Showing posts with label Dark Side. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dark Side. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles- Fallen Catholics – Where do they turn for help when they feel abandoned by their Church?

Are you becoming more like they want you to be than yourself?  If so, what are you going to do about it?

In a world dominated by fear, hatred, distrust and all those other tools of the Dark Side it is not surprising many are questioning whether they are being abandoned by a Church caught up in denial and a morality crisis of their own making.

First, we must consider if you are really a victim or are you a causal Catholic looking for an excuse to not participate actively in church activities.  If you are a true believer in the teaching of Jesus, then you are a true victim.  If you are a Catholic slacker then you have little to lose in the current church morality crisis.

What is a true believer?

Melchizedek, the overseer of God’s Creation for all Souls on Earth, not just Roman Catholics, sharply distinguishes between the institution of religion and the spirituality of God’ word.  There can be no more powerful weapon to protect you than to embrace the Creator’s Truth, because the Creator’s Truth is the Creator’s Will.  Embrace the Truth and you will live the Creator’s Will.

Knowing something is a uniquely human process.  We seek.  We find.  We validate.  We embrace.  Yet knowing, in and of itself, is a first step, not the answer.  Knowing the Creator’s Truth requires more than the first step.  It requires you to believe what you know is true in the eyes of God.

It requires unwavering Faith.  Only then can your knowing become the wisdom necessary to reinforce your Faith, and enlighten you to embrace God’s Will.  Many can know something, even the Creator’s Truth, but having Faith requires much more.

We must take that knowing and transform ourselves into living and sharing that Truth.  If we do not transform the Truth into our everyday lives it can only be a self-serving impulse, not a spiritual insight.

In other words, just knowing something to be true by using the intuitive and instinctive gifts God gave you is only half the battle.  Living it as an example and sharing it with others who cannot find it on their own is fulfillment of the Creator’s Will.

So, what are we supposed to know?

First, we need to understand we live in an imperfect world here on Earth.  Whatever we are experiencing in this time and place is but a snapshot in time.  It is the point we have evolved to but does not reflect where we are going or how to complete our journey.

According to Melchizedek, the essence of God’s Creation is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.  It is a never-ending spiral through time of learning, then knowing, then living the Creator’s Will.

It is the journey of the Soul through time and space yet the Soul is free of all the limitations of our physical world.  You stand in your physical world for a lifetime on Earth, what Melchizedek calls living “in time.”

Yet thanks to the spiritual nature of the Soul, you also stand in the spiritual world beyond time and space, what Melchizedek calls living “outside of time,” beyond the limitations of gravity, death and even your mind.

God’s Creation, which we inhabit, is a never-ending series of cycles through time, what Melchizedek calls the Human Life Cycles of Earth.  It is a time of constant creation, regeneration, evolution and procreation.

Our physical world is every bit as immortal as the Soul, because it keeps growing, expanding, creating and regenerating whether it be humans, plants, animals, planets, stars, suns or solar systems and galaxies.

Inherent within the Soul is the knowledge that we are all instruments of God’s Creation.  Your spiritual Soul knows, but it needs the power of the Holy Spirit to awaken your mind to your part in God’s Plan.

That is why God sent his Son to re-awaken us to our amazing potential as Creations of God.

You are not bound by anything in your time on Earth except sharing in the perfect love of the God who created you.  You are not a hostage to your DNA, bloodlines or any other genetic conditions because your body and mind are simply the vehicles needed to get you here on Earth.

Jesus was sent to teach you the path to redemption and salvation, and to show you your potential to transfigure, to resurrect from the dead, and to ascend into the Heavens to be One with your Creator.

Transfigure, resurrect and ascend, these are powerful, even miraculous abilities far exceeding our physical existence on Earth.  These are available to you because Jesus taught about it, that we are not a hostage to Earth because our Soul and Spirit transcend our physical life.

