Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Will You Find What You Need This New Year – the Path to Salvation!


Repentance and Redemption - Lost but not yet found

A Letter to Jesus – a report on the status of Earth

It has been many years since you sent me here to make sense of what is happening on Earth.  I’m sorry to report that the only cents being made in America is what goes into the deep pockets of the super-rich.

The people, well they are train wreck.  They were given a Free Will to choose between Good or Evil, Light or Dark.  So, what do they do?

Many became seduced by the empty promises of the Dark Side and willingly embraced the Seven Deadly Sins over the Seven Cardinal Virtues.  Not only are their lives like a train wreck, they are also the victim of their own delusions, subject to the temptations of the Shadow Dwellers, and filled with fear, or a denial of fear.

Still, we know they are the Creations of Father Creator, so no matter how nasty they get, we are still honor-bound to accept your ironclad proclamation of Forgiveness – and Redemption.  Yet they act like a bunch of losers, frustrated, angry, bitter, hateful, self-obsessed and probably possessed.

You do get the sorry state of affairs.

Humans have simply stopped their spiritual evolvement and enlightenment., and are backsliding into the Abyss.  I would say it is time the Father put his foot down, but I doubt someone who is all everything would have much need for a foot.

Thought I might review a particular incident as an example.  Take the Twelve Days of Christmas honoring the birth of the Baby Jesus.  They run from Christmas Day, December 25th, until January 5th, the day before the Epiphany, which is January 6th.

Here are the feasts and honorees during the Twelve Days of Christmas.

December 25: Birth of Jesus
December 26: Feast for St. Stephen (First Martyr)
December 27: Feast for St. John the Evangelist
December 28: Feast for the Holy Innocents
December 29: St. Thomas Becket
December 30: St. Egwin of Evesham (or 6th day in the Octave of Christmas)
December 31: St. Sylvester I
January 1: The Circumcision of Our Lord (Octave Day of Christmas)
January 2: Holy Name of Jesus
January 3: Sts. Zosimus and Athanasius (or Octave Day of St. John)
January 4: St. Aquilinus (or Octave Day of the Holy Innocents)
January 5: Vigil of the Epiphany (and St.Telesphorus)
[January 6: Epiphany]

Today, January 2nd, is the 9th day of the Twelve Days of Christmas which started with the birth of our Savior and Redeemer on Christmas Day, and ends on January 5th, the day before the Epiphany.

Of course, most of people do not know or remember the Twelve Days, let alone the Epiphany when the Wise Men, Magi, princes, princesses and other long-distance travelers arrived at the stable to honor the new Messiah.  A magnificent Star of Bethlehem illuminated the Earth drawing kings, priests, rulers and shepherds to the Baby in the Manger.

After Christmas, the 2nd Day of Christmas celebrates St. Stephen, the first Martyr for Jesus. The 3rd Day honors St. John the Evangelist, the only Apostle not martyred and author of the Gospel, Revelations, and other works.  The Holy Innocents, honored on the 4th Day were the victims of King Herod’s murder of baby males in Bethlehem.  Those are the four major feasts and celebrations of the Birth of the Child Jesus and fulfillment of ancient prophecies.

Could you imagine Herod’s action?  How arrogant for any human to believe their Will is all-powerful like the Will of Father Creator.  They have no concept of the power of the Creator’s “Perfect Love” for all of Creation.

It is so easy to get caught up in the frenzied, frantic, freaky, fear-filled minds of the people.  Their collective will, is like a giant vacuum hose sucking everything in sight down into an endless Back Hole.

Okay, enough of the frayed edges of humanity where wounds are laid open and never heal.

We need help to get through to them.  Before we can help them, we must get their attention and shatter the glass wall surrounding their lives, the same glass wall that blocks them from seeing good.

They have forgotten how to pray, the need for prayer, and how it can only be achieved through their attainment of the insights of the Holy Spirit.  It did not used to be like this.  There was a time when all knew nearly 1,600 years ago, a few hundred years after the death of Jesus.

