Showing posts with label hatred. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hatred. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Trapped in Alice's Wonderland - the new Reality in America - or is it? Are the Charleston SC Murders a Turning Point in American Race Relations?


In case you did not notice, I did little writing the past couple of weeks.  Fact is, I was so in awe of the developments in the world I began wondering if I had left reality and was stuck in Alice's Wonderland, where I prefer to be.

At least in Alice's world she admits nothing is as it seems.  Thus, my dilemma occurred when a whole bunch of good things started happening just as most prognosticators were predicting bad things.  Because of our negative conditioning to hearing bad or tragic news, we now put on a frown before turning in the evening newscast.

Can you believe it was not even a month ago that a young man joined a Bible Study group at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina. He was White and they were all African American.

An hour later the visitor stood up, pulled a gun, and executed nine members of the Parish including their beloved Senior Pastor and State Senator, Clementa C. Pickney.  When they caught the shooter the next day, they found a Confederate Battle flag license plate holder on his car, and a Facebook photo of him with a full size Confederate Battle flag spewing messages of hate.

Like most of the recent cases of mass killings, the shooter was also on prescription drugs for depression and the usual suspects.  Simply put, he was out of his mind, which is a known side effect from these same prescription drugs.  Makes you wonder why the drug prescriptions are not part of the investigation.

As recent as 2012 we set a record for the most mass killings in one year, but this year was different.  Several cities including St. Louis and Baltimore experienced serious rioting not seen since the late 1960's caused by police shooting African Americans.

Those psychics, channelers, and prophets who predicted we were entering a period of chaos, sort of a last warning that the Earth was ready to shift to a higher dimension or energy frequency, well they seemed to be on the mark.

Everyone from politicians to preachers, pastors to predators seemed to be going crazy simultaneously and it was a bit disconcerting if you were inclined to be open to the psychic hot lines.  A proliferation of propaganda flooded the Internet and overwhelmed the minds of those seeking truth or perfection.

Competition grew into hatred and madness erupted into murder.  People stopped respecting the right of others to disagree.  If I had been a journalist back in the Dark Ages, it would have been great preparation for what we just experienced, which came to a climax that dreaded evening of June 17.

At the same time, politicians were already spewing their own brand of hatred at each other.  Every night I would just shake my head hearing how the stated goal of most politicians was to destroy the credibility of opposing politicians.  President Obama, who often was more of a lightning rod than a healer, did not set a particularly healthy brand of leadership.

At that time when the lid was about to blow off the volcano of evil poisoning the Earth, something quite extraordinary, some described it as miraculous, overwhelmed our battle hardened media and shook the foundations of humanity.

The families of the nine victims faced the killer of their family members, and demonstrated that humanity is not all lost, as they delivered their human acts of kindness forgiving the very man who killed their loved ones barely 48 hours earlier.

Standing face-to-face through video networking with the killer, their compassion shocked the world with its message of forgiveness, of enlightenment, and a degree of grace seldom seen in the modern world.

For once in recent news media reporting the news focus was on the demonstration of grace, not the hatred and violence that motivated the murders.  Once again I say when we listen to the people, really hear them out, they demonstrate far greater wisdom than those we empower to represent them.

A band of South Carolina families brought together through grief gave us a glimpse of what a world of compassion, respect, equality, and opportunity should be.

Such an irony that the first state to secede from the Union and bring about the Civil War, and the state where the first fighting of the Civil War took place, would now be the first state to demonstrate what is missing from society and government today, GRACE.

Monday, May 04, 2015

Racism, Discrimination, Inequality, Judgment, or Bias - the Causes, Conditions, or Results of Something Worse? CPT Reprint

What is the Cable News Obsession with fanning the Racial Fires?

When is poverty seen as the perpetrator, not people?

Since when did MSNBC and CNN become the custodians and enforcers of racial equality in America?  For a couple of news services who operate under FCC licenses from the government you would think they have assumed the role of the Justice Department and the Courts along with prosecutor and jury.

The cable news media in America has become the Kangaroo Court of First resort for select groups of citizens though it has no Constitutional basis for such actions, it is not part of the FCC license, and there is no liability for the volumes of lies they may broadcast in order to control or manufacture news.

