Saturday, March 24, 2018

Conversations with Melchizedek - The Ascension of Jesus of Nazareth

There are many mysteries tied to the fulfillment of ancient prophecy as demonstrated by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.  Melchizedek views this period of the three years of Jesus' ministry as the most dramatic and significant three years in the history of the human race, and even Creation. 

If ever we needed evidence that the actions of Jesus were recognition of the value of the old Pagan ways, as well as the new Christian ways, the Resurrection and Ascension would be the proof.

What took place in those two moments in the life of Jesus when ancient prophecy became real, shattered all preconceived notions of the power of miracles, and demonstrated that mysteries and magic are essential to salvation.

Think about it, for the first time in recorded history someone came back from the dead, not just at the moment of death like Lazarus, but three days after he died.  It never happened before in human history.

As if that is not a sufficient exclamation point to focus attention on the power of the Creator and Creation, forty days after the stunning Resurrection, Jesus and his physical body then ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God.

The Ascension of Jesus is not to be confused with the ascension of all souls as described in Revelations, nor the ascension of the prophet Elijah who never died.  Jesus died for the sins of Mankind, then, came back from the dead before ascending to Heaven.

What was the message of the Ascension?

There were a number of key points to make, profound and quite diverse, in the course of the ascension.  First was a reinforcement of the miraculous nature of the Resurrection.  In that context was a second issue, what was the sin(s) of Mankind that Jesus sacrificed his life to forgive.

In addition, there were two incredible demonstrations of the power of love and the meaning of the Christ Consciousness.  One is the story of a Mother's love from his Holy Mother Mary, as she stood by him through his crucifixion, death, and resurrection always knowing what would come next.  The second was the perfect love between Jesus and The Magdalene so reflective of the Christ Consciousness in reflecting love everywhere.

As if the tasks already discussed were not enough, the Ascension was also the culmination of thousands of years of Ancient Prophecy regarding the coming of the Messiah, the refusal by the Jewish leaders to accept him as the Messiah when they knew it to be true, and the prophecies concerning the Resurrection and Ascension.

Why was the Ascension a reinforcement of the Resurrection?

According to Melchizedek, it was because the people of Earth never witnessed an act of a human rising from the dead three days after the death.  Never, in human history did it take place.  The story is a miraculous and magical act of love on the part of his Father the Creator to give his son life after death.  In terms of the magical and mysterious prophecies about the Messiah, these existed in many cultures long before the coming of Jesus and Christianity.

Melchizedek has long taught that many billions of years of human existence are missing because of flawed scientific methods used to date human activity.  It was during this time of pre-history that multiple ages, cultures, and civilizations evolved, then self-destructed or were wiped out by natural cataclysmic events that obliterated many species for years, including humans.

What this means is that the Pagan era existed far longer than history books indicate, so clearly some of the Pagan spirituality practices were pleasing to the Creator.  In fact, the various Christian religions incorporated many Pagan practices or symbols into their churches, sacred objects, and ceremony, and even the Jewish Kabala did the same.

Perhaps the spirituality of the Druid era was the nearest we came to pleasing the Creator in our treatment of Mother Earth.  It was a time of honoring nature, using herbs to heal, when spirituality and magic flowed through all aspects of the Druid life.

According to the Druid web site in England, the lineage of the Druid spiritual tradition crosses many thousands of years of time.  We see the first evidence of spiritual practice in Europe 25,000 years ago.  After initiation in the belly of Mother Earth, they were reborn into the light of day.  Twenty thousand years later, in around 3000 BCE, we can see the same practice of seeking rebirth within the Earth.

Four thousand five hundred years later, in the sixteenth century, the key text of Druid spirituality, transcribed from the oral tradition by Christian clerics, talks of the spiritual and magical training of a Druid, in which he is eaten by a Goddess, enters her belly, and is reborn as the greatest poet in the land.

Therefore, from over twenty thousand years ago to the sixteenth century, we see a common theme - which we find again in the training of Druids and poets in Scotland up until the seventeenth century.  There, to awaken their creative genius, they would lie in darkness for days, generally in a cave, and after this period of sensory deprivation, they returned into the brightness of the world.

This theme of seeking spiritual rebirth and creative expression through undergoing a simulated death-rebirth experience, runs like a golden thread of spiritual practice through the four major periods of history that relate to Celtic and Druid spirituality.

The Druid motto shows how closely aligned the ancient Druids are with the Creator's Creation, Mother Earth.

Druidry is a vital and dynamic nature spirituality
that is flourishing all over the world.
It unites our love of the earth with our love of creativity
and the arts.
Flowing through all the exciting new developments in
modern druidism
is the power of an ancient tradition:
The love of land, sea, and sky - The love of the
earth our home.

Creation covers a vast span of years, billions, in which many cultures survived and sometimes flourished.  Spirituality is a crucial element to all of civilization, while religion is a more modern structure of the Christian era to organize people around a religious dogma.

The act of resurrecting is clearly a magical wonder as much as a physical impossibility.  To follow that by ascending to Heaven, well that defies science, nature, logic, and a host of other values.  Neither the Creator nor his son hesitated to use such wonderful acts of magic to make and reinforce spiritual teachings.

What sins of Mankind did Jesus die for?

Here it gets interesting.  What sin could be so bad that it required the Son of God's death?  We know The Ten Commandments outlined serious sins; however, confession, penance, and remorse through priests could forgive them.  No, a sin of the magnitude resulting in the death of the Son of God was much worse.

