Wednesday, June 05, 2019

75th Anniversary of D-Day June 6, 1944 - The Invasion of Normandy - Beginning of the End of World War II - The War to End all Wars!

The greatest invasion in the history of warfare took place when the Allies attacked the beaches of Normandy in the push to liberate Europe from Hitler.

The War to End all Wars 

Yet what a price to pay for war as the following excerpts from the book, Saviors of the 20th Century - Hitler and Stalin - The War of Annihilation Between the Nazis and Communists points out.

Deaths in the European War

Between 1942 and 1945 the mass killings of millions of Russians, Poles, Catholics, Jews and others took place.  Himmler and his death squads generated staggering death totals.  While it took many years to assess the death totals for various countries, the following military and civilian deaths are the most accurate and current to this day.

European Campaign Deaths

Russia              25.6 million

Poland               6.8 million

Yugoslavia        1.7 million

Romania            1.0 million

Germany           7.0 million

Allies                 1.5 million

Besides these numbers another ten million Soviets were missing after the war.  The combined death toll of the allied alliance, the United Kingdom, United States and France, was just 1.5 million, military and civilians.

The death total for all nations was 18.4 million military and an astounding 41.6 million civilians, for a final count of 60 million deaths.  The staggering results of the campaigns of extermination undertaken by Germany, Japan and the Soviet Union are clear in the incredible record of war casualties.

(Excerpt from Saviors of the 20th Century)

 Hitler and Stalin
The War of Annihilation between the Nazis and Communists

“If they (Hitler and the Nazis) want a war of extermination, they shall have it!”

Josef Stalin November 6, 1941
Copyright Ó 2004 by Jim Putnam
Library of Congress Control Number: 2004095812
ISBN 0-9645993-1-7

 Ivy Hollow Third Edition
September 2010

(Excerpts from the book)

Saviors of the 20th Century (1) - Hitler and Stalin - The War of Annihilation Between the Nazis and Communists 

The Fallacy of History

Saviors of the 20th Century - Hitler and Stalin - The War of Annihilation Between the Nazis and Communists, a historical narrative by Jim Putnam about the history of Nazism and Communism and the rise to power of Hitler and Stalin. This book unveils many secrets of the Nazis and Communists long hidden in classified records and secret KGB archives in the frontier outside Moscow.

The author worked with recently declassified materials as well as contacts in various American, British, French and Soviet intelligence agencies in writing this book. His pursuit of information included being the first American to visit a secret Stalin archive located on a missile base in the Russian frontier where the Hitler SS film archives, missing since the fall of Berlin in 1945, were discovered.

Historical accounts of events of the 20th century through World War II are ambiguous on some issues and often guilty of errors of omission. Sometimes truth is rather elusive. Unfortunately this book uncovered so many areas of missing or erroneous history that it is easy to be overwhelmed by information.

In the end history did not change although many of the stories of history we were taught certainly did change. Millions of people died, far more than we were ever led to believe, although they might not have been the people you expected.

Hitler was a man with a mission, a mission inspired by supernatural visions when he was young. Nothing was going to stand in the way of rebuilding the German Reich, restoring the German Empire, and fulfilling his rightful place in history.

Was Hitler the founder, philosopher, architect or soul of the dreaded Nazi worldview? Or was he a mouthpiece for a much more sinister force? Did he practice the black arts or was he a victim of the practitioners? Why did Hitler and the Nazis hate the Jews?

What about the equally enigmatic Stalin remembered as the Man of Steel behind the Iron Curtain and the ruthless ruler of Communism? An ally of the USA in World War II, yet the leader of our most powerful enemy of the 20th century?

This former ally, bankrolled by the USA, was responsible for building an “empire of evil” according to President Ronald Reagan. Stalin’s Communism murdered sixty-two million citizens of the Soviet bloc. Because of him many think the Cold War brought the world to the brink of extinction.

What was his role in the founding and development of the Soviet Union? How does his place in Communist history fit with Marx, Lenin and Trotsky? How did the seemingly humanistic Communist philosophy of Karl Marx evolve to become the foundation of atheist revolution throughout the world and throughout the century?

What were the Jews doing in Europe and Russia that caused so much hatred at the turn of the 20th century? What was the true relationship between Jews and Communism? What roles did the Jews play in the formation of Communism and Nazism, or the nations of the Soviet Union and Germany?

In 1939 the world was stunned to learn a secret Non-Aggression pact had been signed between Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin, the leaders of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. The world has no idea how close it came to being consumed by the greatest killing machine ever created. If they had honored the treaty, no force on Earth could have stopped them.

Hitler and Stalin stayed one step ahead of the best minds and most powerful nations of the world for nearly half of the century. It was almost as if some supernatural force guided them to fulfill a mysterious destiny. As you will read in the chapters of this book, there seems to be no logical explanation for how these two men came to power and were able to achieve what they accomplished.

After five years of World War II and the most senseless slaughter of people in world history, Hitler was dead, Nazi Germany was destroyed, and the Soviet Union was mortally wounded. The Soviets suffered twenty-six million deaths at the hands of Hitler, ten million more were missing, and nearly 80% of the Soviet war machine was destroyed by the Nazis. Yet it still took fifty more years for the rest of the world to finally close the chapter on Stalin’s Communist machine.

The Fallacy of History

History is someone’s opinion or bias of something that happened. Whether that position is based on fact is quite another thing. But even historical fact falls far short of telling the truth. Many “facts” provided are nothing more than misinformation given to support the historian’s position. Mere facts do not allow us to get inside the minds of the madmen like Hitler or Stalin.

When Roosevelt was first elected President and took office in March 1933 one of his first steps was to re-establish relations with the Communist Soviet Union. He summoned the Soviet Foreign Minister Maxim Litvinov, one of the many Jewish members of Stalin’s leadership, and negotiations began to establish diplomatic relations, which were completed in November 1933. Yet millions of Soviet citizens had already been murdered at the hands of the new Soviet government. Why did the President ignore such dreadful truth and embrace the fledgling Communist government?

Was it because of a much deeper fear of the rise of Hitler and Nazism? Yet if Roosevelt was so concerned with the activities of Hitler and the Nazis that he sought out Stalin as an ally, why did Franklin Roosevelt avoid war with Hitler for so long? The Nazi war machine was murdering millions of people yet the USA just stood by. Was it Roosevelt’s fear of Hitler or fear of Stalin that kept us on the sidelines? Why did Roosevelt finally join forces with Stalin?

