Monday, September 19, 2016

The Epic Odyssey of Dr. Shi-hua Wu of China


This story begins in the northern provinces of China where life was a cruel experience in survival.  Dr. Wu was born in a tiny farming area outside the town of Jingyuan in the province of Gansu.  It is where his story begins and then we follow him to the bustling cities of Xi'an, then Beijing where millions of people live.

It was the 1950's as he pursued his medical education in the capital of Communism in the midst of heightened Cold War tensions.  Suddenly his journey leaps across the ocean and lands in the metropolis of Chicago in the heartland of America before finally winding up in the capital of the nation, WashingtonD.C.

It is a long, hard journey of nearly 80 years yet to this day Dr. Wu can still be found walking over three miles to the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. every morning between 7:30 and 8:30 am.  Then again, he may be walking in the far reaches of the frontier of rural China where he provides precious medical treatment to the villagers, which he does several weeks every year.

Before completing the first part of his goal of mastering TCM, he earned the reputation of being a gifted man who studied under some of the greatest Chinese TCM Masters of the 20th century.  His teachers and mentors included Masters like Professor Mi Bo Rang, Professor Chen Keji, Professor Zhou Aixiang, Professor Qian Boxuan, Professor Fang Yao-Zhong, and Professor Lu Daopei.

Li Shizhen, Father of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Soon invited to America to work with pioneering doctors and scientists in the study of cancer, he quickly establishes himself as an expert researcher in the world of high tech Western medicine.  He contributes major breakthroughs in molecular biology research and soon the student becomes the teacher and hundreds and hundreds of students in both nations will get to work with the Chinese Master Dr. Wu.

Dr. Wu and Chairman Lin Jun, All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese
After extensive education, experience at some of the best medical facilities in China and America, and research in famous laboratories, one might think it was time to rest but not Dr. Wu.  He went on to earn appointments to most major efforts in the world in the People's Republic of China, the United States, and the United Nations to bring together the greatest contributions in both Eastern and Western medicine.

This effort could result in the best and most thorough preventive health care practices and medical treatment in the world.  Dr. Wu is on many committees, associations, and organizations sharing his goal of bringing together people and improving the quality of life for everyone by combining Eastern and Western medicine.

The Early Years

Dr. Wu was born in Gansu Province in the rural area outside Jingyuan, a town of about 160,000 people in Northern China.  His birth was December 25, 1935 according to the Chinese Lunar calendar.  Today Jingyuan has grown to about 450,000 people but the surrounding area remains primarily an agricultural region with some of the harshest climate conditions in China.  All of his siblings remain involved in farming in the region.

Far removed from the bustling population centers of Eastern China, Jingyuan was a very poor area and deadly droughts were common when Dr. Wu was a young boy.  During droughts, the farmers had to walk to the Yellow River 25 miles away with their donkeys carrying large water jars to get water, a grueling trip that took one day each way.  This trip took place every week.

Eighty years ago the water of the Yellow River was far too polluted to drink but was used only for washing and cooking where it could be boiled before being consumed.  The only source of good water was from the rains.

Often the weight of the water urns when filled with water for the return trip would cause the donkeys to fall down exhausted further delaying the water.

One small bowl of water a day was available for the entire family to use to wash their face and hands.  Dr. Wu did not wash his face in order for his family to have a precious few more drops to use.

When he was born, China was going through tremendous changes. Thousands of years of powerful dynasties ended in 1912 resulting in the formation of China's first Republic in history.  However, the first Republic was more interested in copying Western cultures than preserving their own ancient culture.  Tensions grew between Nationalists and Communists trying to take control of the Chinese Republic.

In 1937, Japan attacked China and for the next decade, China was embroiled in external wars as the internal fighting for control of China's future continued.  World War II broke out and the Republic of China was to suffer over 20 million deaths, the second highest number of World War II deaths behind the Soviet Union.

With the help of the United States China was able to avoid falling to the Japanese throughout the war because both the Chinese Nationalists and Communists fought the Japanese.  Finally, after the end of World War II in 1945, the internal conflict intensified and by 1948, the civil war broke out.  By 1949, the Communists had seized control of the nation and it became the People's Republic of China.

Dr. Wu grew up as one of six children of a poor farming family and was the eldest son with two brothers and three sisters.  His father wanted him to continue the family farming tradition.

Parents of Dr. Wu
His father, one of seven children who all grew up to be farmers, expected Dr. Wu and his siblings to follow in his footsteps.  His father's brother, Dr Wu's uncle, also insisted the eldest son and all the children must continue the family tradition and become farmers.

The First Family Member to attend School

However, his paternal grandmother had other ideas so she took charge of his upbringing intent on making him the first family member to go to school and the first to leave farming and achieve a professional career.  She intended to protect her grandson from the wishes of his father and uncle.

It was the first major turning point in his life.  Without her support and faith in him, he would have become a farmer like the previous generations of his family and like all his brothers and sisters.  His grandmother took charge of his education.

Dr. Wu meets Chinese political leaders
She had observed his early traits and recognized he loved to study very much and she sent him to Primary school at age six.  To make sure her grandson could continue his education she had him sleep at her place.  The government provided free public education to all who wanted it though few children from poor, rural areas went to school.

Dr. Wu was the top student in his class academically and demonstrated leadership throughout all seven years of Primary school.  During that time his interests changed from wanting to be a social worker, to a teacher, and then to a principal of a school.

Three generations of Wu family honor Dr. Wu in China
Wu would spend the next three years, 1953-56 in Middle school but he needed financial support because the nearest Middle school was in the provincial capital of Lanzhou, a three day walk each way from Dr Wu's village.  This would be his preparation for a professional career and the most popular career at the time was engineering.

