Showing posts with label electromagnetic waves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label electromagnetic waves. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 04, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - Mother Earth, Turtle Island, Gaia or just plain Home - God's Gift to Us!

Miraculous – Magical – Mysterious – Mythical
Majestic – Magnificent

One of God’s Gifts to Us

Gifts from Our Creator
©Jim Putnam
(words and music)

How can we look around
say that is yours and this is mine
The land, the sea, the air
they all withstood the test of time

What gives us the right
to put up fences and build walls
Lock people in, lock people out
it should not be that way at all

For the gifts from our Creator Father spirit long ago
Were given to us for all man to share to help us know
That when the final age of man is gone the lights have all gone out
It matters not how much you took but what you gave to those about

How can we go on and poison
water, land and air
Strip the Earth of all God’s gifts
don’t we even care

We’ve shown that we can’t get along
after all these years
Sometimes think the rains we feel
are spirits shedding tears

 For the gifts from our Creator Father spirit long ago
Were given to us for all man to share to help us know
That when the final age of man is gone the lights have all gone out
It matters not how much you took but what you gave to those about

I was inspired to write that song after many meetings with the Hopi spiritual leaders in Arizona.  It was what I felt as an outsider thinking about how the Hopi might react to what we have done to Mother Earth.

Ironically, the Hopi, who are charged with protecting Mother Earth from humans, do not share my concerns.  To the secretive and mysterious Hopi what we have done was predicted by ancient prophecy which must be fulfilled in order for all of us to spiritually evolve.

Mother Earth was a gift from Father Creator for all to share in harmony with nature.  Earth provided people with food, shelter, warmth, water, and vast open spaces to live in harmony with the plant and animal kingdoms.  We were also given herbs and other natural treatments to keep us from getting sick.

Various species would come and go as Earth changed over the millions and billions of years it has been here.  Humans have been here most of Earth’s existence but we are not native to Earth, we were created and placed here by God, making us the first alien inhabitants.  Of course, we were given the means to recreate so in time we would populate the world.

Yet take a good look at the history of the world and humans have played a disproportionate role in causing problems.  Prophets and prophecies of both Native and migrating cultures predicted many of the conditions we face today, and by and large they were caused by people, not the planet or nature.

Weather cycles take place with or without people, as there have been four previous Ice Ages, three before humans existed according to science.  However, the impact of humans on weather patterns and cycles can be instrumental in changing the weather conditions and breaking the weather cycles.

For example, this past year the weather performance has been so convoluted that weather anomalies have become the standard rather than the oddity.  Earthquakes were far more intense, hurricanes were more devastating with storms doing abnormal things, while floods and fires broke records during times when they were supposed to be dormant.

Once again this year we faced record early floods in the Midwest United States, tornadoes have already started killing people, the flood and fire dangers are even greater, and every month new records are set for unseasonably hot or cold temperatures.  Siberia, of all places, had a 100 degree rise in temperatures due to a split vortex in the Arctic.

Undetected comets have crashed to the Earth while volcanoes like the monstrous Yellowstone Super volcano have experienced swarms of steadily increasing earthquakes, what many believe is a precursor of a giant eruption.

So, is Mother Nature angry, or is God punishing us for failing to live in harmony with the Earth?

I prefer to listen to the Hopi and the Melchizedek prophecies when it comes to the past and future and both sources are in somewhat agreement.  Many of these natural anomalies are indeed caused by actions of humans, some recent and some in our past.

Make no mistake, both the Hopi and Melchizedek said Mother Earth is a miraculous work of creation and will take care of itself.  It is a living life force with a spirit and soul like most of creation and no matter how destructive, how disrespectful, how possessive we may become with our Earth, it can and will take care of itself.

The Earth is a creation machine, recreating and repairing itself whether damage came from human greed or cosmic meteors.  It has been doing this for over 13 billion years.  In recent years the arms programs, space exploration, mining techniques, and the ever-present electromagnetic waves created by human devices have done their damage.

