Showing posts with label Holy Spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holy Spirit. Show all posts

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Big Bang Part 1 – Things You Need to Know to Appreciate the Perfect Love of the Father and the Sacrifices of the Son Jesus!

Or, what they didn’t tell us in Genesis!

So, let me review how we got here, I mean in this story, not life.  This is about the precise moment of Creation as we know it today.  Science refers to it as, “The Big Bang.”  It is their subtle way of acknowledging they do not know everything, sort of a deflection strategy to keep us off track.

My hope is to be able to give you enough information so that you can decide for yourself what happened in that brief moment called, “The Beginning of Time.”

Father Creator, back in the pre-creation era called Heaven, was everything and all that existed.  He wanted to share his Perfect Love.  If you were the Creator then what would you do?

There are some inherent advantages to being the Creator.  You cannot be wrong, no one can judge you, and you know everything.  You are the personification of perfection, all knowing, all powerful, almighty, and supreme.

What rules exist are yours because there is nobody else.  Besides, whatever you create should be easier to accept since it is your Creation.

The Creator wanted to share His perfection, wanted someone or something to experience His perfect love, and to learn the goodness of His purpose.

Now I am sorry to say but humans were but a tiny blip in Creation, inhabiting just one planet of the billions of galaxies and trillions of stars and planets.  At least that was what we were led to believe.

The Father wanted us to have choices, between right and wrong, so he gave us a free will.  He reckoned humans would most likely make a lot of mistakes if left on their own, so He gave us a memory, of a time when we were One with Father Creator.

When we touched that memory, brought it from our super-subconscious to our consciousness, we would realize the sense of loss of being separated from being One with the Creator.  Our mission in life on Earth would be to find our path back to the Garden, the kingdom of God, and ultimately to Oneness with Father Creator again.

We got a free will to make choices, like I said, so we could experience all aspects of our Creation world.  Unfortunately, humans would long to live by their own rules.  Just look at the evidence.

We could fill a freight train with the magnitude and layers of rules, laws, statutes, regulations, standards, and guidelines we seem to relish and need to be good citizens.  By the way, you do remember what a freight train might be I presume.

Now God, He created you and everything else in Creation from people, to planets, to solar systems, to universes, to galaxies, to the ends of Creation.  Beyond that was Heaven which encompasses everything.

Creation was instantaneous, all powerful, all encompassing, and consisted of all that is in our world of time and space.  The act of creation by the Father was an explosion of imagination and creative thought generating seven concentric circles of thought to guide creation,

The circles were interconnected and each was to continue expanding (recreating) for as long as time should exist.  The core of Creation is the ability to continually recreate and expand.  This guiding principle applies to all that is within Creation from humans to animals, earth to water, air to galaxies.

So many miracles from our perspective are incorporated into the big bang that it is well beyond our ability to comprehend in our present physical state.  Just the complexity of the human body and mind is a miraculous mystery, let alone everything else.

This all happened instantaneously about 13.7 billion years ago according to science, about 16 billion years ago according to Melchizedek.  Included in the first explosion of creative thought of the Creator were all kinds of interesting things like the Son of God, Melchizedek as sort of an overseer of Creation for the Father, the Holy Spirit as a means of enlightenment for humans, and entities destined for major roles in evolution like the Holy Mother Mary.

The Father’s domain is Heaven, consisting of all that is, was, and will be.  The Kingdom of God was created as the domain of the Father’s Son, Jesus.  It is the bridge between the limitless Heaven of the Father and the time and space in which Earth and the galaxies must function, what we call our physical dimension.

There are two major parts of Creation, that which is in time (our own existence), and that which is out of time, where Jesus rules his kingdom from beyond the physical state.  Everything we know, can imagine, and can create is within one of these two distinct parts of the Kingdom.

Melchizedek is a partner or mentor type to Jesus to help assure the will of the Father is fulfilled through creation. Spiritual entities exist in the Kingdom such as the Holy Mother Mary and the Magdalene, persons like Jesus whose manifestation among humans is essential to the spiritual evolution of humans and all other elements of creation.

Most important to us humans is the existence in the Kingdom of the soul, which is the central core of the network of souls infused into humans at the moment of birth in the physical world.  Imagine the core of the soul in the Kingdom free of the constraints of our physical world as a giant golden sphere pulsating with love and energy.

