Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Humanity – We must Help each other to Survive! We must Seek out and find The Raggedy People

I think every politician, member of the news media, and all teachers responsible for forming the minds of our youth need to step back from the deadly precipice of fear mongering, polarization and blind acceptance of someone else’s truth, and seek out their own truth.

As a society, at least on the Internet and news media, we are to quick to condemn, to quick to judge, too eager to blame and to fearful to forgive.  Look around you and the result is quite terrifying. Chaos is the only constant.  The ability to communicate has been lost.  We have broken off contact with our moral and spiritual foundation.

Tragically, we have lost our connection to God.  Yet even in the shadows of darkness engulfing much of the world, God has not given up on us.

Look at the price we pay for living.  Health care costs are bankrupting our people and destroying a lifetime of savings intended for the children in a matter of months.  Student debt is causing our youth to be broke from the minute they get out of school.

Owning a home is too expensive.  Consumer goods are too cheap.  The nutritional value of food is being decimated by excessive biogenetic manipulation while most water is to polluted to drink.

Our institutions like schools, health care, even religions are more like prisons trying to entrap, or more appropriately to enslave you, isolating you from the evil lurking in the shadows rather than preparing you to survive in the world.

Almost everywhere the seeds of doubt, the level of greed, the lust for power, and accumulation of unfathomable wealth undermines the values and principles of good, honesty, fairness, justice and salvation for all Souls.

Our obsession with serving ourselves and our own selfish needs dominates our actions and causes us to lose sight of the most powerful message of our existence.  We are all children of God.  We are part of a shared humanity created by God.  We share responsibility for each other and for the Earth which God gave us to live upon.

Make no mistake, among the billions of inhabitants of Earth, there are many who are free of the darkness shrouding our world.  They are the seekers, believers, dreamers and enlightened souls free of the chaos and fear sweeping or world.

They live in a state of grace which makes them invisible to the evil forces on Earth.  I once described these souls as the Raggedy People in a Dedication for my book The Joshua Chronicles.  It went like this.



Somewhere out there are the Raggedy People, those souls whose purpose in life is to live in the enlightenment of the Father. They seek only the riches of the perfect love of God and are welcomed into His Kingdom by Him. Full of wonder and joy, and empowered with the knowledge they are the image and likeness of God, the Raggedy People are the silent multitudes upon which a new and wonderful civilization will rise.

The Raggedy People are everywhere and nowhere, for they function as silent and often forgotten members of society. There is no gender differentiation, no classes, no hierarchy, no ethnic purification, even no preferred form of worship or religion to which they subscribe, for they may be found anywhere. All believe the Kingdom is for all souls, if you only dare to seek.

The Raggedy People are truly the children of God. One day all humankind will discover their secret, and the world will transform. One day the rich, the powerful, the politician, and the greedy will understand success in this life is not control and accumulation, but kindness and love.

There are those who read the words of God, teach it, preach it, and study it, but few who live it. Dwelling in the goodness of God on earth are the Raggedy People. We should seek them out to help us find the way. As always, they stand ready to assist.

The Joshua Chronicles tells the story of one of them. The tale of an obscure soul upon whose broad shoulders rested the salvation of humankind. How one person befriended a young lad long ago, agreed to a sacred covenant, and set out on a 2000-year odyssey to fulfill his destiny and his obligation to the Creator.

Along the way, he faced the relentless fury of "the second most powerful force in all of creation, the evil Prince of Darkness." With the unlikely assistance of an attractive young psychologist, an aging monk, two ancient members of the secret Order of the Templar and a relic of a doorkeeper, Joshua must overcome the master of the underworld in order to fulfill his sacred covenant.

The Joshua Chronicles, the most important papers in the history of humankind, must be preserved and revealed in order for all of us to find our way home. This is Joshua's story of finding his way back among the Raggedy People, and his reluctant acceptance of the sacrifices he made so that others could find their way as well.

This story is of one person's sojourn to rediscover the perfect love of God for all His creations, and to reveal that love in a way all could understand. Read this and you will know you can never be alone or forgotten, everyone counts to the Creator.

Perhaps you may be one of the Raggedy People too...

Jim Putnam

The Raggedy People are out there and they are the key to our salvation.  Through them we can discover our purpose, seek out the truth, and rediscover our faith in God and Jesus.  They can show us the path to Grace, redemption, resurrection and salvation, for the Raggedy People dwell on the path Jesus walks, illuminated by the power of the love of God and Jesus for each and every one of us.

Pray for help, pray for guidance, pray for inspiration to help others.

We must Help each other to Survive!  

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - “Emotions” are the Missing Link in Our Spiritual Evolution - Your projection of the Truth!

So, Emotions are the missing link, what do they have to do with our spiritual evolution?  According to Melchizedek, just about everything.  Emotions are the expression of the heart which is the bridge to the Soul.

If the Soul is your moral and ethical foundation, then Emotions are the expression of Truth and the degree of passion you feel for the Truth.  It is how you communicate and project the Truth to those around you.

