Showing posts with label Marilyn Monroe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marilyn Monroe. Show all posts

Saturday, August 03, 2019

Marilyn Monroe - June 1, 1926 – August 5, 1962 - When Norma Jean grew up - Singing and Her Last Interview just Days Before her Death

Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend
Double click for full screen.

Published on Nov 26, 2013
1992 Documentary about Marilyn's last interview in July 1962 for Life magazine. With rare audio of Marilyn's interview and rare footage. Marilyn's words had been edited together for this show.
Double click for full screen.

I Wanna Be Loved By You
Double click for full screen.

Friday, August 02, 2019

Goodbye Norma Jean - Marilyn Monroe is Back - The Most Beautiful Woman in the World - June 1, 1926 – August 5, 1962

Marilyn Monroe was murdered 57 years ago, August 5, 1962
She was just thirty-six years old

Perhaps the greatest American Icon of all time, Marilyn Monroe was America's sweetheart, poster girl, cheerleader, pin up queen, singer, movie star, the object of lust, devotion, miles of newspaper and magazine print and the most imitated person of all time.

But that does not even begin to describe this blonde bombshell who dominates the world even today, five decades after her death.  You see, one of these days some smart prosecutor will reopen the Marilyn Monroe death case and the truth will finally come out and don't be surprised to hear the mafia, politicians, the Hollywood Rat Pack, President Kennedy, Attorney General Robert Kennedy and who knows who else dominating the news.

Yet this time it will be different.  Before her enemies, those who killed her, controlled the media and film industry and made certain only their side of the story was heard.  Thanks to the Internet and Marilyn's astounding popularity with Baby Boomers and their kids (the Millennial generation) when her tragic death is relived there will be overwhelming interest on the worldwide social media through the Internet.

Mainstream media, Hollywood, Madison Avenue nor politicians control the Internet this time and they sure as Hell don't control the Baby Boomers and their heirs.  You see, Marilyn is alive and well in the minds of the youth and Baby Boomers of the world who grew up with her or adopted her as the role model for modern women and girls.

Don't believe me, just look at the hundreds and thousands of Marilyn products flooding the market.  Most of the world was not aware that Marilyn and her image and persona have been the subject of bitter court fights that lasted until a Federal Appeals Court finally settled the issue in 2012 by stating what Marilyn stated in life, she belonged to no one but the public she tried so hard to  please.

It took 50 years for the federal courts to rule on her "image and persona," and now her story can finally be told.

Still, she has always remained with us because of her unique American story.  A mother who was sent to a mental health institution while her daughter was sent to foster homes and an orphanage.  She never knew who was her father.  She created an alter ego to help her through the loneliness.

Her alter ego would one day become a star and Marilyn spent her entire life preparing for the moment.  She created the most rigid workout program and diet in existence while a teenager to prepare her physically.  But through it all shone the innocence of Norma Jean who loved children, loved animals and loved to make people happy.

In time she went to work in a defense plant during World War II and was accidentally discovered by a photographer working on the assembly lines.  He was trying to generate interest in the war effort by finding a poster girl and did he ever succeed.  Marilyn has been America's poster girl through World War IIKoreaVietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan during the last 56 years and no one has knocked her off her pedestal.

Look at the continuing interest in Marilyn.  Her last dress sold at auction a couple of years ago for $5.54 million breaking the previous record from 1999 of $1.26 million paid for another Marilyn dress which was more than four times higher than the previous record.  Marilyn doesn't just break records, she smashes them into oblivion.

After her discovery as a pin up model she quickly established herself in the movies and every major male star at the time wanted to be paired with her including Robert Mitchum, Clark Gable, Rock Hudson, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemon to mention just a few.

From being a homeless orphan to world famous movie starlet Marilyn was the perfect American success story.  But waiting for America's Sweetheart were the predators of Hollywood and the strange combination of mafia and politicians who coveted her.  She married America's favorite Yankees baseball hero but immediately realized their careers made marriage impossible yet Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn remained best friends and were planning to remarry just a couple of weeks after her death.

