Showing posts with label polarity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label polarity. Show all posts

Sunday, March 25, 2018

It is Palm Sunday - Welcome to Holy Week – the best of times and the worst of times

One week demonstrating the depth of evil in the minds of humans

It was 1,985 years ago that Jesus of Nazareth spent his last week as a human on Earth.  Today, Palm Sunday, he was worshipped by massive crowds as he made his way into Jerusalem to face his final destiny.

No one would expect the same adoring crowds just a couple of days later would demand the New Messiah be crucified and killed on a cross.  No one except Jesus that is and the handful of associates close to him.

Of course, even his Apostles refused to believe it was possible after the grand reception he got from the crowds of admirers.  There were at least two others who did know the truth and believed it, his Holy Mother Mary and the Magdalene, his only confidant and his Apostle to the Apostles.

Even with forewarning it was almost impossible for them to witness, as before the week was five days old Jesus was subject to torture so vicious it could only be a product of evil in the darkest and most vile sense.

By Good Friday the worst of humankind came to the fore as Jesus was driven through the streets of Jerusalem by whips and beaten by fists and boards as he carried the cross, spit on by the crowds who once cheered him, condemned by the Pharisees who feared him, to his death on Mt. Calvary.

Rather than ropes tying him to the cross as was the usual Roman treatment, nails were driven through his wrists and feet to make certain he suffered the greatest pain possible.  Once on the cross he was refused water but given bitter vinegar to drink, then his stomach was slit open by a spear, in what ironically might have been a humanitarian act to save him from extended suffering before death.

A shroud of darkness descended upon the world as ancient prophecy was fulfilled, the Savior of the world would be brutally murdered by those he was trying to save.

Finally, the naked truth became obvious, human thoughts, human actions, and human deeds had manifested to the point where we, all people, became the Antichrist.  Remember, the Antichrist is the master illusionist and practitioner of Black Magic who would seduce humans with goodness and everything they thought was good.

Before the weekend was over White Magic would triumph when Jesus completed the miraculous process of Resurrection by rising from the dead in a transmutation which allowed him to reconstruct his body, dematerializing and rematerializing like a character out of Star Wars for those with no imagination left.

Evil persecuted and murdered Jesus, under the guise of protecting the world from a perceived threat that never existed. It was a way to deflect attention from the real failure in mankind, the capitulation to evil and the sacrificing of minds, bodies, and souls for pleasure and instant gratification rather than serving the will of the Creator.

By deflecting attention from the truth, the collapse of human morality, Evil made it possible for people to ignore responsibility for all that happened.  The power of Evil was sufficient to cloud the mission of the Son of God, and to kill him at the urging of the very people he was sent to save.  Finally, it allowed all involved to avoid being called upon to account for the actions of others.

Well, we got away with it that time and as a result the world stopped evolving, spiritually evolving that is, and we, the people, empowered Evil to a become powerful force against God.

Who or what is Evil?

It seems everyone has a different explanation for the existence of evil as long as it does not involve themselves.  There are the Fallen Angels, Lucifer, Satan, demons, all kinds of faces but what is the reality?

Look in the mirror.  You are looking at the potential face of the Antichrist.  Your free will and the resulting choices you make determine if you are a party to the Antichrist, which in truth is the human consciousness opposed to the will of the Father.

There is no evil in the realm of God, nor the Kingdom of Jesus.  Perfect Love is the Creator.  There is no place for evil in such a place.  There is no reason to believe such an all-powerful God would embrace it.

Quite the contrary, our God even gave the life of his Son on Earth to help guide and save humans.  No, Evil and the Antichrist are not products of the Heavens, they are by-products of our faulty use or misuse of free will.  That was a gift God gave us, but he also gave us the moral code to avoid evil if we so choose.

Our DNA is programmed to give us choices, between the Seven Cardinal Virtues and Seven Deadly Sins.  God gave us the DNA.  Our physical world is a balancing act between polarities and in the end, you better embrace the right side of the polarity to return to Oneness with the Creator.