In Middle school, the entire curriculum taught a single profession in order to waste no time in preparing students for the professional world.  Thus, there were separate schools for teachers, for engineers and for health careers.  Dr. Wu was intent on becoming an engineer and working his way into a high-level position.

High school classmates of Dr. Wu
He and four school mates who attended Middle school lived in the same area and they would make the three day walk together to be safe on the long journey.  When he first arrived at the Middle school, the government stopped admitting students to the engineering school because there were enough engineering students already in school to meet the future needs of the country.

It was the beginning of a very difficult week for Dr. Wu failing to get into engineering school and having no money for a hotel.  His only choice was to attend high school, also in Lanzhou, but it would be a three-month wait before the next term began and Dr. Wu had no money to stay.

Dr. Wu Chooses to Attend Medical School

It was during that first week he accidentally came across one of his former Primary school teachers, Li Gmanj Too, from his village who had moved to Lanzhou to teach in Middle school.  His friend was now teaching in the Health School and told him to enroll in the high school and then go to Professional Health School because there would be positions as a doctor in the countryside and in hospitals in the towns where they would need help.

Graduated from Health School in Lanzhou
The advice was a major turning point in the career of Dr. Wu.  For the first time he considered a career in Traditional Chinese Medicine thanks to the unexpected advice from his former teacher.  At the time, Dr. Wu was facing many difficulties and his accidental encounter opened the door to a new career that would change his life and stimulate his passion to help people for the rest of his life.

It was the same time Mao Zedong, founding father of the People's Republic of China, reinstated Traditional Chinese Medicine as a professional career.  The new government provided financial support to those students enrolling in TCM but few of the top high school graduates were accepted.

When Dr. Wu decided to become a student of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the 1950's his goal was to bring medical help to the rural provinces and regions of China by helping to restore the ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as introducing the modern Western medical knowledge and techniques that could help his people and his country.

Dr. Wu doing Chinese six point pulse reading
To achieve this required a commitment to decades of work in order to master the various elements of TCM including herbal medicine, acupuncture, exercise and dietary therapy, all of which he combines in his practice.  It also required years of study in Western medicine in order to combine the two disciplines.

Dr. Wu agreed to pursue the medical field knowing the competition in China would be tremendous.  So once again, he made the long walk back home and three months later repeated his walk back to Lanzhou for high school.  Just like Middle school, the government paid for everything.

He was one of 280 students in his class and at the end of the three years of high school only 27 of the 280 qualified to take the test for admission to medical school, which recruited only the top students from a number of surrounding provinces.  Just 17 of the 27 achieved the test score necessary for admission into medical school.  Dr. Wu was at the top of the list.

Professional Medical Education

In 1956 Dr Wu entered a four year medical program and by the end of the 2nd year was number 1 in his class of 100 students and was told he could skip the last two years because of his excellent academic record, but Wu wanted to absorb all of the education possible so he completed all 4 years.

But that was just the beginning of his work because by now he dedicated his life to bringing together the medical knowledge of Eastern medicine ( TCM) with the high technology of Western medicine and use both in concert to provide the patient with the best medical practices the world has to offer.

With first Chinese American, Gary Locke, to be elected Governor of Washington 
This was quite ambitious for a young man from Jingyuan, a very poor area in Gansu Province in rural Northern China.  As Dr. Wu pursued his lifelong goal of bringing both ancient and modern medicine to the far rural reaches of China, his journey would lead him to Xi'an, one of the four ancient capitols of China, to Beijing, and then across the ocean to Chicago, Illinois and Washington, D.C. in the United States.

After his initial training at Lanzhou Professional Health School from 1953-1956 he then attended a five-year C.M.D. program, combining Western medicine and TCM studies, at Xi'an Medical University from 1956-1961.

Upon graduation he was selected to undertake further TCM training at the University from 1961-1966 as an apprentice to Professor Mi Bo Rang, one of China's foremost senior TCM Master Physicians.

When Professor Mi transferred to the Shaanxi Provincial Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Materia Medica, located in Xi'an, Dr. Wu accompanied him as a protégé and assumed directorship of the academy's Clinical Research Division for the treatment of Leukemia and Tumors with Traditional Herbal Medicine.  In this capacity, Dr. Wu studied oncological applications of TCM from 1968 to 1971.

Some of the many students receiving Dr. Wu scholarships
Later in 1971, Dr. Wu began a period of postgraduate work in Beijing.  While training at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he earned a C.M.D. degree in 1973.  He enjoyed the privilege of working directly with such renowned TCM Masters as Professor Chen Keji, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Professor Zhou Aixiang, Senior Fellow of the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Professor Qian Boxuan, a gifted TCM gynecologist; and Professor Fang Yao-Zhong, an expert on various difficult and complicated diseases.

Following that from 1973-1974 Dr. Wu pursued further postgraduate training at the Institute of Hematology affiliated with the People's Hospital of Beijing Medical University.  He focused on the use of TCM in treating leukemia and lymphoma, with direction from Professor Lu Daopei, an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Professional Medical Experience

Throughout his career, Dr. Wu has maintained a continuous professional association with Xi'an Medical University.  Immediately upon graduation from its School of Medicine in 1961, he began practicing at the university's Second Teaching Hospital and teaching Western Medicine and TCM in the Department of Internal Medicine and the Department of Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine.

Additional Dr. Wu scholarship students
Dr. Wu holds the rank of Professor and Chief Physician in these departments.  He has also served as a clinician and instructor in the university's provincial outreach programs at Han Zhong from 1965-1967 and Wu Gong from 1974-1976.  To this day, he has continued to make annual trips to rural China to participate in the provincial outreach program providing life-saving treatment to those far removed from medical facilities and doctors.

