Showing posts with label New World Order. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New World Order. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Obama Stops Drilling Again - Continues to Ignore Public Will - Is this the New World Order?


In spite of the fact the US Courts have ruled that a ban on all deep water drilling is not a legal response to the BP oil leak, Obama continues to try and use regulations to circumvent the court. In spite of his so called Constitutional Law background, he has established a pattern of using executive orders and regulatory law to circumvent the Constitution, Congress and Courts, a practice long detested by the public.

You would think he did not have Democratic control of the Congress in mind when he makes his supreme decisions to block Gulf oil drilling, or attempt to block the Arizona Immigration law. He has already used the EPA to issue emission regulations Congress refused to approve. He used an executive order to establish a Debt Commission the Senate refused to approve. He used executive orders to force union participation and wages on public projects, even in non-union states, which significantly increased the cost of the public works budgets.

It is almost as if he is practicing for being President of the New World Order where every government on Earth is superseded by a higher and more powerful entity. Heaven forbid if he is still trying to implement the Rothschild and Goldman Sachs dream of a worldwide socialistic system beholden to the dark and all powerful forces of a secret cartel using politicians as puppets, governments as their labor force, national banks as their personal bank accounts and control of the money supply to demand loyalty to the New World Order.

Over 225 years ago we were first warned by our forefathers of the dangers of a central and international banking cartel and the power they could hold over all governments and freedom. In the late 1700's the first attempt to control the US Treasury was successfully made by the Rothschilds and it was not until President Andrew Jackson forced it out of business that the USA controlled it's destiny. Such was the power of the international banking community that there was an assassination attempt on President Jackson.

By the time of the Civil War and Lincoln the international banks again made an effort to control the USA through money and arms sales, supplying both the Union and Confederate causes with money and guns. When Lincoln resisted the international cartel and their demands for outrageous interest on the loans and he received the help and backing of the Czar of Russia both Lincoln and the Czar were assassinated.

Other presidents opposed the gold standard manipulation and establishment of a federal bank and some lost their lives, others were forced from office. Finally the Federal Reserve was quietly established in the midst of a Congressional recess by Woodrow Wilson and the springboard for international control of the USA was in place.

To this day the Federal Reserve continues to print our money, without our regulation, without even an audit of what the Fed is doing to use our money to help other international causes which we may or may not agree with. With Obama spending our way into bankruptcy, the national debt is now expected to hit $14 trillion next year, and his efforts to undermine the congress and courts through his legal challenges, regulatory policy and executive orders, it is almost as if his agenda has nothing to do with protecting the USA or the integrity of the Constitution.

For those of you who doubt the enormous power of the international banking cartel or the House of Rothschild that controls the world economy, I am running once again an article I wrote about the history of the international banks and Rothschilds to remind us of what they have already accomplished. Look at their tactics and strategies and see if the USA under Obama is not playing right in to the financial traps they have set.

The massive Obama policy agenda and the radical swing toward socialism inherent in much of the policy has been rejected by the people, yet the administration has continued to defy the public will and continues to use regulatory actions and odd lawsuits to keep implementing the big government, huge deficits and massive increase in national debt.

Our Constitutional freedoms are not merely being challenged by this administration, they are being recklessly attacked on multiple fronts in spite of the public opposition. Someone inside the White House knows that our congress has been compromised by campaign money and greed and is in no position to defend the people from this assault on our freedoms. Congress has neither the guts nor the desire to fight for us. Do you?

Watch for the reprint of The Trillionaires Delight in the Coltons Point Times for the background on this issue.


Tuesday, February 02, 2010

White House Aides Hit Airways as Obama Budget Hits America


You always know when the president or congress are trying to pull a fast one on the public. There are two tactics that indicate a major deception is underway. One is if they release information Friday night, after the work week, after the news deadlines, after the people are out for the evening, and when the top reporters have the night off. A second is if they send a herd of babbling politicians and spokespeople out to blanket the news media to super-pitch a new idea, policy, strategy or something to the public.

My common sense rule is if they need to send out the pitchmen then something in the deal smells. If an idea can't stand on it's own merit, if it needs a constant explanation from politicians, if the public just can't get it, then something must be wrong with it. You've heard Obama and his White House gang lament over and over how health care is too complicated for the public, they didn't understand it enough, or they were misled by misinformation from the opposing side.