Melchizedek describes the moment of birth of the new infant as the moment the fetus leaves the safety and harmony of the mother’s womb and enters the atmosphere of gravity, one of the polarizing forces intended to test the mind and will of the Creator.  At this moment of re-entry into the gravity of the Earth the soul from the Kingdom is fused with the infant child being born and the complete human now exists.

That soul entering the new born always remains connected to the orb in the Kingdom through a golden filament.  When physical death occurs, the soul returns through the filament to Heaven to await the next reincarnation.

While waiting it can visit other planets and galaxies, can rest, research in the libraries, share experiences with other earth souls, and even try to help those left behind on Earth.  In fact, according to Jesus and Melchizedek, the soul out of time can also create a vision and send itself back to earth to try and influence love ones left behind.

Spiritual evolution of the soul, and in turn the earth, and all of creation however, is not judged by going back but by moving forward toward fulfillment of the sacred covenant between the Soul and Father Creator.

Of course, in addition to the Soul, Father created Angels to help us, and Alien races to provide timely help over time.  Within the Kingdom there are immortals and adepts whose purpose is to materialize on Earth at pivotal times in history to help keep our spiritual evolution on track.

Now multiply these activities by a few billion galaxies and you start to see the task facing Melchizedek and Jesus and their cast of billions needed to make things in and out of time work.

Many, many information gaps and things difficult for the physical mind to comprehend will be presented as we progress with the Creation story but this gives you a decent overview of the situation in and out of time we live among.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Hour is rapidly approaching when you must take action to survive here and the hereafter!


"The Hour is rapidly approaching..."

Sounds ominous, but what does it mean?  Taking sides is what we have been about in recent years and polarization seems to be the new established trend in communicating.  Most of you will continue to avoid being caught up in the social-political-policy battles smeared all over the Internet and that is probably a good thing.

Those who do join the fray are pilloried before being burnt at the stake for getting involved as there is no such thing as normal communications on the social media sites of the Internet.  People are angry, frightened, fearful, and downright obnoxious in their blind defense of whatever side they choose to advocate.

Polarization will never lead to progress and blind loyalty to a cause, whether liberal or conservative, progressive or right wing, democrat or republican, is an insult to our Constitution and founding principles.  All Americans enjoy individual liberty, are endowed with many Constitutional rights, and can practice free speech no matter how intense, callous, or dark it may be.

All radical views and personal bias are tolerated as long as you accept and respect the right of everyone else to have their views.  When it comes to running our nation, no single bias can ever dominate as it violates the individual rights and freedoms of others as guaranteed by law.

Ours is a quite complicated system.  Most people mistakenly sense we live in a democracy when, in fact, we live in a Republic.  Most people think we must have majority rule and the Electoral College process denies it.  They demand immediate change to the system.  Sadly, they do not even understand the very system we have lived under since the adoption of the Constitution September 17, 1787, 231 years ago.

How sad so many are so ignorant of the history and principles of the most democratic institution in world history.

Over those centuries our political, cultural, and religious institutions evolved and there have been some improvements.  During that same history there have been many calls to modify our sacred Constitution, some successful, many not.  Still we endured.

Today we have reached a point when, thanks to technology, citizens have far greater knowledge of world affairs, of cultural differences, and to endless sources of history and there is open communication and dialog between peoples from all over the world.

Unfortunately, that same technology has simply overwhelmed the public with information, diluted their ability to think for themselves, obliterated our knowledge of what happened in the past, and made us dumber than probably any time in our storied history.

We are no longer the compassionate, generous, hopeful, innovative, determined, and optimistic people whose blood lines came from all over the world to find a place where all were treated equal.  We are too caught up in texting or gaming to bother to research the hopes and desires of many generations of our ancestors who often risked life and limb to get here as immigrants.

While we may have evolved on many fronts, when it comes to spiritual evolution, we have run into the same impenetrable brick wall found throughout the world.  We no longer hear, we no longer see, we no longer understand the nature of our own being.

Pray for enlightenment from the Holy Spirit so that we may find our path back to the Garden.

Lent – the countdown of the last 46 days of Jesus life and death to the eve of his Resurrection.


Are you honoring what he gave for you?
Are you a true believer?

