Showing posts with label Congress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Congress. Show all posts

Monday, January 07, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – America - The Enemy from Within - Part 2 Politics

2. Politics, Political Parties and Self-Preservation

First of all, my perspective regarding politics is most likely different than yours.  Since my earliest memories I was fascinated by politics and the people who ran for elective office.

In my home in the Midwest when people dedicated their time to public service it was considered honorable, patriotic, and something everyone should aspire to if they had an opportunity to help influence and improve the “people’s” government.

The vast majority of elected office holders hold part time and very low paying positions considering the magnitude of the impact on the people.  Yet some people had a combination of the necessary knowledge, commitment, foresight, compassion, common sense, and even a bit of ego to pursue this chance to help others.

My father was a typical World War II vet who, after returning from the war, finished college on the GI bill, got into the family business, and made time to seek political office.  His early campaigns for city council were my introduction to politics when I was six years old.

To me the challenge in politics was harnessing the power of government to actually shape the future, a better future, which required knowing everything about how politics and government actually got things done.  That power could generate constructive change and better address the needs of our future.

Change is always difficult, much more so when you had to achieve it through a massive bureaucracy like the federal government, and get it approved by a very diverse group of elected politicians at the local, state or federal government.

Since I began my political odyssey there have been twelve presidents, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump.  I devoured every scrap of information I could find out about them.  What were their priorities, influences, philosophies, policies, the books they read, and on and on.

Unlike many people today, from Eisenhower to Trump I followed them in real time, not from history books, newspaper archives or searches on Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Wikipedia or other sources.

I lived the history most people of today never experienced, and if they had few had the passion for politics.  While living through the careers of twelve presidents you see far more than a footnote in a history book.  You see the good, the bad, the hopeful, the tragic, the success, and the failures as they happened from beginning to eventual consequences.

It is a sobering experience.

My focus was always “what do the people need from our Constitutional government.”  Of course, there were often conflicting views between candidates and political parties, but the underlying purpose of government was to protect the rights of all people, assure equal opportunity for all, and defend our safety and security.

One must focus on the needs of the people, not the whims of the politicians.  Recognize the diversity of cultures, religions, political philosophies and expectations within the electorate.  Insure that whatever actions are taken, they can be financed by the government.  Finally, do not waste valuable time fighting for causes or candidates that will never succeed.

The dynamics of government change requires finding the Truth in what is needed, justified and fair in the eyes of the people.  Finding Truth means striking a balance in meeting the interests of the people and finding the money to do it, while knowing it s possible to succeed.
By nature, Constitution, experience and history we are a nation of compromise, balancing all interests for the good of all people.  Where does that leave us today?


We are polarized, pigheaded, hateful, uncompromising, rigidly aligned philosophically, and have our own ideas on what is good for the people.  Much of today’s electorate and news media is clueless about what makes government work.

Many of our politicians are far more interested in their own press coverage than focusing on the needs of the people.  Money, big money drives action in Congress by pouring millions, even billions of dollars into campaign war chests and filtering it through the maze of special interest groups demanding that their interest is right for America.

Younger politicians with little knowledge of the inner-working of the legislative process or executive branch have no sense of history nor experience, yet they already know everything.  They get exceptional press coverage and actually believe it is because of their expertise.

As a member of the news media and former reporter, I can tell you the Truth is a far different story.  News media and politicians alike are bought and sold by special interests and the rich.  If some media outlet gives you coverage, it is because they can use you to further their interests.  Right now, the top interest of the media is discrediting Trump.  Truth, honesty and integrity are all casualties of the media feeding frenzy and politicians on TV are the puppets for the media cause, bringing down Trump.

As a former congressional staffer, several times over, I once heard legendary, brilliant and beloved by both political parties House Speaker Tip O’Neill (Democrat) share with the newly elected congressmen of both parties some sage advice he borrowed from President Abraham Lincoln.  It was indicative of Tip’s genius and mastery of the art of compromise.  He said:

“Do not be in a hurry to stand up and speak in the Halls of Congress and before the press.  It is better people not know what you know, than know what you don’t know.”    

Without the knowledge of history, and experience within the system, which includes experience in matters of decorum like respecting people regardless of their beliefs, and knowing the rules and protocols, you are a voice in the wilderness and a puppet for the biased news media and special interests.

