Showing posts with label bailouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bailouts. Show all posts

Thursday, May 08, 2014

The Games People Play Part 2 - Military Medical Care - Vets to Active Duty


Oh the Games People Play Now

Every night and every day now
Never meaning what they say now
Never saying what they mean now

Once upon a time there was no higher honor in America than to be a member of the armed forces.  But little and long wars have a way of desensitizing people to the dangers, the deaths and the casualties of war.

I remember after World War II that we celebrated our veterans and their role in world peace every year and multiple times a year during holidays, parades, and the many air and military shows that were ever present.

As a kid of a veteran we grew up to know every battle in every war our parents had fought in and we were thrilled to go to the military air shows and parades where all the planes and equipment that protect our parents was on display.

Over time the Korean War stalemate seemed to dampen the enthusiasm for the military and by the time college came and brought Vietnam there seemed to be no sense in why we were fighting wars as 55,000 of our classmates died.

America had become split.  And the more and more we learned about the war the more the prestige of the military, the intelligence agencies and our federal government lost popularity.

Then came 9/11 and the World Trade Center destruction and suddenly the nation rallied around the military and the government once more.  Faulty intelligence led to the invasion of Iraq and God only knows what led to the invasion of Afghanistan and we were suddenly pinned down into two wars without logic, without purpose and without the support of the nation.

Most certainly the arms industry, what President Eisenhower warned about when he said the military-industrial complex could become our biggest enemy against peace, has profited from these and every other war the last few centuries.

So have the financial institutions and Wall Street.

But the endless wars seemed to sap the enthusiasm of the public and suck the money out of our economy that was desperately needed for some crucial services.  While we were spending billions of dollars every year fighting wars that could never be won back home our infrastructure like roads, bridges, sewer and water systems, power plants, even the schools where we sent our children, were falling apart by American standards.

When the budget is tight it seems greed always profits at the expense of the people.

Our twin wars brought out greed to a brazen degree never seen before as millions and even billions of dollars in military, foreign aid and intelligence spending disappeared somewhere between America, Iraq, Afghanistan and the pockets of the rich.

What was our reward?  A housing, banking, automobile and stock market crash in 2008 that nearly wiped out what little assets the middle class had to begin with.  So we were the victims of lousy government and the victims of unscrupulous hucksters in the housing, financial and banking industry.

What happens next?  Well us victims, thanks to the omnipotent wisdom of Washington, use our money to bail out the bankers, bail out the brokers, bail out the unethical auto people, bail out crooks and creeps of all manner of dress, status and income.

But all that is behind us now.  Except there is a problem with the very government leading us down the path of self-destruction.  Thank Divine Providence our leaders are so busy name calling and fighting that nothing happens in our Capitol since they are too busy stealing our capital to cause us more problems.

Then we find out the Veterans Administration, another of those agencies President Obama is responsible for until the buck is passed to him at which time he passes it back like a hot potato, well we find out the Obama Vet gang is killing our soldiers.

Seems the Veterans Administration has hospitals that created secret lists so they could improve their election year statistics.  Many of  those vets in need of life saving treatment are refused treatment by the hospital regardless of the seriousness of the condition and told to get on the primary physician care waiting list, thus there is no backlog of hospital cases.

In the Phoenix VA hospital alone it is alleged over 40 real people were refused emergency treatment by the hospital and moved to the secret list of those waiting to see VA primary care doctors.  They have now disappeared from the secret waiting list, allegedly, because the 40 have died waiting to be seen by doctors.

Seems a bunch of other VA hospitals might have done the same thing perhaps to make the Administration look good during the fall elections.  These actions, like a host of other acts swept under the rug by the Administration and the Administration press agency, the national news media, shed a disturbing light on the underbelly of the beast we call the US government.

You see, this is not just a policy dispute or a partisan blow up, this is criminal bordering on murder.  You can bet the spin doctors will be burning the midnight candle once again.

And speaking of doctors, stay tuned for one of my next articles, again trying to shed light on the lousy way we treat our military and vets, and my analysis of the health treatment of our veterans while in the service where they supposedly get the best medical help available yet it seems they are virtually lab rats rather than patients.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pelosi Delivers Congress to Teacher's Union - Assures Long Term Financial Chaos


Once again Obama Administration tramples all over state's rights!

Only in America could the Speaker of the House call Congress back in session from vacation to pass a bill designed to pay back the teacher's union for millions in campaign contributions to Obama and the House Democrats who are running for their lives in the fall elections, and have the audacity to call it a "jobs bill".