Over the years it seemed to lose favor and before long it was lost in the past, the prayers and feasts honoring the Baby Jesus being replaced by Santa, Reindeer, presents, so many and so expensive, self-indulgence, and nary a thought of the wonder of the Jesus Child, the miracles of the Creator, the path to the Kingdom from the Holy Spirit, or the fulfillment of the ancient prophecies.

Poof – it was all gone, buried in an avalanche of credit card debt, one-upping the neighbors, honoring the false gods of commerce, and ignoring their relationship to Father Creator and his beloved Son.  Greed, Power and Control, the magic triangle of the Dark Side.

Only this triangle tilts upside down, forcing everything down to the single point at the bottom.  Now they tragically find themselves spiraling toward the Black Hole to the Abyss, the gateway to the Void of the Anti-Matter.

Thanks to your Father’s never-ending benevolence and unwillingness to give up on his Creations, they still have a shot at repentance, and redemption.  In other words, there is still hope St. Peter might find their name on the list at the Golden Gate to the Kingdom of Heaven.

They must wake up before it is too late, and time is getting short.

First people must seek out solitude and peace, surrounded by silence if at all possible.  You must learn to meditate.  Purge your mind of all worldly distractions, and your spirit of all those other-worldly distractions.  It may not be easy at first because humans constantly overload their sensory perceptions.

Everything is too much, too many, too loud, too inferior, too cheap, too impersonal, too stupid or just plain nonsense.  Our sensory nerves are not just frayed, they are fried.  We are addicted to downloading way more than our touch, scent, sight, hearing or taste can absorb and process.

Get off the bandwagon following the lead of everyone else and be brave, be courageous, be smart, and be aware of yourself by being different.  Think, think of choices and consequences, but think for yourself with the many God-given gifts you have received.

Free yourself from the shackles of slavery in far many more ways than you can imagine, by reaching the state of peace devoid of the distractions of life.

When you reach the place of peace and solitude, ask for help from Jesus to activate the Holy Spirit within you, long dormant while waiting to be called by you for help.

In your lifetime you have drifted farther and farther away from Jesus, who is the pathway to the Father.  The Dark Side has been harvesting more and more weak and fear-laden souls of late.

Rule number one in Creation.  It is foolhardy to attempt to usurp control over any of the Creator’s Creations.  Whatever actions you take to accumulate power and possessions that are not yours in the first place to possess, is an affront to the Creator.

You can kiss off any hope for seeing the Kingdom by embracing the Void where contaminated souls are transformed into anti-matter for eternity and beyond.  You might call that Hell.

At present there are a considerable number of contaminated and lost souls walking the Earth who collectively represent a roadblock to salvation in the Kingdom of Heaven for all others.  Do not be surprised if substantial numbers of them are taken from the Earth to clear a path for those of faith, or those who will seek and find faith.

Not all seeds planted will grow in the Earth.  Some must die away so that others will thrive.  It is your choice.  You have much bigger concerns than school, work, or retirement.  Just getting by is not going to be good enough.

Meditate, ask Jesus to help awaken the Holy Spirit in you, fill yourself with the wonders of the Holy Spirit, find the pathway to Jesus and the Father, become aware of the Perfect Love of the Creator – then go out and live the will of Father Creator - knowing you have found redemption and salvation, through the Son.

Yours in Hope,

Just another traveler On the Road to Kingdom Come.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Ross Perot - Prairie Prophet and Presidential King Maker


Exactly 25 years ago George Bush, Sr.,  was running for re-election as president of the United States and being challenged by a young, upstart Democrat and Governor of Arkansas named Bill Clinton.  And then there was that shrill talking, billionaire from Texas named Ross Perot who was trying to launch the first successful third party campaign since Teddy Roosevelt just after the turn of the last century.

