Showing posts with label ISIS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ISIS. Show all posts

Friday, March 27, 2015

Obamaville March 27 - Our Middle East policy - no more good guys, or bad guys - are we at war with ourselves?


It used to be we needed a scorecard to figure out what the Obama Administration was doing in the Middle East, as the policy seemed to be all over the place.

Obama milestones

We pulled out of Iraq

We sent troops back to Iraq - at least 10,000

We start massive bombing of ISIS positions in Iraq and Syria

We want Syrian President Assad overthrown

We help Assad fight ISIS terrorists

Iran is biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world

We negotiate with Iran to restrain their nuclear program

We help overthrow Libyan dictator

Libya destabilized thanks to us

Terrorists kill Americans in Libya

Jordan troops attack rebels in Libya

We pulled out of Afghanistan

More troops will remain in Afghanistan

We like Israel

We are reassessing our relationship with Israel

We might send arms to the Kurds fighting the ISIS terrorists

Iran sends troops to help fight ISIS in Iraq

We bomb ISIS targets around Iranian troops in Iraq

Coalition troops in Iraq refuse to fight if US continues to bomb Iraq

Obama likes our position in Yemen

Yemen throws out the US from Yemen

Saudi Arabia announces war with Yemen rebels

100 fighter jets and 150,000 troops committed by Saudis

Sunni and Shi'a sects under Islam bitter enemies throughout Middle East

Russia holds key to working with Iran

Obama condemns Russia and imposes sanctions

Up to 10% of Arab population is Christian Arab

US does nothing to help Christian Arabs

Israel is only real ally of US in Middle East

Israeli PM Netanyahu travels to China and Russia to hedge bets

In politics, there is an old saying that we will double cross that bridge when we get to it.  Our current foreign policy in the Middle East has mastered the theory of double-crossing our opponents and allies alike.

Now it seems we have gotten to the point that our strange alliances and initiatives have pushed us into a war with ourselves in our efforts to appease every faction in the Middle East.

Beyond that, is there anyone on earth who trusts the word of the Obama Administration or believes we will stand behind what we say?

Sometimes the bizarre foreign policy of the Obama Administration seems to have come from an Ouija board gone mad.

Will it ever end?

Is this really the legacy we should leave the world?

We should be ashamed!

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Obamaville - July 1, 2014 -- Déjà Vu all over again


So today we look at the headlines then ask ourselves how things have changed during the 6 1/2 years of the Obama presidency.

 Headline - President continues to send more troops to Iraq to fight terrorist invasion!

Headline - Obamacare limited by Supreme Court ruling!

 Headline - Mideast Peace Talks go up in flames as Israel attacks Hamas!

Headline - ISIS terrorists capture huge parts of Syria and Iraq and move toward Lebanon and Jordan!

Headline - Russia defies UN and USA and moves more troops to Ukraine border!

Headline - Russia bans American astronauts from flights to International Space station!

Headline - Tens of Thousands of Illegal immigrants overwhelm American borders!

Headline - GMC teeters on brink of bankruptcy again with 30 million cars recalled!

Headline - US Federal Deficit blows past $17.5 trillion - has now tripled under Obama!

Headline - Obama has now completed over 176 rounds of golf during his 78 months as president!

Headline - America's hope for Energy Independence - the Keystone Pipeline - still not approved by Obama!

Headline - American military veterans face death at home as well as in wars with neglect and corruption permeating the Obama Veterans Administration  health program!

Headline - Health care costs and health insurance costs prepare for massive increases to pay for new Obamacare program!

Headline - Democrats and Obama continue to blame Republicans and Bush for everything that has gone wrong since Obama was elected and Democrats took control of the presidency, house and senate 6 1/2 long years ago!

Whew!  Has anything really changed?

Thank God the USA plays in the World Cup today or it would be a most depressing Fourth of July weekend.