Fueling dissent and animosity, embracing disrespect, and spouting empty promises may give you temporary attention, but the empty promises, boasts and threats will only get you on the scrap heap of failed politicians in the long run.

Political Parties

As for political parties, they only make governing more difficult.  In the early twentieth century the Democrats and Republicans finally got a stranglehold on our political system.  While all kinds of political parties and candidates may get on the ballots in some big cities and states, only a Democrat or Republican can ever win in our broken-down political system.

Ironically, neither party is mentioned in our Constitution.  Once upon a time the majority party took a bi-partisan approach to legislating but that ended in the Reagan-O’Neill era.  From working together our parties have devolved into radical opposition to compromise and often irrational condemnation of each other’s policies because of ideological ideology differences.

Even more ironic, in spite of the stark differences between the party platforms, neither party, once in power, has ever come close to implementing their sacred ideology through our system of government.  Party platforms are dead upon arrival and are never more than an empty campaign promise forgotten the day after the election.

Maybe the news media, political parties and politicians think their platform is important, but you have not fooled the people.  The vast majority of the people do not believe political promises and know the platforms are window dressing for the campaign.  They know the same of news media coverage.

The Electorate

Over fifty percent of the eligible voters in America are so disgusted or disinterested in our political system they refuse to register to vote.  Long ago they realized Independent voters are disenfranchised by discriminatory laws.  The two-party system has failed to energize the voter.

So, they sit out the election.

Yet even among the other fifty percent that do register to vote, enthusiasm is struggling.  Voter participation in the past three presidential elections was 62.3 percent in 2008, 57.8 percent in 2012, and 61.4 percent in 2016.  In other words, about 40 percent of our registered voters did not even vote.

Of those that did vote, for the first time in modern history there were more Independent voters than Democrat or Republican.  Do not expect any action any time soon to fix the discrimination against the new majority of Independents.  Democrat and Republican parties both have self-preservation before the good of the people.

Right now, the two parties are protected by restrictive state laws regarding the rights of Independents.  It is a result of the state party affiliates taking orders from their national parties.

However, the Silent Majority or registered and unregistered Independents who sit back and watch the political circus will one day be silent no more.  Wen they have had enough, they will register and fix the corrupt campaign finance laws, break the two-party stranglehold on our election system, and they will hold the wayward news media accountable for their lies, untruths and fake news.

For the record, the Truth tells us no presidential candidate in modern times can declare their election represents a mandate to speak for the people when only twenty-five percent of the eligible voters vote for the winning presidential candidate.

Believe it or not, with fifty percent of the eligible voters refusing to register, and forty percent of eligible voters choosing not to vote, no recent president has been elected with anyway near a fifty percent plurality.  Obama and Trump both were elected by twenty-five percent of the eligible vote, a substantial minority of eligible voters no matter what kind of math you use.

The People of our One Nation, under God, are watching.

Good people want discussion, not discord.

They want cooperation, not confrontation.

They want civility, not calamity.

They want compassion, not conspiracy.

They want compromise, not chaos.

They want progress, not promises.

They want results, not rhetoric.

Mostly they simply want the Truth.

And that is what God wants too.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Twelve Old White Men on the Senate Judiciary Committee – The Enemy of the Resistance

Are old White men really incapable of knowing what is best for the people of America, all the people of America?

How about those who condemn old White men in the US Senate for lack of judgement, perhaps they should get their facts right before they start spewing reckless charges.

Okay, so their hatred may cloud their flamboyant charges, does that mean truth is obsolete to the far left?
Anti-Trump forces and mischievous Democrats intent on running for president or ignoring the Constitution have coined the negative phrase of the “twelve old White men” voting on the current Supreme Court Justice nomination.
They use it as if older, White, male members of the Senate are incapable of making decisions for anyone except, old White men one must presume.
It is a clever ruse and used constantly by Move On and many other special interest groups within the fringe of what used to be the Democratic party.  Some consider themselves progressives, others socialists, others anarchists and all seem to be members of the resistance, which translates to anti-Trump resistance.



So, what about their claim “old White men” are not qualified to decide the future of the nation?  Well this is not the first time old White men have been required to determine the future of the nation and how did they fare in the past?



July 4, 1776 - Old White men approved the Declaration of Independence.