For historians let me set the record straight.  Yes Teddy was elected vice president in 1900 and became president when President William McKinley was shot September 6 and died September 14 of 1901, his first year in office.  Teddy was then elected by a landslide in 1904.
In 1908 he supported his secretary of war, William Howard Taft for president and Taft won.  By the end of Taft's first term Roosevelt felt Taft no longer served the people and when he failed to beat Taft at the GOP convention he started a third party, the Bull Moose (progressive) party to oppose the president.
This is where the parallels between Ross Perot and Teddy Roosevelt become intertwined as if history was simply repeating itself about 100 years later.
In the election of 1912 Republican President Taft got 23% of the vote, Independent Roosevelt got 27% of the vote, and Democrat Woodrow Wilson became president with just 42% of the vote.  Thus Roosevelt blocked Taft from being re-elected and made Wilson President.
After his first term in office in 1992 President Bush was running for re-election riding the popularity of Desert Storm when Ross Perot, a former Republican like Teddy Roosevelt, came out of nowhere with his Independent campaign.
In the election of 1992 Republican President Bush got 38% of the vote, Independent Ross Perot got 19% of the vote, and Democrat Bill Clinton became president with just 43% of the vote.  Thus Perot blocked Bush from being re-elected and made Clinton President.
During Clinton's first term Ross Perot sought to influence the national agenda focusing on three issues, the NAFTA economic treaty, Health Care Reform and rebuilding our educational system.
He opposed NAFTA, an issue Clinton co-opted from the GOP because he was in danger of losing his re-election campaign.  Perot warned passage of NAFTA would lead to the destruction of our manufacturing industries and we would lose millions of jobs to Mexico and other countries.  Clinton got it passed and the final nail was driven into the coffin of America's once dominate manufacturing base.
On health care Perot warned the lack of cost controls would bankrupt America, and any government entitlement programs regarding health care like Medicare and Medicaid would drive the American deficit beyond our capacity to pay.  In 1996 the US national debt was $107.4 billion under Clinton and by 1998 would become a surplus through Bush in 2001.
Today the National debt stands at a record $17 trillion, thanks in large part to runaway entitlement costs as predicted by Perot.  In fact America spends more per capita than any other nation on health care yet ranks just 37th in the world in terms of quality of health care.
Finally, Perot was so disgusted with the deficiencies in our education system that he started his own high school in Dallas and was to set records for educational achievement and college attendance by urban youth.  Today our educational system continues to spend more per pupil than any other nation and we still are failing in terms of the quality of educational care.
Sooo, Ross Perot, the caricature from Texas who dared challenge the American two-party system was a figment of historical déjà vu showing up 100 years after Teddy Roosevelt played the same role for America.
Both were prophets in terms of warning of the dangers faced by America and both greatly influenced the national agenda and debate.  A couple of obscure Democrats owe their fortune and fame (Wilson and Clinton) to these political rebels.  At the same time, the failure of our government to heed the warnings of these two left us floundering in the winds of indecision as our judicial system seemed to collapse, our health care costs spiraled out of control, our manufacturing base vanished away, our educational system continued to flounder and our national debt reached epic proportions.

More on the Prairie Prophet from Texas later as the story of Ross Perot and his unbending care for the nation, commitment to veterans, exceptional patriotism and whose incredible rescue of his employees from the prison of Iran after the failure of President Carter to protect our own embassy in the fall of Iran to the Ayatollah is one of the greatest stories of courage to ever take place in our nation.

US hostages in Iran 1979

CPT Spirits in the Sky - George Michael - Christmas Day 2016 at age 53

Britain's musical icons lost yet another legend in 2016 on Christmas Day when George Michael, a powerful force in concert who sold over 100 million albums died of heart failure according to his manager at age 53.

Here is what some of his friends and fellow legends had to say about the electric George Michael.

Last Christmas (Over 224 million views)
Double click image to enlarge.

Stars pay tribute to 'truly brilliant' George Michael after singer dies on Christmas Day aged 53

Sir Elton John has led the tributes to his "beloved friend" George Michael, who died on Christmas Day aged 53.