In Iowa vernacular, that is defined as hogwash. For those of you not growing up in Iowa the definition of hogwash is a noun 1. refuse given to hogs; swill, 2. any worthless stuff, 3. meaningless or insincere talk, writing, etc.; nonsense; bunk.

The Obama budget is a masterpiece in worthless junk and probably doesn't even make a good doorstop. Let me cut through the crap and give you a capsule overview. The Obama budget is the death knell of our nation as we know it.

The assumptions are from the same prognosticators who told us a year ago the unemployment rate would remain below 8%. The same voodoo high priests who told us the Obama stimulus bill would actually stimulate something. The same fortune tellers who said the bank, insurance, auto and Wall Street bailouts were in the public interest.

Near as I can tell the Obama budget may or may not say the nation will be bankrupt in about 10 years. It might say record setting deficit spending, all Bush's fault mind you, will set a record about every six months and the national debt will most likely have to be updated every day. Here is what it looks like updated in real time. Copy and paste the following link for a real scare.

While entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare make up much of the budget there will be no proposals to reduce the cost, eliminate fraud and reduce overhead unless we agree to spend another trillion dollars on health care. If they know we have $5 billion in legal fees for paying off attorneys and another $500 million a year in fraud why not get rid of the problems?

There will be no revenue streams for new money for the government yet we could become energy independent and make money for the government if we drilled for oil and natural gas reserves and encouraged new, more efficient ways to extract them from our land, not foreign countries.

While we have incentives for new energy systems in cars, which work but the car will cost about $60,000 -$100,000, there are no incentives for car companies to make the current internal combustion engine more efficient. We already know the current oil powered engine can be 80% more efficient, thus extending the life of available oil reserves by possibly over 100 years. That would make it long after the current deficit crisis is over and we would continue to have tax revenues from oil. If Obama gets us to convert to non-oil sources how will he make up the billions more in lost tax revenue? Under the Obama cap and trade program the private, Wall Street investors will make the money, not the government. Gored by Gore again.

Anyway, it is great to hear so many Administration non-economists and professional apologists hit the airways and be interviewed by a news media with less expertise, understanding or comprehension of the disastrous consequences of increasing deficits and national debt. White House aides Axelrod or Gibbs being interviewed by a news media White House correspondent is like asking Julia Child for help with football strategy. And anyone in their right mind even thinking of interviewing VP Joe Biden, the godfather of the credit card industry, on the fairness of Obamanomics is, well, insane. Just ask MSNBC.

Let's face it, Obama's Treasury Secretary did not even know Goldman Sachs and a bevy of tainted banks would get $60 billion from AIG when the White House bailed them out. If they can't even keep track of $60 billion how can they know about trillions? Or did they really know about the $60 billion? Come to think of it, when Congress held the hearings spanking the little butts of the big banks for stealing all that money from us, why didn't anyone ask if the president knew about the deal?

This budget cannot even be financed, the deficit side that is, when China and Russia are the largest purchasers of our debt and the Obama administration has infuriated both of them with our haphazard approach to foreign policy.

As I study this maze of governmental gobbledygook it reminds me of the annual National Enquirer report on fortune tellers and psychics telling us everything that will happen in the next year as far as the enlightened ones are concerned. Our White House and Congress seemed to be filled with soothsaying enlightened ones and I say it is time to turn out the lights!

Finally, if I were an advocate of conspiracy theories I would say Obama, the Rothschild's very own Chosen One, has finally figured out a way to make America subservient to the New World Order as bankrupting our nation would make us hostages to the international shadow world ending a 200 year quest by the Illuminati to get control of the US Treasury.

I guess this is really what we should expect when we get a new administration with all that experience. But then conspiracy theories are not real, are they?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Obama, Rothschild's "Chosen One" Closer to being President of New World Order


Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize - New World Order Presidential Campaign Underway

There is nothing that makes any sense about this award to the new president of the US. Neither his friends nor enemies, advocates or opponents can find any logical reason for the Nobel Peace Prize to be given to someone who just took office. Even the stated reasons by the Nobel Committee lack substance as no one has ever been awarded this prize for promises yet to be fulfilled.