The phrase "rush to judgment" means ignoring the judicial process and the Constitutional safeguards inherent in our system of justice.  Our Constitution requires such a process to protect people from the abuses of unregulated justice.  It also directs that a person is innocent until proven guilty by the judicial system.

We all know our judicial system is filled with legalese doubletalk and gobble de gook in order to intimidate the public, provide jobs to our law school grads, and overload the circuits of our news media.  In this way the innocent can be convicted, the guilty can be protected, and the lawyers can join the country club.

When you add to this already rather dismal system the mouthpieces and talking heads for every non-profit (most certainly including preachers and churches) dedicated to protecting the social interests of our citizens from the predator practices of our legal institutions (law enforcement),  manipulation by our financial institutions, and discrimination by everyone else, you have a recipe for sure failure.

So, we now have our politicians, preachers, prosecutors, and press, the latter the procrastinators and perpetrators of the news media whose very jobs, ratings, and profits depend on perpetuating pipe dreams on the public.  How many special interests does it take to protect the public interest?

Excuse me, does anyone besides me see a problem here?  Polls show people do not trust these groups.  Polls show people trust anyone but these groups to accomplish anything.  So, why are the people dependent on these same groups to protect them, advise them, or speak on their behalf?

Too many of these people operate under the old theory that if you don't like or can't stand the truth, then change it.  That ancient philosophy is what has kept civilization from getting beyond the Neanderthal age all these millennia.  Sometimes it seems we have more in common with such barbarian behavior than with what one might expect from the evolution of civilization.

In short, people are fed a steady stream of lies, distortion, or misinformation to keep us apart, distrustful of different races, hateful of other religions, suspicious of motives and to convince us anyone of any other color is out to take what you got.

So, here are a few truths that may help you penetrate the fog.  First about grand juries, everyone has an opinion about them but few speak the truth.  Here is part of what New York state law says about the grand jury process.

New York State


The grand jury is an arm of the court. It is not an agent of the prosecutor or the police. A grand jury does not decide whether or not a person has been proven guilty. That is the trial jury's job. The grand jury decides whether or not a person should be formally charged with a crime or other offense. The grand jury makes that decision based on evidence presented to it by the prosecutor, who also instructs the grand jury on the law. The grand jury's decision must be based on the evidence and on the law.

In general, the grand jury makes one of three decisions:

A. The grand jury may vote to formally accuse someone of a crime. This accusation is called an “indictment,” also known as a “bill” which is short for “bill of indictment.”

B. The grand jury may vote to dismiss the charges, also known as a “no-bill.”

C. The grand jury may direct the prosecutor to file an information accusing the person of an offense less serious than a felony.

There are also rare circumstances where a grand jury recommends that a case should be sent to Family Court or where the grand jury makes a report to the court.


The use of trial juries (also called petit juries) and grand juries goes back approximately 800 years. Beginning around 1215 A.D., both types of juries were used in England. The grand jury made the formal accusation, known as a “bill of indictment” or “presentment.” The trial jury decided whether the accusation was proven.

The grand jury is included in the United States Constitution and the New York State Constitution. In New York State, a person cannot be brought to trial for a felony unless that person has been indicted by a grand jury.

The grand jury has an awesome responsibility. It uses its power both as a sword and as a shield: a sword to accuse or indict those whom there is reason to believe have committed crimes; a shield to protect the innocent against unfounded accusations.

Hum, a grand jury does not decide if a person is guilty or innocent.  A grand jury can be a sword or a shield to accuse or indict or to protect the innocent.  Don't hear many media or "experts" saying this, they just want a conviction which no grand jury can provide.

Personally, I think these tragic events taking place are not rampant racism smoldering below the surface of society but are more symptomatic of the unequal economic opportunity plaguing our nation.

First, why are cops involved in these incidents?  Are they are trying to stop criminal activity or are they enforcing stupid laws of the government.  In New York, the city and state wanted more tax revenue, so 60% of the cost of cigarettes is now taxes.  Imagine what would happen if you paid 60% of your income to corrupt governments.

Well the cigarette tax is like the gas tax, it don't care what your skin color may be or how much money you may have, it is the epitome of equality, the poor and the super rich pay exactly the same tax, even if the poor have no money, no jobs and no hope.

Therefore, unscrupulous people buy cigarettes out of state where governmental greed is not prevalent and bring them to the poor parts of town to sell them on the streets without the onerous taxes but for a fee.  Of course, the rich just send their jets to a country where there are no taxes on cigarettes to feed their addiction.