Here is where the teachings of the bible did not focus attention on this aspect of the Resurrection and Ascension.  As Melchizedek made abundantly clear, the sin of Mankind obscured by all the emotions, tragedy, and tears of the crucifixion was the sin of Slavery.

Now when I first heard this it took me aback.  Yet Melchizedek was compelling in his defense of the sin.  There can be no greater abomination to the Creator than to steal away the most precious of all gifts of the Creator to his Creations, freedom, and free will. 

When I pressed Melchizedek about this, he reiterated that only the Creator can bestow the power of life and taking souls into slavery was not the intent of the Creator.  The enslavement of people is not a spiritual act and the ownership of human beings is wrong.

Of course, in the time of Jesus it was common for conquering armies, kingdoms, empires, or tribes to make slaves of their victims, a practice quite rampant.  Yet Melchizedek insisted that slavery today has far surpassed what existed back then.

Today we face forms of slavery we are yet to recognize.  We are slaves to technology, and our youth are being sucked into a bottomless pit of "artificial intelligence" and it's mastery over humankind.  There is also financial slavery, which brainwashes people into using credit cards with huge interest rates, buying excessive homes, cars, and a multitude of other expensive and non-essential self-indulgences.

Add to that the slavery of human traffickingsex slavesillegal immigrant traffickingprostitutiondrug dependency, and legal prescription addiction, and it is easy to see how the majority of people today are living in slavery with no chance to break out.

Some follow up questions for Melchizedek

How do people get beyond the sense of aloneness that they have, as so many people feel alone and abandoned?  How do we break that spell?

To know that the solitude, the aloneness, is part of life and to take the hands of Christ, guidance, angels, those who come to give a relationship on the journey.  The concept of having companions on this journey fills that need.

Well that would assume that people are in control of their mind but right now about 50% of the population of America is opiate addicted, probably they do not even have a mind left to control.  I mean we do have to address them as part of this process right.

Not if computers are controlling the thought process.  They need to become independent of that and realize the dangers of it and come back to self, come back to reading, come back to being in earth, come back to things we have turned our backs to.

How about relationships, they have become obsolete?

Yes relationships with people.

And how about emotional interaction, people's first reaction to seeing somebody else is often fear.  

You mean they see somebody else as being there.

The meaning of Jesus the Mediator is that here it comes in a seed, the Christ Consciousness comes in a seed, it's a flame, it grows, it bursts, it ignites, it brings meaning to the Creator being in us all, often times dormant and unrecognizable in the human form.  The Christ Consciousness comes as the flame, the fire, the lightning bolt to awaken that awareness of that God Creator force in us to stabilize in that polarity, to stabilize the relationship within each human being between human self and godly self.  In addition, in that then it is possible to bring the Christ Consciousness or God wholeness into each relationship as we meet one another.

We talk about eyes being the entranceway to the soul.  Why two eyes, why a polarity, why do people talk about a friendly eye and a dark eye?  It speaks of that polarity within each individual.  When you look at someone, which eye do you look at?  Do you look at both eyes at once, or do you see the Third Eye emerging?

The concept of the Third Eye in each individual, well why is the Third Eye invisible, why are we not like a Cyclops with that Third Eye sticking out there, the Cyclops being one eye?  The concept, the stories, the myth, the fables of the merging of the two eyes into the one, the Cyclops myth and fable, this is at the basis of the fusion of the two aspects of the human condition.

This is the seed and the igniting that the Christ Consciousness brings to us.  We can call it also the male and female in each of us, and how we relate to others comes from this united fusion within each individual. 

What does it mean when they say before you can forgive others you have to forgive yourself or before you can love others you have to love yourself?

To have compassion for our own mistakes first.  We cannot have compassion at all toward other people if we are still judging ourselves.  We need to have compassion for our own mistakes and our own human walk, our periodic inability to see the God in ourselves, those times when we are seeing ourselves and say, my Father why has though forsaken me?

Well at the time of Jesus' calling, there was no Christian religion.  Did Jesus feel like he was starting a whole, new religion?

In the earth state, it felt like a new movement of faith away from the corruption of the Sanhedrin, and others.  The exposed belief of people in many gods and having animal familiars was never in question before the Father.  However, their arrogance over using slaves was the issue.

In addition, slaves could be anybody, non-Hebrew, or non-Roman?

There were many slaves.  Jesus always knew his worth and role, and was sometimes astonished at the truth that came out when he spoke.  In the earth existence, he felt extreme frustration, finding great difficulty being able to get through, with feelings hurt.  Later in his ministry, he knew he could only speak and there would be those who hear, and leave the rest.  For in the end the culmination of the Resurrection and Ascension is to bring all souls back to their proper place in Creation and with the Creator, with the Father. 

The actions Jesus took are just as valid today as they were then in terms of the spiritual evolution of mankind.

Yes, Jesus is the Living God.  The same today.

We just have different distractions, like technology.  We have a new form of slavery called technology.

Yes the Dark One, the veneration of the machine, soulless ones.  These are the soulless ones.

How do we pierce the shields of different cultures, religions, nationalities, and their unwillingness to accept the fact that we are all equal?     

Penetrate as water penetrates rock, keep the flow, move with the energy, move in the direction of the energy, and move in the direction of the river, of the current.  In time, water will penetrate the rock.

So does that mean we have to give people signs and signals leading to the unification?   
Yes, continue to speak your truth.  Understand that there are, as there are veins in rock, veins through the earth, tunnels, arteries, even in the human body it is a...

like meridians...          