September 17, 1787 - Old White men adopted and signed the Constitution

December 15, 1791 – Old White men ratified the Bill of Rights as additions to the Constitution


April 8, 1864 - Old White men in Senate pass the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery

June 8, 1866 – Old White men in Senate pass the 14th Amendment guaranteeing citizenship to all born or naturalized in the US and extending Bill of Rights protection

February 16, 1869 – Old White men in Senate passed 15th Amendment prohibiting the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude"



June 4, 1919 – Old White men pass the 19th Amendment prohibiting the states and the federal government from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex.

June 19, 1964 – Old White men in Senate passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964

August 4, 1965 - Old White men in the Senate passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965.



I do not know about you, but it seems to me that time after time in our nation’s history “Old White men” in the Senate have stepped forward to correct serious injustices and inequalities.  People seem to be ignoring history when they condemn old White men and they seem to be contributing to the rabid polarization of society through their reckless hatred.

In spite of the media support of the resistance, those millions that support such idealism still are a very small fringe of the voting public.  As more people seek truth the number of supporters of such resistance are alienating the substantial number of men and women in America who do not believe those old White men are the enemy, but the protectors and defenders of equal rights and opportunity for all.

Sadly, a lot of very worthwhile causes for women and many other issues have been seduced by the resistance and hijacked by them.  In time they will find their own worthy causes lost in the hatred, polarity, and fantasy world of the resistance.  You see, good ideas respect all others, they do not trade in hatred and polarity.

Thanks to those old White men, the resistance of today can now stand before the cameras and resist to their heart's content.

There are also quite a few White men, and women, along with fellow Americans of every race, who never grew to be old because they gave their lives to defend the right of others to freedom and free speech.

So, who are the many tentacles of the “resistance” movement intent on compromising our Constitution and polarizing our people, well they come in many sizes and shapes.      

#ResistTrumpTuesdays is a joint project of The Working Families Party, MoveOn, and People’s Action. 

