Showing posts with label hatred. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hatred. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Melchizedek Chronicles - North Korea threatens new nuclear tests - what does the Melchizedek Prophecy on North Korea and nuclear weapons say?

Will another USA - North Korea Summit end threats of more nuclear tests?

September 26, 2017, in the heat of the war of words between President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-Un of North Korea, the news media were trying to stir up interest by hyping the catastrophic threat of world war between North Korea and America.

Melchizedek said then there would be no war, if North Korea did test another nuclear bomb there would be devastating consequences to that country, and the damage they already inflicted on their country from the reckless testing would cause the area where they tested along the Chinese border to collapse as if falling into the earth.

He also warned of the long term consequences of over 2,000 nuclear tests already carried out by various nations.  Melchizedek warned that the Earth must repair itself when man's actions inflict such severe damage.  He also warned that if humankind does not stop the testing, divine forces will stop it.

Shortly after the Melchizedek warning a Chinese scientific report was released describing the incredible damage at the North Korea test site and the last hydrogen bomb tested caused four earthquakes and the deaths of hundreds of workers. It also resulted in the closing of the test facility, the end of Korean testing, and now, with the help of the Chinese, President Trump and Kim Jong-Un will sit down for the first summit between the nations in history.

Clearly the Melchizedek prophecies were absolutely right and a great deal of tension has been lifted from the earth but people now should be praying that the two leaders find inspiration from God and Jesus to find a solution that will benefit earth well into the future.  Even Democrats who are Christians should should be able to pray for world peace.

Geologists Say North Korea's Main Nuclear Test Site Has Collapsed
Following are the story yesterday about the Chinese Scientific findings about the instability of the North Korean test site, and the Coltons Point Times story from September about the Melchizedek prophecies and North Korea.

Prayer for world peace and for the future health of earth seems a very small thing to ask and should not get caught up in the political paralysis of hate still far too prevalent in our media and lives.

Geologists say N. Korea's nuclear test site likely collapsed

BEIJING — Apr 26, 2018, 4:51 AM ET

Research by Chinese geologists suggests that the mountain above North Korea's main nuclear test site has likely collapsed, rendering it unsafe for further testing and requiring that it be monitored for any leaking radiation.

The findings by the scientists at the University of Science and Technology of China may shed new light on North Korean President Kim Jong Un's announcement that his country was ceasing its testing program ahead of planned summit meetings with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump.

The results also support some of the findings of an earlier study by another group of Chinese researchers that was published last month by the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

Nuclear explosions release enormous amounts of heat and energy, and the North's largest test in September was believed early on to have rendered the site in northeastern North Korea unstable.

Chinese authorities have said they've detected no radiation risk from samples collected along the border. Calls to those departments were not immediately answered on Thursday.

The data in the latest Chinese study was collected following the most powerful of North Korea's six nuclear device tests on Sept. 3, which is believed to have triggered four earthquakes over the following weeks. The yield of the bomb was estimated at more than 100 kilotons of TNT, at least 10 times stronger than anything the North had tested previously. (The bomb the United States dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 had a yield of about 15 kilotons.)

The University of Science and Technology of China paper, authored by Tian Dongdong, Yao Jiawen and Wen Lianxing, said the first of those earthquakes, which occurred 8 ? minutes after the explosion, was "an onsite collapse toward the nuclear test center," while those that followed were an "earthquake swarm" in similar locations.

"In view of the research finding that the North Korea nuclear test site at Mantapsan has collapsed, it is necessary to continue to monitor any leakage of radioactive materials that may have been caused by the collapse," the authors said in a summary dated Monday and viewed Wednesday on the university's website.

The study is peer-reviewed and has been accepted for publication by the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

The Chinese study makes sense and is based on well understood research, said Rowena Lohman, a seismologist at Cornell University who wasn't part of the work. She said she believes there's an international effort that monitors these tests for radiation.

A study published last month by the journal, authored by a team led by Liu Junqing at the earthquake bureau in Jilin province along the border with North Korea, found similar results of the Sept. 3 explosion. It described the aftershock that followed seconds later as most likely a "rapid destruction of an explosion-generated cracked rock chimney due to cavity collapse."

North Korea's nuclear tests are of special concern to Beijing, since the test site near the town of Kilju is less than 100 kilometers (60 miles) from the border with China.

North Korean nuclear tests have caused seismic events in Chinese border towns and cities, forcing evacuations of schools and offices, sparking fears of wind-born radiation and leading to a backlash among some Chinese against their country's unpredictable traditional ally.