Do you suppress your own emotional response to your own beliefs?  Do you embrace the Truth of others because it seems to be the most popular thing to do?  Do you then fall victim to joining a “cause” that may or may not be consistent with what you believe?

Why would you do such a thing?  There are many reasons.  Mostly, you do this to be accepted, recognized, or noticed by others.  Of course, you also do it because you fear the alternative of acting independently or alone.

There is a safety in numbers, being lost in the crowd, being a faithful follower rather than a leader.  In the end, however, you are a hypocrite because you forfeit your own beliefs and adopt the cause of others while you suppress your own self-improvement and forgo embracing the Christ Consciousness in all of us.

Fear is the driving force in our withdrawal from human communication which is the cornerstone for our emotions.  Emotions are a gift from Father Creator.  They were given to help us communicate with, understand, and coordinate with other humans.

By expressing the full range of our emotion, we telegraph our mood, needs, frustrations, and joys.  Long ago we were a world of tribes, families, and clans.  Emotions were our vehicle to communicate.

“Communicate, care, share, be there to help, and always have someone to help you.”

Here is one of my favorite posters from Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking Glass."

Why not believe six impossible things before breakfast?  Sound like a miracle worker?  Guess what, the Creator made us in his image and likeness.  His Son Jesus said if only we had faith in God’s love for us, demonstrated by our own existence, we could move mountains.

Yet we still deny ourselves our birthright, sharing in God’s Perfect Love.  We claim to be religious, or at a minimum, spiritual.  In truth we are neither.  We are pawns in someone else’s chess game.  To enter the game, we had to give up our own beliefs for the higher good served by the “cause.”

Once upon a time embracing and sharing emotion was the tribal foundation, the cornerstone of the clan, and the human touch for humanity.  It gave us the courage to be something.  We felt it magnified our personal commitment to God, morality, justice and truth.

Without the distraction of modern technology there were no virtual identities, no Facebook pages to hide behind, no texting to replace human contact.  We were yet to become victims of digital slavery like today.

The expression of emotion in days long gone by was the purest form of communication between humans, transcending even the spoken word that was lost amidst the many languages and dialects spoken throughout time.

Melchizedek says emotions, when expressed, are the truest barometers of truth.  Like truth, emotions carry their own unique frequency so no matter the language or the context of their use, our expression of emotion is “truth.”

“Find the frequency of “truth” and you will never be fooled by lies and deception.  Find the frequency of “emotion” and you have the pathway to discovering “truth.”

So next time you decide to join a cause, make certain the truth behind the cause is known to you.  You do not need to be a pawn in someone else’s game.

God created you, all of us, to be unique.  God gave you the gift of magic to allow you to help heal others and help them find their path back to the Garden.  Everything is God’s creation and is necessary for our spiritual evolution.

Emotion is one of the greatest gifts we were given.  But if you hide your emotions you not only deny your best expression of truth but deny others the chance to find the truth in you.

We seek Oneness with Father Creator in His eternal kingdom.  That gives us Oneness with all of creation as well.

You were given free will and make your own decisions on how to use your emotions.  You were also given just two Commandments by God’s Son Jesus to guide you back to the Garden.

  1. Love the Father as He loves you.
  2. Love your neighbor as yourself.
In order to demonstrate you get it, you must share your emotions to project your truth to others, to draw to you like-minded souls, and to reject those predators of the Dark working to seduce your soul and destroy your eternal salvation.

Hatred, the polarity to love, is the driving force behind the mood in the nation and the world.  Powered by fear and energized by emotional passion, it is a dangerous force for success in that hating means the destruction of what you hate.  It is truly a creation of man, not of a loving God.

“In truth, all hate is bad because it is a manifestation of evil.  All bias is bad because it is a manipulation of evil to distort truth.”

 You can disagree with others as long as you respect their right to disagree with you.  Our failure to respect all is the basis for the breakdown in values and morality today.

No honest lightworker of today would condemn, hate, or destroy others for their beliefs and actions.  No truthful healer, teacher, friend or mentor could harbor the intensity of hate as seen on television news every night and still be serving the interest of God.

Those of us caught up in the vile and vicious nature of news media, social media, and causes condoning such tactics are not champions of good – they are the epitome of all that is contrary to the Christ Consciousness.

They are not leaders to the light but destroyers of all that is truthful and necessary for our redemption and salvation.  Where do you stand in seeking to advance the spiritual salvation?  Are you a Seeker of Truth and Light or a pawn of the Dark Side seeking to destroy all hope for salvation?

Pray for guidance in expressing emotions in the frequency of truth.  That is the path of Jesus.  Pray to control your emotions in order to seek the light and find the truth.

To be successful in your prayers and be heard, Jesus said we must first acknowledge the Father’s Love in creating us, and our love for the Creator for giving us life, a soul, and spirit to find the path back to the Garden.

“There is no exclusion in salvation, all are welcomed home.”

Seek to express truth, respect, forgiveness and hope in all you do, say and manifest, and you will be on the path home.  Seek always and you will find the elusive gift of faith so necessary to return to Oneness with the Creator and all that is Creation.

Find and embrace your own Truth and empower it for all others with the unlimited power of your passion through your Emotions.

