Showing posts with label Crimea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crimea. Show all posts

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Year of the Snake - Bad Year for Russia


While we know the Chinese symbols of the zodiac all have good meanings, some may not bring such good tidings to everyone.  When it comes to the Year of the Snake which ended at the end of January, 2014 it seems like Russia's run of luck for the past century continued.

You see, in addition to all the things that already happened to the Russians or Russia in the 20th century, 2013 brought the Ukrainian revolt, the fall of Crimea to Russia and the massing of Russian troops on the Ukraine border.

Thank goodness the next Year of the Snake doesn't happen until January 29, 2025 to February 16, 2026.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Obama & Putin - Don't Let Politics & Egos Trigger Economic Chaos


There is one thing our leaders seem to have forgotten in their war of words and brinkmanship, their clash of egos and their refusal to compromise and that is millions, maybe even billions of people will have to bear the brunt of the hardship for whatever they do.

Here in America we are still struggling to get over a terrorist attack on 9-11, two of the longest and most ill-conceived wars in our history and five years of Obama and his policy of intellectual constipation as a better alternative than truth.

Now that political partisanship as mastered by the president has effectively paralyzed our government and there is really very little more damage that can be done to the national reputation there is a danger of detachment by the two political leaders that spells danger to the millions they represent and the millions more they could harm.

We pretty much recognize that Putin is going to do whatever he thinks will contribute to the resurrection of a Russian Empire as that seems to be his destiny.  Whether such an Empire will embrace the brutal Communism of Lenin and Stalin remains to be seen.

Here in the colonies we seem to have forgotten a lot about the history of the world and I suppose when your own history is barely 500 years old, it would be hard to relate to people and places dating back 5,000 years or more.

Well consider this.  When the Soviet Union collapsed and we tried to impose our cherished system of Democracy on the people freed from the yoke of Communism did it ever occur to us we might be making a mistake?

Of course not.

Our Constitutional principles of individual freedom and equal opportunity should be enjoyed by everyone.  But can it be?  People fled to America to be free.  But what about the people who never left their homeland?  People like the Russians, Muslims, Asians and others.

I traveled to Russia during the conversion from Communism to chaos and it did not take me long to realize our freedoms and our opportunities were alien to a civilization that lived under the rule of Czars for over 1,000 years before the iron-fist control imposed by Communism.

None of the average Russians I reached out to had a clue what democracy meant and the thought of electing their leaders had never happened in thousands of years.  In fact, many of the people who grew up under Communism and were cared for from cradle to grave felt being cared for was far more important than how much wealth could be accumulated.

In other words, they didn't deny Americans to be who were are but seemed to be asking why can't you respect us for who we are.

We seem to forget it has taken us 500 years to master our own destiny.  The first half were spent under the same English, French or Spanish systems our ancestors fled and the last 238 years have been spent trying to figure out how to make democracy work.

Think about it, just 150 years ago we were ending the Civil War that threatened to destroy our fledgling experiment in democracy so we have really only been at it, the art of governing the people in peace, for 150 years.

When you think about the American wars, riots against wars, abuses by businesses, corruption by governments, lack of civil rights, etc., since the Civil War ended one wonders if we have even reached a state of maturity yet as far as our form of governing.

In truth, we don't really know what is best for ourselves, we are a work in progress, and we sure don't know what is best for the rest of the world.  If we do not recognize the history and respect the expectations of people in other countries then we should not impose our will and ways on them.

Of course every human being should enjoy individual freedom and have equal opportunity but that certainly does not happen overnight, not even over hundreds of years.  And that might not even be what the people want.

Obama and Putin are trying to impose on the Ukrainian and Crimean people what they see is best for those people.  I already wrote that Crimea was far more a part of Russia and the Ukraine more a part of Europe.

At the same time, Russia's most valuable asset, oil and gas, are dependent on a series of pipelines running across the Ukraine to the Black Sea and Europe.  They have a right to expect them to be protected just as we have protected our oil and gas interests in many countries in the Middle East.

No one's hands are clean and conscious is clear when it comes to wealth and power and those in power must be accommodated if anyone wants to share in their wealth.  Every time we try to change the balance of the world things get bad, economies are disrupted, people lose their jobs, savings and sanity and the rich, well they just keep getting richer.

Iran, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait and on and on are proof of the folly of wealth-driven foreign policy.  With the United States and Russia two of the most wealthy nations on Earth in terms of natural resources and economic wealth, maybe it is time to reconsider whether our foreign policy should be dictated by economic incentives or concerns for the needs of the people.

If so I expect a far different outcome than what we have today.                


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Obamaville March 18, 2014 - Obama who? What foreign policy?


There are times when it seems the entire liberal social establishment in America has obliterated the memory of our sitting president from their minds, and thus from the news as well.