...picture the little pockets of existence divided by these veins, arteries.  And those who are living in each of their pockets, are moving into these veins, moving into the flow, at their own rate, at their own time, at their own level and sometimes it's best to let them alone, best to let them flow at their own rate.

Therefore, compassion is a key to understanding.

It is, it is, and first compassion is for us.  In our limit to understanding, because we cannot be completely free of the pains, the disappointments of this earth, most of us cannot be completely free.  To be completely free, means that the physical aspect is beginning to disassemble and pull apart.  We are becoming invisible.  We are becoming ascendants.  To live in that state requires us to be greatly cared for by those around us who understand who we are.  This is the role of the Ascended Masters.  They are very much cared for and...

In addition, caring...      

Yes and for those of us who are not in such a position we still face very much the difficulties of the earth life.  We need to understand as we flow and allow ourselves to enter these tributaries; we are going into that sea of consciousness, that sea of compassion.

I think many people will latch on to one single thought and help drive them in the direction we all need to go.  It may not be the whole theory of the Ascension or the purpose of the Ascension, it may one of those profound thoughts you share.              

Is there a proper balance to maintain when we are discussing this history between Magic and Religion, or Christianity, or the Old Times versus the Modern Times, the Pagan time versus the Non-Pagan time?  I think we must define a stronger role for magic as part of the entire Creation process.

Magic has the ability to weave these threads of life, and travel out among them.

It also appeals to those doubting the sincerity or value of religion.  

The Magic suppressed behind the religious symbols needs to come forward and this is the fusion, delivered here.  These are the purposes of our experiences together to bring this forth.

Was there widespread awareness on earth when Jesus fulfilled the Ascension prophecy?    

Yes, felt in the hearts of men everywhere.  Those who felt and recognized the tremors of his death on the cross and the storm and that planetary disruption, were waiting for and were ready to recognize that vibration of the ascension, there was great anticipation for his movement back to the Heaven, the return.

Which was prophesized right...

Yes, it was a part of the prophecy as proof of the Messiah.  Not just a Messiah who would come as a historical political figure to create a religious movement, but the Messiah embodied in one person who would resurrect, then ascend.  The Jewish leaders were mistaken in the concept of two Messiahs.

Did they believe there would be a Messiah on earth and a Messiah in Heaven?  They would be separate. 

Yes, there was also a ruler, a King who spoke with really the Satanic voice of saying, "I will rule the earth, you will rule the Heavens.  You rule everything religious, and together we will rule the world."  It was an echoing of that temptation.  He wanted Christ to live and not be crucified.

What is the true meaning of the ascension?

To amplify the resurrection, to make the resurrection more visible, recognizable to those who were watching and reporting the ascension.

The concern expressed by Jesus regarding the death and resurrection being focused on the sin of slavery that existed then, and continues to exist now, are true?

Yes, the most deplorable aspect of power of one over another is the aspect of slavery.

Are we making progress?

We are moving towards more open free will energy, mental energy, for the planet for this space-time existence.

Does the international movement toward a One World government contribute to or defeat that purpose?

One World government is a continuation of the inequality or inequity we have already witnessed.

Okay, because as far as I am concerned the One World government may be nothing but a front for the rich, the super rich.

Absolutely, there are those who have always been in power, and still want to maintain power.  In the world's screen of technology and openness, the myth of so much being "free" on the Internet is a great deception.

The Internet also is a source of slavery through the artificial intelligence, taking away the minds of everybody by giving them all the answers, eliminating creative thinking, eliminating the ability to communicate.

It has a good side and a down side; this is the flip of the coin, the opposite side of the coin.  Any aspect of something can serve good purposes...

...and bad...

Very much so, to dominate and manipulate by those who understand technology and see it in this way.

Right because it's also a valid source of new methodologies, new technologies to manage human slavery, to manage wars,

Wars and Monetary slavery because who really gains...

Only the parasites.    

Yes and do those who really have the knowledge, the skill, and the ability really gain or have a life, make a life, make a living.

Now at the Ascension, who was there to witness it?

The closest apostles.

Not all the apostles.

Peter, John, James, the Mary's (Mother Mary and the Magdalene), Martha...

The inner circle, this was like the inner circle, the closest advisers, and confidants.

In addition, some of the Essenes were present.  There was a gathering, how big was the crowd, maybe eighty people.

From where did they ascend?  What was the location?  Was it some Mount?  At one point, I read that he was in Jerusalem.  But there does not seem to be any agreement.

Near the tomb site, near, not far from the Crucifixion site, not far from the Garden of Gethsemane, that same Garden area near the site of the actual event.  That came through the Garden of Gethsemane where his last Our Father would have taken place.

Many psychics believe the Solar Eclipse August 21 of this year will be an opportunity for us to ascend.  Who will ascend at that time?

This Ascension is not about you, your pride, your ego, or whatever it is that drives you.  In addition, you do not choose the time and place for your ascension.  It is by invitation only to those who have achieved the highest state of grace possible in their physical form.  Think of it as the first step in spiritual evolution.

You face judgment, make no mistake about it, not by peers, but by celestial beings who have tracked your progress in serving the Creator's Will through however many lifetimes you have experienced.

Should you not be one of the few enlightened souls invited to experience the Ascension this coming August, do not fear.  It is not an act of failure, for all souls will return to the Creator at the appropriate time.

It simply means you have not completed your work on Earth.