These questions and many more are answered in this quest for truth that reached into the walls of secret KGB archives built by Stalin on a military base in the frontier far from Moscow, to newly declassified materials around the world, to numerous international intelligence sources, and from former members of the inner circle of Stalin and Hitler.

Saviors of the 20th Century (2) - Hitler and Stalin - The War of Annihilation between the Nazis and Communists 

Striking Similarities between Hitler and Stalin

Hitler’s family name was changed.
Stalin’s family name was changed.

Hitler’s father beat him.
Stalin’s father beat him.

Hitler’s mother gave birth to 3 children before Adolf, all died.
Stalin’s mother gave birth to 3 children before Josef, all died.

Hitler was a sickly child.
Stalin was a sickly child.

Hitler’s father virtually abandoned his family.
Stalin’s father virtually abandoned his family.

Hitler was raised and loved by his mother.
Stalin was raised and loved by his mother.

Hitler very much loved his mother.
Stalin very much loved his mother.

Hitler was a Catholic.
Stalin was an Eastern Orthodox.

Hitler’s mother wanted him to be a Catholic priest.
Stalin’s mother wanted him to be an Orthodox priest.

Hitler attended a Benedictine monastery.
Stalin attended Orthodox theological school and the seminary.

Hitler’s father died when he was 13.
Stalin’s father died when he was 11.

Hitler was an exceptional student at an early age.
Stalin was an exceptional student at an early age.

Hitler developed into an excellent artist in school.
Stalin developed into an excellent artist in school.

Hitler failed to graduate from high school.
Stalin failed to graduate from high school.

Hitler never attended university.
Stalin never attended university.

Hitler lost his faith by the time he was 13.
Stalin lost his faith by the time he was 13.

By age 20 Hitler was a social dropout living on his own.
By age 20 Stalin was a social dropout living on his own.

Marxism fascinated Hitler.
Fascism fascinated Stalin.

Hitler lived in Vienna in 1913.
Stalin lived in Vienna in 1913.

Hitler served time in jail for his political beliefs.
Stalin served time in jail for his political beliefs.

Hitler, born in Austria, moved to Germany to pursue politics.
Stalin, born in Georgia, moved to Russia to pursue politics.

At age 33 Hitler led the revival of the Nazi party.
At age 33 Stalin led the revival of the Bolshevik party.

At age 35 Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf” outlining Nazi policy.
At age 34 Stalin wrote “Marxism and the National Question” outlining Bolshevik policy.

At age 42 Hitler was in control of the Nazi regime.
At age 42 Stalin was in control of the Communist regime.

In 1931 Hitler’s love committed suicide with his pistol.
In 1932 Stalin’s love committed suicide with his pistol.

Hitler’s love was 22 years younger.
Stalin’s love was 21 years younger.

At age 45 Hitler started purges of Nazi party foes.
At age 45 Stalin started purges of Communist party foes.

Hitler admired and feared Stalin.
Stalin admired and feared Hitler.

[Note to French Readers - What You May Not Know About Your History]

Saviors of the 20th Century (3) - Hitler and Stalin - The War of Annihilation between the Nazis and Communists - 

The French Connection to the Communist Evolution 

During my 7 years researching my history book, Saviors of the 20th Century, Hitler and Stalin, The War of Annihilation between the Nazis and Communists, I was somewhat surprised to learn of the role of France in the development and spread of Communism and the rise of Jewish dominance in the communist movement prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917.

From the time of the French Revolution until the Russian Revolution, France was the place where the German, English and other radical Communists met to plan and execute the rise of the Communist party into one of the most powerful and blood thirsty political movements on earth.

It was action by Communist sympathizers in France that seeded the international revolutionary socialist and then Communist movements that brought about the overthrow of several European nations before achieving success in overthrowing the Czar in Russia and forming the Soviet Union.

More important, it was a pamphlet whose origins are reputed to be French called The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion that seemed to expose a worldwide revolution undertaken by Jews. This document fell into the hands of Czar Nicholas II and led to intensifying the Russian revolution, a battle between the Czarist regime and Jewish revolutionaries.

The same document fell into the hands of a young Adolph Hitler and was responsible for the war of annihilation between the Nazis and Jewish Bolshevik Communists controlling the Soviet Union 20 years later.

In a way it was this documented that played a role in bringing about both Communism and Nazism, and with it brought about the deaths of 220 million people at the hands of the leaders of the two political movements.

As the following excerpt from my book, Saviors of the 20th Century Hitler and Stalin, Chapter 7 describes, it was often the unnoticed and unexpected events that changed the course of history.

Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion

It was rumored throughout western nations that in the fall of 1897 Jewish leaders from around the world met and adopted “The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion,” an inflammatory document outlining a plot by the Jews to undermine society, overthrow governments, and destroy Christianity.

The story of this publication is fascinating and none told it better than Konrad Heiden, an acquaintance of Hitler and the self-proclaimed leader of an anti-Hitler and anti-Nazi group in Munich, Germany in the early 1920s. In his book, “Der Fuehrer,” 1944, the following excerpts indicated the history of the Protocols according to Heiden.

One day in the summer of 1917 a student was reading in his room in Moscow. A stranger entered, laid a book on the table, and silently vanished. The cover of the book bore in Russian the words from the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew: “He is near, he is hard by the door.”

The student sensed the masterful irony of higher powers in this strange happening. They had sent him a silent message. He opened the book, and the voice of a demon spoke to him.

It was a message concerning the Antichrist, who would come at the end of days. The Antichrist is no mythical being, no monkish medieval fantasy. It is the portrait of a type of man who comes to the fore when an epoch is dying. He is a man with a white skin, in everyday clothes, dangerously contemporary, and a mighty demagogue. He will talk with the masses, and at his word the masses will rise up and turn a culture to ashes, a culture which has deserved no better, since it has borne the Antichrist in its own image and for its own destruction.

“We” - the demon always says “We” - shall create unrest, struggle, and hate in the whole of Europe and thence in other continents. We shall at all times be in a position to call forth new disturbances at will, or to restore the old order...

