Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts

Friday, May 31, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – NEWS BULLETIN for the Millennial – What a Friend You have in Jesus!

For Seekers of Truth

You know, if Jesus of Nazareth were alive today, he would be a Millennial, just like many of you.  Of course, his message needs to be heard by people of all ages, but he would be a Millennial so it is really meant for you.

Now, he had quite a resume for someone just thirty-three years old.  Truth is, he really only held one job his whole life and that was only for the last three years of his life.  It seems he was content living at home and being a professional student until reaching thirty.

His job began at the “Great Awakening” when his cousin John (the Baptist), the voice in the wilderness, Baptized Jesus.  It ended when he was crucified just three years later.

Think about it, two thousand years ago when Jesus actually lived, there was no technology.  Imagine a life with no smart phones, smarter televisions, gaming, social networking, bathrooms, cars, GPS, texting, and all those other distractions of civilization.

No cops patrolled the streets, just legions of soldiers from the mighty Roman Empire.  No cell phones to tap, computers to hack, and certainly no lame street media and their fake news brainwashing you.

Nothing was more important to Jesus than family and friends.

Yet in spite of his lack of worldly experience, he did have a few notable attributes.  First, he was the greatest Wizard to ever live because his electrifying White Magic worked miracles and wonders.

Jesus also had unimaginable knowledge and wisdom.  Back when he was just fourteen, he went missing one day and his panicked parents found him in a Jewish Synagogue, debating theology with a large group of religious scholars and holy people.

Seems Jesus was not fond of bureaucracies, especially stagnate ones. Nor did he like worn out institutions.  To him it seemed they tended to follow a pattern of being set up to serve people only to wind serving their own needs.  Their concept of serving begins with self-preservation.

Class distractions, religions, race, ethnic and cultural differences were more disruptions from our true purpose.  Jesus knew the elusive truth, and he knew we needed help, spiritual help, to find it.

The world his generation would inherit from their parents and grandparents back then was riddled with lies, hatred, bias, corruption, poisonings, wars, immorality, slavery, cultural and political polarization.

Sound familiar?

It was not a pretty sight to behold.

Yet people from near and far, far away recognized from the moment he was born and the world was illuminated by joyous angels that Baby Jesus was destined for something very special in his life.

Some even regarded his birth as fulfillment of the ancient Biblical prophecies from many cultures, races, and religions foretelling of the new Messiah.  Jesus Christ was the son of the Unknowable One, God, yet he walked among us.

As Jesus often reminded us, we are all creations of the Creator.  Spiritually, we are all equal reflections of our One Creator.  Sadly, we lost the ability to open our heart and soul to this truth.

So, Jesus spent the next three years of his ministry travelling the countryside telling everyone who would listen of the pathway to the light.  His message was all spelled out in the New Testament of the Bible.

In the end, he gave his life so that future generations would be inspired to find their own path back home, to Oneness with the Creator.  He taught of love, peace, brotherhood, respect, compassion, empathy, joy and happiness.  How it all was within our grasp.

Most of all, he taught us who we are.  He introduced us to our spiritual self, meant to co-exist with your physical self and make you whole.

Our physical self is the vessel for this lifetime as embodied in our DNA which creates the Body and Mind.  But our spiritual self is also the one direct connection to God, our Creator.  It consists of the Soul and Spirit.

Our Soul is custodian of all our memories from this lifetime, all our memories of prior lifetimes, and the collective consciousness of our Creator and Creation.  You might say our Soul is our “avatar.”


a manifestation of a deity or released soul in bodily form on earth; an incarnate divine teacher.

an icon or figure representing a particular person in video games, Internet forums, etc.

Jesus might be the ultimate Avatar.

As for the Spirit, it is the driving force behind our imagination, creativity, willingness to serve all others, and desire to protect all of Creation the Earth, the cosmos and what is beyond our ability to comprehend, yet.

Action heroes are figments of our imagination but Jesus was real and walked among us, Avatar or not.  He is the road map you will not find on your GPS nor triangulate with your Smart Phone.  You can only find the way through your non-physical self, your spiritual self.  The Heart, the Mind, the Soul and the Spirit will get you there if you just read the Truth, he left for us.

