Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - The Big Bang Part 2 - The Creator's Love expressed through Creation

Okay, we exist, now what?

Let me review where we stand today.

Humans, in terms of homo sapiens DNA, were actually created at the Beginning of Time, contrary to the opinion of many.  In other words, our real human history dates back 13.7 to 16 billion years ago, when time began, if you can believe the scientific evidence.

However, Melchizedek says the beginning of time as we know it, the Big Bang, was more like 30 billion years ago because of flaws in our carbon dating system.

When the Creator created Creation, he did not do it piecemeal because he was omnipotent, was all powerful, and knew everything.  So, time began with the instantaneous explosion of seven concentric circles of the Creator’s creative thought.

It did not happen sequentially but simultaneously, all at once, and all continue to this day in a never-ending cycle of procreation, re-creation and evolution, including us, forever expanding outward until the end of time.

Of course, the earth, at the beginning, was nothing but gas so it took a couple of billion years before the planet could form.  That included the atmosphere, land, water and air, gravity, and everything else needed by mankind.

The Creation included the Kingdom in the Heavens and the physical world of earth. Our individual soul is the one constant in our path of spiritual evolution throughout the billions of years or reincarnations.  It is the only aspect of our human existence on earth that travels freely in and out of time.

Needless to say, we have discovered very little of our past on earth.  Our known history is of perhaps 25,000 to 50,000 years, yet our real history spans up to 25-27 billion years. Filling in the gaps will be a matter for future articles.

Thanks to the incredible act of creation everything we know now exists including that one tiny fragment of all that is, called humans, homo sapiens to the intelligentsia.

We have a body and mind within the human DNA which enables us to function physically.  God also gave us the miraculous power of procreation to recreate ourselves continuously like everything else in Creation from suns to stars, water to air.

However, though created by God, there was no direct connection of the physical body back to the Creator to remind us of our existence.   This God accomplished in the process of the Big Bang by creating the Soul, an invisible (to us) masterpiece that would never detach from the intent of the Creator. 

Like everything else in God’s creation, the Soul had a wonderful mission, to be the lifeforce and inspiration for the human, allowing the body and mind to have a purpose for being, to rediscover the Perfect Love of God the Creator, become one with God’s Love, and to experience the Creation God made for us.

So, here is how it works.

Every time a human couple create a human child the lifeforce of the Creator must be infused into that child to give it life on earth.  The Soul is the vehicle for giving life when it is joined to the fetus at the moment it leaves the mother’s womb and enters the world of gravity.  You can call the act being fused, embedded, merged, whatever you like.

How does this happen?  The Soul entity, a sort of Golden Orb in the Kingdom creates a new soul, sort of a spinoff, every time a new baby is born on earth.  The Orb in the Kingdom is a single entity, but it can subdivide itself to service the new babies on earth.  When the fusion takes place at the moment the fetus leaves the womb and is exposed to the environment of gravity, the newborn child is complete.

Remember, the first humans seeding the planet earth were created by God, not born as humans, a critical step in the spiritual evolution of humans.  All subsequent humans were born through procreation on earth but the first were basically an alien race to earth.

With the earth, solar system, galaxies and universes constantly recreating throughout time there was plenty of room to handle many more humans.

Here is your visualization assignment.  We were created through the Love of God by God, there is no other logical explanation to our existence.  Visualize God as a combination of all that is in the heavens, earth and eternity.  All is contained within the Unknowable One, as if compressed into One.

We, as humans, are a relatively tiny part of his Creation although not entirely insignificant.  In our physical form what we can see and feel of the Perfect Love of God in our physical body is but a brief glimpse of the true scope of God’s perfect Love.

The Soul (Orb) in the Kingdom is a blinding Golden light reflecting the glow of the all-powerful love between God and his Son Jesus.  This Orb creates the new soul to enter the baby and give live to the re-creation, and it serves the child  by keeping it connected to the Kingdom, out of time, through a Golden filament-like thread.