The Son of God came in human form to show our potential, even as humans.  He came to remind us God created us out of perfect Love, gave us a Soul and Free Will out of perfect Love, and in so doing gave us the means to find eternal life after death through Oneness with our Creator.

The wonders of God’s Creation, reflects all things spiritual and physical, for both are necessary to find our path home.  The human cycle of living and dying is the physical aspect, but it diminishes in importance when compared to your spiritual path, the Soul’s Journey, while in the Kingdom of Heaven.

That is what our Creator gave us.  To help us we were also given divinely inspired beings such as angels, saints to walk among us, adepts to stimulate powerful shifts in the direction of our spiritual evolution, and even spiritual beings to manifest as humans to help show us the way.  Jesus, his Mother Mary, even the Magdalen are divine spirits who walked the Earth to help us find our way back to the Garden, back to Oneness with the Creator.

So far I have not mentioned the religious institutions on Earth because nothing stands between your Soul and the Creator.  God gave you Free Will, the Soul and Spirit so you could make the journey home.

Religion is a human creation, or institution, an honest effort to provide structure for finding our path home, but an institution subject to all the flaws, temptations, fears and difficulties of the humans who formed or maintain the religions.

If people listened to their heart and Soul instead of their mind and the doubts it can generate there would be no need for any religion because all Souls are Created by the Creator.  Unfortunately, we let our logical mind dominate our enlightened Soul which results in spiritual chaos since the Soul alone is our moral and ethical foundation for God’s Plan.

We humans tend to overthink everything and this is no exception.  Jesus said it best.  He said only two commandments needed to be followed to achieve eternal salvation.  Love the Creator, and love our neighbors as ourselves.”  That is it!

The life of Jesus taught us how to live in the grace of God.  The pillars of God’s grace are measured by compassion, empathy, faith, hope, joy, selflessness, and the love expressed to others.  Spiritual wealth is measured by the Souls you touched on your journey and helped them on their journey.

That is the Will of God, the teaching of Jesus, and the reason for any religious institution to exist.  No religion can stop you from living the Will of God.  No religion can stop you from living in a state of grace.

Yet all religions can defy the purpose of God’s Creation if they become hostages to their own dogma, seek to become the judge of people thus usurping the role of God, or stop spiritually evolving toward God’s Truth.

Institutional bureaucracy is the inherent Achilles Heel to all religions.  If religions become complacent, if they think they know God’s Truth, they stop spiritually evolving, they become more concerned with self-preservation than saving Souls, then they have lost their way, not you.

When you accept your relationship with the Creator, learn from the teaching of Jesus, and use your Free Will in a manner consistent with the Creator’s Will, you will never feel alone or abandoned by God.

Jesus taught that “upon this rock I shall build my church.”  I do not believe he meant Peter, the Apostles, the pope, cardinals, bishops or priests.  Nor do I think he meant any basilica, cathedral, church or shrine.  He meant the Earth literally.

Every minute we spend on Mother Earth is spent in the Temple of God throughout our lives.  We do not pick and choose when we will follow God’s Will or not.  We must always follow the teachings of Jesus and live God’s Will.  Put your Faith in them and nothing can break your bonds with the Creator.

Faith is knowing God’s Truth.  The Christ Consciousness is living God’s Will.  
Finally, just remember that God forgives, not just you but all actions counter to God’s Will, the Truth.  If your religion, in spite of the troubles, truly can serve the teaching of Jesus and Will of God, it will recover, repent, regenerate and renew itself over time and through the grace of God.

Of course, if you are living in the state of grace of God’s Will, you will most likely want to help those wayward religious institutions heal so they can help other people find the path home.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Will You Find What You Need This New Year – the Path to Salvation!

Repentance and Redemption - Lost but not yet found

A Letter to Jesus – a report on the status of Earth

It has been many years since you sent me here to make sense of what is happening on Earth.  I’m sorry to report that the only cents being made in America is what goes into the deep pockets of the super-rich.

The people, well they are still a train wreck.  They were given a Free Will to choose between Good or Evil, Light or Dark.  So, what do they do?

