Showing posts with label Perfect Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perfect Love. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

I’m Sorry We Can’t Save You and Stop Your Descent into Hell!

You will never know the Perfect Love of the Father

We all have many choices in life but only a few have external consequences that last forever.  As the March of Mankind approaches its ultimate conclusion we are running out of opportunities for redemption and salvation.

Unfortunately, the spiritual evolution of Souls has not progressed and kept pace with the spiritual evolution of Creation.  God, our Creator, has given us many opportunities to discover the truth during the thirteen billion plus years of the existence of our Creation.

Look around you today and tell me you are a spiritually evolved soul.  Tell me how you are working to live the will of Father Creator or follow the path of his Son Jesus.  Explain how the life you live projects the Perfect Love of the Father, and encompasses all of Creation into that Love.

There are many who do understand and through prayer and devotion will find the Path back to the Garden, but you will not see or hear them because you have built walls of fear to protect you from Grace and Truth.

You deny God.  You deny Creation.  You deny the power of prayer.  You deny the infinite power of a higher good that can be served.

Your fear has poisoned your Soul and denied you access to the only path of eternal salvation, the Path of Jesus of Nazareth.

You have built an impenetrable cocoon to protect you, but your cocoon is in truth a tomb to seal you from salvation.  Your success hiding in your cocoon will prevent you from breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a Monarch, the magnificent butterfly of Creation that can lead you in flight to salvation.

Technology has fed your paranoia and empowered your fear by reinforcing your detachment from society and spiritual reality, and you feed on the technology.  Your Soul’s enslavement, now through technology, is the goal of the Dark Side, or more simply stated the Face of Evil, since the beginning of time.

Fear has always been the ally of Evil and the key to domination.  Fear is our own creation, not imposed on us by divine or natural law.  It is our contribution to the destruction of the Soul, to the denial of Creation, to the refusal to seek out the Will of the Father, and to the ignorance of the truth embodied in the words of Jesus.

Many of you deny fear controls you.  In truth you are a hypocrite.  Somewhere along your path you sold your Soul to the Devil, maybe not in this lifetime, but you have had many opportunities on Earth to make that choice.  Embrace the Perfect Love of God --- or be seduced by Satan’s false promises.

All Souls were embedded with the Seven Cardinal Virtues and Seven Deadly Sins.  You were given free will by the Creator to make your choices.  You had a choice between good and bad, light and dark, or right and wrong.  You also had a third choice, ignore the dynamics of polarity and choose to live the will of the Father.

All to often your ego prevented you from making the right choices.  You view ego as strength, power as necessary, and dominance as a direct result of the latter.  All are wrong in the eyes of the Creator.  You have succumbed to the illusion of Satan and your discretions threaten your existence for all of eternity.

Is that your intent?  If so you will get what you deserve.  But if you were a victim, a willing victim I might add, it just might be possible to still seek redemption from the Creator, for only the Creator can judge.

Of course, it will not be easy because you have one foot in Hell but the other still might be on Earth.  If that is the case, perhaps my best service to you is to tell you what is in store for you if you fail to seek redemption.

We have a rather Pollyanna perception of Hell thanks to a lot of misguided preachers and bad translation of the Bible.  There are no fires of Hell.  Once you leave this Earth you no longer have a physical body, you are a Soul in the form of an energy entity.

That dynamic entity has the potential to find everlasting peace and happiness in the Kingdom of God because there is only love, good, and beauty in the Kingdom.  From our limited awareness of the magnificence of Heaven it is hard to understand a world outside of time where thoughts are energy, and we have available to us co-creator powers and responsibilities.

Jesus meant it when he said we are created in the image and likeness of the Father.  Faith is the cornerstone of salvation because it gives us the ability to serve the will of the Father.

In order for us, in our human form, to find such faith we need to follow the teaching of Jesus and pray to be granted the insight from the Holy Spirit.  Knowing the Father’s will is beyond our ability on Earth, so Jesus will be our Intercessor and help us.

“Truly, truly I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do, and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.  Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.”   

“Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.” 