You have no idea what a great friend you have in Jesus.  Please do not waste the knowledge he left for you.  Find synchronicity between your spiritual life and your physical existence with prayer, meditation and fasting.

Accept your co-creator responsibilities for Creation and fix what is wrong in our physical world, for all to share and enjoy.  Understand the amazing wonders you can achieve when you are guided by the gifts God gave you of the Soul and Spirit.

Learn the power of the perfect love of the Creator in creating all that was, is, or ever will be, including you.  Make a difference for others and your rewards will be bountiful.

Jesus did not need technology to produce scientific marvels and wonders.  He transcended the limitation of mankind, violated all laws of nature, physics, and medicine, and gave hope for the salvation of all alive and yet to be born.

Some feared him and his ability to win the hearts and minds of the people.  Others coveted his powers and relationship to God.  But the people, the forgotten and invisible souls throughout the Earth loved him and his message of hope, redemption, and salvation for all.

When he walked on water they were stunned.  When he healed the sick, they were astounded.  When he raised the dead, they were awakened by the brilliant purity of his light and magnificence of the Creator’s love for us all.

Follow the path of Jesus to attain immortal Oneness with God, the Unknowable One. God will never forget or give up on God’s Creations, us!  If only we do not give up on God…

p.s. Even if you are not a Millennial you are still a creation of the Creator.  This message is for you.  My that Jesus sure sounds like a Millennial.  

Friday, February 22, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Who are You? Where did You come from? Why are you here?

  Do You really want to know the answers?

The highly hailed philosopher, Popeye the Sailor Man, summed it up best when he blurted out, “I y'am what I y'am, that’s all that I ya'am, and that’s all that I ever can be!”

Quite an acute observation regarding the first question for a cartoon character.  In truth he probably said it to impress the love of his life, Olive Oil, but it will work for our answer as well.

So, we am what we am, that’s all that we am and that’s all that we ever can be.

Maybe, but not quite.  It depends on the answer to the second and third questions and they make things a lot more interesting.

You see mankind, humankind, or people-kind have spent billions of years trying to answer the question where did we come from.  We used science, logic, theology, physics, astronomy and magic and still have no clue.

Rather than spend time debating the merits of the various theories and conspiracies about our origin or creation, we can all agree that we are yet to prove how we came to be.  In fact, for many in the human race, you are yet to even ask the question.

For all of us who do not know the answer, let me share what Melchizedek said in his Chronicles about the subject.  He does not suffer the limitations of a physical body and mind.  Existing beyond the time and space of our little world, and the limits of our dimension, he knows what we are yet to discover.

Some of the brightest minds in human history have discovered the Truth, that there is a Supreme Being, a Creator, Source of all that is and will be.  You can call it God, Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah, Lord, or whatever, it is still the Supreme Being.

Abraham, father of mankind, knew it and so did Moses.  The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Celtics, Druids, Persians and Chinese Taoists knew it along with the founders of Judaism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Buddhism and Islamism.  They all recognized some kind of Supreme Being we call the Creator.

That is what we concluded over our billions of years of existence.  Melchizedek, from his perspective of being in the company of the Creator, says we are right.  He knows what we have never been able to prove to our own satisfaction.

Since science, technology, theology and philosophy can prove nothing about Creation, then let them prove Melchizedek is wrong.

Melchizedek says God, at the beginning of time as we know it, created all that is in our world in a gigantic, instantaneous explosion of seven concentric circles of creative thought.  All of God’s creation has the ability to recreate itself forever improving, adapting, evolving and regenerating until the end of time.  Everything, including us humans, are the creations of God along with the angels, spirits, and whatever else we are yet to discover.

Considering humans, we are a bit more complex than many other creations.  At the beginning of time our homo sapiens DNA was created along with everything else but it took a few billion years for earth, our destined home, to evolve from a gaseous state at the moment of creation to a solid planet with natural resources, gravity, and the appropriate atmosphere to support human life.

As for the human creation, there are four unique components to all human life – the Body and Mind from the physical realm - and the Soul and Spirit from the spiritual realm.  Add to that the Free Will, another gift from our Creator, and we have the whole human.