One wonders what the founder of the Nobel prizes, Alfred Nobel, would think about the award were he alive today. Then again, when a Swedish inventor and businessman has spent his lifetime making weapons of mass destruction then moves to Norway to retire and set up the Nobel Foundation the whole idea of a Nobel Peace prize seems a bit stretched.

Alfred, who patented dynamite and nitroglycerin in the 1800's and whose family went to Russia and got into the arms and oil business under the Czar could be responsible for more deaths in all the ensuing wars than anyone in history. The Nobel prizes were an attempt to change his legacy from a master of weapons of mass destruction to a person devoted to Peace and science.

Yet the Nobel family never achieved the level of financial success they expected because they attempted to take on the strongest arms dealers and oil barons of the 19th century, the House of Rothschild. Before the Rothschild family was through with them they lost the oil business and Alfred wound up with just $245 million in his estate from the arms deals, a mere pittance of the billions of dollars generated over the years.

The Rothschild's, with the Rockefellers who they also financed, stopped the Nobels cold in Russia in their efforts to control the world oil production. When the Nobels tried to break into the arms market in Europe where war was an economic tool for the international financiers they were also stopped by the House of Rothschild who already controlled the arms markets on both sides of the European wars.

Back in the 1800's, after gaining control of European banking, the oil and diamond market, and even the cotton market the House of Rothschild moved into the American oil, steel and railroad markets but it was not until Woodrow Wilson came to their aid with the Federal Reserve Bank early in the 20th Century that they were able to get a foothold into the American economy like they did in Europe.

Patiently they have used wars and debt to take control of the US economy and now are positioned to bankrupt the American economy at any moment. It is all part of the plan conceived long ago by the family and their secret investment strategy to eliminate all governments of the world and have a single source for money under a New World Order.

For over 200 years the Rothschild family has been laying the foundation to achieve their dream and using organizations like the Illuminati and others to do the work. But now we are approaching the culmination of their dream, when they actually control the international banking community, and can manipulate the end of independence, end of competition and end of sovereign nations folding them into the New World Order.

Arranging for Obama to get the Nobel Peace Prize further elevated his status in the international community, a movement that has been building since his German trip during the election campaign. His popularity worldwide is much higher than in America and his agenda toward eliminating all world problems is a lot more popular than his domestic efforts.

Could it be that the dreaded year of 2012, the year the Mayan calendar ends and that all psychics and religions are talking about, is really the time of the transformation to the New World Order? Ironically it would be the end of Obama's first term as President. Right now he would have trouble getting elected again. Moving from US president to World president might be a very logical thing.

It is also worth noting that 2012 is the 200th anniversary of the death of the patriarch of the Rothschild family, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the House of Rothschild, and the person responsible for building the most powerful family in the history of the world with an estimated worth of some $250 trillions. Yes that is trillions and compare it to the US national debt of $10 trillion, a debt that is a cause for world economic concern, and you have an idea of the unlimited resources of this family.

Mayer grew up during the most revolutionary period in world history and his fingerprints are all over the American, French and Russian revolutions and every war since. In his book, The Rothschilds, Frederick Morton wrote; "...the wealth of the Rothschilds consists of the bankruptcy of nations." His vision created the international banking community and his family provided the banks. By 1850 the House of Rothschild represented more wealth than all the families of Europe.

When America won the war of independence a central bank was set up in 1781 known as the Bank of North America. It failed and the international bankers then gained a charter for the Bank of the United States in 1791 with a 20 year charter. Thomas Jefferson fiercely opposed the central bank saying the tendency of the bank to generate debt was contrary to the US Constitution. He said, "I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt."

In 1826, the second bank's charter was soon to expire and presidential candidate Andrew Jackson campaigned strongly against a central bank which was owned and operated by the international banking element. Here is Jackson's opinion of those bankers:

"You are a den of vipers. I intend to wipe you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out...If people only understood the rank injustice of the money and banking system, there would be a revolution by morning." He succeeded but there was an attempt on his life that was tied back to the international bankers.

By the time of the Civil War The Rothschild's Bank of England financed the North while the Paris branch of the Rothschild bank funded the South. In 1863, the National Banking Act was passed despite protest by President Lincoln. This act allowed a private corporation the authority to issue our money. Lincoln was assassinated.

