Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Democrats Trash Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel while defending Obama


In a stunning turn of events for a president used to getting his way from the media and fellow Democrats, President Obama reacted as an Ivy Leaguer whose judgment was questioned.  He conveniently hid behind the skirt of people like Nancy Pelosi and sent out a team of Democrats to bash the leader of Israel for speaking to Congress about the dangers of embracing Iran.

Democrats expressed shock at the warning from the Prime Minister about the dangers from Iran and accused him of lecturing congress about how to govern.  Excuse me, but as I recall the American public also has no faith in congress or the president governing so maybe someone should be lecturing congress on how to do business.

As the liberal news media races to stir the pot of controversy over the remarks, they seem to have forgotten that Obama has had a string of the worst foreign policy decisions we have seen from a president in a very long time.  Wake up media, and check your facts.

Obama called Putin and Russia a has been, tried to embrace North Korea, Iran, terrorist groups and others promising his policy of accommodation would win over our enemies.  Obama's foreign policy has failed in Iraq, failed in Afghanistan, failed with negotiations over Palestine statehood, failed in Benghazi, failed in Libya, and he is desperately scrambling to avoid failure in Iran.

Now the Democrats long took for granted that Jewish people were in their back pocket, and that may be ending.  The organized attack on the Prime Minister by Obama's Democrat clones from congress has driven a major dagger into the heart of the sweetheart arrangement between Israel and the United States.

As Netanyahu so successfully described, Israel has a 4,000 year history in the Persian gulf and has survived wave after wave of attempts to exterminate the Jewish people.  Our experience with Iran covers about 50 years and during that time Iran has imprisoned our embassy staff, thrown us out of the country, sponsored terrorist attacks on American military killing hundreds, and declared the United States and Israel enemies.

If the speech by the Prime Minister was political, it was because of the exaggerated response by the Obama administration to the invitation from the Republican leadership.  With the consistent scorn that Obama has demonstrated and the often nasty shots he said about the Republicans, what in the world did he expect from them?

Perhaps Nancy Pelosi said it best for the disgruntled Democrats when she said the Prime Minister insulted her with his speech.  Here are her words.

March 3, 2015 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress on Tuesday brought at least one lawmaker near to tears, and it wasn't for a good reason.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said in a statment  that "as one who values the U.S.-Israel relationship and loves Israel," she was "near tears" throughout the speech because of Netanyahu's rhetoric. She was "saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States as part of the P5 +1 nations, and saddened by the condescension toward our knowledge of the threat posed by Iran and our broader commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation."

Sunday, January 11, 2015

World comes together behind France - 3 million French march in unison - where is Obama?


Only major ally leader missing - Obama
Only flag missing - USA

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu marched with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas while Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in a stunning show of world solidarity in Paris today.

For one moment in time, the world seemed to come together, racial, religious, ethnic and cultural differences seemed to melt into the background.  Paris and the French became the capital of the world as the top world leaders came to Paris to work toward a better world.

Missing, President Barack Obama, who returned from a Hawaiian vacation and spent the past three days promoting his manufacturing agenda and community college giveaway program in Tennessee and other states.

Okay, he really did become the only western ally to skip the most important gathering of leaders to support the needs of the people in modern world history.  Now that is a mouth full.  Why in the world was the leader of the only Super-power and most important ally of most European nations missing from the world stage?

To add insult to injury, while Putin sent his Prime Minister, the second in command, Obama seemed to think it was better to keep Vice President Joe Biden home with him touring manufacturing facilities, one of which was not even open.  Nor did Obama send a key cabinet official to represent him, or members of the House and Senate to give their support.

Fact is, only Attorney General Eric Holder was at the March and that was because he went to Paris to attend a meeting today, Sunday, on terrorism security, and just happened to be there for the March.  Holder had previously resigned and will not even be around for more than a few weeks at best.

