Showing posts with label DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DC. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Trumpville 1 - September 17 – Life goes on, the biased get more biased, hate blossoms, and stupidity reigns supreme.

Sad to say but things seem to keep getting worse in the war of words, the battle of emotions, and the intellectual constipation on all sides of the nonsense.  One might call it freedom of speech but that implies someone is telling the truth, or a breakdown of fact checking to where the fact checkers have to be checked, or a matter of politicians and journalists drowning on their own egos.

The fake and biased reporting by the so-called news media has gotten sooo bad it is an insult to the Constitution and the First Amendment.  Nowhere does it say lies, rumors, innuendo and smear campaigns are protected by the Constitution.  Nowhere does it say anonymous sources are guaranteed rights.

Perhaps the most unethical and blatant case of lying by the media is the claim of many of them that they adhere to fair and balanced reporting.  Are you kidding me?  NBC, MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Huffington Post among others are the defenders of the left, often the advocates of liberal and progressive causes, and in truth are hardcore Trump haters.

One should ask why?  Did they love Hillary so much they hated any opposition?  Are they in on the many secrets of the Obama administration and figure if Trump sets his sights on paying back the Clinton and Obama machines once he gets through the maze of investigations, that their idols will be put to shame?

Are the liberal news media so dependent on encouraging the theft of government secrets through Obama, Clinton, and anti-Trump sources within the administration that if Trump investigates and cuts off the leaking faucet, the media will lose more ratings thus more money?

The same can be said of the Republican establishment.  They have many secrets to hide and Trump, whose GOP loyalty is subject to constant change, is considered a danger to some of them as well.  As for the conservative press, mainly Fox News, it is about as unbiased as CNN.

The truth in America has not been hijacked by the Russians, Chinese, Iran or North Korea, it was stolen by a rather large group of media and politicians who think they know better what is good for America.  For shame.

The dumbest of the dumb mistakes by all these parties to polarization, hate, lies and disruption is their clear attitude that the American public is so dumb they can be fooled by the Slick Willies in Washington and NYC.  I would add California but they live in another dimension from us, out beyond La La Land.

In the early Twentieth Century New York City was the hotbed of socialism, communism, liberalism et al. In the Twenty-first Century California has replaced NYC as the core of the far left in America, the defender of sin, the home of the technology slave masters of the future, a haven for Hollywood sex trafficking, and challenger to the Constitution.

In fact, California is such a bulwark and backbone of liberalism that if California did not vote in the last election, Trump would have won the election by millions of votes in all the other states and territories.  California is either a safety zone or prison for far-left progressives.  Now that liberal Obama henchman Rahm Emanuel is being driven out of Chicago there may very well be another surge in liberals moving to California.

So that is today.  We await the conclusion of the Supreme Court nominee.  The Cory Booker Bluff failed when he forgot to tell the truth, then like a truth denier of truth he lied about his untruth.  As the Guardian Newspaper described him, “Cory Booker: the inexorable rise of Newark’s neoliberal egomaniac.”

As for the last-minute Democrat inspired and managed sexual misconduct charge, well, if we were all accountable for things that happened 37 years ago there might be no one left on the streets.  Odd that a nominee for supreme court is attacked for something from 37 years ago but no mention by the liberals of the lack of prosecution of serial sexual abuser Harvey Weinstein of Hollywood and Democrat fame.

Ivy league statesman and former senator John Kerry has jumped into the sandbox with shenanigans one might expect from, uh, Trump, and certainly that is not becoming of his view of himself in the mirror.  When one plays in Trump’s sandbox they have become a hostage to their own egos.

Once upon a time the Ivy League was above such gutter tactics but I guess everything changes in the modern world.  The Ivy League, which has now provided us thirty-two straight years of presidents (at the end of Trump’s first term) from Yale, Harvard and Penn, seems a bit perplexed.

Some historic achievements the quite liberal leaning Ivy League is providing includes the only president to graduate from both Harvard and Yale, surprisingly George Bush, Jr., the first elected president to be impeached from Yale, Bill Clinton, Obama (Harvard) shattered the color barrier for the presidency, while Trump (Penn) broke a twenty-eight-year stranglehold by Yale and Harvard on the presidency (1988-2016).

Of the 45 men who have served as President of the United States, 16 have graduated from an Ivy League university. Of them, eight have degrees from Harvard, five from Yale, three from Columbia, two from Princeton and one from Penn. Twelve presidents have earned Ivy undergraduate degrees. 

Obama has recently moved from financing the war against Trump to publicly attacking Trump as he continues to try to united the world in a New World Order.  Since he had few accomplishments his eight years as president beyond breaking the color barrier to the presidency, which was an amazing and historic feat in and of itself, he continues to travel the world while also taking shots at Trump.

Look forward to the next installment of Trumpville and an overview of how anything that happens in our nation’s capital may be of interest to anyone.  Since nearly half of the Coltons Point Times readers are from outside the USA this may help you understand how the American political game may affect you.

