Showing posts with label Father Creator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Father Creator. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Mother Earth, Turtle Island, Gaia or just plain Home - God's Gift to Us!


Miraculous – Magical – Mysterious – Mythical
Majestic – Magnificent

One of God’s Gifts to Us

Gifts from Our Creator
©Jim Putnam
(words and music)

How can we look around
say that is yours and this is mine
The land, the sea, the air
they all withstood the test of time

What gives us the right
to put up fences and build walls
Lock people in, lock people out
it should not be that way at all

For the gifts from our Creator Father spirit long ago
Were given to us for all man to share to help us know
That when the final age of man is gone the lights have all gone out
It matters not how much you took but what you gave to those about

How can we go on and poison
water, land and air
Strip the Earth of all God’s gifts
don’t we even care

We’ve shown that we can’t get along
after all these years
Sometimes think the rains we feel
are spirits shedding tears

 For the gifts from our Creator Father spirit long ago
Were given to us for all man to share to help us know
That when the final age of man is gone the lights have all gone out
It matters not how much you took but what you gave to those about

I was inspired to write that song after many meetings with the Hopi spiritual leaders in Arizona.  It was what I felt as an outsider thinking about how the Hopi might react to what we have done to Mother Earth.

Ironically, the Hopi, who are charged with protecting Mother Earth from humans, do not share my concerns.  To the secretive and mysterious Hopi what we have done was predicted by ancient prophecy which must be fulfilled in order for all of us to spiritually evolve.

Mother Earth was a gift from Father Creator for all to share in harmony with nature.  Earth provided people with food, shelter, warmth, water, and vast open spaces to live in harmony with the plant and animal kingdoms.  We were also given herbs and other natural treatments to keep us from getting sick.

Various species would come and go as Earth changed over the millions and billions of years it has been here.  Humans have been here most of Earth’s existence but we are not native to Earth, we were created and placed here by God, making us the first alien inhabitants.  Of course, we were given the means to recreate so in time we would populate the world.

Yet take a good look at the history of the world and humans have played a disproportionate role in causing problems.  Prophets and prophecies of both Native and migrating cultures predicted many of the conditions we face today, and by and large they were caused by people, not the planet or nature.

Weather cycles take place with or without people, as there have been four previous Ice Ages, three before humans existed according to science.  However, the impact of humans on weather patterns and cycles can be instrumental in changing the weather conditions and breaking the weather cycles.

For example, this past year the weather performance has been so convoluted that weather anomalies have become the standard rather than the oddity.  Earthquakes were far more intense, hurricanes were more devastating with storms doing abnormal things, while floods and fires broke records during times when they were supposed to be dormant.

Even today we face record early floods in the Midwest United States, tornadoes have already started killing people, the flood and fire dangers are even greater, and every month new records are set for unseasonably hot or cold temperatures.  Siberia, of all places, had a 100 degree rise in temperatures due to a split vortex in the Arctic.

Undetected comets have crashed to the Earth while volcanoes like the monstrous Yellowstone Super volcano have experienced swarms of steadily increasing earthquakes, what many believe is a precursor of a giant eruption.

So, is Mother Nature angry, or is God punishing us for failing to live in harmony with the Earth?

I prefer to listen to the Hopi and the Melchizedek prophecies when it comes to the past and future and both sources are in somewhat agreement.  Many of these natural anomalies are indeed caused by actions of humans, some recent and some in our past.

Make no mistake, both the Hopi and Melchizedek said Mother Earth is a miraculous work of creation and will take care of itself.  It is a living life force with a spirit and soul like most of creation and no matter how destructive, how disrespectful, how possessive we may become with our Earth, it can and will take care of itself.

The Earth is a creation machine, recreating and repairing itself whether damage came from human greed or cosmic meteors.  It has been doing this for over 13 billion years.  In recent years the arms programs, space exploration, mining techniques, and the ever-present electromagnetic waves created by human devices have done their damage.