Jesus honors the authority of His Father through complete obedience. A very clear but seldom pondered truth of the New Testament is that Christ’s entire life and ministry were orchestrated by His Father and that Jesus was careful to carry out every detail according to the will of His Father. “Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come, to do thy will, O God’” (Hebrews 10:7).

Even His coming to earth was an act of obedience to His Father. His life and ministry focused on the will of the Father. “That the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave Me commandment, even so I do” (John 14:31).

All that Jesus did and said was exactly what His Father wanted Him to do and say. “For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me commandment, what to say, and what to speak” (John 12:49).
Should you fail to do this in your time here on Earth, and your Soul has been contaminated with evil by Satan, your fate is worse than death, worse even than the fictitious fires of Hell.  What is the pain from fire to an energy entity?  None.

No, Hell is not pain and suffering, Hell is no longer existing in any form.  It is the final awareness in your contaminated Soul that never will you enter the Kingdom of Heaven and be with Jesus, or God.

First your (Soul) entity will be banished to the farthest reaches of the galaxies of Creation.  When judgment is given that you failed in your mission on Earth, a Black Hole from our galaxies will swallow your Soul, then it will obliterate your Soul into nothingness, before ejecting that nothingness into the endless void beyond what is in the eternity of Heaven.

You will become invisible antimatter in an endless void of blackness for all of eternity.  

Simply stated, you will no longer exist in any dimension or galaxy for all of eternity.  You had your chance, you had your choice, and you were blinded from truth by the alluring illusions of wealth and power by Satan.  Your ego, your fear, and your willingness to judge on Earth caused you to be obliterated.

Pray and you might still have a chance.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Will You Take a Chance and Read the Story of the Soul?


[Authors note: This is what I have learned after a lifetime of seeking the truth, yet the lesson I really learned is how little I really know…]

A couple of guiding principles in order to begin to comprehend the complexity of the Soul.

(Image: XMM-Newton/ESA/NASA)

1.  First, you must be open to anything and everything, let me repeat anything and everything, when transcending beyond time, space, and motion as we know it.

2.  Second, our human body, the physical you that you see in the mirror, was created for your time on Earth only.  Knowing what is, without being influenced by your Earthly presence, is a mighty test of your objectivity. More importantly, it is a test of your ability to connect to the Creator beyond Earth, to see Eternity through the eyes of Father Creator.

3.  Third, what is it you see from that lofty perspective?  Okay, I can only share with you what I found in my seeking that enabled me to break through the barriers of reality that so suffocates your imagination and creativity.

Just as Father Creator is best described as, “I Am!” then everything else must be described as, “We are Am too!”  Stand in the center point of Eternity, looking all directions at once, and what do you see?  An endless everything beyond time, space, and motion.

That is Eternity.

Within that, lies the Kingdom (of Heaven), which is a small part of Eternity yet much greater than our existence called Creation.  In the Kingdom are spiritual beings such as angels, archangels, saints, immortals, and adepts.  They possess the ability to transfigure, and travel between Creation and the Kingdom.

That is the Kingdom.

Then there is Creation, our home with the planets, the stars, the galaxies, and the universes.  We get all the living stuff that never stops growing, dying, then recreating to start all over again.

The Eternal Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are in all three dimensions for they are One and the same.

By now you should be getting the notion that maybe us Earthlings need to reconsider our own self-importance in relation to Creation, let alone the Kingdom or Eternity.  Maybe a dose of humility would help stabilize the negativity currently overwhelming the Earth.

It seems the tantalizing lure of the Dark Side and their Shadow Dwellers is drawing the interest of a great deal of Souls to the Seven Deadly Sins of the Demons.  Let me attempt to sum it up for you.  Earth is a tiny speck in Creation which is absorbed into a much larger Kingdom that resides in an endless Eternity.

And for the Soul

Now we can talk about the Soul, that magical, mystical, miraculous entity created by the Father, our Creator, to reside in the Kingdom while breathing the Father’s life force into the babies being born on Earth.

The physical body on Earth comes to life when the Soul fuses to the infant child at the moment it leaves the mother’s womb.  Subsequently, when the physical body finally dies, the Soul returns to the Kingdom, while the body returns to dust.