Top New Jersey comedians besides Cory Booker.

Jerry Lewis

Danny Devito

Abbott and Costello

Calista Flockhart


Jane Krakowski

Flip Wilson


Bruce Willis

Anne Hathaway

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

CPT Twit - Reporting from Hurricane Joaquin Part 2. - Potomac River Tidal Basin - Coltons Point, Maryland


Remember the monster hurricane about to destroy the east coast of the USA last Friday?

Remember the spaghetti chart showing all the possible places it could hit the USA?

Well here is where it went after all the people on the east coast were scared to death with dire predictions of the fury of the storm.  Not to Washington DC, not New York City, nor Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk or even Hilton Head, but to London as in England did this wayward hurricane   go racing across the sea, exactly the opposite direction from the spaghetti charts we saw all week.

By my count that is about the 20th time the weather service people caught the attention and ratings of the unsuspecting public with emergency bulletins of a monster historic storm headed our way.  Only twice in the past ten years have such storms even hit here, Katrina and Sandy, both of which cost a huge amount of money and lives.

Yet every few weeks the weather stations decide they need to capture the television ratings so they pick out a storm to feature and promise it will wreak destruction for the next year.  Of course, the warning continues until all the stores have sold out their emergency supplies when miraculously, just like Joaquin this past weekend, the storm vanishes and people are left with thousands of dollars in emergency supplies and food.

Do you think it is an accident, or coincidence?

Remember, all those stores selling out their merchandise are advertisers on the very channels predicting the storm.  The worse the prediction, the more money the station gets in revenue.

I would suggest a Congressional investigation of whether there are conflicts of interest in this false storm hype that financially benefits the storm channels, but then nothing would ever get done.

After billions of dollars spent on super computers and high tech equipment and new weather equipment and jet planes to chase the storms, my grandfather sitting on his front porch had a far better result in predicting storms.

Add weather reporting to the professions with the worst reputation, they earned it.

Of course one of the 12 states that were supposed to be paralyzed did get it bad, South Carolina, but not from the wayward hurricane but from being trapped between a High and Low weather pattern leaving parts of the state with 27 inches or more of rain.  In fact, more rain fell in 48 hours than the state usually gets in one year.

Friday, October 02, 2015

Reporting from Hurricane Joaquin - Potomac River Tidal Basin - Coltons Point, Maryland


How often do I get a chance to show you where Coltons Point is located? Never.  Of course I do write about St. Clement's Island which is a few hundred feet out in the water from Coltons Point and it was the site of the pilgrim landing in 1634.

Once the settlers decided the Indians lining the shore and watching them were not hostile, they moved from the island to the shore and St. Clement's Manor was formed.  At the time the Manor territory included Washington, D.C. to Philadelphia and reached well into New Jersey.

All you need to remember is that Coltons Point is the oldest continuously occupied chartered community in the continental United States, we have now been here for 381 years.  Of course Jamestown, Virginia (1608) and Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts (1620) were the first two landings of pilgrims but neither settlement survived through the end of the 1600's, just Colton Point.

So I moved down here about a dozen years ago to write books since there is nothing else to do here and this weekend I will be celebrating my fourth hurricane in the Potomac Tidal basin.  I came from landlocked Iowa and I have a lot of friends back in Iowa and Nebraska so I thought I would give you a running account of the impact of Hurricane Joaquin.

As you can see from the maps, we are just up river from the point where the Potomac River hits the Chesapeake Bay.  For a frame of reference, you should know the Potomac is up to seven miles wide at this point, and over 100 feet deep.

My house sits between the River and a small inlet, or bay, less than 100 feet from the water either way.  From my porch I can see both bodies of water and from the second floor I can see much more of the river.

St. Clement's Island in horizon

As part of the tidal basin, we get ocean tides all the way up past Washington, D.C., which is about 65 miles by water up river.  Here in the Point it is common to get 4 foot tides daily. However, two days ago the weather in the ocean began pushing the water up the bay and river and today all the docks here are underwater, and we still have 72 hours of storms ahead of us.

St. Clement's Lighthouse and Cross
My intent is to file reports as long as the weather allows.  Winds are one problem here since all electric lines are above water.  Flooding is not so big a problem since the river is just a few hundred feet away and no one in their right mind has a place with a basement.  You see, we are only about 5-10 feet above sea level.

A typical hurricane will flood the roads coming to Coltons Point, and cut off access from where I live to the north and south ends of the community, isolating a handful of houses into a temporary island. Water saturation or tress falling generally take out the electric, cable and phone lines leaving us pretty much unable to communicate or get out.

If the eye of the hurricane remains far enough offshore we may not get the high winds, which have been over 100 MPH in the earlier storms.  Trees can still fall if their roots are underwater for a long period of time.  The surrounding area from Frederickburg, Virginia to Annapolis have already received over 6 inches of rain with major flooding so we can expect the runoff from up the river.

So that is the situation and I will be posting occasional updates as long as we have electric power.