Research Experience

Being a student, an apprentice, a protégé, and a teacher was not enough for this young Dr. Wu, from his earliest years in medical school he also had a passion for research in order to demonstrate new ways to use TCM to heal.

As a student, he worked on a promising exploration of acupuncture treatments to overcome deaf-mutism, which became his first published article in 1959.  Since then he has recorded his clinical experiences and research findings in four book-length monographs and over seventy articles and reports on a vast range of subjects.

Teachers from health school
These include many studies of leukemia and other topics in hematology, as well as a series of reports on tropical diseases based on his observations as a member of the Chinese government-sponsored medical team in southern Sudan from September 1979 to October 1981.  Most recent writings have concerned TCM treatment for such diverse problems as coronary heart disease, facial paralysis, soft tissue trauma and reproductive problems.

Dr. Wu's research ultimately brought him to the United States where he has been involved in four major studies.

Dr. Wu addresses Jinj High School students in China
From 1986 to 1990, he served as Visiting Professor of Medicine and Visiting Research Associate at the University of Chicago Medical School Cancer Center and Hematology Oncology Division, specializing in scanning electron microscopy research on hairy cell leukemia under the direction of Harvey M. Colomb, M.D., and Haim Gamliel, Ph.D.

In 1990 Dr. Wu accepted a post as Visiting Research Associate at the renowned Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York where he remained through 1991.  At Sloan-Kettering, with oversight from Zvi Fuks, M.D. and Adriana Haimovitz - Friedman, Ph.D., Dr. Wu investigated the mechanism by which fibroblast growth factor aided in the repair of radiation damage in endothelial cells.

More Dr. Wu scholarship studens
From 1991 to 1992, Dr. Wu served as Visiting Research Associate at Howard University Hospital, where he worked in the Washington, D.C. area with Pauline Ting, M.D., Ph.D. on inquiries in molecular biology focusing on opiate receptor subtypes, peptide assays, and neurohistopathology - immunohistochemistry.

From 1992 to 1994, Dr. Wu was Principal Investigator in the characterization and immunostudy of a new hairy cell leukemia cell line, conducted at C.P. Li Biomedical Research Corporation of Arlington, Virginia in collaboration with George Mason University under a grant from the National Cancer Institute.

When Dr. Wu first arrived in WashingtonD.C., he opened a clinic in the basement of his home, a modest townhouse on Sixth Street near P Street in Chinatown.  Soon after he realized he needed a more desirable location and moved to the heart of Chinatown at his present location near the National Gallery, Verizon Center, and Chinatown Metro station.

Dr. Wu and wife prepare herbal tea
For the past twenty years, Dr. Wu has continued his work as a TCM physician and instructor at his clinic in Chinatown in Washington, D.C. and at clinics in the metropolitan area.  In his private practice, he serves a varied caseload and clientele of top government, military, corporate, and non-profit people in the pressure-laden environment of the nation's capital.

Many medical professionals refer cases to Dr. Wu because of his extraordinary success and his ability to combine techniques from the Eastern and Western medical fields.

He continues in directing an apprenticeship program for advanced TCM students, which is equivalent to the TCM Doctorate program in China.  He also belongs to a multitude of local, state, national, and international organizations dedicated to bringing Eastern and Western medicine together to help all people.

Memberships and Honors

Dr. Wu is a member of many medical societies in the United States and China.  In America his memberships include the American Society of Hematology, American Society of Clinical Oncology, American Association for Cancer Research and American Acupuncture Association and its Academic Research Committee.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin and Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing with Dr. Wu
In China, he is a member of the Chinese Medical Association, Society of Hematology, Society of Oncology, Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Society of Integration of Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Dr. Wu and Chinese State Councillor Yang Jiechi

Throughout his career, Dr. Wu has received many honors, prizes, awards, and distinctions granted by Xi'an Medical University, the Shaanxi Provincial Government, and the Chinese Ministry of Public Health.

Chinese State Councillor Yang Jiechi and China President Xí Jìnpíng 

He has been Honorary President of the Society of Sun Si-Miao, a prestigious organization dedicated to the legacy of the great Tang dynasty herbologist.  Dr. Wu is a member of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese.

Chinese State Councillor Yang Jiechi and USA President Barack Obama

Dr. Wu became Honorary Professor at the Hematology Institute of Lanzhou Professional School.

The next year, 1996, Dr. Wu was one of the "Hundred Stars of Folk Medicine" at the Third Conference of World Traditional Medicine.

Dr. Wu with 100 year old Korean at XI World TCM Conference
In 1997, Xi'an Medical University established a scholarship in Dr. Wu's name and conferred on him the title of Special Consultant to the Institute of Integration of Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Dr. Wu at TCM Conference St. Petersburg
President Bill Clinton honored Dr. Wu during an Asian-American Month ceremony in WashingtonD.C. in 1996 and by the President of the People's Republic of China, Jiang Zemin, during his White House visit in 1997.

Humble Humanitarian

Dr. Wu tends to ignore all the adulation and praise people have for him though the full impact of his influence on American medical care is obvious by his ever-increasing popularity.  His name is a household word in the TCM international community and in the nation's capitol as someone who combines the best of TCM and Western medicine to get results, even in the most hopeless and desperate of situations.

Patients include top ranking federal officials, Navy Seals, cabinet members, doctors, sports figures, and people from all occupations.  Yet there is a very humanitarian side to Dr. Wu as well.  Often he provides medical care regardless of whether the patient can pay.  During Chinese Culture festivals, he provides free herbal consultations for all who are interested or need help.  Every year Dr. Wu returns to China and travels to the Provinces to provide free TCM treatment to the villagers.