Ties between the sides have been deteriorating for years, although Kim made a long-anticipated visit to Beijing last month after China's implementation of United Nationseconomic sanctions reduced trade between them by as much as 90 percent.

The quakes that followed the September test were not man-made and didn't appear to cause any damage in the area. The region isn't one where earthquakes naturally occur and no quakes were detected after the five smaller nuclear tests North Korea has conducted since 2006.

Kune Yull Suh, a professor of nuclear engineering at Seoul National University, warned last year that further tests could threaten to cause a volcanic eruption at Mount Paektu, which is about 100 kilometers (60 miles) away.

On Saturday, North Korea announced it will close its nuclear testing facility and suspend nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile tests — a move welcomed by Trump as "big progress" — and which comes ahead of the planned summit between him and Kim.

However, the North stopped short of suggesting it will give up its nuclear weapons or scale back its production of missiles and their related components.

AP researcher Shanshan Wang in Beijing and science writer Seth Borenstein in Washington, D.C., contributed to this report.

Coltons Point Times reprint
September 26, 2017

Are we spiraling toward World War III?

As the reckless missile and hydrogen bomb tests continue by North Korea and the war of words between President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-Un magnifies the tension, the news media would have it that we are on the brink of World War III and any day we might find ourselves overcome by clouds of radiation and killed.

Well Melchizedek has had a few words of wisdom about that and his explanation is quite different.  Several months ago, he said tension between the US and North Korea would begin to spiral out-of-control and the media would strike fear in the people when they started to make references to World War III.

Perhaps such an effect would fall on deaf ears for those too young to have experienced the impact of World War II and the Cold War aftermath, but believe it or not, though the Madison Avenue marketers may have forgotten about us, we are still here.

For all intents and purposes Baby Boomers and Millennials are tied in numbers, yet Boomers control more than 50% of all wealth in America.  In 2030 when Boomers are just 17 million they will still control 45% of all wealth.

We know of the ravages of war, the wars that were never won, and the effect of tens of thousands of deaths of our brothers, friends, and neighbors.  We also know of the damage wars can cause to our national psyche.  Yes, the media are causing fear with reports of potential catastrophic deaths in South Korea and to American troops stationed at the Korean border.

Melchizedek reminds us that fear breeds more fear and collective fear manifests into reality.  Then he mentions a few other factors we may never have considered. 

Perhaps the greatest Creation in all of Creation is the amazing planet Earth we call home.  This vessel has provided all of our needs for billions of years from health to housing, food to warmth.  What have we done in return?

We test nuclear weapons, in the air and underground.  We even drop a couple on Japan, and continue to test nuclear weapons long after a test ban agreement was adopted.  In fact, according to the Arms Control Association, since the first nuclear test explosion on July 16, 1945, at least eight nations have detonated 2,056 nuclear test explosions, at dozens of test sites.  These sites are all over the globe from Lop Nor in China, to the atolls of the Pacific, to Nevada, to Algeria where France conducted its first nuclear device, to western Australia where the U.K. exploded nuclear weapons, the South Atlantic, to Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan, across Russia, and elsewhere.

Conveniently, most of the test sites are in the lands of indigenous peoples and far from the capitals of the testing governments. A large number of the early tests—528—were detonated in the atmosphere, which spread radioactive materials through the atmosphere which eventually fell to earth.  Many underground nuclear blasts have also vented radioactive material into the atmosphere and left radioactive contamination in the soil.  What about the massive amounts of radiation blown deep into the bowels of the earth through nearly 1,500 explosions?

According to Melchizedek, our scientists have been completely wrong in trying to calculate the impact of humankind on climate change and global warming.  Mining coal, oil, and uranium among other things has certainly been a lousy way to treat Mother Earth, but it is nothing compared to the devastating impact over 2,000 nuclear bombs have caused over the years.

As the radiation made its way down through the various layers from crust to hot mantles to molten core, stop right there.  There is no known answer for what lies below the surface of the earth and we are constantly discovering new things, like oceans of water hundreds of miles down.

Truth is we have no idea what is under us, how it functions, and how it might be influenced by super-heated bombs and deadly radiation.  How can we honestly make any claims about climate change when we do not even know what is going on under the very surface we walk upon.  Add to that what happens to all the hot and molten layers of sub-surface when exposed to radiation for decades.

The nuclear bomb category includes the first atomic bombs dropped on Japan.  Resulting temperatures can reach 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit compared to the 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit of molten lava under the earth.