We poisoned the Earth with deadly radiation from over 2,000 nuclear explosions since 1945 yet earth still absorbs, and processes the deadly radiation before spitting it back out through volcanic eruptions, fissure discharges, earthquakes, and other tools available to Earth to repair itself.

Our neglect has an impact, and it has consequences, not just on earth but throughout the galaxy and should we cause too much damage it may become necessary for the God or Gods to send in aliens to help repair the damage to earth caused by the first aliens, us, to habitat this planet.

Polarization controls our creation, when things become out of balance, changes must be made.  We are in such a time right now.  Technology, like everything else human, is subject to the will of the inventor.  Technology can be good, and technology can be bad.  It can save people from formerly inoperable diseases, yet it can murder hundreds or thousands of people in a single flash.

Why is it we choose to continue to disrespect Mother Earth and expect no consequences for our actions?  When Mother Earth strikes back with a vengeance it is not the response of an angry or vengeful God, but the survival instincts of one of God’s most miraculous of all creations, Mother Earth.

Pray for Mother Earth that she can continue to protect and provide for us and pray for humanity to stop the senseless destruction of the gifts of our Creator.  The time is at hand.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - Another Warning - How Vulnerable are we to Solar Disruption?

Reprint of a 2017 article - the threat still remains!!!  We have been forewarned of many weather anomalies by Melchizedek over the recent years in which natural disasters from hurricanes to floods, cyclones to tornadoes, have shattered historical records.

These massive outbreaks are natural actions taken by the planet Earth to correct the needs of the Earth as host to the humans and other species.  More prophecies are being compiled right now regarding our immediate future but one we seriously dismiss may be the greatest threat.  There is always a chance for a massive solar storm.  This is what we might expect from it.

A massive solar storm could wipe out almost all of our modern technology without warning

·                                  Rafi Letzter

Manhattanhenge is coming. On May 30, the sun's rays will stream dramatically down the avenues of New York City's central borough. For New Yorkers used to sunsets hidden behind brick and steel canyons, it will be an awesome reminder of the sun's beauty and power.
When the sun puts its power on display, we often can't see it all or predict it in advance. But the effects can be world-changing.
The last truly massive display of Sol's power happened in 1859, when an invisible wave crashed into the Earth.
Electrons, swept up like so much detritus in the magnetic current, coursed along telegraph wires. When they met an obstacle, like the hand of a telegraph operator, they crashed through it — delivering a sharp shock.
Papers in telegraph offices caught fire. Operators found that even if telegraphs weren't connected to power, the giddy subatomic stream could carry messages over vast distances. Lights danced in the sky.
It was the largest solar storm ever recorded. If it happened today, it would jeopardize global telecommunications, knock out orbiting satellites, and threaten to kill astronauts.
We'd have some warning, as instruments all over the world and in space now monitor the sun every second of the day. But even at the speed of light, a massive solar flare's telltale flash of radiation would leave humanity between just a few minutes and — if we were very lucky — a day to prepare for the wave of charged particles surging toward us through space.
Amazingly, in 1859, before all that monitoring equipment was put in place, an astronomer spotted the flare before the storm reached Earth.
Carrington's observation. The figures labeled A and B represent the flare. 