It sounds good, hiring back 160,000 teachers about to be let go because states have failed to balance their budgets. But if Pelosi, Obama and the Democrats were being honest they would give the money to the governors and let them decide who to keep and who to fire. Don't they trust the governors to act in the best interests of the public they serve?

You see, Pelosi thinks up to 140,000 policemen and firemen may also be saved from unemployment. Yet I fail to see the logic of forcing the governors to hire 160,000 teachers when our educational system is a disaster, then saying the governors could hire some additional police and firemen with the left over money.

First of all, governors don't hire teachers, policemen or firemen, that is done by local governments and most local governments are being held hostage by unions such as the teachers union that already has the most expensive health and pension payments in the nation, far higher than our policemen and firemen.

Union health and pension benefits already broke the auto industry and cost the taxpayers billions of dollars. Why is Pelosi forcing governors to hire the most expensive public employees possible, the teachers, thus increasing the state and local budgets for future health and pension costs? You see the teachers work for local school boards but the state is responsible for health and pension costs.

Better yet, since the states now know Obama and Pelosi will give them whatever they need to keep union jobs, then Congress will have to spend $26 billion every year, meaning the $26 billion is now going to be $130 billion just for the next five years. And it does nothing to reduce the health and pension benefits in which some states pay 100% of the health care cost for life. Do you have a health care program with no matching or co-pay requirements on your part? Do you have a health care program that pays every dollar of cost for the rest of your life?

This is really an issue of the federal government again usurping state's rights not because it is fair or cost effective or even needed but to protect the unions as a payback for the millions in campaign funds they already gave to the Democrats. If there was an honest bone in the congressional leadership they would vote on a five year bill because that is the least it will really cost, $130 billion not $26 billion.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Our Nation at a Glance - Obama's Words versus Actions


Well, we have had about three years of non-stop campaigning from the Washington establishment, ever since Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats took over the House in 2006, two years before Obama was even elected president.

In 2008 the Democrats completed their sweep into control of the White House, House and Senate in Washington and a huge margin of victory was achieved including a super majority in the Senate. We were told to believe that a super majority in the Senate means the minority party cannot stop the majority, yet we have heard nothing but whining from the president and Congress on how the Republicans are blocking progress.

I guess that makes me wonder why Obama, Pelosi and Reid along with all the Democratic campaign committees keep blaming the Republicans when nothing happens. According to the political pundits the Democrats had enough votes to silence the Republicans yet they let that power slip away. What really happened is the Democrats found themselves just as hard to get along with as the Republicans. This intra-party bickering has led to stagnation in Congress.

Now, in terms of getting things done Obama had a good run of luck at first getting the Bank Bailout, the Housing Bailout, the Auto (GM, Chrysler and Auto Workers) Industry Bailout, the AIG Insurance Bailout and of course his nearly trillion dollar economic stimulus all were approved. Have they worked?

Banks still aren't giving credit. The number of foreclosed homes have not been reduced. Lower interest loans for housing are still not available. GM remains marginal, Chrysler is still in trouble and the Auto Workers, well they lost their jobs but now own GM and will get their executive health care benefits. The AIG affair made Goldman Sachs about $13 billion and funneled about $64 billion into banks, some already receiving bailout money and others foreign owned. No one really knows what the Stimulus has done or even how much has been spent.

So in summary, he got a lot done right away but has it helped us or the bank executives? Has it saved small business or Wall Street? Are people able to keep their homes or still losing them? Are jobs being created as a result of the trillions of dollars already spent on bailouts and stimulus? Have new markets been created for green goods? Across the board the answer is no and that is the dichotomy of Obama's legislative record.

While claiming to do all these things to help Main Street Obama has almost exclusively helped Wall Street and labor unions and no one else. At the same time he has railed against lobbyists and special interests while hiring an army of lobbyists and coddling the special interests for campaign money.

The result is clear, Obama and the Democrats have become the favorite of Wall Street and the special interests as millions of dollars are pouring into the Democrats campaign funds. Whatever Obama and the Congress are doing, it sure has the backing of the big bucks on Wall Street, the recipients of the million dollar bonuses, and the free wheeling gamblers on Wall Street who consider your money their play money.

Okay, forget the things that got approved. Obama may no longer want to take credit for the series of big business bailouts, for saving executive bonuses, for keeping the credit market clogged up and for failing to get regulatory Reform through Congress. The unions did get a few bones tossed their way but when they compare it to the sharks on Wall Street they got little for their multi-million dollar investment in the Obama campaign.

