Showing posts with label New Orleans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Orleans. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Obama Again Fiddles in California as Gulf Coast Burns over Inaction on Oil Spill


It seems to be a habit with the Obama administration. Just when he is getting pressure from the left and right wing media to do something about a grave crisis he jumps his jet for California and holds million dollar fund raisers. While Obama fiddles Rome burns and millions of more special interest dollars are poured into Democrat campaigns.

Today Obama again flies over a disaster area on his way to the golden state of California where he can mine gold for campaigns. It is his third cross country flight to shake the big bucks out of California and a pattern seems to be developing. It seems every time the Gulf coast or America needs an explanation from the president on what he is doing to help us, the president is not available.

Today it is the BP oil spill in the Gulf which happened over one month ago. The only people who failed to act more than BP to avoid this environmental tragedy was the Obama Interior department, Homeland Security and White House. Obama, as president, not BP, was responsible for approving permits, approving the installation of the deepwater rig, making sure contingency plans were in place and monitoring every step of the drilling process.

Try as they may to place the total blame on BP it was the federal regulatory and safety role, or lack of one, that enabled this to happen. BP should have been prepared for a disaster, but the federal government was responsible to make sure the plan existed. Both failed. In fact 34 days later the Obama people are still bumbling around trying to figure out what to do. This week they say they are relying on BP expertise after raking BP over the coals the last week.

So rather than go to the disaster area and take charge, Obama is flying over the disaster on the way to multi-million dollar campaign fundraisers in California. Instead of walking the beaches and encouraging workers, many of them volunteers, who are cleaning up the oil he is charging $2,000 a person to join him for cocktails or $35,200 to join him for dinner in San Francisco.

Does this sound vaguely familiar? It should.

Just a few months earlier, in October Obama made his first visit to New Orleans. During the campaign and after taking office as president Obama’s steady criticism of how former President George W. Bush’s administration ignored the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina was a shrewd political move that helped propel him into the White House. Unfortunately, the people of New Orleans only got a photo op and more words, not action, as he quickly hopped the jet for the west coast.

Once safely in lala land with Nancy Pelosi citizens could see the president and actually spend time with him, if they paid $34,000 per couple for dinner with Obama or $1,000 for a concert ticket with him. As he was behind closed doors in San Francisco hobnobbing with contributors the BBC on the other side of the world was announcing that Obama was going to send 45,000 more troops to Afghanistan. Obama did not confirm the exact number of troops until December 2.

Just last month Obama was back in California raising $3 more millions on April 19, just a day before the BP oil rig explosion on April 20. This trip fell between Obama's toothless Nuclear Summit April 12-13 and his speech to Wall Street on April 22.

When things get tough the president heads out for California fundraisers where the millions he rakes in for the political fat cats seems a lot more important than what is happening in the Gulf, or Afghanistan, or the economy.

Had we been paying attention we would know the White House was great at making the president disappear when the heat is on. Back on February 17, 2009, just a couple of weeks after becoming president, Obama signed the controversial economic stimulus bill at a cost of $787 billion. The same day he also announced the $245 billion housing and mortgage bailout which has largely failed.

Quietly the same day the Pentagon, not president, announced a 17,000 troop increase in Afghanistan while Bill Clinton was saying he was not responsible for the economic crisis even though he apologized for allowing his staff to change federal regulations that allowed the economic crisis to happen.

Perhaps our national priorities have suffered from lack of presidential attention and focus but at least the political campaigns are getting all the money they need from Obama. The people of America, it seems, are still waiting to get the president's attention.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Media Conned Again, and Again, and Again


So much for the fair and balanced coverage, the validation of facts and being guardians of the truth as the mainstream media, entertainment media and all the other media suffered through a series of recent hijacks by people testing the gullibility of our public watchdogs. In a word, the result was "failure", a failure to fact check, to question or to validate.

First there was the case of the English group who fed false story after false story to the entertainment media to see if garbage would reach the airways and they were stunned to see their bogus tips to the media show up on news sites then rampage around the world on the Internet with no attempt to check the facts.

Then there was the case of Rush Limbaugh who was blocked from becoming an owner of a NFL team by the new American business censorship czars Reverend Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Once again malicious rumors appeared throughout the media and around the world thanks to our pit bull czars who promoted the lies and hoodwinked the public. The stampede worked as Rush lost out on his bid to act like an American and be free to invest his money where he wanted.

The White House and those defenders of liberal freedom in America were silent as they watched with glee as lies prevailed, were never challenged, and were bought hook, line and sinker by the media. At the same time the White House was unleashing their communications czar, Anita Dunn, on Fox News and Glenn Beck in particular, becoming the first presidency in our history to declare a television news channel as, well let me give you her words.