Conversations with Melchizedek - The Meaning of Lent and Holy Week

Every person out there should have heard of the name Melchizedek.  A most mysterious person of the Christian Bible, the Jewish Torah, and Islamic Qur’an, Melchizedek is clearly one of the closest people to the Creator, the protector of the mission of Jesus, the Overseer of all of Creation, and the best friend the Human race will ever find. 

In truth, there are many names and responsibilities related to the Creator given to Melchizedek and there is no one else in the sacred texts garnering so much attention and evoking so much mystery.

To understand the concerns of Melchizedek you must know his spiritual foundation.  It is an eternal love for all creations of the Creator, a commitment to make sure all creations return to their place as co-creators of what is, devotion toward helping people remember all the love and teachings of the Creator, and to provide guidance to help the spiritual evolution of all humankind toward those goals.

Melchizedek wants us to know this Lenten period is a time to turn inward, very inward, and be contemplative.  It is a time to go inward and be still.  Pray for compassion for your mistakes, to be free of judging yourselves, because in that, you will be free of judging your neighbor.

One of the frustrations of the ancient ones is watching the evolution of humankind often discard and destroy some of the practices, techniques, and sacred nature of events like Lent and Holy Week.  Intended to honor the concept of resurrection available to all of the Creator's creations, long before the birth and death of Jesus the elements of Lent and Holy Week were in use.

Ash Wednesday

To understand the purpose, one must begin with the ancient Hebrew practice of sprinkling ashes long before Jesus walked the earth.  Ashes used in ancient times expressed grief, expressed sorrow for sins and faults, and for repentance.  The same tradition was incorporated by the Christians and Ash Wednesday became the beginning of Lent, a period for grief, sorrow, and repentance, followed by 40 days of fasting and prayer and ending in Holy Week.

In ancient times, they threw ashes on the face.  Today they make a sign of the cross on the forehead with ashes.  Melchizedek believes the symbol of the cross, especially used during Lent and Holy Week, is clearly a symbol of the Cross of the Crucifixion, a powerful symbol of the death of an innocent man who told the truth.

The forehead, the Third Eye chakra, is your intuitive sense.  It is probably not a good idea to block such an important chakra.  There is too much emphasis on raising people's consciousness and putting it in the Third Eye, and then drawing a Cross of Crucifixion across the Third Eye, which blocks the Third Eye from its proper function.

It is neither the best use of ashes nor placement of a symbol.  Returning to the ancient practice of sprinkling the ashes over the head makes far more sense.  If you need a symbol, then use the eight-point star of Melchizedek on the heart chakra, not on the forehead.  This is the place where the Golden energy comes from the Christ heart.

As for honoring the days of Holy Week and remembering the old ways, here is an outline of the concerns of Melchizedek for these issues.

Passion Sunday not Palm Sunday

Since Jesus agreed to follow only His Father's will, and the Great Moment, the Baptism by John the Baptist, triggered the final years of his ministry, neither Jesus nor those outside of time in the heavens considered Palm Sunday a cause for celebration, knowing what would follow.

Palm Sunday implies worship by the people, also fear struck into the hearts of the Jewish leadership, and a superficial welcome into Jerusalem.  Passion Sunday, on the other hand, indicates the nature of what to expect over the next week and the incredible roller coaster ride that would ensue.

As for Jesus, he was not admiring the adoration of the crowds but worrying about the impact of the events of the week on those he loved.  He understood the crowds of Palm Sunday would soon turn on Him but He was carried on the wave of the Father's will.

His greatest concern was his disciples doing something to alter the destiny of his crucifixion in an effort to protect Jesus from harm.  Such an effort would sabotage the event, prevent his crucifixion, and draw out the final sacrifice longer.

Of equal concern to Jesus was the impact of genuine grief his ending would have on his disciples, Mother, and Mary Magdalene.  While all were forewarned of the crucifixion and resurrection, they were caught up in the physical grief not knowing when they might, if ever, see him again.

The genuine loss and feelings, as in the case of the mother, what did I do wrong, or did I do something wrong?  Or, could we have visited more fully in this relationship because now the end is here, sparked feelings of resignation.  The Mother Mary, she knew it would one day come, she knew.  Yet the stark reality of the moment is still profound, and the human experience can be heart breaking.

As for the knowledge of The Magdalene, Jesus knew it would be a profound experience for her to watch her great loved one suffer in physical form.


Monday of Holy Week, what does it represent?

Monday is a time to focus on the different Astrological Ages that have come and gone, ages that we acknowledge by the constellations in the sky.  The Age of the Bull, Age of the Ram, and the coming in, the time at the birth of Jesus, of the age of Pisces, the fish.

Contemplate on the long history of earth and humankind, the big picture.  Think of all the miracles present every day in your life.  Use this time to focus on the one prayer, the Lord's Prayer, the Our Father.

Refresh your commitment to the Father again using the Our Father as the basis for this.  You have sustained us through these ages.  You are great and we are small.  Many of us reappear throughout time and only having a brief memory of you in our picture.  This is a time to remember the big picture, Creation.


This day is a time for marking the traditions surrounding life at the time when this Christ came into the world.  There is the importance of coin, of rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's.  It is a time to consider the teaching concerning taxation, and other systems that are put in place for the benefit of man, and to preserve life on the Earth plane.

It is a time to focus on the building blocks of Creation, the various laws by which we are bound, and to distinguish which laws we control or influence, such as the laws of Caesar.  There is Divine Law, Natural Law, Man's Law, and Canon Law all meant to guide our path. 