When the city needs more money to fund corruption they go after the citizens cheating on taxes and for the cost of lost cigarette tax a dead body lies on the ground.  Why did the government order the police to enforce tax collection?  Isn't that the job of tax collectors?

As for Ferguson, the entire city is trapped in economic despair, like so many parts of so many cities around the nation.  Abraham Lincoln once said all people were not equal, but all people must have equal opportunity.  They still don't.

However, unequal opportunity is not just a racial issue.  There are poor whites just like there are poor every other race.  Where poverty breeds there is attendant crime.  Those trapped in poverty are also trapped in an endless circle of crime which leads to hopelessness, which leads to envy, and then to revenge against those who have what the poor person does not have.

The effort to break the cycle of poverty has been one of very slow progress, dependent on many uncontrollable forces like the world economy, honesty in government officials, etc., etc.  The victims and the perpetrators of crimes are generally from the same race no matter what the professional mouthpieces tell you.

Here is a snapshot of one of our largest yet most racially balanced cities in AmericaChicago.  In the Windy City, one third of the population is white, one third is black, and one third is Hispanic.  So how does that translate into crime?

Crime is all about the lack of economic equality.  The whites have far more economic security and far less crime.  Here are the latest stats available.

Based on statistics, 96.8 percent of homicides, 93.3 percent of rapes, 96 percent of robberies, and 91.8 percent of aggravated assaults, meaning 94.5 percent of all violent crimes in Chicago, are committed by blacks and Hispanics, yet they only represent two thirds of the population.

Contrary to what some of the mouthpieces have been saying to the media, the jails are not just filled with kids busted for petty possession of marijuana.  Many violent criminals are incarcerated, for victimizing their own people.

When our leaders get past pointing fingers and making judgment on people, and police are people too, then maybe we can get to the serious problem of creating economic opportunity, meaningful economic opportunity, and get on with solving our real problem of poverty for all races and genders.  Poverty, the underlying cause of economic inequality that results from lack of economic opportunity.  

Friday, December 05, 2014

Racism, Discrimination, Inequality, Judgment, or Bias - the Causes, Conditions, or Results of Something Worse?


What is the Cable News Obsession with fanning the Racial Fires?

When is poverty seen as the perpetrator, not people?

Since when did MSNBC and CNN become the custodians and enforcers of racial equality in America?  For a couple of news services who operate under FCC licenses from the government you would think they have assumed the role of the Justice Department and the Courts along with prosecutor and jury.

The cable news media in America has become the Kangaroo Court of First resort for select groups of citizens though it has no Constitutional basis for such actions, it is not part of the FCC license, and there is no liability for the volumes of lies they may broadcast in order to control or manufacture news.

The phrase "rush to judgment" means ignoring the judicial process and the Constitutional safeguards inherent in our system of justice.  Our Constitution requires such a process to protect people from the abuses of unregulated justice.  It also directs that a person is innocent until proven guilty by the judicial system.

We all know our judicial system is filled with legalese doubletalk and gobble de gook in order to intimidate the public, provide jobs to our law school grads, and overload the circuits of our news media.  In this way the innocent can be convicted, the guilty can be protected, and the lawyers can join the country club.

When you add to this already rather dismal system the mouthpieces and talking heads for every non-profit (most certainly including preachers and churches) dedicated to protecting the social interests of our citizens from the predator practices of our legal institutions (law enforcement),  manipulation by our financial institutions, and discrimination by everyone else, you have a recipe for sure failure.

So, we now have our politicians, preachers, prosecutors, and press, the latter the procrastinators and perpetrators of the news media whose very jobs, ratings, and profits depend on perpetuating pipe dreams on the public.  How many special interests does it take to protect the public interest?

Excuse me, does anyone besides me see a problem here?  Polls show people do not trust these groups.  Polls show people trust anyone but these groups to accomplish anything.  So, why are the people dependent on these same groups to protect them, advise them, or speak on their behalf?

Too many of these people operate under the old theory that if you don't like or can't stand the truth, then change it.  That ancient philosophy is what has kept civilization from getting beyond the Neanderthal age all these millennia.  Sometimes it seems we have more in common with such barbarian behavior than with what one might expect from the evolution of civilization.