Unfortunately, too many of us are seduced by the entity we call evil.  Evil is the opposite of good and the collective consciousness of people determines the power of evil in your lifetime.  Today, it has reached a pinnacle.

There are two types of evil that are permeating the people of the earth right now.  One is the choice of free will, usually based on ego, and most often associated with power, greed, wealth, and control.  The other is the passive stance of what seem to be good people.

Rejecting evil does not mean being pious, does not mean attending church once a week, nor avoiding evil.  Jesus taught that the greatest of sinners are those who fail to stop the sins of others.  Indifference, a desire to not get involved, or ignoring evil are subconscious yet hypocritical actions intended to make you seem or feel pious and good, but do nothing to overcome the collective force of evil building around us.

Evil is the manifestation of bad things being done by people.  The more bad things being done, the stronger the force of evil.  In time the potential for evil is so empowered as to create the illusion of evil creatures, demons for example.

Make no mistake, evil is the most powerful force beyond the Creator’s Love here on Earth.  It is the Anti-Christ because so many are seduced by the power of evil.  But it is also empowered by those trying to avoid evil.

Spiritual warfare has spilled over into the dimension of earth but only humans will pay the cost in the end because it is us who will be judged for what we did or did not do in our own lifetimes.  We face the final judgement in Revelations, and we face the consequences for what we did, or did not do.

Most of us now embrace technology and have become slaves to the myriad of apps prepared to take care of all our needs.  We are slaves to smart phones, smart TVs, GPS, video games and a hundred other things.  We are also slaves to finances like banks, schools, auto loans, home mortgages, and all the other things demanded by better quality of life.

Slavery is the greatest abomination against the Creator’s will that exists, whether technology, drug addiction, alcohol, prescription drugs, sex, or the many other choices we give ourselves.  Those are just the areas we support in everyday life.

But we do even more damage to humanity, and our own salvation, by ignoring the horrors of slavery in terms of human trafficking.  This is what we conveniently seem to ignore.  Here is the result.  Beyond the many forms of slavery I already mentioned, this exists.          

There are approximately 20 to 30 million slaves in the world today. According to the U.S. State Department, 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year, of which 80% are female and half are children.
According to a September 2017 report from the International Labor Organization (ILO) and Walk Free Foundation:
An estimated 24.9 million victims are trapped in modern-day slavery. Of these, 16 million (64%) were exploited for labor, 4.8 million (19%) were sexually exploited, and 4.1 million (17%) were exploited in state-imposed forced labor.

Forced labor takes place in many different industries. Of the 16 million trafficking victims exploited for labor -

7.5 million (47%) forced labor victims work in construction, manufacturing, mining, or hospitality

3.8 million (24%) forced labor victims are domestic workers

1.7 million (11%) forced labor victims work in agriculture 

71% of trafficking victims around the world are women and girls and 29% are men and boys.

15.4 million victims (75%) are aged 18 or older, with the number of children under the age of 18 estimated at 5.5 million (25%).

The Asia-pacific region accounts for the largest number of forced laborers — 15.4 million (62% of the global total). Africa has 5.7 million (23%) followed by Europe and Central Asia with 2.2 million (9%). The Americas account for 1.2 million (5%) and the Arab States account for 1% of all victims. 

Human trafficking does not always involve travel to the destination of exploitation: 2.2 million (14%) of victims of forced labor moved either internally or internationally, while 3.5 million (74%) of victims of sexual exploitation were living outside their country of residence.

Victims spend an average of 20 months in forced labor, although this varied with different forms of forced labor.

This deplorable conduct by humans is what manifests and empowers evil and ignoring it by the pious only empowers it further.  That is the message Jesus and Melchizedek want you to understand.  As long as we continue to ignore what s happening we stop our spiritual evolution.

We must return to a moral, ethical, and wholesome existence where we remember our relationship to the Lord, our kinship with Jesus, and our road back to the Garden will lead to everlasting happiness in Oneness with the Creator.

At the same time, we all must help shine the light on evil in all forms and manifestations.  Stop empowering it, illuminate the existence of it, and become One with Jesus in saving the rest of humanity.