After the first week of Lent it seems we should be well established in our recognition of the final sacrifice Jesus paid for us, and the sacrifice of his Father in giving his only Son to us to be horrifically tortured and brutally murdered.

He came to awaken within us the truth.

He came to ignite the Holy Spirit within.

He came to enlighten and educate us.

He came to remind us of our supernatural heritage.

He came to help us accept our co-creator responsibilities.

Jesus came so that we would not forget that we did not come from the blood of our flesh nor the body of a human.  We are the sons and daughters of God, from the Kingdom of Heaven.

Yet until we love one another as God’s children, we can never know Jesus nor the path he gave us back to the Garden, the Kingdom of Heaven.

Use the days of Lent to remember, contemplate, pray, and fast so that you may find faith in God, in his Son Jesus, and in the Holy Spirit, the enlightenment of the Creator.

Without faith you are lost.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Will You Take a Chance and Read the Story of the Soul?


[Authors note: This is what I have learned after a lifetime of seeking the truth, yet the lesson I really learned is how little I really know…]

A couple of guiding principles in order to begin to comprehend the complexity of the Soul.

(Image: XMM-Newton/ESA/NASA)

1.  First, you must be open to anything and everything, let me repeat anything and everything, when transcending beyond time, space, and motion as we know it.

2.  Second, our human body, the physical you that you see in the mirror, was created for your time on Earth only.  Knowing what is, without being influenced by your Earthly presence, is a mighty test of your objectivity. More importantly, it is a test of your ability to connect to the Creator beyond Earth, to see Eternity through the eyes of Father Creator.

3.  Third, what is it you see from that lofty perspective?  Okay, I can only share with you what I found in my seeking that enabled me to break through the barriers of reality that so suffocates your imagination and creativity.

Just as Father Creator is best described as, “I Am!” then everything else must be described as, “We are Am too!”  Stand in the center point of Eternity, looking all directions at once, and what do you see?  An endless everything beyond time, space, and motion.

That is Eternity.

Within that, lies the Kingdom (of Heaven), which is a small part of Eternity yet much greater than our existence called Creation.  In the Kingdom are spiritual beings such as angels, archangels, saints, immortals, and adepts.  They possess the ability to transfigure, and travel between Creation and the Kingdom.

That is the Kingdom.

Then there is Creation, our home with the planets, the stars, the galaxies, and the universes.  We get all the living stuff that never stops growing, dying, then recreating to start all over again.

The Eternal Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are in all three dimensions for they are One and the same.

By now you should be getting the notion that maybe us Earthlings need to reconsider our own self-importance in relation to Creation, let alone the Kingdom or Eternity.  Maybe a dose of humility would help stabilize the negativity currently overwhelming the Earth.

It seems the tantalizing lure of the Dark Side and their Shadow Dwellers is drawing the interest of a great deal of Souls to the Seven Deadly Sins of the Demons.  Let me attempt to sum it up for you.  Earth is a tiny speck in Creation which is absorbed into a much larger Kingdom that resides in an endless Eternity.

And for the Soul

Now we can talk about the Soul, that magical, mystical, miraculous entity created by the Father, our Creator, to reside in the Kingdom while breathing the Father’s life force into the babies being born on Earth.

The physical body on Earth comes to life when the Soul fuses to the infant child at the moment it leaves the mother’s womb.  Subsequently, when the physical body finally dies, the Soul returns to the Kingdom, while the body returns to dust.

If Souls are the link to the Perfection and Perfect Love of the Creator, then it is the Soul that guides humankind back to the Kingdom.  The Creator can create anything, so a single-soul entity could reflect the heart of the Father, and that Soul could attach to all babies born to the Earth.

Think of the Soul as a powerful river, like the Mississippi River which cuts our nation nearly in half.  From the One Source a network of rivers, head waters, streams, creeks, branches, forks, feeders, side-streams, side-channels, ponds, lakes, and glaciers form the vast network of tributaries feeding the Mighty Mississippi.

Perhaps a better analogy is a mighty tree, with the life force of the tree (the soul) extending outward through the layer upon layer of branches, larger, then smaller and smaller.  At the end of the branches are delicate leaves, who unlike the branches, have the unique ability to grow and blossom, to develop a miraculous ability to absorb the Sun, and thus give life to the mighty tree and branches.