Hydrogen bombs require 20 million degrees Fahrenheit just to generate the hydrogen reaction within the bomb.  In addition, there is the destructive power as the hydrogen bomb can be 1,000 times stronger than the atomic bomb.

We have not factored this astounding destructive effect of the 2,056 nuclear and hydrogen bomb explosions into our climate control and global warming analysis.  Melchizedek says the increase in our temperature and global warming effect is a result of the radiation seeking its way to the core of the earth where the temperature is 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

What we are experiencing, as we face and will continue to face the wrath of Mother Nature, is the cleansing of the Earth of the effects of our testing of nuclear weapons. If we are not prepared to protect our Earth, this miraculous living spirit was created to take care of itself.

Natural storms doing unnatural things are the result, until the damage has been repaired.  We can count on it taking at least another 6-12 months.  What better way to reduce the aching impact of the poison we have driven into the very core, or heart, of our host and protector, the Earth.

However, the years of damage and abuse will require a year of super storms, followed by several years of occasional super storms, before the healing will be complete.  It would not have been necessary if we did not set off the 2,056 nuclear bombs.

In 1996, negotiations on a global Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) were concluded and the treaty was opened for signature on September 24, 1996. The CTBT, which prohibits "any nuclear weapon test explosion or any other nuclear explosion" and established an international test monitoring and verification system, has not yet entered into force.

Here are the nuclear nations of the world and the number of nuclear bomb blasts they contributed to the destruction of Earth.

United States (1,030)

USSR/Russia (715 tests)

United Kingdom (45 tests)

France (210 tests)

China (45 tests)

India (3 tests)
Not a CTBT signatory.

Not a CTBT signatory.

North Korea (6 tests)
Not a CTBT signatory.

Israel (?)
Not a CTBT signatory.  Secret but estimated between 75 and 400 nuclear warheads.

Our actions today are not the cause of the unnatural natural disasters we face. With the exception of North Korea, they are the consequences for what we have done. Earth will make the necessary repairs using the gifts given to the Earth at Creation.  That is what Melchizedek says we are experiencing.

As for the eventual consequences of the North Korean threat, if they do not come to the understanding that the tests are causing the unstable and greatly increased intensity of the natural storms, they will be destroyed by earthquakes, not the USA, before World War III begins.

Melchizedek says North Korea likely will fire a H-Bomb toward the US that will explode and contaminate the Pacific Ocean with radiation.  Earth will respond with earthquakes that will destroy North Korea.

Remember, the half-life of the residue from the bombs tells how long the land will be useless.  The Hiroshima bomb used Uranium-235, while the Nagasaki bomb used Plutonium-239.  The half-life of U-235 is 700 million years, while Pu-239 is 24,000 years.  That is far too long to wait for the Earth to be cleansed.

We face a very difficult time as the Earth makes the necessary repairs to allow us to continue our path of spiritual evolution.  There will be deaths from the disasters, many, but even deaths are a chance for a soul to start over again.

What we are witnessing is the love of the Creator for all of Creation, and the omniscient of the Creator in providing healing to those creations.  This is not the wrath of God against humanity, for the forgiveness of the Creator transcends all human emotion, action, or deed, good or bad.

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Racism, Discrimination, Inequality, Judgment, or Bias - the Causes, Conditions, or Results of Something Worse?


When it comes to judging racism in America, when did MSNBC and CNN become the custodians and enforcers of racial equality in America?  For a couple of news services who operate under FCC licenses from the government you would think they have assumed the role of the Justice Department and the Courts along with prosecutor and jury.

The cable news media in America has become the Kangaroo Court of First resort for select groups of citizens though it has no Constitutional basis for such actions, it is not part of the FCC license, and there is no liability for the volumes of lies they may broadcast in order to control or manufacture news.

The phrase "rush to judgment" means ignoring the judicial process and the Constitutional safeguards inherent in our system of justice.  Our Constitution requires such a process to protect people from the abuses of unregulated justice.  It also directs that a person is innocent until proven guilty by the judicial system.

We all know our judicial system is filled with legalese doubletalk and gobble de gook in order to intimidate the public, provide jobs to our law school grads, and overload the circuits of our news media.  In this way the innocent can be convicted, the guilty can be protected, and the lawyers can join the country club.

When you add to this already rather dismal system the mouthpieces and talking heads for every non-profit (most certainly including preachers and churches) dedicated to protecting the social interests of our citizens from the predator practices of our legal institutions (law enforcement),  manipulation by our financial institutions, and discrimination by everyone else, you have a recipe for sure failure.

