Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Thursday, April 04, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Are you prepared for a devastating event in the near future? What will you do if the lights went out?

We all need to know how we will react to a natural disaster, maybe an economic collapse, perhaps a secret scientific experiment gone array, something of that magnitude that disrupts your life plans and instantly whisks your world into chaos.

Melchizedek, three years ago, warned of the coming weather anomalies reaching record shattering dimensions.  Each year weather patterns have deviated farther and farther from normal, with much stronger and more dangerous fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, blizzards, wind shear, you get the idea.

It seems the new weather mutations are now the new normal.  One-hundred-year-old flood records fall almost daily, and the unheard of 500-year flood levels are now being breached.

Coast-to-coast annual rainfall totals shatter previous records while snowfall records have tumbled in a wide swath of Northern states from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, with some snow packs reaching 25 feet deep.

Highly unusual “Cyclone Bombs” have cause massive freak wind storms, major blizzards, and breathtaking floods two years in a row.  Denver International Airport recorded winds of 96 miles per hour, and no tornado or hurricane conditions were present.

Speaking of hurricanes, they are not only on steroids but doing rather bizarre things like rotating in a 360-degree circle, stalling over major Texas cities, and leaving a tragic path of destruction much farther inland than previous storms, even after they become tropical depressions after hitting land.

Tornadoes are now much stronger than before.  Blizzards strike more frequently with greater intensity, and hurricanes spawn more destruction over wider areas than normal times.

Yet, in spite of the weather anomalies and upheavals we have experienced, three of the greatest, most dangerous, unpredictable of all disasters are yet to occur.  Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and solar storms on the Sun, a trio of destroyers who wield so much power the people of the world have no defense against them.

Melchizedek says our science is yet to determine the age of our cosmos and when it does, through mathematics and physics breakthroughs, we will discover creation took place thirty-billion years ago, not the 13.82 billion years old currently speculated.

During our thirty-billion years of existence there were times when the Human Life Cycle evolved, but it was not always in synchronization with the will of the Creator.  In six previous eras of the Human Life Cycle, when mankind became too infatuated with greed and power and lost their way, it had to be stopped and reset, leaving only enough human survivors to repopulate the new Human Life Cycle era.

We are now in the seventh Human Life Cycle on Earth, and most likely, the last.  Are you prepared for the disruptions we will most likely face in the imminent days ahead?  Are you prepared for the real Earth warming and climate change?

While the environmental threats trigger fearful reactions and responses in victims, and just plain fear in those anticipating the storms, perhaps we place too much attention and significance on them and not enough attention on the other possibilities.

According to science and archeology at least four times in our history the earth has experienced global warming before the existence of a new Ice Age on Earth.  It is the natural progression of the evolution of planet earth, with or without the humans.

A massive meteor crashed into the earth and created the Gulf of Mexico, resulting in so much debris from the explosion being tossed up in the atmosphere of the earth it blocked out the healing rays of the Sun for not days, weeks, or years, but hundreds of years bringing most life forms to a screeching halt.

Another time the Yellowstone Super-volcano exploded out west and the debris field again blocked out the life-saving natural rays of the Sun.  In the process it annihilated the most powerful species to walk the earth, the dinosaurs.

Certainly, humans can speed up the process of global warming and climate change, but just as certainly it took a massive number of natural disasters to disrupt our climate to the point of reaching the highest limits of the global warm up, which then triggered a new Ice Age.
So, what does all this mean to you?

First, it means the Earth has survived nearly thirty billion years without the help of mankind.

Second, it means whoever created the earth, Sun and cosmos must have been one powerful entity to create such miracles.

Third, the Earth itself is a miraculous creation since it can continually regenerate over billions of years.

Fourth, it not only regenerates but it also heals and repairs itself from even catastrophic natural disasters, like meteor strikes or super-volcano eruptions that contaminate our atmosphere while blocking the life-giving rays of the Sun.

Fifth and finally, the Creator, God, Lord or whatever you choose to call God, seems to take a special interest in what happens here on Earth because the Earth, Sun and humans are all creations of the Creator and survived the catastrophic events in our known and unknown history.

The multitude of miracles it took to create humans, earth, the cosmos and everything in it, reflect the ultimate mystical, magical, and spiritual power of a deity beyond our knowing.  

There is no other valid explanation for how things were created and exist.

Melchizedek says humans should worry a little less about the future of the Earth, and a lot more about our continued existence in that future.

We are not the Masters of Creation, we are a creation of creation just like everything else in our world and cosmos.  It only makes sense to say all of creation share the responsibility to work in harmony, to protect our world from the contamination of evil and fear, and preserve all that was created in the world we were given.