Are they good or bad for humanity?  Do they embrace the will of the Creator and serve all Creations.  Do they benefit all Creations equally?  Discover what is right, identify what is wrong, and then work to fix it.  Do this and you will fulfill the will of the Creator.


Wednesday is a time to contemplate the woes of man, the woe, and the need, and the recognition of the need for a mediator.  Why has it been so difficult to understand, there is hidden knowledge that we can communicate directly through the Creator.

We fail to pray the Our Father directly to the Father making it too difficult for our consciousness to address the Father.  Thus the need for one to come to mediate on our behalf, the need for a Christ to come,  the Son of God to come show us the way to Our Father.  Jesus will show us the way to pray, show us the way to be kind to one another, and to be conscious of our connectedness and compassion toward one another.

Did this have anything to do with the competition between the various Jewish priesthoods, the Sadducees, Pharisees, or Rabbis, or perhaps the Sanhedrin?

Yes, their lack of understanding of the connectedness, and why there is a need for a mediator rather than going directly to the One God, which is what the Jews taught, brought this about.  Because of their failures, there is recognition of a need for the Son of Man to come and show the way.  That is what the Wednesday teachings need to discuss.


That is usually associated with the Maundy Thursday.  The Thursday before Easter is known as either Maundy Thursday, or Holy Thursday. Maundy is derived from the Latin word for "command," and refers to Jesus' commandment to the disciples to "Love one another as I have loved you."

Thursday is in the Garden of Gethsemane and it is the culmination of the fear of Jesus that his disciples would sabotage the path to the crucifixion.  The intrusion of the disciples, and one in particular (Peter) waging war and chopping off the ear of a soldier, all for the purpose of protecting the Son of God, truly threatened the success of his mission.

Yes, feeling that we can protect the great spiritual people such as Jesus from their Karmic journey, from their walk in the necessity of this path, was a dangerous intrusion.  It was a lack of understanding of his mission of crucifixion and his commitment to his Father's will.

The lesson, that sometimes you just have to let fate or destiny fulfill its mission would be a tough one for most people to accept.  Yes, there are in this way, even in the contemplation of our own time of death or time of ending of an incarnation, that we may question ourselves.


On Good Friday were there Angels with Jesus?

Yes Michael and Gabriel.

How about when He was carrying the Cross?

They turned away.

So He was on His own.

They turned away their faces from the greatness of that ultimate human experience, his being crucified for bearing the truth.  And the turning away was so as not to be contaminated by the loneness, the low vibration of that ultimate human condition.  The carnage and the ugliness of the humanness.  The ugliness to which, we would bring ourselves down, descend.

Is it true the Roman stabbed the sword into Jesus to make sure he would die before the Sabbath began?  Yes that was the motive, that was the intention.  It was also in the mind of the one who ordered this, the Roman Centurian.

Longinus was the soldier who actually pierced Jesus.  He really was trying to help the Savior pass.  He got the message, oh he got the message.  He knew who Jesus was.  He did not want to prolong this any more.  It also fulfilled a prophecy that Jesus would be dead before the Passover paving the way for the angels to arrive.

There would be no Jews on the streets concerned with the body missing or the burial. As a result, there would be a blank space in there where all of this other story would unfold.  Without the Passover and everyone home and in after the sunset, this all would not have been possible.  So the Roman, the head of that guard who ordered it, was motivated by the Holy Spirit to create fulfillment of this prophecy.

Thus at the precise moment of death on that fateful Friday, the earth, nature, the universe, and endless hordes of angels were able to awaken the world to the death of Jesus and the coming resurrection from the dead.

At the moment Jesus died, a massive earthquake tremor shook the entire earth.  There was a complete great darkening of the sky.  It was not just an eclipse, but an emission from a planet.  It was some kind of an explosion or emission that slowly passed in front of the sun blocking the sunlight for the next twenty-four hours.

A celestial darkening overcame the earth.  More like a cloud, more like a shadow, as clouds pulled together bringing a great darkening.  It was almost like the clouds pulled together to mask a major explosion behind it.  There was a great roar, a rumbling from that, which people would interpret as thunder.

At the time of the death and resurrection was the whole world aware of what was going on, just the Middle East, or only the Israelis?  The whole world felt the tremor and, the side where the Sun was, all of that area would have seen the darkening, whether it was on the horizon or not.

Those on the opposite side of the earth would have seen a shower of that explosion, a dense meteor shower with remnants striking the earth at different points.  There was impact, impact all over the globe, yes, a shower of the stars and the sky, the sky lighting up in places because of that.  There was also a great essence of human foreboding, and all through the animal kingdom, the animal behavior just responded, indeed all through nature, marking that point. 

That the mission was fulfilled.  There was rejoicing, great rejoicing.  Definitely, Angels sang.

How many Angels came down during that period, between the death and Resurrection.  I mean is there such a thing as the number of Angels, was it like an overwhelming amount?  It seems people would stay off the streets for the next couple of days waiting to see what happened.

A good question, can we number the Angels? 

There were hordes, hordes of Angels.  Banks upon banks, layers upon layers.  Sweeping, sweeping and rolling, and ascending and descending.  You know that concept of Seraphim, the Seraphim.  Michael was within that whole ascending, descending, rolling, turning, of Angelic forces coming.  He would appear and reappear.

Holy Saturday

Intended to give people time to realize what they had just done.

Yes, to revisit the darkness, it really is a continuation of this cloud coming across the sky bringing the darkness to the heavens.  All of the spiritual forces that are grieving, are angry, put in their places as it were by this event. People must know what they have done to bring on the darkness, the great darkness of the Earth.