If Souls are the link to the Perfection and Perfect Love of the Creator, then it is the Soul that guides humankind back to the Kingdom.  The Creator can create anything, so a single-soul entity could reflect the heart of the Father, and that Soul could attach to all babies born to the Earth.

Think of the Soul as a powerful river, like the Mississippi River which cuts our nation nearly in half.  From the One Source a network of rivers, head waters, streams, creeks, branches, forks, feeders, side-streams, side-channels, ponds, lakes, and glaciers form the vast network of tributaries feeding the Mighty Mississippi.

Perhaps a better analogy is a mighty tree, with the life force of the tree (the soul) extending outward through the layer upon layer of branches, larger, then smaller and smaller.  At the end of the branches are delicate leaves, who unlike the branches, have the unique ability to grow and blossom, to develop a miraculous ability to absorb the Sun, and thus give life to the mighty tree and branches.

Ironically, this miracle is repeated every year demonstrating that Creation needs to keep creating and has the ability to create and recreate itself over and over again.

The Soul is connected to the Creator’s Kingdom by a golden thread, like a filament, that can penetrate through multiple dimensions of existence connecting from our world to the Kingdom.  Our world is “in time” reflecting the time-space continuum of our dimension.

The Kingdom, on the other hand, is in Eternity, thus can be called “out of time” where God’s spiritual creations, like archangels, the angels, and a variety of other entities reside.  Through the Will of Father Creator our souls travel to Earth to join with a new baby in creating life just before the moment of birth.

The Soul gives substance and form to the physical body, and contains the coding or DNA of the new child.  All human characteristics are contained in this DNA as well as the spiritual, intuitive, and awareness needed to make choices, what we call “free will.’’

Since we are the outcome of Creation, the Trinity-inspired building block of polarity and Oneness, our Soul is infused with the polarity of right versus wrong, good versus bad.  We can view this as having the intuitive knowledge of The Seven Cardinal Virtues and the Seven Deadly Sins, each matched with a polar opposite.

We are born with a spiritual awareness of the “Perfect Love” of Father Creator.  Though often suppressed within us, we have a longing to find the true path back to the Creator, and in time learn it is through His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the other two entities with God that form the Creation Trinity.

All of Creation consists of polarity driving the need to recreate.  Galaxies continue to multiply in the universe.  The universe is a vast expanse of space which contains all of the matter and energy in existence in our dimension.  The universe contains all of the galaxies, stars, and planets though the size is unknown.  Scientists believe the universe is still expanding outward as a result of a violent, powerful explosion that took place about 13.7 billion years ago, known as the “Big Bang.”

On Earth the atmosphere, animals, birds, insects, trees, plants, and yes, even humans, have a self-sustained purpose to recreate, be born again, into our world.  While God created the first humans to occupy the Earth, infusing a lifeless body with the soul and spirit, he also gave His Creation (people) the ability to recreate itself, just like everything else in Creation.

He molded the human body then created the Soul to give life and purpose to the body, fusing them together for their time on Earth.  The Creation was in His own image and likeness.

One significant difference separated the body and Soul.   While the Soul was a Creation of the Kingdom “out of time” and meant to exist until the end of time as we know it, the individual body of man and woman was created only once.  From then on the humans created their own offspring and tribes and continue creating all new humans.

The Father’ Creation, man and woman, would create the succeeding generations of humans on the Earth.

The Soul is an entity of Heaven, “outside of time,” and free of the physical limitations such as the body faced “inside time.”  The Soul is immortal, the body finite.  The body dies while the Soul is forever.  While the body is subject to the life and death cycle of Creation, the Soul transcends death and continues existing.

As it was explained to me, the entity of the Soul residing in the Kingdom gives it access to knowledge and wisdom not known on Earth.  When traveling to Earth, the knowledge of the Kingdom is suppressed.

A Soul only returns to Earth when it has found a new body, and it has had a chance to mold the new body experience.  The Soul and body fuse at the point of birth as the baby child enters the Earth.  The mission is to help guide the human back to the Kingdom.

Since the Soul is a permanent entity of the Kingdom, it is like the other entities of the Kingdom such as Jesus, the “Son of God,” or the angels of the Lord.  Our understanding of the soul is limited, at best, as we do not know or remember the potential outside of time.

