Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

More news you are being denied by the broken news media - Headlines from international news services tell us what the American news media ignore or lie about.

The 2020 election is not just about Trump, but also the collapse of the Democratic "Socialist" Pelosi Party and the meltdown of credibility in the news media.

While the US news media chose to glorify the Iranian terror leader and support the radical Iranian revolutionaries over the President of the United States, the world news services got it right by reporting on the protests against the Iranian government.

Check out the video coverage of Iran by the rest of the world.

Iran protests.

Here is how American news outlets viewed the Iranian crisis.


‘He’s regarded as personally incredibly brave’

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles --- Do You, as Sons and Daughters of God the Creator, violate the Divine Law of God? --- No, No, No, No not me!

Today, Christmas Day, God gave us his Son whose life would be sacrificed for our salvation.  Hopefully we do not lose sight of such a significant commitment to our survival and salvation.  Yet, there seems to be an unsettling hypocrisy when you consider that we, like Jesus, are also the sons and daughter of God.   

If God is our Creator, provider, progenitor and protector, and we are God’s creations, then why do we foolishly keep doing things to abrogate, denigrate, deprecate, expostulate, abominate, emasculate, and violate the Divine Law of God?

I mean our Declaration of Independence, founding document, says we are “under God.”  Then it is reinforced by stamping “In God We Trust” on our currency.  As if that is not clear, we stated, “One nation, under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all” in our Pledge of Allegiance.

Could there be any doubt as to the intent of our Founding Fathers?  We were guaranteed “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” as long as it is consistent with our human laws, and as long as they are consistent with God’s Divine Law.

No group of people, creations of the Creator, whether identified by religious, cultural, race, gender, or wealth, can claim to speak for God, but the Creator is inclusive of all of them.

One reckons if we were really living by God’s law, we would intuitively know it, no matter how much people tried to manipulate it.  Of course, there will always be those who try to manipulate it for their own selfish reasons.

Ironically, God’s Law also says we are not the judge and jury for the violators of God’s Law.  That is God’s role.  We should accommodate people, tolerate people, communicate with people, honor their right to think like they do, and if any of that gets too difficult for you to tolerate, stay away from those people.

So, if you are one of the many of political fanatics of the radical right or more radical left, and you are scouring the internet and social media every day to find anyone who dares to oppose you and your opinions, or those opinions you were told to say because you lost the art of forming your own words and opinions, then you are a stalker in search of your next victim.

There is nothing greater in the life of a political stalker than to crush someone who disagrees.  So consumed are they with their armchair philosophy and beloved knack for intellectual constipation that nothing on earth matters more.  What a shame.

People blinded by rage and hate are morally suicidal, egotistically consumed, spiritually bankrupt and pretty miserable to hang around.  Thank goodness most radical political assaults occur in cyberspace so only your pride, ego and mind are beaten up leaving your body largely intact.

However, the very fact you are a victim means you were one of the radical lost souls looking for someone to tongue-lash in the first place.  You probably never expected to encounter the bionic tongue of blasphemy on line using vicious words and illogical arguments to crush you.

Here’s a news flash – you both are on the wrong side of Divine Law, there will be no winners at this game.  Your addiction to the virtual world where you can escape from all reality and even recreate yourself with false names and information is enough to cause you serious problems, long after you depart this life.

When you use your virtual platform to attack others, that is double-jeopardy.  You are addicted to the virtual world, and addicted to hate.  Now the only way you could possibly be willing to give up God for social media and risk your happiness for all of eternity by  attacking people (or simply hating them), is to embrace the dark side.

Risking eternity for the self-serving task of humiliating someone who does not agree with you seems like a rather reckless undertaking.

Mind you, when you pursue such a path, not only do you drag yourself into the abyss but you are also touching everyone around you with the kiss of spiritual death by dumping your negativity on them.

No matter how you cut it, you are far removed from the very enlightenment you claim to pursue.  A hypocrite is too kind a label, because they spend most of their time just hurting themselves. You, on the other hand, as a self-declared pious preacher of good, use your forum to do the work of the dark side.

No one should be opposed to people having different opinions.  However, no differing opinions should be accentuated with an underlying message of hate.  Disagreeing is not a license to destroy, and destroying is quite a deviation from Divine Law.

There is plenty of room in Dante’s nine circles of Hell to accommodate all those seeking asylum in the asylum of Hell if that is your intent.  In fact, the sooner you get there the better for the rest of us.  But are you really in control of yourself and speaking for yourself when you spout hate and attack differing views?

Or are you simply another weak victim of the dark side hiding your fears behind the bravado of your mouth as you sink deeper and deeper into the void from which there can be no salvation and no return, but total obliteration as if you never even existed in the first place.

It is never to late to ask Jesus or God for help, but you cannot continue to drift down without passing the point of no return and condemning yourself to nothingness.

In summary, when you feel the need to shoot off your mouth, pen or post, be careful what message you transmit and the intent you attach to it.  Your words and actions will seal your fate for all time.

Monday, November 11, 2019

American Pride – It’s Alright, to be White, and to Fight for what's Right! – Politically Correct or Not – the Truth will Prevail once more!

American Pride

It’s Alright
to be White
and to Fight
for what's Right!

Especially when the fighting is for you...

What a couple of decades we have survived.  In fact, turn the clock back to 1960 and next election year, 2020, it will have been 60 years since 1960.  Seems like there is some metaphysical karma about the way the numbers fall.

