Showing posts with label humans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humans. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - The Search for Intelligent Life in the Universe! Did we give up searching for it here on Earth?

Did you ever stop to wonder, why is it we humans think we know all the answers?  When you put those superior human beings into perspective, as one of the billions of occupants of Creation, it makes you ponder where did we find such an egotistical attitude?

It seems to me the existence of billions of galaxies and trillions of suns, stars, moons and planets in the cosmos might be pretty important to the Creator as well.  Come to think of it, land, water, air, minerals, even the building blocks of creation - hydrogen and oxygen are quite important as well.

Melchizedek says all of God’s creations are important and loved by the Creator, and God will never give up on you.  If you doubt him try living without the Sun, try walking without gravity, surviving without food or creating new life without a man and woman.

Truth is we would never live up to our greatly inflated expectations because our ego is a conceited idiot!  Obsession, possession and domination are hardly realistic measures of a “superior” being yet feed the ego.

I suppose in some Freudian way our need to search for intelligent life had to expand beyond the geographic boundaries of Mother Earth since we could not find a more dominant species than humans on this planet, at least in the somewhat blurred eyes of your infallible yet delusional ego.

However, our great quest for seeking beyond our atmosphere and even solar system may be a self-destructive, subconscious act of suicide in the end.

Suppose the “Star People,” a much more romanticized description than the harsh term Alien, have been watching us all along.  We are the ones who doubt, fear or fantasize about UFO’s and aliens.

They travelled to here, we did not go see them out there.

Remember, we are not the first humans to see UFOs or even aliens.  Civilizations from thousands of years ago left paintings and rock art depicting space ships and figures in space suits with strange helmets. For all intents and purposes, we have never been alone.

A few years ago, I was invited by the National Park Service to videotape and photograph ancient petroglyphs covering the walls of Snake Gulch Canyon just above the Grand Canyon in Arizona.  There were canyon walls for twelve miles covered with the record of history.

During the trip I learned of the meaning of the coyote, snakes, falling from a horse down a gulch, breaking three ribs, and being a four-hour horse ride from our trucks so we could get help.  But that is another story for another day.

The petroglyphs, however, as you shall see in the photos, tell a remarkable story of the relationship between the ancient Indians like the Hopi nation and the aliens who visited them every century.  That, my friend, began thousands of years ago.

It certainly makes sense that one who could create all that is, would create beings for all the other star systems and maybe even planets.  They might be needed to save Earth if the humans got too far out of whack.  The Aliens might be protecting the rest of Creation from us marvelous humans.  Remember it is God’s Plan and not ours.

Most of us accept the existence of God, angels, higher spirits like the Son of God, and various other spiritual beings of a higher frequency than humans.  If God could create all that as well as us, God would certainly create something to keep an eye on us.

If you really want to prove the existence of aliens just look in the mirror.  We, too, are aliens to this planet.  Humans were not even on Earth when it was created because Earth was first in a gaseous form and took billions of years to evolve into a physical planet with land, water and air, gravity to keep us from falling off and an atmosphere to support human life among other things.

Logical, deductive and intuitive thinking can lead you no other conclusion than we have never been alone.  So, when the moment comes and aliens make themselves known to us and end the endless speculation about their existence, how will you react?

 Thought to perplex for the day – If you delete a space how do you know it is gone?          

Monday, January 14, 2019

Are Religious Doctrine and Dogma in need of an overhaul?

Are Religious Doctrine and Dogma in need of an overhaul?

Could it be that the time has come for the Catholic Church and all Christian religions to take a fresh new look at some of the teachings, doctrine and dogma that is based on the work of the Council of Nicaea, the first ecumenical council of the Christian church, meeting in ancient Nicaea (now İznik, Turkey). It was called by the emperor Constantine I, an unbaptized catechumen, or neophyte, who presided over the opening session and took part in the discussions.

The result of the Council was the adoption of the earliest Bible and founding principles of Christianity.  A series of subsequent Councils, initiatives, Papal pronouncements and revelations has allowed the Church doctrine and dogma to be updated over the centuries including the clarification in Vatican II on the doctrine of the infallibility of the Pope.