Well three million people felt it was important to be there, and nearly 50 top leaders of the world.  So where was Obama, certainly never one to miss a media opportunity nor hesitate to do just about anything to distract people from thinking about his record of achievement?

There were no American flags seen and no top ranking government official to share the concern, solidarity, and prayers for the French victims and French people.

What a shame President Obama.  What a way to treat our oldest and most loyal ally and the wonderful French people.


Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Obamaville - July 1, 2014 -- Déjà Vu all over again


So today we look at the headlines then ask ourselves how things have changed during the 6 1/2 years of the Obama presidency.

 Headline - President continues to send more troops to Iraq to fight terrorist invasion!

Headline - Obamacare limited by Supreme Court ruling!

 Headline - Mideast Peace Talks go up in flames as Israel attacks Hamas!

Headline - ISIS terrorists capture huge parts of Syria and Iraq and move toward Lebanon and Jordan!

Headline - Russia defies UN and USA and moves more troops to Ukraine border!

Headline - Russia bans American astronauts from flights to International Space station!

Headline - Tens of Thousands of Illegal immigrants overwhelm American borders!

Headline - GMC teeters on brink of bankruptcy again with 30 million cars recalled!

Headline - US Federal Deficit blows past $17.5 trillion - has now tripled under Obama!

Headline - Obama has now completed over 176 rounds of golf during his 78 months as president!

Headline - America's hope for Energy Independence - the Keystone Pipeline - still not approved by Obama!

Headline - American military veterans face death at home as well as in wars with neglect and corruption permeating the Obama Veterans Administration  health program!

Headline - Health care costs and health insurance costs prepare for massive increases to pay for new Obamacare program!

Headline - Democrats and Obama continue to blame Republicans and Bush for everything that has gone wrong since Obama was elected and Democrats took control of the presidency, house and senate 6 1/2 long years ago!

Whew!  Has anything really changed?

Thank God the USA plays in the World Cup today or it would be a most depressing Fourth of July weekend.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How the Economy can End Obama Presidency


Did the Chicago Gang Fail to Read the Tea Leaves?

It is really great when the political advisors to a president seem to have control of the presidential campaign like the Obama team from Chicago.  David Axelrod and David Plouffe control the campaign and control White House policy as it impacts on the campaign.

After all the broken promises from the first campaign like energy independence and stopping Iran's nuclear program they have adopted a new strategy for the 2012 re-election and it seems like it is based on a couple of guiding principles.

Obama economic and energy principles

"What - me worry?"

"No problem..."

You see, the most under-rated economic barometers of presidential performance by the media, as I have pointed out in numerous articles over the last six years, are the oil and gas prices in America.

Media Deception?

Many people have acknowledged the mainstream media favoritism toward President Obama which is well documented by both your eyes watching and listening to the news, and independent media watchdogs.

A couple of examples are appropriate as evidence.  First, there has been a lot of recent publicity about the success Obama is having with the economy.  And second, the media has stopped reporting on Brent Crude Oil on the international commodity futures market.

Why you might ask did they drop the media attention?  It is not good news for the president. In fact the less said by the media about commodity prices the better because none of the energy news is good for the president.  It might conflict with the happy face Obama appearing the bloob tube.

Here are the facts.

When Obama took office the price of gasoline was $1.85 a gallon.  Today it is over $3.64 a gallon and projected to rise as high as $5.00 a gallon this fall.

Light crude oil has gone from $30.28 a barrel when Obama took office to over $104.00 a barrel today.

Brent Crude, the item the media has stopped reporting and conveniently minimizes the impact of Middle East events on world oil prices, has gone from $35.27 a barrel when he got elected to over $121.88 today.  It may reach $150.00 a barrel this fall according to some experts.

Whether you use Obamanomics or legitimate accounting, the price of gas and oil has spiraled up in the Obama years and more than doubled gas prices and more than tripled oil prices.

But oil may also expose another weakness for Obama, because the Brent oil price also reflects the impact of events in the European zone such as the Greece debt problems or the Iranian oil cutoff.