Unremittingly we shall poison the relations between the peoples and states of all countries...

We are the chosen, we are the true men…

Outwardly, however, in our “official” utterances, we shall adopt an opposite procedure and always do our best to appear honorable and co-operative. A statesman’s words do not have to agree with his acts…

If any state dares to resist us; if its neighbors make common cause with it against us, we shall unleash a world war.

By all these methods we shall so wear down the nations that they will be forced to offer us world domination...

He turns back the pages and discovers that all this accursed wisdom, all these diabolical plans, were hatched out by a group of old Jews. Who met together in a back room in Basel, Switzerland, in the year 1897? The demon aiming to devour the world is a Jewish club…

And thus The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, since became so famous, fell into the hands of Alfred Rosenberg.

A mysterious occurrence. Rosenberg himself has often told how the unknown suddenly stepped into the room, laid down the book, and silently departed. To Rosenberg it was a sign from heaven. Both the place and the hour were significant. Moscow, 1917. Far to the west, the German-Russian phase of the First World War was drawing to an end in crumbling trenches; in the streets of the capital, the Russian Revolution was ebbing and flowing. Alfred Rosenberg, the son of a shoemaker, born in Reval (Tallinn) on the Baltic, was then twenty-four years old; he was of German descent but as an Esthonian, he was a subject of the Russian Tsar. He had been raised in the German and Russian languages; he had first studied engineering and architecture at Riga, also on the Baltic; then, when the German army occupied Riga, he had fled. Now he was studying in Moscow.

The globe was afire. The Tsar’s empire was crumbling. Perhaps there would never again be peace. Perhaps this book would tell him why. The demon, who had incited the nations against each other, had spoken…

The demon of world domination has spoken. He has proclaimed the great secret: the world can be dominated. Bowed with weariness, the peoples demand subjection. And those who resist will be tamed by terrible blows and sufferings. Modern society is charged with a magical current which in all men creates the same thoughts. The masses expect great things of their rulers. And for that reason, great things are easy.

This is the true sense of the secret writings, which we today know as The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion. Everything else in them develops from the basic idea that world domination is possible in our time; with sovereign contempt it is shown with what relative ease it can be achieved…

Its content is how to establish dictatorship with the help - and abuse - of democratic methods…

Furthermore, democracy, in the international field actually offers a dictator, who has firmly entrenched himself in one country, the possibility of world domination. This is the true content of the famous Protocols...

Three generations ago a brilliant thinker wrote this secret formula for the achievement of world domination. We know little concerning his life. He was a French lawyer named Maurice Joly. He was, at the time he wrote his little book, a conservative, ligitimist and monarchist. He had no thought of writing a secret document; on the contrary, he had in mind a satire against Napoleon III, then emperor of the French. Whether he ever perceived that he was leaving behind him the prophecies of a great seer; whether he ever guessed that his book embraced a political doctrine of world-shaking force, we do not know.

The work was published in Brussels in 1864, by A Mertens et Fils, as an illegal propaganda pamphlet; it was written in French and bore the title: Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu, ou la politique de Machiavel au XIX siecle, par un Contemporian. (Dialaogue in hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, of the politics of Machiavelli in the nineteenth century by a contemporary.)

His anonymity did not avail the author. The police of the French emperor discovered him, he was sent to prison for fifteen months. His book was published in a second edition, then it was forgotten, and today scarcely any copies of it can be found.

This brings us to world domination. It is the secret necessity inherent in the mechanism of our existence; it lives in our minds as a secret goal; it stands in the sea of the future as a magnetic mountain, inexorably attracting the ship of modern society…

Is this the truth? Who has spoken? Perhaps it is only a half-truth, but even in its halfness it is of enormous import, which is not seen by most men…

History is the most skeptical of all sciences; it knows no absolute truths…

Joly’s magnificent portrait of modern tyranny underwent a strange fate. After thirty years of oblivion, its great day came. It was discovered by a group of Russian conspirators. Not, to be sure, by the Russian revolutionaries of that day, the Nihilists, Social Democrats, or Social Revolutionaries; but by a few crafty agents of the counter-revolution, members of the Ochrana, the tsar’s secret police. They wanted to frighten the tsar and drive him to bloodshed. To this end they persuaded him that the Jews of the whole world had devised a secret conspiracy to achieve world domination, first over Russia, then over the whole world.

Claims of this sort were not new; they lay to a certain extent in the air. In the nineteenth century the Jews had nearly everywhere - though not in Russia - achieved civil equality and thus taken their place in modern society. Some had amassed great wealth, a few - for example, the house of Rothschild - had even attained real influence, and inspired venomous anti-Semitism…

In 1868, Hermann Godsche, a German signing himself Sir John Retcliffe the Younger, wrote a novel entitled Biarritz. In it twelve rabbis from all corners of the earth meet in the Jewish cemetery in Prague. There they set up a cry of Satanic glee, for through accursed gold, through its mighty bankers, Judah has conquered the world, brought kings and the princes to the Church; Judah is wallowing in vice and glory. The rabbis represent the twelve tribes of Israel and speak Chaldaean…

Godsche’s text was childish and none too convincing. But suppose you take these rabbis conspiring in their cemetery and give them the worldly wisdom, the contempt for humanity, the seductive power of Joly’s tyrant…

That is what happened. The group of Russian conspirators dug up Joly’s forgotten book; they were also familiar with the horror story about the Jewish cemetery in Prague; they knew by the newspapers that in 1897 the Jewish Zionist Movement had very publicly been founded at a congress in Basel; finally, they knew only too well the golden awe emanating from the ancient fame of the Rothschilds. The ingredients of a magnificent conspiracy lay at hand, requiring only to be mixed.

The Orchrana, the tsarist secret police, furnished the means and the brain. Fiurst General Oryevsky, one of its heads, had a pamphlet prepared, based on the rabbis’ conspiracy in Godsche’s story. The novelty was that the pamphlet was written in the form of protocols; this gave it a much more serious look…

This was the work of General Ratchkovsky, the leader of the French division of the Ochrana…

Their plan was more than a simple palace conspiracy. It was the first great attempt at a mighty national counter-revolution against the democratic and socialist revolution of the nineteenth century. The plan was to fuse the passion of the people and the cold power of the state into a mighty, counter-revolutionary force that would shake society to its foundations…

Through this conspiracy, Russia became the spiritual mother country of modern fascism, as it later became the world center of Communism.