In short, people are fed a steady stream of lies, distortion, or misinformation to keep us apart, distrustful of different races, hateful of other religions, suspicious of motives and to convince us anyone of any other color is out to take what you got.

So, here are a few truths that may help you penetrate the fog.  First about grand juries, everyone has an opinion about them but few speak the truth.  Here is part of what New York state law says about the grand jury process.

New York State


The grand jury is an arm of the court. It is not an agent of the prosecutor or the police. A grand jury does not decide whether or not a person has been proven guilty. That is the trial jury's job. The grand jury decides whether or not a person should be formally charged with a crime or other offense. The grand jury makes that decision based on evidence presented to it by the prosecutor, who also instructs the grand jury on the law. The grand jury's decision must be based on the evidence and on the law.

In general, the grand jury makes one of three decisions:

A. The grand jury may vote to formally accuse someone of a crime. This accusation is called an “indictment,” also known as a “bill” which is short for “bill of indictment.”

B. The grand jury may vote to dismiss the charges, also known as a “no-bill.”

C. The grand jury may direct the prosecutor to file an information accusing the person of an offense less serious than a felony.

There are also rare circumstances where a grand jury recommends that a case should be sent to Family Court or where the grand jury makes a report to the court.


The use of trial juries (also called petit juries) and grand juries goes back approximately 800 years. Beginning around 1215 A.D., both types of juries were used in England. The grand jury made the formal accusation, known as a “bill of indictment” or “presentment.” The trial jury decided whether the accusation was proven.

The grand jury is included in the United States Constitution and the New York State Constitution. In New York State, a person cannot be brought to trial for a felony unless that person has been indicted by a grand jury.

The grand jury has an awesome responsibility. It uses its power both as a sword and as a shield: a sword to accuse or indict those whom there is reason to believe have committed crimes; a shield to protect the innocent against unfounded accusations.

Hum, a grand jury does not decide if a person is guilty or innocent.  A grand jury can be a sword or a shield to accuse or indict or to protect the innocent.  Don't hear many media or "experts" saying this, they just want a conviction which no grand jury can provide.

Personally, I think these tragic events taking place are not rampant racism smoldering below the surface of society but are more symptomatic of the unequal economic opportunity plaguing our nation.

First, why are cops involved in these incidents?  Are they are trying to stop criminal activity or are they enforcing stupid laws of the government.  In New York, the city and state wanted more tax revenue, so 60% of the cost of cigarettes is now taxes.  Imagine what would happen if you paid 60% of your income to corrupt governments.

Well the cigarette tax is like the gas tax, it don't care what your skin color may be or how much money you may have, it is the epitome of equality, the poor and the super rich pay exactly the same tax, even if the poor have no money, no jobs and no hope.

Therefore, unscrupulous people buy cigarettes out of state where governmental greed is not prevalent and bring them to the poor parts of town to sell them on the streets without the onerous taxes but for a fee.  Of course, the rich just send their jets to a country where there are no taxes on cigarettes to feed their addiction.

When the city needs more money to fund corruption they go after the citizens cheating on taxes and for the cost of lost cigarette tax a dead body lies on the ground.  Why did the government order the police to enforce tax collection?  Isn't that the job of tax collectors?

As for Ferguson, the entire city is trapped in economic despair, like so many parts of so many cities around the nation.  Abraham Lincoln once said all people were not equal, but all people must have equal opportunity.  They still don't.

However, unequal opportunity is not just a racial issue.  There are poor whites just like there are poor every other race.  Where poverty breeds there is attendant crime.  Those trapped in poverty are also trapped in an endless circle of crime which leads to hopelessness, which leads to envy, and then to revenge against those who have what the poor person does not have.

The effort to break the cycle of poverty has been one of very slow progress, dependent on many uncontrollable forces like the world economy, honesty in government officials, etc., etc.  The victims and the perpetrators of crimes are generally from the same race no matter what the professional mouthpieces tell you.

Here is a snapshot of one of our largest yet most racially balanced cities in America, Chicago.  In the Windy City, one third of the population is white, one third is black, and one third is Hispanic.  So how does that translate into crime?

Crime is all about the lack of economic equality.  The whites have far more economic security and far less crime.  Here are the latest stats available.