For as long as our earth exists that one soul will remain in existence continually manifesting or incarnating in earth lifetimes.  The Golden Orb in the Kingdom keeps creating more souls to meet the needs of the ever-growing population on earth.  However, if the human becomes addicted to evil the soul can become contaminated.  That process is for another story.

In terms of our progress report here on earth, after 27 billion years of spiritual evolution we are sinking rather than evolving.  The density of evil on earth is out of balance and now prevents us from continuing to progress.

Just as the force of gravity is a polarizing influence on human evolution, in other words we must elevate our frequency to get to the light, gravity also works against that concept.  Gravity keeps us pinned to the earth, a good thing but also keeps us in a state of density that prevents us from evolving spiritually by elevating our frequency, not a good thing.

Three important things we need to know about the mess we face.  First, we caused it by reckless acts and embracing evil decisions on a mass scale.  Second, no matter how bad we screw up we can never destroy Earth because it is created by the Creator and has the means to continually fix any problems or regenerate when needed.

Third, and most foreboding, do not think the Creator did not expect such behavior on our part and make appropriate plans for divine intervention when the human race fails to keep ascending.  Evil is a creation of humans as a result of the misuse of free will and in the end, evil cannot stand up to the power and the love of the Creator.

What is foreboding, is what shape divine intervention might take when it comes to right the ship and return us to the path of spiritual evolution.  The answer is whatever is necessary to destroy the growing influence of evil over humans.

The sole purpose of humans is to walk on earth turning one’s eyes to the truth of God and becoming aware of the Kingdom of God.  Are you walking that path?  Almost every aspect of your life is an illusion meant to distract you from your purpose in life.

Just remember this, the Creator wants to be, see, and walk free in His creation, our world.  The Holy Spirit wants to awaken us to the tremendous power of the Love between God and His Son so we remember the explosion of God’s Love that created us.  Jesus wants us to share his Kingdom with and show us the path home to Oneness with the Creator, the Unknowable One.

All three elements of this holiest of Trinities, the God, Son, and Holy Spirit, are part of God’s creation because they are God.  They are in all of creation from souls to hearts, spirits to dreams, and one day when the end of time finally comes you will face the final judgement from them.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – We have forgotten the creative power of Magick – It must be recovered to help save humanity!

Magick – the pathway to miracles, creation, and Sacred Truth

We need to re-examine the role of magic in our creation and life.  Our centuries-long efforts to destroy it have failed and for good reason.  In fact, there are those ancient practitioners of Magick who are held in the highest regard by the Holy Ones in the Kingdom.

There are several crucial aspects to magick. First, the difference between “Magick” and “Magic.”  With Magick being the ancient term, it is magick based on the occult, while magic is performance based, as in an illusionist on stage.

Aleister Crowley, perhaps the greatest and most terrifying Black Magick practitioner in history, defines occult magick as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with will.” 

Crowley saw Magick as the essential method for a person to reach true understanding of the self and to act according to one's true will, which he saw as the reconciliation "between freewill and destiny."

According to Melchizedek, Magick is a frequency created by the Creator and like many such frequencies, it is the free will of the human using it that determines whether to embrace White Magic or Black Magic.

The Celtic Connection website defines the ancient Magick as follows.

Magick is finding your connection to the Earth and all that is natural, alive and moving in the universe! It binds all that exists together. 

Magick is living in balance with the flow of life and knowing that you are a vital force within that flow.

Magick is everywhere! In the trees, rain, stars, and in the sea. It is the spark that quickens a seed to rise up from the soil. 

Magick is laughter, joy, wonder and truth of the world around us! 

It is the subtle enchantment that reminds us not to waste a single moment of this gift that we call life!

Magick is not greed, or power, or pretense...It is real. It exists. And it works. 

Magick is the mystery that lies in the secret soul of the world. It is the essence of creation. What we imagine, we have the power to create! 


With it you can create your dreams, heal your world, love your life and find the peace that lives in every human heart. 

Author Unknown

Certainly, Magick was far more prominent in ancient times than at present and the loss of the occult Magick has left a serious setback in the use of Magick to help our spiritual evolution.