The name of the movement was “The Black Hundreds,” which meant simply; the black guard. The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion became the program of this movement; with it they were born and with it they grew. Even the primitive version, based on Godsche’s nocturnal conspiracy of rabbis, had a terrible effect. It was circulated widely, and in 1903 gave the signal for the Kishenev pogram, in which several thousand Jews were massacred…

A first version had been prepared toward the end of the nineties by Golovinski and Manuilov, two journalists in the service of Ratchkovsky…

In 1904-05, the pamphlet was refurbished as an attack on Prince Svatopulk-Mirski, minister of the interior, and Count Witte, the finance minister, who were too liberal for the Ochrana…

This is the origin of the supposed textbook of Jewish world domination. Today the forgery is incontrovertibly proved, yet something infinitely significant has remained: a textbook of world domination pure and simple…

The spirit of the Protocols, therefore, contains historical truth, though all the facts put forth in them are forgeries. Hence its influence on such varied times and peoples. When they were published, their deeper, genuine content beneath the varnish of falsification found a receptive mood in many sections of the Russian people - a mood of decadence and despair. The Russian literature of the period from Tolstoi to Sologub bears witness to this mood…

Sergei Nilus…Nilus was a religious writer…

He had written a book, under the influence of Soloviev, on the theme of the Jewish Antichrist. Its title: “Small signs betoken great events. The Antichrist is near at hand.”

This second edition was sponsored by the Ochrana and published in 1905 in the Imperial stateprinting shop in Tsarskoye Selo. Its appendix includes The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion. This was the first publication of the Protocols in their present form, and it was claimed by Nilus that these Protocols were the minutes of speeches and debates which were made at the founding congress of the Zionist Movement in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897.

This much was true, that in 1897 in Basel the Jewish Nationalist Movement of the Zionists was born. The goal of this group, to put it simply, was to lead the Jews back again to Palestine; to state it more exactly, to create for those Jews who were leading an intolerable life of oppression, especially in Russia, a ‘legally assured homestead’ in Palestine…

This was the purpose of the Basel congress. But, if we believe Nilus, its true, secret aim was just the opposite; that is, the foundation of an uncontested world domination by the Jews. He claimed that the public congress was a mere blind for a number of far more secret sessions. In those secret sessions the Zionist leaders set forth their plan for Jewish world conquest…

These speeches were taken down in shorthand and entered in the minutes. A courier of the congress was supposed to bring the terrible papers from Basel to the German city of Frankfurt am Main, to be preserved in the secret archives of the Rising Sun Lodge of Freemasons…

But there is one point to which he always adheres: that he himself had received the papers from a certain Suchotin, marshal of nobility in the district of Chernigov, who had received them from Ratchkovsky…

In 1917, during the World War and after the tsar’s downfall, Nilus published the last edition of his book, with the Protocols in the appendix. This time it was: ‘He is near, he is hard by the door.’ It is this edition which was placed on Alfred Rosenberg’s table…

Rosenberg believed in the secret session of Basel, at least he did then. For this we cannot be too hard on a lad of twenty-four. For beneath the heavy coating of a clumsily exaggerated forgery, the Protocols contain a genuine element which might well carry a strong, mysterious appeal to the modern intellectual…

With the book in his bag, he fled at the beginning of 1918 to his native city of Reval, later called Tallinn. German troops took the city. Rosenberg remembered that he was a German. He volunteered for the German army, to fight against the Bolsheviki who for some months had been in the saddle in Petersburg and Moscow. The German commandant distrusted the German Russian and rejected him…

The Bolsheviki, in a desperate life-and-death struggle, always in power but always on the brink of catastrophe, struck down their enemies by ruthless, barbaric terror. They acted in accordance with the recommendations of the Protocols of Zion. Were they not themselves the Wise Men of Zion? Hadn’t they Jewish leaders?

For at the end of 1918, Rosenberg was forced to leave Reval with the remnants of the withdrawing, disbanding German army. The Bolsheviki pressed after them, occupied Reval, took Riga, approached the German border…

In a swarm of Russian fugitives, officers, intellectuals, barons and princes, Rosenberg reached Berlin, then Munich. At the same time other refugees reached Constantinople, London, Paris; Russians, Germans, but also Englishmen, Frenchmen, even American, members of those Allied expeditionary armies who, after the outbreak of the Bolshevik revolution, had occupied, for a time, Russian territory in Siberia, in the North, in the Crimea…

A pity that General Ratchkovsky never lived to see the day. The shadow of Russia fell over Europe. From the Kremlin, Lenin exhorted the world to revolution, holding aloft the Communist Manifesto. Rosenberg comes, a humble fugitive, with the textbook of world domination in his battered suitcase.”

Upon reaching Munich those driven from the Russian territories by the Communists found a way of finding each other. They formed groups, often in secret, to plan conspiracies and raise arms to fight the Communists.

Rosenberg joined such a group, along with a young man named Rudolf Hess and an elderly writer named Dietrich Eckart. They shared the Protocols. The name of their secret group was called the Thule Society. Through them a German translation of the Protocols was issued with the distribution success extraordinary. Edition after edition followed. Soon it was released in England, France, Poland and even America.

The Thule Society finally decided to act, and decided to kill Kurt Eisner, the leader of the Bavarian Revolution. Unlike Lenin, whose Judaism could be traced only as far as his grandmother, Eisner really was a Jew. But while the Thuilists and many other groups made plans to recapture Bavaria from the socialists, a young Jewish officer the Thuilists had rejected from membership because he was Jewish beat them to the act.

Count Anton Arco-Valley, insulted by his rejection by the Thulists and determined to shame them, shot Eisner in the midst of his guards on an open street. It was the very day Eisner was going to resign. In the chaos that followed the Communists seized power from the socialists and Eisner became a martyred hero.

Remnants of the Bavarian army recaptured Munich; they were part of a group called the National Socialist Workers Party, dedicated to hunting down the Jewish Bolsheviks. Rosenberg was invited to speak to their group and along with the Thule members Eckart, Hess and Feder became a part of this rapidly growing political movement.