You do not need a miracle to awaken you to the Divine Creator, just look in the mirror, then look at the landscape outside the window, the Earth you inherited and inhabit.  The reality you see is a miraculous creation.  You are living and experiencing the miracle of creation.

If only we took time to catch our collective breath, to meditate, to find that elusive peace, block out the physical world from your senses, and open yourself to the unlimited potential of the Kingdom of Heaven, located just beyond the physical world in the spiritual dimensions beyond.

You would probably be in awe if you peeked into a dimension beyond time and space, a world of imagination beyond our comprehension.  Perhaps you might begin to understand the power and love of our Creator.

What we have available to us are the miraculous gifts God gave us.  What we do with those gifts is our acknowledgement of the Creator and enlightenment of basking in the Creator’s love.

Have you searched for your God-given purpose or mission in life?  Identified the special gifts and attributes God gave you?  Are you using those gifts for the benefit of all God’s creations?

Are you really prepared for the coming day when the lights go out, and from that void of darkness a new world must emerge?

There is hope for we are creations of the Creator.  Our mind, spirit and soul are capable of fantastic feats.  We must challenge the limits of our imaginations and work in harmony with the Creator to protect, honor and nurture all aspects of God’s Creation.

Seek out and acknowledge the God who gave you your life, by using the gifts God gave you to help bring peace and harmony to our world.  Ask the Holy Spirit for enlightenment to find the path of Jesus, the Son of God, who is ready to help you find your way home.

A spiritual army of protectors and defenders led by Michael  are poised in the spiritual world and stand ready to come to your aid, if you just ask.

We are all Creations of the Creator.
The Creator never gives up on his Creations.
That means you!
Don’t give up on yourself!

From Palm Sunday, April 14, to Easter Sunday, April 21, we honor the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus as he lived among us and showed us the path of redemption and eternal salvation.  You should pay attention to the Holy Week and Easter activities if you want to seek enlightenment in your life.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Hour is rapidly approaching when you must take action to survive here and the hereafter!


"The Hour is rapidly approaching..."

Sounds ominous, but what does it mean?  Taking sides is what we have been about in recent years and polarization seems to be the new established trend in communicating.  Most of you will continue to avoid being caught up in the social-political-policy battles smeared all over the Internet and that is probably a good thing.

Those who do join the fray are pilloried before being burnt at the stake for getting involved as there is no such thing as normal communications on the social media sites of the Internet.  People are angry, frightened, fearful, and downright obnoxious in their blind defense of whatever side they choose to advocate.

Polarization will never lead to progress and blind loyalty to a cause, whether liberal or conservative, progressive or right wing, democrat or republican, is an insult to our Constitution and founding principles.  All Americans enjoy individual liberty, are endowed with many Constitutional rights, and can practice free speech no matter how intense, callous, or dark it may be.

All radical views and personal bias are tolerated as long as you accept and respect the right of everyone else to have their views.  When it comes to running our nation, no single bias can ever dominate as it violates the individual rights and freedoms of others as guaranteed by law.

Ours is a quite complicated system.  Most people mistakenly sense we live in a democracy when, in fact, we live in a Republic.  Most people think we must have majority rule and the Electoral College process denies it.  They demand immediate change to the system.  Sadly, they do not even understand the very system we have lived under since the adoption of the Constitution September 17, 1787, 231 years ago.

How sad so many are so ignorant of the history and principles of the most democratic institution in world history.

Over those centuries our political, cultural, and religious institutions evolved and there have been some improvements.  During that same history there have been many calls to modify our sacred Constitution, some successful, many not.  Still we endured.

Today we have reached a point when, thanks to technology, citizens have far greater knowledge of world affairs, of cultural differences, and to endless sources of history and there is open communication and dialog between peoples from all over the world.

Unfortunately, that same technology has simply overwhelmed the public with information, diluted their ability to think for themselves, obliterated our knowledge of what happened in the past, and made us dumber than probably any time in our storied history.

We are no longer the compassionate, generous, hopeful, innovative, determined, and optimistic people whose blood lines came from all over the world to find a place where all were treated equal.  We are too caught up in texting or gaming to bother to research the hopes and desires of many generations of our ancestors who often risked life and limb to get here as immigrants.

While we may have evolved on many fronts, when it comes to spiritual evolution, we have run into the same impenetrable brick wall found throughout the world.  We no longer hear, we no longer see, we no longer understand the nature of our own being.

Pray for enlightenment from the Holy Spirit so that we may find our path back to the Garden.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Will Holy Week be another wasted opportunity in the evolution of mankind?


Many religions of the world have Holy Days during April and May as the following calendar indicates.  One wonders how the people of the world can be so absorbed in religious activities yet still have time to hate, judge, condemn and envy those who do not share their beliefs but have one of their own.