Melchizedek describes Magick as an essential part of the process of Creation.  Magic is an energy frequency, like most things in Creation.  Truth has a specified and unique frequency as well.

Magick provides a pathway to many critical events in our lives.  It can help us in comprehending the Creator and Creation to understanding miracles and how they happen.  When used properly, it stimulates the creative energy of people.

The frequency of Magick was indeed a creation of Father Creator.  It was a necessary bridge between dimensions such as the Earth dimension verses that of the Kingdom.  In time it became a preferred way of telling prophecy and working miracles.

In our physical form on Earth we have a great deal of difficulty understanding things such as miracles, ancient prophecy, or the concept of prayer in terms of directly talking to the Father or Jesus.

Thousands of years ago all responsible rulers, kings, emperors, or war lords had various forms of occult magicians in their innermost circles of power.  Wizards, Oracles, Fortune Tellers, Mystics, Mediums, Star Gazers, Astrologers and others often had the last words of wisdom for their leaders over the generals and admirals.

Ever since Christianity came to Earth two thousand years ago the new form of religion needed a scapegoat, someone to blame for anything that went wrong.  In the process of forming this new religious movement, a decision was made to condemn magic as evil, and the source of magic was the Devil, Satan, or the Demons of Hell.

Father Creator did not create evil, only human action in denying a human connection to the Creator.  In fact, Father Creator’s power of magic is embedded in every aspect of Creation from the magic of the human body to the wonders of the galaxies.

It seems when something becomes miraculous to us, it was something magical that triggered this ability to defy limitations based on our physical existence.  When miracles were performed they were performed in the name of God or Jesus, the true wielders of such power to alter what is.

Most important, Melchizedek warns that our ability to communicate with the entities of Heaven is dependent on our successful use of white magick just as the Oracles, wizards, prophets, healers, sorcerers and mystics used it to channel information to earth.

Out of the magicians over time came one of the most powerful forces of good to ever walk the earth, the Druids.  Melchizedek says they are one of the closest cultures to identifying and understanding the will of Father Creator to ever walk the earth.

He describes their dominance in terms of 25,000-year cycles that have taken place numerous times in our billions of years of history, as part of the Creator’s plan in that Druids understand the need to protect Mother Earth and protect the Prophecy of God.

Because of their importance, they were given the ability to travel to or send people to the Underworld, where the dead go after a not too good of life.  We might call it Purgatory.  Others might call it Hell.

Druids could access the souls in Hell and use them to possess people trying to conquer the lands of the Druids, like the Roman Emperors.  Druids did not take sides with warring parties such as the local clans, or even invaders from beyond their shores.

Yet everyone, competing clans to invading Roman legions, feared them more than anything or anyone in the world.  The Druids had no conventional weapons, but they did have the blessing of the Creator to use whatever powers they could to protect the plan and prophecy of God.

In return for their loyalty to God’s plan, some Druids were given extended lifetimes because of the rare nature of their knowledge and wisdom.  It would be impossible to teach a new person the complexity of the Druid system of working across dimensions. 

Instead some Druid leaders were given extended lifetimes spanning up to five generations before dying.  At the same time adepts were also regularly found in Druid communities, those rare people sent in to help jumpstart our spiritual evolution when needed.

Melchizedek refers to this magick and the powers associated with it as the “Merlin magick,” so special it has a frequency all its own.

The most important part of the discussion of magick is that it needs to be brought back into all our lives so those Seekers can use it in three ways.  First as a tool for miracles.  Everyone should know there are far less miracles taking place than any time in our history.

Second as a way to bring sacred and ancient information back into our world where it is desperately needed.  There are many secrets that were protected over the years because people were not prepared to hear the truth.  It is time the secrets be brought back to the Earth.

However, since many of the source materials have now been destroyed by natural causes, floods, volcanoes, earthquakes, it is only possible for the information be transferred back to earth through the mystics and healers who once played a crucial role in God’s plan.

If we understand that magick is good, very good in creation, and needed back on Earth for inspiration, then those resisting or repressing magic over the years must stop trying to control it for their own purposes.