Some drug induced tormented source decided back then to blame White people for all the ills of modern society.  It seems things were not moving fast enough for the rebellious anarchists pushing change as their agenda.  Then they got violent and change fell by the wayside, until the cataclysmic event when Trump got elected.

After the tumultuous Sixties we thought we had seen it all but did we underestimate the power of destiny?  If the 1960’s were the black hole for causes and social radicalism, it was just a harbinger of what was to come.

By the end of the second decade of the 21st Millennium, today, a whole new vitriolic, vociferous, vicious and violent social radicalism has taken over the agenda of well-meaning reformists.  At the forefront of the movement is the same old tired catch phrase for blame, blame it on the White Supremist.

In fact, the keepers of political correctness, are the same advocates of left-wing hypothesis, Hell bent on driving America off the cliff.  Armed with the knowledge that whatever they propose is bound to be well beyond the capacity of any human being with a brain to embrace, they have nothing to lose.

Disenfranchised Media and the lunatic fringe in control of the Democratic Party are not the defenders of America but the destroyers of American faith, patriotism, freedom and principles.

Thus, we find them today in a frothy frenzy of fatalism with quicksand as their foundation.  Impeachment, shredding the Constitution, tarring and feathering President Trump – oops, how dare me make such a biased and politically incorrect statement as “tarring and feathering” with the horrible images of bias and terror it projects.

Are you nuts?  For the record, as if that means anything to the media or left bank, I am only referring to a rather hilarious and classic scene regarding the fate of Brer Rabbit in the beloved Disney classic movie Song of the South.       

Thanks to the Politically Correct movers and shakers the 1946 Disney film cannot be shown on TV, in the movies, or sold on DVD because it was labelled racist for how it depicted African Americans.

The setting for the film was a post-Civil War plantation in the South and the live action combined with animation was pioneering film work.  This film classic won an Oscar for Best Music Original Song, “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, “ was nominated for Best Music Scoring of a Musical, and received the extraordinary distinction of being granted the Honorary Oscar award to James Baskett, a Black actor, “for his heart-warming characterization of Uncle Remus, friend and storyteller to the children of the world, in Walt Disney’s Song of the South.”

Song of the South - Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah - James Baskett

The Academy Award for the Song and the Honorary award for his performance were the first time a Black actor had been so honored in those categories.  Yet this enduring film cannot be seen because of racist depiction, stereotyping, or implied racism.  Just what exactly do you think might be the truth about life at the end of a bitter and bloody Civil War that took place over 150 years ago?  The film is a victim of overzealous censorship for the stupidest of reasons.  Oh yes, it was a White President, Abraham Lincoln, who during the same time period, gave his life for freeing the slaves.

Political Correctness is riddled with collateral damage including denying God, rejecting Constitutional protections, stimulating polarization, and embracing the dark forces of the universe.  Advocates of PC are terrified at the thought of competition, winners and losers, exceptionalism, initiative, pride and self-esteem.

To them Trump is the enemy, the public his defenders, and they must be stopped at all costs.  Much of the News Media feeds the whacky, psychologically disturbed, and runaway minds of the PC movement, since the Media share the goal of ending the Trump presidency and restoring the old political establishment, the so-called Swamp.

The goal of the lefties in the Media and Politics is simple, use their offices and resources to control the minds of the people.  Take away their rights and individual freedom, break their spirit and initiative, and convince them the left agenda is the will of the people.

PC fanatics claim White people are extremists, nationalists, bigots, biased and dumb.  White Supremacy motivates Whites, to be Whiter, I guess.  But the last time I checked White people are not the monolithic bunch of machine-made, pattern-stamped, assembly-line minds often depicted by a lame media.

Whites are the Middle-Class foundation of the nation.  Some are rich, others poor, and most caught somewhere in between.  Most of their families were outcasts from other nations fleeing discrimination against religion, unfair taxation, and all other aspects of life.\

So, for those of you waging war against all those White Supremacy flag wavers, here is a dreadful bit of truth for you to swallow.  They are the same people who gave everyone in America equality and freedom, fairness and individual liberty.

They passed a Constitution binding us to equality forever and forcing us to address the principal forms of slavery and discrimination of the day, including women's rights and equality and equal justice and opportunity for all.

Not only did they pass laws that would reach across generations and millennia but they fought and died for the successful implementation and enforcement of those laws.  The actions and foresight of the Whites preserved a nation for the equality and protection of all.              

According to the latest US Census news, the following is the breakdown of Americans by race as reported by Americans.

White only                             60.4% of the population
Black and African only          13.4%
Hispanic and Latino only      18.3%
Asian only                               5.9%
Native and others only            2.0%

There is one huge catch.  Those that report mixed races always report White as their primary race and that means 16.1% of the total population is shifted from other races to White, thus indicating White and mixed White represent 76.5% of the total population.  In other words, three-fourths of the population is White or White mixed, and just 23.5% is all other races.

If that is not enough to shake your faith in the destruction of American patriotism and the fallacy of political correctness, consider the following.  One of the premier issues of the far left is gun control, or gun confiscation to be honest.

Absorb the following regarding gun ownership in America.

The American Military – Two guns for every soldier
2,225,404 members of military own 4,400,000 military weapons

The American Civilian Militia – Seven Guns for every civilian
54,863,700 civilian households in US own 393,000,000 weapons

In other words, there are 24 times as many civilians with guns as soldiers, and civilians have 89 times as many weapons.

No wonder our Founding Fathers adopted the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution which reads: "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."