At 11:18 a.m. on September 1, the English astronomer Richard Carrington stood in his private observatory recording sunspots on an image of the sun projected through his telescope onto a small screen.
"Two patches of intensely bright and white light broke out," he wrote in his report, "Description of a Singular Appearance seen in the Sun," for the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
"My first impression was that by some chance a ray of light had penetrated a hole in the screen attached to the object-glass, by which the general image is thrown into shade, for the brilliancy was fully equal to that of direct sunlight," he wrote.
The next morning before sunrise, "skies all over planet Earth erupted in red, green, and purple auroras so brilliant that newspapers could be read as easily as in daylight," according to NASA. "Indeed, stunning auroras pulsated even at near tropical latitudes over Cuba, the BahamasJamaicaEl Salvador, and Hawaii."
Spacewalking astronauts might have only minutes after the first flash of light to find shelter. ... Their spacecraft would probably have adequate shielding; the key would be getting inside in time.
In the (mostly) preelectric world of 1859, most of humanity experienced the storm as little more than a strange light show — if they were even awake to see it. And aside from a few smarting fingers, it doesn't seem to have harmed anyone in the long term.
As our world has become more reliant on electronics in the last century and a half, we've had few glimpses of the potential dangers of solar storms to our new infrastructure. Since 1972, NASA has recorded three instances of solar storms significantly disrupting daily life.
The latest example was in 2005, when X-rays from a solar flare disrupted satellite-to-ground communication and the GPS system for about 10 minutes — threatening satellite-guided air, sea, and land travel.
But none of those storms come close to the scale of the 1859 monster, known as the Carrington Event.
If a Carrington Event happened today, the world likely would have to deal with the simultaneous loss of GPS, cellphone reception, and much of the power grid. The global aircraft fleet might have to coordinate an unprecedented mass grounding without satellite guidance. Unguarded electronic infrastructure could fail outright.
We'd all have to wait — at least in the short term — for tomorrow's newspaper to come out to learn details of the aftermath.
"Humans in space would be in peril, too," NASA wrote. "Spacewalking astronauts might have only minutes after the first flash of light to find shelter from energetic solar particles following close on the heels of those initial photons. Their spacecraft would probably have adequate shielding; the key would be getting inside in time."
The best available estimates suggest a modern Carrington Event would cost humanity $1 trillion to $2 trillion in the first year and take another four to 10 years to achieve full recovery. A 2007 NASA estimate found that the damage to the satellite fleet would cost between $30 billion and $70 billion.
Fortunately, Carrington Event-level storms seem pretty rare, occurring perhaps once in 500 years. But we have no reliable way of predicting when the next one could happen. So this Manhattanhenge, enjoy the sunset — but remember its deadly power.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Conversations with Melchizedek – Suppose Divine Intervention wiped out the Internet – could you survive?

Does a Solar Eclipse have Supernatural Implications?
Have we been lied to again?

As if the polarization, the hatred running rampant, the building of walls and silencing of opposing views have reach a point where the future of the people of Earth is no longer assured, could Divine intervention bring the world as we know it to a halt?

Free will, free choice, individual freedom, and a right to privacy have all been willingly discarded by our governments or those controlling our governments over the past decade and have been eroding for many decades more.

In the name of “national security” rights have been trampled upon and those exposing such actions have been castigated as whistleblowers and traitors.  Even the news media has been aggressive in misdirecting the attention from the slavery of security to the folly of politics, completely ignoring far greater harms being done to people.

What makes us think we are immune from the Creator using divine intervention to bring the people of Earth back into balance, correcting the current class warfare and correcting the imbalance of justice we face.  Make no mistake, when morale and ethical decay dominate our leaders and the watchdog media, we are disturbing the will of the Creator.

Just for a moment, imagine what might happen if the current deplorable state of world and national affairs including the obvious breakdown of institutions through corruption has sent our planet into a tailspin toward the Dark Side where slavery rules and rules are meant to be broken.

If this were your Creation would you let it run amok?

What if there was a convergence of critical celestial events combined with the quite obvious spiritual warnings of the dangers we face, and they were real?

Here is what stares us in the face.

1.     A solar eclipse last August 21 with a path across the entire United States that last happened 99 years earlier.  Planet X, or Nibiru, appears behind the Sun on the same day in direct alignment with the Earth, an event last recorded when Jesus died on the Cross and the entire Earth shook and thunder exploded around the world casting the entire planet in light.  That was the night of the crucifixion of Jesus.