Know God and feel the Love of God through the help of the Holy Spirit and the example of Jesus, and we cannot fail.  Talk to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Mother Mary and Magdalene directly and ask for help in stopping the disruption in our spiritual evolution.  Pray for God’s will to be done by all and help all others find their way back to the Garden and we start to regain our path to Heaven.

Never underestimate evil, nor our role in creating and manifesting evil.  Such awareness makes you a much more effective enemy of evil and advocate for God and Jesus.  This is not the time for watchers, but time for action.  Soon we all will be judged not for what we did for ourselves, but for what we did not do for fellow humans.

Pray that you and all you love are on the right side.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Christmas Holidays and Christmas Cheer - Watch the Games have another Beer. Did you thank Jesus?


 What is so important about the birth of Jesus?

First is the example he set for all of us.  We know we experience two major events in our lives, being born and dying.  Jesus was sent to show us what we have forgotten about the stages in one’s life.

He was Born, like us, although we probably missed out on the part of Mary and Joseph fleeing Bethlehem to avoid the Baby Jesus being killed by Herod.  I doubt too many of us were brought into the world in a manger in a sable.

Then he showed three apostles, Peter (Simon), John and James the Transfiguration, when the full grace of God was brought into him.  The three were blinded by the light emanating from Jesus.

Next, like us, he faced Death, a horrible death unlike anything we have ever seen or experienced.  From the time he was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane through the trial, he was beaten, whipped, clubbed, crowned with thorns, while denied food and water for 24 hours.  Then he was forced to carry the Cross to his own Crucifixion.

In a little over 24 hours Jesus faced the most awful torture and death possible for a human while being ridiculed and blasphemed by those around him.  This was the will of the Father in order to give all people a chance to repent and receive redemption for their sins against the Father’s will.

Unlike us, after his death Jesus Resurrected from the dead, then went on to Ascend back into the Kingdom of Heaven.  In both the Transfiguration and the Ascension, Moses and Elijah showed up in spirit form when Jesus prayed.  All these mysterious and miraculous stages took place as a result of the Baby being born.

Enlightenment, hope, redemption and salvation were now possible for all people because this little Baby was born.  That is his gift to us, what is our gift to him?

Jesus was sent to Earth by his Father and ours to open us to the presence of the Holy Spirit and Father Creator within us.  Jesus is the pathway to discovering the Perfect Love of the Father for us and all his creations.

Once we seek out and discover the Perfect Love of the Father, we will learn to live the will of the Father.  Perfect Love is what you live by and project to all that is – in the Kingdom.  No small task.

You must master forgiveness, obliterate all bias, reject revenge, view the weakest as the strongest, view the least of us as the best of us, well you get the picture.  You will look at all others and see the face of Jesus, then look in the mirror and find him there as well.

It seems there are two prevalent notions about the Son of God, consistent with the concept that all of Creation was meant to be good, then again, what else would he create?  So, if he is all about good, what is the deal with all the sin in the world?  Considering we are the Father’s Creations, there seems to be an awful lot of nasty, even dreadful, dark stuff we generate.  Not good.  It is our contribution to the spiritual evolution of our soul.  How can you know good if you have never experienced bad?  Just another exercise of free will, the ultimate learning experience.

Believe it or not, when the anti-matter physicists of the future finally toss in the towel and admit God did create us, we may finally understand all the instructions he gave us through Jesus, and many others.  Our problem was we just did not get it right.

All of Creation seems to be built on the “Trinity” model, where Protons and Neutrons exist in the atom along with Electrons.  It is a matter of positive and negative energy as expressed in electromagnetic waves, two polarizing influences, and when they collide in an effort to destroy their counterpart, they combine forces in the surviving Electron.

Each polar opposite is trying to dominate, then absorb, the energy of the other.  Only one can be left standing, there can only be one, and that is the Electron.  So, when Protons and Neutrons fight it out, neither wins but the third entity emerges, the Electron.  The Proton did not defeat the Neutron, nor lose to it, they absorbed each other causing a cataclysmic reaction, thus completing the three elements of the creation Trinity.