List of Organizations in the Resistance movement

Volunteer/Activism Opportunities

Activism Engine
ATN Works
Create the Good
Movement Match
Resistance Dashboard
Rise Stronger's interactive database of groups
Volunteer Switchboard
Civic Engagement
100 Days, 100 Dinners—self-organized structures for community-building
Pen Plus Pals: Red Plus Blue—creating a dialogue between conservatives and liberals
Civil Rights and Social Justice
866 Our Vote, advancing and defending the right to vote
Ella Baker Center
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Help for Flint
Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights
People Power, a project of the ACLU
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
Stand With Me Now, responding to hate incidents and connecting communities in crisis
Tahirih Justice Center
Women's Economic Agenda Project
Young Invincibles
Academia United on Climate Change
Asian Pacific Environmental Network
The Climate Mobilization—Ten years; zero emissions; full employment. Make it a reality Central volunteer opportunities.
Citizens' Climate Lobby
Food and Water Watch
#IAmStillIn: Sign to say you're still committed to the Paris Accord
NextGen Climate
People's Climate Movement
Power Shift Network—sign up to get involved here
Rising Tide North America
Terrapass—fighting climate change
Culture/Arts Activism
Artifax: fax a work of art to Congress (in support of the National Endowment for the Arts)
Backbone Campaign: strategies, support, and training for activists, often through art
Define American—conversations about immigration and identity
Groundswell: art, community, and change (New York)
Repeal Hyde Art Project
Trump Won't Stop Us, a movement by artists
US Department of Arts and Culture (not a government agency)—an act of collective imagination fueled by all who believe that art and culture are among our most powerful and under-tapped resources for creating a more just, equitable, and vibrant world: create your own outpostenlist as a citizen artist, or volunteer
Watch Paint Dry, art and resistance—more info here
Coffee Party USA, for civility and representative democracy
Congressional Management Foundation: building trust and effectiveness in Congress (includes citizens' guides to interacting with Congress)
Democracy Spring
Issue One, dealing with the problem of money in politics
Onward Together, "dedicated to advancing the vision that earned nearly 66 million votes in the last election"
Roots Action DIY
Disability Rights
Autism Women's Network
Be HEARD: helping educate to advance the rights of the deaf
I Am Alive: volunteer with the online crisis network (training provided)
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Blue Bench: putting an end to sexual assault through prevention and care
It's On Us: inviting everyone to participate in the fight against sexual violence
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
#MeToo Movement founded by Tarana Burke. Join the movement to support survivors and end sexual violence.
Network for Public Education—become an ally
EduColor Elevating voices of public school advocates of color on educational equity and justice - get activated, get networked.
See also Upcoming Elections in Tools of Resistance for groups focused specifically on electing progressive candidates in upcoming elections.
All of Us and affiliated #WeWillReplaceYou campaign
Adopt a State
Knock Every Door
Road to 2018
Sister District Project, connecting people in blue and red districts to make a bigger impact
Unrig the Map
If Then Fund, reshaping Congress by empowering small-dollar donors
Justice Democrats
ProLog: sign up to donate your professional skills to Democratic campaigns
Resurgent Left
VoteRiders, get the info you need about voting and IDs
Swing Left
Win the City
Foreign Policy/Military/Veteran Affairs
Global Giving: find international-focused volunteer opportunities
Heroic Hearts—help for international crisis zones, including Syria
International Rescue Committee
Islamic Relief USA, working in Syria, among many other places
PEG, a spoof site aiming to build a campaign to hold politicians accountable for their actions/inactions in Syria
Free Speech and Media-Related
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Protect My Public Media
Health Care
Campaign for Guaranteed Health Care
Message in a Pill Bottle—send a message in a pill bottle to your members of Congress
Payback Project, actions aimed at reps who voted to repeal Obamacare
Resist Repeal, an official effort from House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer
Carson Watch, keeping track of Secretary Ben Carson and Housing and Urban Development
Alto Trump
Border Angels
Black Alliance for Justice Immigration
Cara Pro Bono Project
CIVIC: immigrant detention visitation
Here to Stay Network
HIAS (refugee protection network)
I Am an Immigrant
Immigration Justice
International Rescue Committee
Libraries Serve Refugees
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service: help with resettlement; do visitation
Miry's List, collecting donated items for refugees
Movimiento Cosecha
National Justice for Our Neighbors
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Reform Immigration FOR America
Sanctuary Not Deportation: #SanctuaryRising
Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights
LGBTQ+ Equality
Casa Ruby
Equality Federation
Gender Spectrum
GLAD Legal Advocates and Defenders
Immigration Equality—LGBTQ immigrant rights
Lambda Legal
National Black Justice Coalition
Queer Detainee Empowerment Project
Sylvia Rivera Law Project
Trans Youth Equality Foundation
Trevor Project: regional cities
Victory Fund: electing LGBT candidates
Mass Incarceration
CLASP (Community Legal & Advocacy Services Project): supports prisoners in their fight against mass incarceration
Black and Pink: LGBTQ+ prisoners and free-world allies—become a pen pal
No More Money Bail/Mama's Bail Out Day
Project NIA: Building Peaceful Communities
Muslim Issues and Islamophobia
Register Me First
Policing and Gun Violence
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America—sign up to be connected with a local chapter
Political Party–Affiliated
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Progressive Change Campaign Committee
Our Revolution
Racial Justice
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
Ella Baker Center
National Black Justice Coalition
National Iranian American Council
Queer Detainee Empowerment Project
Showing Up for Racial Justice
Sikh Coalition
South Asian Americans Leading Together
Voting Rights
Carpool Vote
Ranked Choice Voting online activist group
Rock the Vote
Spread the Vote—online and in-person activism to help voters get IDs
Value the Vote
Voting Rights Alliance
Women's Rights and Reproductive Justice
Hollaback, fighting street harassment
The New Agenda
Planned Parenthood
Reproductive Health Access Project
Workers' Rights and Consumer Protections
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees volunteer member organizers
IRS Tax Volunteers (government-affiliated)
Move to Amend
National Domestic Workers Alliance
Sustainable Economies Law Center
Bedrock Initiative
Dream Corps and affiliated Love Army
National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee
Peace First
State Innovation Exchange—advancing and defending progressive policies in states across the country
Action Together Network
Always Forward—sign up here
Attrition Coalition
Beyond the Moment, a coalition of [for Black Lives] and The Majority
Democratic Coalition Against Trump
Families for Resistance
FOIA the Trump Administration
Get Your Pack to Act: form a mini advocacy group
Impeach Trump Now
Our Next Four Years: creating animated progressive PSAs
Our States: guides/info on advocacy at the state level
People's Power Assemblies
Pussy Hat Project
Resistance Party
Save Democracy
Sincerely, the Resistance, create postcards to send to your reps
Strike for Democracy
Take On Hate
This Is My Oath
Women's March