You see, when you control the media YOU decide what fodder to feed the foolish public and mums the word when it comes to the former darling of the liberal left.
One must admit that they have had quite a run of back luck or silly policy which ever you care to believe.
There is the case of promising to end the wars his first two years as president, made nearly six years ago by my math.  More people are being killed since we left Iraq than when we were there.  So much for bringing peace to the birthplace of civilization.
The only reason we will be out of Afghanistan by the end of this, his 6th year, is because President Hamid Karzai GCMG is throwing us out.  With the Taliban radicals patiently waiting across the border in Pakistan for us to leave, don't count on much peace there.
Then there was Libya, Egypt, Iran and Syria where revolts were won and lost and each time the people moved farther and farther away from good relations with America.  Did I mention Benghazi and the murder of our ambassador and other Americans?
Now, with the fracturing of the Ukraine and separation of Crimea American foreign policy is more fitted to cartoons, Saturday Night Live skits and MAD magazine than any serious strategic consideration.
Add to that the NSA scandals.  It's bad enough spying on your own people let alone spying on the leaders of your closest allies so no wonder the administration has a propensity to shoot itself in the foot.
Don't you find it rather ironic that our spy agencies can look down from satellites and read what kind of cigarette pack you have in your hand but they can't find an airplane, Flight 777, bigger than three football fields?
Now all those foreign failures alone are more than enough pain and consternation for most politicians but foreign policy failures are just the tip of the iceberg and Obama's Titanic billion dollar political machine long ago slammed into the iceberg.
When the truth of the past four years slaps the liberals across the side of the head they will also realize their last great hope, Hillary Clinton, is also on that same Titanic sinking swiftly to the ocean's floor because her fingerprints are right there along with the president in planning and carrying out the toxic foreign policy disasters.
It will take a lot more than an ex-president from Hope, Arkansas to salvage the colossal failures the Obama Dream brought us.  Speaking of ex-presidents, the public is yet to be told the truth about how the Clinton administration was responsible for gutting energy and financial regulations that enabled the greatest Wall Street scandals in our nation's history, scandals in which the perpetrators have yet to see a day behind bars at the expense of the government.
The biggest danger to the Democratic party in losing control of the Senate this year and the White House in two years is not that they will lose their liberal stronghold in Obama and Harry Reid, because most of the Obama agenda has not been enacted, even during the two years the Democrats controlled everything.
No, I suspect their biggest fear is the danger that could result in vigorous and long over due prosecution of those people and institutions who plotted with the Clinton administration to bend the rules and make a huge windfall profit while gutting the federal treasury and leaving the people on the brink of personal bankruptcy.
A Republican president and congress just might decide it is time the people know the truth about the energy price spikes, the home mortgage collapse, the Wall Street shenanigans, bailouts, payoffs and 401k retirement disasters brought about since the Clinton presidency.
The next Obamaville article will focus on more of the Obama legacy in terms of his domestic affairs record from the endless stream of broken promises to the few successes that mutated into disasters.

Friday, March 07, 2014

When a President has got the blues you sing Cri-me-a River....


With the Ukraine and Crimea mess adding to the series of foreign ill-affairs for President Obama it is understandable if he has got the blues.  Putin has been puttin' him down now in Iran, Syria, the Olympics and now the Ukraine.

Add to that the Nobel Peace Prize winning efforts with the Arab spring when the rainbow was lost in the storm clouds as Egypt, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan are all ending in foreign policy disasters and the pressure must be getting to the president.  Not even Smokin' Joe Biden can divert the world attention from the crumbling status of America in world affairs.

As the people's Pope Francis calls for peace, prays for the people of the Ukraine and Crimea, and releases doves for the children, the world awaits the next move by the American super power.

What is a president to do when nothing seems to be going right?  Well this president long ago learned to turn to the $1.4 billion White House expense account and, you guessed it, throw a party.  When one is down and out bring in the best of American soul and blues to commiserate with you and all your problems will be, if not lifted, at least lost in the music.

Here is American foreign policy Obama style at work Thursday night in the White House.

President Obama honors 'women of soul,' misspells Aretha Franklin's 'Respect'

The pumped-up audience gave a hearty laugh but was more than willing to forgive the president for spelling it "R-S-P-E-C-T."

Some of music's most profound voices came together at the White House Thursday night, honoring legends such as Aretha Franklin and Patti LaBelle and transforming the presidential estate into a melodious church brimming with soulful jubilation.

The 12th program in President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama's In Performance at the White House series, Women of Soul brought together Franklin, LaBelle, Melissa Etheridge, Tessanne Chin, Jill Scott, Janelle Monáe and Ariana Grande, each dressed to the nines and delivering stirring performances.

Franklin, who received a standing ovation for her I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You) earlier in the show, closed out the evening with a mesmerizing performance of Amazing Grace. Leaving Scott and Monáe teary-eyed, the performance ended the night on a powerful high note, creating an atmosphere more akin to a gospel-church revival than a black-tie affair.

As the White House rocked it seems the theme song for the Ukraine and Crimea should have been...

Of course ever conscious of the need to plan for his post-retirement years and be as successful as Bill and Hillary Clinton the good old boys took to the stage to promote Obama's new album.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

CPT Twit! Putin Memo to Obama:

Foreign Affairs Update
The Ukraine
The Syria Slaughter
The Iran Nuke Crisis
Edward Snowden NSA Scandal
Foreign Policy in General
How did we get into this mess?

Twit Explanation - See previous article or click