The Rocket Man singer said he was "in deep shock" at Michael's death.

The pair famously collaborated on a rendition of Elton's classic Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me, released in 1992, nearly two decades after the original.

Writing on Instagram, Elton said: "I have lost a beloved friend - the kindest, most generous soul and a brilliant artist. My heart goes out to his family and all of his fans."

The Wham! singer died at home (PA)

His partner in Wham!, Andrew Ridgeley, said he was heartbroken.

His Wham! partner Andrew Ridgeley said he was devastated.

Heartbroken at the loss of my beloved friend Yog. Me, his loved ones, his friends, the world of music, the world at large. 4ever loved. A xx https://t.co/OlGTm4D9O6
— Andrew Ridgeley (@ajridgeley) December 26, 2016

Pop stars from the former Wham! front man's heyday were joined by current chart-toppers in declaring their sadness.

Careless Whisper (Over 162 million views)
Double click image to enlarge.

Martin Fry, lead singer and songwriter with Look Of Love band ABC, said on Twitter: "Absolutely devastated to hear of the loss of GeorgeMichael Truly brilliant talent £sad £sad £sad."

Contemporaries Duran Duran referenced the so-called "curse of 2016" - which has seen the deaths of rock and pop behemoths David Bowie, Prince and Rick Parfitt - as they posted on their official Twitter account: "2016 - loss of another talented soul. All our love and sympathy to George Michael's family."

This year's X Factor winner Matt Terry said: "Noooooooooooooooo! I cannot believe this !!!! RIP George Michael".

Matt Lucas, who worked with the singer during a sketch for BBC comedy Little Britain, said: "Well 2016, you had to just take one more, didn't you?"

His Little-Britain co-star David Walliams said: "I pray George Michael finally finds peace. A deeply private man with an awe-inspiring talent that couldn't help but make him a superstar."

Entrepreneur and television personality Duncan Bannatyne said: "George Michael has now been taken by the curse of 2016. Please make him the last. RIP."

While former Radio One disc jockey Tony Blackburn said: "Unbelievable, George Michael has died at the age of 53. RIP.This dreadful year goes on and on.So sad, a real talent."

Somebody to Love with Queen
Double click image to enlarge.

Former X Factor winner Shayne Ward said: "Absolutely shocked to hear that one of my vocal idols George Michael Has passed away. I adored his voice."

Alison Moyet, who performed at Live Aid in 1985 on the same bill as Michael, said: "I met George Michael a few times & he was ever a gentle, unassuming soul. A rare presence in a world full of self. Honest, genuine talent."

Eighties pop star Howard Jones, known for the song I'd Like To Get To Know You Well, said: "Can't believe George Michael has passed ....one of the greatest singers and writers the UK ever produced. I'm really saddened ..a lovely man."

                                              Star Trek actor William Shatner said: "Is this year over yet? Too many people are passing away. Rest In Peace, George Michael."

                                              Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said: "Very sad to hear the news about George Michael. An incredible talent who brought joy to millions of us with his music."

                                              Very sad to hear the news about George Michael. An incredible talent who brought joy to millions of us with his music.
                                              — Sadiq Khan (@SadiqKhan) December 25, 2016

                                              Fellow politician Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister of Scotland, said: "This is just too awful. Such an amazing talent gone too soon. Wham was part of the soundtrack to my teenage years."

                                              Singer and stage actress Pixie Lott said: "Grew up listening to the beautiful and talented George Michael - my mama's favourite! was a pleasure to meet him so sad to hear the news."

                                              Fellow pop star La Roux said: "Another one gone.... What a voice, what a songwriter."

                                              Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me with Elton John
                                              Double click image to enlarge.

                                              Producer and musician Mark Ronson said: "I bought (and worshipped) Listen Without Prejudice on my 15th birthday. This song readied me for Stevie Wonder... Other than a global pop phenom, George Michael was one of the true British soul greats. A lot of us owe him an unpayable debt. bye George xx"