The Soul is one of the most majestic, magical, mysterious and miraculous results of Creation as it fulfills its purpose on Earth by stimulating the body to partake in the human creation cycle.

With billions of human bodies on Earth today, it is a far cry from the beginning when the first bodies and souls were joined and brought to life by Father Creator.  Now those seeding the Earth are the source of life itself as they recreate on Earth.

From the first seeding of humans created by the Father, the original souls have made innumerable trips to Earth splitting upon each return to the Kingdom in order to keep pace with the rapidly expanding human population.  It is a never-ending spiral of duplication to meet the ever-growing needs and expanding population of Earth.

Our mission on Earth is not simply procreation, our mission is eternal salvation for all souls journeying to Earth and back.  That mission will not be achieved until all of Creation returns and becomes One in the Kingdom of Heaven, and Creation as we know it ceases to exist.     

God did create the first humans, and joined the soul and the body to make the first seeding of humans on Earth.  It was the only time humans were created to live on this planet.  Yet the Soul, the most important aspect of His Creation, exists outside of time and is immortal while the body is inside of time and quite limited.  These two components maintain the miracle of Creation through procreation.

In order for the Creator to experience His Creation, His determination to share His Perfect Love, He then became a part of His Creation.

Over time as the Soul is on Earth it can be seduced and compromised by the Dark Side, the Devil, the Fallen Angels if you like, and become contaminated.  It has fallen victim to the temptations and chosen to pursue the promises of the Dark Side and work against the Will of the Creator.  They succumb to the instant gratification of the Fallen Ones and reject Jesus as the pathway to return to the Kingdom.

Most souls have many lifetimes as 13.7 billion years of existence creates many opportunities to return to Earth to help with spiritual evolution.  After each trip to Earth if they helped the human to seek out the path of Jesus and follow the Will of Father Creator, then they are embraced in the Kingdom and begin preparations for their next return to Earth.           

Those who embrace the Dark Side while on Earth upon returning are sent to the farthest reaches of the Kingdom, one might say to the outer perimeter of Creation, where the Kingdom borders the Void of the Anti-Matter.  We might view this as Purgatory.

If they fail to repent and refuse to embrace the Will of the Father, often by seeing themselves as a source of creation, they will be absorbed into a Black Hole which is the purification mechanism of Creation.

Once in the Black Hole, the contaminated entity will be deconstructed, pulverized so to speak, and will be obliterated for all Eternity.  There will be nothing left of the entity when it gets through the Black Hole and is expelled from the Kingdom into the Void of the Anti-Matter, beyond all that is and will be.  We might call this eternal separation from Father Creator and the Kingdom, Hell.

The Church says Jesus died for our sins but in truth he died so we could repent and find salvation, to light the pathway to the Kingdom.  He did endure horrific torture and pain and carried the Cross to his Crucifixion for us.  Our sins could easily be responsible for the nails that were driven into him to secure him to the Cross.

Yet his Death, and Resurrection, showed us how to break the bondage of our physical existence.  We were given our life force by Father Creator, allowing us to live the human experience.  We are tempted and tested by the Dark Side yet still able to connect to the Father’s Will.

With the proper use of free will and by making the right choices in life we will move toward the light of the Creator.  Make the wrong choices, and you are forfeiting the Father’s Will and embracing the Will of the Dark Ones, the Shadow Dwellers, the evil spirits, and the contaminated Souls.

I mentioned early on that the Father’s Eternity is surrounded by the Void of the Anti-Matter.  Empty, pitched dark, devoid of all light, just nothingness.

Black Holes serve the universe by absorbing the contaminated Souls who were sent to the rim of the Void, those Souls who sold their souls to the Devil.  The Black Holes are the polar opposite of the light, thus giving us polarization.

When Souls are beyond saving, they are drawn to and swallowed by a Black Hole, and obliterated from all existence within Eternity.  The nothingness that remains is discharged by the Black Hole into the Void of Anti-Matter where it will forever long to return to the Creator in Eternity.  There could be no more appropriate a destination for Hell.

So, save your questions.  What I presented is a “what if” scenario accurate in my belief and seeming to accommodate most conclusions of dogma and doctrine.  We have to follow the path of Jesus and experience…


All within our birthright as Creations of Father Creator.