God created us out of his Perfect Love, God loves all of his creations, and God will never give up on us no matter what we do with our Free Will.  As a result, redemption and salvation are essential elements to the human creation.

God made us, each and every one of us.  He created us with the power to procreate, to give God new sons and daughters, in order to assure our continuous existence.  At the same time, he created a Soul and Spirit in the spiritual realm to match with the Body and Mind in the physical realm.

Life begins at conception, and the baby becomes complete when the fetus leaves the safety of the womb and enters the world of gravity.  At that precise moment the Soul and Spirit from the spiritual realm fuse with the Body and Mind in the physical realm.

We are all children of God.  We are all equal in the eyes of God.  We all carry the male and female chromosomes for procreation can produce either gender.

The first generation of humans on earth were seeded throughout the planet once it achieved the right land mass, resources, gravity and atmosphere to support human life.  Every subsequent generation since the beginning of time was born on earth through procreation.  Today we are the direct descendants of the original fusing of the Soul and DNA and seeding of the planet Earth billions of years ago.

As I mentioned earlier, there are four distinct components to each human life, each the result of countless miracles of creation.  Our DNA carries the physical characteristics of the Body and Mind while the spiritual characteristics come from the Soul and Spirit.

  Physical                 Spiritual
Mind                           Soul
  Body                         Spirit

That is you, each of you, as God created you.  Unlike most of creation, you also possess the gift of a Free Will, the power to make choices.  There are times when your Free Will is stymied by the circumstances of the civilization and culture you might be born into which is part of God’s plan for you.

You see, God wants you to succeed.  Yet he also knows there are times you cannot succeed through no fault of your own.  To accommodate these deviations of life on Earth, it was necessary to give you gifts from both the physical and spiritual realms since the physical gifts are temporary to that particular lifetime while the spiritual gifts are immortal for all of time.

Your Body and Mind are physical manifestations on Earth, limited to the years you remain alive and the opportunities you may discover during that one lifetime in human form.

Your Soul and Spirit are from the Kingdom, outside of time, and they remain immortal through time and space.  They are your permanent (lifeline) connection to God.

God knew your spiritual evolution would be difficult.  He knew your Free Will was capable of making tragic decisions within a lifetime.  He also knew the collective consciousness of mankind, when misled, could capture Souls and lead them on the wrong path on Earth.

Which is why God why always considered “slavery” as the most despicable and heinous of all sins of man.  Those who would practice, advocate, impose or ignore slavery have deluded themselves into believing they can play God and take control of the lives and freedoms of God’s creations, fellow human beings.

God knew this would happen, and thus allows the Soul to continually return to Earth in human form through reincarnation, in order to complete the Soul’s spiritual awakening to your mission on Earth.

When your Soul manifests in human form on Earth your primary focus is your actions in physical form, subject to the political, cultural, geographic and slavery conditions prevalent at the time.

When you die in physical form your Soul returns to the safety and security of the Kingdom of Heaven where the primary focus of the Soul is preparing for the next physical manifestation on Earth in hopes of finding more favorable conditions amenable to doing God’s work in the Earth plane.

Remember, your Soul is immortal, transcends the limitations of life and death on Earth, preserves memories of your physical lives on Earth when you are back in the Kingdom, and preserves memories of God and the Kingdom when you are incarnated on Earth.

When you are in physical form your innate desire is to fulfill your higher purpose on Earth using all the resources available to you in terms of remembering your spiritual memories of the glory of the Kingdom, and remembering your previous memories of incarnations on Earth.

This includes the reservoirs of knowledge left for us to discover, enlightenment from the (Holy) Spirit within us, access to the angels and many spiritual entities prepared to help us if we call on them, and other gifts we are yet to discover.

God created you.  God will never abandon you.  And God will never give up on you.  Think about it.  Thanks to God’s gift of Free Will you can either embrace the Truth of God’s grace or pursue a path to try and disprove the Truth.  Ignoring the Truth is not an alternative.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Are Religious Doctrine and Dogma in need of an overhaul?

Are Religious Doctrine and Dogma in need of an overhaul?

