establishment, and the secret buyout of the supposedly independent DNC by the Clinton campaign.

All the special interests were involved and protected and even the bureaucracy was on board since the Obama appointees effectively controlled the wheels of justice and would remain in control under the Clinton succession.  Self-preservation of jobs for thousands of high-paid government appointees was a strong incentive to bend over backwards to protect your patron.

Perhaps there is no greater threat to the American democracy than when the Fourth Estate, the Constitutionally protected defenders of freedom of speech, give up their objectivity and take sides in an election.  The Bill Clinton and Obama years proved too strong a seduction for the free press to remain free.

There was a strange conglomeration of events coming together which forever changed the face and action of the media.  Huge corporations began buying up the 25,000 media outlets in America and applying profit demands on the news groups.  The news reporters, long free of the pressure to make money for their organizations, suddenly became the avenue for survival with their access to the politicians who were fast becoming the biggest spenders in media.

With the broadcast and cable news consolidations there was no way to go back.  When the Internet suddenly exploded beginning during the Clinton years but rapidly overtaking all traditional media in the Obama years, the same special interests that controlled the politicians could compromise the independence of the media.

Former media measures of integrity like objectivity, independence, and investigative reporting became tools to protect the establishment by using them as opposition weapons for the political campaigns.  It was now possible for the news media to become the makers of news rather than reporters, and for the reporters to become celebrities and news makers.

With the Internet news dominating the minds of the public twenty-four hours a day, they were free to inject bias, unregulated, unethical and immoral news content to a mesmerized public.  Preservation of the Clinton/Obama Establishment was the core of the hypnotic messaging coordinated throughout the broadcast, cable and Internet news services.

For the first time in our history most of the independent media took sides, with a constant and coordinated campaign to preserve the Establishment fueled by the never-ending billions of special interest dollars.

Such mass messaging with the hypnotic consistency of constant repetition while no effort is being made to validate facts, and autonomous sources now dominate the news, is a recipe for disaster.  Of course, anyone against that Establishment whether moderate or conservative is the enemy.

No professional politician could challenge the control of the money brokers, special interests and media because they were products of the same Establishment.  If America was ever to get back to the political center where it was most comfortable, it would take a total outsider to make the challenge.

Such an outsider would have to be meaner, tougher, stronger, more independent and non-political while being far removed from the political and financial establishment controlling our nation.  At the same time, they would have to be indifferent and unafraid of the news media sworn to protect the status quo and destroy opposition.

Finding a disrupter of that magnitude seemed impossible.  Then along came Trump swaggering down the sweeping escalator of the swank and mysterious Trump Tower, cocky, a true non-politician, yet an ivy leaguer and quite rich.  Not a politician but well experienced in the entertainment media he had no fear of the power of the press.  In fact, Trump used the Internet for his own direct media connection to the people through the use of Tweets.

Wealthy enough to not need to make money if he was elected, he did not trust the stock markets so he was not beholden to most of the financial sector.  Choosing to largely ignore the media and political parties, he was confident he could improve the lives of others because he knew, as a businessman, how the game was played.

As a result of these things he was free to do or say whatever he wanted and there were no strings attached.  Most likely to his surprise, and certainly to the shock of Obama, Clinton, the news media, the wealthy, the Establishment, the nation and rest of the world, he beat all the odds and the morning after the election, November 9, the world awoke to the astonishing news that Donald Trump would be the forty-fifth president of the United States.

Nothing like the forty-four presidents who preceded him.  Cocky but not particularly polished. No politician, Loyal to neither political party.  Suspicious of the news media.  Could care less what the media or professional politicians thought of him.

Oh, he has his faults but somehow, he connects to people, never talking over their head.  He speaks a truth they understand, says what is on his mind that others would never dare say.  Sometimes he is loose with the facts, but most politicians are that way.

Upsetting – yes.  Lacks diplomacy – sometimes.  Demonstrates anger – sure when warranted.  Not a polished statesman – never said he was one.  Has regrets – hardly.  Fears failure – has no idea what that means.

Trump is Trump.  What you see and hear is what you get.  A rock-solid patriot.  A protector of all people.  A defender of American values.  Champion of American greatness.

My next article will address what is being done to lift the shadow of darkness enveloping America through Trump, in spite of the refusal by much of the media and establishment to accept him as president.  What is the role of divine intervention and destiny in the reign of President Trump?  Finally, what are the consequences for those dedicated to denying him his rightful destiny.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles --- Do You violate the Divine Law of God? --- No, No, No, No not me!