Two people in life befriended her, Joe DiMaggio and Milton Greene, her favorite photographer and business partner as she became the first woman in Hollywood to own her own movie production company with Milton.

Hollywood, the mafia and powerful politicians used enormous power and prestige to entrap Marilyn and failing to succeed, they killed her because she knew too much.  That story is yet to surface but the time is finally right to tell Marilyn's real story, identify those who took her life to save their careers, and make her far more famous than she is already.

Can you believe someone should become so dominate in the world enduring for over 50 years and the best hasn't even been told yet?  And can you believe Marilyn was just 36 years old when she was killed?

Bigger in death than life?  Hardly?  She had only just begun in life.  Now it is time we heard her story rather than versions of all those whose agenda was not protecting Marilyn but those who made her a victim.  Justice has yet to be dispensed.  Then Norma Jean can finally rest.

America's number one sweetheart, movie icon and innocent victim will be coming back to finish what she started.  As Norma Jean said, Marilyn Monroe belongs to no one but the people.

An avid reader and hungry for knowledge, Marilyn had a library of hundreds of books and read every minute she could spare.

Stay tuned for the rest of the story...

Monday, July 22, 2019

CPT Spirits in the Sky - Death - Such a Final Notion - But what if people hadn't died?

The mind is a marvelous thing of somewhat magical qualities because it has the ability to reject any principle like the laws of nature or laws of god and imagine a world without those laws.

You should try it some time.

For example, take the principle of death, what if death could be undone for people.  Then take some of the people who died way to early in life and just imagine what they could have done with a "normal" life span compared to what they did in a tragically shortened life.

Like Jesus for example.  Now JC turned everything in the world upside down for all time and he died at age 33 after preaching just 3 short years.  What if he stuck around preaching until he was 70 which is not all that old anymore?  Then he would have had 37 more years of preaching and imagine what impact that might have had on things.

There might never have been any question of him being the true Messiah and all those various sects and denominations of Christianity might never have existed, sects which led us into 2000 years of warfare, hatred and willingness to ignore the Ten Commandments although Jesus never said there were Ten, just one and then a second.

Singers and composers seem to be targets for early death.  Buddy Holly died at just 22, Hank Williams at 29, Patsy Cline - Jim Croce - Momma Cass Elliot all at 30, Karen Carpenter at 32,  Bob Marley at 36, Harry Chapin at 38, John Lennon at 40 and Elvis at 42.

Holly, Williams, Croce, Marley, Chapin and Lennon were among the greatest song writers of all time and were not even close to reaching their peak in terms of creative output.

Consider the enormous body of work all these gifted artists, singers and songwriters all, generated in their abbreviated lifetimes.  All of them should have lived 28-48 years longer if they lived a normal life meaning we lost out on more than 50% of their potential musical contributions to our history.

Then there is the strange 27 Club, those artists who died at the age of 27, and this includes a host of singers pushing the envelope like Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, Kurt Cobain and the most recent addition Amy Winehouse.

How bizarre is that?  Not a single one died of anything remotely connected to "normal" circumstances.  Some people even speculate they might have subconsciously or even consciously died when they reached that age.  Drugs, booze and prescription drugs all played a role in the deaths.

Let's change fields of entertainment and take movies for example.  James Dean died at 24, when he was just getting started while Marilyn Monroe died at 36, at the peak of her popularity and Natalie Wood died at 43.  Even though Natalie spent her entire life in movies she was just reaching new fans and rebuilding her image.

So how did they die?  A car wreck, drug overdose (or murder), and drowning, again no natural causes and we were all cheated out of an entire body of work.

Of course in politics there was Bobby Kennedy at 43 and John Kennedy at 46 who along with their friend Martin Luther King, Jr. at 39 all were taken at the beginning of their contributions to America.

And let us never forget the enchanting fairy tale story line of Diana, Princess of Wales, dead at age 36, because of her contributions to the future of royalty in terms of personality and legacy.

Is there a lesson?  Make sure when you are planning your life the way the insurance and finance companies want you to you take the time to enjoy the present as if it were the last days of your life because it just might be.

Actuarial tables suck!