Turn to pending legislation for a moment. Democrats got Card Check through the House and through a first round Senate vote, but it stalled. They waiting until Obama was elected and promised to champion the bill and the Senate had super majority that was achieved in the last election. In spite of these developments, the union bosses may want to get rid of secret union ballots in the workplace but the Senate still does not agree. I mean how could they, they are all elected by secret ballot. The bill remains stalled in the Democratic controlled Senate.

Obama's Cap and Trade bill to save us from energy dependence also passed the House, that Nancy has been busy fighting in the trenches for Obama, but it did not survive the scrutiny of reality and remains stalled, hopefully permanently. This was to be a dream come true for Al Gore, Goldman Sachs and all those who have figured out how to make a buck on the back of environmentalists. I mean how did Gore make over $100 million personally as the mouthpiece for the greening of America?

Let us see. Gore has a partner from Goldman Sachs handling his investment business to control which environmentally friendly companies will receive funding from the Greening of America, and of course Goldman stands ready to assist the Green economy by managing the carbon emission futures market which they already established. Does that mean Goldman will now control our oil futures and alternative futures markets? Not if the bill is dead on arrival which it seems to be once Congress discovered how they were being manipulated by the supposedly environmentalists on Wall Street, or is that really being controlled by Wall Street.

Wall Street regulatory reform has been stalled for over a year meaning the same things investment houses did to bend the rules and cheat the street on Wall Street remain available to them. If you don't believe Wall Street was the beneficiary of this inaction by Congress look what Goldman did to manipulate the near bankruptcy of Greece and other European nations for their own financial gain. Such predatory practices by those investing other people's money is criminal.

Obama also ran on a campaign calling for energy independence and promotion of alternative energy. That sounds good. But nothing has been done to achieve either promise. The Cap and Trade was flawed beyond repair and Obama has stubbornly refused to demand new production of our expansive oil, natural gas and coal reserves, reserves which could substantially lower our foreign energy demand. Drill baby drill Mr. President if you really want to be true to your word. If you don't drill, you are still protecting Goldman Sachs and their manipulation of the world oil futures.

Finally, health care reform, that giant puzzle that no one has seen, no one has evaluated, no one has been able to analyze and no one can guarantee that it will deliver any of the promises made. When we are considering a bill that impacts on 16% of our gross national product, we better know what the impact may be.

So don't tell me you are going to guarantee no one will lose insurance for pre-existing conditions, that 30-40 million more people are going to be insured, that there will be competition for insurance, that the cost of doctors and medicine will go down, that everyone with an existing plan will get to keep the benefits and pick their doctors, that no one's insurance premiums will increase, and that there will be no taxes on middle class America to pay for it when you can't deliver the goods.

You ask us to bet our futures as well as those of our children and grand children on your promises yet your own economic forecasters, your experts, have been wrong time after time on projections. If we believed your people America would still have 8% unemployment and millions of us would not be out of work. I'm afraid your inexperience at economics has already cost us too much. Let us just fix the things that can be fixed and then decide how we can expand health care, if it works on lowering insurance and health costs, to everyone.

So the pending stuff just doesn't look all that good. After our experience with what you got through, maybe that is a good thing. Maybe that is why the Senate has different rules, to protect us from empty promises. Maybe that is why you should listen to the people for a change and not suffer more losses like New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts. They could just be the tip of the iceberg.

So you just keep on promising bi-partisanship while stirring the fires of discontent. Keep on making exaggerated claims for the value of more promises on how we are going to get Wall Street and those nasty executives while acquiring an avalanche of campaign funds for the Democrats from those same bad guys and helping them get their million dollar bonuses. Keep on hiring those lobbyists you promised not to hire so special interests can control the national agenda.

Tomorrow we shall review the last two elements of Obama's first year in office, his foreign policy agenda and the forgotten agenda to help Main Street. I'm afraid the news isn't much better but at least we get to see the big picture of what we have realized in the post-election aftermath of the victory of the Chosen One and his impact on us Americans.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Obama Proves He is Corporate Darling Despite Outgoing Opposition


His latest comments seem to prove once and for all that President Obama is really the friend of Wall Street and corporate executives even though the White House had to respond once again with denials and clarifications of his comments as the fury arose from the people.