Media Attention

Dr. Wu has been the subject of feature stories in numerous newspapers and magazines including The Washington PostUSA Today and the Washingtonian Magazine. The Georgetowner Newspaper, a business journal from an exclusive area of Washington, D.C., endorsed him in their list of top businesses and professionals.  Numerous Chinese language papers have also written many features about Dr. Wu.

Dr. Wu in Red Square Moscow
Dr. Wu is also a frequent guest on radio and television shows about Traditional Chinese Medicine and alternative health treatment.  As noted before he serves on local, state, national and international organizations dedicated to bringing together Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine.

St. Petersburg, Russia 2014
Dr. Wu's Legacy

So now, the man from rural China has worked with the Masters of TCM, with world-renowned researchers in molecular biology and with the greatest medical minds in America working to solve leukemia and hematology issues.  In addition, yes, the young man from Gansu Province has even walked with Ambassadors and Presidents of the People's Republic of China and the United States of America.

With Chinese President Jiang Zemin at Chinese Embassy
Stature comes from the contributions one makes for the good of all humankind.  Such is the case with Dr. Wu, a diminutive 79-80 year old Chinese national who has spent nearly 60 years building many bridges that have and will benefit humankind in many ways long into the future.

He has worked a lifetime to bring ancient Eastern and modern Western medicine together so people could benefit from the accomplishments in the medical world for the last 5,000 years.

XI World Congress of Chinese Traditional Medicine, St. Petersburg, 2014
Well into his 6th decade of devoted service to the people of China and 3 decades serving the people of the United States, Dr. Wu has achieved an outstanding reputation for excellence in medical care.  With insight and determination, he has built on the work of many distinguished Masters who were his mentors and the result is his comprehensively informed and uniquely effective treatment style and often-astonishing results.

Leukemia patient healed by Dr. Wu
His files are filled with testimonials, notes and reports from patients who were told modern medicine could do nothing more to help them.  Many times the prognosis was terminal.  However, failure is not acceptable to Dr. Wu and at times, the patient and even their doctor acknowledged his treatment saved their life, significantly improved their quality of life, or gave them the ability to create life, when told they could never conceive.

On occasion, such letters even reference his treatment as "miraculous."  Perhaps Maurice Aonzo Allen, M.D. said it best when he wrote an essay about Dr. Wu.  He described him as "A Modern American Hero."  In his essay, he described how the WashingtonD.C. area has the greatest concentration of healthcare delivery, education, administration, and research in the history of the world.

Couple with child thanks to Dr. Wu
People come from all over the world for his treatment of cancer, heart disease, immune system dysfunction, and chronic diseases relating to aging.  When Dr. Wu came to WashingtonD.C., treatment of these diseases was generally manageable, but still incurable.  Such was the state of the art of American medical practice existing when Dr. Shi Hua Wu set up practice in his basement in Chinatown.

Herbal medicine was generally unknown in America, and generally scorned if anyone did know about it.  However, Dr. Allen said, patients started finding Dr. Wu when seeking relief from health conditions that failed to respond to conventional medical therapies.  In most instances, Dr. Wu's Traditional Chinese treatment using herbs and acupuncture was successful.

Baby born to childless couple thanks to Dr. Wu
Soon patients came from hundreds and thousands of miles away for treatment by a Chinese doctor, who refused to give up on finding ways to help people, long after modern medicine had given up.  In the spring of 1995 Dr. Wu was one of very few qualified Traditional Chinese Health (TCM) practitioners between New York and Chicago.

In 1995, Dr. Allen began referring patients to Dr. Wu and soon realized Dr. Wu was having dramatic success treating people awaiting heart transplants that delayed the need for a transplant for years.  Within a short time, several hundred people in the region had overcome life-threatening illnesses under the skilled care of Dr. Wu.

Dr. Wu welcomed home to address Pen Ying City High School
Dr. Allen himself contracted renal cell carcinoma of the right kidney and other health complications resulted in a very poor prognosis until Dr. Wu began treating him with herbs and acupuncture.  After the initial surgery, conditions had improved so much thanks to Dr. Wu that the doctors eliminated follow up chemotherapy or radiation and follow up exams have showed no evidence of cancer or complications since.  This story is one of hundreds in the files of Dr. Wu.     

Today Dr. Wu continues his life's mission toward demonstrating that Eastern and Western medicine can work together to help people in ways we cannot imagine.  National leaders in the health care industry have stated that Dr. Wu stands alone as a trusted practitioner, respected teacher, and valued researcher, a true Master, as he occupies a pivotal place within the evolving world of TCM.

Dr. Wu at Qiao Ling Lei 70th birthday party 2012
Contacting Dr. Wu:

            Dr. Shi-hua Wu, CMD,  OMD
            Professor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
            US Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbologist (DC, MD, NY)
            Clinical Consultant in Acupuncture and Herbology
            807 6th St., N.W.WashingtonD.C. 20001
            Phone 202-789-5466
            Fax 202-789-2094

A Snapshot of China and America during Dr. Wu's career

What were the differences Dr. Wu faced between his home country of China and adopted country of the United States, the top two world superpowers as we enter the 21st Century?  What difficulty did a young man from the Chinese desert region face in wanting to build bridges between these two cultures?  What demographic and cultural characteristics did they possess?

Dr. and Mrs. Wu with children and grandchildren
Humans populated China over 1 million years ago.  Tools were discovered in China dating back 1.36 million years, man made fire dating back 1.2 million years.  The oldest fossil specimens of man are the Peking Man dating 750,000 years ago.  The Neolithic Age started 10,000 years ago and agriculture began 7,500 years ago.

