Friday, September 13, 2019

News from the Swamp - National News Media Sinks to new lows over phony Recession Claims and Trump Alabama Weather Tweet – and then there is the on again off again twisted, distorted and highly confused state of the Democratic Party managing their own Dump Trump rebellion!

Try as they might to hide the fact, the national news media has demonstrated their hatred of the US president by spending far more energy trying to harpoon the president than tell the truth about both the Hurricane debacle and the media falsely reporting the US is in, or entering a recession.


Sometimes it seems as if the media is attempting to create a disaster against the president in hopes it will destroy him in the polls and upcoming election.  The efforts to light a fire to generate a recession is perhaps the strongest indication yet the media could care less about the harm such reckless reporting can do to the people of America and the nation.

CNN, MSNBC, NBC, Yahoo News and CBSN have violated every concept of journalism integrity in their obsession with destroying Trump including blindly trying to create a groundswell of fear in the economic and financial universe that a recession was being kept hidden from the public that could bring down the president.

Several weeks of economic uncertainty followed, fueled by ominous claims from reporters, anchors and anti-Trump “unbiased” guests on these news programs to reinforce the downward spiraling economy.  In the end no one bought the dastardly and false claims of our media.

It never seemed to occur to the media that it was their false claims and radical bias that was fueling recession talks and had nothing to do with economic principles nor reality.  Why should a news media receive constitutional protection when the news media is working to undermine the economy and presidency and threaten the livelihood and hard-earned savings and pensions of the public?

An economic downturn would be devastating not only to business and consumer confidence, but it would undermine the value of homes, property, small businesses and even retirement savings for all Americans, Democrat, Republican and Independent alike.

Union pension plans would be destabilized, interest rates would increase, inflation would skyrocket and homes would be lost for the sole purpose of helping the news media destroy the presidency.

The radical elements of the news media are attached at the umbilical cord to the Democratic party so one can only assume neither cares much about the constituents they serve, even those elected to serve all Americans, let alone their own party base.  It is hard to distinguish at times whether the media is the puppet master of the Democratic party establishment or vice versa.

Regardless, it is a very unholy alliance with no regard to the damage they can do to their own base.  The people’s reaction to the fearmongers is to push the stock markets to record highs by today.  Yet the same media keep trying to instill fear about a recession.


As for the Alabama Tweet on September 1, a Sunday morning, by the President, in which he said Alabama was in the path of Hurricane Dorian, what are the facts?  From August 24 – August 30 the National Hurricane Center issued alerts showing that Dorian could hit Alabama, contrary to what the media seemed to claim.  The charts are shown in this story.
On August 31, a Saturday, the NHC showed for the first time that the path was shifting and Alabama might not be included although hurricane tracking is always difficult to project, especially this one.  The NHC still showed the hurricane affecting Alabama in a separate chart that day released with the spaghetti model.

The next morning, Sunday, Trump issued his statement urging people to heed the warnings and mentioning Alabama could still be in the path.  Well it certainly seemed possible based on the August 31 NHC release but September 1 the NHC dropped any reference to Alabama being involved.

Note just the day before Trump's Tweet the National Hurricane Center still said there was " higher than usual" uncertainty about the path.  Six days later the news media lead story on the channels still mentioned how Trump fabricated the Alabama exposure to the hurricane.

Even the Washington Post, no friend of Trump, warned their fellow media members they were contributing to making the news media look like the villains in their death struggle with Trump.  As of today, September 13, stories are still being carried about the weather forecasting.

And then there is Impeachment

Finally, there is the effort by the Democratic members of the House to impeach President Trump or not impeach Trump.  Since it has been the main purpose for the Democrats since Trump’s election it is not going away.

Yesterday, September 12, the House Judiciary Committee took firm action on impeachment, according to Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY).  Oddly, even the partner in pushing the impeachment, the same news media that seems to be running the Democratic National Committee, were left confused.