Many became seduced by the empty promises of the Dark Side and willingly embraced the Seven Deadly Sins over the Seven Cardinal Virtues.  Not only are their lives like a train wreck, they are also the victim of their own delusions, subject to the temptations of the Shadow Dwellers, and filled with fear, or a denial of fear.

Still, we know they are the Creations of Father Creator, so no matter how nasty they get, we are still honor-bound to accept your ironclad proclamation of Forgiveness – and Redemption.  Yet they act like a bunch of losers, frustrated, angry, bitter, hateful, self-obsessed and probably possessed.

You do get the sorry state of affairs.

Humans have simply stopped their spiritual evolvement and enlightenment., and are backsliding into the Abyss.  I would say it is time the Father put his foot down, but I doubt someone who is all everything would have much need for a foot.

Thought I might review a particular incident as an example.  Take the Twelve Days of Christmas honoring the birth of the Baby Jesus.  They run from Christmas Day, December 25th, until January 5th, the day before the Epiphany, which is January 6th.

Here are the feasts and honorees during the Twelve Days of Christmas.

December 25: Birth of Jesus
December 26: Feast for St. Stephen (First Martyr)
December 27: Feast for St. John the Evangelist
December 28: Feast for the Holy Innocents
December 29: St. Thomas Becket
December 30: St. Egwin of Evesham (or 6th day in the Octave of Christmas)
December 31: St. Sylvester I
January 1: The Circumcision of Our Lord (Octave Day of Christmas)
January 2: Holy Name of Jesus
January 3: Sts. Zosimus and Athanasius (or Octave Day of St. John)
January 4: St. Aquilinus (or Octave Day of the Holy Innocents)
January 5: Vigil of the Epiphany (and St.Telesphorus)
[January 6: Epiphany]

The Twelve Days of Christmas which started with the birth of our Savior and Redeemer on Christmas Day, ends on January 5th, the day before the Epiphany.

Of course, most of people do not know or remember the Twelve Days, let alone the Epiphany when the Wise Men, Magi, princes, princesses and other long-distance travelers arrived at the stable to honor the new Messiah.  A magnificent Star of Bethlehem illuminated the Earth drawing kings, priests, rulers and shepherds to the Baby in the Manger.

After Christmas, the 2nd Day of Christmas celebrates St. Stephen, the first Martyr for Jesus. The 3rd Day honors St. John the Evangelist, the only Apostle not martyred and author of the Gospel, Revelations, and other works.  The Holy Innocents, honored on the 4th Day were the victims of King Herod’s murder of baby males in Bethlehem.  Those are the four major feasts and celebrations of the Birth of the Child Jesus and fulfillment of ancient prophecies.

Could you imagine Herod’s action?  How arrogant for any human to believe their Will is all-powerful like the Will of Father Creator.  They have no concept of the power of the Creator’s “Perfect Love” for all of Creation.

It is so easy to get caught up in the frenzied, frantic, freaky, fear-filled minds of the people.  Their collective will, is like a giant vacuum hose sucking everything in sight down into an endless Back Hole.

Okay, enough of the frayed edges of humanity where wounds are laid open and never heal.

We need help to get through to them.  Before we can help them, we must get their attention and shatter the glass wall surrounding their lives, the same glass wall that blocks them from seeing good.

They have forgotten how to pray, the need for prayer, and how it can only be achieved through their attainment of the insights of the Holy Spirit.  It did not used to be like this.  There was a time when all knew nearly 1,600 years ago, a few hundred years after the death of Jesus.

Over the years it seemed to lose favor and before long it was lost in the past, the prayers and feasts honoring the Baby Jesus being replaced by Santa, Reindeer, presents, so many and so expensive, self-indulgence, and nary a thought of the wonder of the Jesus Child, the miracles of the Creator, the path to the Kingdom from the Holy Spirit, or the fulfillment of the ancient prophecies.