"We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent,” White House Communications Director Anita Dunn told CNN over the weekend. "The reality of it is that Fox News often operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party." In a media blitz against the network, Dunn also gave interviews with Time magazine and the New York Times.

In addition the White House and the Federal Communications Commission have both begun campaigns to control Internet blogs and keep them from spreading rumors disguised as news. The blog business has exploded ever since the public realized that the mainstream media was compromised but bloggers and their incessant search for truth now threaten the very institutions in the federal government charged with the Constitutional responsibility to protect the right of free speech in America.

Obama is a constitutional lawyer, you would think his administration would know better than to use the power of the government to silence critics but then they seem to do a lot of things that ignore the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the freedom of the press and public. The White House wants you to only hear the liberal babble of their favorites like MSNBC.

The next media con was the Obama trip to New Orleans, his first since taking office. We are supposed to believe that his campaign promise to undo the damage Bush did by not helping New Orleans recover from hurricane Katrina was a promise he delivered on. Once again the media was fed the administration cop out line that we cannot make progress because of the last eight Republican years of disaster.

I, for one, am tired of the excuses for inaction. America is three trillion more dollars in debt because of the Obama agenda. One would think that much money could get some of these problems fixed but the money went to the banks, Wall Street executives, home mortgage companies, insurance companies, failed automobile companies and unions. I'm also tired of hearing how Bush is still to blame for everything that goes wrong with the Obama agenda. Bush has been gone nine months. And the last two years of the Bush presidency the Democrats under Nancy Pelosi controlled the House meaning she could have stopped anything Bush wanted.

The City of New Orleans was lost in the Obama rush to pay back campaign contributors to the tune of billions of dollars in profits, bonuses, opportunities for profit and whatever else is used to determine who gets the first cash from the greatest cash cow in history, good old Uncle Sugar. The number one Obama campaign supporter Goldman Sachs has received billions of dollars in federal aid and built a $16.7 billion pool for employee wages and bonuses, the largest in Wall Street history since he took office.

After a brief four hour stop in New Orleans to tell the people why Bush is responsible for the delays in aid to New Orleans even though Bush has been gone for nine months, Obama went to San Francisco to spend the evening at Democratic fundraisers that cost more than $30,000 per couple to attend one event and get your picture taken with Obama. He raised about $3 million for election campaigns next year. Pelosi was there to introduce him. She must have flown in on her private government owned jet too. Two jets to San Francisco for a fund raiser would cost maybe a million dollars? Who knows?

So New Orleans still cannot get $245 million this year to rebuild their hospital but the head of Obama campaign contributor Goldman can get $70 million this year for making money off government loopholes while his staff can make $16.7 billion this year. More than $40 billion has been allocated for New Orleans, most in the three years before Obama took office, and still no hospital, no housing and limited protection from future hurricanes. The truth is New Orleans was a disaster before the disaster and had to be rebuilt to survive, with or without the hurricane.

Why don't we take a few more billions from the trillions of dollars already approved for Obama stimulus, bank bailout, insurance bailout and auto bailout bills and just buy the rest of New Orleans, rebuild it, lease it out and make money for the federal government? It would be far cheaper than an unlimited amount of federal aid being pumped into a bottomless pit.

So the media con? Nothing is really being done in New Orleans, the president was just stopping by to justify the taxpayers paying for his campaign junket to San Francisco. New Orleans still has the same problems it had when he was elected. But San Francisco has Nancy Pelosi who was waiting to introduce him to the deep pockets from Silicon Valley. So while New Orleans got a four hour stopover San Francisco and Pelosi got the president for the evening and night.

Perhaps the last recent media con was the best. If it turns out that the reality show savvy family from Colorado who supposedly lost their 6 year old son in a runaway helium balloon whose flight across Colorado dominated the television airwaves across the nation and even Europe turns out to be a staged event, then the media will look stupid.

On the CNN Larry King Show the kid, who was never on the balloon but safely hidden in an attic, did say he stayed hidden in a box in the attic to help the show. What show? The one some idiotic network will sign them to star in I guess. Here was The Washington Post internet headline about this major event.

Breaking: A Six-Year-Old Is Trapped In A Homemade Helium Balloon Over Denver

Why in the world would a runaway balloon require fulltime coverage from all the news networks, mainstream and cable, tying up the most expensive television system in the world? Fifty people being killed in Pakistan or Afghanistan would never get such live coverage. I am sick of the stupid live video feeds of car chases, truck chases, runaway helium balloons and other stunts shown almost daily on what used to be our news stations and networks.

Our news media are becoming reality shows. When we are supposed to be learning about the nation and world we watch police chases. No wonder nobody believes the news media, it is a joke. News has become entertainment and reality TV and people have no clue who or what to believe. My advice, turn the television off!