Of course the corporate executives, who have seen profits and bonuses spiral out of control thanks to our ever so generous president and his bailouts, still do not trust the president and who could when he changes his policy whenever the polls and people raise hell. But they are laughing all the way to the bank.

His most recent comments, when he said he "doesn't begrudge" some of the multimillion dollar bonuses handed out to top Wall Street executives, tried to disguise his thoughts as defending the free market system in America but in truth he has simply aided the corporate takeover of the government.

For over two years we have written about his strange connection to Wall Street, and especially Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. However, neither the White House nor Congress has ever attempted to explain the series of actions we identified between Obama and Goldman Sachs dating all the way back to his election to the US Senate in 2004.

For background copy and paste the following links in the Coltons Point Times.

Friday, January 15, 2010
Omaha Slaps Bank Tax on Public - To Be Paid by 2018 - Rakes in Millions from Banks in 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Congress Calls Banks to Testify - Why? Maybe Congress Should Testify as Well!

Monday, January 04, 2010
Obama - The Harvard President - Are We Better Off Today than a Year Ago?

Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Obama the Wizard of Washington - A Master Illusionist

Tuesday, November 03, 2009
The President's Palace Guard - Nixon had Haldeman, Obama has Emanuel - the Elite Puppet Masters

Thursday, October 15, 2009
A bet on Obama turns to Gold for Goldman

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Obama, Rothschild's "Chosen One" Closer to being President of New World Order

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Obama Caught Between Two Masters - Goldman Sachs & SEIU - Part 1. Goldman Sachs

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Obama Caught Between Two Masters - Goldman Sachs & SEIU - Part 2. SEIU

Friday, September 11, 2009
One Year since Financial Meltdown - Still no Regulatory Reform, Transparency, Prosecutions or Control of Lobbyists and Special Interests

Monday, August 31, 2009
Bush Bails Out Obama as Obama Takes Credit for Bush Bank Bailout

Monday, August 31, 2009
Bush Bails Out Obama as Obama Takes Credit for Bush Bank Bailout

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Summer Wrap Up - Obama and The Economy - What About the Forgotten Americans?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Summer Wrap Up - Obama and Congress - Who is Looking out for Us?

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Capitalism Rothschild Goldman Style - An Idea Whose Time is Done

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Political Promises Paid in Full - Obama Style

Friday, July 10, 2009
Obama Gore & Goldman - Alchemists - Turning Green into Greenbacks

Monday, June 22, 2009
Goldman Sachs Gets Multi-Billion Dollar Payback for Backing Obama

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Obama Fiddles, Congress Procrastinates and Rome Burns while Goldman, Morgan & the Rothschilds Reap Profits

Friday, May 29, 2009
Make Way for the New GMC, the Government Motor Company

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Deflation - An Economist's Illusion or the Real Deal?

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Obama Report Card - 1st 100 days - Chaos or Calculated Choreography

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Can Goldman Silence the Media?

Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday, February 06, 2009
Big Money Now Owns America

Thursday, November 06, 2008
The Economic Meltdown - Where do we go from here?

Friday, October 24, 2008
The worldwide financial meltdown. Are the players, analysts and media guilty as well?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Obama versus McCain or Goldman Sachs versus The Rothschilds

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Big Bailout - Free Market Socialism or Government Regulated Capitalism?

Thursday, October 09, 2008
Hey Wall Street - Enough is Enough! Or Did You Already Bet on Obama?

Monday, September 29, 2008
Is Wall Street Arrogance To Blame for Failures in Congress?

Monday, September 22, 2008
What the Hell is Happening on Wall Street?

Friday, August 22, 2008
Who really Controls America? The US Government or Big Money?
A painting of prayers with the Rothschilds.

Friday, August 22, 2008
Oil Price Speculation - Who do you believe?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Goldman Sachs Again Tries to Prop Up Oil Prices

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Why Not Warning Labels for Financial Experts?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
What happens if the USA has a Financial Meltdown?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Oil Hits Seven Week Low - How Low Can It Go?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Who Will Fall Next? Banks and the Credit Crisis

Monday, June 02, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Monday, May 12, 2008

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
J.P. Morgan Chase buyout of Bear Stearns – A Trillionaires Delight

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Friday, February 29, 2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thursday, January 18, 2007
The Power of the Press - Oil Profiteering Ends – for the Moment

Monday, January 08, 2007
Oil Price Profiteering – Whose Doing What to Whom?