The long sought after Federal Reserve was finally incorporated in 1914 and has been creating a completely unnecessary national debt ever since. In simple terms, the Fed creates money as debt. They create money out of thin air by nothing more than a book entry. Whenever the members of the Fed make any loans, that debt money is our money supply.

The United States went bankrupt in 1938 because of this system. It took the Fed only 25 years to bankrupt the USA. The Federal Reserve is a private corporation owned by the international banking interests yet it is responsible for the US money supply. It was the last tool the Rothschilds needed to control the American economy. Ever since there has been a gradual elimination of all competition in the investment and banking communities leaving a couple of international banks in control of our money supply and the US in debt.

Could the US go broke again, thus paving the way for a New World Order? In order for this to happen the US economy will have to collapse before 2012 thus showing that no one nation is capable of surviving on its own. We still have to face commercial toxic loans, sub-prime mortgage toxic debt, a record national deficit, trillions in new expenditures for bank bailouts, stimulus, health care and wars, a dollar falling in value because of the crushing debt, a potential war in the Middle East, the long term effects of a recession and the ominous cloud of inflation hovering on the horizon. The world remains on the precipice of economic catastrophe. Will we be pushed into the New World Order?

Stay tuned...

Friday, May 08, 2009

The Obama Goldman Rothschild Update - The Trillionaire Puppet Masters at Work

The deeper we dig into the world economic chaos the clearer the picture becomes that what has happened the past two years in the international economic meltdown could be a strategic move to solidify control of the US and world economies. For three years this paper has projected market manipulations underway that resulted in the near collapse of world economies. From the sub-prime mortgages to oil and commodity price manipulations, swaps and derivatives to a credit crash, a cascading series of unlikely events sent the world to the brink of economic disaster.

In the process regulatory agencies were proven to be toothless when it came to enforcement, Congress was inept in identifying problems or solutions, hundreds of millions of dollars were poured into political campaigns from Obama to our congressional leaders while behind the scenes the puppet masters were busy carrying out the script. This week the long awaited bank stress test results were released and surprise, surprise, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs continue to separate themselves from the rest of the world.

The world economy may have been on the precipice of disaster but these two companies benefited in ways it will take years to assess and one has to wonder why? If you followed the series of articles in the Coltons Point Times you would have known. You can see the index of the Economic articles in the recent past at the Coltons Point Times .
House of Rothschild Family Crest

Let's examine where we are today. First, the Rothschilds control JP Morgan as they have for most of the past century along with an astounding number of major banks, brokers and corporations around the world. Then it is no surprise that in terms of the Market Cap on investment banking institutions in America JP Morgan stands alone with over $130 billion. They along with Goldman also had the highest ratings in the bank stress test and do not need any additional capital.

Behind Morgan comes Wells Fargo $99.16 billion (Warren Buffett is a substantial investor), Bank of America $69.39 billion but dropping, and Goldman Sachs at $64.37 billion (Warren Buffett is also a savior of that bank). Bank of America was the worst of all banks but not bad all the same and Wells does need to raise some capital.

How about the stock prices the past year. JP Morgan lost 27.8% of value, Goldman Sachs lost 31.6% of value and Wells Fargo lost 22.5% of value. All outperformed the markets which are still down about 40-42%. In the banking sector Bank of America lost 73.6% of value and Citigroup lost 87.3% of value. Most important, since Obama got elected our golden boys JP Morgan and Goldman both more than doubled in value to lead the economic rebound.

During the past year virtually all the competition to the golden buys disappeared, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers were wiped out, companies that were founded in 1923, 1914 and 1850. All other major competitors were left broken like Bank of America and Citigroup.

Goldman probably owes it's survival to the fact it has long served as a front or partner with JP Morgan, meaning the Rothschild empire, just as the JP Morgan company survived by being a front for the Rothschild family. While Morgan has a market cap of over $130 billion, the Rothschild fortune is estimated to be as high as $200 trillion, not billion. That is more than the annual budgets of every nation on earth, actually more than every nation's budget on earth combined. The largest budget by far is the USA at $3.44 trillion with $11.2 trillion in debt, pocket change to the Rothschild family.

If the Rothschilds are the puppet masters of the world Goldman is their star puppet being in the forefront of every major financial catastrophe in recent history and benefiting each time. They secretly backed Obama well before he was a candidate for President and have been getting dividends on their investment ever since.