When things get out of hand here on Earth, like we begin to embrace the Dark forces rather than light, the Creation polarity is out of balance being dominated by the Dark side, and the spiritual evolution of humans ceases, sometime moving into a reverse-enlightenment evolution.

When we embrace the wrong polarity in our lives, meaning the choice between the Seven Cardinal Virtues and Seven Deadly Sins, and we take the dark side, then we contribute to a growing darkness descending upon the Earth.  The more participants the stronger the force of evil grows as our free will makes more and more wrong decisions.

Satan, the Devil, or the Anti-Christ as I see the face of evil, convince people e can be creators ourselves with our power over Technology through Artificial Intelligence, and Biology through Genetic Manipulation.  Feed people’s egos, nurture their fascination with power and wealth, manipulate prescription drug to keep them sick or make them sicker, and now you can create anything.

Problem is, when you dance with the Devil the music never stops.

So, God did not reign down plagues, pestilence, foods, and famines on us as punishment for screwing up.  We, our collective free will, through the manipulation of fear and offerings of decadence, created the wall of darkness shrouding the Earth.

Embrace the light and you will find enlightenment.  Embrace the dark and in time your guilt will expose you, and your actions will betray you.  Your Golden Palace will be made of fool’s gold and disintegrate when you face judgement for your life’s contributions to Father Creator’ will, not your own will.

Self-indulgence has a price, it is called Redemption. Your pursuit of the temptations of the Dark Side might well have caused you to forfeit your right to Redemption.  You forgot to read the fine print in your pact with the Dark Side.  It says “you sold your soul to the Devil.”

God gives you many chances to repent and seek forgiveness.  If you ignore them all and fully embrace the promises of the Anti-Christ to make you God, it is possible you will be banished to the Void, the Black Hole of the Anti-matter, for eternity and beyond.

There is only one experience worse than pain for eventually pain goes away.  The Void of Anti-matter is your Hell, though devoid of human pain.  Rather it is the experience of total isolation devoid of all color, contact with people, pure black.  A Void of such depth of darkness where nothing can be seen, heard, or touched for eternity and beyond.

If you are reading this story or heard about it there is still a chance you can stop your spiral to the Void by repenting, and perhaps you have not forfeited the chance for Redemption.

Jesus showed us what we can do with our lives.   We are BORN, then we TRANSFIGURE when we embrace the enlightenment of the Soul endowed through the intervention of the Holy Spirit.

When called we have a physical DEATH, and are RESURRECTED as an endowed spirit.  Our last step is the ASCENSION, our triumphant return to the Father and the Kingdom.

Choices and consequences, that is what you face if you can ever break the temptations of the Dark Side and slavery to machines, artificial intelligence, or genetic manipulation.

So when that Baby was born over 2,000 years ago it was to a struggling working class family, not to an emperor, monarch, or aristocrat.  Yet this Baby was the only soul born to Earth I our history who demonstrated what we are capable of doing in our life, being Born, Transfigure, Resurrect, and Ascend back home to our Father’s Kingdom.

Think of the contrast with the world you call reality.

Are you happy?

Have you accomplished everything you could do in your life?

Did you ask Jesus and the Holy Spirit to guide you on your path?

Did you live your will or the will of the Father?

Did you transfigure into a state of grace as Jesus?

When you die are you prepared to Resurrect?

When you Resurrect are you prepared to Ascend to the Father’s Kingdom?

Did you get what you wanted for Christmas, Jesus did not?

He died so you might live forever in the Kingdom of his Father.

Celebrate and honor Jesus during the Christmas Holidays for his birth provided you the path to redemption and everlasting salvation. 


Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Melchizedek's Apprentice - I Look in the Mirror. What do I see! Who is that staring back at me?


I heard a preacher at a memorial service for the Las Vegas sniper victims passionately tell his parishioners we all have a right to be fearful, and to embrace that fear including the fear of God, into our hearts and minds.

Melchizedek says that attitude only empowers and stimulates the dark side who use fear to capture our heart, and then our soul.