In time a young soldier assigned to keep watch on potentially subversive groups would speak to the new organization, and then become a member. His name was Adolf Hitler and the Protocols became an essential source of his attitudes toward the Soviets (the Antichrist), and the Jews (the Wise Men).

Whether the document was true or not the response this amazing document achieved wherever it was published served the purpose of inciting people against the Jews. If it indeed was a hoax it was one of the more elaborate and comprehensive hoaxes in history.

That it was mysteriously received by Rosenberg in Russia, and delivered by him to Hitler personally is quite coincidental, or is it? The entire text of the mysterious Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion appears in the appendix of this book.

Monday, June 03, 2019

Royal Family Welcomes President to UK - Future King of England already has American bloodline - The Princess Diana Connection to America

As President Trump begins his long awaited State visit to the UK, hosted by America's favorite Royal Family, Queen Elizabeth II, the purpose of his visit is twofold, to revitalize the strong relationship between the US and UK, and to honor the 75th Anniversary of the great military invasion in the history of the world, D Day which was launched from England 75 years ago this week.

As a historical footnote, the Colton Point Times did an investigative story several years ago identifying the bloodline link between Prince William, the future King of England and son of Princess Diana, and the colonies across the pond.  In a series named Histories Mysteries, the direct link with Price William was first exposed.  In light of the pomp and circumstance on display this week, here is the story.

The Coltons Point Times
Birthplace of Religious Freedom ----------"Veritas vos liberabit"

Histories Mysteries - Next King of England (Prince William) Shares St. Clements Manor, Maryland bloodline

When the late Princess Diana's son Prince William of Wales, heir apparent to the British throne and grandson to Queen Elizabeth II, becomes King after his father Prince Charles, it will be the first time in history that an English monarch is 1/16th American. Ancestors of Prince William and his brother Harry, sons of Princess Diana and Prince Charles, are from Coltons Point, also known as St. Clements Manor, settled 385 years ago near the mouth of the Potomac River.

How could this be you might ask? Good question. Because we thought we had run the British out of America a couple of centuries ago. But alas, one of the enduring mysteries of St. Clements Island and Coltons Point is the very strange history that abounds in this quiet little place lost in time yet just an hour from our nation's capitol. The first colony in the world to guarantee religious freedom, at a time when Catholics were being persecuted in England, everything about this place is mysterious.

And nothing is more mysterious than the first proprietors of the original St. Clements Manor, the Gerard family of England. Two of the Gerards, a brother and sister, were on the Ark and Dove in 1634 listed on the manifest as investors and gentlemen or women.

Some history books indicate that in 1633 when the Charter was first granted for Mary Land by King Charles II to the Calverts, well before the ships left for America, the King and Calvert gave a grant to the Gerard family for any land they wanted in the New World north of the Potomac River. If they did it would be indicative of the power and respect for the family.

You see, according to English Heraldry the Gerards trace their English heritage back to the 1100's to William Fitzgerald, (the Gerard family name was shortened from Fitzgerald to Gerard and also spelled Gerrard and Girard). William traveled with Richard Strongbow and was part of the force that took control of Ireland for the King of England. After that there were a lot of Sirs in the family over the years.

By the time of King Henry VIII the Gerard family was one of the most powerful Catholic families in England and never seemed to be prosecuted for being Catholic under the reins of Henry and Elizabeth I. During the later years of Elizabeth Sir Thomas Gerard began making plans to set up a colony in America where Catholics would be free of persecution.

Thus with George Calvert, an investor in Queen Elizabeth's efforts to colonize foreign lands, he helped finance the Calvert Maryland colony. George Calvert had also become a Catholic just when England was banning Catholics. Whatever the agreement between Gerard, Calvert and King Charles, two of the Gerard family members were dispatched on the first ships.

But the real Gerard claim was the charter for St. Clements Manor because the Gerard family was entrusted with the most sacred site of the expedition to establish religious freedom in America, St. Clements Island. History conscious England would normally protect National Treasurers like the first landing site in the New World guaranteeing religious freedom. It was another sign of the trust of the British crown in the Gerard family. Though the area was finally certified by surveys in 1639, since the 1634 landing it had been occupied by those in the first expedition.

In Father Andrew White's historic journal of the colonization it talks of St. Clements Island, the first landing site in the New World. It was here the first fort was built, the first Catholic Mass performed and the first peaceful encounter with Native Americans established the long term peaceful relationship. It was also in the St. Clements Manor area that Father White, thanks to the Indians, set up the first Catholic chapel in the New World.

For the first five years after the landing the St. Clements Manor area was one of just five settlement sites in all of the Maryland area where the Jesuit priests could go and meet with the Native Americans. It was considered safe enough for such interaction with the Native Americans. The site of the St. Clements Manor House complex became Coltons Point and has been lived in ever since.

Historians know that places like Jamestown, Plymouth and St. Mary's City all ceased to exist in their original sites by the 1690's. Thus Coltons Point was settled in 1634, chartered in 1638 and surveyed in 1639. Because of these reasons the St. Clements Manor area, now Coltons Point, is the oldest continuously lived in chartered settlement in all of colonial America.

Dr. Thomas Gerard, whose brother and sister were on the first ships, was the family member designated to settle and develop the New World holdings and he arrived with his family in 1638, immediately settling at Coltons Point (St. Clements Manor). In time his manor grew to one of the largest in all of America including over 20,000 acres. He also owned land in Virginia and he was a partner owning Capitol Hill, the land where the US Congress, Supreme Court and much of our federal government was build.

Gerard was an unusual person, exactly what King Charles would prefer. While Charles was a Protestant King with a Catholic Queen, Henrietta Maria from the powerful Medici family of France no less, Gerard was a Catholic from a powerful English family with a Protestant wife. When he reached America he built the first chapel for Catholics and Protestants on the Manor.

His Manor House in Coltons Point sat on the riverbank and faced the little Island where the landing took place. St. Clements Manor House was burnt down by the Protestants around 1645, rebuilt, burnt down by the English in 1713 and rebuilt, and finally destroyed by a hurricane in 1933. One day maybe it will be rebuilt on it's original site.

Gerard was the first doctor in Maryland, a gentleman and successful businessman. He was often at odds with the Calverts, the Lords from England, over the rights of the people versus the rights of the crown. After the protestant revolt in England his lands were seized for a time and he moved to his Virginia land. He was the neighbor and friend of John Washington, George Washington's great grandfather. In time two of his daughters married John Washington thus were step great grandmothers of our first President.