Yet, it is also a celebration of the darkness.  Where in the celebration, and this is where the Catholics, Episcopalian, Russian Orthodox, and other religions carry on the influence, where they still recognize the magical influence, we find the Gloria does not appear at the beginning of the Mass but it appears in the middle of the Mass.  It is very indicative of the sudden burst, the lighting up, the sudden burst, and flowering of life that came through the Resurrection.

It depicts and honors the Resurrection.

There is starting to become a sense of, this act of Jesus was a fulfillment of prophecy, this was God's will. This was something Jesus had to go through in order to save humankind.

Yes, there was cause for singing the Gloria but that word was a later addition to the song.  First there was "Glory" in honor of the Resurrection.  Before that even, long before Jesus walked the earth, in the Druid teachings another more ancient word replaced "glory," a word whose translation implied homage.  However, in the old, old languages it was not possible to translate that word exactly as glory.

The importance of the Gloria and the ringing of the bells within the Church, this is honoring the magic of the Resurrection of Jesus, one of the magical moments retained in the Mass.  It is the most magical moment of the Mass.

The bells really should ring much longer and they should be tuned to different frequencies, high and low bells, and they should go on for a very long time because this penetrates the aura of the people.  In truth, this should be done on a weekly basis, not just once a year.  The ringing of the bells is very important healing energy to lift off all of the remorse and guilt of the human condition.

Was all this ceremony meant to be a method of celebration of the fact the mission of Jesus had been accomplished, and that the opportunity for salvation was here, or was there truly a great sadness in those outside of time?

The enlightened ones knew that it was a major event.  And that the mission of Jesus had been fulfilled.

Easter Sunday

We should call it Savior's Sunday.  Yes, yes. That is really a good way to say it.

The Roman guards are missing, the tomb sits open, and the body of Jesus is missing.  Only the solitary figure of Mary Magdalene can be seen wandering in the vicinity of the tomb.  Soon, after talking to what appears to be a gardener, she seems startled and takes off running for the town below Mount Calvary.

How about the tomb of Jesus, did they actually have it surrounded by Roman guards?  Yes.

If Magdalene was the first to discover the empty tomb, how did she get through Roman guards, or did they leave before she arrived?

For nearly two days, the guards were on duty protecting the tomb.  However, there were just some very sort of natural functions, they needed to eat and they needed to pee, they needed to do whatever.  They seemed to be off on their own little journey thinking, well this is ridiculous, what are we here for?  You know, He's dead!  They were anesthetized into believing there was nothing to this.

Weren't they convinced the body would be stolen and then they would claim He was resurrected?  

They were there to make sure he didn't get stolen, the body didn't get stolen.  They were convinced or confused, thus the angels who came would have posed almost as a change of guard.  They would have disguised themselves one way or another to convince the guards they could leave their posts.

The Romans were fooled into believing that they could leave.  Tired of the burden, even though they thought maybe yes, they should stay and obey orders, for they faced tremendous penalties if they did not obey orders.  So the angels did not just suddenly appear as angels, they appeared as replacement Roman guards.

Yes, and so it was easy to convince them because of their physical needs, there was a change of guard and they could leave.  It is slipping through the cracks again, the light, in the moment between the changing of the guard when something delayed the real change of the guard, and the angels took their place.

Now Magdalene, she still came and went under the watch of the soldiers, was she fearless?  She was able to walk in shadow, able to hide in the shadows.  Almost like the Psalm, hide me in the shadow of thy wings.

So on Easter Sunday was there a sense of foreboding in the world, how did the world react to Him being gone?  We know what the Romans and Jews thought, but what about other people?

Were people in awe?  Nobody really knew what happened except The Magdalene and the disciples, the apostles.  People had to be confused, asking what is this, is this true, did somebody steal the body?

There was a great reaction among those who knew without a doubt, it was reported to them.  Not all others got the news right away; some did not even realize the body of Jesus was missing.  The word of Jesus missing was accepted by some, and denied by others.  Many were interested in just getting back to their life; they were relieved that all that dissension ended.

After his resurrection, did Jesus actually go see Pilate and Caiaphas, High Priest of the Sadducees?

Pilate had a vision of Him appearing, more like a dream, necessary to be recognizable and translatable to Pilate.

As for the head of the Sadducees, Caiaphas, who was actually responsible for the whole mess, the Holy Spirit spoke to him because of his accountability, through the words of the Holy Spirit, and through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus meant for him to suffer and hold his pain for a while longer as part of his incarnation.  Soon after the resurrection, he resigned from the leadership position in his priesthood.

I wonder if that was a result of the insights, those he gained after the resurrection, when he was not able to bear his guilt.  Ironically, those very actions were necessary in order for Jesus to fulfill his mission.


In closing, Melchizedek reminds us this Lenten period is a time to turn inward, very inward, and be contemplative.  It is a time to go inward and be still.  Holy Week is a most sacred and miraculous period in our history as Jesus ends his short time on earth then resurrects to return to his Kingdom.

The astonishing range of polarizing forces witnessed during this time serve as a template for the core of Creation, while the gambit of emotional highs and lows, the dramatic impact of the act of crucifixion on those who knew and loved or hated Jesus, was a stark reminder of the terrible price to be paid for fulfillment of prophecy.

Our next Conversation will address the issue of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, the implications on the fulfillment of prophecy, and the mystery behind the two figures who accompanied Jesus back to his Kingdom.