Vatican II explained the doctrine of infallibility as follows: "Although the individual bishops do not enjoy the prerogative of infallibility, they can nevertheless proclaim Christ’s doctrine infallibly. This is so, even when they are dispersed around the world, provided that while maintaining the bond of unity among themselves and with Peter’s successor, and while teaching authentically on a matter of faith or morals, they concur in a single viewpoint as the one which must be held conclusively.

This authority is even more clearly verified when, gathered together in an ecumenical council, they are teachers and judges of faith and morals for the universal Church. Their definitions must then be adhered to with the submission of faith" (Lumen Gentium 25).

Infallibility belongs in a special way to the pope as head of the bishops (Matt. 16:17–19; John 21:15–17). As Vatican II remarked, it is a charism the pope "enjoys in virtue of his office, when, as the supreme shepherd and teacher of all the faithful, who confirms his brethren in their faith (Luke 22:32), he proclaims by a definitive act some doctrine of faith or morals.

Therefore, his definitions, of themselves, and not from the consent of the Church, are justly held irreformable, for they are pronounced with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, an assistance promised to him in blessed Peter." 

The infallibility of the pope is not a doctrine that suddenly appeared in Church teaching; rather, it is a doctrine which was implicit in the early Church. It is only our understanding of infallibility which has developed and been more clearly understood over time. In fact, the doctrine of infallibility is implicit in these Petrine texts: John 21:15–17 ("Feed my sheep . . . "), Luke 22:32 ("I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail"), and Matthew 16:18 ("You are Peter . . . "). 

What is the difference between Church doctrine and dogma?

In general, doctrine is all Church teaching in matters of faith and morals. Dogma is more narrowly defined as that part of doctrine which has been divinely revealed and which the Church has formally defined and declared to be believed as revealed.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains,
The Church’s magisterium exercises the authority it holds from Christ to the fullest extent when it defines dogmas, that is, when it proposes, in a form obliging the Christian people to an irrevocable adherence of faith, truths contained in divine Revelation or also when it proposes, in a definitive way, truths having a necessary connection with these. (CCC 88)


According to the Cambridge Dictionary “dogma” is;

Dogma noun [U]
us /ˈdɔɡ·mə, ˈdɑɡ-/
A fixed belief or set of beliefs that people are expected to accept without any doubts: [U] liberal/conservative dogma.

What a novel way to control one’s belief system. 

Dogma in ancient Greek was something that “seems true.”  Another Greek meaning literally is "that which one thinks is true."

Religious dogma concerns religions, which may or may not include the following: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Bahá'í Faith, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Slavic neopaganism, Celtic polytheism, Heathenism (Germanic paganism), Semitic neopaganism, Wicca, Kemetism (Egyptian paganism), Hellenism (Greek paganism), Italo-Roman neopaganism.

Why would such a review be necessary?

For one, the world has changed dramatically since the founding of the Church.  We have advanced in many scientific and technological areas where things are possible that did not exist 2,000 years ago.  Some even have resulted in positive contributions to the message of Jesus and the Bible, while others have given us insights into Creation and evolution, both spiritual and physical, of mankind.

Just one example, the dating of Creation, was maybe 6,000 years based on Genesis but modern physics has estimated it to be at least 13.4 billion years old, with some estimates 16 billion years.

The dating of humans remains a difficult task because the physical body deteriorates and disappears in time, while the surface of the Earth is in a constant state of change through natural events.

Homo Sapiens, which carry the human DNA, have been recently discovered that are over 315,000 years old.  Previously, the oldest was 195,000 years old.  Yet we know the human body would not survive much beyond because of natural decomposition.

The truth is, we have no idea when homo sapiens first appeared on Earth.  What we do know is the Earth is at least 3.4 billion years old and the galaxies of which we are a part are 13.4 billion years old.

That would seem to be the moment of Creation as far as we know but we are constantly revising the date based on new scientific measurements and archeological findings.

I find it inconceivable that God created our galaxies 13.4 billion years ago then waited 13 billion years to create humans.  We have yet to explore the depths of the Earth for evidence of human activity so it is entirely possible God created humans 13.4 billion years ago, or more, and we have simply not discovered a way to document it, yet.

In the world I envision humans were indeed a part of the Big Bang of Creation as suggested by the Creation story, and our failure to document it is simply a matter of not having developed the technology to document it.