Compare that to the United States.  America had no humans according to science until sometime between 40,000 and 17,000 years ago when people crossed the Bering Straight from Asia.  It was not until settlers from Europe overran the indigenous peoples in the 1500's in South America and 1600 in North America that organized civilization in terms of the formation of countries began to evolve.

Dr. and Mrs. Wu and grandchildren
Therefore, the most economically powerful nation in the world, the United States, is about 400 years old and the second most economically powerful nation that is rapidly gaining on the USAChina, is over 5,000 years old.  North America has had human inhabitants about 40,000 years while China has had human inhabitants over 1 million years.


Author's note:  Several years ago, my organs were failing and I was near death from a combination of propane poisoning and Lyme disease when friends from the Navy Seals suggested I see Dr. Wu in Chinatown (WashingtonD.C.) before I saw any other professionals.  His natural and ancient treatment with acupuncture and herbs most certainly saved my life, restored my health, and allowed me to regenerate damaged nerves.

Spirits in the Sky - Hank Williams - the Father of Contemporary country music


Legendary Country Music Performer Hank Williams was born September 17, 1923 in Alabama.  By the early age of 25, he was a country music superstar and by the early age of 29, he was dead.  Williams left behind a legacy of country classics in his brief but lasting repertoire.

Hank Williams, known as the Father of contemporary country music, is perhaps one of the most misunderstood of country legends.  During his lifetime, he was known as increasingly unreliable, a drunk, a drug addict, and reckless womanizer.

What was unknown to almost everyone at the time was Williams suffered from a congenital spinal disorder since birth and every year his condition worsened.  He was born with a mild undiagnosed case of spina bifida occulta, a disorder of the spinal column, which gave him lifelong pain—a factor in his later abuse of alcohol and drugs.

As a result, Williams first used excessive alcohol in his early teens to disguise the intense pain he suffered all the time.  It was not an easy life growing up in the midst of the Great Depression of the 1930's.

When he was eight years old, he was given a guitar by his mother. His musical education was provided by a local blues street singer, Rufus Payne, a Black musician who was called Tee Tot. From Tee Tot, Williams learned how to play the guitar and sing the blues.  Hank was a gifted musician and songwriter who had his own band and radio show by the time he was in his late teens.

Hank’s monumental legacy becomes even more notable when realizing he issued only thirty singles in his lifetime—and five more posthumously. Eleven went to #1. All were recorded in less than six years, between December 1946 and September 1952. Yet that small body of work changed the course of American music, forever altering the sound of country music and motivating songwriters of all styles to dare to be as emotionally bare and as unabashedly real as Hank had been.

The following are more detailed accounts of the life and times of Hank Williams and his remarkable journey from the pinnacle of success to the depths of defeat.  We dedicate this story to the true legacy of the most famous country singer of all time who set the standard for being the best at a level seldom achieved in any musical genre.

CMT Artists Biography

Hank Williams - Father of Contemporary Country Music

Hank Williams is the father of contemporary country music. He was a superstar by the age of 25; he was dead at the age of 29. In those four short years, he established the rules for all the country performers who followed him and, in the process, much of popular music. Hank wrote a body of songs that became popular classics, and his direct, emotional lyrics and vocals became the standard for most popular performers. He lived a life as troubled and reckless as that depicted in his songs.

Hiram King Williams was born in Mount Olive, AL, on September 17, 1923. When he was eight years old, he was given a guitar by his mother. His musical education was provided by a local blues street singer, Rufus Payne, who was called Tee Tot. From Tee Tot, Williams learned how to play the guitar and sing the blues, which would come to provide a strong undercurrent in his songwriting. Williams began performing around the Georgiana and Greenville areas of Alabama in his early teens. His mother moved the family to Montgomery, AL, in 1937, where she opened a boarding house. In Montgomery, he formed a band called the Drifting Cowboys and landed a regular spot on a local radio station, WSFA, in 1941. During his shows, Williams would sing songs from his idol, Roy Acuff, as well as several other country hits of the day. WSFA dubbed him "the Singing Kid" and Williams stayed with the station for the rest of the decade.

Williams met Audrey Mae Sheppard, a farm girl from Banks, AL, in 1943 while he was playing a medicine show. The following year, the couple married and moved into Lilly's boarding house. Audrey became Williams' manager just before the marriage. By 1946, he was a local celebrity, but he was unable to make much headway nationally. That year, Hank and Audrey visited Nashville with the intent of meeting songwriter/music publisher Fred Rose, one of the heads of Acuff-Rose Publishing. Rose liked Williams' songs and asked him to record two sessions for Sterling Records, which resulted in two singles. Both of the singles -- "Never Again" in December 1946 and "Honky Tonkin'" in February 1947 -- were successful and Williams signed a contract with MGM Records early in 1947. Rose became the singer's manager and record producer.

"Move It on Over," released later in 1947, became Hank's first single for MGM. It was an immediate hit, climbing into the country Top Five. By the summer of 1948, he had joined The Louisiana Hayride, appearing both on its tours and radio programs. "Honky Tonkin'" was released in 1948, followed by "I'm a Long Gone Daddy." While neither song was as successful as "Move It on Over," they were popular, with the latter peaking in the Top Ten. Early in 1949, he recorded "Lovesick Blues," a Tin Pan Alley song initially recorded by Emmett Miller and made popular by Rex Griffin. The single became a huge hit upon its release in the spring of 1949, staying at number one for 16 weeks and crossing over into the pop Top 25. Williams sang the song at the Grand Ole Opry, where he performed an unprecedented six encores. He had become a star.