So, we now have our politicians, preachers, prosecutors, and press, the latter the procrastinators and perpetrators of the news media whose very jobs, ratings, and profits depend on perpetuating pipe dreams on the public.  How many special interests does it take to protect the public interest?

Excuse me, does anyone besides me see a problem here?  Polls show people do not trust these groups.  Polls show people trust anyone but these groups to accomplish anything.  So, why are the people dependent on these same groups to protect them, advise them, or speak on their behalf?

Too many of these people operate under the old theory that if you don't like or can't stand the truth, then change it.  That ancient philosophy is what has kept civilization from getting beyond the Neanderthal age all these millennia.  Sometimes it seems we have more in common with such barbarian behavior than with what one might expect from the evolution of civilization.

In short, people are fed a steady stream of lies, distortion, or misinformation to keep us apart, distrustful of different races, hateful of other religions, suspicious of motives and to convince us anyone of any other color is out to take what you got.

So, here are a few truths that may help you penetrate the fog.  First about grand juries, everyone has an opinion about them but few speak the truth.  Here is part of what New York state law says about the grand jury process.

New York State


The grand jury is an arm of the court. It is not an agent of the prosecutor or the police. A grand jury does not decide whether or not a person has been proven guilty. That is the trial jury's job. The grand jury decides whether or not a person should be formally charged with a crime or other offense. The grand jury makes that decision based on evidence presented to it by the prosecutor, who also instructs the grand jury on the law. The grand jury's decision must be based on the evidence and on the law.

In general, the grand jury makes one of three decisions:

A. The grand jury may vote to formally accuse someone of a crime. This accusation is called an “indictment,” also known as a “bill” which is short for “bill of indictment.”

B. The grand jury may vote to dismiss the charges, also known as a “no-bill.”

C. The grand jury may direct the prosecutor to file an information accusing the person of an offense less serious than a felony.

There are also rare circumstances where a grand jury recommends that a case should be sent to Family Court or where the grand jury makes a report to the court.


The use of trial juries (also called petit juries) and grand juries goes back approximately 800 years. Beginning around 1215 A.D., both types of juries were used in England. The grand jury made the formal accusation, known as a “bill of indictment” or “presentment.” The trial jury decided whether the accusation was proven.

The grand jury is included in the United States Constitution and the New York State Constitution. In New York State, a person cannot be brought to trial for a felony unless that person has been indicted by a grand jury.

The grand jury has an awesome responsibility. It uses its power both as a sword and as a shield: a sword to accuse or indict those whom there is reason to believe have committed crimes; a shield to protect the innocent against unfounded accusations.

Hum, a grand jury does not decide if a person is guilty or innocent.  A grand jury can be a sword or a shield to accuse or indict or to protect the innocent.  Don't hear many media or "experts" saying this, they just want a conviction which no grand jury can provide.

Personally, I think these tragic events taking place are not rampant racism smoldering below the surface of society but are more symptomatic of the unequal economic opportunity plaguing our nation.

First, why are cops involved in these incidents?  Are they are trying to stop criminal activity or are they enforcing stupid laws of the government.  In New York, the city and state wanted more tax revenue, so 60% of the cost of cigarettes is now taxes.  Imagine what would happen if you paid 60% of your income to corrupt governments.

Well the cigarette tax is like the gas tax, it don't care what your skin color may be or how much money you may have, it is the epitome of equality, the poor and the super rich pay exactly the same tax, even if the poor have no money, no jobs and no hope.

Therefore, unscrupulous people buy cigarettes out of state where governmental greed is not prevalent and bring them to the poor parts of town to sell them on the streets without the onerous taxes but for a fee.  Of course, the rich just send their jets to a country where there are no taxes on cigarettes to feed their addiction.

When the city needs more money to fund corruption they go after the citizens cheating on taxes and for the cost of lost cigarette tax a dead body lies on the ground.  Why did the government order the police to enforce tax collection?  Isn't that the job of tax collectors?

As for Ferguson, the entire city is trapped in economic despair, like so many parts of so many cities around the nation.  Abraham Lincoln once said all people were not equal, but all people must have equal opportunity.  They still don't.

However, unequal opportunity is not just a racial issue.  There are poor whites just like there are poor every other race.  Where poverty breeds there is attendant crime.  Those trapped in poverty are also trapped in an endless circle of crime which leads to hopelessness, which leads to envy, and then to revenge against those who have what the poor person does not have.