This latest flip flop by the Democrats has confused rank-and-file members and caused mixed messages between Democrats on the Judiciary panel and in the House leadership, according to Newsweek.

Normally politicians pay attention to polls.  The Democrats are no longer normal, I guess.  The most recent polls on impeachment paint a far different picture.  SSRS conducted a poll for CNN from March through May which showed impeachment favorability increasing slightly from 36 to 41 percent.

The Mueller report was released in March. The former special counsel himself testified before Congress in July, but a Politico/Morning Consult poll showed little change, with 37 percent support for an impeachment inquiry. A Monmouth University poll last month found that 59 percent of people opposed having him impeached.

Polls also show 55% of Democrats oppose Impeachment.  With nearly 60% of the public opposed to impeachment, what is wrong with the House Democrats?

Here is the most current Gallup tracking poll on Congress.

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job?

2019 Aug 1-14          Approve 17%            Disapprove 79%

What about the news media credibility?

According to The Hill, in 2018 seventy-two percent of Americans believe "traditional major news sources report news they know to be fake, false, or purposely misleading," according to a poll from Axios and SurveyMonkey.

The poll of nearly 4,000 adults shows that 92 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents "say that traditional news outlets knowingly report false or misleading stories at least sometimes," a finding in line with other recent polls conducted by Pew Research and Gallup.

It found the sentiment extends to those who identify as independents and Democrats, with 79 percent of independents also saying traditional outlets knowingly report false or misleading stories at least sometimes. Democrats agree by a slight majority of 53 percent.

Presidential debate September 12
As for the latest indicator of public interest in the politics in America, here are the preliminary Nielsen overnight ratings for the September 12 Democrat Presidential debate.
Total Viewers (in millions): ABC: 11.22 million, CBS: 3.86, Fox: 2.03, NBC: 1.66, CW: 0.63.
Okay, about 17 million people tuned in.
According to the US census Bureau the current population of the United States of America is 329,275,423 as of Wednesday, July 31, 2019.  People 18 and over (eligible voters), are 77.6% of the population.

Thus, in this first-time debate for all leading Democratic candidates for president shown on multiple networks, about 5% of the eligible voters took time to watch.  Which also means about 95% of the eligible voters did not watch.

By the way, record highs in the stock markets are happening today.  More indications the Democrats and their news media outlets are way too far out on the limb of self-delusion.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - “Emotions” are the Missing Link in Our Spiritual Evolution - Your projection of the Truth!

So, Emotions are the missing link, what do they have to do with our spiritual evolution?  According to Melchizedek, just about everything.  Emotions are the expression of the heart which is the bridge to the Soul.

If the Soul is your moral and ethical foundation, then Emotions are the expression of Truth and the degree of passion you feel for the Truth.  It is how you communicate and project the Truth to those around you.

Do you suppress your own emotional response to your own beliefs?  Do you embrace the Truth of others because it seems to be the most popular thing to do?  Do you then fall victim to joining a “cause” that may or may not be consistent with what you believe?

Why would you do such a thing?  There are many reasons.  Mostly, you do this to be accepted, recognized, or noticed by others.  Of course, you also do it because you fear the alternative of acting independently or alone.

There is a safety in numbers, being lost in the crowd, being a faithful follower rather than a leader.  In the end, however, you are a hypocrite because you forfeit your own beliefs and adopt the cause of others while you suppress your own self-improvement and forgo embracing the Christ Consciousness in all of us.

Fear is the driving force in our withdrawal from human communication which is the cornerstone for our emotions.  Emotions are a gift from Father Creator.  They were given to help us communicate with, understand, and coordinate with other humans.

By expressing the full range of our emotion, we telegraph our mood, needs, frustrations, and joys.  Long ago we were a world of tribes, families, and clans.  Emotions were our vehicle to communicate.

“Communicate, care, share, be there to help, and always have someone to help you.”

Here is one of my favorite posters from Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking Glass."

Why not believe six impossible things before breakfast?  Sound like a miracle worker?  Guess what, the Creator made us in his image and likeness.  His Son Jesus said if only we had faith in God’s love for us, demonstrated by our own existence, we could move mountains.