Could it be that the time has come for the Catholic Church and all Christian religions to take a fresh new look at some of the teachings, doctrine and dogma that is based on the work of the Council of Nicaea, the first ecumenical council of the Christian church, meeting in ancient Nicaea (now İznik, Turkey). It was called by the emperor Constantine I, an unbaptized catechumen, or neophyte, who presided over the opening session and took part in the discussions.

The result of the Council was the adoption of the earliest Bible and founding principles of Christianity.  A series of subsequent Councils, initiatives, Papal pronouncements and revelations has allowed the Church doctrine and dogma to be updated over the centuries including the clarification in Vatican II on the doctrine of the infallibility of the Pope.

Vatican II explained the doctrine of infallibility as follows: "Although the individual bishops do not enjoy the prerogative of infallibility, they can nevertheless proclaim Christ’s doctrine infallibly. This is so, even when they are dispersed around the world, provided that while maintaining the bond of unity among themselves and with Peter’s successor, and while teaching authentically on a matter of faith or morals, they concur in a single viewpoint as the one which must be held conclusively.

This authority is even more clearly verified when, gathered together in an ecumenical council, they are teachers and judges of faith and morals for the universal Church. Their definitions must then be adhered to with the submission of faith" (Lumen Gentium 25).

Infallibility belongs in a special way to the pope as head of the bishops (Matt. 16:17–19; John 21:15–17). As Vatican II remarked, it is a charism the pope "enjoys in virtue of his office, when, as the supreme shepherd and teacher of all the faithful, who confirms his brethren in their faith (Luke 22:32), he proclaims by a definitive act some doctrine of faith or morals.

Therefore, his definitions, of themselves, and not from the consent of the Church, are justly held irreformable, for they are pronounced with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, an assistance promised to him in blessed Peter." 

The infallibility of the pope is not a doctrine that suddenly appeared in Church teaching; rather, it is a doctrine which was implicit in the early Church. It is only our understanding of infallibility which has developed and been more clearly understood over time. In fact, the doctrine of infallibility is implicit in these Petrine texts: John 21:15–17 ("Feed my sheep . . . "), Luke 22:32 ("I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail"), and Matthew 16:18 ("You are Peter . . . "). 

What is the difference between Church doctrine and dogma?

In general, doctrine is all Church teaching in matters of faith and morals. Dogma is more narrowly defined as that part of doctrine which has been divinely revealed and which the Church has formally defined and declared to be believed as revealed.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains,
The Church’s magisterium exercises the authority it holds from Christ to the fullest extent when it defines dogmas, that is, when it proposes, in a form obliging the Christian people to an irrevocable adherence of faith, truths contained in divine Revelation or also when it proposes, in a definitive way, truths having a necessary connection with these. (CCC 88)


According to the Cambridge Dictionary “dogma” is;

Dogma noun [U]
us /ˈdɔɡ·mə, ˈdɑɡ-/
A fixed belief or set of beliefs that people are expected to accept without any doubts: [U] liberal/conservative dogma.

What a novel way to control one’s belief system. 

Dogma in ancient Greek was something that “seems true.”  Another Greek meaning literally is "that which one thinks is true."

Religious dogma concerns religions, which may or may not include the following: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Bahá'í Faith, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Slavic neopaganism, Celtic polytheism, Heathenism (Germanic paganism), Semitic neopaganism, Wicca, Kemetism (Egyptian paganism), Hellenism (Greek paganism), Italo-Roman neopaganism.

Why would such a review be necessary?

For one, the world has changed dramatically since the founding of the Church.  We have advanced in many scientific and technological areas where things are possible that did not exist 2,000 years ago.  Some even have resulted in positive contributions to the message of Jesus and the Bible, while others have given us insights into Creation and evolution, both spiritual and physical, of mankind.

Just one example, the dating of Creation, was maybe 6,000 years based on Genesis but modern physics has estimated it to be at least 13.4 billion years old, with some estimates 16 billion years.

The dating of humans remains a difficult task because the physical body deteriorates and disappears in time, while the surface of the Earth is in a constant state of change through natural events.

Homo Sapiens, which carry the human DNA, have been recently discovered that are over 315,000 years old.  Previously, the oldest was 195,000 years old.  Yet we know the human body would not survive much beyond because of natural decomposition.