We poisoned the Earth with deadly radiation from over 2,000 nuclear explosions since 1945 yet earth still absorbs, and processes the deadly radiation before spitting it back out through volcanic eruptions, fissure discharges, earthquakes, and other tools available to Earth to repair itself.

Our neglect has an impact, and it has consequences, not just on earth but throughout the galaxy and should we cause too much damage it may become necessary for the God or Gods to send in aliens to help repair the damage to earth caused by the first aliens, us, to habitat this planet.

Polarization controls our creation, when things become out of balance, changes must be made.  We are in such a time right now.  Technology, like everything else human, is subject to the will of the inventor.  Technology can be good, and technology can be bad.  It can save people from formerly inoperable diseases, yet it can murder hundreds or thousands of people in a single flash.

Why is it we choose to continue to disrespect Mother Earth and expect no consequences for our actions?  When Mother Earth strikes back with a vengeance it is not the response of an angry or vengeful God, but the survival instincts of one of God’s most miraculous of all creations, Mother Earth.

Pray for Mother Earth that she can continue to protect and provide for us and pray for humanity to stop the senseless destruction of the gifts of our Creator.  The time is at hand.

Do you have the Courage to Walk a Mile in the shoes of Jesus? He died for you!


Walk a Mile in His Shoes
and Your Life Might Change Forever
The Jesus Challenge for You

I once heard you will never truly understand someone until you walked in their shoes or saw through their eyes.

Makes sense to me.

So why don’t you try distracting yourself from your own existence, blocking out all memories, just wiping the slate clean.  Then you must pay attention to your environment, finding a safe haven of solitude in a world you do not control.

No technology, no electromagnetic waves, no smart phones or televisions, no distractions of any kind.  Of course, proper lighting, colors, and sound are crucial to your managed environment as well.  You cannot meditate in blackness, the Void, but must embrace the brilliance of light, the dramatic color spectrum, the infinite octaves of sound, all yours for the taking thanks to Mother Earth and Father Creator.

Now you are prepared to meditate, and can tackle the task of walking in the shoes and seeing through the eyes of Jesus.  What do you see?

Now you best pay close attention from now on because there can be serious consequences to some fairly simple and seemingly harmless decisions you make.  For example, at what point in the thirty-three years of his life do you want to walk in his shoes?

If you pick the last two days of his life for example, you will experience the horrific torture and crucifixion he suffered beyond all human experience.  Not a good choice for a balanced view of his life nor for your attempt to understand the man.

I think Jesus has long been frustrated with the human perception of him that is dominated by his trial and tribulations, ending with his death hanging from a cross.  Our image of Jesus is almost always hanging on a cross in agony when in truth it showed the climatic event in his life, but has little to do with the image and emotions he expressed the rest of his life.

By all descriptions, Jesus was quite handsome, even described as beautiful by some.  Throughout his youth and into his ministry adjectives were always positive, impressions were deep, and his countenance was that of a gentle man, one filled with compassion, empathy, hope, and grace.

His wit, humor, knowledge, and wisdom were powerful forces but only used when necessary to support his mission.  Other times his kindness, concern, and love were dominant.  Yet even that did not reflect the composite Jesus for there were also the miracles, those astounding acts of magic and mystery defying human logic, understanding, and natural law.

Are you in for a treat if you capture but a tiny fragment of the scope of the life of Jesus when walking in his shoes and seeing through his eyes.  You might find yourself in a state of grace and awe as Jesus moves from the innocence of youth to miracle worker, to powerful rabbi, to devoted friend and family member, to dynamic preacher, and to a beloved Son.

His love radiated not just to his Father and Mother, but to each and every one whose path he crossed.  Then there was the immortal love between Jesus and The Magdalene who was born to love him, be his confidant, knew him from childhood, shared every aspect of his life even long after his Baptism by John, the Great Moment.

Perfect love between couples was demonstrated between the two for when Jesus began his ministry and his state of grace intensified making him unable to express intimate contact with people, Magdalene still remained by his side to his death and beyond.  No one but her was at his baptism, trial, torture, crucifixion, burial, discovered his resurrection, then was present for his ascension.