3.     The Holy Mother Mary began warning the world at Fatima 100 years ago we face grave and deadly consequences if we did not take certain spiritual steps to save the earth, steps we have failed to take.
4.     Did we ignore multiple warnings from prophets and seers, scientists and metaphysical entities that earth is on the precipice of major frequency changes with a potential result of magnetic polar reversal, a halt in the earth’s rotation resulting in half of the earth spending days in darkness before the planet restarts, with a consequence of disrupting the electrical grid.

5.     Have we gone so far beyond safety warning of the saturation of earth with human produced electro-magnetic waves from computers, smart phones, Wifi, and smart TVs among the millions of products now generating such waves, that we have created a shield around the earth that blocks the electro-magnetic waves of Creation necessary to nurture Mother earth.

6.     Has the spiritual evolution of humankind fallen into such disarray that due to the moral and ethical breakdown and the polarization of hatred among our peoples we have lost our moral compass and become willing victims of the Dark Side?

7.     Is the cumulative effect of all these disparate actions cause for Divine intervention to wake up the world as the battle between good and evil spills over from the Heavens to Earth causing massive disruption and destruction through a series of intense natural disasters at a scale never before witnessed resulting in serious damage and disruption to the internet and all those smart phone users when texting, messaging, applications, and information from weather to news are no longer available.

Are you ready to lose your source of knowledge, information, social contact, and thinking and face a future where your initiative and imagination alone are necessary to survive?

If you are among the 50% of the population of America on anti-depressant and other prescription drugs and trending toward opioid addiction what will happen to you when the drugs are no longer available and the distribution network is disrupted.  Will the result be an explosion in mental breakdowns, suicides, and senseless murders by freaked out addicts?

I hope it is not the world we will face in the immediate future but I believe the collective fear of humanity powered by the polarization and hatred it generates could manifest itself in these ways.  Thus, the only solution to find the truth will be spiritual intervention, not to punish the people of earth but to stop the people of earth from self-destructing.

What if, you are wrong about the eclipse, it is not just another natural event providing entertainment to the masses, and the Creator and His Son Jesus are not going to allow the masses to become even more enslaved to the machines of artificial intelligence.  Are you prepared for a world that can be transformed overnight by the simple loss of the Internet and electro-magnetic machines created by man?

I suspect nearly everyone has thought that this can not possibly be the world our Creator wanted us to experience, something is wrong, people are living in fear, and it must be stopped.  Are you ready to seek the truth?  Stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Melchizedek Internet Warning Heard by Father of Internet - Censorship and Control dominate Creativity and Imagination


The father of the world wide web is one disappointed dad
 David Lumb,Engadget

The father of the world wide web is one disappointed dad

Today is the World Wide Web's 29th birthday, and to celebrate the occasion, its creator has told us how bad it's become. In an open letter appearing in The Guardian, Tim Berners-Lee painted a bleak picture of the current internet -- one dominated by a handful of colossal platforms that have constricted innovation and obliterated the rich, lopsided archipelago of blogs and small sites that came before. It's not too late to change, Lee wrote, but to do so, we need a dream team of business, tech, government, civil workers, academics and artists to cooperate in building "the web we all want."

Lee reserves his biggest criticisms for the huge platforms -- by implication, Facebook and Google, among others -- that have come to dominate their spheres and effectively become gatekeepers. They "control which ideas and opinions are seen and shared," Lee wrote, pointing out that they're able to impede competition by creating barriers. "They acquire startup challengers, buy up new innovations and hire the industry's top talent. Add to this the competitive advantage that their user data gives them and we can expect the next 20 years to be far less innovative than the last."
Centralizing the web like this has lead to serious problems, like when an Amazon Web Services outage took down a chunk of internet services over a week ago -- ironically, nearly a year to the day after another similar web-crippling incident on AWS. But bottlenecking the internet through a handful of platforms has also enabled something more sinister: The weaponization of the internet. From trending conspiracy theories all the way up to influencing American politics using hundreds of fake social media accounts, outside actors have been able to maximize their manipulation efforts thanks to a far more centralized internet than we used to have, in Lee's opinion.