If God is our Creator, provider, progenitor and protector, and we are God’s creations, then why do we foolishly keep doing things to abrogate, denigrate, deprecate, expostulate, abominate, emasculate, and violate the Divine Law of God?

I mean our Declaration of Independence, founding document, says we are “under God.”  Then it is reinforced by stamping “In God We Trust” on our currency.  As if that is not clear, we stated, “One nation, under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all” in our Pledge of Allegiance.

Could there be any doubt as to the intent of our Founding Fathers?  We were guaranteed “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” as long as it is consistent with our human laws, and as long as they are consistent with God’s Divine Law.

No group of people, creations of the Creator, whether identified by religious, cultural, race, gender, or wealth, can claim to speak for God, but the Creator is inclusive of all of them.

One reckons if we were really living by God’s law, we would intuitively know it, no matter how much people tried to manipulate it.  Of course, there will always be those who try to manipulate it for their own selfish reasons.

Ironically, God’s Law also says we are not the judge and jury for the violators of God’s Law.  That is God’s role.  We should accommodate people, tolerate people, communicate with people, honor their right to think like they do, and if any of that gets too difficult for you to tolerate, stay away from those people.

So, if you are one of the many of political fanatics of the radical right or more radical left, and you are scouring the internet and social media every day to find anyone who dares to oppose you and your opinions, or those opinions you were told to say because you lost the art of forming your own words and opinions, then you are a stalker in search of your next victim.

There is nothing greater in the life of a political stalker than to crush someone who disagrees.  So consumed are they with their armchair philosophy and beloved knack for intellectual constipation that nothing on earth matters more.  What a shame.

People blinded by rage and hate are morally suicidal, egotistically consumed, spiritually bankrupt and pretty miserable to hang around.  Thank goodness most radical political assaults occur in cyberspace so only your pride, ego and mind are beaten up leaving your body largely intact.

However, the very fact you are a victim means you were one of the radical lost souls looking for someone to tongue-lash in the first place.  You probably never expected to encounter the bionic tongue of blasphemy on line using vicious words and illogical arguments to crush you.

Here’s a news flash – you both are on the wrong side of Divine Law, there will be no winners at this game.  Your addiction to the virtual world where you can escape from all reality and even recreate yourself with false names and information is enough to cause you serious problems, long after you depart this life.

When you use your virtual platform to attack others, that is double-jeopardy.  You are addicted to the virtual world, and addicted to hate.  Now the only way you could possibly be willing to give up God for social media and risk your happiness for all of eternity by  attacking people (or simply hating them), is to embrace the dark side.

Risking eternity for the self-serving task of humiliating someone who does not agree with you seems like a rather reckless undertaking.

Mind you, when you pursue such a path, not only do you drag yourself into the abyss but you are also touching everyone around you with the kiss of spiritual death by dumping your negativity on them.

No matter how you cut it, you are far removed from the very enlightenment you claim to pursue.  A hypocrite is too kind a label, because they spend most of their time just hurting themselves. You, on the other hand, as a self-declared pious preacher of good, use your forum to do the work of the dark side.

No one should be opposed to people having different opinions.  However, no differing opinions should be accentuated with an underlying message of hate.  Disagreeing is not a license to destroy, and destroying is quite a deviation from Divine Law.

There is plenty of room in Dante’s nine circles of Hell to accommodate all those seeking asylum in the asylum of Hell if that is your intent.  In fact, the sooner you get there the better for the rest of us.  But are you really in control of yourself and speaking for yourself when you spout hate and attack differing views?

Or are you simply another weak victim of the dark side hiding your fears behind the bravado of your mouth as you sink deeper and deeper into the void from which there can be no salvation and no return, but total obliteration as if you never even existed in the first place.

It is never to late to ask Jesus or God for help, but you cannot continue to drift down without passing the point of no return and condemning yourself to nothingness.

In summary, when you feel the need to shoot off your mouth, pen or post, be careful what message you transmit and the intent you attach to it.  Your words and actions will seal your fate for all time.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Trumpville 1 - September 17 – Life goes on, the biased get more biased, hate blossoms, and stupidity reigns supreme.

Sad to say but things seem to keep getting worse in the war of words, the battle of emotions, and the intellectual constipation on all sides of the nonsense.  One might call it freedom of speech but that implies someone is telling the truth, or a breakdown of fact checking to where the fact checkers have to be checked, or a matter of politicians and journalists drowning on their own egos.

The fake and biased reporting by the so-called news media has gotten sooo bad it is an insult to the Constitution and the First Amendment.  Nowhere does it say lies, rumors, innuendo and smear campaigns are protected by the Constitution.  Nowhere does it say anonymous sources are guaranteed rights.

