Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House before the dark days of Pelosi, back when the Republicans were in control, expressed his disgust with the present direction of the good old Republican party this week. Funny, I thought they just lost their compass.

Then he expressed his disgust with the direction of the Democrats and their agenda of socialism for the country. Of course if the minority party of Republicans does it's thing in Congress it can still block Obama and the Democratic Socialist Party from overthrowing the Constitution and having their way.

After trashing both parties he said if things didn't change he was going to start a new third party. Now that is an interesting possibility. Hello Newt, hello Obama and hello Pelosi, there is already a third party and it is already bigger than either of the grand old parties.

Here in America we call the disenfranchised voters Independents. They know that other than the right wing fringe versus the socialist fringe behind the two political parties there is really no difference between them. There is no room in the Independents for a Newt, a Fig Newton, or any other kind of Newt.
Independents are a strange breed. They expect honesty, common sense and a devotion to individual liberty in their politicians. That must be why they skipped both parties to be an Independent, couldn't find what they were looking for in them.

They expect a politician to keep his promises, mind the budget and meet the basic needs of the people. Again there is little of any of those things in the present parties. They expect a lot more from their elected representatives and that is why they are in neither party, the Independents know they won't find it there.

It is time for a third party, because it is time that one third of the people be recognized. Just give us the same rights as the two political parties and we will show you how to unite people, rather than buy them off.