These companies are ill-equipped to work for social benefit given their focus on profit -- and perhaps could use some regulation. "The responsibility – and sometimes burden – of making these decisions falls on companies that have been built to maximise profit more than to maximise social good. A legal or regulatory framework that accounts for social objectives may help ease those tensions," wrote Lee.

You know who could fix the future of the internet? Us, of course -- a group of individuals from a broad cross-section of society who can outthink the hegemony of colossal internet corporations who are mostly fine with things as they are. Incentives could be the key to motivating new solutions, Lee concluded.

But there's another problem that business can't really solve: Closing the digital gap by getting the unconnected onto the internet. These are more likely to be female, poor, geographically remote and/or living outside of the first world. Bringing them into the fold will diversify voices on the internet and be, well, a moral thing to do now that the UN has decided internet access is a basic human right. But it'll take more than inventive business models to get them online and up to speed: We'll have to support policies that bring the internet to them over community networks and/or public access.

  • This article originally appeared on Engadget.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Melchizedek Prophecy - Weather Anomalies - Is this solar explosion another example hitting March 18?

We have tried to keep you informed of serious weather anomalies as predicted by Melchizedek.  As continuing record highs and lows continue in the USA along with strange storms on the east coast  could this be the latest example?

Many previous articles have focused on the potential impact of a properly aimed sunspot as it explodes on the Sun.  Other articles have discussed the spiritual concerns over the creation of the "Spider Web" of electromagnetic waves created by humans that are now blocking the essential naturally healing EM waves from the Sun.

Melchizedek has warned our proliferation of EM wave generating technologies, from smartphones to wifi to GPS, are preventing Earth from receiving the natural energy necessary to continue the healing and regeneration of the Earth.  If we cannot stop it the spirits will!

Upcoming Magnetic Storm Might Keep You Up At Night
NASA and Russian scientists warn the sun is reaching Solar Maximum.

Russian Story
Mar 11, 2018

Back up your data. Put a map in the glove department and, if you have vinyl and a turntable, or a transistor radio, you might want to break them out too. Oh and you might want to get some sleep. The Russian Academy of Sciences issued a report that an enormous geomagnetic storm will hit Earth on March 18.

The Russian scientists claim the coming storm may cause headaches and dizziness in people across the world. While there is no fear, at this time, that the disturbance will reach the capacity to affect power lines, it will disturb some people’s sleep.
Intense solar events send high levels of radiation, which interacts with our planet’s magnetosphere. “A geomagnetic storm is a major disturbance of Earth's magnetosphere that occurs when there is a very efficient exchange of energy from the solar wind into the space environment surrounding Earth,” according to the Space Weather Prediction Center’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “The largest storms that result from these conditions are associated with solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) where a billion tons or so of plasma from the sun, with its embedded magnetic field, arrives at Earth.”
The Sun has been very active lately. This will be the third storm this year to reach Earth. The first took place on January 15th. On February 19, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory Satellite captured a solar flare releasing a coronal mass ejection big enough to interfere with radio communications, GPS signals, flight plans, national security and other electronics. The recent activity is the beginning of the upcoming solar maximum, which is due to peak in the next couple of years.
An unusually large CME happened on July 23, 2012, that had the capability of disrupting power grids. It missed the Earth by a margin of about nine days. The biggest solar storm on record was the Carrington Event, which hit Earth's magnetosphere on September 1–2, 1859. It occurred during a solar maximum about the same size as the one the earth is currently entering, according to NASA. The Carrington event damaged electric equipment like telegraph stations across the globe. Telegraph operators reported the storm caused sparks to shoot out of the equipment.  Northern lights could be seen as far south as Hawaii and Cuba and the northern United States. Southern lights were reported as far north as Chile.
The Laboratory of X-Ray Astronomy of the Sun is a subdivision of the Spectroscopy department in the Lebedev Institute of the Russian Academy of Science. Beginning in 1947, it caught the first X-ray image of the Sun in 1963. It is Russia’s leading design and construction center for space telescopes for solar research.