It is not okay to have fear in your heart and soul, and embracing fear only gives it credibility in the eyes of others.  Thus, you have used your “embraced fear” to reinforce the mission of the Dark Side, to empower fear, and to poison minds.

Did you hear the words of Melchizedek, it is NOT okay to have fear in your heart, or your mind.  That is not why you were created and put here.  Jesus set the example, he had no fear, and he reminded us we were all made in the image and likeness of his Father, Our Father.

Fear is a very dangerous concept.  Thinking about it, worrying about it, altering your life style because of it, fear is quite a remarkable tool of the Dark Side.  Fact is it dominates every avenue of information gathering we use from news media on television to preachers from the pulpit.

We are surrounded by purveyors and practitioners of fear, bombarding us with why we should fear fear, embrace fear, hide in fear, hide behind fear, and all the other weak excuses we have to justify dabbling in the Black Arts.

None of the above is acceptable.  Reject fear and you embrace life and light.  Illuminate the darkness and you reject the many influences of the Dark Side.  Throw light on the demons, and their often successful efforts to use your energy for their evil purposes, and you reject evil thus staking your claim to Creation, as the Father would want and expect of you.

Quite often it is our misguided intent that insures our weakness and defeat.  As we embrace fear through the nightly news or the fire and brimstone of the pulpits, we strengthen the dark side.  When we seek out allies to our causes, we assume the more people helping the stronger we can become.  Wrong!  The more people we find to help fight fear by embracing it, actually intensifies fear by acknowledging it.  We are the source of strength for fear, stimulating the life force and strength of fear in a way we never intended.

Is it not time we wake up?

Let me give you an example of how we are all playing right into the hands, and clutches, of fear.  Take this most recent act by man, the Las Vegas tragedy.  A single man reminded us of the power of evil when it guided him to the senseless murder of 59 innocent souls and wounding of over 526 others, the worst mass murder in our history.  Now the news media and preachers are further driving the negative impact of evil into our lives by exploiting the event and making fear the centerpiece of the tragic event.

Good intent is powerless in the face of unrelenting effort by fear and evil to dominate, and dominate they do.  Before the blood was even dry on the victims the news media and politicians were already diverting attention from the heinous act of evil to the polarizing demands for gun control.  Both the pro-gun, and pro-anti-gun movements will be quick to embrace their opposing view, quicker to denigrate the other side, and quicker still to use fear as the primary motivation for action.

No action founded in fear serves a useful purpose in our Father’s Creation.

The thing about gun control advocates, what one might call the defenders on the left of the right to protect us from unnecessary influences of God, morality, wealth, ad infinitum, and the defenders on the right of the opposite view from the opposite spectrum, whose God is often hypocritical, whose opinion is always right, and who fearlessly defend the right to be free.

Funny thing, what if you both are wrong?  What if these horrible acts of violence we witness are caused by fear penetrating the heart, mind, and soul, being exploited by the media and others for ratings success, and empowered by us through our collective concern, and fear, for all mankind?

Fear-based polarization leads to isolation, alienation, and manipulation, pure and simple.  It rejects negotiation and accommodation, choosing to reject anything not in conformance to the hardened terms of the right or the left, whichever poison you choose to embrace.

Funny, I never heard about the Eleventh Commandment conjured up and embraced by the opposing sides of polarity, “I always get my own way in the end.”

I do not remember seeing that on the tablets of the Ten Commandments or in the notes of Moses.  You, collectively, have empowered a way of existence contrary to your purpose in being here.  Perhaps you were a Ritalin experiment when a kid, maybe a Vicodin or Prozac one today.

You are all losing one of your greatest manifestations of creation, your minds.  If your mind goes, then your spirit is sure to follow as your mind and spirit need each other to function.  What is your spirit going to accomplish by staying with you, when there will be no one else left in the playground?

However, there is a third side to every argument/conversation.  It appears in many disguises using all the powers of Merlin it possesses to magically transform what is, to something far better.  You call it indifference, anathema, alienation, isolation, on the part of the bad guys.  They call it true freedom, those rascals in the third side.