Perhaps the most unethical and blatant case of lying by the media is the claim of many of them that they adhere to fair and balanced reporting.  Are you kidding me?  NBC, MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Huffington Post among others are the defenders of the left, often the advocates of liberal and progressive causes, and in truth are hardcore Trump haters.

One should ask why?  Did they love Hillary so much they hated any opposition?  Are they in on the many secrets of the Obama administration and figure if Trump sets his sights on paying back the Clinton and Obama machines once he gets through the maze of investigations, that their idols will be put to shame?

Are the liberal news media so dependent on encouraging the theft of government secrets through Obama, Clinton, and anti-Trump sources within the administration that if Trump investigates and cuts off the leaking faucet, the media will lose more ratings thus more money?

The same can be said of the Republican establishment.  They have many secrets to hide and Trump, whose GOP loyalty is subject to constant change, is considered a danger to some of them as well.  As for the conservative press, mainly Fox News, it is about as unbiased as CNN.

The truth in America has not been hijacked by the Russians, Chinese, Iran or North Korea, it was stolen by a rather large group of media and politicians who think they know better what is good for America.  For shame.

The dumbest of the dumb mistakes by all these parties to polarization, hate, lies and disruption is their clear attitude that the American public is so dumb they can be fooled by the Slick Willies in Washington and NYC.  I would add California but they live in another dimension from us, out beyond La La Land.

In the early Twentieth Century New York City was the hotbed of socialism, communism, liberalism et al. In the Twenty-first Century California has replaced NYC as the core of the far left in America, the defender of sin, the home of the technology slave masters of the future, a haven for Hollywood sex trafficking, and challenger to the Constitution.

In fact, California is such a bulwark and backbone of liberalism that if California did not vote in the last election, Trump would have won the election by millions of votes in all the other states and territories.  California is either a safety zone or prison for far-left progressives.  Now that liberal Obama henchman Rahm Emanuel is being driven out of Chicago there may very well be another surge in liberals moving to California.

So that is today.  We await the conclusion of the Supreme Court nominee.  The Cory Booker Bluff failed when he forgot to tell the truth, then like a truth denier of truth he lied about his untruth.  As the Guardian Newspaper described him, “Cory Booker: the inexorable rise of Newark’s neoliberal egomaniac.”

As for the last-minute Democrat inspired and managed sexual misconduct charge, well, if we were all accountable for things that happened 37 years ago there might be no one left on the streets.  Odd that a nominee for supreme court is attacked for something from 37 years ago but no mention by the liberals of the lack of prosecution of serial sexual abuser Harvey Weinstein of Hollywood and Democrat fame.

Ivy league statesman and former senator John Kerry has jumped into the sandbox with shenanigans one might expect from, uh, Trump, and certainly that is not becoming of his view of himself in the mirror.  When one plays in Trump’s sandbox they have become a hostage to their own egos.

Once upon a time the Ivy League was above such gutter tactics but I guess everything changes in the modern world.  The Ivy League, which has now provided us thirty-two straight years of presidents (at the end of Trump’s first term) from Yale, Harvard and Penn, seems a bit perplexed.

Some historic achievements the quite liberal leaning Ivy League is providing includes the only president to graduate from both Harvard and Yale, surprisingly George Bush, Jr., the first elected president to be impeached from Yale, Bill Clinton, Obama (Harvard) shattered the color barrier for the presidency, while Trump (Penn) broke a twenty-eight-year stranglehold by Yale and Harvard on the presidency (1988-2016).

Of the 45 men who have served as President of the United States, 16 have graduated from an Ivy League university. Of them, eight have degrees from Harvard, five from Yale, three from Columbia, two from Princeton and one from Penn. Twelve presidents have earned Ivy undergraduate degrees. 

Obama has recently moved from financing the war against Trump to publicly attacking Trump as he continues to try to united the world in a New World Order.  Since he had few accomplishments his eight years as president beyond breaking the color barrier to the presidency, which was an amazing and historic feat in and of itself, he continues to travel the world while also taking shots at Trump.

Look forward to the next installment of Trumpville and an overview of how anything that happens in our nation’s capital may be of interest to anyone.  Since nearly half of the Coltons Point Times readers are from outside the USA this may help you understand how the American political game may affect you.

Top New Jersey comedians besides Cory Booker.

Jerry Lewis

Danny Devito

Abbott and Costello

Calista Flockhart


Jane Krakowski

Flip Wilson


Bruce Willis

Anne Hathaway