The history of the world is filled with tragic examples of religious warfare in which murder, deceit and persecution have all been undertaken in the name of God, Allah or YHVH.  In fact, so no one feels left out here are a number of names for God from various religions and disciplines.

* Absolute Spirit or Absolute Consciousness
* Absolute Inclusiveness
* Allah
* Anima Mundi (World Soul, Gaia, Universal Soul)
* Atman
* Brahma
* Causal
* Christ
* Cosmic Christ
* Consciousness
* Divine
* Divine Feminine, Kali, Oya, Pele, Mary, Shakti, Black Madonna or any of the other many names for Goddess embodying Absolute Divinity in a female manifestation.)
* Divine Mother
* Divine Mystery
* Divine Presence
* Ein Sof
* Ever Present Origin
* God
* Godde
* Goddess
* God/Buddha
* Great Interconnectedness
* Great Mother
* Great Mystery
* Great Spirit
* Great Union
* Great Radiance
* Great Relationship
* Great Unity
* Higher Power
* Highest Essence
* Highest Self
* Holy Spirit
* I am Who am (a non qualitative personal Divinity)
* Infinite Consciousness
* Infinite Essence
* Infinite Mystery
* Infinite o­ne
* Infinite o­neness
* Infinite Source
* Infinite Spirit
* Infinite Wholeness
* Integrative Consciousness
* Integrative Spirit
* Jehovah
* Kosmos
* Krishna
* Larger Self
* Love
* Nondual Awareness
* Original Essence
* Original Organizing Principle
* Pre Big Bang Reality
* Post Big Bang Reality
* Shakti
* Shiva
* The Cosmos
* The Source
* The Evolutionary Absolute
* The Infinite
* The Great O­neness
* The Great Radiance 
* The Great Spirit
* The Tao
* The Great Unified Field
* The Great Unity
* The Force
* The Tripartite Absolute, (a term (R)evolutionary Spirituality uses for the combined Personal, Evolutionary and Impersonal absolutes of God.)
* The Absolute Trinity or TriUnity
* The Supreme
* The Ultimate
* The Universe
* Total Reality
* Total Pre and Post Big Bang Reality
* Ultimate Concern
* Ultimate Reality
* Ultimate Truth
* Ultimate Unity or O­neness
* Ultimate Wholeness
* Universal O­ne
* Yahweh
* Wakan Taka

Do we really believe that any of these Gods actually sanctions the sins of earth being used to promote war, murder, genocide, unethical morality or even abject indifference toward the suffering of others?

Of course there will always be extremists and zealots who justify such actions as the intent of God but I suspect the real culprit in their world is their egomania in thinking only they know what is right for everyone else, or they are simply mentally nuts.

So I wonder what the various Gods think of their rabid followers and I wonder if such fanatics represent any more of a threat to mankind and human morality than those obsessed by greed and the many other cardinal sins that seem to be gaining more favor all the time.

During this Holy Week we should all pray that no one should suffer or die in the name of God and that those in the clutches of evil or mental instability be awaken from their toxic world of darkness and become a force for good.

Is that too much to ask of our Gods?  Or are you too weak to want an answer?

APRIL 2014

  • 8
    • Ramanavami ** - Hindu
  • 12
    • Lazarus Saturday - Orthodox Christian
  • 13
    • Palm Sunday - All Christians
    • Mahavir Jayanti ** - Jain
  • 14
    • Baisakhi New Year - Sikh
  • 15
    • Lord's Evening Meal - Jehovah's Witness Christian
    • Hanuman Jayanti ** - Hindu
  • 15-22 *
    • Pesach (Passover) - Jewish
  • 17
    • Maundy Thursday - Christian
  • 18
    • Good (Holy) Friday - All Christian
  • 20
    • Easter - All Christians
  • 21
First Day of Ridvan * - Baha'i
  • 23
    • St. George Day - Christian
  • 27
    • Yom HaShoah * - Jewish
  • 29
    • Ninth Day of Ridvan * - Baha'i

MAY 2014

  • 1
    • National Day of Prayer - Interfaith USA
    • Beltane - Samhain * - Wicca/Pagan  Northern and Southern hemispheres
  • 2
    • Twelfth Day of Ridvan * - Baha'i
  • 5
    • Yom Ha'Atzmaut* - Jewish
  • 15-18
    • Theravadin New Year ** - Buddhist
  • 18
    • Lag B'Omer* - Jewish
  • 14
    • Visakha Puja - Buddha Day ** - Buddhist
  • 23
    • Declaration of the Bab * - Baha'i
  • 27
    • Lailat al Miraj * ** - Islam
  • 29
    • Ascension of Jesus - All Christians
    • Ascension of Baha'u'llah * - Baha'i