Poof – it was all gone, buried in an avalanche of credit card debt, one-upping the neighbors, honoring the false gods of commerce, and ignoring their relationship to Father Creator and his beloved Son.  Greed, Power and Control, the magic triangle of the Dark Side.

Only this triangle tilts upside down, forcing everything down to the single point at the bottom.  Now they tragically find themselves spiraling toward the Black Hole to the Abyss, the gateway to the Void of the Anti-Matter.

Thanks to your Father’s never-ending benevolence and unwillingness to give up on his Creations, they still have a shot at repentance, and redemption.  In other words, there is still hope St. Peter might find their name on the list at the Golden Gate to the Kingdom of Heaven.

They must wake up before it is too late, and time is getting short.

First people must seek out solitude and peace, surrounded by silence if at all possible.  You must learn to meditate.  Purge your mind of all worldly distractions, and your spirit of all those other-worldly distractions.  It may not be easy at first because humans constantly overload their sensory perceptions.

Everything is too much, too many, too loud, too inferior, too cheap, too impersonal, too stupid or just plain nonsense.  Our sensory nerves are not just frayed, they are fried.  We are addicted to downloading way more than our touch, scent, sight, hearing or taste can absorb and process.

Get off the bandwagon following the lead of everyone else and be brave, be courageous, be smart, and be aware of yourself by being different.  Think, think of choices and consequences, but think for yourself with the many God-given gifts you have received.

Free yourself from the shackles of slavery in far many more ways than you can imagine, by reaching the state of peace devoid of the distractions of life.

When you reach the place of peace and solitude, ask for help from Jesus to activate the Holy Spirit within you, long dormant while waiting to be called by you for help.

In your lifetime you have drifted farther and farther away from Jesus, who is the pathway to the Father.  The Dark Side has been harvesting more and more weak and fear-laden souls of late.

Rule number one in Creation.  It is foolhardy to attempt to usurp control over any of the Creator’s Creations.  Whatever actions you take to accumulate power and possessions that are not yours in the first place to possess, is an affront to the Creator.

You can kiss off any hope for seeing the Kingdom by embracing the Void where contaminated souls are transformed into anti-matter for eternity and beyond.  You might call that Hell.

At present there are a considerable number of contaminated and lost souls walking the Earth who collectively represent a roadblock to salvation in the Kingdom of Heaven for all others.  Do not be surprised if substantial numbers of them are taken from the Earth to clear a path for those of faith, or those who will seek and find faith.

Not all seeds planted will grow in the Earth.  Some must die away so that others will thrive.  It is your choice.  You have much bigger concerns than school, work, or retirement.  Just getting by is not going to be good enough.

Meditate, ask Jesus to help awaken the Holy Spirit in you, fill yourself with the wonders of the Holy Spirit, find the pathway to Jesus and the Father, become aware of the Perfect Love of the Creator – then go out and live the will of Father Creator - knowing you have found redemption and salvation, through the Son.

Yours in Hope,

Just another traveler On the Road to Kingdom Come.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

A Message to Distressed Roman Catholics and People of all Faiths

What to do about the crisis in the 
Roman Catholic Church

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest religious denomination in the world with over 1.5 billion members.  Never in the history of the Church since the time of Jesus over 2000 years ago has the plague of scandal from within threatened the very existence of the Catholic Church.

Ever since the recent revelations regarding sexual abuse within the Church the news media, many of whom have consistently demonstrated a bias against God, Jesus, the Catholic Church, and Christianity in general, have been feasting on the controversy.

In fact, after two years of incessant bashing of candidate for president, then President Trump, the media have honed their skills at fanning the fires of fear, hatred and bigotry.  Sad to say they have grown quite proficient at it.

The Pennsylvania Grand Jury report is a perfect example.  St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican was rocked to the foundations with the revelations currently in the news.  It only took a couple of days for former Vatican officials and ambassadors to be discovered by the media who started demanding the current Pope Francis resign.