For those of you who find it odd that two sisters would marry the same person, regardless of the fact it was George Washington's great grandfather, a note on the Colonial ways. Way back then women were a rather rare feature in the early colonial days. Also death came early for many of the men. So to protect those women who choose to help settle the New World the families would often have the next available male or female marry the widows.

This was an extension of the rules of the English monarchy, the same rules that proved to be King Henry VIII's undoing. You see, his brother was King and died at age 15 in 1502 when Henry was just 10. Henry was thus required to marry his brother's widow, Catherine of Aragon, the daughter of Queen Isabella I of Spain (the same Isabella who sent Columbus to discover America). Catherine was much older and Henry had to wait until he was 17 before the marriage took place.

Well Henry had difficulty adjusting to the older woman and was enamored by younger women like the Boleyn sisters, having an affair with one and marrying the second, Anne. Anne forced him to divorce Catherine. Thus began the religious wars that tore Britain apart for the next 150 years. For her part Anne got beheaded but her daughter with Henry, Elizabeth, became Elizabeth I, one of the most beloved Queens of England. She never married. Hummm.

Back in the colonies when he died Dr. Thomas Gerard was buried alongside his first wife at the St. Clements manor House overlooking St. Clements Island. We believe both grave sites have been located three centuries later and along with St. Clements Island they should become one of the most historical sites in Southern Maryland. Meanwhile, numerous smaller manors within St. Clements Manor were given as gifts or sold. Frances Scott Key, composer of our National Anthem, was even born on St. Clements Manor.

In England where the rest of the Gerard family remained their royal bloodlines continued and both Prince Charles of Wales and Princess Diana are blood relatives of the Gerards. When Prince William becomes King he will be the first British Monarch who is 1/16th American. He is also 1/16th German, 1/16th Hungarian, 1/32nd Irish and 1/64th French.

That means our Coltons Point bloodline (Gerards) will have a son of Princess Diana, Prince William, who becomes King of England who is related to King Henry VIII, a new King whose ancestors were step great grandmothers to George Washington who defeated the English, and who is the first British King who is 1/16 American. No wonder we always liked Princess Diana.

Prince William of Wales, heir to the English throne, can trace his family to St. Clements Island and Coltons Point. We even know the gravesite of his ancestors here in Coltons Point who first arrived 375 years ago. We really must celebrate when Prince William becomes King. Better yet, why not start now in honor of the future King of England whose ancestors were our founders.


Sunday, June 02, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - Today celebrates the Ascension of Jesus of Nazareth - What does it mean?

There are many mysteries tied to the fulfillment of ancient prophecy as demonstrated by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.  Melchizedek views this period of the three years of Jesus' ministry as the most dramatic and significant three years in the history of the human race, and even Creation. 

If ever we needed evidence that the actions of Jesus were recognition of the value of the old Pagan ways, as well as the new Christian ways, the Resurrection and Ascension would be the proof.

What took place in those two moments in the life of Jesus when ancient prophecy became real, shattered all preconceived notions of the power of miracles, and demonstrated that mysteries and magic are essential to salvation.

Think about it, for the first time in recorded history someone came back from the dead, not just at the moment of death like Lazarus, but three days after he died.  It never happened before in human history.

As if that is not a sufficient exclamation point to focus attention on the power of the Creator and Creation, forty days after the stunning Resurrection, Jesus and his physical body then ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God.

The Ascension of Jesus is not to be confused with the ascension of all souls as described in Revelations, nor the ascension of the prophet Elijah who never died.  Jesus died for the sins of Mankind, then, came back from the dead before ascending to Heaven.

What was the message of the Ascension?

There were a number of key points to make, profound and quite diverse, in the course of the ascension.  First was a reinforcement of the miraculous nature of the Resurrection.  In that context was a second issue, what was the sin(s) of Mankind that Jesus sacrificed his life to forgive.

In addition, there were two incredible demonstrations of the power of love and the meaning of the Christ Consciousness.  One is the story of a Mother's love from his Holy Mother Mary, as she stood by him through his crucifixion, death, and resurrection always knowing what would come next.  The second was the perfect love between Jesus and The Magdalene so reflective of the Christ Consciousness in reflecting love everywhere.

As if the tasks already discussed were not enough, the Ascension was also the culmination of thousands of years of Ancient Prophecy regarding the coming of the Messiah, the refusal by the Jewish leaders to accept him as the Messiah when they knew it to be true, and the prophecies concerning the Resurrection and Ascension.

Why was the Ascension a reinforcement of the Resurrection?

According to Melchizedek, it was because the people of Earth never witnessed an act of a human rising from the dead three days after the death.  Never, in human history did it take place.  The story is a miraculous and magical act of love on the part of his Father the Creator to give his son life after death.  In terms of the magical and mysterious prophecies about the Messiah, these existed in many cultures long before the coming of Jesus and Christianity.

Melchizedek has long taught that many billions of years of human existence are missing because of flawed scientific methods used to date human activity.  It was during this time of pre-history that multiple ages, cultures, and civilizations evolved, then self-destructed or were wiped out by natural cataclysmic events that obliterated many species for years, including humans.

What this means is that the Pagan era existed far longer than history books indicate, so clearly some of the Pagan spirituality practices were pleasing to the Creator.  In fact, the various Christian religions incorporated many Pagan practices or symbols into their churches, sacred objects, and ceremony, and even the Jewish Kabala did the same.

Perhaps the spirituality of the Druid era was the nearest we came to pleasing the Creator in our treatment of Mother Earth.  It was a time of honoring nature, using herbs to heal, when spirituality and magic flowed through all aspects of the Druid life.

According to the Druid web site in England, the lineage of the Druid spiritual tradition crosses many thousands of years of time.  We see the first evidence of spiritual practice in Europe 25,000 years ago.  After initiation in the belly of Mother Earth, they were reborn into the light of day.  Twenty thousand years later, in around 3000 BCE, we can see the same practice of seeking rebirth within the Earth.

Four thousand five hundred years later, in the sixteenth century, the key text of Druid spirituality, transcribed from the oral tradition by Christian clerics, talks of the spiritual and magical training of a Druid, in which he is eaten by a Goddess, enters her belly, and is reborn as the greatest poet in the land.