In other words there can be failures in foreign policy like underestimating the Iranian response to sanctions Obama advocated, that can also impact on our domestic ec0nomy by driving up oil and gas prices.

Instability in the Middle East can have a dramatic and sustained impact on world oil and gas prices here in America.  When Iran cutoff oil to France and the UK this week Brent crude shot up again.  This will greatly aggravate the European recession and reduce USA sales to Europe.

The Obama team was hoping to keep attention off these economic and foreign policy failures with their long term economic impact but you really can't manipulate the financial markets or the knowledge of the American people.  They are reminded of the truth every time they fill the gas tank.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The End of the Arab Spring - Dark Clouds over the Horizon


As the world stands helplessly by

What started over a year ago as an effort to overturn dictators and bring freedom to repressed Arab people has stalled recently and in spite of the success in Egypt and Libya in toppling the leaders, one gets the sense not a lot has really changed.

After successful revolutions in Egypt overthrew Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak and in Libya overthrew Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar Gaddafi it seemed like a ray of hope for the oppressed Arab people in those two neighboring countries.

Yet since the revolutions little in terms of freedom has come to the Arab nations.  In Egypt the military still rules, the same military that served Mubarak, while tribal infighting in Libya has kept any new government from taking control.

In fact, in terms of Middle East peace, the result might worse as Egypt has threatened to terminate their 1979  peace treaty with Israel while electing a majority of Muslim Brotherhood members.  Most recently they have arrested a number of foreign citizens including Americans for trying to undermine the new parliament.

As the Arab Spring moved to Iran and Syria it has met a far different fate.  Both Muslim nations have used violence, and excessive force, to put down the rebel insurgents in spite of threats and sanctions from around the world.  Today a bloodbath is underway in Syria by President Bashar al-Assad to exterminate the thousands of rebels while the world stands helplessly watching.

All of this is an outgrowth of the American invasions of Kuwait and Iraq to stop Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti from capturing the strategic Kuwait oil fields.  Then America invaded Iraq again and Afghanistan after the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center.

Ten years later we just left Iraq, which has moved ever closer to our bitter enemy Iran, and are trying to unwind the war in Afghanistan as that nation moves ever closer to Iran.

Iran is also backing Syria in denying freedom to the people.  Of all the Middle East nations Iran is the greatest threat to Israel because it is close to developing a nuclear capability, an advantage Israel now holds over all Arab and Muslim nations.

Yet of all the nations of the Middle East most likely to enter a war, Israel and Iran are at the top of the list.  Recently five leading Iranian nuclear scientists were assassinated in Iran, with most fingers pointing at Israel.  No other nation has the intelligence and will to undertake such a mission as the fearless Israelis and their Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In retaliation Israeli diplomats were bombed in several Arab nations though none have been killed yet.  So we have a powder keg ready to explode as time is running out for anyone to stop the nuclear ambitions of Iran, and that anyone is Israel and no one else.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made it quite clear that the consequences of such an action could result in counter attacks by Iran on Israel or a closing of the Straight of Hormuz, the strategic shipping lifeline for the world's oil supply.

Either action would cripple world economies and threaten to bring many nations into a war in the Middle East, something long feared by the End Times advocates of Armageddon.

At this moment, anything is possible.  Should Israel attack Iran the consequences do not bode well for the Middle East or America, as America is the sole protector of Israel and will be the only defender of that nation should military action result.

Something must happen to stop the escalation of tension in the Middle East between Israel and Iran.  We are helpless and the United Nations is more helpless to intervene.  Action is also desperately needed to stop the bloodbath in Syria.  Once again we are all helpless to stop it.

Is there any way out of this terrible dilemma?  Sometimes the most unexpected person or nation can suddenly be thrust onto the world stage and change the course of history when all else has failed.  Perhaps that time is now.  And perhaps that savior will be a total surprise.

See the next article for a possible peaceful solution.