Yet we still deny ourselves our birthright, sharing in God’s Perfect Love.  We claim to be religious, or at a minimum, spiritual.  In truth we are neither.  We are pawns in someone else’s chess game.  To enter the game, we had to give up our own beliefs for the higher good served by the “cause.”

Once upon a time embracing and sharing emotion was the tribal foundation, the cornerstone of the clan, and the human touch for humanity.  It gave us the courage to be something.  We felt it magnified our personal commitment to God, morality, justice and truth.

Without the distraction of modern technology there were no virtual identities, no Facebook pages to hide behind, no texting to replace human contact.  We were yet to become victims of digital slavery like today.

The expression of emotion in days long gone by was the purest form of communication between humans, transcending even the spoken word that was lost amidst the many languages and dialects spoken throughout time.

Melchizedek says emotions, when expressed, are the truest barometers of truth.  Like truth, emotions carry their own unique frequency so no matter the language or the context of their use, our expression of emotion is “truth.”

“Find the frequency of “truth” and you will never be fooled by lies and deception.  Find the frequency of “emotion” and you have the pathway to discovering “truth.”

So next time you decide to join a cause, make certain the truth behind the cause is known to you.  You do not need to be a pawn in someone else’s game.

God created you, all of us, to be unique.  God gave you the gift of magic to allow you to help heal others and help them find their path back to the Garden.  Everything is God’s creation and is necessary for our spiritual evolution.

Emotion is one of the greatest gifts we were given.  But if you hide your emotions you not only deny your best expression of truth but deny others the chance to find the truth in you.

We seek Oneness with Father Creator in His eternal kingdom.  That gives us Oneness with all of creation as well.

You were given free will and make your own decisions on how to use your emotions.  You were also given just two Commandments by God’s Son Jesus to guide you back to the Garden.

  1. Love the Father as He loves you.
  2. Love your neighbor as yourself.
In order to demonstrate you get it, you must share your emotions to project your truth to others, to draw to you like-minded souls, and to reject those predators of the Dark working to seduce your soul and destroy your eternal salvation.

Hatred, the polarity to love, is the driving force behind the mood in the nation and the world.  Powered by fear and energized by emotional passion, it is a dangerous force for success in that hating means the destruction of what you hate.  It is truly a creation of man, not of a loving God.

“In truth, all hate is bad because it is a manifestation of evil.  All bias is bad because it is a manipulation of evil to distort truth.”

 You can disagree with others as long as you respect their right to disagree with you.  Our failure to respect all is the basis for the breakdown in values and morality today.

No honest lightworker of today would condemn, hate, or destroy others for their beliefs and actions.  No truthful healer, teacher, friend or mentor could harbor the intensity of hate as seen on television news every night and still be serving the interest of God.

Those of us caught up in the vile and vicious nature of news media, social media, and causes condoning such tactics are not champions of good – they are the epitome of all that is contrary to the Christ Consciousness.

They are not leaders to the light but destroyers of all that is truthful and necessary for our redemption and salvation.  Where do you stand in seeking to advance the spiritual salvation?  Are you a Seeker of Truth and Light or a pawn of the Dark Side seeking to destroy all hope for salvation?

Pray for guidance in expressing emotions in the frequency of truth.  That is the path of Jesus.  Pray to control your emotions in order to seek the light and find the truth.

To be successful in your prayers and be heard, Jesus said we must first acknowledge the Father’s Love in creating us, and our love for the Creator for giving us life, a soul, and spirit to find the path back to the Garden.

“There is no exclusion in salvation, all are welcomed home.”

Seek to express truth, respect, forgiveness and hope in all you do, say and manifest, and you will be on the path home.  Seek always and you will find the elusive gift of faith so necessary to return to Oneness with the Creator and all that is Creation.

Find and embrace your own Truth and empower it for all others with the unlimited power of your passion through your Emotions.