When the brilliant white light of Heaven transforms to a beautiful, golden glow, we have completed our mission and time on Earth, and are back on the Road to Kingdom Come.

What do you think?

Come on…you can get this…

Find that spot of peace and solitude, then mediate on what you just read.

Seek out the truth, the time has come.  Ancient secrets and hidden teachings are coming to light to aid the Seekers…

Today I see frightened and troubled people far removed from the Church Jesus Christ wanted built.  They satisfy their spiritual doubts gathering in their respective churches, temples, synagogues, mosques, and shrines, and some in their vaults of gold.

Jesus sought out his apostles and disciples to spread his words and take his message of the Perfect Love of his Father to the world.  Are you content as you attend your own spiritual gathering?

Or will you follow the path of Jesus and receive the inspiration and insights of the Holy Spirit and become a disciple for redemption and salvation of all people of the world?

As always St. Michael, thank you for your tireless efforts to help me find the way home.

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Will You Find What You Need This New Year – the Path to Salvation!


Repentance and Redemption - Lost but not yet found

A Letter to Jesus – a report on the status of Earth

It has been many years since you sent me here to make sense of what is happening on Earth.  I’m sorry to report that the only cents being made in America is what goes into the deep pockets of the super-rich.

The people, well they are train wreck.  They were given a Free Will to choose between Good or Evil, Light or Dark.  So, what do they do?

Many became seduced by the empty promises of the Dark Side and willingly embraced the Seven Deadly Sins over the Seven Cardinal Virtues.  Not only are their lives like a train wreck, they are also the victim of their own delusions, subject to the temptations of the Shadow Dwellers, and filled with fear, or a denial of fear.

Still, we know they are the Creations of Father Creator, so no matter how nasty they get, we are still honor-bound to accept your ironclad proclamation of Forgiveness – and Redemption.  Yet they act like a bunch of losers, frustrated, angry, bitter, hateful, self-obsessed and probably possessed.

You do get the sorry state of affairs.

Humans have simply stopped their spiritual evolvement and enlightenment., and are backsliding into the Abyss.  I would say it is time the Father put his foot down, but I doubt someone who is all everything would have much need for a foot.

Thought I might review a particular incident as an example.  Take the Twelve Days of Christmas honoring the birth of the Baby Jesus.  They run from Christmas Day, December 25th, until January 5th, the day before the Epiphany, which is January 6th.

Here are the feasts and honorees during the Twelve Days of Christmas.

December 25: Birth of Jesus
December 26: Feast for St. Stephen (First Martyr)
December 27: Feast for St. John the Evangelist
December 28: Feast for the Holy Innocents
December 29: St. Thomas Becket
December 30: St. Egwin of Evesham (or 6th day in the Octave of Christmas)
December 31: St. Sylvester I
January 1: The Circumcision of Our Lord (Octave Day of Christmas)
January 2: Holy Name of Jesus
January 3: Sts. Zosimus and Athanasius (or Octave Day of St. John)
January 4: St. Aquilinus (or Octave Day of the Holy Innocents)
January 5: Vigil of the Epiphany (and St.Telesphorus)
[January 6: Epiphany]

Today, January 2nd, is the 9th day of the Twelve Days of Christmas which started with the birth of our Savior and Redeemer on Christmas Day, and ends on January 5th, the day before the Epiphany.

Of course, most of people do not know or remember the Twelve Days, let alone the Epiphany when the Wise Men, Magi, princes, princesses and other long-distance travelers arrived at the stable to honor the new Messiah.  A magnificent Star of Bethlehem illuminated the Earth drawing kings, priests, rulers and shepherds to the Baby in the Manger.

After Christmas, the 2nd Day of Christmas celebrates St. Stephen, the first Martyr for Jesus. The 3rd Day honors St. John the Evangelist, the only Apostle not martyred and author of the Gospel, Revelations, and other works.  The Holy Innocents, honored on the 4th Day were the victims of King Herod’s murder of baby males in Bethlehem.  Those are the four major feasts and celebrations of the Birth of the Child Jesus and fulfillment of ancient prophecies.