The effort to break the cycle of poverty has been one of very slow progress, dependent on many uncontrollable forces like the world economy, honesty in government officials, etc., etc.  The victims and the perpetrators of crimes are generally from the same race no matter what the professional mouthpieces tell you.

Contrary to what some of the mouthpieces have been saying to the media, the jails are not just filled with kids busted for petty possession of marijuana.  Many violent criminals are incarcerated, for victimizing their own people.

When our leaders get past pointing fingers and making judgment on people, and police are people too, then maybe we can get to the serious problem of creating economic opportunity, meaningful economic opportunity, and get on with solving our real problem of poverty for all races and genders.  Poverty, the underlying cause of economic inequality that results from lack of economic opportunity.  

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Black Lives Matter latest social movement hijacked by troublemakers and anarchists?


Are we ever going to learn our lesson?  The playbook for socialism, playbook for communism, and playbook for anarchism - all discuss how the establishment of citizen groups in support of popular causes should be encouraged.  Once they are established, committed anarchists will infiltrate them, and efforts will be undertaken to destroy both public institutions and support for the social causes they represent.

Such were the teachings of Karl Marx all the way back in the middle of the 19th century, then Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky in the early 20th century, and finally Hitler and Himmler in the mid-20th century.  Other despots and dictators have advocated the same infiltration methods.

Perhaps that is what happened in the Civil Rights and anti-war riots of the 1960's, the American Indian Movement of the 1970's, and now such efforts as the Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter movement of the 21st century.

In each case people had a right to protest, a right to hold peaceful demonstrations, and a right to point out flaws in our system of society.  Yet each movement saw incendiary efforts evolve that undermined the public support for the causes, divided the nation, and contributed to the cause of spreading hatred throughout the nation.

Police were assaulted, inflammatory language surfaced in crowd chants and music lyrics, and suddenly any hope for peaceful protests went up in flames along with the very neighborhoods where suffering was most obvious.  The pattern repeated itself in Ferguson, Missouri, New York City, and Baltimore, Maryland the past year.

Peaceful marches by Black Lives Matter suddenly broke out in provocative and threatening chants when they marched past police officers sent to protect them and all citizens, chants screaming, "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon" in Minneapolis.

In New York City is was, "How do you spell racist? N-Y-P-D."

Black Lives Matter claims to be "a unique contribution that goes beyond extrajudicial killings of black people by police and vigilantes" and that "Black Lives Matter affirms the lives of black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, black undocumented folks, folks with records, women and all black lives along the gender spectrum."

Toward that end protesters and protest organizers have met with President Barack Obama, and other prominent leaders to demand an end to what they view as racial profiling, police brutality, mass incarceration of African-Americans, and the militarization of many police departments in the USA.

As noted earlier, it is unfortunate that what began as peaceful protects was hijacked by radicals and militants.

In New York City protests turned into anti-police chants like - "NYPD - KKK" and "Murdering Pigs."

Protesters marching in Cleveland shouted anti-police slogans they march behind a large banner that said, "Stop murder by police."

In Houston Texas protests began chants including, "The revolution is on… Off the pigs," and "Oink Oink… Bang Bang."

Demonstrators chanting "killer cops" carry a mirrored coffin through the streets of Ferguson as 100 police in riot gear form a line to face them down.

At the same protest were heard shouts, "Killer cops, KKK, how many kids did you kill today?"

People stood in the middle of the street screaming out: "My hands on my head. Please don't shoot me dead" and "Who shuts it down? We shut it down!"

Whether it is a matter of cause and effect or something much more sinister, the result is the following:

Preliminary 2015 Law Enforcement Officer Fatalities

January 1 through September 2, 2015
January 1 through September 2, 2014

% Change
Total Fatalities
Other Causes
Please note: These numbers reflect total officer fatalities comparing
January 1 through September 2, 2015 vs. January 1 through September 2, 2014

This is according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, generally considered the most reliable database on police in the nation.  The NLEOMF also has determined there are over 900,000 state and local law enforcement officers in America.

As you can see, since the 2015 data is only through September 2, 2015, nearly four more months of data is yet to come.  Already the number of deaths is increasing from year to year.  With the murders of police in New York, Texas, Mississippi, Illinois, Nebraska, and throughout the nation, the anarchists seem to have the upper hand.

Those few high profile murders of citizens, which must be prosecuted to the fullest extent, have resulted in a higher level of risk to all 900,000 police who go about their jobs with dignity, respect for all citizens, and compassion.