Therefore, from over twenty thousand years ago to the sixteenth century, we see a common theme - which we find again in the training of Druids and poets in Scotland up until the seventeenth century.  There, to awaken their creative genius, they would lie in darkness for days, generally in a cave, and after this period of sensory deprivation, they returned into the brightness of the world.

This theme of seeking spiritual rebirth and creative expression through undergoing a simulated death-rebirth experience, runs like a golden thread of spiritual practice through the four major periods of history that relate to Celtic and Druid spirituality.

The Druid motto shows how closely aligned the ancient Druids are with the Creator's Creation, Mother Earth.

Druidry is a vital and dynamic nature spirituality
that is flourishing all over the world.
It unites our love of the earth with our love of creativity
and the arts.
Flowing through all the exciting new developments in
modern druidism
is the power of an ancient tradition:
The love of land, sea, and sky - The love of the
earth our home.

Creation covers a vast span of years, billions, in which many cultures survived and sometimes flourished.  Spirituality is a crucial element to all of civilization, while religion is a more modern structure of the Christian era to organize people around a religious dogma.

The act of resurrecting is clearly a magical wonder as much as a physical impossibility.  To follow that by ascending to Heaven, well that defies science, nature, logic, and a host of other values.  Neither the Creator nor his son hesitated to use such wonderful acts of magic to make and reinforce spiritual teachings.

What sins of Mankind did Jesus die for?

Here it gets interesting.  What sin could be so bad that it required the Son of God's death?  We know The Ten Commandments outlined serious sins; however, confession, penance, and remorse through priests could forgive them.  No, a sin of the magnitude resulting in the death of the Son of God was much worse.

Here is where the teachings of the bible did not focus attention on this aspect of the Resurrection and Ascension.  As Melchizedek made abundantly clear, the sin of Mankind obscured by all the emotions, tragedy, and tears of the crucifixion was the sin of Slavery.

Now when I first heard this it took me aback.  Yet Melchizedek was compelling in his defense of the sin.  There can be no greater abomination to the Creator than to steal away the most precious of all gifts of the Creator to his Creations, freedom, and free will. 

When I pressed Melchizedek about this, he reiterated that only the Creator can bestow the power of life and taking souls into slavery was not the intent of the Creator.  The enslavement of people is not a spiritual act and the ownership of human beings is wrong.

Of course, in the time of Jesus it was common for conquering armies, kingdoms, empires, or tribes to make slaves of their victims, a practice quite rampant.  Yet Melchizedek insisted that slavery today has far surpassed what existed back then.

Today we face forms of slavery we are yet to recognize.  We are slaves to technology, and our youth are being sucked into a bottomless pit of "artificial intelligence" and it's mastery over humankind.  There is also financial slavery, which brainwashes people into using credit cards with huge interest rates, buying excessive homes, cars, and a multitude of other expensive and non-essential self-indulgences.

Add to that the slavery of human traffickingsex slavesillegal immigrant traffickingprostitutiondrug dependency, and legal prescription addiction, and it is easy to see how the majority of people today are living in slavery with no chance to break out.

Some follow up questions for Melchizedek

How do people get beyond the sense of aloneness that they have, as so many people feel alone and abandoned?  How do we break that spell?

To know that the solitude, the aloneness, is part of life and to take the hands of Christ, guidance, angels, those who come to give a relationship on the journey.  The concept of having companions on this journey fills that need.

Well that would assume that people are in control of their mind but right now about 50% of the population of America is opiate addicted, probably they do not even have a mind left to control.  I mean we do have to address them as part of this process right.

Not if computers are controlling the thought process.  They need to become independent of that and realize the dangers of it and come back to self, come back to reading, come back to being in earth, come back to things we have turned our backs to.

How about relationships, they have become obsolete?

Yes relationships with people.

And how about emotional interaction, people's first reaction to seeing somebody else is often fear.  

You mean they see somebody else as being there.

The meaning of Jesus the Mediator is that here it comes in a seed, the Christ Consciousness comes in a seed, it's a flame, it grows, it bursts, it ignites, it brings meaning to the Creator being in us all, often times dormant and unrecognizable in the human form.  The Christ Consciousness comes as the flame, the fire, the lightning bolt to awaken that awareness of that God Creator force in us to stabilize in that polarity, to stabilize the relationship within each human being between human self and godly self.  In addition, in that then it is possible to bring the Christ Consciousness or God wholeness into each relationship as we meet one another.

We talk about eyes being the entranceway to the soul.  Why two eyes, why a polarity, why do people talk about a friendly eye and a dark eye?  It speaks of that polarity within each individual.  When you look at someone, which eye do you look at?  Do you look at both eyes at once, or do you see the Third Eye emerging?

The concept of the Third Eye in each individual, well why is the Third Eye invisible, why are we not like a Cyclops with that Third Eye sticking out there, the Cyclops being one eye?  The concept, the stories, the myth, the fables of the merging of the two eyes into the one, the Cyclops myth and fable, this is at the basis of the fusion of the two aspects of the human condition.

This is the seed and the igniting that the Christ Consciousness brings to us.  We can call it also the male and female in each of us, and how we relate to others comes from this united fusion within each individual. 

What does it mean when they say before you can forgive others you have to forgive yourself or before you can love others you have to love yourself?

To have compassion for our own mistakes first.  We cannot have compassion at all toward other people if we are still judging ourselves.  We need to have compassion for our own mistakes and our own human walk, our periodic inability to see the God in ourselves, those times when we are seeing ourselves and say, my Father why has though forsaken me?

Well at the time of Jesus' calling, there was no Christian religion.  Did Jesus feel like he was starting a whole, new religion?

In the earth state, it felt like a new movement of faith away from the corruption of the Sanhedrin, and others.  The exposed belief of people in many gods and having animal familiars was never in question before the Father.  However, their arrogance over using slaves was the issue.

In addition, slaves could be anybody, non-Hebrew, or non-Roman?

There were many slaves.  Jesus always knew his worth and role, and was sometimes astonished at the truth that came out when he spoke.  In the earth existence, he felt extreme frustration, finding great difficulty being able to get through, with feelings hurt.  Later in his ministry, he knew he could only speak and there would be those who hear, and leave the rest.  For in the end the culmination of the Resurrection and Ascension is to bring all souls back to their proper place in Creation and with the Creator, with the Father. 