Could you imagine Herod’s action?  How arrogant for any human to believe their Will is all-powerful like the Will of Father Creator.  They have no concept of the power of the Creator’s “Perfect Love” for all of Creation.

It is so easy to get caught up in the frenzied, frantic, freaky, fear-filled minds of the people.  Their collective will, is like a giant vacuum hose sucking everything in sight down into an endless Back Hole.

Okay, enough of the frayed edges of humanity where wounds are laid open and never heal.

We need help to get through to them.  Before we can help them, we must get their attention and shatter the glass wall surrounding their lives, the same glass wall that blocks them from seeing good.

They have forgotten how to pray, the need for prayer, and how it can only be achieved through their attainment of the insights of the Holy Spirit.  It did not used to be like this.  There was a time when all knew nearly 1,600 years ago, a few hundred years after the death of Jesus.

Over the years it seemed to lose favor and before long it was lost in the past, the prayers and feasts honoring the Baby Jesus being replaced by Santa, Reindeer, presents, so many and so expensive, self-indulgence, and nary a thought of the wonder of the Jesus Child, the miracles of the Creator, the path to the Kingdom from the Holy Spirit, or the fulfillment of the ancient prophecies.

Poof – it was all gone, buried in an avalanche of credit card debt, one-upping the neighbors, honoring the false gods of commerce, and ignoring their relationship to Father Creator and his beloved Son.  Greed, Power and Control, the magic triangle of the Dark Side.

Only this triangle tilts upside down, forcing everything down to the single point at the bottom.  Now they tragically find themselves spiraling toward the Black Hole to the Abyss, the gateway to the Void of the Anti-Matter.

Thanks to your Father’s never-ending benevolence and unwillingness to give up on his Creations, they still have a shot at repentance, and redemption.  In other words, there is still hope St. Peter might find their name on the list at the Golden Gate to the Kingdom of Heaven.

They must wake up before it is too late, and time is getting short.

First people must seek out solitude and peace, surrounded by silence if at all possible.  You must learn to meditate.  Purge your mind of all worldly distractions, and your spirit of all those other-worldly distractions.  It may not be easy at first because humans constantly overload their sensory perceptions.

Everything is too much, too many, too loud, too inferior, too cheap, too impersonal, too stupid or just plain nonsense.  Our sensory nerves are not just frayed, they are fried.  We are addicted to downloading way more than our touch, scent, sight, hearing or taste can absorb and process.

Get off the bandwagon following the lead of everyone else and be brave, be courageous, be smart, and be aware of yourself by being different.  Think, think of choices and consequences, but think for yourself with the many God-given gifts you have received.

Free yourself from the shackles of slavery in far many more ways than you can imagine, by reaching the state of peace devoid of the distractions of life.

When you reach the place of peace and solitude, ask for help from Jesus to activate the Holy Spirit within you, long dormant while waiting to be called by you for help.

In your lifetime you have drifted farther and farther away from Jesus, who is the pathway to the Father.  The Dark Side has been harvesting more and more weak and fear-laden souls of late.

Rule number one in Creation.  It is foolhardy to attempt to usurp control over any of the Creator’s Creations.  Whatever actions you take to accumulate power and possessions that are not yours in the first place to possess, is an affront to the Creator.

You can kiss off any hope for seeing the Kingdom by embracing the Void where contaminated souls are transformed into anti-matter for eternity and beyond.  You might call that Hell.

At present there are a considerable number of contaminated and lost souls walking the Earth who collectively represent a roadblock to salvation in the Kingdom of Heaven for all others.  Do not be surprised if substantial numbers of them are taken from the Earth to clear a path for those of faith, or those who will seek and find faith.

Not all seeds planted will grow in the Earth.  Some must die away so that others will thrive.  It is your choice.  You have much bigger concerns than school, work, or retirement.  Just getting by is not going to be good enough.

Meditate, ask Jesus to help awaken the Holy Spirit in you, fill yourself with the wonders of the Holy Spirit, find the pathway to Jesus and the Father, become aware of the Perfect Love of the Creator – then go out and live the will of Father Creator - knowing you have found redemption and salvation, through the Son.

Yours in Hope,

Just another traveler On the Road to Kingdom Come.