Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Coltons Point Times - The Melchizedek Prophecy index


The Melchizedek Prophecy index
(click on link)

Conversations with Melchizedek – More Weather Anomalies Coming

Conversations with Melchizedek – Did America just Witness a Modern-Day Miracle?

Conversations with Melchizedek - More Melchizedek Prophecy Comes True through Solar Flares

Conversations with Melchizedek - Mexico rocked by 8.1 Earthquake - Solar Flares threaten Earth - Are these manifestations of the Melchizedek Prophecy?

Conversations with Melchizedek – Where is the Truth in Weather reporting?

Conversations with Melchizedek – Natural Disasters Reclaim the World for Mother Earth

Conversations with Melchizedek – Suppose Divine Intervention wiped out the Internet – could you survive?

Conversations with Melchizedek - Who is the mysterious Biblical person?

Conversations with Melchizedek - Earth's Weather Anomalies - Are there Dark Clouds on the Horizon?

Conversations with Melchizedek - Knowledge and Wisdom, what is the difference?

Conversations with Melchizedek - Time to Listen to Mother Earth - We are Running Out of Time

Conversations with Melchizedek - The Ascension of Jesus of Nazareth

Conversations with Melchizedek - The Meaning of Lent and Holy Week


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