Now he actually defends the billion dollar bonus packagers of Wall Street and even approved those for AIG where another $90 billion in federal bailout money was diverted to save the very companies giving out the bonuses. Is it possible the liberal left are so blind they do not see how their own Chosen One sold them out long ago?

The economic policy of the Obama administration is like a revolving door with no clear policy, no clear, bad guys, not even a clear idea on how to proceed. We continue, now over a year, to wait for Obama to take charge of the economy, unemployment, punishing Wall Street, cutting the deficit and stop adding to the national debt but actions are lost in the proliferation of words from Obama and his trusted apologists.

Let's face it, we have rookies in the White House. What experience they might have had was how to rip off the government, not help it. They were behind the housing crisis, the oil crisis, the swaps and derivative frauds, the hedge fund loop holes and even the loss of control by the SEC over the stock and commodity markets.

Maybe now that there is nothing left of the government in terms of fiscal solvency all these experts and advisors will go back to their Wall Street lairs and find someone else to go after. The only people being stimulated by our government are the fat cats on Wall Street and in the White House. The only people benefiting from increased money are Congressmen filling their campaign coffers with dirty money from the corporate and union raiders.

We need a leader and we get a preacher. We need a man of principle and we get a man who goes with the wind. We need a fighter and we get a teleprompter robot. When we do get what we voted for?

Friday, February 05, 2010

Wake Up Washington! Are Obama & Congress Listening to the People?


It has now been a full year since the Democrats extended their control over all of Washington. People seem to have forgotten that Nancy Pelosi has been in control of the House for three years now. We have now had four elections in this era of change, Obama, New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts and finally those folks in our capitol figured out people want results, not hyperbole.

Not only that but aside from Obama, who promised change but had no idea what to give us, the last three elections have shown a return to American values, not Republican and not Democrat. Over and over the people have clearly said give us a responsible president and congress who understand that deficit spending and increasing our national debt so all people benefit is the agenda.

No it is not just about jobs, although they are tied in to responsible fiscal government, it is also about reducing the debt and not increasing the deficit. It is about helping all Americans, not just Democrats, or Republicans, or liberals, or conservatives, or unions, or management. Most Americans expect the Constitution and our president and congress to work for the good of all Americans.

How did the Washington gang respond over the past year? Well, in the words of Wanda Sykes, as if all of Washington, DC was on medicinal marijuana. It seemed as if all of the politicians were on a different planet, in the Twilight Zone, dead drunk or stoned.

First Obama supported and then completed the implementation of the bank bailout bill which cost $700 billion. The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailouts were another $100 billion. The AIG insurance bailout took another $180 billion. The auto industry bailout was $100 billion. The stimulus bill was another $789 billion but CBO said it could cost $3.27 trillion over ten years.

The president sought a cap and trade bill that would raise energy costs and taxes by billions of dollars. A secret analysis of the Obama bill prepared by the U.S. Department of Treasury says the total in new taxes would be between $100 billion to $200 billion a year. At the upper end of the administration's estimate, the cost per American household would be an extra $1,761 a year.

Stop it!

A health care reform bill was slammed together over the entire year with a price tag of $1.1 trillion and did not even include the cost of about a dozen new programs required in the legislation. Millions of dollars in new taxes and fees that would be passed on to the taxpayers would be spent every year though the benefits would not start until 2013. What kind of nonsense is that?

Stop it!

Obama also wants Climate Change at a cost of $46.7 billion, Education spending increased $81.1 trillion, and after a year in office proposed a new budget for 2011 of $3.8 trillion with a deficit of over $1.6 trillion.

Hasn't anyone been listening?

I mean Obama promised to save unions over $60 billion in taxes on luxury health benefits in his health care program. Add this to the billions of dollars the auto unions preserved in the bankruptcy of GMC and Chrysler and the unions have benefited by billions of dollars already, and over $100 billion in health care gets approved.

Yet what about jobs? The only jobs only legislation proposed, none has been approved except the supposed impact of everything else on jobs, has a price tag of just $90 billion. He proposed more money be spent saving unions than he wants to spend on all the small businesses in America who generate the jobs so desperately needed in America.

We spent trillions of dollars to save the banks so money would be available to small business. Trillions more were spent by the Federal Reserve making cheap money available to banks. Yet no money is available for credit to small business to generate the jobs.

Only a fraction of expenditures are targeted for small business from all the government deficit spending. Is anyone in our nation's capitol listening to the people? Words in Washington no longer have meaning and promises seem meant to be broken. All the while the Independent movement who expects to be heard gets angrier.