Hank and Audrey Williams had their first child, Randall Hank, in the spring of 1949. Also in the spring, Hank assembled the most famous edition of the Drifting Cowboys, featuring guitarist Bob McNett, bassist Hillous Butrum, fiddler Jerry Rivers, and steel guitarist Don Helms. Soon, he and the band were earning $1,000 per concert while selling out shows across the country. Williams had no fewer than seven hits in 1949 after the success of "Lovesick Blues," including the Top Five smashes "Wedding Bells," "Mind Your Own Business," "You're Gonna Change (Or I'm Gonna Leave)," and "My Bucket's Got a Hole in It." A string of additional singles followed in 1950, including the number one hits "Long Gone Lonesome Blues," "Why Don't You Love Me," and "Moanin' the Blues," as well as the Top Ten hits "I Just Don't Like This Kind of Livin'," "My Son Calls Another Man Daddy," "They'll Never Take Her Love From Me," "Why Should We Try," and "Nobody's Lonesome for Me." That same year, Williams began recording a series of spiritual records under the name Luke the Drifter.

Williams continued to rack up hits in 1951, beginning with the Top Ten hit "Dear John" and its number one flip side, "Cold, Cold Heart." That same year, pop vocalist Tony Bennett recorded his own version of "Cold, Cold Heart" to popular acclaim, leading to a stream of covers from such mainstream artists as Jo Stafford, Guy Mitchell, Frankie Laine, Teresa Brewer, and several others. Williams had also begun to experience the fruits of crossover success, appearing on the Perry Como television show and joining a package tour that also featured Bob Hope, Jack Benny, and Minny Pearl. In addition to "Dear John" and "Cold, Cold Heart," Williams had several other hits in 1951, including the number one song "Hey, Good Lookin'" and "Howlin' at the Moon," "I Can't Help It (If I'm Still in Love with You)," "Crazy Heart," "Lonesome Whistle," and "Baby, We're Really in Love," which all charted in the Top Ten.

Though his professional career was soaring, Hank's personal life was beginning to spin out of control. He had suffered a mild drinking problem before becoming a star, but it had been more or less controlled during his first few years of fame. However, as he began to earn large amounts of money and spend long times away from home, he began to drink frequently. Furthermore, Hank's marriage to Audrey was deteriorating. Not only were they fighting, resulting in occasional separations, but Audrey was trying to create her own recording career without any success. In the fall of 1951, Hank was on a hunting trip on his Tennessee farm when he tripped and fell, re-activating a dormant back injury. Williams began taking morphine and other painkillers for his back and quickly became addicted.

In January of 1952, Hank and Audrey separated for a final time and he headed back to Montgomery to live with his mother. The move had little effect on his music career, however, with "Honky Tonk Blues" peaking at number two during the spring. In fact, he released five additional singles in 1952 -- "Half as Much," "Jambalaya," "Settin' the Woods on Fire," "You Win Again," and "I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive" -- all of which charted in the Top Ten. In spite of such success, Hank turned completely reckless in 1952, spending nearly all of his waking hours drunk and taking drugs. He also frequently destroyed property and played with guns.

Williams left his mother in early spring, moving in with Ray Price in Nashville. In May, Audrey and Hank were officially divorced. She was awarded the house and their child, as well as half of his future royalties. Williams continued to play a large number of concerts, but he was always drunk during the show, and he sometimes missed the gig altogether. In August, the Grand Ole Opry fired Williams for that very reason, explaining that he could return once he was sober. Instead of heeding the Opry's warning, the singer just sank deeper into his self-destructive behavior. Soon, his friends were leaving him, as the Drifting Cowboys began working with Price and Fred Rose no longer supported him. Williams was still playing The Louisiana Hayride, but he was performing with local pickup bands and began earning reduced wages.

That fall, he met Billie Jean Jones Eshlimar, the 19-year-old daughter of a Louisiana policeman. By October, they were married. Hank also signed an agreement to support the baby -- who had yet to be delivered -- of one of his other girlfriends, Bobbie Jett, in October. By the end of the year, Williams was having heart problems and Toby Marshall, a con man doctor, was giving him various prescription drugs to help soothe the pain.

Hank was scheduled to play a concert in Canton, OH, on January 1, 1953. He was scheduled to fly out of Knoxville, TN, on New Year's Eve, but the weather was so bad that he had to hire a chauffeur to drive him to Ohio in his new Cadillac. Before they left for Ohio, Williams was injected with two shots of vitamin B-12 and morphine by a doctor. Williams got into the backseat of the Cadillac (allegedly with a bottle of whiskey), and the teenage chauffeur headed out for Canton. When the driver was stopped for speeding, the policeman noticed that Hank looked like a dead man. Williams was taken to a West Virginia hospital and he was officially declared dead at 7:00 a.m. on January 1, 1953. He had died in the back of the Cadillac, on his way to a concert. Ironically, the last single released in his lifetime was "I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive."

Hank was buried in Montgomery, AL, three days later. His funeral drew a record crowd, larger than any crowd since Jefferson Davis was inaugurated as the President of the Confederacy in 1861. Dozens of country music stars attended, as did Audrey Williams, Billie Jean Jones, and Bobbie Jett, who happened to give birth to a daughter three days later. "I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive" reached number one immediately after his death, and it was followed by a number of hit records throughout 1953, including the number ones "Your Cheatin' Heart," "Kaw-Liga," and "Take These Chains From My Heart."