As his confidant Jesus trusted her above all apostles to know and understand the meaning of his words and for thirty years after his death she worked to keep the apostles from misinterpreting the word.  Then she was summoned by Jesus to be at his side in the Kingdom of Heaven.  There is a reason she was considered the apostle to the apostles for the Son of God.

This is the season of Lent, the final days before Jesus returned to a heroes’ welcome in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday before being condemned to death by the same crowds Holy Thursday, crucified on Good Friday, and Resurrected on Easter Sunday.

That is why he came to Earth for you, for everyone, but not just to forgive sin and show the path of redemption and salvation, but also to demonstrate by his actions what humans must do to earn our place in the Kingdom of God.

We must follow in his footsteps, with the help of the Holy Spirit, and experience the five steps of eternal salvation, birth, transfiguration, death, resurrection, and ascension.

Jesus preached, “Because you have so little faith.  I tell you the truth, if you have faith, have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you.”
(Matthew 17:20)                

You owe it to your own salvation, and owe it to Jesus, to study what he did for you, learn the lessons he preached, and take your rightful place in the Kingdom with the Father and his Son.

Once I wrote a song to honor the work of Jesus on Earth in hopes that we can learn today what people failed to understand in his lifetime.  This is how it went.

I Knew a Man
©Jim Putnam

I knew a man a long time ago
he was the kind everybody should know
I don’t know why he chose me
to be his friend

The stories that this man had to share
a heart full of love – one that did care
I didn’t deserve to be
with one that’s so kind

I watched the people listen to him
saw the love he shared
So many people – so many questions
still he was always there

Preaching to his people words that he wanted to share
'cause they’re words that they just could not hear
Words that they just could not hear

Over the years we traveled around
he kept preaching from town to town
I tried to warn him
for my friend I feared

Miracles my friend started to give
healing the sick – raising the dead
Could not believe my eyes
as I watched him go on

The crowds got bigger as we went
still he would not rest
Some believed and some deceived
it didn’t matter to my friend

The gifts that he gave he gave to all man
an act of love I just could not understand
an act of love I just could not understand

One day he brought me to his side
said if we don’t eat the fruit, it must die
And like the fruit of the tree
his day soon would come

Slowly his words came clear to me
he wasn’t talking about that tree
He was the fruit and his life
was nearly done

The multitudes came to him now
to hear of Kingdom Come
Little did they know his work was done
nothing was left to hide

Nothing more could be accomplished if he tried
I could not tell them my friend soon would die
I could not tell them my friend soon would die

I knew a man a long time ago
He was the kind everybody should know
I don’t know why he
chose me to be his friend

I’ll always remember his love inside
even the night he was crucified
Forgive them he called out
right up till the end

All the people turned on him
I never felt such shame
They didn’t listen, they didn’t care
his love they did not share

So they took my friend
and my friend they crucified
Up on a cross that’s where my friend died
I stood there and watched
and then I cried

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Lent – the countdown of the last 46 days of Jesus life and death to the eve of his Resurrection.


Are you honoring what he gave for you?
Are you a true believer?

After the first week of Lent it seems we should be well established in our recognition of the final sacrifice Jesus paid for us, and the sacrifice of his Father in giving his only Son to us to be horrifically tortured and brutally murdered.

He came to awaken within us the truth.

He came to ignite the Holy Spirit within.

He came to enlighten and educate us.

He came to remind us of our supernatural heritage.

He came to help us accept our co-creator responsibilities.

Jesus came so that we would not forget that we did not come from the blood of our flesh nor the body of a human.  We are the sons and daughters of God, from the Kingdom of Heaven.

Yet until we love one another as God’s children, we can never know Jesus nor the path he gave us back to the Garden, the Kingdom of Heaven.

Use the days of Lent to remember, contemplate, pray, and fast so that you may find faith in God, in his Son Jesus, and in the Holy Spirit, the enlightenment of the Creator.

Without faith you are lost.