It also would mean there may very likely have been numerous civilizations that evolved and then disappeared in the course of human history, that we are yet to discover.

In the evolution of our galaxy and very own Earth there have been many natural cataclysmic events that might have substantially wiped out much of civilization, thus causing the human race to start over many times.

Science has proven there were four Ice Ages that made much of the Earth uninhabitable in those times.  We know super volcanoes such as Yellowstone have erupted and blocked off the healing energy of the Sun for years.  Meteors striking such as the one forming the Gulf of Mexico might have wiped out the mighty dinosaurs that once ruled the Earth and may have reduced human life.

History, as we know and prove it, has radically changed all we know about Creation and the evolution of humans, and if current trends continue we will continue to rewrite history as we seek out the moment of Creation.

Could Reincarnation be a viable Concept to explain Spiritual Evolution?

Our Bible details 6,000 years, we must unveil the truth about the remaining 13 billion years of time since Creation.  Until we do, reincarnation may be one of the best and most logical ways to explain human spiritual evolution available.

First, when I say reincarnation, I am not talking about coming back as an animal or rock, nor am I talking about coming back as or in the same human body.  What I understand it means is the soul finds a new body (fetus) to form a union with and be born.    

In spite of our bias, understanding, or convictions, reincarnation is not prohibited by either Catholic Church doctrine or dogma.  Over the years the Church has attempted to address it without much success.

Theological arguments against it seem hollow, especially in light of the potential that God created humans billions of years earlier than we think and the Bible said.  It only makes sense that an all-powerful God did not wait 13 billion years to add humans to his creation, but created them at the same time. Nothing can prove He did not.

Only Church dogma and doctrine not directly related to reincarnation but used to condemn the idea stands in the way of accepting the plausibility.  The union of body and soul when God breathed life into humans, accounts for the first humans, who were not even born but created.

Since all succeeding generations were conceived and born on Earth, there is a clear distinction between the original humans created and all others to come being born.  Yet it is clear the soul representing the spiritual side of the union could have come to Earth in many bodies over time without changing any concept in Church dogma or doctrine.

If each soul is unique as we are taught, and was created by God initially, that means there might have been many Adam and Eves seeding the Earth in order to have 7.6 billion souls walking the Earth today.

Bear in mind that as late as the time Jesus walked the Earth there were only 300 million inhabitants of Earth, fewer than in the United States alone today.  Where did all the new souls come from?

If you believe God took a personal interest in every unique soul and that all souls were created during the Creation process, the Big Bang, then the same God, all powerful and all knowing, might very well have made a sacred compact with the soul covering as many lifetimes as needed for the soul to complete or fail, the physical mission on Earth.

Such a scenario does not preclude or prohibit the concept of Heaven and Hell nor does it conflict with any other doctrine or dogma of the Church.  It simply makes sense that God would give all souls the chance to use their free will on earth and earn their place in the Kingdom.

Physical death is not a bad thing but a necessary step toward spiritual evolution.  Yet babies that die in childbirth or from abortion never have an opportunity to experience or evolve in their one lifetime on Earth.  Why would God deny them the chance to experience life when the soul, which is forever, could come back?

The same is true of the many souls that do experience life on Earth.  They have no control over their death, and often times can be a victim of others (a car wreck or terrorist explosion), or lured into drugs and death by Satan.  Surely God knows His creations and if his intent is love and good, he would give them a chance to live life in order to redeem themselves.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Mother Earth, Turtle Island, Gaia or just plain Home - God's Gift to Us!


Miraculous – Magical – Mysterious – Mythical
Majestic – Magnificent

One of God’s Gifts to Us

Gifts from Our Creator
©Jim Putnam
(words and music)

How can we look around
say that is yours and this is mine
The land, the sea, the air
they all withstood the test of time

What gives us the right
to put up fences and build walls
Lock people in, lock people out
it should not be that way at all

For the gifts from our Creator Father spirit long ago
Were given to us for all man to share to help us know
That when the final age of man is gone the lights have all gone out
It matters not how much you took but what you gave to those about

How can we go on and poison
water, land and air
Strip the Earth of all God’s gifts
don’t we even care

We’ve shown that we can’t get along
after all these years
Sometimes think the rains we feel
are spirits shedding tears

 For the gifts from our Creator Father spirit long ago
Were given to us for all man to share to help us know
That when the final age of man is gone the lights have all gone out
It matters not how much you took but what you gave to those about

I was inspired to write that song after many meetings with the Hopi spiritual leaders in Arizona.  It was what I felt as an outsider thinking about how the Hopi might react to what we have done to Mother Earth.