The actions Jesus took are just as valid today as they were then in terms of the spiritual evolution of mankind.

Yes, Jesus is the Living God.  The same today.

We just have different distractions, like technology.  We have a new form of slavery called technology.

Yes the Dark One, the veneration of the machine, soulless ones.  These are the soulless ones.

How do we pierce the shields of different cultures, religions, nationalities, and their unwillingness to accept the fact that we are all equal?     

Penetrate as water penetrates rock, keep the flow, move with the energy, move in the direction of the energy, and move in the direction of the river, of the current.  In time, water will penetrate the rock.

So does that mean we have to give people signs and signals leading to the unification?   
Yes, continue to speak your truth.  Understand that there are, as there are veins in rock, veins through the earth, tunnels, arteries, even in the human body it is a...

like meridians...          

...picture the little pockets of existence divided by these veins, arteries.  And those who are living in each of their pockets, are moving into these veins, moving into the flow, at their own rate, at their own time, at their own level and sometimes it's best to let them alone, best to let them flow at their own rate.

Therefore, compassion is a key to understanding.

It is, it is, and first compassion is for us.  In our limit to understanding, because we cannot be completely free of the pains, the disappointments of this earth, most of us cannot be completely free.  To be completely free, means that the physical aspect is beginning to disassemble and pull apart.  We are becoming invisible.  We are becoming ascendants.  To live in that state requires us to be greatly cared for by those around us who understand who we are.  This is the role of the Ascended Masters.  They are very much cared for and...

In addition, caring...      

Yes and for those of us who are not in such a position we still face very much the difficulties of the earth life.  We need to understand as we flow and allow ourselves to enter these tributaries; we are going into that sea of consciousness, that sea of compassion.

I think many people will latch on to one single thought and help drive them in the direction we all need to go.  It may not be the whole theory of the Ascension or the purpose of the Ascension, it may one of those profound thoughts you share.              

Is there a proper balance to maintain when we are discussing this history between Magic and Religion, or Christianity, or the Old Times versus the Modern Times, the Pagan time versus the Non-Pagan time?  I think we must define a stronger role for magic as part of the entire Creation process.

Magic has the ability to weave these threads of life, and travel out among them.

It also appeals to those doubting the sincerity or value of religion.  

The Magic suppressed behind the religious symbols needs to come forward and this is the fusion, delivered here.  These are the purposes of our experiences together to bring this forth.

Was there widespread awareness on earth when Jesus fulfilled the Ascension prophecy?    

Yes, felt in the hearts of men everywhere.  Those who felt and recognized the tremors of his death on the cross and the storm and that planetary disruption, were waiting for and were ready to recognize that vibration of the ascension, there was great anticipation for his movement back to the Heaven, the return.

Which was prophesized right...

Yes, it was a part of the prophecy as proof of the Messiah.  Not just a Messiah who would come as a historical political figure to create a religious movement, but the Messiah embodied in one person who would resurrect, then ascend.  The Jewish leaders were mistaken in the concept of two Messiahs.

Did they believe there would be a Messiah on earth and a Messiah in Heaven?  They would be separate. 

Yes, there was also a ruler, a King who spoke with really the Satanic voice of saying, "I will rule the earth, you will rule the Heavens.  You rule everything religious, and together we will rule the world."  It was an echoing of that temptation.  He wanted Christ to live and not be crucified.

What is the true meaning of the ascension?

To amplify the resurrection, to make the resurrection more visible, recognizable to those who were watching and reporting the ascension.

The concern expressed by Jesus regarding the death and resurrection being focused on the sin of slavery that existed then, and continues to exist now, are true?

Yes, the most deplorable aspect of power of one over another is the aspect of slavery.

Are we making progress?

We are moving towards more open free will energy, mental energy, for the planet for this space-time existence.

Does the international movement toward a One World government contribute to or defeat that purpose?

One World government is a continuation of the inequality or inequity we have already witnessed.

Okay, because as far as I am concerned the One World government may be nothing but a front for the rich, the super rich.

Absolutely, there are those who have always been in power, and still want to maintain power.  In the world's screen of technology and openness, the myth of so much being "free" on the Internet is a great deception.

The Internet also is a source of slavery through the artificial intelligence, taking away the minds of everybody by giving them all the answers, eliminating creative thinking, eliminating the ability to communicate.

It has a good side and a down side; this is the flip of the coin, the opposite side of the coin.  Any aspect of something can serve good purposes...

...and bad...

Very much so, to dominate and manipulate by those who understand technology and see it in this way.

Right because it's also a valid source of new methodologies, new technologies to manage human slavery, to manage wars,

Wars and Monetary slavery because who really gains...

Only the parasites.    

Yes and do those who really have the knowledge, the skill, and the ability really gain or have a life, make a life, make a living.

Now at the Ascension, who was there to witness it?

The closest apostles.

Not all the apostles.

Peter, John, James, the Mary's (Mother Mary and the Magdalene), Martha...

The inner circle, this was like the inner circle, the closest advisers, and confidants.

In addition, some of the Essenes were present.  There was a gathering, how big was the crowd, maybe eighty people.

From where did they ascend?  What was the location?  Was it some Mount?  At one point, I read that he was in Jerusalem.  But there does not seem to be any agreement.

Near the tomb site, near, not far from the Crucifixion site, not far from the Garden of Gethsemane, that same Garden area near the site of the actual event.  That came through the Garden of Gethsemane where his last Our Father would have taken place.

Many psychics believe the Solar Eclipse August 21 of this year will be an opportunity for us to ascend.  Who will ascend at that time?

This Ascension is not about you, your pride, your ego, or whatever it is that drives you.  In addition, you do not choose the time and place for your ascension.  It is by invitation only to those who have achieved the highest state of grace possible in their physical form.  Think of it as the first step in spiritual evolution.

You face judgment, make no mistake about it, not by peers, but by celestial beings who have tracked your progress in serving the Creator's Will through however many lifetimes you have experienced.

Should you not be one of the few enlightened souls invited to experience the Ascension this coming August, do not fear.  It is not an act of failure, for all souls will return to the Creator at the appropriate time.

It simply means you have not completed your work on Earth.