Both Morgan and Goldman got billions in bank bail out money from the last Administration, approved by Congress and approved by Senator Obama. Neither needed or ever used it. Since becoming President Obama gave billions to bail out AIG and AIG turned around and paid off billions in debt owed to Morgan and Goldman. How do these things happen under the very nose of Congress and federal regulators?

Look at the record of where former Goldman executives have settled. Here is just a partial list and it makes you wonder if Goldman Sachs is controlling Wall Street and Washington?

Henry H. Fowler - 58th United States Treasury Secretary (1965-1969)
Robert Rubin - Former United States Treasury Secretary, ex-Chairman of Citigroup.
Henry Paulson - Former United States Treasury Secretary.
Edward Lampert- Hedge Fund Manager of ESL Investments. Brought K-Mart out of Bankruptcy in 2003
Joshua Bolten - former White House Chief of Staff
Erin Burnett - CNBC Host
Jon Corzine - Governor of the State of New Jersey.
Michael Cohrs - Head of Global Banking at Deutsche Bank
Emanuel Derman - Author of My Life as a Quant and co-developer of the Black-Derman-Toy
Jim Cramer - founder of, best selling author, and host of Mad Money on CNBC
Ashwin Navin - President and co-founder of BitTorrent, Inc.
Abby Joseph Cohen - Perma-bull market forecaster formerly of Drexel Burnham Lambert
George Herbert Walker IV - member of the Bush family and current managing director at Neuberger Berman
Robert Zoellick - Uniteed States Trade Representative (2001-2005), Deputy Secretary of State (2005-2006), World Bank President.
Mark Carney - Current Governor of the Bank of Canada
Michael D. Fascitelli - President & Trustee of Vornado Realty Trust
Neel Kashkari - Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability
Charlie Haas - Wrestler, who is working for World Wreestling Entertainment
Malcolm Turnbull - Australian politician, currently the federal leader of the Liberal Party of Australia
John Thain - former Chairman and CEO, Merrill Lynch, and former chairman of the NYSE.
Thain was replaced at the NYSE by Goldman veteran Duncan Niederauer.
Robert Steel - Chairman and President, Wachovia Bank.
Reuben Jeffery III, Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs (2007-)
Romano Prodi, Prime Minister of Italy twice (1996-1998 and 2006-2008) and President of the European Commission (1999-2004)
Mario Draghi, governor of the Bank of Italy (2006- )
Massimo Tononi, Italian deputy treasury chief (2006-2008)

Goldman just hired former Barney Frank staffer Michael Paese to be top Washington lobbyist.
This position was formerly held by Mark Patterson, the current chief of staff at the Treasury.
Tim Geithner, Obama Secretary of Treasury was mentored by Gerald Corrigan, a former New York Fed president and current partner and managing director of the Office of the Chairman of Goldman Sachs. Geithner’s replacement as president of the New York Fed, William C. Dudley, is also a former Goldman executive

Ed Liddy, who the government appointed as CEO of AIG was Goldman’s vice chairman

Akshaya Prasad has left Goldman's and joined investment company Greater Pacific Capital as co-head of their Indian business.

Of course these high-level appointments are probably just coincidental. Just as it was probably coincidental that on September 15, 2008, then New York Fed president Tim Geithner pressed for AIG’s biggest counterparty, Goldman Sachs, to help the insurer raise capital after it became clear that AIG was at risk of going bankrupt. And that on the same day Goldman’s current CEO, Lloyd Blankfein, was at the New York Fed. And that Goldman ended up in receipt of about $12 billion in tax dollars thanks to AIG’s wholesale credit-default swap and after the government bail out.

Just today we learned that the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Stephen J. Friedman, abruptly resigned on Thursday, days after the Wall Street Journal raised questions about his ties to his former employer, Goldman Sachs.
Mr. Friedman, who led or co-led Goldman from 1990 until 1994 and remains a director, was chairman of the New York Fed at the same time. He also held a substantial stake in the firm as the Federal Reserve drew up plans to keep Wall Street’s banks afloat.