The Third Side Gang somehow manages to win every time they get in the game.  They know the truth, and they want no part of whatever the other two sides are fighting over.  Independent, self-motivated, resourceful, and creative souls, they are in the image and likeness of Our Father and Creator.

To me the Third Side Gang are those silent and forgotten souls who never lost that link to the Creator.  They are the ones taught how to reflect the face of Jesus to all who shall see them.  For they know, Creation is not about just me, nor are there any winners or losers.  God did not create a game, he created everything, including your precious, little games.

Are there ever days when you feel like you are just a pawn on the chessboard of life?  Maybe a victim of your enemies, those who disagree with you, but still control the system.  I mean you probably should be insulted by the dastardly display of disdain and demeaning attitude inflicted on you by your opponent/enemy.

Think about it, no matter the strain and pain you might experience, you need to detox badly.  Your brain cells need to be run through a car wash to cleanse them of the brutal brainwashing they experienced.  It matters not which side you are on, you have filled your mind with so much you think you know, there is no room for what you don’t know.

When you know it all, you have reached the end of your advances in evolution, until you make room for truth.  Anyway, you are not to blame for your many flaws, fractures, fobias, and stuff.  However, everyone else is and you certainly will not forget it, nor let them.

If you look up the word fobias, to see if it will help you understand my strange ideas, you might be surprised the Viral dictionary has now concluded the word fobias is defined as a rock band from Mexico.  A rock band from Mexico?  I have nothing against rock bands from Mexico.  But we all know fobias is a Spanish noun “fobia,” meaning the same messed up mental nature as our own definition of phobia.

Now you see why I believe we truly live in Alice’s Wonderland, where nothing is as it seems.

We are all equal in the eyes of the Creator because we all know, sometimes maybe way, deep down inside, the truth is we are all in the image and likeness of the Father.  You might call Him the Source, the Creator, the Father, Allah, Yahweh, God, whatever name you choose.  The Creator creates all that is, including us and all those other Gods, when we become part of Creation.

Then, a mystery among giants, the Creator projects himself into his own Creation to follow us, up close and personal, desirous of seeing just exactly how His Creation does along the way.  The Creator did what any self-respecting God of all that is would do, when nothing is beyond your power.

Not only did he create you, he then became you, and here you thought you were abandoned and on your own.  He lived along with you every step of your life, good and bad, as you sought to find your way back to His Kingdom.

Life is one of two choices, good or bad, right or wrong, gentle or ruthless, a series of opposites and polarities that define your experience in this lifetime.  That secret Third Side Gang we ignore is the Creator as well, and it keeps Mother Earth in balance as we find our way back to the Garden.  It is the bridge between polarities, the DMZ of your subconscious.

Think of an hour glass, there is a narrow tube or link in the middle allowing the opposing sides to exchange the sand from one to the other.  When the two sides finally figure out they are both equally dependent on the tiny pebbles of sand, which neither possess on its own, they suddenly come to the realization that we are all God’s Creation, everything from the billions or trillions of galaxy, to the gazillion cells forming you.

They introduce themselves to each other as different sides of the same mirror, only it is two sides rather than just one.  Each side brings a different perspective to the center, a counterbalance, while The Third Gang quietly remains in the center going about the business of helping the other two merge into one.  In reality the center has now shape- shifted from a channel between opposing polarities, or entities, helping them become One, thus replacing the original three, the left, the right, and the bridge in between.

Polarity stimulates the imagination to find a better way.  The bridge between the polarity provides the vehicle.  When polarity is absorbed into the Third Gang, it ceases to be a negative energy.  In truth, the polarity has now morphed into one, the perfection of the Creator.

In Creation there can only be One, and all else flowing from the One are the One as well.

A bit complex.  Well that is the point. Everything about our Creation is a lot more complex than you ever imagined.

Mother Earth thinks it is time you must take responsibility for your actions, even responsibility for the co-creation responsibility of all others, for are not all of you reflecting the one true face, the face of Jesus.  

That is not a question, but an answer you must prove to yourself in order to make your contribution to the Creation and Creator, the source of perfect love in the beginning.