Based on statistics, 96.8 percent of homicides, 93.3 percent of rapes, 96 percent of robberies, and 91.8 percent of aggravated assaults, meaning 94.5 percent of all violent crimes in Chicago, are committed by blacks and Hispanics, yet they only represent two thirds of the population.

Contrary to what some of the mouthpieces have been saying to the media, the jails are not just filled with kids busted for petty possession of marijuana.  Many violent criminals are incarcerated, for victimizing their own people.

When our leaders get past pointing fingers and making judgment on people, and police are people too, then maybe we can get to the serious problem of creating economic opportunity, meaningful economic opportunity, and get on with solving our real problem of poverty for all races and genders.  Poverty, the underlying cause of economic inequality that results from lack of economic opportunity.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Race Baiting in America - The Lingering Cottage Industry

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

                                                Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
What a shame that in a nation of laws and equality one can find race baiting as a sport reaching new highs or lows depending on your perspective.

The Zimmerman trial in Florida in which a jury dismissed all charges against the defendant, George Zimmerman, ruling self-defense, has demonstrated once again how some American traditions transcend politics, time and truth.
“I have decided to stick to love...Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

                                                Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Race baiting, that age old practice of proving people are inherently prejudiced even when they are not, is alive and well.

You notice, I trust, that I did not mention discrimination or equal opportunity because while I believe we have made great progress in our history, we are far from a society when there is only one race, mankind.

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'"
                                                Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

When you have cottage industries whose purpose seems to be more oriented toward prolonging race hatred, and inciting repressed fears, than helping society as a whole work to eliminate racism against everyone, you still have a problem.

"Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away, and that in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty."
                                                Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Here in America there are two distinct groups who never hesitate to use race baiting for their own purposes.  There are the so called advocates of an issue, those self-appointed mouth pieces for the invisible oppressed and repressed Americans.

These are the parasites who feed off parasites, grasping at any straw in the wind, no matter how remote from the truth it may be, in order to prolong their own interests like foundations, fund raising, consulting fees, kickbacks and the other benefits of the great American machine of capitalism.

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word."

                                                Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Did I forget to mention the chauffeured limousines available to them, private jets on loan, significant tax deductible donations to their favorite charity?  What about the thousands of dollars in honorarium fees for speaking and the seven course gourmet dinner parties to help the super rich learn about the hatred and fear they missed in their finishing schools?
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
                                                Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
These people have often taken extremely worthwhile causes and hijacked them for their own purposes.  The pioneers of the American Civil Rights movement, people like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., gave their lives to help wipe out racism and hatred.  Today's so called leaders use racism and fear to turn people against people.  They bring shame to the memory and work of such martyrs.

As for the parasites the parasites feed off of, they are the media, whether mainstream, main street, network, cable, Internet, wire service virtual, blogs or just plain stupid.
"When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every tenement and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old spiritual, "Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last."

                                                Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Back in the 1960's when Civil Rights had a cause and purpose, the most radical advocates for and against the civil rights movement were known as hate mongers and even bomb throwers.  But they did throw bullets and bombs.

Today's mouthpieces, whether from the special interests out to protect their special interest or the lawyers who created all the victim's non-profit funds that seem to pay huge salaries to lawyers to watch over the money to the media.

"Have we not come to such an impasse in the modern world that we must love our enemies - or else?  The chain reaction of evil - hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars - must be broken, or else we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation."
                                                Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ah the media.  The only parasite class to give up all pretense of hiding the truth behind some sanctimonious purpose of serving the higher good.  No more lies about being "objective", "unbiased" or "truthful".

Today the media serves many masters and the truth is not one of them.  First and foremost in the media mind is corporate profits and profits only come from ratings in television and lies on the Internet.
It is in the best interest of the media ratings that all things good fail, all laws are subject to ridicule, any old storm must be transformed into a major natural disaster in the making, and sex sells. 

“Let no man pull you so low as to hate him.”

                                                Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The more the public is upset the higher the ratings and the more opportunity to exploit hapless victims and their families and the more victims trust funds can be created.
Of course thanks to the media packaging of trials and the public response to jury and court rulings, the on camera reporters are so lame, apparently, that they need all kinds of bogus "experts" beside them to help hype the lies being spun to gain more viewers, higher ratings, and more advertising revenue.

Why have the very institutions whose people helped bring well deserved recognition to Dr. King now employed people and tactics that have sold out the very principles Dr. King stood for in the name of racial equality?