Ironically, this miracle is repeated every year demonstrating that Creation needs to keep creating and has the ability to create and recreate itself over and over again.

The Soul is connected to the Creator’s Kingdom by a golden thread, like a filament, that can penetrate through multiple dimensions of existence connecting from our world to the Kingdom.  Our world is “in time” reflecting the time-space continuum of our dimension.

The Kingdom, on the other hand, is in Eternity, thus can be called “out of time” where God’s spiritual creations, like archangels, the angels, and a variety of other entities reside.  Through the Will of Father Creator our souls travel to Earth to join with a new baby in creating life just before the moment of birth.

The Soul gives substance and form to the physical body, and contains the coding or DNA of the new child.  All human characteristics are contained in this DNA as well as the spiritual, intuitive, and awareness needed to make choices, what we call “free will.’’

Since we are the outcome of Creation, the Trinity-inspired building block of polarity and Oneness, our Soul is infused with the polarity of right versus wrong, good versus bad.  We can view this as having the intuitive knowledge of The Seven Cardinal Virtues and the Seven Deadly Sins, each matched with a polar opposite.

We are born with a spiritual awareness of the “Perfect Love” of Father Creator.  Though often suppressed within us, we have a longing to find the true path back to the Creator, and in time learn it is through His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the other two entities with God that form the Creation Trinity.

All of Creation consists of polarity driving the need to recreate.  Galaxies continue to multiply in the universe.  The universe is a vast expanse of space which contains all of the matter and energy in existence in our dimension.  The universe contains all of the galaxies, stars, and planets though the size is unknown.  Scientists believe the universe is still expanding outward as a result of a violent, powerful explosion that took place about 13.7 billion years ago, known as the “Big Bang.”

On Earth the atmosphere, animals, birds, insects, trees, plants, and yes, even humans, have a self-sustained purpose to recreate, be born again, into our world.  While God created the first humans to occupy the Earth, infusing a lifeless body with the soul and spirit, he also gave His Creation (people) the ability to recreate itself, just like everything else in Creation.

He molded the human body then created the Soul to give life and purpose to the body, fusing them together for their time on Earth.  The Creation was in His own image and likeness.

One significant difference separated the body and Soul.   While the Soul was a Creation of the Kingdom “out of time” and meant to exist until the end of time as we know it, the individual body of man and woman was created only once.  From then on the humans created their own offspring and tribes and continue creating all new humans.

The Father’ Creation, man and woman, would create the succeeding generations of humans on the Earth.

The Soul is an entity of Heaven, “outside of time,” and free of the physical limitations such as the body faced “inside time.”  The Soul is immortal, the body finite.  The body dies while the Soul is forever.  While the body is subject to the life and death cycle of Creation, the Soul transcends death and continues existing.

As it was explained to me, the entity of the Soul residing in the Kingdom gives it access to knowledge and wisdom not known on Earth.  When traveling to Earth, the knowledge of the Kingdom is suppressed.

A Soul only returns to Earth when it has found a new body, and it has had a chance to mold the new body experience.  The Soul and body fuse at the point of birth as the baby child enters the Earth.  The mission is to help guide the human back to the Kingdom.

Since the Soul is a permanent entity of the Kingdom, it is like the other entities of the Kingdom such as Jesus, the “Son of God,” or the angels of the Lord.  Our understanding of the soul is limited, at best, as we do not know or remember the potential outside of time.

The Soul is one of the most majestic, magical, mysterious and miraculous results of Creation as it fulfills its purpose on Earth by stimulating the body to partake in the human creation cycle.

With billions of human bodies on Earth today, it is a far cry from the beginning when the first bodies and souls were joined and brought to life by Father Creator.  Now those seeding the Earth are the source of life itself as they recreate on Earth.

From the first seeding of humans created by the Father, the original souls have made innumerable trips to Earth splitting upon each return to the Kingdom in order to keep pace with the rapidly expanding human population.  It is a never-ending spiral of duplication to meet the ever-growing needs and expanding population of Earth.

Our mission on Earth is not simply procreation, our mission is eternal salvation for all souls journeying to Earth and back.  That mission will not be achieved until all of Creation returns and becomes One in the Kingdom of Heaven, and Creation as we know it ceases to exist.     