Seeking Out Seekers of Truth

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Yellowstone - More News on Supervolcano

Yellowstone supervolcano may have underwater magma 'anomaly,' researchers suggest

The Silex Spring in the Fountain Paint Pot area in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.  (Reuters/Jim Urquhart)

An underwater river or "fountain" of magma has been located underneath the Yellowstone supervolcano. Despite fears that this could trigger a major eruption in the near future, experts say it's not expected to blow anytime soon.
According to a research paper published in Nature this week, scientists Peter Nelson and Stephen Grand believe the magma may stretch as far as Mexico.
The researchers describe "a single narrow, cylindrically shaped slow anomaly, approximately 350 km in diameter that we interpret as a whole-mantle plume," according to the study's abstract.
The scientists note the approximate length of the plume was made "using the travel times of core waves recorded by the dense seismic network."
Whether the plume could cause magma to rise in a vertical stream is still unclear, the researchers added. They also noted the Yellowstone hotspot itself, which is home to the famous bubbling springs, is also a source of debate.
The researchers also indicate they've demonstrated the plume's existence because the structure "gradually decreases in strength" as it nears the surface and could have temperatures near the mantle of at least 650 degrees Celsius (1,202 degrees Fahreneheit), perhaps in excess of 850 degress Celsius (1,562 degrees Fahrenheit).
"Our results strongly support a deep origin for the Yellowstone hotspot, and also provide evidence for the existence of thin thermal mantle plumes that are currently beyond the resolution of global tomography models," the researchers wrote.
Concerns have cropped up in recent memory, most notably in the last week when Yellowstone experienced four mini-tremors, that the supervolcano would erupt faster than initially thought.
However, any talk of it potentially wiping out life as we know it is incorrect.
According to National Geographic, researchers Hannah Shamloo and Christy Till analyzed minerals in fossilized ash from the most recent eruption in the summer of 2017. What they discovered surprised them – the changes in temperature and composition only took a few decades, much faster than the centuries previously thought.

Despite some sensationalist claims seen in the media, the supervolcano is not expected to erupt anytime soon and if it did, the events would not be catastrophic. "There's no reason to think it could impact mass transport the way the Iceland eruption did nor would it have any effect on crops," Till told Fox News in October 2017. "There is no evidence to suggest it could destroy mankind."
The supervolcano last had a major eruption about 630,000 years ago, Till added. Prior to that, the last major eruption was 1.3 million years ago, per a report from ZME Science. A smaller eruption, the most current on record, occurred 70,000 years ago.

Follow Chris Ciaccia on Twitter @Chris_Ciaccia

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

NBC News Continues freefall in ratings as anti-Trump reporting intensifies

NBC star Lester Holt sees ratings plummet amid fallout from North Korea trip, anti-Trump attitude

NBC’s “Nightly News with Lester Holt” has fallen behind ABC’s “World News Tonight” in the ratings department.  (NBC)

In a major embarrassment for NBC anchor Lester Holt, ABC's “World News Tonight” soundly defeated Holt’s “Nightly News” in the ratings last week, scoring victories in both the desirable demographic of adults age 25-54 and in total viewers.
“It’s a full scale fiasco. They're in panic mode,” an NBC insider, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation, told Fox News about executives at the network.
ABC’s “World News Tonight” beat NBC’s “Nightly News” among the key demographic last week, snapping the Peacock Network’s 89-week winning streak among adults age 25-54. ABC’s “World News Tonight” averaged 9 million total viewers and 1.99 million in the demo, compared to 8.3 million total and 1.91 in the demo for NBC, according to TVNewser.
NBC’s demo loss is the latest setback for powerful NBC News boss Andy Lack, whose reign has been plagued with controversy in recent months.
The NBC insider told Fox News that NBC News executives are scrambling to address the collapse of “Nightly News” and are even debating whether to beg NBCUniversal boss Steve Burke to restore disgraced host Brian Williams to the throne. Williams was fired from “Nightly News” in 2015 for embellishing stories about his war heroics. He has since been anchoring a late-night broadcast on sister network MSNBC.
NBC’s “Nightly News” also failed to show growth among total viewers last week and fell 4 percent in the demo compared to the same week last year, while “World News Tonight” grew its audience by 9 percent in viewers and 11 percent in the demo, according to TVNewser.
The loss deepens the embarrassment stemming from the recent “Nightly News” historic loss to ABC among total viewers during an Olympics week -- the first such loss in more than 25 years. NBC’s loss was unprecedented as the network paid nearly a billion dollars for U.S. broadcast rights to the 2018 Winter Games and typically sees a huge ratings bump for all its programs during the Olympics.

Lester Holt was in South Korea to promote NBC’s coverage of the Olympics while rival anchors covered the Parkland massacre from South Florida.  (2018 NBCUniversal Media, LLC)
One possible cause of the loss was that NBC News stumbled badly last month when it provided anemic coverage of the tragic Parkland massacre. Holt and all of NBC News’ stars -- except for Megyn Kelly -- were out of place in South Korea to promote Olympics programming when the shooting took place. But NBC did not send Kelly to front its coverage of the Florida tragedy, despite the fact that she had distinguished herself by covering the Sandy Hook killings when she worked at Fox News. Insiders were puzzled why Kelly -- who makes about $23 million a year -- was not sent to South Korea or to Florida. She remained at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, anchoring her 9 a.m. hour of “Today."
Holt has endured a somewhat rough 18 months since he moderated the first presidential debate between Trump and Hillary Clinton to much opprobrium. The Hill wrote that NBC News’ biggest star left the event “bruised and partisan” for appearing biased in favor of Clinton.