Because the New York Fed approved a request by Goldman to become a bank holding company, the chairman’s involvement in Goldman was a violation of Fed policy, The Wall Street Journal reported. The New York Fed had asked for a waiver, which, after about two and a half months, the Fed granted, the newspaper said. During that time, Mr. Friedman bought 37,300 more Goldman shares, which have since risen $1.7 million in value.

In fact the control of the Rothschilds and Goldman are so complex the following is a chart tracking some of the Goldman connections.

As the world economy improves which it must for the golden boys to benefit maybe you should look carefully at our politicians and Wall Street executives and look closely for the puppet strings from the real Master.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


It is sure a good thing our new president is a people's president ready to return the White House to focusing on the needs of the "little people". Of course there are a few contradictions in what he has done to date that raise eyebrows but his loyal staff seem able to sugar coat these actions with the adoring media and thus deflect attention from the contradictions.

I mentioned in an earlier article how he vowed to keep lobbyists out of government and then violated his own executive order and hired lobbyists. There are the seven senior executive nominees who owed back taxes, quite significant sums in some cases. He promised to bring reform to campaign laws which are yet to be seen while his people's campaign shattered spending records more than doubling the most ever spent in a presidential campaign.

He has given no explanation to his secret relationship with Goldman Sachs other than to help them remain the dominant investment banking house in the world, keeping their stock value at a level far beyond their closest competitors, and even giving billions to AIG of which $30 billion were passed on to Goldman Sachs. That is quite a return on their investment of a few millions into his campaign. More important, in spite of his highly publicized ranting and raving about the greed of bankers and Wall Street, he has never mentioned the biggest and greediest of all Wall Street, Goldman Sachs.

This Ivy League by product, we are now in the 21st straight year of having an Ivy League president and will reach 24 straight years by the end of his first term, has little in common with the little people. He attended Columbia and Harvard, his wife attended Princeton and Harvard. Both spent under-graduate and graduate years in the Ivy League at the most expensive schools in the world. Today it would cost about $435,000 for the law degree, meaning Michelle and Barack spent nearly $1 million ($868,000 in today's dollars plus other expenses) for their Ivy League educations.

Since he entered public service as a community organizer and state senator, both quite low paying jobs, one wonders how all those education loans got paid. I don't remember anyone in the media asking who paid the million dollars during the campaign. Still, even with the huge debt they were able to spend another $1.6 million for a home when he was first elected to the US Senate. His close advisor who arranged that deal is now in jail, Tony Rezko, a Chicago multi-millionaire fixer who lived across the street.

Then Obama enters the White House promising to change things, clean out the old Washington and bring in new people. His top advisor is a hand-me-down investment banker from Clinton and his top five White House advisors are all multi-millionaires. Again it seems rather unusual for a people's president to be surrounded by millionaires. Of course when his daughters toured their new home in the White House and found the Jonas brothers recording stars in their bedroom, it once again seemed rather unusual for a populist.

Now that he has been in office a couple of months he has added a couple of trillion dollars to our budget and his first budget increased government cost by another trillion. At the rate he is spending he will double our national debt in about three years, twice as fast as Bush did in spite of 911 and two wars. In fact our taxes for his budget next year only pay for 44% of the cost. Where in the world is the rest coming from?

Okay, so there are a few conflicts, but what about the dog. After the election he promised his kids a dog and the family promptly decided to set an example by getting a pound pup. Three months later it turns out there will be no pound pup but a Portuguese Water Dog from one of the most exclusive breeders in the world where the dogs can cost over $2,500. Did I mention the Texas breeder where he is getting the dog is the same who breeds Portuguese Water Dogs for the Ted Kennedy family?

Tonight, Good Friday, one of the holiest days in Christianity, he is throwing a party for 140 of his closest friends at the White House and having Chicago deep dish pizza brought in from St. Louis, not Chicago, which I suppose is the Ivy League way of honoring the death of Jesus.

Finally there is the mysterious selection of Joe Biden, resident pit bull and bionic tongue and godfather to America's credit card companies and their insane interest charges as Vice President. You do understand he is a heartbeat away from the presidency? With his tongue he is the time bomb of the Obama team. Now to be fair, he did predict a major international crisis within a few months of Obama taking office. I guess the attempted hijacking of the American cargo ship by Somalia pirates and taking the captain hostage qualifies.

Does anybody know just who we elected to be president?