God did create the first humans, and joined the soul and the body to make the first seeding of humans on Earth.  It was the only time humans were created to live on this planet.  Yet the Soul, the most important aspect of His Creation, exists outside of time and is immortal while the body is inside of time and quite limited.  These two components maintain the miracle of Creation through procreation.

In order for the Creator to experience His Creation, His determination to share His Perfect Love, He then became a part of His Creation.

Over time as the Soul is on Earth it can be seduced and compromised by the Dark Side, the Devil, the Fallen Angels if you like, and become contaminated.  It has fallen victim to the temptations and chosen to pursue the promises of the Dark Side and work against the Will of the Creator.  They succumb to the instant gratification of the Fallen Ones and reject Jesus as the pathway to return to the Kingdom.

Most souls have many lifetimes as 13.7 billion years of existence creates many opportunities to return to Earth to help with spiritual evolution.  After each trip to Earth if they helped the human to seek out the path of Jesus and follow the Will of Father Creator, then they are embraced in the Kingdom and begin preparations for their next return to Earth.           

Those who embrace the Dark Side while on Earth upon returning are sent to the farthest reaches of the Kingdom, one might say to the outer perimeter of Creation, where the Kingdom borders the Void of the Anti-Matter.  We might view this as Purgatory.

If they fail to repent and refuse to embrace the Will of the Father, often by seeing themselves as a source of creation, they will be absorbed into a Black Hole which is the purification mechanism of Creation.

Once in the Black Hole, the contaminated entity will be deconstructed, pulverized so to speak, and will be obliterated for all Eternity.  There will be nothing left of the entity when it gets through the Black Hole and is expelled from the Kingdom into the Void of the Anti-Matter, beyond all that is and will be.  We might call this eternal separation from Father Creator and the Kingdom, Hell.

The Church says Jesus died for our sins but in truth he died so we could repent and find salvation, to light the pathway to the Kingdom.  He did endure horrific torture and pain and carried the Cross to his Crucifixion for us.  Our sins could easily be responsible for the nails that were driven into him to secure him to the Cross.

Yet his Death, and Resurrection, showed us how to break the bondage of our physical existence.  We were given our life force by Father Creator, allowing us to live the human experience.  We are tempted and tested by the Dark Side yet still able to connect to the Father’s Will.

With the proper use of free will and by making the right choices in life we will move toward the light of the Creator.  Make the wrong choices, and you are forfeiting the Father’s Will and embracing the Will of the Dark Ones, the Shadow Dwellers, the evil spirits, and the contaminated Souls.

I mentioned early on that the Father’s Eternity is surrounded by the Void of the Anti-Matter.  Empty, pitched dark, devoid of all light, just nothingness.

Black Holes serve the universe by absorbing the contaminated Souls who were sent to the rim of the Void, those Souls who sold their souls to the Devil.  The Black Holes are the polar opposite of the light, thus giving us polarization.

When Souls are beyond saving, they are drawn to and swallowed by a Black Hole, and obliterated from all existence within Eternity.  The nothingness that remains is discharged by the Black Hole into the Void of Anti-Matter where it will forever long to return to the Creator in Eternity.  There could be no more appropriate a destination for Hell.

So, save your questions.  What I presented is a “what if” scenario accurate in my belief and seeming to accommodate most conclusions of dogma and doctrine.  We have to follow the path of Jesus and experience…


All within our birthright as Creations of Father Creator.

When the brilliant white light of Heaven transforms to a beautiful, golden glow, we have completed our mission and time on Earth, and are back on the Road to Kingdom Come.

What do you think?

Come on…you can get this…

Find that spot of peace and solitude, then mediate on what you just read.

Seek out the truth, the time has come.  Ancient secrets and hidden teachings are coming to light to aid the Seekers…

Today I see frightened and troubled people far removed from the Church Jesus Christ wanted built.  They satisfy their spiritual doubts gathering in their respective churches, temples, synagogues, mosques, and shrines, and some in their vaults of gold.

Jesus sought out his apostles and disciples to spread his words and take his message of the Perfect Love of his Father to the world.  Are you content as you attend your own spiritual gathering?

Or will you follow the path of Jesus and receive the inspiration and insights of the Holy Spirit and become a disciple for redemption and salvation of all people of the world?

As always St. Michael, thank you for your tireless efforts to help me find the way home.