When asked if Holt’s job was in danger, an NBC spokesperson provided the following comment: “Not a single story you’ve written about the internal workings of NBC News has been accurate, and neither is this one."
And while Holt was panned for his performance at the debate, many industry insiders blame executives for the majority of NBC News’ troubles, as opposed to solely pinning the blame on the famously hard-working “Nightly News” anchor.

Lack and his top deputy, embattled NBC News President Noah Oppenheim, have yet to be transparent over why they spiked celebrity scion Ronan Farrow’s explosive reporting on Harvey Weinstein, which Farrow took to the New Yorker magazine.

In various media appearances to promote his Weinstein reporting, Farrow took a series of jabs at NBC News for refusing to air his Weinstein reporting, implying that Lack and Oppenheim had maintained a “veil of silence.”

Ronan Farrow has criticized NBC News for refusing to run his reporting that would have uncovered Harvey Weinstein as a sexual predator months before the disgraced Hollywood mogul was exposed.

Oppenheim -- who moonlights as a Hollywood screenwriter -- personally oversaw Holt’s controversial reporting trip to North Korea in February during which the duo was accused of being duped by regime propagandists. Holt anchored from a bustling ski resort that Western media had previously widely covered as being empty and deserted. Presumably, the dictatorial regime filled the resort for Holt’s standups, something the NBC star failed to note on his broadcast. Oppenheim was the senior executive on the ground in North Korea for the broadcast. Fox News reported that Lack, furious about the botched trip and a ballooning Megyn Kelly scandal back home, recalled Oppenheim early to New York.

And the NBC News bosses have yet to explain why they sat on the now infamous “Access Hollywood” tape of Trump making lewd comments about women. The tape was eventually leaked to The Washington Post's David Fahrenthold, who is Oppenheim's friend from prestigious Harvard University, where the men were editors together at the storied Crimson student newspaper. Oppenheim is also close friends from Harvard with Hillary Clinton’s son in law, Marc Mezvinsky, and the men are believed to have participated in each other’s nuptial ceremonies.
NBC News chairman Andy Lack oversees a department that is “in panic mode,” an NBC insider told Fox News.
It remains unclear why NBC didn’t publish the “Access Hollywood" tape before it was leaked to Fahrenthold. The anti-Trump reporter was recently named a paid NBC News contributor.
Furthermore, Lack has not been transparent about the events that led up to the sudden firing of his close friend, Matt Lauer, for sexual misconduct in November at the height of the #MeToo movement. NBCUniversal claims to be investigating internally to determine who knew what about Lauer’s pervy acts, but the company has not announced anything regarding its findings.
NBCUniversal did not respond to a request for an update regarding the internal investigation.

Brian Flood covers the media for Fox News. Follow him on Twitter at @briansflood.

Melchizedek Internet Warning Heard by Father of Internet - Censorship and Control dominate Creativity and Imagination


The father of the world wide web is one disappointed dad
 David Lumb,Engadget

The father of the world wide web is one disappointed dad

Today is the World Wide Web's 29th birthday, and to celebrate the occasion, its creator has told us how bad it's become. In an open letter appearing in The Guardian, Tim Berners-Lee painted a bleak picture of the current internet -- one dominated by a handful of colossal platforms that have constricted innovation and obliterated the rich, lopsided archipelago of blogs and small sites that came before. It's not too late to change, Lee wrote, but to do so, we need a dream team of business, tech, government, civil workers, academics and artists to cooperate in building "the web we all want."

Lee reserves his biggest criticisms for the huge platforms -- by implication, Facebook and Google, among others -- that have come to dominate their spheres and effectively become gatekeepers. They "control which ideas and opinions are seen and shared," Lee wrote, pointing out that they're able to impede competition by creating barriers. "They acquire startup challengers, buy up new innovations and hire the industry's top talent. Add to this the competitive advantage that their user data gives them and we can expect the next 20 years to be far less innovative than the last."
Centralizing the web like this has lead to serious problems, like when an Amazon Web Services outage took down a chunk of internet services over a week ago -- ironically, nearly a year to the day after another similar web-crippling incident on AWS. But bottlenecking the internet through a handful of platforms has also enabled something more sinister: The weaponization of the internet. From trending conspiracy theories all the way up to influencing American politics using hundreds of fake social media accounts, outside actors have been able to maximize their manipulation efforts thanks to a far more centralized internet than we used to have, in Lee's opinion.

These companies are ill-equipped to work for social benefit given their focus on profit -- and perhaps could use some regulation. "The responsibility – and sometimes burden – of making these decisions falls on companies that have been built to maximise profit more than to maximise social good. A legal or regulatory framework that accounts for social objectives may help ease those tensions," wrote Lee.

You know who could fix the future of the internet? Us, of course -- a group of individuals from a broad cross-section of society who can outthink the hegemony of colossal internet corporations who are mostly fine with things as they are. Incentives could be the key to motivating new solutions, Lee concluded.

But there's another problem that business can't really solve: Closing the digital gap by getting the unconnected onto the internet. These are more likely to be female, poor, geographically remote and/or living outside of the first world. Bringing them into the fold will diversify voices on the internet and be, well, a moral thing to do now that the UN has decided internet access is a basic human right. But it'll take more than inventive business models to get them online and up to speed: We'll have to support policies that bring the internet to them over community networks and/or public access.

  • This article originally appeared on Engadget.