Many potential mystics, prophets, and psychics will be channeling much of the missing secrets of Creation in the next few years and we must give them credibility and honor their efforts on behalf of humanity, the very people trying to destroy them.

Because truth also has its own frequency, we will know what information coming to earth is true or the work of the Dark Side.  This ancient knowledge is critical to reactivating our spiritual evolution.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - The Art of Mediation - Melchizedek Style

Melchizedek Style

Find a space offering a safe haven, harmony, Oneness and peace with minimal electronic devices, minimal noise, and minimal distractions (no cell phone).

Create a unique environment within your safe haven with books, quotes, objects, sacred stones or artifacts, photos or other items that trigger your joy, peace and tranquility.

Begin transitional breathing exercises to reduce your anxieties, fears, blood pressure and pace of breathing.

One exercise I was taught requires you to inhale deeply through your nose four (4) counts (seconds), hold your breath for twelve (12) counts, and exhale deeply through your mouth for eight (8) counts.

The point is to rapidly expand your lungs to full capacity by intensely breathing through your nose, then empty your lungs by intensely exhaling.

Repeat this cycle rapidly ten times without stopping.  Then rest and try to feel the heartbeat of Mother Earth that binds you to her.  Obviously, it works best when undertaken in nature but it can be felt inside as well with practice.

Should you feel as if your mind is distracted, or you are not at ease, repeat the breathing exercise after allowing a few minutes between cycles.  If you ever feel overcome by fear, anxiety or foreboding, this breathing sequence can have a great calming effect on you.

[If you are in nature you should be sitting and barefoot to magnify your experience.]

Allow yourself to relax, deeper and deeper, and imagine becoming one with the life force and soul of nature, and see all of the intrinsic parts, from earth to water, land to sky, and everything occupying them.

Then recognize, witness or imagine the infinite multitude of miracles it took to create you, and to create all of Creation.

Marvel at the explosion of creative thought it took to create you and your beautiful world through these miracles.  Acknowledge the Perfect Love of the Creator when generating the explosion of thought resulting in you, and in all of creation, by returning your deepest expression of Love to our Creator.

With your acknowledgement of the Creator’s love, and your thanks by returning your love, you seek to unlock doors to open yourself to the higher frequencies of the Earth’s plane of existence.

Then talk to God, pray through words, thoughts, images, or conversation.  Ask the Father and Holy Spirit to help you find the path to Jesus who waits to show us the way to achieve Oneness with Father Creator.  Jesus lights the path, the Holy Spirit illuminates the soul, and Father Creator waits for our return.

You should try to meditate every day, just as you should use conversational prayer every day.  If you combine this discipline with the Melchizedek method to maximize your body balance while eating, it will ease your digestive system, and strengthen your immune system, allowing you to make far more effective use of the natural tools God gave us to survive.

Food - Fast - and Prayer

To achieve maximum value in your food consumption Melchizedek says you must combine Food, Fast and Prayer.  Many of us were taught to thank God for the food we eat every meal, which most of us stopped doing long ago.

In truth, you have the power to transmute food from the state it is served to the state your body requires for nourishment, for body the body and the soul.  We achieve this through food, fat and prayer.

Before you begin, you should bless the food in the name of God and Jesus, thank God for providing it, and pray it be transposed from whatever it is to whatever your body needs to heal.

For those worried about making a spectacle in front of those around you, do it quietly if you must.  However, Melchizedek cannot imagine how you could be making a spectacle when you are praying to God.  That sounds much more like a human vanity issue.

After blessing and transmuting the food, there are two other issues you must deal with to be successful.  Your body is the temple God gave you while on earth.  If you do not consider it such, and you ignore or refuse to make an effort to keep it as a temple to God, it is an affront to the Creator.

Every week you must work to purify your body.  Melchizedek says we must fast one day every week in which you should be on a liquid diet for the day.  It is a natural way to help detox your body.  You can never detox enough in this age of toxins and electromagnetic waves bombarding you.  

Ask and you will be heard.
Seek and you will find.
Follow and you will be One again.