“Now there is a final reason I think that Jesus says, "Love your enemies." It is this: that love has within it a redemptive power. And there is a power there that eventually transforms individuals. Just keep being friendly to that person. Just keep loving them, and they can’t stand it too long. Oh, they react in many ways in the beginning. They react with guilt feelings, and sometimes they’ll hate you a little more at that transition period, but just keep loving them. And by the power of your love they will break down under the load. That’s love, you see. It is redemptive, and this is why Jesus says love. There’s something about love that builds up and is creative. There is something about hate that tears down and is destructive. So love your enemies.
                                                Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Fear and hatred empower racism and no one advocates fear and hatred more than the parasites who use human capital to make money.  They share the Greed Masters Hall of Infamy in American culture.

Did you know that the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of the pioneers of the Civil Rights movement, has named 31 people as martyrs in the civil rights history of America.  Of the 31 there were 8, or 25%, who were white ranging from housewives to ministers to college students to plain old people.

Here is a sampling of the martyrs who gave their lives for others.
Southern Poverty Law Center

Civil Rights Martyrs

May 7, 1955 · Belzoni, Mississippi
Rev. George Lee, one of the first black people registered to vote in Humphreys County, used his pulpit and his printing press to urge others to vote. White officials offered Lee protection on the condition he end his voter registration efforts, but Lee refused and was murdered.

September 30, 1962 · Oxford, Mississippi
Paul Guihard, a reporter for a French news service, was killed by gunfire from a white mob during protests over the admission of James Meredith to the University of Mississippi.

April 23, 1963 · Attalla, Alabama
William Lewis Moore, a postman from Baltimore, was shot and killed during a one-man march against segregation. Moore had planned to deliver a letter to the governor of Mississippi urging an end to tolerance.

June 12, 1963 · Jackson, Mississippi
Medgar Evers, who directed NAACP operations in Mississippi, was leading a campaign for integration in Jackson when he was shot and killed by a sniper at his home.
September 15, 1963 · Birmingham, Alabama
Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson and Cynthia Wesley were getting ready for church services when a bomb exploded at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, killing all four of the school-age girls. The church had been a center for civil rights meetings and marches.

April 7, 1964 · Cleveland, OhioRev. Bruce Klunder was among civil rights activists who protested the building of a segregated school by placing their bodies in the way of construction equipment. Klunder was crushed to death when a bulldozer backed over him.

June 21, 1964 · Philadelphia, Mississippi
James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Henry Schwerner, young civil rights workers, were arrested by a deputy sheriff and then released into the hands of Klansmen who had plotted their murders. They were shot, and their bodies were buried in an earthen dam.
March 11, 1965 · Selma, Alabama
Rev. James Reeb, a Unitarian minister from Boston, was among many white clergymen who joined the Selma marchers after the attack by state troopers at the Edmund Pettus Bridge. Reeb was beaten to death by white men while he walked down a Selma street.

March 25, 1965 · Selma Highway, Alabama
Viola Gregg Liuzzo, a housewife and mother from Detroit, drove alone to Alabama to help with the Selma march after seeing televised reports of the attack at the Edmund Pettus Bridge. She was driving marchers back to Selma from Montgomery when she was shot and killed by a Klansmen in a passing car.

June 10, 1966 · Natchez, Mississippi
Ben Chester White, who had worked most of his life as a caretaker on a plantation, had no involvement in civil rights work. He was murdered by Klansmen who thought they could divert attention from a civil rights march by killing a black person.

February 8, 1968 · Orangeburg, South Carolina
Samuel Ephesians Hammond Jr., Delano Herman Middleton and Henry Ezekial Smith were shot and killed by police who fired on student demonstrators at the South Carolina State College campus.

April 4, 1968 · Memphis, Tennessee
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a Baptist minister, was a major architect of the Civil Rights Movement. He led and inspired major non-violent desegregation campaigns, including those in Montgomery and Birmingham. He won the Nobel peace prize. He was assassinated as he prepared to lead a demonstration in Memphis.
Viola Liuzzo family
"I want to be the white man's brother, not his brother-in-law."
                                                Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

1.  an industry whose labor force consists of family units or individuals working at home with their own equipment
2.  a small and often informally organized industry
3.  a limited but enthusiastically pursued activity or subject cottage industry for feminist academics — Wendy Kaminer