Wednesday, September 04, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - Mother Earth, Turtle Island, Gaia or just plain Home - God's Gift to Us!

Miraculous – Magical – Mysterious – Mythical
Majestic – Magnificent

One of God’s Gifts to Us

Gifts from Our Creator
©Jim Putnam
(words and music)

How can we look around
say that is yours and this is mine
The land, the sea, the air
they all withstood the test of time

What gives us the right
to put up fences and build walls
Lock people in, lock people out
it should not be that way at all

For the gifts from our Creator Father spirit long ago
Were given to us for all man to share to help us know
That when the final age of man is gone the lights have all gone out
It matters not how much you took but what you gave to those about

How can we go on and poison
water, land and air
Strip the Earth of all God’s gifts
don’t we even care

We’ve shown that we can’t get along
after all these years
Sometimes think the rains we feel
are spirits shedding tears

 For the gifts from our Creator Father spirit long ago
Were given to us for all man to share to help us know
That when the final age of man is gone the lights have all gone out
It matters not how much you took but what you gave to those about

I was inspired to write that song after many meetings with the Hopi spiritual leaders in Arizona.  It was what I felt as an outsider thinking about how the Hopi might react to what we have done to Mother Earth.

Ironically, the Hopi, who are charged with protecting Mother Earth from humans, do not share my concerns.  To the secretive and mysterious Hopi what we have done was predicted by ancient prophecy which must be fulfilled in order for all of us to spiritually evolve.

Mother Earth was a gift from Father Creator for all to share in harmony with nature.  Earth provided people with food, shelter, warmth, water, and vast open spaces to live in harmony with the plant and animal kingdoms.  We were also given herbs and other natural treatments to keep us from getting sick.

Various species would come and go as Earth changed over the millions and billions of years it has been here.  Humans have been here most of Earth’s existence but we are not native to Earth, we were created and placed here by God, making us the first alien inhabitants.  Of course, we were given the means to recreate so in time we would populate the world.

Yet take a good look at the history of the world and humans have played a disproportionate role in causing problems.  Prophets and prophecies of both Native and migrating cultures predicted many of the conditions we face today, and by and large they were caused by people, not the planet or nature.

Weather cycles take place with or without people, as there have been four previous Ice Ages, three before humans existed according to science.  However, the impact of humans on weather patterns and cycles can be instrumental in changing the weather conditions and breaking the weather cycles.

For example, this past year the weather performance has been so convoluted that weather anomalies have become the standard rather than the oddity.  Earthquakes were far more intense, hurricanes were more devastating with storms doing abnormal things, while floods and fires broke records during times when they were supposed to be dormant.

Once again this year we faced record early floods in the Midwest United States, tornadoes have already started killing people, the flood and fire dangers are even greater, and every month new records are set for unseasonably hot or cold temperatures.  Siberia, of all places, had a 100 degree rise in temperatures due to a split vortex in the Arctic.

Undetected comets have crashed to the Earth while volcanoes like the monstrous Yellowstone Super volcano have experienced swarms of steadily increasing earthquakes, what many believe is a precursor of a giant eruption.

So, is Mother Nature angry, or is God punishing us for failing to live in harmony with the Earth?

I prefer to listen to the Hopi and the Melchizedek prophecies when it comes to the past and future and both sources are in somewhat agreement.  Many of these natural anomalies are indeed caused by actions of humans, some recent and some in our past.

Make no mistake, both the Hopi and Melchizedek said Mother Earth is a miraculous work of creation and will take care of itself.  It is a living life force with a spirit and soul like most of creation and no matter how destructive, how disrespectful, how possessive we may become with our Earth, it can and will take care of itself.

The Earth is a creation machine, recreating and repairing itself whether damage came from human greed or cosmic meteors.  It has been doing this for over 13 billion years.  In recent years the arms programs, space exploration, mining techniques, and the ever-present electromagnetic waves created by human devices have done their damage.

We poisoned the Earth with deadly radiation from over 2,000 nuclear explosions since 1945 yet earth still absorbs, and processes the deadly radiation before spitting it back out through volcanic eruptions, fissure discharges, earthquakes, and other tools available to Earth to repair itself.

Our neglect has an impact, and it has consequences, not just on earth but throughout the galaxy and should we cause too much damage it may become necessary for the God or Gods to send in aliens to help repair the damage to earth caused by the first aliens, us, to habitat this planet.

Polarization controls our creation, when things become out of balance, changes must be made.  We are in such a time right now.  Technology, like everything else human, is subject to the will of the inventor.  Technology can be good, and technology can be bad.  It can save people from formerly inoperable diseases, yet it can murder hundreds or thousands of people in a single flash.

Why is it we choose to continue to disrespect Mother Earth and expect no consequences for our actions?  When Mother Earth strikes back with a vengeance it is not the response of an angry or vengeful God, but the survival instincts of one of God’s most miraculous of all creations, Mother Earth.

Pray for Mother Earth that she can continue to protect and provide for us and pray for humanity to stop the senseless destruction of the gifts of our Creator.  The time is at hand.