The truth is, we have no idea when homo sapiens first appeared on Earth.  What we do know is the Earth is at least 3.4 billion years old and the galaxies of which we are a part are 13.4 billion years old.

That would seem to be the moment of Creation as far as we know but we are constantly revising the date based on new scientific measurements and archeological findings.

I find it inconceivable that God created our galaxies 13.4 billion years ago then waited 13 billion years to create humans.  We have yet to explore the depths of the Earth for evidence of human activity so it is entirely possible God created humans 13.4 billion years ago, or more, and we have simply not discovered a way to document it, yet.

In the world I envision humans were indeed a part of the Big Bang of Creation as suggested by the Creation story, and our failure to document it is simply a matter of not having developed the technology to document it.

It also would mean there may very likely have been numerous civilizations that evolved and then disappeared in the course of human history, that we are yet to discover.

In the evolution of our galaxy and very own Earth there have been many natural cataclysmic events that might have substantially wiped out much of civilization, thus causing the human race to start over many times.

Science has proven there were four Ice Ages that made much of the Earth uninhabitable in those times.  We know super volcanoes such as Yellowstone have erupted and blocked off the healing energy of the Sun for years.  Meteors striking such as the one forming the Gulf of Mexico might have wiped out the mighty dinosaurs that once ruled the Earth and may have reduced human life.

History, as we know and prove it, has radically changed all we know about Creation and the evolution of humans, and if current trends continue we will continue to rewrite history as we seek out the moment of Creation.

Could Reincarnation be a viable Concept to explain Spiritual Evolution?

Our Bible details 6,000 years, we must unveil the truth about the remaining 13 billion years of time since Creation.  Until we do, reincarnation may be one of the best and most logical ways to explain human spiritual evolution available.

First, when I say reincarnation, I am not talking about coming back as an animal or rock, nor am I talking about coming back as or in the same human body.  What I understand it means is the soul finds a new body (fetus) to form a union with and be born.    

In spite of our bias, understanding, or convictions, reincarnation is not prohibited by either Catholic Church doctrine or dogma.  Over the years the Church has attempted to address it without much success.

Theological arguments against it seem hollow, especially in light of the potential that God created humans billions of years earlier than we think and the Bible said.  It only makes sense that an all-powerful God did not wait 13 billion years to add humans to his creation, but created them at the same time. Nothing can prove He did not.

Only Church dogma and doctrine not directly related to reincarnation but used to condemn the idea stands in the way of accepting the plausibility.  The union of body and soul when God breathed life into humans, accounts for the first humans, who were not even born but created.

Since all succeeding generations were conceived and born on Earth, there is a clear distinction between the original humans created and all others to come being born.  Yet it is clear the soul representing the spiritual side of the union could have come to Earth in many bodies over time without changing any concept in Church dogma or doctrine.

If each soul is unique as we are taught, and was created by God initially, that means there might have been many Adam and Eves seeding the Earth in order to have 7.6 billion souls walking the Earth today.

Bear in mind that as late as the time Jesus walked the Earth there were only 300 million inhabitants of Earth, fewer than in the United States alone today.  Where did all the new souls come from?

If you believe God took a personal interest in every unique soul and that all souls were created during the Creation process, the Big Bang, then the same God, all powerful and all knowing, might very well have made a sacred compact with the soul covering as many lifetimes as needed for the soul to complete or fail, the physical mission on Earth.

Such a scenario does not preclude or prohibit the concept of Heaven and Hell nor does it conflict with any other doctrine or dogma of the Church.  It simply makes sense that God would give all souls the chance to use their free will on earth and earn their place in the Kingdom.

Physical death is not a bad thing but a necessary step toward spiritual evolution.  Yet babies that die in childbirth or from abortion never have an opportunity to experience or evolve in their one lifetime on Earth.  Why would God deny them the chance to experience life when the soul, which is forever, could come back?

The same is true of the many souls that do experience life on Earth.  They have no control over their death, and often times can be a victim of others (a car wreck or terrorist explosion), or lured into drugs and death by Satan.  Surely God knows His creations and if his intent is love and good, he would give them a chance to live life in order to redeem themselves.