After his death, MGM wanted to keep issuing Williams records, so they took some of his original demos and overdubbed bands onto the original recording. The first of these, "Weary Blues from Waitin'," was a hit, but the others weren't quite as successful. In 1961, Hank was one of the first inductees to the Country Music Hall of Fame. Throughout the '60s, Williams' records were released in overdubbed versions featuring heavy strings, as well as reprocessed stereo. For years, these bastardized versions were the only records in print, and only in the '80s, when his music was released on compact disc, was his catalog restored to its original form. Even during those years when only overdubbed versions of his hits existed, Williams' impact never diminished. His songs have become classics, his recordings have stood the test of time, and his life story is legendary. It's easy to see why Hank Williams is considered by many as the defining figure of country music. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine, Rovi.

Hank Williams
Encyclopedia of World Biography | 2004
COPYRIGHT 2004 The Gale Group Inc.
Hank Williams
In his tragically short career, Hank Williams (1923-1953) became one of the most famous country and western performers in the United States. He wrote and recorded songs that are still considered to be country music standards.
Hiram King "Hank" Williams was born on September 17, 1923, near Mt. Olive, Alabama, the third child born to Elonzo Huble and Lillian (Skipper) Williams. His father abandoned the family when Williams was a young child, spending many years at veterans' hospitals for various ailments. It therefore became the responsibility of his strong-willed mother to raise Williams and the other children. Williams attended Sidney Lanier High School in Montgomery, but left school at the age of 16.
Raised as a Fundamentalist Baptist, Williams was steeped from his earliest childhood in the church's distinctive sermons and music. He remained fond of the fire and brimstone images, especially from the songs. His mother played the organ at Mt. Olive West Baptist Church. "My earliest memory," Williams told Rolling Stone writer Ralph J. Gleason, (as quoted by Williams' biographer Colin Escott), "is sittin' on that organ stool by her and hollerin'. I must have been five, six-years-old, and louder'n anybody else." Williams also found inspiration in black music. He learned to play the guitar in Greenville, Alabama, from a street performer named Rufe Payne, known as Tee-Tot. "I was shinin' shoes and sellin' newspapers and following [him] around to get him to teach me to play the git-tar," Williams told Gleason. "I'd give him 15 cents, or whatever I could get ahold of for a lesson." Yet another musical inspiration for the lanky teenager were the ever-present sounds of traditional country music performers like the Carter family and Monroe brothers.
Early Career
Trying to break into the music business, Williams entered talent contests all over the country. He won $15 at the Empire Theater in Montgomery by performing what is probably the first song he wrote, "WPA Blues," a blues critique of President Franklin Roosevelt's Depression-era work program. Too sickly and skinny for the hard labor jobs of his peers, Williams honed his guitar and singing skills. In 1942, he managed to get his own weekly 15-minute show on Montgomery radio station WSFA. (In those days, radio programming was composed almost entirely of live acts.) Williams spent several years (the precise number varied wildly depending on who told it) at WSFA, eventually becoming a disk jockey. In Montgomery, Williams made his first recording, at Griffin's Radio Shop. Around this time, he organized his backup band, the Drifting Cowboys, who would play with him through most of his career.
In 1943, Williams met Audrey Mae Sheppard. At the age of 20, she was separated from her husband and a single mother. In a ceremony just ten days after her divorce became final, she and Williams were married before a justice of the peace at his gas station near Andalusia, Alabama in December 1944. With the help of his new bride, who took over his mother's motivating role, Williams traveled to Nashville. He was determined to build a successful career in the country music business.
In 1946, Williams earned a writer's contract after auditioning for Acuff-Rose publishing. He recorded his first session in December 1946, and the single "Calling You" was released in January 1947. The success of that record led to a one-year recording contract with MGM records in March 1947. His first MGM single, "Move It On Over," sold 108,000 copies in less than a year. His growing popularity enabled Williams to secure a position on a bigger radio show, the Louisiana Hayride, which was broadcast out of Shreveport, Louisiana. It was the biggest listening audience he had ever reached.
Big Break
Williams recorded "Lovesick Blues," from a 1922 musical called Oooh Ernest! "Lovesick Blues, a song that was neither country nor blues in origin, and not even from Hank's pen, gave him his breakthrough," Escott later wrote. "From the opening line, with its keening yodel adding a dramatic flourish to the word "blues," it was obvious that this was a performance—rather than a song—that was impossible to ignore. Hank's performance almost instilled the lyrics with meaning."
The song, released February 11, 1949, quickly became Williams' trademark tune. It spent a year on the charts, including 16 weeks at the top. Suddenly, Williams found himself on a roll. He quickly recorded two more songs that also hit the charts, "Wedding Bells," and "Mind Your Own Business," a tune allegedly aimed at his wife. Even though Williams was gaining a reputation for being unreliable and having a problem with alcohol, the Grand Ole Opry reluctantly hired the rising young star as a regular cast member in the summer of 1949.
As Williams grew more famous, his wife began to push for her own spot in the limelight. Since the start of their relationship, Williams had sometimes allowed her to play with the Drifting Cowboys. They recorded several duets together. One demo revealed that "Audrey's voice sounded like fingernails scraping down a blackboard. She was shrill and tuneless, and her problems were compounded by a weak sense of time," Escott wrote. "Her duets with Hank were like an extension of their married life—she fought him for dominance on every note."
Rising Star