Ironically, the Hopi, who are charged with protecting Mother Earth from humans, do not share my concerns.  To the secretive and mysterious Hopi what we have done was predicted by ancient prophecy which must be fulfilled in order for all of us to spiritually evolve.

Mother Earth was a gift from Father Creator for all to share in harmony with nature.  Earth provided people with food, shelter, warmth, water, and vast open spaces to live in harmony with the plant and animal kingdoms.  We were also given herbs and other natural treatments to keep us from getting sick.

Various species would come and go as Earth changed over the millions and billions of years it has been here.  Humans have been here most of Earth’s existence but we are not native to Earth, we were created and placed here by God, making us the first alien inhabitants.  Of course, we were given the means to recreate so in time we would populate the world.

Yet take a good look at the history of the world and humans have played a disproportionate role in causing problems.  Prophets and prophecies of both Native and migrating cultures predicted many of the conditions we face today, and by and large they were caused by people, not the planet or nature.

Weather cycles take place with or without people, as there have been four previous Ice Ages, three before humans existed according to science.  However, the impact of humans on weather patterns and cycles can be instrumental in changing the weather conditions and breaking the weather cycles.

For example, this past year the weather performance has been so convoluted that weather anomalies have become the standard rather than the oddity.  Earthquakes were far more intense, hurricanes were more devastating with storms doing abnormal things, while floods and fires broke records during times when they were supposed to be dormant.

Even today we face record early floods in the Midwest United States, tornadoes have already started killing people, the flood and fire dangers are even greater, and every month new records are set for unseasonably hot or cold temperatures.  Siberia, of all places, had a 100 degree rise in temperatures due to a split vortex in the Arctic.

Undetected comets have crashed to the Earth while volcanoes like the monstrous Yellowstone Super volcano have experienced swarms of steadily increasing earthquakes, what many believe is a precursor of a giant eruption.

So, is Mother Nature angry, or is God punishing us for failing to live in harmony with the Earth?

I prefer to listen to the Hopi and the Melchizedek prophecies when it comes to the past and future and both sources are in somewhat agreement.  Many of these natural anomalies are indeed caused by actions of humans, some recent and some in our past.

Make no mistake, both the Hopi and Melchizedek said Mother Earth is a miraculous work of creation and will take care of itself.  It is a living life force with a spirit and soul like most of creation and no matter how destructive, how disrespectful, how possessive we may become with our Earth, it can and will take care of itself.

The Earth is a creation machine, recreating and repairing itself whether damage came from human greed or cosmic meteors.  It has been doing this for over 13 billion years.  In recent years the arms programs, space exploration, mining techniques, and the ever-present electromagnetic waves created by human devices have done their damage.

We poisoned the Earth with deadly radiation from over 2,000 nuclear explosions since 1945 yet earth still absorbs, and processes the deadly radiation before spitting it back out through volcanic eruptions, fissure discharges, earthquakes, and other tools available to Earth to repair itself.

Our neglect has an impact, and it has consequences, not just on earth but throughout the galaxy and should we cause too much damage it may become necessary for the God or Gods to send in aliens to help repair the damage to earth caused by the first aliens, us, to habitat this planet.

Polarization controls our creation, when things become out of balance, changes must be made.  We are in such a time right now.  Technology, like everything else human, is subject to the will of the inventor.  Technology can be good, and technology can be bad.  It can save people from formerly inoperable diseases, yet it can murder hundreds or thousands of people in a single flash.

Why is it we choose to continue to disrespect Mother Earth and expect no consequences for our actions?  When Mother Earth strikes back with a vengeance it is not the response of an angry or vengeful God, but the survival instincts of one of God’s most miraculous of all creations, Mother Earth.

Pray for Mother Earth that she can continue to protect and provide for us and pray for humanity to stop the senseless destruction of the gifts of our Creator.  The time is at hand.