Almost lost in the media feeding frenzy was the fact there have been no instances of abuse since 2002, sixteen years by my count.  Add to that many of the breaking news cases were identified long ago, and some dated back from eighteen to seventy years ago.

Make no mistake, the nature of the abuse is sick, evil and intolerable.  Even Pope Francis says those guilty of the deeds or guilty of covering up the deeds should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and guilty parties must face the most severe punishment possible.

What most news stories fail to mention is that the State of Pennsylvania criminal code has a statute of limitations extending twelve years and all recent cases discussed are way beyond the statute.  In other words, nothing can be done in either criminal or civil courts to punish the offenders who have ruined so many young lives.  The statute of limitations has expired.

Simply stated, it was never the intent of the news blitz to prosecute criminals, it was an attempt to discredit the institution of Christianity in general, a nefarious movement that has been underway for decades.

So, what can the Catholics do who are absorbing the shame and fear of the media campaign against all religions?

Well, perhaps they should listen to the words of the founder of Christianity, Jesus.  Whenever one has a crisis of faith, they have already ignored the sacred teachings of Jesus.  Faith, first and foremost, is the goodness of the Father and the teaching of His Son Jesus.

Faith that the miraculous creation of Father Creator, meaning our world, our Sun and Moon, our galaxy, our cosmos and even ourselves and our souls reflect the perfect love of the Father for all his Creations, including us, all of us.

As for organized or institutionalized religion, that was never part of the world Jesus described.  There was no hierarchy of religious leaders, no pecking order as to who was closest to God.  There was never any discussion of the church and the representatives of the church acquiring property, wealth, power or status within the institutional religion.

Quite the contrary, Jesus encouraged everyone of any or no faith to speak directly to the Father, to acknowledge the perfect love of the Father in creating us, and to recognize Jesus came to give us a path to eternal salvation.

That path would lead to the Holy Spirit coming to help us as happened to the Apostles and Magdalene at the Ascension of Jesus.  If we recognized the love of the Father, and followed the path Jesus showed us in order to live the will of the Father, we would once again become One with the Creator.

The “priests” Jesus recruited were married and single.  His disciples were men and women.  No massive cathedrals or monasteries were needed to find God and no religious hierarchy stood between you and the Father.

Now, do you really think God would create all that is to us, including you and me, then give us a free will and soul, and billions of years later turn his back on us?  I mean, he even sacrificed His Son for us to help awaken us to remember the path to redemption and salvation.

Maybe if we were not so busy trying to play God in our everyday lives and cultures and even in our religions, things might be quite different.

Maybe if we demonstrated our Faith in the Father and Son by living a life of love, joy and compassion as Jesus advised, perhaps the Dark Side might not have so easily confused us and been able to snatch control of our souls and make humans carry out the sordid acts of the Dark Side.

Make no mistake, evil is running rampant because we are losing the anchor of Faith in the “Father’s Will.”  Our fear empowers the Dark Side.  Only by taking back that power can we defeat the Darkness we manifested in the first place.  That is through Faith.

Finally, do you think an all-powerful, all-loving God would abandon you in your hour of need?

Jesus said to pray to the Father, or pray to the Father through him.  The Holy Mother Mary said pray to God through the Rosary for the good of all God’s creation.  The Magdalene and Apostles spread the same message after receiving the Holy Spirit at the Ascension of Jesus.

To find Grace you must have Faith.

When you regain the Faith you have lost, as the potential is always within you, you will remember and know.  At any moment the Father can act through miracles or whatever else it might take, Divine power and intervention, to fix the mistakes of mankind and our misuse of free will.

Pray for divine intervention to heal the earth and the people.  Pray that our world leaders will help fix the problems of the world.  Pray that those who lost their souls to the Dark Side and spread hatred and fear can escape the clutches of the Dark Side.

Pray thanks to the Father for the opportunity to live his Will --- then live with joy, forgive with compassion, and always remember, this lifetime is but another test and step toward eternal salvation.