1949 was a very successful year for Williams. Not only was he hired by the Grand Ole Opry, but he became the proud parent of a son, Randall Hank Jr., who would later become a country music star in his own right. In 1950, Williams had a series of successful songs including "My Bucket's Got A Hole In It," "Long Gone Lonesome Blues," and "Why Don't You Love Me." He also released a series of religious duets with his wife. Using his own increasing stardom as leverage, Williams had helped his wife get a recording contract with Decca. They were far less successful. He recorded his unpopular religious sermons under the name "Luke the Drifter," so that jukebox operators who had standing orders for any Hank Williams release wouldn't buy them.
Williams' success continued through 1951, and culminated with the release of "Cold, Cold Heart." The tune spent almost a year at the top of the country music charts. Music executives convinced pop crooner Tony Bennett to record a version of the song, which became a hit for him as well. This was especially significant because it was the first time a country song recorded by a pop artist had achieved such stunning commercial success. Subsequently, Williams became noticed on a national level, one of the first country singers to do so. In addition to their musical activities, Williams and his wife found the time to launch a Nashville clothing store, Hank and Audrey's Corral.
Decline and Fall
With greater success came increased pressure. Williams felt an obligation to continue producing hit songs. He allegedly bought some songs under shady circumstances and called them his own. The relationship between Hank and Audrey Williams also grew tense, as allegations of mutual infidelities flew. His problem with alcohol grew worse. In January 1952, Audrey Williams filed for divorce.
"As his personal life began its disintegration," Escott wrote, "Hank's recording career swung into high gear. Every record he released under his own name during the last two years of his life entered the top five of the country charts, and many were covered for the pop market. Williams canceled some sessions, and failed to show at others, but when he actually appeared in front of the studio microphone, it seemed as though he could do no wrong."
Williams could not maintain the front for long. Although he made television appearances and had even gotten some movie offers, Williams lost what little control he had maintained over his drinking. He also began abusing amphetamines and barbiturates. In 1952, he lost his job with the Grand Ole Opry and was forced to return to the Louisiana Hayride. He moved into his mother's boarding house in Montgomery, Alabama.
Williams married for the second time on October 19, 1952. His new bride was Billie Jean Jones, the daughter of the Bossier City, Louisiana, police chief. The wedding took place three times at the New Orleans Municipal Auditorium for an estimated 14,000 spectators who paid to see the event. The couple was only married for ten weeks before Williams' reckless lifestyle caught up with him. On New Year's Eve, 1952, he was riding in the back seat of his chauffeured Cadillac to a show in Ohio. Williams was heavily medicated and drunk when he died of an alcohol-induced heart attack sometime during the night in Oak Hill, West Virginia. On January 1, 1953, Williams was pronounced dead. He was 29 years old.
Williams' funeral in Montgomery, Alabama, drew more than 20,000 mourners from all over the country. Country stars Ernest Tubb, Roy Acuff, Red Foley, Carl Smith, and Webb Pierce sang in memory of their lost friend. The Montgomery Advertiser reported (as noted in Country: The Music and Musicians ) "They came from everywhere, dressed in their Sunday best, babies in their arms, hobbling on crutches and canes, Negroes, Jews, Catholics, Protestants, small children, and wrinkled faced old men and women. Some brought their lunch."
Legal Wrangling
Almost immediately after Williams' death, a battle over his estate broke out between the surviving members of the family. Audrey Williams, Billie Jean Williams, and Williams' mother sued and counter-sued for years. Lawsuits continued into the late 1980s between Hank Williams, Jr., and the "lost daughter" of Hank Williams, Sr., who was conceived during a short affair Williams had after his first wife threw him out of the house. Jett Williams was born five days after her father's death. Like her half brother, she later launched a singing career and hired several members of her father's Drifting Cowboys to play backup.
Despite his excesses the controversy regarding his estate, Williams could be proud of his musical legacy. In The Illustrated History of Country Music, music legend Johnny Cash stated, "Hank Williams is like a Cadillac. He'll always be the standard for comparison." Williams' trademark hillbilly-tinged sound remains a country music staple. In 1990, Poly Gram Records released a popular collection of every known single he recorded. In 1998, famed auction house Christie's, auctioned off one of his old Gibson guitars. The guitar fetched $112,000. Clearly, Williams continues to lure fans.
The key to Williams' long-lasting popularity "is passion," concluded Escott. "The entire range of human emotions is within these recordings: love, hate, envy, joy, guilt, despair, remorse, playfulness, sorrow, and more. The lyrics were simple, but simplicity does not preclude meaning. In writing for the man who could barely sign his name, Hank Williams wrote for us all." He cited some of Williams' more poignant lyrics, noting: "There can be few who haven't felt as though Hank Williams has read their mail, their diary, or their mind."
Further Reading
Brown, Charles T., Music U.S.A.: America's Country and Western Tradition, Prentice-Hall, 1986.
Country: The Music and the Musicians, edited by Paul Kingsbury and Alan Axelrod, Country Music Foundation, 1988.
Escott, Colin, Hank Williams: The Biography, Little, Brown and Company, 1994.
The Illustrated History of Country Music, edited by Patrick Carr, Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1979.
Williams, Jett, with Pamela Thomas, Ain't Nothin' as Sweet as My Baby: The Story of Hank Williams' Lost Daughter, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990.
Williams, Roger M., Sing a Sad Song: The Life of Hank Williams, University of Illinois Press, 1981.
Forbes, March 9, 1998, p. 249.
"Hank Williams: The Complete Website," (February 12, 2000).
Hank Williams, Sr., "Welcome to the Official Website of: Hank Williams, Sr.," (February 12, 2000). □

Faces of Spina Bifida Magazine

Hank Williams, Sr.

December 29, 2011   Famous Faces
Faces Archive | Source

"The far best explanation of his problem lies in the symptoms of spina bifida occult in Hank's medical reports and in his autopsy. Spina bifida occult is a birth defect; the vertebral arches fail to unite and this allow the spinal cord to herniate, to extend outward from the spine. Hank's type was not so severe. there evidently was no external growth, but even the lesser version (the occult) can leave a mark on the back and effect the lower extremities. The ailment is progressive and thus explains some of Hank's problems, especially his occasional paralysis, along with his trouble with sports as a child."